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this presentation is analysis school or colege magazine covers and contect pages.

Transcript of Research

Page 1: Research


Page 2: Research

The main image is of a school girl which is aimed at the target audience because she is the target audience. This is a medium close up so it focusing on her face expression. It’s showing how she is happy to be at school.

The Masthead is conventional to the magazine so that people will know what the magazine is called. Also the masthead is no covered by anything because its not well known so who ever made the magazine will want everybody to know the name of it.

The splash isn’t the best because it doesn’t stand out from the rest of the page, which is really bad because you want the splash to catch your eye but this one it doesn’t look like there is a main headline.

The sub pictures are there to show the readers of the magazine what other students are like in their school life.The logo is there so the readers know

what school the magazine is from.

Page 3: Research

The main image is of a school girl which is aimed at the target audience because she is the target audience. This is a medium close up so it focusing on her face expression. It’s showing how she is happy to be at school.

The Masthead is conventional to the magazine so that people will know what the magazine is called. Also the masthead is no covered by anything because its not well known so who ever made the magazine will want everybody to know the name of it.

What is wrong about this magazine cover is that does not have a splash and without a splash people are less likely to be attracted to this magazine.

The sub pictures are there to show the readers of the magazine what other students are like in their school life Also it give and inside to what the students do in there time there.

The columns on the side of the left hand page is the sub heading which keeps the readers interested. Also it makes the page more organised which makes people more interested in reading it.

Page 4: Research

The main image on the page is of a student close up view, smiling which makes you think that they have a good time at the college. Also the image gives a outline of how the page

should be displayed.

The Masthead is conventional to the Contect page so that people will know what the magazine is called. Also the masthead is no covered by anything because its not well known so who ever made the magazine will want everybody to know the name of it.

The columns on the side of the right hand page is the sub heading which keeps the readers interested. Also it makes the page more organised which makes people more interested in reading it. It also shows you what is in the Magazine has got inside for the reader to read.

Page 5: Research

The logo is there so the readers know what school the magazine is from.

The sub pictures are there to show the readers of the magazine what other students are like in their school life Also it give and inside to what the students do in there time there.

The columns on the side of the left hand page is the sub heading which keeps the readers interested. Also it makes the page more organised which makes people more interested in reading it. It also shows you what is in the Magazine has got inside for the reader to read. Also because it is on the left hand it is now unconventional.

The Masthead is conventional to the magazine so that people what page they are on. Also the masthead is no covered by anything because its not well known so who ever made the magazine will want everybody to know what age there on also its conventional to the magazine.