Research Article Lidar-Based Detection and Interpretation...

Research Article Lidar-Based Detection and Interpretation of Glaciotectonic Features of the Morainic Topography of Finland Matti Veli Juhani Seppälä Soil Laboratory of Oulu City, PL 78, 90015 Oulun kaupunki, Finland Correspondence should be addressed to Matti Veli Juhani Sepp¨ al¨ a; Received 26 April 2016; Revised 6 September 2016; Accepted 12 October 2016 Academic Editor: Karoly Nemeth Copyright © 2016 Matti Veli Juhani Sepp¨ al¨ a. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In Finland’s digital elevation model, marks of glaciotectonics as an important formation process of glacial geomorphology can be seen. is is a new finding to this extent regarding central parts of the former ice sheets. Deformational processes produced fragmented till surfaces probably mostly by brittle fracture of frozen till. Good signs of deformational effect to the till surfaces are the plucked edges or steps and semilinear or fan-like quarry edges in topography, which are oſten oblique compared with the main direction of the flow of the glacier. Plucked fractured steps of blocks of till can be so tight that they construct horizontal-like diamond patterned surfaces. Sometimes punctate proximal endings of fan-like hollows of transported raſts can be seen. Within main ice lobes or streams the glaciated terrain is oſten divided into longitudinal smooth looking drumlin terrain and into rough erosional slightly lower level situated zones, where the erosion has happened firstly by glaciotectonism and then by glaciofluvial streams. e eskers and different kind of hummocky moraines are oſten located in same zones. Among them deformational hummocky moraines and ribbed moraines are common. e abundance of glaciotectonic and plucking related features indicates that the base of the receding ice sheet was cold based in places or from time to time. 1. Introduction Glaciotectonics refers in this study mostly to the erosional deformation of the former till layers or moraines at the base of the active glacier. e glacier can probably move frozen blocks of till and cause so faults and fragments and irregular erosional looking topography. Glaciotectonism is capable of producing a broken looking cover or ground moraine and a variety of other deformational moraines and surface features. e main process flow has been detachment of the till block, transport, and deposition. ese processes can be purely glaciotectonic but block plucking or refreezing of meltwater is assumed to take part in the activities to some extent. Several researchers advocate that glaciotectonism is more closely associated just with the mechanical forces caused by the weight and movement of the glacier [1–6]. For practical reasons I however use here mostly the broad term of glaciotectonic so that it includes a possible freezing process and in terms of landforms or moraines it only relates to the process which contributes to shaping the landform, in the majority of cases presumably by brittle deformation and removal of the frozen block of till, or by glaciotectonic ductile deformation and remoulding of the primary landform (cf. [7] p. 379 and 459). Close terms are push moraines [8], thrust-block moraines [7, 9], ice-thrust moraines, and related hummocky moraines (e.q. [10–15]). In general, those terms are used for the marginal or submarginal environment and along Aber’s glaciotectonism model of glaciotectonic con- structive landforms; hill-hole pairs, composite ridges, thrust- block moraines, mega blocks, push moraines, and cupola hills are originally marginal formations [16]. Here glaciotectonism concerns the subglacial environment as well and in practice almost exclusively. Glaciotectonic literature deals largely with large scale ice-marginal landforms consisting oſten partly of sedimentary rocks near the terminal zones of the former ice sheets [17]. In this case, research focused on glaciotectonic deformation effects of otherwise quite low profile morainic morphology interpreted by DEM in the intermediate parts of the former ice sheet. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Geological Research Volume 2016, Article ID 4292806, 11 pages

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Page 1: Research Article Lidar-Based Detection and Interpretation · transport, and deposition. e se processes can be purely glaciotectonic

Research ArticleLidar-Based Detection and Interpretation of GlaciotectonicFeatures of the Morainic Topography of Finland

Matti Veli Juhani Seppälä

Soil Laboratory of Oulu City, PL 78, 90015 Oulun kaupunki, Finland

Correspondence should be addressed to Matti Veli Juhani Seppala; [email protected]

