REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant...

REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009 To Provide Professional Architectural Services for the design of Fire Station #2 Release of RFQ: Friday, January 31, 2020 Mandatory Site Tour & Meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 11:00 a.m-Noon (EST) Deadline for Submittal: Wednesday, February 26, 2020, by 12:00 pm (EST) Project Contact Debbie L. Manns, City Manager City of New Port Richey 5919 Main Street, New Port Richey, FL 34652 (727) 853-1021 [email protected] Request for Qualifications The City of New Port Richey, Florida, in compliance with the Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), Florida Statute 287.055, is requesting qualifications for Professional Architectural Services for Fire Station Design. Proposals will be accepted until 12:00 p.m., February 26, 2020. (Late or incomplete submittals will not be accepted.) The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is for the City of New Port Richey to receive responses from qualified Professional Architectural Firms for Fire Station design. Submittals will only be considered from those firms demonstrating expertise and design of fire stations and other public safety facilities. The City requires a qualified architect to provide all necessary architectural, mechanical, electrical, civil and structural designs, specifications and drawings required for permitting, bidding, and construction of the subject fire stations. The professional will be required to provide geometric and topographic surveys sufficient for all SWFWMD, Florida DEP and City permits. Services may include, but are not limited to: Conduct surveys—site (boundary), tree (if necessary), topographical, and geotechnical; Prepare conceptual drawings and renderings, including interior and façade; Complete design, including civil, structural, architectural, and mechanical; Site plans depicting locations of all utilities, amenities, setbacks, etc.; Design of all site improvements, including but not limited to, parking and landscaping; Interior design services, space design and programming; Assist with any grant opportunities in which the City pursues with regards to the project; Establish project schedules (time frames); Participate in any required public hearings, and internal review of plans; Prepare cost estimates and preliminary construction schedule estimates;

Transcript of REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant...

Page 1: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves


To Provide Professional Architectural Services for the design of

Fire Station #2

Release of RFQ: Friday, January 31, 2020

Mandatory Site Tour & Meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 11:00 a.m-Noon (EST)

Deadline for Submittal: Wednesday, February 26, 2020, by 12:00 pm (EST)

Project Contact Debbie L. Manns, City Manager City of New Port Richey 5919 Main Street, New Port Richey, FL 34652 (727) 853-1021 [email protected]

Request for Qualifications The City of New Port Richey, Florida, in compliance with the Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), Florida Statute 287.055, is requesting qualifications for Professional Architectural Services for Fire Station Design. Proposals will be accepted until 12:00 p.m., February 26, 2020. (Late or incomplete submittals will not be accepted.)

The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is for the City of New Port Richey to receive responses from qualified Professional Architectural Firms for Fire Station design. Submittals will only be considered from those firms demonstrating expertise and design of fire stations and other public safety facilities. The City requires a qualified architect to provide all necessary architectural, mechanical, electrical, civil and structural designs, specifications and drawings required for permitting, bidding, and construction of the subject fire stations. The professional will be required to provide geometric and topographic surveys sufficient for all SWFWMD, Florida DEP and City permits. Services may include, but are not limited to:

Conduct surveys—site (boundary), tree (if necessary), topographical, and geotechnical;

Prepare conceptual drawings and renderings, including interior and façade;

Complete design, including civil, structural, architectural, and mechanical;

Site plans depicting locations of all utilities, amenities, setbacks, etc.;

Design of all site improvements, including but not limited to, parking and landscaping;

Interior design services, space design and programming;

Assist with any grant opportunities in which the City pursues with regards to the project;

Establish project schedules (time frames);

Participate in any required public hearings, and internal review of plans;

Prepare cost estimates and preliminary construction schedule estimates;

Page 2: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Prepare construction drawings and specifications suitable for permitting;

Address all permitting issues;

Development of complete solicitation documents;

Review of questions during solicitation, and preparation of addenda;

Comprehensive evaluation of bid responses, and preparation of recommendation for award;

Provide limited construction supervision/administration/management; and

Job close-out and as-built drawings, to include update of plans to ensure next project benefits from changes or errors encountered in previous solicitations and construction.

Background The City of New Port Richey is 4.6 square miles located on the west coast of central Florida. Situated in the western edge of Pasco County, the City is part of the Tampa Bay area. It is ideally situated along the Gulf of Mexico with an attractive climate. The City was incorporated in 1924 and has grown to nearly 16,000 residents. New Port Richey is a residential community with a strong local government and an attractive historical downtown and Main Street. The City has a broad array of businesses and retail services and is most recognized for its cultural heritage and unique riverfront landscape.

