Research CP Webinar 3-Quality...

Quality Improvement Amy Bailes PT PhD, PCS [email protected]

Transcript of Research CP Webinar 3-Quality...

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Quality  Improvement

Amy  Bailes  PT  PhD,  [email protected]

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Dimensions  of  quality  -­‐Berwick or­‐qi1

• Safety  • Effectiveness  • Patient  Centeredness  • Timeliness  • Efficiency  • Equity

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Dr.  Mike  Evans or­‐qi2

Assumptions  We  all  have  room  for  improvementKnowing  the  right  thing  to  do  and  doing  the  right  thing  are  not  the  sameSome  is  not  a  number  and  soon  is  not  a  timeTo  change  a  result  we  have  to  change  a  system  

Three  questionsWhat  are  you  going  to  improve?How  will  you  know  a  change  is  improvement  (measureable)?What  changes  will  lead  to  improvement?  

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Quality  Improvement  Activities  and  Research  –How  to  tell  the  difference? Version: 01  June  2009

Research   QI  Purpose   Test a formal hypothesis. Assess a process, program, or system. Starting  Point   A prospectively designed, formal, written

research hypothesis. Testing of issues that are beyond current science.

An established set of standards.

Benefits   Knowledge sought may not benefit subjects involved in study.

Knowledge sought directly benefits process/program/system. The majority of patients exposed to the intervention expect to benefit from the knowledge gained.

Risks/Burdens   May put subjects at increased risk beyond the standard practice.

No increased risk or burden for participants, with exception of possible privacy/confidentiality concerns.

Data  Collection   Systematic data collection. Systematic data collection.

Office  of  Research  Compliance  and  Regulatory  Affairs    |    Cincinnati  Children’s  Hospital      3333  Burnet  Avenue,  Cincinnati,  OH  45229-­‐3039  |  MLC  7040

Adapted  from  George  Washington  University  (GWU).  Guidance  on  Research  vs.  Quality  Improvement/Quality  Assurance,  May  2004.with  additions  from  Hastings  Center  Report,  p.  S30  and  JHMI,  2006  

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Quality  Improvement  Activities  and  Research  –How  to  tell  the  difference? Version: 01  June  2009

Research   QI  End  Point   Answer research question. Improve the program/process/system.

Testing/Analysis   Determine validity of hypothesis. Compare the program/process/system to established set of standards.

Monitoring  the  Changes  &  Feedback  to  Participants  

All the data is collected and then analyzed before the benefits of an intervention or project are determined

Ongoing, reiterative process so the procedures are constantly being improved during the implementation.

Intended  Result   Share findings with individuals associated with the investigation and individuals not associated with the investigation

Share findings with only those individuals associated with the process/program/system. Information learned has immediate benefit for the program and/or clients receiving the program.

Office  of  Research  Compliance  and  Regulatory  Affairs    |    Cincinnati  Children’s  Hospital      3333  Burnet  Avenue,  Cincinnati,  OH  45229-­‐3039  |  MLC  7040

Adapted  from  George  Washington  University  (GWU).  Guidance  on  Research  vs.  Quality  Improvement/Quality  Assurance,  May  2004. with  additions  from  Hastings  Center  Report,  p.  S30  and  JHMI,  2006  

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Quality  Improvement  starts  with  an  


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Global  AIMS

Improve  the  care  and  health  of  all  children  and  adolescents  with  Crohn’s  disease.

Improve  outcomes,  experience  and  value    for  families  and  individuals  experiencing  CP.

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Specific  (clearly  stated)Measurable  (measurable  numeric  goals)Actionable  (within  the  control/influence  of  your  team)Relevant  (aligned  with  your  organizations  priorities)Time  bound  (specific-­‐time  frame)

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What  is  not  a  SMART  Aim…..• Develop  &  implement  a  ????? Program.• Design  a  training  course.• Roll  out  a  new  IT  system.• Implement  a  project  plan.• Collect  data  &  analyze  it.

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Writing  SMART  Aims  

Answers  the  first  question:• What  are  trying  to  accomplish?

Includes  the  measure  which  answers  the  second  question:• How  will  you  know  a  change  is  an  improvement?

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Examples  of  SMART  Aims

We  will  increase/decrease  M  (the  key  measure  of  our  project)  within  the  P  (the  group,  unit  or  population)  from  X  (baseline  %  or  value)  to  Y  (goal  %  or  value)  by  Z  (target  date).

Remission  rate  for  children  and  adolescents  with  Irritable  bowel  disease  IBD  at  XX  institution  will  increase  from  xx  %  as  of  ________to  ___%  as  of  _______

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ExamplesOverall  Outcome/Global  Aim  Eliminate  delays  in  our  system  and  ensure  the  availability  of  the  right  bed  at  the  right  time  for  any  patient  admitted  to  Children’s  hospital.  

SMART  AimWe  will  increase  the  percentage  of  patients  discharged  from  A3North  by  the  predicted  time  from  65%  to  80%  by  April  30,  2008

We  will  increase  the  %  of  ear  tube  cases  performed  at  the  main  operating  room  in  which  Ciprodex drops  are  administered  from  35%  to  80%  by  Dec  1,  2013

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Possible  SMART  AIMS  for  CPRN  Increase  the  number  of  centers  contributing  data  to  the  DCC  from  xx  to  xx  by  a  specific  date

Decrease  hip  dislocations  at  ________  (location)  from  xx  to  xx    by  specific  date.

Decrease  infections  from  Intrathecal  Baclofen  Pump  at  _______location  from  xx  to  xx  by  specific  date.    

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Work  we  will  do  together  in  person……

• What  do  WE want  to  improve?

• How  will  we  know  an  improvement  has  occurred?  

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Langley,  Gerald  J.,  et  al.  The  improvement  guide:  a  practical  approach  to  enhancing  organizational   performance.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  2009.Clancy,  Carolyn  M.,  Peter  A.  Margolis,  and  Marlene  Miller.  "Collaborative  networks  for  both  improvement  and  research."  Pediatrics 131.Supplement  4  (2013):  S210-­‐S214.Berwick,  Donald  M.  "A  user’s  manual  for  the  IOM’s  ‘Quality  Chasm’  report."  Health  Affairs 21.3  (2002):  80-­‐90.