Rescue of a Dominant Mutant With RNA Interference › content › genetics › 186 › 4 ›...

Copyright Ó 2010 by the Genetics Society of America DOI: 10.1534/genetics.110.123471 Note Rescue of a Dominant Mutant With RNA Interference Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing 1 Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Manuscript received September 22, 2010 Accepted for publication September 24, 2010 ABSTRACT Maize Mucronate1 is a dominant floury mutant based on a misfolded 16-kDa g-zein protein. To prove its function, we applied RNA interference (RNAi) as a dominant suppressor of the mutant seed phenotype. A g-zein RNAi transgene was able to rescue the mutation and restore normal seed phenotype. RNA interference prevents gene expression. In most cases, this is used to study gene function by creating a new phenotype. Here, we use it for the opposite purpose. We use it to reverse the creation of a mutant phenotype by restoring the normal phenotype. In the case of the maize Mucronate1 (Mc1) phenotype, interaction of a misfolded protein with other proteins is believed to be the basis for the Mc1 phenotype. If no misfolded protein is present, we can reverse the mutant to the normal phenotype. One can envision using this approach to study complex traits and in gene therapy. T RANSLUCENT or vitreous maize kernels are harder and able to sustain stronger mechanical strength during harvesting, transportation, and stor- age. There is a direct link between a vitreous seed phenotype and the type of storage proteins in the seed, collectively called zeins in maize. Zeins, encoded by a multigene family, constitute .60% of all maize seed proteins. They are classified into four groups (a-, b-, g-, and d-zein) on the basis of their structures (Esen 1987). Zeins are specifically synthesized in the endosperm 10 days after pollination (DAP) and deposited into protein bodies (Wolf et al. 1967; Burr and Burr 1976; Lending and Larkins 1992). Irregularly shaped pro- tein bodies are found in floury or opaque kernel phenotypes (Coleman et al. 1997; Kim et al. 2004, 2006; Wu et al. 2010; Wu and Messing 2010). The terms ‘‘floury’’ and ‘‘opaque’’ were originally created on the basis of the genetic behaviors of the mutant allele causing the soft kernel texture. The floury mutants behave as semidominant or dominant mutants, as floury1 and floury2 do, while the opaque mutants are recessive, as opaque1 and opaque2 are (Hayes and East 1915; Lindstrom 1923; Emerson et al. 1935; Maize Genetics Cooperation 1939). Similar to floury2 with a single mutation in the signal peptide of a 22-kDa a-zein resulting in an unprocessed protein (Coleman et al. 1995), De *-B30 produces an unprocessed 19-kDa a-zein (Kim et al. 2004). It was hypothesized that the two mutant proteins with an unprocessed signal peptide are misfolded and docked in the membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), blocking the deposition of other zein proteins (Coleman et al. 1995; Kim et al. 2004). In Mucronate1 (Mc1), a 38-bp deletion in the C terminus of the 16-kDa g-zein (g16-zein) gene resulted in a frameshift and a protein with a different amino- acid tail. This modified 16-kDa g-zein (Dg16-zein) has altered solubility properties, which would explain the formation of irregular protein bodies. Because De *-B30 and Mc1 are semidominant and dominant, respectively, they belong to the floury mutant class. The g-zein genes (g27-zein and g16-zein) are homol- ogous copies because maize underwent allotetraploid- ization and both gene copies have been retained during diploidization (Xu and Messing 2008). The two g-zeins and the 15-kDa b-zein have a redundant function in stabilizing protein-body formation (Wu and Messing 2010). Knockdown of both g-zeins with a single RNA interference (RNAi) construct conditioned only partial opacity in the crown, the top of the kernel, as opposed to the remainder or gown area of the kernel. Consistent with its light kernel phenotype, protein bodies in such a g-zein RNAi (gRNAi) mutant exhibited a slight alter- ation in morphology. This phenotype is clearly distin- guishable from the Mc1 phenotype, which is far more severe. Therefore, if Mc1 is caused by a misfolded chimeric 16-kDa g-zein, preventing its expression should restore normal kernel phenotype. Indeed, a Available freely online through the author-supported open access option. 1 Corresponding author: Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, 190 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854. E-mail: [email protected] Genetics 186: 1493–1496 (December 2010)

Transcript of Rescue of a Dominant Mutant With RNA Interference › content › genetics › 186 › 4 ›...