Received 26 April 2016; Revised 6 September 2016; Accepted 12 October 2016

Academic Editor: Karoly Nemeth

Copyright © 2016 Matti Veli Juhani Seppala. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

In Finland’s digital elevation model, marks of glaciotectonics as an important formation process of glacial geomorphology canbe seen. This is a new finding to this extent regarding central parts of the former ice sheets. Deformational processes producedfragmented till surfaces probably mostly by brittle fracture of frozen till. Good signs of deformational effect to the till surfaces arethe plucked edges or steps and semilinear or fan-like quarry edges in topography, which are often oblique compared with the maindirection of the flowof the glacier. Plucked fractured steps of blocks of till can be so tight that they construct horizontal-like diamondpatterned surfaces. Sometimes punctate proximal endings of fan-like hollows of transported rafts can be seen.Withinmain ice lobesor streams the glaciated terrain is often divided into longitudinal smooth looking drumlin terrain and into rough erosional slightlylower level situated zones, where the erosion has happened firstly by glaciotectonism and then by glaciofluvial streams. The eskersand different kind of hummocky moraines are often located in same zones. Among them deformational hummocky moraines andribbed moraines are common.The abundance of glaciotectonic and plucking related features indicates that the base of the recedingice sheet was cold based in places or from time to time.

1. Introduction

Glaciotectonics refers in this study mostly to the erosionaldeformation of the former till layers or moraines at the baseof the active glacier. The glacier can probably move frozenblocks of till and cause so faults and fragments and irregularerosional looking topography. Glaciotectonism is capable ofproducing a broken looking cover or ground moraine and avariety of other deformational moraines and surface features.The main process flow has been detachment of the till block,transport, and deposition. These processes can be purelyglaciotectonic but block plucking or refreezing of meltwateris assumed to take part in the activities to some extent.Several researchers advocate that glaciotectonism is moreclosely associated just with the mechanical forces caused bythe weight and movement of the glacier [1–6].

For practical reasons I however use heremostly the broadterm of glaciotectonic so that it includes a possible freezingprocess and in terms of landforms or moraines it only relatesto the process which contributes to shaping the landform,

in the majority of cases presumably by brittle deformationand removal of the frozen block of till, or by glaciotectonicductile deformation and remoulding of the primary landform(cf. [7] p. 379 and 459). Close terms are push moraines [8],thrust-blockmoraines [7, 9], ice-thrust moraines, and relatedhummocky moraines (e.q. [10–15]). In general, those termsare used for the marginal or submarginal environment andalong Aber’s glaciotectonism model of glaciotectonic con-structive landforms; hill-hole pairs, composite ridges, thrust-blockmoraines,mega blocks, pushmoraines, and cupola hillsare originallymarginal formations [16]. Here glaciotectonismconcerns the subglacial environment as well and in practicealmost exclusively. Glaciotectonic literature deals largely withlarge scale ice-marginal landforms consisting often partly ofsedimentary rocks near the terminal zones of the former icesheets [17]. In this case, research focused on glaciotectonicdeformation effects of otherwise quite low profile morainicmorphology interpreted by DEM in the intermediate parts ofthe former ice sheet.

Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of Geological ResearchVolume 2016, Article ID 4292806, 11 pages

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Morphologically lidar-based research about glacial geo-morphology of the former ice sheets is rapidly increasingconcerning morphology of some glacial lineations, endmoraines, hummocks, and eskers [18], but so far the researchfocus has been elsewhere than glaciotectonics: ice stream andlobal patterns, drumlins, ribbed, hummocky and marginalmoraines, glaciofluvial formations, or postglacial faults andother topics of surficial geology. Precise DEMs reveal amuchmore detailed image of glacial landforms than previouscorresponding methods. Moller and Dowling [19] examinedin Smaland also the geology of irregular morainic morphol-ogy besides streamlined formations, but there hummockymoraines and ribbed moraines are deduced to have built upmostly in stagnant-ice landsystem, but I think presumablythere could also be at places a short active glaciotectonic stageor zone with partly or intermittently frozen bed conditionsin lowered marginal zone of the retreating glacier (cf. [20]).The glacial geomorphology has been mapped also as lidar-based interpretation and with ice-thrust features in Canada(e.q. [21]).

