Research Article Nanosilver Biocidal Properties and Their ...nanosilver has become an important and...

Research Article Nanosilver Biocidal Properties and Their Application in Disinfection of Hatchers in Poultry Processing Plants Marcin Banach, 1 Leszek Tymczyna, 2 Anna Chmielowiec-Korzeniowska, 2 and Jolanta Pulit-Prociak 1 1 Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Krak´ ow, Poland 2 University of Life Sciences, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland Correspondence should be addressed to Marcin Banach; [email protected] Received 3 September 2015; Accepted 28 December 2015 Academic Editor: Claudio Pettinari Copyright © 2016 Marcin Banach et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. e aim of this study was to use aqueous suspensions of silver nanoparticles with a wide spectrum of particle sizes, variable morphology, high stability, and appropriate physicochemical properties to examine their bactericidal and fungicidal properties against microorganisms present in poultry processing plants. At the same time, the particles were tested for preventing the production of odorogenous pollutants during incubation and thereby reducing the emission of harmful gases from such types of facilities. e results show that the use of nanosilver preparations in order to disinfect eggs and hatchers reduced microbiological contamination. e bactericidal and fungicidal efficacy of the applied preparation was comparable to UV radiation and its effectiveness increasing during the incubation. Good results were achieved in terms of the level of organic gaseous contaminants, which decreased by 86% aſter the application of the nanosilver preparation. 1. Introduction Poultry farming and related chick hatching processes, which base their production technology on biological material, are a potential source of microbiological contamination, including microorganisms and their toxins. ese factors are one of the components of bioaerosols, particularly organic dust. ey are shunted outside through a ventilation system and remain at high levels up to one kilometre from the source of emission. Many poultry diseases, including respiratory tract infections, are transmitted through the air over long distances, even reaching locations three kilometres away from the place of formation [1–8]. Research conducted by Sk´ orska et al. [9] at poultry processing plants in the 1990s showed high levels of con- tamination in the hatchery hall. e mean concentration of microorganisms in the air exceeded 37,000cfu/m 3 and increased up to 310,000 cfu/m 3 when the chicks were being taken out. Nowadays, even the new technologies introduced to modernised plants according to the requirements of the European Union do not totally eliminate biological air pollution. Research by Tymczyna et al. [1–6] demon- strated that the mean bacteria concentration in the air of a hatchery hall amounted to 4,000 cfu/m 3 . In the bioaerosol from the hatchery hall, a relatively high proportion (16%) of Gram-negative bacteria was observed, and the following genera of bacteria were identified: Acinetobacter, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Flavobacterium, Klebsiella, Pseu- domonas, Leclercia, Sphingomonas, Xanthomonas, Agrobac- terium, and Pantoea. In chick hatcheries, Gram-negative rods of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus constitute about 40% of all bacterial strains and are one of the most significant sources of endotoxins in the air. Alcaligenes faecalis, Erwinia herbicola, Enterobacter spp., and Pseudomonas spp. are other sources of endotoxins in the air. Under certain circumstances, some species of Gram- negative bacteria capable of causing infectious diseases, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae which causes pneumonitis or rods of the Salmonella genus which are the cause of salmonellosis, can penetrate into the air. Another microorganism that was observed in chick hatcheries is Alcaligenes faecalis, which exhibits endotoxic and allergenic properties. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications Volume 2016, Article ID 5214783, 15 pages

Transcript of Research Article Nanosilver Biocidal Properties and Their ...nanosilver has become an important and...

Page 1: Research Article Nanosilver Biocidal Properties and Their ...nanosilver has become an important and valuable commer-cial product in the food industry (e.g., packaging and food storage

Research ArticleNanosilver Biocidal Properties and Their Application inDisinfection of Hatchers in Poultry Processing Plants

Marcin Banach,1 Leszek Tymczyna,2

Anna Chmielowiec-Korzeniowska,2 and Jolanta Pulit-Prociak1

1Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Krakow, Poland2University of Life Sciences, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland

Correspondence should be addressed to Marcin Banach; [email protected]

Received 3 September 2015; Accepted 28 December 2015

Academic Editor: Claudio Pettinari

Copyright © 2016 Marcin Banach et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The aim of this study was to use aqueous suspensions of silver nanoparticles with a wide spectrum of particle sizes, variablemorphology, high stability, and appropriate physicochemical properties to examine their bactericidal and fungicidal propertiesagainst microorganisms present in poultry processing plants. At the same time, the particles were tested for preventing theproduction of odorogenous pollutants during incubation and thereby reducing the emission of harmful gases from such typesof facilities.The results show that the use of nanosilver preparations in order to disinfect eggs and hatchers reducedmicrobiologicalcontamination. The bactericidal and fungicidal efficacy of the applied preparation was comparable to UV radiation and itseffectiveness increasing during the incubation. Good results were achieved in terms of the level of organic gaseous contaminants,which decreased by 86% after the application of the nanosilver preparation.

1. Introduction

Poultry farming and related chick hatching processes, whichbase their production technology on biological material, are apotential source of microbiological contamination, includingmicroorganisms and their toxins.These factors are one of thecomponents of bioaerosols, particularly organic dust. Theyare shunted outside through a ventilation system and remainat high levels up to one kilometre from the source of emission.Many poultry diseases, including respiratory tract infections,are transmitted through the air over long distances, evenreaching locations three kilometres away from the place offormation [1–8].

Research conducted by Skorska et al. [9] at poultryprocessing plants in the 1990s showed high levels of con-tamination in the hatchery hall. The mean concentrationof microorganisms in the air exceeded 37,000 cfu/m3 andincreased up to 310,000 cfu/m3 when the chicks were beingtaken out. Nowadays, even the new technologies introducedto modernised plants according to the requirements ofthe European Union do not totally eliminate biological

air pollution. Research by Tymczyna et al. [1–6] demon-strated that the mean bacteria concentration in the air of ahatchery hall amounted to 4,000 cfu/m3. In the bioaerosolfrom the hatchery hall, a relatively high proportion (16%)of Gram-negative bacteria was observed, and the followinggenera of bacteria were identified: Acinetobacter, Citrobacter,Enterobacter, Escherichia, Flavobacterium, Klebsiella, Pseu-domonas, Leclercia, Sphingomonas, Xanthomonas, Agrobac-terium, and Pantoea.