  • Copyright � 2010 by the Genetics Society of AmericaDOI: 10.1534/genetics.110.123471


    Rescue of a Dominant Mutant With RNA Interference

    Yongrui Wu and Joachim Messing1

    Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854

    Manuscript received September 22, 2010Accepted for publication September 24, 2010


    Maize Mucronate1 is a dominant floury mutant based on a misfolded 16-kDa g-zein protein. To prove itsfunction, we applied RNA interference (RNAi) as a dominant suppressor of the mutant seed phenotype.A g-zein RNAi transgene was able to rescue the mutation and restore normal seed phenotype. RNAinterference prevents gene expression. In most cases, this is used to study gene function by creating a newphenotype. Here, we use it for the opposite purpose. We use it to reverse the creation of a mutantphenotype by restoring the normal phenotype. In the case of the maize Mucronate1 (Mc1) phenotype,interaction of a misfolded protein with other proteins is believed to be the basis for the Mc1 phenotype. Ifno misfolded protein is present, we can reverse the mutant to the normal phenotype. One can envisionusing this approach to study complex traits and in gene therapy.

    TRANSLUCENT or vitreous maize kernels areharder and able to sustain stronger mechanicalstrength during harvesting, transportation, and stor-age. There is a direct link between a vitreous seedphenotype and the type of storage proteins in the seed,collectively called zeins in maize. Zeins, encoded by amultigene family, constitute .60% of all maize seedproteins. They are classified into four groups (a-, b-, g-,and d-zein) on the basis of their structures (Esen 1987).Zeins are specifically synthesized in the endosperm�10days after pollination (DAP) and deposited into proteinbodies (Wolf et al. 1967; Burr and Burr 1976;Lending and Larkins 1992). Irregularly shaped pro-tein bodies are found in floury or opaque kernelphenotypes (Coleman et al. 1997; Kim et al. 2004,2006; Wu et al. 2010; Wu and Messing 2010). The terms‘‘floury’’ and ‘‘opaque’’ were originally created on thebasis of the genetic behaviors of the mutant allelecausing the soft kernel texture. The floury mutantsbehave as semidominant or dominant mutants, asfloury1 and floury2 do, while the opaque mutants arerecessive, as opaque1 and opaque2 are (Hayes and East1915; Lindstrom 1923; Emerson et al. 1935; MaizeGenetics Cooperation 1939). Similar to floury2 witha single mutation in the signal peptide of a 22-kDaa-zein resulting in an unprocessed protein (Coleman

    et al. 1995), De*-B30 produces an unprocessed 19-kDaa-zein (Kim et al. 2004). It was hypothesized that the twomutant proteins with an unprocessed signal peptide aremisfolded and docked in the membranes of the roughendoplasmic reticulum (RER), blocking the depositionof other zein proteins (Coleman et al. 1995; Kim et al.2004). In Mucronate1 (Mc1), a 38-bp deletion in the Cterminus of the 16-kDa g-zein (g16-zein) gene resultedin a frameshift and a protein with a different amino-acid tail. This modified 16-kDa g-zein (Dg16-zein) hasaltered solubility properties, which would explain theformation of irregular protein bodies. Because De*-B30and Mc1 are semidominant and dominant, respectively,they belong to the floury mutant class.

    The g-zein genes (g27-zein and g16-zein) are homol-ogous copies because maize underwent allotetraploid-ization and both gene copies have been retained duringdiploidization (Xu and Messing 2008). The two g-zeinsand the 15-kDa b-zein have a redundant function instabilizing protein-body formation (Wu and Messing2010). Knockdown of both g-zeins with a single RNAinterference (RNAi) construct conditioned only partialopacity in the crown, the top of the kernel, as opposed tothe remainder or gown area of the kernel. Consistentwith its light kernel phenotype, protein bodies in such ag-zein RNAi (gRNAi) mutant exhibited a slight alter-ation in morphology. This phenotype is clearly distin-guishable from the Mc1 phenotype, which is far moresevere. Therefore, if Mc1 is caused by a misfoldedchimeric 16-kDa g-zein, preventing its expressionshould restore normal kernel phenotype. Indeed, a

    Available freely online through the author-supported open accessoption.

