research analysis

My research shows that most of the people who answered my survey, are in my audience target range. This shows that my results are quite reliable for me to use.

Transcript of research analysis

My research shows that most of the people who answered my survey, are in my audience target range. This shows that my results are quite reliable for me to use.

My research shows that most of the people who answered my survey are female. This means my results are going to be more accurate as my magazine is aimed at females only.

This shows that most of my results are going to be invalid as I need results from people who read music magazines as that’s what type of magazine I am making.

My research shows me that people prefer to read dance magazines. However, since only two people replied yes to the last question, it means only two people replied to this question it means that there isn't a big enough sample to use the results.

My research shows me that the majority of the people who answered my survey will buy a magazine if it is between £2-£4. this means that when I put a price on my magazine, it will be worth between this value.

My research shows me that people would like to see a variety of different artists inside my magazine. However, the type of magazine I am doing is a pop magazine, so most of these options will not be included.

My research shows me that more people would read a magazine if they seen a magazine with more sophisticated colours on such as black and red, more than they would if the colour scheme was a different colour. However, because of my target audience I will have to use more ‘childish’ colours.

My research shows that if a free gift was included in my magazine, then more people will buy it. This is good as for my magazine, I will be including a free gift.