2. Materials and Methods

The present research is based on the visual interpretation ofthe elevation model in grid size 2m × 2m of the NationalLand Survey of Finland. It is freely available for download aslaz, asc, and tiff data files. The elevation is shown for about0.3m accuracy.The files are viewed online or with free graph-ics and GIS software. Programs can visualize morphologyby oblique shaded height models. Not any morphometricor other GIS analyses have been done except some heightprofile diagrams. Online maps by the National Land Surveyof Finland and online service for DEM and geological data bythe Geological Survey of Finland are also used.

During the investigation, I examined basically randomlythe topography of mainly known moraine areas in differentparts of the country [22]. Finland’s whole land area is303 892 km2 and statistically about half of that was viewedwith at least 1 : 16 000 scales. So it is obvious thatmany types offragmentedmorainic topography of Finland are detected, butthere can be some which are not observed yet. The premisewas to find broken, fragmented, or “excavated” forms, whichcould be interpreted with good reason to be related to theglacigenic block erosion of preexisting landforms. In practiceit seems that these features can be detected just in mostaccurate DEM2 (2m grid), when testing the DEMs nowfreely available by the National Land Survey of Finland(Figure 1). The aim of the study was to find deformational orglaciotectonic features in DEMs and so in nature, too. Thelocations of the example figures of the features can be seen inFigure 2.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Plucked Lee Side. Plucking of the (frozen) till seems tobe quite a common phenomenon in the lee sides of themorainic hills, drumlins, and moraines (Figures 3, 4, and 5).The dimensions vary considerably. In Figure 3 the plucked

Figure 1: Airborne laser scanned areas 2008–2015 (©National LandSurvey of Finland).

0 100 200 300(km)

1 : 10 000 000

Figure 2: Locations of the sites, for example (red numbers refer tothe Figures) of glaciotectonic landforms and possible glaciologicalboundaries for frozen bed conditions in Finland, during Last GlacialMaximum (cross-line) and during final local deglaciation (dark bluearea) with diminishing frozen bed areas (grey) around areas markedwith dark blue, when deglaciation progressed after Younger Dryas.Younger Dryas ice margin marked with blue line (modified fromStroeven et al. 2016 [23]: Figure 4).

section is, for example, 1–3m high, 100m wide, and 350mlong excavation within a 15m high ridge. But the size of the

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125 250 375 500 625 714

From Pos: 357981.600, 7098825.177 To Pos: 358529.382, 7099284.854








(m)0 250 500 750 1250

Figure 3: Plucked surface features and ribbed moraines. One plucked lee side consisting of till is marked by the square. The profile isperpendicular to the prevailing ice flow direction. The height in profile has been highlighted. Susineva, Kalajoki (Map sheet Q4231A, ©National Land Survey open data 02/2015).

Figure 4: Plucked lee sides and other glaciotectonic features inKullaa, Pori region.One plucked lee side ismarked by the square andlocation of the photo (Figure 5) is marked by the circle. The heightdifference of the uniform contour lines of the base map is 5m (Mapsheet M3414C, © National Land Survey).

Figure 5: A terrain photo of plucked lee side of Kolikangas in Koskivillage, Kullaa, in Pori region (cf. Figure 4).

removed blocks can be at maximum almost as much as thesize of ridges. One cannot usually say certainly where theremoved blocks of till have gone. Plucking can affect the distalsides of some transverse or marginal moraines. The pluckinglines are then often quite straight and transversely orientedwith respect to the glacier flow direction, but plucked hollowsand their edges can come in many shapes. Method offormation is possibly analogous to the creation of Roche

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Figure 6: Like low, 1–3m high, subglacial hill-hole pairs or dragmarks in Tyrnava. The arrow shows the pathline of displacementsand ice flow direction (Map sheet R4323F, © National Land Survey).