    1Corresponding author: Waksman Institute of Microbiology, RutgersUniversity, 190 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854.E-mail: [email protected]

    Genetics 186: 1493–1496 (December 2010)

  • simple cross of Mc1 with a maize line carrying the gRNAitransgene produced a non-floury phenotype, providingan example of RNAi as a dominant suppressor of adominant phenotype and as a general tool in markerrescue.

    Analysis of the progeny from the cross of Mc1 andgRNAi mutants: Mc1 seeds (Stock ID U840I) wererequested from the Maize Genetics Cooperation StockCenter. The gRNAi transgenic lines have been reportedin previous work (Wu et al. 2010; Wu and Messing2010). Twelve progeny kernels from the cross of the Mc1mutant [homozygous for the dominant-negative mu-tant 16-kDa g-zein alleles (Dg16/Dg16) and heterozy-gous for the gRNAi line (gRNAi/1)] were dissected at18 DAP for segregation and mRNA accumulationanalyses. For each kernel, the embryo and endospermwere separated for DNA and RNA extraction, respec-tively. As shown in Figure 1A, five and seven kernels werepositive and negative for the amplification of the gRNAigene with a specific primer set, exemplifying a 1:1segregation of the gRNAi gene.

    Due to the 38-bp deletion in the C terminus of thecoding region, the Dg16 allele is shorter than the

    normal one (Figure 1B). Therefore, most of Dg16-zeinwas in the non-zein fraction. In progeny endosperms ofanother 20 kernels from the same cross described abovesegregating for the gRNAi gene, two types of g16-zeinswere synthesized: the normal g16-zein in the ethanol-soluble zein fraction and the Dg16-zein in the non-zeinfraction. In progeny inheriting the gRNAi gene, theg27- and g16-zeins were reduced to nondetectable levels(Figure 1C). Although the Dg16-zein is not in the ethanol-soluble zein fraction, the level of normal g16-zein is a goodindicator of the accumulation of the Dg16-zein.

    Rescue of protein-body morphologies in the Mc1mutant: Regular protein bodies are round with distinctmembrane boundaries (Figure 2A) and 1–2 mm indiameter at maturity. In homozygous and heterozygousMc1 mutants (Dg16/Dg16 and Dg16/1), protein bodieswere irregularly shaped, some without discrete bound-aries (Figure 2, C and D), which is quite different fromthe absence of normal g27- or g16-zeins in maize en-dosperm (Figure 2B). Indeed, protein bodies of the Mc1mutant, blocked in the accumulation of Dg16-zein,showed morphologies with no discernible differencefrom those in the gRNAi/1 line (Figure 2, B and E).

    Figure 1.—Segregation analysis of the accu-mulations of mRNAs and proteins from thecross of the Mc1 mutant and the gRNAi lineby RT–PCR and SDS–PAGE. (A) gRNAi genesegregation from progeny (Dg16/Dg16 xgRNAi/1) by PCR amplification with a specificprimer set (GFPF, ACAACCACTACCTGAGCAC and T35SHindIII, ATTAAGCTTTGCAGGTCACTGGATTTTGG). Kernels 3, 8, 9, 10,and 12 are positive for the gRNAi gene andthe rest of them are negative. M, DNA markersfrom top to bottom band are 3, 2, 1.5, 1.4, and 1kb. (B) RT–PCR analysis of mRNA accumula-tion from the normal g16 and mutant Dg16 al-leles in the endosperms with the genotypescorresponding to the embryos analyzed above.Total RNA was extracted by using TRIzol re-agent (Invitrogen). Two micrograms of RNAwasdigestedwithDNaseI(Invitrogen)andthenreverse-transcribed. Twenty-five nanograms ofcDNA from each of the twelve endospermswas applied for PCR (25 cycles of 30 sec, 94�C; 30 sec, 58 �C; and 1 min, 72 �C). A specificprimer set (g16F, ATGAAGGTGCTGATCGTTGC and g16R, TCAGTAGTAGACACCGCCG) was designed for amplification of thefull-length g16-zein coding sequence (552 bp).The lower band (514 bp) from the mutantDg16 allele is 38 bp shorter than that from