In chick hatcheries, Gram-negative rods of Acinetobactercalcoaceticus constitute about 40% of all bacterial strains andare one of the most significant sources of endotoxins in theair. Alcaligenes faecalis, Erwinia herbicola, Enterobacter spp.,and Pseudomonas spp. are other sources of endotoxins inthe air. Under certain circumstances, some species of Gram-negative bacteria capable of causing infectious diseases, suchas Klebsiella pneumoniae which causes pneumonitis or rodsof the Salmonella genus which are the cause of salmonellosis,can penetrate into the air. Another microorganism that wasobserved in chick hatcheries is Alcaligenes faecalis, whichexhibits endotoxic and allergenic properties.

Hindawi Publishing CorporationBioinorganic Chemistry and ApplicationsVolume 2016, Article ID 5214783, 15 pages

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Particularly noteworthy are Gram-negative bacteria ofErwinia herbicola (synonym: Pantoea agglomerans and Enter-obacter agglomerans), which are a source of potent allergensand endotoxins. Bacteria of the Pantoea genus are the mostnumerous Gram-negative microflora in the aerogenic dustof plant origin. Gram-negative rods Alcaligenes faecalis andErwinia herbicola, due to their ability to both specificallyand nonspecifically activate the immune system, can induceinflammatory states in the lungs and cause respiratory systemdiseases (organic dust toxic syndrome) [1–8].

In research conducted by Stępien-Pysniak et al. [10],among the most frequently isolated bacteria of the family,Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., Kleb-siella spp., and Citrobacter freundii were identified. On thesurface of eggshells, the presence of Salmonella rods, thatis, S. enteritidis and S. arizonae, has been observed. Thequalitative analysis of bacterialmicroflora of the eggs revealedalso the presence of the other Gram-negative bacteria: Acine-tobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., Tatumella ptyseos, Providen-cia stuartii, Serratia liquefaciens, Flavimonas oryzihabitans,Vibrio metschnikovii, Leclercia adecarboxylata, Kluyvera spp.,Rahnella aquatilis, Proteus mirabilis, and Achromobacter spp.Moreover, it has been shown that a high proportion of exam-ined eggshells were contaminated with bacteria of the genusStaphylococcus spp. Apart from staphylococci, Enterococcusspp. and rods of the genus Bacillus are often isolated fromthe surface of the eggshells. Microbiological contaminationof eggshells can be a cause of contamination of egg productsor products containing eggs and, as a consequence, can leadto intoxication or food infections in people. This is mainlya result of failure to comply with hygiene standards. Hence,the microbiological purity of eggshells is one of the maincriteria in assessing the value of this product inmarketing andprocessing [10, 11].

According to the present standards of production, inthe majority of food processing plants, including the eggand poultry industry, obligatory control of microbiologicaland chemical quality of the air and production area, aswell as the obligation to ensure proper purity, has beenintroduced. The system for assessing critical control pointsin production on the basis of hazard analysis (HazardAnalysis Critical Control Points, HACCP), which has beenintroduced in the food industry, ensures microbiologicalsafety of the product and provides effective protection againstreinfection. This method allows for localising the placesand sources of risk for biological, physical, and chemicalhazards at particular stages of production and also enablesplants to set critical control points where these hazards canbe controlled, monitored, and eliminated (or minimalized).In poultry hatchery plants, these critical control pointsare the hatchers, where thermal and humidity conditionsand the presence of biological material pose a significantmicrobiological hazard. As a result of intensive changesinside the incubators, a wide range of gaseous compoundsaccumulate, which are released through the micropores inthe eggshells as a result of microbiological transformationson the surface, as well as originating from disinfecting agents.In such places, not without reason, great emphasis is puton maintaining microbiological purity, which is achieved

only by properly conducted disinfection of hatchers and eggs[1–8].

In addition to microbiological contaminants of poultryproduction, a variety of chemical substances originate asa result of metabolic changes in developing embryos. Thegaseous environment of the embryo is an extremely impor-tant factor in the process of incubation, especially duringthe first 96 hours. Between the 38th and the 48th hoursof embryogenesis, allantois growth occurs, the vessel fielddevelops on the umbilical vesicle, and all the organs startto develop. If any of the organs fails to develop as a resultof metabolic disorders or the influence of toxic substances,lethal disturbances in foetal circulation occur, leading to clotformation in rete vasculosa. Up to the 8th day of incubation,the umbilical vesicle and the allantoic vessels play the role ofa respiratory organ.The conversion to pulmonary respirationoccurs slowly, during the retraction of the umbilical vesicleduring the final stage of incubation. During this period,gaseous compounds can cross the eggshell barrier in bothdirections, causing developmental disorders and embryodecay [1–8].

In the air of the chick hatchery, apart from ammonia,hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, aldehydes, and ketones, highconcentrations of acrolein, acetaldehyde, and predominantlyformaldehyde, which is mainly used for the disinfectionof rooms, have been detected. Other gases, such as m-and p-tolualdehyde, benzaldehyde, and isovaleric and butylaldehyde, are present in rather trace amounts. It has beendemonstrated that 1m3 of air contains on average about 7.7 gof organic gas contamination.

The harmful mode of action of acetaldehyde is demon-strated by its narcotic effect on the central nervous system,irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, reduction inblood pressure, and heart palpitations. Similarly, acrolein isa substance that is irritating to mucous membranes and con-junctiva. It has rapid anddirect action on the respiratory tract.

In the hatchery hall, the presence of benzaldehyde, anoily substance with a characteristic smell of bitter almonds,has also been detected. In people, benzaldehyde causesirritation of the mucous membranes and, when inhaled ingreat amounts through the respiratory tract, induces allergicsymptoms and central nervous system disorders and hasalso been associated with cytostatic and carcinogenic effects.In previously conducted research, it has been shown thatconcentrations of these selected compounds were lowercompared to the TLV (threshold limit value) for air. However,trace amounts of toxic gases are still potentially harmful,because these contaminants can act on organisms indepen-dently; they can neutralise their action or increase theirmutual harmful effects [1–10].