Moutonnee formations with the difference that the processis directed to the (frozen) till and not to the bedrock, and sizeclass of subglacial bumps (primary moraines) is often greaterthanwhat is presumed for normal bedrock plucking: pressuremelting leads to the development of water on the stoss side.Then the water flows to the lee side and there freezes at aminimum pressure again. New layers of the basement canfreeze to the glacier and get being involved in the transport [7,24]. Boulton [25] regards it possible that subglacial pluckingof till blocks can act with frozen sediments. There it can alsodevelop faults and fractures in basal frozen till bed like jointsin bedrock, which contribute plucking processes (cf. [26, 27]).

Kleman and Borgstrom ([28], cf. [29]) presented theterm (transverse) lee side scarp for the landform, which hadformed along them under moving ice at the distal end ofthe basal frozen patch, which is situated on the quite bighill in northern Sweden at or near the ice divide area inthe mountains. Normally smaller “plucked lee sides” are notregionally so specialized in Finland.

3.2. Hill-Hole Pair. Hill-hole pair consists of ice-scoopedbasin and ice-shovedhill. So it is the basic glaciotectonic land-form type where the depression, transportation, and resultedhill are represented [6]. In Finland this basically marginallandform is however probably a very rare phenomenon withthe exception of ribbed moraines, if they are created asfragments of the former till beds ([30], cf. [20, 31–36]). Oneminor possible subglacial example can be viewed in Figure 6.In fact, it is the best candidate for hill-hole pair so far thatI have discovered in the DEM of Finland. The height of theshape is 1–3m. An example of possible ice-marginal thrusttype hill-hole pair is represented in Figure 7.

3.3. Fan-Like and Transverse Edges of Plucked Depressions.In northeast Manamansalo occurs one characteristic type

Figure 7: An ice-marginal possible hill-hole pair on II Salpausselkaline (N-S course), south of Joensuu in North Karelia. Along thegeneral map of surface geology (Geological Survey), the materialof the hill and surroundings consist mostly of glaciofluvial drift,but the bottom of the hole is morainic. The imagined displacementdirection is the same (300∘) as the direction of small drumlins, whichpresumably show last prominent ice flow direction at the place. Theheight difference of the uniform contour lines of the base map is5m. So that hole is about 25m deep. (Map sheets N5431H, N5432G,© National Land Survey).

Figure 8: Fan-like hollows of plucked or glaciotectonic rafts withsome punctate proximal endings in the Oulujarvi Region, Kaivanto(Map sheet Q5222D, © National Land Survey). One fan-like hollowwith ice flow direction 330∘ marked. The general ice flow directionis 300∘. The edge height of hollows is generally about 1–3m.

probably plucked shape, which can be called a fan-like hollowof glacial raft or fan-like edges and steps of plucked hollowin the till bed (Figures 8–11). It has a punctuate proximalending from where the sides of the fragment open with afan-like manner in the distal direction. This is obviously apredominantly brittle fracture of the frozen moraine block.The opening angle is about 35 degrees, and the directions

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(m)0 125 250 375 500 625






(m)5 10 15 20 25 30 34.1

From Pos: 508589.868, 7142530.167 To Pos: 508622.514, 7142540.476Location: 508604.328, 7142534.733

SUB-PATH INFO → Dist: 6.395m, 3D Dist: 6.546 m, Elev Diff: 1.396 m, Slope: 12.31∘ [21.82%]

Elev: 139.464 m, Dist: 15.116 m

Figure 9: Places of terrain photos 1 (Figure 10) and 2 (Figure 11) and a profile from the photo place 1. The ice flow directions are like shownin Figure 8.

Figure 10: A terrain photo showing place 1 in Figure 9: the edge ofa fan hollow. The shooting direction is towards southeast.

of the fans vary, 120–150 degrees, which are more northernthan the main direction of the striations in the Oulujarviregion. The opening angle can still get a lot broader, too.Sometimes both sides of the hollow can be seen; sometimesonly other side is in sight or formed. There are also variants

Figure 11: A terrain photo showing a moraine excavation in place2 of Figure 9. The overall nature of the ground moraine in thesurroundings: grey sandy basal (lodgment) till with quite massiveand compact structure and looser brown surface layer with plentyof boulders. The direction of the trench wall is approximately fromwest to east.

