Request for Proposal

Klassic Events Request For Proposal: School of Business and Management Recognition Event Casey Farley Shannon Gaskell Kristen George Lesa Holmes Kaitlyn MacDonald Amelia Peralta


A request for proposal submission to the Niagara College School of Business Management for a student recognition event

Transcript of Request for Proposal

Page 1: Request for Proposal

Klassic Events

Request For Proposal:

School of Business and Management Recognition Event

Casey Farley

Shannon Gaskell

Kristen George

Lesa Holmes

Kaitlyn MacDonald

Amelia Peralta

Page 2: Request for Proposal

Jim Butko, Chair, School of Business and Management

Niagara College

135 Taylor Road

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

L0S 1J0

December 3rd, 2010

Re: RFP: School of Business and Management Recognition Event

Dear Jim Butko,

We are responding to your request for proposal for a Niagara College School of Business and Management Recognition Event. We understand that you wish to hire event planners to develop and implement an evening to honour the achievement of the Business and Management students and staff. We also understand the goals and objectives of the recognition event you wish to have developed and implemented. This being said, Klassic Events is pleased to present Take Flight, Niagara College Future Business Leaders Awards 2011 an awards and recognition reception for the school of Business and Management students, faculty, staff and award donors.

Klassic Events is very interested in helping you to formulate and execute this event. The Klassic Events committee has very diverse backgrounds and a wide range of skills. We are confident that we can make your event extremely successful.

We would like to express our appreciation for the opportunity to respond to your proposal request and enthusiastically present our vision for this event. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to working with you in the future.


Klassic Events

Casey Farley

Shannon Gaskell

Kristen George

Lesa Holmes

Kaitlyn MacDonald

Amelia Peralta

Page 3: Request for Proposal

All ideas and concepts detailed in the enclosed proposal have been developed exclusively

by Klassic Events for The Niagara College School of Business Management, on December 3rd,

2010 and are considered by Klassic Events to be of a proprietary nature. These ideas and

concepts remain the property of Klassic Events.

In this respect, The Niagara College School of Business Management must honour our

proprietary rights to the content of this proposal and refrain from disclosing its contents to

our competitors or any third party. Unauthorized use of these ideas and concepts is strictly


All documents, written proposals and other materials submitted by Klassic Events shall be

returned to Klassic Events upon request.

Proprietary Clause.

Klassic Events

Page 4: Request for Proposal

Project Overview.

Take Flight, Niagara College Future Business Leaders Awards 2011 is an awards and rec-

ognition reception for the school of Business and Management students, faculty, staff and

award donors. It will be the perfect opportunity to identify and honour the students in the

School of Business and Management who have shown exemplary work, as well as recog-

nize the high achievements of the department’s faculty and staff.

This awards and recognition reception will be held at The Core, the recently renovated pub

at the Niagara College, Welland Campus. The event will start at 7:00pm for attendee

registrations and the initial reception, the awards ceremony beginning promptly at 7:30pm.

For the guest’s enjoyment there will be simple hors d’oeuvres, a complimentary glass of

wine, as well as a cash bar serving wine from Niagara College’s own teaching winery.

The awards will be given away in groups which will be decided by the event committee

alongside the School of Business and Management, with breaks in between to allow for

socialization and celebration. We have proposed Larry Bitner, a Certified Business

Counsellor and a faculty member of Niagara College, as the emcee for the event with

awards being handed out by the faculty and the award donors.

Take Flight. will be extremely successful in recognizing the achievement of the students,

faculty and staff of the School of Business and Management. The event will develop a com-

fortable atmosphere where award winning students will engage with their award donors.

Finally, the event will act as a celebration creating lasting memories for all attendees and


Page 5: Request for Proposal

What: Take Flight, Niagara College Future Business Leaders Awards 2011, an awards and

recognition reception.

Who: For the for the award winning students, high achieving faculty and staff from the

School of Business and Management and award donors.