The number of chemical products used for disinfectionin food processing is limited due to the negative impactof these compounds on the human body and becauseof difficulties with solubility and the possibility of directapplication. Moreover, the environmentally friendly lifestyleof many consumers forces food technology to use onlychemical compounds that occur in nature. Among the pre-ferred additives that damage bacterial flora, organic acids

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and their salts, which are generally considered as safe, area large group. Citric acid belongs to this group and isapproved for use in the food industry. Studies concerning thedestruction of microorganisms have been conducted usinga variety of methods, with the use of a variety of chemicalcompounds including organic acids, hexadecylpyridiniumchloride, sodium orthophosphate, hydrogen peroxide, andsodium bicarbonate. Not all of these methods turned outto be effective, so there is a continuous search for effectivemethods of destroying bacteria and fungi. Formaldehyde iscommonly used in hatchery plants because of its low cost andeffective biocidal action, with little attention paid to the toxicand carcinogenic effects of its use [1–10]. This compound hasthe ability to damage most microorganisms existing on theouter layer of eggshells. It is used in gaseous form or as a 40%water solution known as formalin. Formaldehyde is an easy touse and effective disinfecting agent but causes irritation of theeyes and mucous membranes of the respiratory system. It isa strong protoplasmic poison, inducing degenerative changesto the cells of liver parenchyma, kidneys, and heart. In theeye, the degenerative changes affect not only the retina, butalso the optic nerve and the corneal epithelium.

Silver nanoparticles, which according to the literatureshow good biocidal properties, may be an alternative. Theproposed preparations may also be an effective means ofneutralising gaseous contaminants produced during the pro-cess of incubation [12–14]. Due to its biocidal properties,nanosilver has become an important and valuable commer-cial product in the food industry (e.g., packaging and foodstorage containers), the clothing industry (e.g., antibacterialclothes), the medical industry (e.g., gauze dressings), andothers [15–17].

Silver nanoparticles are effective damaging factors for awide range ofGram-negative andGram-positive bacteria, notexcluding strains resistant to antibiotics [18]. Gram-negativebacteria include the genera Acinetobacter [19], Escherichia[20], Pseudomonas [21], Salmonella, and Vibrio [22], whileGram-positive bacteria include genera such as Bacillus [23],Clostridium [24], Enterococcus [25], Listeria [26], Staphy-lococcus [27], and Streptococcus [28]. Bacteria resistant toantibiotics are most often resistant to metacycline and van-comycin, including some strains of Staphylococcus aureusand Enterococcus faecium. Recent research has shown thatsilver nanoparticles with a diameter of 22.5 nm increase theantibacterial activity of some antibiotics, such as penicillinG, amoxicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, and vancomycin[29]. More recent research has revealed very promisingproperties of nanosilver against viruses, even the HIV-1virus. Sun et al. observed that silver nanoparticles inhibit thereplication of this virus [30, 31].

Applying nanosilver to eradicate fungi also gives satisfy-ing results. Studies have confirmed that silver nanoparticlesare an effective and rapidly acting factor against a wide varietyof common fungi, including genera such as Aspergillus [32],Candida [33], and Saccharomyces [18]. Moreover, it has beenshown that silver nanoparticles show marked activity againstyeast isolated from infected cow udders [34].

Nanosilver has been used in animal breeding as adisinfecting agent used to sanitise transport chambers or

the space used for the storage of animals. Studies have beenconducted to determine the level of ammonia emission fromsheep manure after applying a preparation based on silvernanoparticles with the addition of a mineral sorbent. Itwas concluded that the use of the preparation resulted in areduction in ammonia emissions from the ground [35].

The aimof this studywas to developmethods of obtainingaqueous suspensions of silver nanoparticles with a widespectrum of particle size and morphology, with high stabil-ity and appropriate physicochemical properties, as well asexamine their bactericidal and fungicidal properties againstmicroorganisms present in poultry processing plants. At thesame time, the particles were tested for their ability to preventthe production of odorogenous pollutants during incubation,thereby resulting in a reduction in the emission of harmfulgases from this type of facility.Thus, it was possible to preventodour generation at the source of its production.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Obtaining andCharacteristics of SilverNanoparticles. Theprocess of obtaining nanostructured silver by the chemicalreduction of silver ions was investigated. Silver nitrate (V)(POCh, p.a. grade) served as the source of silver ions. Inorder to reduce Ag+ ions, L(+) ascorbic acid (POCh, p.a.grade) or glucose (POCh, p.a. grade) was used, whereassodium pyrophosphate (POCh, p.a. grade), gelatine (POCh,p.a. grade), or sodium tripolyphosphate (SIGMAALDRICH,p.a. grade) was responsible for the stabilisation of formingagglomerates ofmetallic silver. An aqueous solution ofNaOH(0.1M) was used for pH regulation. Application of thesesubstrates enabled a reduction in the use of hazardoussubstances in the synthesis of nanosilver, making the processenvironmentally friendly and consistent with the principlesof green chemistry.

A PARR 4525 pressure reactor was used in the process.An aqueous solution of the stabiliser (50.0 cm3) was added tothe aqueous solution of AgNO

3(100.0 cm3; 0.001mol/dm3).

The solution was heated in a reactor up to a temperature of110–150∘C. After obtaining the set temperature, an aqueoussolution of the reducer (50.0 cm3) was added to the reactorusing a pump. The reduction reaction was carried out for2–30min. The parameters of the process of obtaining silvernanoparticles are summarised in Table 1.

A spectrophotometric analysis (UV-Vis) of theobtained suspensions of nanoparticles was carried outon a RAYLEIGH UV-1800 spectrophotometer in thewavelength range from 300 to 600 nm with a resolution of2 nm. Determination of size of the obtained nanoparticleswas performed using the dynamic light scattering (DLS)technique with a Zetasizer Nano-ZS particle size analyser.This device was additionally used to investigate the valueof the electrokinetic potential (𝜁). The obtained silvernanoparticles were visualised using atomic force microscopy(AFM) on a NanoScope V device (Veeco Company, USA).The powder form of the product, obtained by centrifugation(90000 rpm) using a Thermo Scientific Sorvall MX 150microultracentrifuge with an S140A rotor, was characterised

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[∘ C]












































































































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Wavelength (nm)








Wavelength (nm)








Wavelength (nm)

System 1

System 2

System 3

System 6

System 7

System 8























System 4

System 5











ceFigure 1: The absorption spectra obtained for the respective suspensions of silver nanoparticles (diluted to 50mg/dm3).

with the use of scanning electron microscopy, performed ona 1430 VP LEO device (Electron Microscopy Ltd.).