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Figure 12: Glaciotectonically fragmented morainic topography near Kutunjarvi in Savo. Edges of fan-like hollows produce diamond-patterned surfaces. Ice flow direction is from the northwest (© National Land Survey).

(m)0 1000250 500 750 1250













50 100 150 200 250 317

From Pos: 450967.453, 7275150.343 To Pos: 451249.238, 7275298.109

SUB-PATH INFO→Dist: 20.006 m, 3D Dist: 20.275m, Elev Diff: 3.294m, Slope: 9.35∘ [16.47%]

Figure 13: Sporadic plucked hollows near Oijarvi. The shapes are rectangular. The maximum height of the quite steep (slope, e.g., 9,35∘, theprofile height is strongly exaggerated) edge is in profile 3,3m (Map sheet S4323H, © National Land Survey).

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Figure 14: Sporadic plucked hollows from western Finland’s coastalregion, Voyri. There are many minor pits in drumlins and somebigger probably glaciotectonic subglacial excavations of which oneis marked with a white arrow (© National Land Survey).

with wider round proximal endings. Dimensions can varysignificantly. The shapes can also be stacked and overlapped.Representative quarries’ heads have a diameter of about 30mand an edge length of about 500m. Often the detectablemaximum length andwidth are in the order of 50–200m.Thedepth of the shape is often 1–3m and can be even 5m at theproximal end. The sides of the fan-like hollows are slightlycurved but roughly quite straight lines.Their steepness variesslightly and in some places, they tend to rise to the low ridge.In Figures 10 and 11 can be seen photos of local terrain and tillexposures in Kaivanto.

The edges of fan-like hollows are as a general rule obliquein relation to the flow direction in which they are formed.Plucked edges of fragments can also be more straight andthen often transverse in relation to the flow direction. Tightlyspaced fan-like fragment lines produce diamond patternedmoraine surfaces (Figure 12). In some places, faults producerectangular grid patterns. It can happen because transversefaults are interleaved with fan-like faults. The faults in thebedrock can also be evolved and confused with morainicfeatures.

3.4. Sporadic Plucked Hollows. The quarried lee side is likelythe most common special case of plucked blocks of morainestratum, which the glacier has overridden. There are alsoplucked hollows in sporadic places of landforms. These areoften smaller in size. The shape of these features varies,but they are typically surprisingly angular. For instancenear Oijarvi can be seen quite rectangular hollows in DEM(Figure 13). In Figure 14 can be seen many capture hollows indrumlins. In some areas, there are plenty of glaciotectonicallyplucked hollows in glaciodynamic landscape and in otherareas the original smooth shape has preserved.

Figure 15:Morphologically defined glaciotectonic (GT) hummockymoraine with fan-like hollows in low longitudinal bedrock depres-sion between smooth drumlin (DR) fields. Venetmaki, Pieksamaki.One fan-like fragment with ice flow direction marked. Fragmentaryhummocks and fan edges are about 2–15m high varying the size andshape significantly. Steepness of the slope may be, for example, 22∘.The valley with irregular surface features lies about 20–30m lowerin level than drumlin terrain. (Map sheets N4433C, E; © NationalLand Survey).

3.5. Deformational or Glaciotectonic Mound or Ridge. Log-ically, the group responsible for this form of a sort ofhill-hole pair hill parts without the clear original hollows.Single hill part is difficult to recognize, but also wholeplucking and glaciotectonism related fields of mounds orridges could be generated in a similar manner. Mainlyglaciotectonic hummocky (ribbed) moraine, shear moraine,thrust moraine, push moraine, and end moraine might comeinto question (cf. [12]). There are in Figure 15 deformationalhummockymoraines, figuratively speaking e.q. tilemoraines.The distinctive feature would refer to the secondary erosioncharacteristics: many kinds of plucked edges of moraine.Jigsaw type of ribbed moraine is one presentable example ofat least partly fragmented moraines [30]. There are also cluesabout glaciotectonic submarginal moraines (Figure 16). Themajor marginal moraines at Salpausselka line could at somesupra-aquatic or low water areas also have ice-thrust featuresas judged by stricter climate at the YoungerDryas, when therewere favorable conditions for the preservation of proglacialpermafrost (Figure 7, cf. [37–39]). In Figure 17 there occursa landform assemblage, which can be used to interpretpartly the age order of different formations. The age orderfrom older to younger could be big drumlins, glaciotectonichummocky moraine, esker, and flutes, although the last threeare all quite late and almost coeval deglacial formations.