Tampa Bay New Port Richey

Fire Services The City of New Port Richey operates out of two fire stations consisting of two response zones, north and south, with an ISO (Insurance Service Office) rating of three. The department staffing is currently 21 shift personnel, comprised of three shifts of seven operating on a 24/7 basis. The department provides fire and emergency medical services (advanced life support non-transport) and responds to approximately 5,000 calls for service annually. Project Description The City of New Port Richey plans to construct a new building to replace Fire Station #2 which is located at 6121 High Street. The existing Fire Station #2 is 46 years old and does not provide all of the necessary functions of an up-to-date fire station. The city considered several sites when looking for a new station location. The locations were principally evaluated in terms of the service delivery that they would provide in addition to other factors such as cost and access. After some deliberation it was determined that the city was interested in establishing the replacement for Fire Station #2 on a 1.18 acre parcel of city owned property located on Grand Boulevard just north of Marine

Page 3: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves design services in regard to the required site preparation and construction of an 8,741 sq. ft. single-story Fire Station. (See attachments #2 and #3) The station will include two–drive-through bays, office space, a day room, training and exercise rooms, a bunker gear storage room, a commercial-grade kitchen, dorm style bedrooms to accommodate up to 6 personnel, an OSHA certified decontamination room and an outdoor private patio. The total estimated project cost is estimated between $2,107,227 and $2,350,160.

Mandatory Site Tour & Meeting; Questions & Addenda All responders shall attend a mandatory meeting and site tour at the proposed project site located at 5220 Grand Boulevard just north of Marine Parkway, at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2020. This meeting is mandatory; only firms in attendance that register at the meeting will be able to submit the RFQ. There will be a short formal presentation and staff will be in attendance to answer questions. Any answers to questions that change or substantially clarify the RFQ will not be official unless verified by an addendum. Only answers to questions that change or substantially clarify the RFQ will be included in an addendum.

It is important that all potential respondents are given clear and consistent information. Therefore, all respondents are required to submit any questions related to this project or selection process in writing so answers can be distributed to all registered respondents. Questions about the interpretation of specifications or the RFQ process should be directed in writing to Debbie L. Manns, City Manager, at [email protected]. Questions must be received by Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at noon (EST). No inquiries received after that date will be given any consideration. No phone calls, please.

Any interpretation will be available to prospective Responders in the form of an addendum to the specifications. Any addenda to this RFQ will be issued no later than Friday, February 21, 2020. Copies will be posted on the City of New Port Richey FTP site.

RFQ Schedule* It will be incumbent on each respondent to understand the importance of adhering to the schedule included herein. Respondents shall assume full responsibility for the timely delivery of submittals. Those received after the deadline stated will not be considered. (Dates are subject to change.*)

Qualifications The responding firm shall present their Statements of Qualifications as outlined in the “Submittal Requirements” section of this document. Respondents must have adequate organization, facilities, equipment and personnel to ensure prompt and efficient service to the City of New Port Richey. The City reserves the right to inspect the facilities and organization or to take any other action necessary to determine ability to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. In the event the responses do not meet the Owner's requirements, alternative delivery methods may be pursued. The Owner reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept or reject any or all proposals and maintains no obligation to select any proposal.

Schedule Date Release RFQ Friday, January 31, 2020 Mandatory site tour/meeting Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 11:00-Noon (EST) Questions/clarifications regarding RFQ due Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 12 pm (EST) Addenda issued Friday, February 21, 2020 RFQ submission deadline Wednesday, February 26, 2020 12:00 pm (EST) Interviews Week of March 2, 2020 Selection and recommendation to City Council Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Page 4: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Selection Criteria In general, the following criteria will be used in selecting the contractor (and listed in no specific order):

• Relevant local experience in similar projects • Qualifications of project staff and consultants • Ability to work as a member of the City’s project development team

Ability to conduct work tasks in a timely fashion

Experience with projects involving a construction manager project delivery system

Performance on previous projects

Capacity to take on the project

Submittal Procedures Firms shall submit five (5) original submittals. Responses must be submitted by Submittals will be received until 12 pm on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. Statements of Qualifications not submitted by that time will be refused. Statement of Qualifications shall not be valid unless sealed in a single envelope or box marked:

City of New Port Richey Request for Qualifications RFQ20-009 Professional Architectural Services for Fire Station #2 Design Attention: City Clerk 5919 Main Street New Port Richey, Florida 34652

Submittal Requirements The response must be organized according to the following format. Information should be concise and specific to address each request. Include a table of contents and tabs to organize the material in the following order:

Letter of Interest: To be no more than one (1) page long. The letter of interest may contain any information not shown elsewhere in the submittals.

Qualifications of the Firm: Provide a brief description of the history and capabilities of the firm. Describe the types of projects or services the firm performs.

Presentation of the Project Team: Describe the proposed project's team. Provide the qualifications of the individuals who have been identified. Include length of time they have been with the firm, a description of the experience they have had in managing similar projects, a list of projects they have completed as a team, and any other information the selection committee might find useful in evaluating the qualifications of the team. Also provide a list of proposed consultants, if any, are planned for use on the project.