TheUV-Vis absorption spectra of the obtained nanosilversuspensions are shown in Figure 1. The peak at 400–450 nmcorresponds to the characteristic surface plasmon resonanceof silver nanoparticles. Surface plasmons are coherent oscilla-tions of valence electrons of the atoms present on the surfaceof a material.

Absorption of radiation by metallic nanoparticles mainlydepends on their size and shape. Plasmon assembly wasnot symmetric, which means that the solutions containedaggregated particles. This was confirmed by the atomic forcemicroscopy photographs shown in Figure 2. The obtainedUV-Vis absorption bands were broad, right-skewed (with theabsorbance tail at longer wavelengths), which can result fromthe size distributions of nanoparticles presented on Figure 3.The intensity of plasmon resonance depends on the size ofthe aggregated particles and thus the relation between thenumber of particles and absorbance intensity is nonlinear.The mean nanoparticle size, electrokinetic potential, andshape are summarised in Table 1.

2.2. Evaluation of Bactericidal and Fungicidal Properties ofNanosilver. The evaluation of the disinfectant propertiesof nanosilver preparations, differing in particle size andmorphology, was carried out in two stages. In the first stage,the suspension-test tube method was used, in which threepreparations with the best bactericidal and fungicidal prop-erties were selected. During the second stage, the evaluationswere performed using the dilution-neutralisation method,

according to PN-EN1040 and PN-EN1275. On the basis ofthe obtained results, the preparationwith the best bactericidaland fungicidal properties was selected.

Five strains of microorganisms obtained from the Ameri-can Type Culture Collection (ATCC) were used in this study:Escherichia coli 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosaATCC27853,Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 13076, Staphylococcus aureusATCC 25923, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231.

2.2.1. Suspension-Test TubeMethod. A tested bacteria suspen-sion of 0.5 on the McFarland scale was diluted in sterile dis-tilled water in order to obtain 𝑍−1, 𝑍−2, and 𝑍−3 suspensiondilutions. Then, 1.0 cm3 of the bacterial suspension from the𝑍−2 dilution was added to each of eight test tubes containing9.0 cm3 of nanosilver preparations (numbered from 1 to 8).The 𝑍−3 suspension in distilled water served as the controlsample. The contact time between the bacterial suspensionand the preparation amounted to 5 and 30minutes. After that,samples of 0.1 cm3 were taken from each test tube and inocu-lated on the proper agar substrates (MacConkey, TSA, SS, orSabouraud). After 24 hours of incubation at 37∘C, the colonieswere counted. The reduction ratio for each preparation andtested strain was calculated in relation to the control sample.

2.2.2. Dilution-Neutralisation Method. Before the experi-ment, the tested strains of the microorganisms were prolif-erated on the proper agar substrates for 24 h at a temperatureof 37∘C. After incubation, the suspensions ofmicroorganismsfrom the obtained cultures were prepared in sterile distilledwater, in order to achieve the concentration of cells ranging

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System 220.0

1.00.0Height (𝜇m)




System 3 100.0

1.00.0Height (𝜇m)




System 4 50.0

4.00.0Height (𝜇m)




System 6 15.0

1.00.0Height (𝜇m)




System 8 100.0

1.00.0Height (𝜇m)




System 7 25.0

1.00.0Height (𝜇m)




System 5 50.0

4.00.0Height (𝜇m)




System 1





1.00.0Height (𝜇m)

Figure 2: AFM photographs of the silver nanoparticles.

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ber (


1 10 100 10000.1 10000Size (nm)






ber (


1 10 100 1000 100000.1Size (nm)






ber (


1 10 100 1000 100000.1Size (nm)







ber (


1 10 100 1000 100000.1Size (nm)







ber (


1 10 100 1000 100000.1Size (nm)






ber (


1 10 100 1000 100000.1Size (nm)






ber (


1 10 100 1000 100000.1Size (nm)

1 10 100 1000 100000.1Size (nm)






ber (


System 1 System 2

System 3 System 4

System 5 System 6

System 7 System 8

Figure 3: The size distribution of silver nanoparticles.

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from about 1.5 × 108 to 5 × 108 cfu/cm3 for bacteria and 1.5 ×106 cfu/cm3 for C. albicans. A series of decimal dilutions wasprepared from the obtained suspension, and then 0.1 cm3of the suspension of microorganisms from the last fourdilutions was inoculated on two plates with the proper agarmedium to precisely determine the number of cells in theinitial suspension. At the same time, the neutraliser solutionwas prepared by adding 1.0 cm3 of sterile distilled water to8.0 cm3 of neutraliser. The suspension of cells from the 𝑍−1dilution in the amount of 1.0 cm3 was transferred to threetest tubes containing 9.0 cm3 of the examined suspensionof silver nanoparticles. After the specified contact time hadpassed, the action of the studied preparation was neutralisedby transferring 1.0 cm3 of the bacteria suspension in thepreparation to 9.0 cm3 of a previously prepared mixture ofneutraliser and distilled water. After 5 minutes of neutralisa-tion, culture was performed. 0.1 cm3 of the suspension fromthe neutraliser was transferred to two Petri plates with theproper agarmedium.The experimentwas performed for 5, 15,30, and 60 minutes of contact between microorganisms andthe nanosilver preparations. The validation of the neutralisersolution was performed by making four mixtures: 8.0 cm3 ofneutraliser, 1.0 cm3 of sterile distilled water, and 1.0 cm3 ofthe suspension of the examinedmicroorganism from the 10−5dilution, while the remaining three each contained 8.0 cm3 ofneutraliser, 1.0 cm3 of the studied preparation, and 1.0 cm3 ofthe suspension of the examinedmicroorganism from the 10−5dilution. Cultures of two plates with the proper agar mediumwere performed from each test tube (0.1 cm3). All the plateswere incubated at 37∘C for 24 h. After that, all the coloniesthat had formed on themedia, which ranged in number from15 to 300, were counted in order to evaluate the amount ofviable bacteria [cfu].The following formulas were used in thecalculations:

(i) Test bacteria suspension (𝑁):

𝑁 =𝑐

(𝑛1+ 0.1𝑛

2) ⋅ 𝑑, (1)

where 𝑐 is the sum of the colonies on all the platesincluded in the calculation, 𝑛

1is the number of plates

included in the calculation from the first dilution,𝑛2is the number of plates included from the second

dilution, and 𝑑 is dilution factor which correspondsto the first dilution included in the calculation.