3.6. Distribution and Genesis. The purpose of this study wasnot to map and explain exactly the distribution of glacialdeformation related or glaciotectonic features in Finland, but

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0 125 250 375 500

From Pos: 402644.196, 7076669.700 To Pos: 402715.611, 7076446.712





50 100 150 200 234

Figure 16: Probably glaciotectonic submarginal moraines in Nivala near the old mine of Makola (© National Land Survey).

some general outlines can be drawn about that, too. Firstly itseems that deformational features are abundant in the sameareas, where there occur plenty of ribbed moraines: Poriregion, southern Lapland, and Central Ostrobothnia. For thelast two areas, the explanation could be that they situated nearthe ice divide during the Last Glacial Maximum. The base ofthe glacier could be frozen until the deglaciation time, whenthe warm inner marginal zone moved inward to the placeand the jigsaw ribbed moraines fragmented at the thermaland dynamic transition zone, when the glacier base began toslide there [30]. Pori region and some other southern ribbedmoraines and glaciotectonic features having areas were notso centrally situated in relation to the ice divide and therecould be at times cold zones nearer to the retreating margin.The effect of glaciotectonic deformation can be seen notablyfor instance on the following hummocky moraine fields ofFinland ([22], Figures 11 and 29) and on their surroundings:(1) Pori-Ahlainen, (2) Kalvola-Renko, (3) Lammi-Padasjoki,(4) Loviisa-Kotka (5) Mantyharju, (6) Vaasa-Maksamaa, (7)Kalvia-Kivijarvi, (8) Kalajoki-Pihtipudas, (10) Toivakka, (11)Etela-Savo, (12) Leppavirta, (16) Kajaani-Outokumpu, (19)Oulu, (20) Puolanka-Vaala, (21) Kuhmo, (23) Sihtuuna, (24)Ranua, and (25) Kemijarvi. Location numbers (original fieldnumbers) refer to Figure 18. Of course, there are glaciotec-tonic features also outside those hummocky moraine fields.

Within main ice lobes or streams like in Lake Finland,Savonia, North Karelia, and Kainuu the glaciated terrain

is often divided into smooth looking drumlin highlandsand into radial rough erosional lowland zones, where theerosion has happened firstly by glaciotectonism and pluckingand then by glaciofluvial streams (Figure 19). The elevationdifference between smooth and rough zones is related to thelocal relief, but it is typically about 5–50m. So differentiationcan happen between almost level areas. Eskers and differentkinds of hummocky moraines are equally situated often inthe same zones. In eastern Finland’s hilly landscape thereare in some areas glaciotectonic or plucking related lookinghummocky moraines at the lee side slopes. In valleys canoccur other hummocky moraine types too.

Glaciotectonic and plucking features are probably con-nected to the warm/cold and cold/warm transition zonesat the glacier base like cold interior parts of the ice sheet,frozen bed patches or sticky spots between ice streams and attheir onset areas, and at possible cold margins (e.g., [20, 40–43]). The exact nature of longitudinal rough zones betweensmooth drumlin swarms is still quite unclear. Maybe theyare just zones, where there was slower ice motion, moreglaciofluvial drainage and temporary freezing and plucking,and postglacial drainage. All that mostly because of thethermal and dynamic regime of the retreating ice sheet.

Subglacial moraine block erosion can occur extensively(1) during the same polythermal flow stage, (2) related tothe retreating and proceeding in different flow stages orglaciations, and (3) during minor oscillations of the margin.