Specific Project Experience: List recent construction projects your firm has completed in the Tampa Bay region that are specifically relevant to the proposed scope of the project - and that are not included in the Past Performance Project Experience listed below.

Quality Control: Provide a brief summary of your firm's approach to quality control during construction and pre construction services.

Claims / Disputes /Litigation: Identify all unresolved and ongoing claims and disputes against your firm in excess of $500,000. Include any claims against the principals of your firm or any claims your company New Port Richey, Florida 34652 may have against a third party. Provide a history of litigation, including the outcomes, for the past five years.

Bonding Capacity and Insurance Limits: Provide the overall bonding capacity for the company. Identify the bonding rates and provide history of any claims against bond for the past five years. Provide the contractor's insurance limits and include a certificate of insurance from the insurance carrier.

Certificate and Affidavit: Please include one original copy of each of the following Certificates in the Proposal envelope.

Page 5: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Attachments (additional exhibits) to the proposal are acceptable; however, any attachments provided do not take the place of the written proposal requirements as listed above.

Evaluation Criteria & Selection Process A City review team will evaluate each firm's submission based upon the criteria stated in this Request for Qualifications and the ability to execute the services. The top 2 -3 firms may be invited to make oral presentations of their proposals to the evaluation team. Following the evaluation process, the team will then select the firms that the City considers most qualified. The top rated firm will be requested to enter into negotiations to produce a contract for this assignment. The City reserves the right to negotiate modifications to Statements of Qualifications that it deems acceptable. The City reserves the right to terminate negotiations in the event it deems the progress towards a contract to be insufficient. Firms will be evaluated in accordance with the weighted criteria listed below. All criteria will be graded on a 1-10 scale, with 1 being the lowest score possible and 10 being the highest score.

Category Rating (1-10) Weight (1-7) Total 1 Experience with Implementation of Similar Projects 5 2 Qualifications of Staff Members Assigned to This Project 3 3 Approach and Understanding of the City’s Needs 6 4 Location of Firm and Staff Assigned to this Project 1 5 Overall Ability to Execute Services in a Fiscally Responsible Manner 7 6 Met ALL Proposal Requirements in RFQ 2 7 Reference Report 4

Reserves the Right The City reserves the right to reject any and all submittals, or any part of any submittal, to waive any irregularities or informalities in any submittal, and to accept that submittal which is deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to establish additional contracts that may be similar in nature to any contract resulting for this RFQ as best serves the needs of the City.

Designated Contact The awarded firm shall appoint a person to act as a primary contact with the City. This person or back-up shall be readily available during normal working hours by phone or in person, and shall be knowledgeable of the terms of the Contract.

Insurance Requirements Include proof of Insurance furnished by the firm's carrier to guarantee the firm is insured. The awarded firm must file with the City certificates of insurance prior to commencement of work evidencing the City as a certificate holder as additionally insured with the following minimum coverage:

Liability Insurance: The party submitting an RFQ, if selected, shall furnish, pay for, and maintain during the life of any contract entered into with the City of New Port Richey, Florida, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Proposer, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors with the following liability coverage's limits and with no less than: Comprehensive General Liability: $5,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. Automobile Liability: $5,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage.

Page 6: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Employer's Liability: $100,000 each employee, each accident, and $100,000 each employee/$500,000 policy limit for disease, and which meets all state and federal laws. Coverage must be applicable to employees, contractors, and subcontractors, if any. Professional Liability/Malpractice/Errors or Omissions: $1,000,000 per occurrence as appropriate for the type of business engaged in by the Proposer shall be purchased and maintained. Workers' Compensation: Proposer will obtain and maintain during the life of this Contract, Workers' Compensation insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, for all of Proposer's employees employed at the site of the Project.


In consideration of $10.00, which will be included in the Bid price to the City, the Proposer shall defend, indemnify, save and hold the City harmless from any and all claims, suits, judgments and liability for death, personal injury, bodily injury, or property damage arising directly or indirectly from any performance under this RFQ, or a subsequent purchase order or contract entered into by City and Proposer, its employees, subcontractors, or assigns, including legal fees, court costs, or other legal expenses. Proposer acknowledges that it is solely responsible for complying with the terms of this RFQ or a purchase order or contract arising out of this RFQ. In addition, the Proposer shall, at its expense secure and provide to the City, prior to beginning performance under an RFP, or a subsequent purchase order, or contract, all insurance coverage as required in this RFQ.

Subcontractors Proposer shall require and verify all subcontractors maintain insurance, including workers' compensation insurance, subject to all of the requirements stated herein prior to beginning work.

Assurances The responding firm shall provide a statement of assurance that the firm is not presently in violations of any statutes or regulatory rules that might have an impact on the firm's operations. All applicable laws and regulations of the State of Florida and ordinances and regulations of the City will apply.