    the normal allele (552 bp). Kernels 3, 8, 9, 10, and 12 with the gRNAi gene accumulated significantly less mRNA compared to thosewithout the gRNAi gene (kernels 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11). BA, hybrid of B 3A lines. M, DNA markers from top to bottom are 1 kb, 750 bp,and 500 bp. (C) Profile of zein accumulations of 20 kernels from the progeny as described in the text. The zein extraction method hasbeen described elsewhere (Wu et al. 2009). The Dg16-zein from Mc1 was not extracted by traditional total-zein extraction protocol(70% ethanol and 2% 2-mercaptoethanol). The g27- and g16-zeins were knocked down to a nondetectable level in kernels 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,10, 12, 13, 16, and 20. In gRNAi-gene segregating progeny (kernels 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 19), the g16-zein from the nor-mal g16 allele is marked by arrowheads. Protein loaded in each lane was equal to 500 mg fresh endosperm at 18 DAP. The size for eachband is indicated by the numbers in the ‘‘kDa’’ columns. BA, hybrid of B 3A lines; 1–20, kernels from the progeny described above; M,protein markers from top to bottom are 50, 25, 20, and 15 kDa.

    1494 Y. Wu and J. Messing

  • Recovery of floury phenotype in progeny: On thebasis of these observations, it is reasoned that irregularlyshaped protein bodies (Figure 2, C and D) in the Mc1mutant cause the floury phenotype (Figure 3, A and B).

    Because knockdown of g-zeins caused opacity only inthe crown area (Figure 3C), one could envision thatonce the irregular protein bodies are restored, thekernel would become vitreous in the gown area of the

    Figure 2.—Transmission electron mi-crographs of protein bodies. The methodhas been described elsewhere (Wu andMessing 2010). (A) Nontransgenic BA.(B) gRNAi transgenic line (gRNAi/1).(C) Mc1 (Dg16/Dg16). (D) Cross of Mc1mutant and nontransgenic hybrid of B 3A lines (Dg16/1). (E) Cross of Mc1 mutant(Dg16/Dg16) and heterologous gRNAitransgenic line (gRNAi/1). PB, proteinbody; RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum;CW, cell wall; Mt, mitochondria; SG, starchgranule. Bars, 500 nm.

    Figure 3.—Segregation of vit-reous and floury kernels from aprogeny ear. (A) Mc1 mutant withDg16/Dg16 genotype. (B) Thecross of the Mc1 mutant and thenontransgenic hybrid of B 3 Alines, showing floury phenotypeas in A. (C) gRNAi transgenic linewith partial opacity only in thecrown area. (D) The cross ofthe Mc1 mutant (Dg16/Dg16)and the heterologous gRNAitransgenic line (gRNAi/1), show-ing a 1:1 ratio of vitreous andfloury kernels. A row in the earis marked with arrowheads andcrosses to indicate vitreous andfloury gowns of kernels. (E) Crossof the Mc1 mutant (Dg16/Dg16)and the gRNAi homozygoustransgenic line (gRNAi/gRNAi),showing all vitreous kernels. (F)Truncated kernel phenotype.(Top) Mc1, cross of Mc1 3 BA,and gRNAi transgenic line. (Bot-tom) Three vitreous and flourykernels from D.

    Note 1495

  • kernel. Indeed, the progeny ear from the cross of Dg16/Dg16 and gRNAi/1 showed a 1:1 ratio of floury andvitreous kernels (Figure 3, D and F), and all kernels werevitreous when the Mc1 mutant was pollinated by ahomozygous gRNAi line (Figure 3E).

    Conclusions: RNAi can be used to rescue mutationsthat are dominant negative with a single cross, providinga useful tool in genetic analysis, plant breeding, andpotentially in gene therapy in general.

    The research described in this manuscript was supported by theSelman A. Waksman Chair in Molecular Genetics at Rutgers University.


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    Communicating editor: J. A. Birchler

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