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Figure 17: In the DEM extract from eastern Finland, Nurmes,nearly mega scale glacial lineations can be seen, big drumlins (DR),by the look of it glaciotectonic hummocky moraine (GT), esker(H), and flutes (FL). There are in eastern Finland in supra-aquaticareas around remarkable eskers and glaciofluvial gorges this kind ofsmall fluting fields with low profile (e.g., 1-2m high) and cross-flowdirection with respect to the main flow direction, towards the eskerchains. Instead of drumlins, the formation of all these landformsmust be a late phenomenon and partly simultaneous. It seems thatflutes were born on the last of these landforms under moving ice atthe same time when there was a strong glaciofluvial activity whichaccelerated locally the ablation rate and enabled the flow of icetowards the esker chain (© National Land Survey).

0 100(km)

1 : 6 475 904

Figure 18: Glaciotectonic features occur noticeably in these hum-mocky moraine fields with original field numbers. The fields arepresented as modified after Makinen et al. [22]. Subglacial thrustfeatures are quite widely spread in Finland.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


Figure 19: Within main ice lobes or streams the glaciated terrainis often divided into smooth looking, abrasive drumlin highlandsand into rough erosional lowland zones, where the erosion has hap-pened firstly by glaciotectonism and plucking. Elevation differencesbetween high and low zones are quite small, at most cases 5–50m.GT = glaciotectonic zone. DR = drumlin field. Pieksamaki, southernSavonia (Map sheet N4344F, H; © National Land Survey).

Presumably, there were zones at the base of the glacier,where cold and warm conditions alternated at intervals,which resulted in favorable conditions for plucking andthe formation of a fragmented topography of glaciotectonicdeformation. Perhaps this happened in some areas simply sothat the inner cold/warm transition zone shifted graduallytowards the ice divide [29, 40]. Then rough radial zonescan represent areas, which for a long time were cold andthen at intervals warm. But more probably some cold zonesdeveloped for a time in certain places also nearer ice-marginsat a fairly late stage. A cold margin is one solution to thesequestions, but the climate should be too warm and waterdepth too much for that in many times and in many areas(cf. [19, 20]). Glaciotectonic deformation seems quite a latephenomenon in most places because it has there deformeddeglacial landforms, but, in some other areas, it can also beolder phenomenon. In order to solve these problems in aconvincing manner, a lot more research is required and thesequestions are partly beyond the purpose of this study.

4. Conclusions

After a visual survey of the digital elevation model it can bestated that the features of secondary glacial deformation andglaciotectonism are surprisingly widespread in the morainiclandscapes of Finland. These features can be classified asdeformational or glaciotectonic, because they are formed bypartial deformation of the landforms in the past already bornand because the deforming agent was moving glacier [6].Five types of mostly erosional glaciotectonic landforms wererecognized: (1) plucked lee side, (2) hill-hole pair, (3) fan-like and transverse edges of plucked depressions, (4) sporadic

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plucked hollows, and (5) deformational or glaciotectonicmound or ridge. This classification is purely morphologicaland there is no demand for 25% portion of glaciotectonisedmaterial (cf. [7]). These are slightly different, presumablymostly subglacial, erosional, and much smaller landformsthan those in general ice-marginal glaciotectonic landforms,which have presented mainly for more terminal areas of theformer ice sheets: hill-hole pairs, composite ridges, megablocks, push moraines, and cupola hills [4].

There are in literature quite few observations of nowrecognized landforms, specially what is considered erosionalfeatures.Mainly some lee side scarps, hill-hole pairs,marginalmoraines, and ribbed moraines are mentioned, which canbe considered some category of deformational and glacio-tectonic features presented in this study. Finland is locatedin the central areas of glaciations, where there is virtuallyno thought to occur notable glaciotectonic effect [17]. Lidar-based interpretation ofmorainic landforms reveals that blockplucking or glaciotectonism of moraines must be quite inten-sive and widespread producing in many areas fragmentedmorainic topography. The abundance of deglacial blockplucking and thrusting related and glaciotectonic featuresproves that the base of the receding ice sheet was not all overthe entire time at the pressure melting point.

Competing Interests

The author declares that there are no competing interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


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