Reputation Management Seminar

Reputation Management °Seminar° Final Project – Redouane Fahed MAHI

Transcript of Reputation Management Seminar

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Reputation Management °Seminar°

Final Project – Redouane Fahed MAHIMBA 2 / B CMH ACADEMY

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Reputation Management

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Reputation Management

No business can afford to ignore the importance of reputation management, and the important role of social media in online reputation management. A business brand can go from the big success to the decline in this digital era, where anyone can spread news quickly to people on blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

The bottom line on reputation management services is that they are crucial for any company that wants to enjoy resounding success.

Internet reputation management support can provide marketing stability for the business. Reputation management can also serve as a way to fight back against otherwise unchecked defamation of character or product. Putting the best “face” forward for maximum customer appeal is more easily accomplished when the online image is being monitored and protected by a professional reputation management service.

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Reputation Management Skills

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Reputation Management Skills

Here are the skills to look for when hiring a Reputation Manager:

1.Outgoing personality - they will be required to walk into networking events and be comfortable introducing themselves to strangers,

1.Writing skills – a background in journalism or experience with writing helps since they’ll be creating so much content for your company,

1.Social media experience – experience with social media tools isn’t a must, but it’s definitely helpful and cuts down on training. Look for someone who can navigate WordPress and understands Twitter and Facebook for business,

2.Interest in your industry – a Community Manager needs to be passionate about what they do. If they’re not interested in your product or service move on,

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Reputation Management Skills

5. Willingness to work around the clock – being a Community Manager isn’t a 9-5 job. Make sure they understand that the job involves working some evenings and weekends, and responding to community members outside of work hours (but please, please compensate them accordingly),

5. Good employee – The skills you would look for any employee apply here: great time management skills, ability to multitask, intelligence – but they’re especially important for a Community Manager since they’re managing so many different areas of the business. Look for someone smart who doesn’t get stressed under pressure,

5. PR experience – having experience with public relations is a nice to have, especially if it’s a focus for your business,

5. Culture fit - this especially applies if you’re at a small company. The person needs to get along with your other employees and needs to mesh with the company’s culture.

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Reputation Management & Social Media Marketing

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Reputation Management & Social Media Marketing

Managing online reputation is now closely linked to the social media. Factors of business success will increasingly be associated with to the company image conducted on line. The reputation of a company will therefore more and more be based on the cyber opinions published through the various sites, forums and sharing networks.

For businesses to truly thrive, they need to achieve "brand identity". Examples of large companies with brand identity are Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Coca Cola, Starbucks. When somebody hear those names, he will immediately know what kind of product or service is getting. Having that kind of brand recognition implies trustworthiness, reliability, and consistency.

Actually, with a good reputation management, businesses clearly don't need to have a big advertising budget to achieve a good level of brand recognition. With the internet and social media in addition to an active online management, it's now feasible for any company with a minimal budget to get widespread branding of their business online.

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Reputation Management Benfits

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Reputation Management Benfits

Without a doubt, the top benefit of a successful and well-executed online reputation management campaign is maintaining a favorable image for your company. When consumers turn up nothing but positive information about your company, they are more likely to do business with it. Additional benefits include:

•Early Warning about Negative Press: Since you’ll be tracking and monitoring your company’s reputation, you will be able to respond to negative comments and articles in a quick and strategic way. The longer that such comments go without responses, the more serious the damage will be.

•Improve Customer Satisfaction: Online reputation management requires you to be proactive about responding to criticisms of your company on the Internet. This not only improves your company’s image, but it can dramatically improve customer satisfaction. Customers are impressed when a company cares enough to respond to them personally about issues that they are having. As long as you take the time to respond in a thoughtful and helpful way, you simply can’t go wrong.

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Reputation Management Benfits

• Save Money on Marketing: While you will have to pay for the best reputation management services, they will actually save you serious money in the long run. As mentioned above, think of reputation management as an extension of your overall marketing campaign. When your company’s image is flourishing, you don’t have to work quite as hard at convincing people about the quality of its products and services.

• Learn More about the Competition: The old saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer is true. Your competitors aren’t your enemies, per se, but you need to keep tabs on them. Every now and then, reputation management strategies reveal underhanded, shady techniques by the competition – and it’s better to become aware of them sooner rather than later.

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