Where: The Core

Niagara College – Welland Campus

300 Woodlawn Road

Welland, On

When: Friday April 15th, 2011

7:00– 10pm (registration from 7– 7:30pm)

Why: To recognize students from the School of Business and Management who have won

awards for outstanding performance and to recognize the hard working staff and faculty .

This will help to build relationships between the professors, donors and the students that

will extend beyond school, thus building relationships with alumni and creating industry


5 W’s

Page 6: Request for Proposal

Site. The event will be held at The Core, the recently renovated Niagara College Welland Campus

pub. This site is conducive to your event because it has the capacity that is needed to ac-

commodate the amount of people required for both scenario A and B. This venue also has a

stage which is required for the awards ceremony. We feel that The Core is the best option

for an event of this nature as it not only has the capacity to showcase the School of Busi-

ness Management and it’s award winning students, but it is also a good opportunity to util-

ize the facilities at the College’s disposal. A Niagara College event of this magnitude should

remain on Niagara College grounds to emphasize that this is an NC event for NC students,

faculty and staff.

The theme that we have chosen to represent Niagara College School of Business and Man-

agement Awards is “Take Flight.” The theme describes our future business leaders who are

flourishing, or taking flight, in the various business programs that Niagara College offers.

We chose Take flight because it is the start to a new beginning for students, the chance to

experience new challenges and opportunities. The various new and exciting roles each of

these students will embark upon will reflect the education they have acquired from the

school of business and management. Another way to interpret our theme of take flight is

“the sky’s the limit”, meaning these students can achieve anything if they put their minds



Décor. Take flight, Niagara College Future Business Leader’s Awards 2011 will use soft skylight col-

ours to represent the theme of “take flight”. The room will be filled with soft blues, whites,

yellows, and oranges. In our logo we have a lightly coloured bird which helps pull together

our theme by using appropriate colours to match out theme. We will represent our theme

through sky blue table cloths, our centerpieces, and various decorations around the room.

The décor will set a light, airy ambiance to the room. The colours will be calm and relaxing

and allow for the night to be an enjoyable evening.

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Hospitality. Upon arrival, guests will be greeted by volunteers at a registration table set up outside of

the Core that will confirm their attendance, provide them with their beverage ticket for

their complimentary glass of wine and will also be on hand to provide them with the eve-

ning’s printed program.

As the evening will be held in March, there is a strong likelihood that the weather will still

warrant bulky outdoor wear. There will also be a complimentary coat check that we will en-

courage attendees to use in order to limit the amount of coats and outdoor accessories be-

ing draped over chairs in the venue. This will also allow guests to have their hands free and

be comfortable to walk around and mingle without having to carry their jackets with them

all evening.

The evening will begin at 7PM after the usual dinner time leaving no need to provide a full

meal as guests would have had the opportunity to eat a full meal prior to arriving. As a re-

sult, attendees will be offered light refreshments that will include:

Vegetable and dip

Cheese tray and crackers

Fruit platter

Dessert tray

One complimentary glass of either red or wine Niagara College wine

All you can drink soft drink station

Coffee and tea

This will avoid the unnecessary expense and time commitment of a sit down dinner and will

give guests the opportunity to mingle with other attendees without being bound to a single

table all evening.

The food will be provided by the Core’s catering service, as part of the Student Administra-

tive Council and will also includes access to a cash bar should patrons wish to purchase ad-

ditional beverages not already provided.

Page 8: Request for Proposal

Our operations team will consist of the Klassic Events committee, the School of Business

and Management committee, our volunteers, and other stakeholders. Few volunteers will

be needed for this event however those that we do recruit will consist of volunteers from

Niagara College. The administration process will be an integral part of our event. We will

need to quickly and clearly identify and distinguish our attendees as award winning stu-

dents, staff, faculty, award donors or others before the event commences. Nametags will

be given out during registration to clearly identify donors, award recipients, and faculty.

