Research and Planning


Transcript of Research and Planning

Page 1: Research and Planning
Page 2: Research and Planning

My research into genre was very helpful for our production because it helped us to research and see for ourselves

the different and most common generic conventions that made a thriller film opening, a thriller film opening. This

then allowed us as a group to consider which conventions we wanted to use in our coursework to keep familiarity

within our work as well as adapt and change some conventions in order to keep our audience interested and make

our piece unique. Similarly, my research into audience was integral to our production as it gave us an idea of what

audiences were interested in through the use of audience feedback and what they wanted to see. This insight into

audience demand helped us construct our work because we knew we would be creating a film opening that viewers

wanted to see.

Our pre-production planning techniques consisted of firstly, scripting to give us an idea of how our narrative was

structured. This was followed by storyboarding which was very useful because it gave us our first visual;

representation of what our final piece might look like. In addition, it helped us sort out the sequencing of our work

because we were able to see how it would affect the overall piece if we moved certain scenes or shots. After, this

we created an animatic which gave us a better idea of timing and transitions and then finally, we created a shot-list

that we could use on location when filming to ensure we captured everything we needed and lowered the chances

of needing to re-shoot everything.

I would personally, say our planning was very effective because we thought about most aspects of our work before

filming and editing began. The most important things were the storyboard which helped us visualise our final piece

as well as the shot- list which was extremely helpful during the production process. This was because we were able

to film in a chronological order and not miss anything out. When editing we were also able to turn to our storyboard

to see how we should piece our work together.