(ii) The number of viable bacteria in (Na):

Na = 𝑐𝑛 ⋅ 𝑑 ⋅ 𝑉

, (2)

where 𝑐 is the sum of colonies counted on both plates,𝑛 is the number of plates included in the calculation,𝑑 is dilution factor, and 𝑉 is sample volume.

(iii) Degree of reduction of viable bacteria (𝑋):

𝑋 =𝑁 ⋅ 10−1

Na. (3)

Table 2: Microbiological media used for the microbiological evalu-ation of eggs and hatchers.

Determination Microbiological mediumTotal bacteria count Enriched agarTotal Staphylococcus count Chapman mediumTotal fungi count Sabouraud medium

2.3. Evaluation of the Disinfection Efficacy of Hatchers UsingNanosilver. Eggs coming from a Polish breed of hens calledgreen legged partridge hens were selected for the study. Theexperimental group (Group D) consisted of hen eggs disin-fected with nanosilver before putting them in the incubator(Incubator D). The control group (Group K) consisted ofeggs disinfected using UV irradiation for 30 minutes beforeputting them in the incubator (Incubator K). In the exper-imental group, the hatcher and the eggs were fogged witha nanosilver preparation. In both groups, the disinfectionefficacy was evaluated based on microbiological analyses ofthe egg surfaces and the hatchers.

The analyses were performed before (series I) and 30minutes after disinfection (series II). During the incubation,experiments were carried out three times, that is, after the 1st(series III) and 7th day, on the day of candling the eggs (seriesIV), and on the 17th day, before the onset of hatch (series V).

The microbiological analysis of the egg surfaces and thehatchers is comprised of the determination of the total bacte-ria count, total Staphylococcus count, and total fungal count.

The eggs/embryos were collected in sterile containers andcoveredwith 50.0 cm3 of sterile distilledwater with Tween 80.After 15 minutes of shaking, cultures were performed fromthe obtained washings by the surface plating technique onproper media (Table 2) and incubated for 24 hours at 37∘C(bacteria) and for 5 days at 25∘C (fungi). After the incubation,the number of microorganisms on the egg surface [cfu/egg]was counted, based on the number of colonies.

Smears from the incubators’ walls were collected froman area of 10.0 cm2 using a sterile template and sterileswabs (Copan, Italy). After collection, smears were placed intransport tubes containing 20.0 cm3 of saline. The collectedsamples were shaken for 2 minutes. From the obtained sus-pension, cultures were performed on proper media (Table 2)and incubated for 24 hours at 37∘C (bacteria) and for 5days at 25∘C (fungi). After the incubation, the numberof microorganisms on the incubator wall [cfu/10 cm2] wascounted, based on the number of colonies.

2.4. The Influence of Nanoparticles on the Concentrationof Gaseous Contaminants Generated during Incubation. Theevaluation of the gas composition of the disinfected hatcherswas performed in parallel with the microbiological analyses.

Air samples were collected from the experimentalapparatus (NANO Incubator) and control apparatus (UVIncubator) before and 30 minutes after disinfection. Duringthe incubation, the experiments were carried out three times,that is, after the 1st (series III) and 7th day, on the day ofcandling the eggs (series IV), and on the 17th day, before

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Table 3: Percentage reduction in the amount of microorganisms compared to the control sample for the tested nanosilver preparations.

Tested strain

Preparation number1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Contact time [min]5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30 5 30

C. albicans ATCC 100 100 15 52 24 54 83 100 55 100 100 100 100 100 100 100S. enteritidis ATCC 33 100 18 91 58 100 19 100 39 100 99 100 100 100 92 100P. aeruginosa ATCC 86 94 74 44 79 54 70 98 67 95 93 100 99 99 99 100S. aureus ATCC 40 60 1 5 70 52 −3 74 −8 56 70 92 82 95 79 93E. coli ATCC 70 97 21 15 33 19 79 97 55 80 99 100 100 100 94 100

Table 4: The number of bacterial and fungal cells grown after five minutes of contact with nanosilver compared to the control group.

Candida albicansATCC

Salmonella enteritidisATCC

Pseudomonas aeruginosaATCC

Staphylococcus aureusATCC

Escherichia coliATCC

×105 cfu ×105 cfu ×106 cfu ×106 cfu ×105 cfuM SD M SD M SD M SD M SD

Control 28.9 2.1 180.5 127.5 187.8 15.9 78.6 30.9 91.3 26.3Preparation

1 0 0 54.3 5.9 26 17.8 44.1 13.3 28.3 15.72 24.3 2.6 87.5 74 152.5 10.6 70.5 14.7 70 143 21.8 5.9 54 10.4 121 5.7 25 29.7 58.3 12.44 4.7 5.2 99.9 33.1 55.8 10 69.9 12.3 18.5 10.45 12.7 5 82.2 6.5 62.8 20.2 75.3 15.5 39.5 14.66 0 0 0.7 0.8 13.1 15.7 21.9 17.3 0.8 1.37 0 0 0.3 0.6 2.3 1.4 13.1 22.2 0 08 0 0 8.7 7.5 1.2 0.9 19.4 26.9 4.2 6.5

the onset of hatch (series V). The concentrations of volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) and inorganic compounds,particularly sulphur compounds with strong odorogenousproperties, were determined in the collected air samples.

Organic gaseous air contaminants were determined bygas chromatography. Air samples were collected with an elec-tric pump into 2-3-litre Tedlar bags (Sensidyne Inc., Clear-water, USA). The organic compounds contained in the airsamples were condensed and then desorbed using a thermaldesorption unit (TDV; Model 890, Dynatherm, AnalyticalInstruments Inc., Oxford, USA) to the gas chromatographysystem (HP 5890 series II, Hewlett Packard, Santa Clara,USA) equipped with a selective flame photometric detector(FPD) combined with an S-filter with a 393 nm wavelength.