Registration for this event will occur at the front entrance of the Core and will include ticket

collection, brief instructions for award recipients, and a collection of contact information

for photography purposes.

Technical. The technical requirements that we have for this event are a microphone, a projector, a

projection screen and lighting. The Core has all of the technical equipment required for this

event in good working condition. Another technical feature we will be adding to the event

is photography. We will have a media student from Niagara College taking pictures at the

event, specifically of the award winning student accepting their awards and these students

with their award donors. These photos will then be made accessible online if participants

wish to save these photographs.


Health & Safety. The venue selected is in compliance with all sanitation regulations, is accessible and has

easy access to restroom facilities. To ensure that there is a good communication system

between the staff and volunteers, there will be radios and cell phones to contact the per-

sonnel, the emergency departments and vendors as required. The volunteer coordinator

will make sure that the production schedule is posted in the volunteer area. All emergency

contacts and phone numbers from the vendors, suppliers and staff will post in the volun-

teer and staff area. The policies and procedures will be included in the operations manual.

In case of an emergency, there will be an incident report that is going to provide a written

record of any particular emergency situation. The Venue will offer enough parking spots for

all the people assisting to the event. Another important consideration that the venue is in

compliance with is the easy access of the emergency vehicles and access for vendors and


Page 9: Request for Proposal

Entertainment is a major component of the “Take Flight. Niagara College Future Business

Leaders Awards 2011” event. Communicating award winners through an award presenta-

tion ceremony will the primary source of entertainment. An outline of this ceremony can

be seen in the production schedule. Each award and winner will be announced by faculty

or a donor and received by the award winner on the stage at the Core. During any Cocktail

and Mingle periods, ambient background music will play.


Graphics. The graphics required for this particular event will include:

Printed Materials: Event documentation- meeting minutes, budgets, event plans, name

tags/lanyards for event committee & volunteers, guest lists, award lists, production sched-

ules, time lines, policies and procedures

Collateral Materials: Event elements and activities- programs, attendee lists at the registra-

tion table, schedules of evening’s events

Marketing Materials: Provide information- Invitations, posters, banners, applications, inter-

net programs (face book, email)

Signage: Posters, directional signage, banners

Legal. All the insurances and permits required for this event are covered by the venue. The

venue has a license to provide alcoholic beverages during this event and it is able to pro-

vide food in compliance with all the safety and health and regulations of Ontario. All the

audio visual equipment rented, will have an insurance.

Page 10: Request for Proposal

5:00pm: Set-Up Decorations and registration table.

6:30pm: Registration Table set up and ready for attendees to sign in.

7:00pm: Registration for Take Flight officially begins.

7:00pm: Cocktails & Mingling

7:15pm: Hors d’Oeuvres Served

7:30pm: Emcee Larry Bitner Introduces the Evening

7:40pm: Faculty Announce and Congratulate each of the Program Specific Awards

7:40pm: Michael Scott International Business Scholarship

7:43pm: Norris and Marilyn Walker Scholarship (Bachelor Applied Business: International Commerce)

7:46pm: Commisso Family Scholarship

7:49pm: Niagara Area Business Women’s Network

7:52pm: Chartered Life Underwriters Bursary

7:55pm: Business Link Bursary

7:58pm: Canadian Federation of University Women- Laura Sabia Award

8:01pm: Dennis Glen Letwin Memorial Scholarship

8:04pm: HRPAN Bryan Dowling Scholarship

8:07pm: Norris and Marilyn Walker Scholarship (Business Administration: International Business)

8:10pm: GM of Canada Limited Scholarship

8:13pm: Norris and Marilyn Walker Scholarship (Business Administration: Operations Management)

8:16pm: BiNational Education Fund

8:19pm: Norris and Marilyn Walker Scholarship (Business: Sales and Marketing)

