Research and Documentation (97)

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  • 7/30/2019 Research and Documentation (97)


    Dr. Mary Ransdell, Fall 2010

  • 7/30/2019 Research and Documentation (97)


    There is a valid reason you are asked to completea research paper for a course. This opens youreyes to research literature in your field to whichyou should become acquainted.

    Unsupported claims present your work in a very

    bad light. Research papers require you toprovide credible sources that support yourbeliefs, thoughts and even your opinions.

    You may have a valid opinion or think that whatyou believe is also a well-known fact or widely

    held opinion. However, this may not be so. If it is your opinion, say, In my opinion, and

    severely limit this in your paper.

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    Unless you have a terminal degree(i.e., EdD or PhD), you must cite asource offering support for each of

    your claims. Dont even think aboutnot doing this!

    Do not assume you know what you are

    talking about. You know what is saidabout the word ASSUME.

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    Teachers in todays classrooms have to besubstitute parents to their students because manychildren come to school without having a strongconsistent influence at home. Todays children needhelp with academics, social skills, and evenhygiene. It isnt just the children in schools in poorneighborhoods, but children in the betterneighborhoods as well.

    Teachers must find time to provide reading

    and mathematics help for students in theirclassrooms. Children from homes in strivingschools do not have someone at home to read tothem.

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    Note subject and verb agreement in a sentence Note correct use of the apostrophe

    Note correct forms of singular and plural nouns

    Note passive voice vs. active voice (I prefer active)

    See APA guidelines (OWL: Purdue Online WritingLab) for these and other instructions such as: Abstracts and title pages Formatting (indenting paragraphs, single space after a

    sentence, and quotations of 40 words, pagination) Levels of headings and running heads Punctuation and capitalization (in the documents text,

    for references, for titles, and citations within the text)

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    In order to teach character education themes andskills, many middle school teachers use classicalliterature (Edgington, 2002; Santoli & Wagner,2004) with their students believing that theclassics present the themes considered pillars ofour society (e.g., forgiveness, honor, truth, trust).

    A students listening comprehension level is atleast two grade levels above his/her instructionalor reading comprehension level (Biemiller, 2003;

    Perkins, Powell, & Key, 2006). Nationally, the pass rate for first time candidates

    is 39% (Judy Volpe, personal email).

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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  • 7/30/2019 Research and Documentation (97)


    Ransdell (2005, p. 4) states.Some students view cooperative learning with a dose of skepticism. This is often fromhigher-achieving college students or thosewith type-A personalities who expressdiscomfort with group work if they rememberbad experiences with such activities in a P-12classroom.

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    Use et al. only when citing a source with threeto five authors and ONLY after listing all ofthe authors the first time in the text.

    Few college professors have any training in lecturemethodology (Brinkley, Dessants, Flamm, Fleming,Forcey, & Rothchild, 1999).... Brinkley et al. (1999)claim that many college professors teach using the

    same methodology as that with which they weretaught.

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    Journal articles (if the title of the journalcontains the word Journal in it.

    Books published by professionalorganizations such as the InternationalReading Council, the National Council ofTeachers of Mathematics, or the Associationfor Childhood Education International.

    Websites that are clearly linked to theprofessional organizations or a printedJournal.

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    Lesson plan websites (if planning a lesson, you canuse these to glean the germ of an idea, but site them)

    Websites dedicated to providing quick tips,definitions, or information for teachers

    Wikipedia or other online sites where anyone canmodify the text

    Short articles of less than 5 pages and no citationsfrom others especially those touting a particularproduct or technique

    Websites providing only the abstract of an articlego to the whole article

    Short pamphlets either printed or online

    Conversations with your mentor or a colleague

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.

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    Berry, B. (2002). What it means to be a highly qualified teacher.Southeast Center for Teaching Quality. Retrieved from

    Biemiller, A. (2003). Oral comprehension sets the ceiling on

    reading comprehension. American Educator(Spring).Retrieved from

    Brinkley, A., Dessants, B., Flamm, M., Fleming, C., Forcey, C., &Rothchild, E. (1999). The Chicago handbook for teachers: A

    practical guide to the college classroom. Chicago, IL: TheUniversity of Chicago Press.

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.
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    Edgington, W. D. (2002). To promote character education,use literature for children and adolescents. The SocialStudies 93(3), 113-116.

    Perkins, J. H., Powell, A., & Key, S. (2006). The power ofvocabulary knowledge: Social studies, science andmathematics. Tennessee's Children, 1(1), 25-30.

    Ransdell, M. (2005). The lure of lectures vs. the call ofcooperative learning in college classrooms. Essays inEducation 14(Summer). Retrieved from

    Santoli, S. P., & Wagner, M. E. (2004). Promoting young adultliterature: The other real literature. American

    Secondary Education, 33(1), 65-75.Volpe, J. (November 19, 2005). Personal email

    communication. (NOTE: Judy Volpe was at the TN Officefor NBPTS, and was a credible source for that article.)

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.
  • 7/30/2019 Research and Documentation (97)


    The best place to go is noted below. You cansearch quickly and easily for the informationneeded.

    OWL: Purdue Online Writing Lab found at

    *APA requires DOUBLE SPACING, but PPT won't do this.