Determination of the inorganic compound content insamples sucked into bubbling washers was performed byion chromatography with the use of a liquid chromatograph(Waters) connected to an analytical column (IC-PAK AnionHR, Waters Corp., Milord, USA) associated with a conduc-tivity detector and UV Indicator.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Biocidal Properties of Nanosilver. On the basis ofmicrobiological analyses (Table 3) conducted using the testtube method, the three most effective nanosilver prepara-tions, numbers 6, 7, and 8, were chosen. The mentioned

preparations reached a high degree of reduction after only5 minutes of contact (Table 4). The suspensions containingparticles of about 10 nm in size, which were stabilised withsodium pyrophosphate, demonstrated the strongest bacte-ricidal and fungicidal activity. The crucial feature affectingthe efficacy of the studied preparations was the size ofsilver nanoparticles and the compounds used to stabilisethe nanometric structure. Sodium phosphates dissociatein an aqueous environment, resulting in the formation ofphosphate anions which adsorb to the surface of metallicparticles and prevent their agglomeration by giving a surfacecharge to stabilised particles. The result is a high negativeelectrokinetic potential.

In the other preparations, a similar degree of reductionwas reached only after prolonging the contact time to 30minutes (Table 5). Preparation number 1, containing smallernanosilver particles (8 nm), demonstrated weaker biocidalactivity againstPseudomonas aeruginosa,Escherichia coli, andStaphylococcus aureus than preparations 6, 7, and 8. Thiscould be the result of the positive electrokinetic potentialand thus a weaker influence on cell membranes of the testedmicroorganisms, as well as strong steric stabilisation achieveddue to gelatine application and, as a consequence, restrictedpossibility of the direct action of silver particles. Gelatine isa protein and, at elevated temperatures, its collagen bondsbreak. A colloidal system then forms, where the stabilisationof metallic particles is facilitated. At that time, spherical

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Table 5: The number of bacterial and fungal cells grown after 30 minutes of contact with nanosilver compared to control group.

Candida albicansATCC

Salmonella enteritidisATCC

Pseudomonas aeruginosaATCC

Staphylococcus aureusATCC

Escherichia coliATCC

×105 cfu ×105 cfu ×106 cfu ×106 cfu ×105 cfuM SD M SD M SD M SD M SD

Control 29.8 3.7 261.9 225.7 109.9 43.6 85.7 35.9 50.3 17.9Preparation

1 0 0 0 5.4 8.2 25.8 19.8 1.2 2 15.72 9.7 12.4 7.3 60.6 22.2 67.9 16.5 41.2 11.3 143 10.8 0.1 0.1 48.1 14 38.1 41.7 38 8.7 12.44 0 0 0 1.9 1.3 16.9 10.3 1.3 1.4 10.45 0 0 0 4.7 2.9 29.2 19.7 8.5 5.4 14.66 0 0 0 0 0 7.3 14.9 0 0 1.37 0 0 0 0.5 1.2 3.4 3.1 0 0 08 0 0 0 0 0 6.4 8.8 0 0 6.5

Table 6: Results of the evaluation using the dilution-neutralisation method for suspension number 6.

Tested organism Bacterial and fungalsuspension tested (𝑁)

The number of viable bacteria and fungi (cfu/cm3) in thestudied mixture (Na) in time5min 15min 30min 60min

Escherichia coli ATCC 9.9 × 106 — 2.6 × 104 1.9 × 103 0.0Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 2.75 × 108 — 7.4 × 104 2.0 × 103 1.0 × 102

Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 2.05 × 107 9.6 × 104 1.8 × 103 0.0 0.0Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 1.84 × 108 — 2.6 × 105 2.0 × 105 5.3 × 104

Candida albicans ATCC 9.31 × 105 3.6 × 103 0.0 0.0 0.0Reduction of viable bacteria and fungus at the studied time

Escherichia coli ATCC — 3.8 × 101 5.4 × 102 >105

Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC — 3.7 × 102 1.4 × 104 2.8 × 105

Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 2.1 × 101 1.2 × 103 >105 >105

Staphylococcus aureus ATCC — 7.1 × 101 9.2 × 101 3.5 × 102

Candida albicans ATCC 2.6 × 101 >105 >105 >105

stabilisation occurs; that is, the protein chains, due to theircomplex structure, are an effective spatial factor whichprevents the agglomeration of metal particles by surfaceadsorption.

It was found that the preparations containing silver parti-cles of about 50 nm in size, whichwere stabilisedwith gelatine(preparations 2 and 3), showed the weakest antimicrobialeffect. S. aureus was the most resistant bacteria to all ofthe tested preparations among the tested microorganisms,whereas the yeast C. albicans turned out to be the mostsensitive.

The results of the evaluation of the bactericidal andfungicidal properties of nanosilver preparations 6, 7, and8, which was conducted using the dilution-neutralisationmethod (PN-EN 1040 and PN-EN 1275), are summarisedin Tables 6–8. According to the requirements containedin the abovementioned standards, a preparation meets therequirements of basic bactericidal and fungicidal actionwhenit causes a 105-fold reduction in viable bacteria and 104-foldor greater reduction in the case of fungi, under specific test

conditions, in 60 minutes or less. Based on the presentedresults, it can be concluded that all the preparations achievedthe required level of reduction for the majority of the studiedstrains after only 60 minutes of contact. After 60 minutes ofcontact, the studied preparations achieved the 105-fold resultof reduction for the majority of strains.This situation did notonly refer to the Gram-positive bacterium S. aureuswhich, inthe case of the evaluation using the test tube method, provedto be the most resistant to the action of silver nanoparticles.Suspensionnumber 6 achieved the required level of reductionafter only 15 minutes in case of the yeast C. albicans (Table 6).A similar result for the same strain was obtained in the caseof preparation number 7 (Table 7), but the strongest biocidalaction was displayed by suspension number 8 (Table 8). After30 minutes of contact, the desired level of reduction wasnoted for C. albicans, P. aeruginosa, and S. enteritidis. Thetwo remaining preparations (6 and 7) showed disinfectingaction in this period of time only towards S. enteritidis. Onthe basis of these results, preparation number 8 was selectedfor application tests.

