Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in...

Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions -Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture -make flashcards

Transcript of Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in...

Page 1: Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture.

Requirements:- Know all definitions- Be able to match definitions-Be able to use vocabulary in context

Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture-make flashcards- study parts of speech / synonyms

Page 2: Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture.

Salinity - sterile solution of sodium chloride

Viscosity - property of a fluid that resists force

Soliloquizing – discourse of one talking to himself

Bouillon - a clear, usually seasoned broth

Proliferate - to increase in number or spread rapidly and excessively

Prodigious - extraordinary in size, amount, force, etc.

Page 3: Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture.

Viviparous - ability to give birth to live young

Largesse - generous bestowal of gifts

Vivacious - Full of animation and spirit; lively

Peritoneum - membrane lining the abdominal cavity

Lupus – skin and connective tissue disease (ulcers)

Enumerated - to mention separately as if in counting; list

Superfluous - unnecessary or needless

Sententiously - given to excessive moralizing

Page 4: Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture.

Aseptically – free from the living germs / disease

Apoplectic – extremely angry; furious

Posthumous – arising, occurring, or continuing after one's death

Curtly – rudely; brief in speech; abrupt

Suffuse – to overspread with as with a liquid

Sibilant – hiss, whistle

Imperative – absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable

Inculcate – cause or influence (someone) to accept an idea or

feeling (through repetition)

Page 5: Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture.

Apertures - A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument

Patronizing - behave in an offensively condescending manner

Maudlin - tearfully or weakly emotional; foolishly sentimental

Discarnate - without a physical body; no form

Evocation - calling forth

Axiomatic – self-evident

Truculently - aggressively hostile; belligerent

Pneumatic - filled with or containing compressed air

Page 6: Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture.

Abject – utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating, or wretched

Decant - to pour (a liquid) from one container to another.

Ruminate – meditate or ponder

Derision - ridicule; mockery: object of ridicule

Atonement - reparation for a wrong or injury; amends

Supine - lying on the back, face or front upward; inactive

Satiety – state of being satiated; surfeit

Precipice - a cliff ; situation of great peril

Page 7: Requirements: - Know all definitions - Be able to match definitions - Be able to use vocabulary in context Study Suggestions: - match each word to a picture.

Magnanimous – generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness; high-minded; noble

Paroxysm –any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion; rage

- Know all definitions- Be able to match definitions- Be able to use vocabulary in context

Study Suggestions: match each word to a picture; make flashcards; study parts of speech / synonyms