8:21pm: Ellie Burbidge Memorial Bursary

8:25pm: Hors D’Oeuvres Served and Opportunity to Freshen Drinks

8:40pm: Donors Announce and Congratulate each of the Program Non-Specific Awards

8:40pm: Royal Canadian Legion Branch #4 Welland Scholarship

8:43pm: Bonnie Rose Scholarship

8:45pm: Grantham High School Alumni Award

8:48pm: Rotary Club of St. Catharines Scholarship

8:51pm: Tom Gauld Bursary

8:54pm: Wills Family Bursary

8:57pm: Campus Living Centres Award 9:00pm: Cocktails & Mingling Opportunity for Donors and Attendees

9:30pm: Recep- tion Tear Down


Production Schedule.

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Critical Path.

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Budget: Option A .

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Budget: Option A .

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Budget: Option B .

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Budget: Option B .

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Meet the Planners.

Casey Farley is currently enrolled in the Event Management Post-Graduate Certificate

Program, she has also earned her degree in Tourism Management- Business Development at

Niagara College. She currently holds the role of Co-chairperson for The Many Hands Project

and is the Food & Beverage Coordinator for her fundraising group, Frosted. After graduation,

she hopes to travel before settling in California to work as an independent event planner.

Shannon Gaskell recently moved to the Niagara region from Montreal, Quebec where she

graduated from Concordia University with a double major in Journalism & Philosophy. Her

passion for non-profit work prompted her decision to attend Niagara College in the

Post-Graduate Event Management Certificate Program. She is the Chairperson and Secretary

of the School of Hospitality Awards Celebration and the Finance Coordinator for her fundrais-

ing group, Bro Fest. She hopes to obtain her certification as a Certified Fundraising Executive

(CFRE) in the coming years and use her credentials and work experience to ascend the corpo-

rate echelons and ultimately become the director of a non-profit organization.

Kristen George is a graduate with a BA Honours in Communication Studies from Wilfrid Laurier

University in Waterloo, Ontario. Currently a student in the Event Management Post Graduate

Certificate Program at Niagara College, she enjoys event marketing and currently holds the

position as the Marketing Coordinator for the School of Hospitality Awards Celebration and is

the Logistics Coordinator for her fundraising group, Many Minds for Many Hands. She hopes to

take flight into the realm of corporate event planning and then spread her entrepreneurial

wings starting her own event planning business with her sister.

Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.

— Socrates

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Lesa Holmes recently graduated from Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario with a BA

Honours in English Literature and Psychology. Her passion for charitable work earned her the

role of Chairperson for The Many Hands Project. She also occupies the role of Finance

Coordinator & Secretary in her fundraising group, Saddle Up For Many Hands. Her ambition to

transform her passion for charity into a career planning events in the non-profit sector is what

motivated her to enrol at Niagara College in the Post-Graduate Event Management Certificate


Amelia Cornelio Peralta holds a BA in Hospitality Management from the Estoril Superior

Institute for Tourism and Hospitality Studies (ESHTE) in Lisbon, Portugal. She has experience

working for catering companies in Portugal and in hotels in Spain, Portugal as well as in her

native Dominican Republic. Amelia`s current position is the Logistics Coordinator for The Many

Hands Project and is the Logistics & Decor Coordinator for Frosted. Amelia would like to

combine her passions for the hospitality and event planning industry into a successful career

by coordinating events in hotels and increasing her work experience at an international level,

by studying and working

Kaitlyn MacDonald graduated from Niagara College in 2010 with a diploma in Hospitality

Management – Hotels & Restaurants. Currently, she holds the role of Sponsorship Coordinator

for the School of Hospitality Awards Celebration and is the Marketing Coordinator for Frosted.

Native to the region, she hopes to parlay her knowledge of the area into a successful

fundraising career in the non-profit sector.

Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, "Here is an opportunity for me to celebrate like never before, my own power, my own ability to get myself to do

whatever is necessary."

—Martin Luther King, Jr.