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Table 7: Results of the evaluation using the dilution-neutralisation method for suspension number 7.

Tested organism Bacterial and fungalsuspension tested (𝑁)

The number of viable bacteria and fungi (cfu/cm) in thestudied mixture (Na) in time5min 15min 30min 60min

Escherichia coli ATCC 9.9 × 106 — 2.2 × 104 5.5 × 102 0.0Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 2.75 × 108 — 3.5 × 104 1.0 × 102 0.0Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 2.05 × 107 1.1 × 105 1.0 × 102 0.0 0.0Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 1.84 × 108 — 1.8 × 105 1.1 × 105 7.0 × 103

Candida albicans ATCC 9.31 × 105 2.0 × 103 2.0 × 102 0.0 0.0Reduction of viable bacteria and fungus at the studied time

Escherichia coli ATCC — 4.5 × 101 1.8 × 103 >105

Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC — 8.0 × 102 2.8 × 105 >105

Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 2.0 × 101 2.1 × 104 >105 >105

Staphylococcus aureus ATCC — 1.0 × 104 1.7 × 102 2.6 × 103

Candida albicans ATCC 4.7 × 101 4.7 × 102 >105 >105

Table 8: Results of the evaluation using the dilution-neutralisation method for suspension number 8.

Tested organism Bacterial and fungalsuspension tested (𝑁)

The number of viable bacteria and fungi (cfu/cm3) in thestudied mixture (Na) in time5min 15min 30min 60min

Escherichia coli ATCC 9.9 × 106 — 2.1 × 104 5.0 × 100 0.0Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 2.75 × 108 — 5.4 × 104 1.0 × 103 0.0Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 2.05 × 107 1.2 × 105 4.5 × 102 0.0 0.0Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 1.84 × 108 — 3.3 × 105 2.0 × 105 6.9 × 104

Candida albicans ATCC 9.31 × 105 2.3 × 103 0.0 0.0 0.0Reduction of viable bacteria and fungus at the studied time

Escherichia coli ATCC — 4.8 × 101 2.0 × 105 >105

Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC — 5.1 × 102 2.8 × 104 >105

Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 1.7 × 101 4.6 × 103 >105 >105

Staphylococcus aureus ATCC — 5.5 × 101 9.3 × 101 2.7 × 102

Candida albicans ATCC 4.1 × 101 >105 >105 >105

3.2. Application Tests. In this part of the study, signifi-cant microbiological contamination of the eggshells of eggsdesigned for incubation (Table 9) was observed. On thesurface of the eggs, the total bacteria count amounted to, onaverage, 9.8 × 104 cfu/egg, while the average fungal countwas 2.1×102 cfu/egg.Therefore, maintainingmicrobiologicalpurity is possible with properly conducted disinfection ofeggs and hatchers. In these tests, the effectiveness of thestudied nanosilver preparation in the case of the total bacteriacount was on a level similar to the effectiveness of UVdisinfection (Table 9). After 30 minutes, the number ofbacteria on control eggs and on eggs disinfected with silvernanoparticles amounted to ×104, while on the second day ofthe incubation it was even larger on the eggs treated withthe preparation. Visible changes in the total bacteria countwere observed on the 7th day of incubation, when the meannumber of bacteria on control eggs was almost six timesgreater compared to experimental eggs. On the 17th day ofincubation, a significant increase in the mean number ofbacteria on the surface of all eggs was observed, compared

to the earlier stages of incubation. The cause of this situationwas probably secondary contamination as a result of candlingthe eggs on the 7th day. The average difference between theamount of bacteria on control eggs and tested eggs varied andwas half of the amount on experimental eggs.

In the case of the total Staphylococcus count, the contam-ination remained on a level similar to the total bacteria count(Table 9). No differences in the mean number of staphylo-cocci were observed between control and experimental eggsup to the 17th day of incubation, when the presence of cocciwas not detected on experimental embryos.

Total fungal counts remained at a stable level on controland experimental eggs (Table 9). On the 17th day of incuba-tion, in both groups, the presence of fungi was not observed.

These results show that the disinfecting action of nanosil-ver towards all the studied groups of microorganisms wasobserved from the 7th day of incubation. An increase in thetotalmicroorganism count on the 7th day of incubation couldbe connected with secondary contamination of the surface ofthe eggs as a result of candling during incubation.

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Table 9: Microbiological contamination of eggs during incubation [cfu/egg].

Total count of Group Beforedisinfection

30min afterdisinfection

2nd day ofincubation

7th day ofincubation

17th day ofincubation

Bacteria K 9.8 × 104 2.3 × 104 2.1 × 103 3.5 × 103 4.5 × 104

D 9.8 × 104 2.5 × 104 6.9 × 103 6.0 × 102 2.7 × 104

Staphylococcus K 1.8 × 105 3.3 × 104 2.1 × 103 3.3 × 103 1.3 × 103

D 1.8 × 105 3.6 × 104 6.2 × 103 3.3 × 102 0

Fungi K 2.1 × 102 1.0 × 102 1.3 × 102 7.0 × 102 0D 2.1 × 102 1.0 × 102 1.3 × 102 1.0 × 102 0

Table 10: Microbiological contamination on the walls of the hatchers [cfu/cm2].

Total count of Incubator Beforedisinfection

30min afterdisinfection

2nd day ofincubation

7th day ofincubation

17th day ofincubation

Bacteria K 36.7 463.30 61.7 20.0 13.3D 516.7 3.3 5.0 10.0 13.3

Staphylococcus K 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 3.3D 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3

Fungi K 20.0 30.0 31.7 13.3 0.0D 15.0 16.7 8.3 1.7 0.0

Before disinfection, differences were detected in thecontamination level of the incubators. The experimentalincubator was more severely bacteriologically contaminatedcompared to the control incubator (Table 10). After 30 min-utes of disinfection and putting the eggs in the incubator, thecontamination of the control incubator increased, certainlyas a result of secondary contamination, whereas the con-tamination of the experimental incubator was significantlydecreased. On the 2nd day of incubation, the mean bacterialcontamination decreased in both the control and experi-mental incubators, but the mean number of bacteria in theexperimental incubator was significantly lower than in thecontrol one. On the 17th day, the mean total bacteria countper cm2 of the control incubator decreased, as did the numberof bacteria in the experimental incubator.