Project Records The awarded firm shall maintain auditable records concerning the procurement to account for all expenditures, and to document compliance with the Contract. These records shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting methods, and the City reserves the right determine the record-keeping method in the event of non-conformity. These records shall be maintained for three (3) years after final payment has-been made and shall be readily available to City personnel with reasonable notice, and to other persons in accordance with the Florida Public Disclosure Statutes.

Deviations From Specifications Respondents shall clearly indicate, as applicable, all areas in which the items/services he/she proposes do not fully comply with the requirements of this submittal. The decision as to whether an item fully complies with the stated requirements rests solely with the City.

No Collusion By offering a submission to this RFQ, the responder certifies that no attempt has been made or will be made by the responder to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a submission for the purpose of restricting competition. The only person(s) or principal(s) interested in this submission are named therein and that no person other than those therein mentioned has/have any interest in this submission or in agreement

Page 7: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

to be entered. Any prospective firm should make an affirmative statement in its proposals to the effect that, to its knowledge, its retention would not result in a conflict of interest with any party.

Termination The resulting contract may be canceled by the City when:

a. Sufficient funds are not available to continue its full and faithful performance of this contract. b. Sub-standard or non-performance of contract. c. The City wishes to terminate at any time and for any reason, upon giving thirty (30) days prior written

notice to the other party. d. The resulting contract may be canceled by either party in the event of substantial failure to perform

in accordance with the terms by the other party through no fault of the terminating party.

Submittal Withdrawal After submittals are opened, corrections or modifications to submittals are not permitted, but a respondent may be permitted to withdraw an erroneous submittal prior to the award by the City Council, if the following is established:

a. That the respondent acted in good faith in submitting the submittal; b. That in preparing the submittal there was an error of such magnitude that enforcement of the

submittal would create severe hardship upon the respondent; c. That the error was not the result of gross negligence or willful inattention on the part of the

respondent; d. That the error was discovered and communicated to the City within twenty-four (24) hours of

submittal opening, along with a request permission to withdraw the submittal; e. The respondent submits documentation and an explanation of how the error was made.


Page 8: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Certification of Information Provided

I certify that the information and responses provided on this submittal are true; accurate and complete. The Owner of the Project or its representatives may contact any entity or reference listed in this submittal. Each entity or reference may make any information concerning the Contractor available to the Owner. ________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Printed Name As ______________________(title) Dated this ______________ day of_________________, 20____. STATE OF ___________________} COUNTY OF _________________} On this ________ day of __________________________________, 20 _____, before me the undersigned authority, personally appeared ________________________, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the forgoing instrument as _____________________ (title) of the firm of _________________________________ and acknowledged the execution of same, for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of said firm, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal the date aforesaid. ___________________________________________ [ ] (Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida) ____________________________________________ (Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name) Personally known _____ Or produced identification _______

Type of identification produced __________________________________

Page 9: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Affidavit for Corporation State of Florida County of _____________________

_______________________________ is _____________________________ (title) of ______________________________ (corporation described herein) being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is familiar with the books of the said corporation showing its financial position; that the foregoing statements are a true and accurate statement of the financial position of said corporation as of the date hereof; and that the statements and answers to the interrogatories of the foregoing experience questionnaire are correct and true as of the date of this affidavit; and that he understands that intentional inclusion of false, deceptive or fraudulent statements on this application constitutes fraud; and that the City of New Port Richey considers such action on the part of the applicant to constitute good cause for denial, suspension or revocation of a existing work or contracts being performed by the Contractor for the City of New Port Richey.

_______________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Printed Name

STATE OF ___________________} COUNTY OF _________________} On this ________ day of __________________________________, 20 _____, before me the undersigned authority, personally appeared ________________________, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the forgoing instrument as _____________________ (title) of the firm of _________________________________ and acknowledged the execution of same, for and on behalf of and as the act and deed of said firm, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal the date aforesaid. ___________________________________________ [ ] (Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida) ___________________________________________ (Print, Type or Stamp Commissioned Name) Personally known _____ Or produced identification _______

Type of identification produced __________________________________

Page 10: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Addenda Acknowledgment Fire Station #2 Design

(To be returned with submission) Request for Qualifications City of New Port Richey, Florida RFQ20-009

The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following addenda to RFP20-009 (indicate number and date of each). Failure to submit acknowledgement of any addenda that affects this RFQ may be cause for rejection of the proposal. (If no addenda are issued, indicate same on lines below.)

Addendum No. Dated:

Addendum No. Dated:

Addendum No. Dated:

Addendum No. Dated:

Addendum No. Dated:


Printed Name:



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µAttachment #1

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Attachment #2

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Page 14: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS RFQ 20-009...Parkway. (See attachment #1) The parcel is currently vacant but is serviced by a fully developed infrastructure system. The project involves

Attachment #3