The total Staphylococcus count was low and fluctuated,which could be a result of secondary contamination from theair (Table 10).

The total fungal count displayed a decreasing tendencythroughout the incubation period. Significant differencesbetween the control and the experimental incubator contin-ued from the onset of incubation up to the 17th day.

On the basis of the mean total bacteria count and totalfungal count, it can be stated that the studied nanosilverpreparation demonstrated good bactericidal and fungicidaleffectiveness on the surface of the hatchers. The fluctuationsin the number of staphylococci can be explained by secondarycontamination and may not be connected with the action ofnanosilver.

Very good results were achieved in the case of organicgaseous contaminants. After the application of the nanosilverpreparation, these levels decreased by 86% (Figure 4). Duringthe 17-day incubation, an increase in the VOC concentration






n (𝜇



UV lncubatorNANO lncubator


After puttingthe eggs

After 1stday

After 7thday

After 17thday

Figure 4: VOC concentrations in the air inside the incubatorsduring the incubation [𝜇g/m3].

was observed in both apparatuses. At the end of the process,the level of contaminants in the air inside the UV Incubatorwas 40% higher than in the NANO Incubator. The chro-matographic studies did not demonstrate the accumulationof inorganic compounds and sulphur compounds in theapparatuses (Figures 5 and 6). In the last series of studies, theconcentration of sulphur compounds in the air inside the UVand NANO Incubators was determined to be 11.0 𝜇g/m3 and14.9 𝜇g/m3, respectively.

Among the identified VOC compounds, the high-est concentration in the UV Incubator was seen for 2-pentanamine (284.3 𝜇g/m3) and cyclobutanol (247.1 𝜇g/m3),whereas, in the NANO Incubator, the highest concentrationwas seen for hexanal (255.4 𝜇g/m3). In the apparatus dis-infected with nanosilver, the presence of 2-pentanamine, 2-methylpentane, 2-methyl-1-propanol, trichloroethylene, and

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of in



UV lncubatorNANO lncubator





ds (m




After puttingthe eggs

After 1stday

After 7thday

After 17thday

Figure 5: Concentration of inorganic gaseous compounds in the airinside the incubators during the incubation [mg/m3].


After puttingthe eggs

UV lncubatorNANO lncubator

After 1stday

After 7thday

After 17thday




n of





ds (𝜇






Figure 6: Concentration of sulphur compounds in the air duringthe incubation [𝜇g/m3].

toluene (Table 11) as well as sulphur compounds such ascarbonyl sulphide (COS) and methyl mercaptan (Table 12)was not detected. The applied method of disinfection did nothave an influence on the level of the determined inorganiccontaminants (Table 13).

4. Conclusion

According to current standards of production, in themajorityof food industry plants, including the egg-poultry indus-try, the obligatory control of microbiological and chemicalquality of air and production surfaces has been introduced,which means an obligation to ensure proper cleanliness.In chick hatcheries, the hatchers constitute a critical pointbecause thermal and humidity conditions as well as thepresence of biological material inside them pose a significantmicrobiological hazard. In such places, not without reason,great emphasis has been placed on maintaining microbio-logical purity, which is achieved only by properly conducteddisinfection of hatchers and eggs.

The present research demonstrated that the nanosilverpreparation applied for the disinfection of eggs and hatch-ers reduced microbiological contamination. The prepara-tion used showed bactericidal and fungicidal effectivenesscomparable to UV radiation, and its effectiveness increasedthroughout the incubation. In the case of fungi, on the 7th day

Table 11: VOC concentrations in the air inside the incubators on the17th day of incubation [𝜇g/m3].

Compound IncubatorUV NANO

Total 677.0 415.4Methane 1.5 3.2Propanol 4.0 2.1Cyclobutanol 247.1 10.11-Butanol 21.6 8.92-Pentanamine 284.3 —2-Methylpentane 18.9 —2-Methyl-1-propanol 1.6 —Benzene 13.3 13.5Trichloroethylene 7.5 —1-Pentanol 1.9 14.2Indole 15.6 54.3Ethylbenzene 1.2 1.9Xylenes 53.3 34.7Phenol 3.0 2.9Methylcyclopentane — 14.2Toluene 2.0 —Hexanal 0.5 255.4

Table 12: Concentration of sulphur compounds in the air inside theincubators on the 17th day of incubation [𝜇g/m3].

Compound IncubatorUV NANO

Total 11.0 14.9Diethyl sulphide 1.9 1.6Dipropyl sulphide — 0.4Methylpropyl sulphide 1.9 3.1Carbonyl sulphide 0.1 —Methyl mercaptan 0.7 —Ethyl mercaptan — 1.4Isopropyl mercaptan 0.9 0.9

Table 13: Concentration of inorganic gaseous compounds in the airinside the incubators on the 17th day of incubation [mg/m3].

Compound IncubatorUV NANO

Total 0.5 0.5Ammonia 0.1 0.1Nitrates 0.1 0.1Nitrites 0.1 0.1Chlorides 0.1 0.1Sulphates 0.1 0.1

of incubation, fogging with nanosilver gave better protectionto the surface of eggs than irradiation with UV.

Very good results were achieved in the case of organicgaseous contaminants. After application of the nanosilverpreparation, these levels decreased by 86%. The level of

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contaminants in the air inside the incubator decontaminatedwith UV was 40% higher than in the incubator disinfectedwith nanosilver.

Proper egg incubation conditions during hatching arevery important and result in effective hatching and healthychicks. Intensively running metabolic processes and embryorespiration require that the air inside incubator containsa sufficient amount of oxygen. Gases released during theincubation have to be removed from the apparatus, becauseexcessive amounts can lead to poisoning and embryo decay,so proper air exchange is of great importance. The appli-cation of nanosilver may be used to optimise the processof incubation. As this study shows, nanosilver is not ableto replace efficiently functioning ventilation but may be anelement supporting the elimination of gaseous contaminants.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


This scientific work was financed from 2010 to 2013 byResearch Project N N209 411139.


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Page 16: Research Article Nanosilver Biocidal Properties and Their ...nanosilver has become an important and valuable commer-cial product in the food industry (e.g., packaging and food storage

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