Reporter Issue

 ገጽ 1  | እሑድ የካቲት 15 ቀን 2007 ቅፅ 20 ቁጥር 1546  FREE PRESS FREE SPEECH FREE SPRIT | ነፃ ፕሬስ ነፃ ሐሳብ ነፃ መንፈስ የእሑድ እትም የካቲት 15 ቀን 2007 ትኩስና ተጨማሪ መረጃዎችን በድረ ገጻችን ያገኛሉ ቅፅ 20 ቁጥር 1546 ጳጉሜን 6 ቀን 1987 ተመሠረተ ዋጋው ብር 10.00      የቀድሞው ቴሌኮሙዩኒኬሽን ኮርፖሬሽን ዋና ሥራ አስፈጻሚ ከእስር ተፈቱ በታምሩ ጽጌ በፌዴራል የሥነ ምግባርና ፀረ ሙስና ኮሚሽን የሙስና ክስ ተመሥርቶባቸው ጥፋተኛ ከተባሉ በኋላ የዘጠኝ ዓመት ከስድስት ወራት በላይ እስራትና የገንዘብ ቅጣት ተወስኖባቸው የነበሩት የቀድሞው የኢትዮጵያ ቴሌኮሙዩኒኬሽን ኮርፖሬሽን ዋና ሥራ አስፈጻሚ /ተስፋዬ ብሩ፣ የካቲት 12 ቀን 2007 .. በአመክሮ ከእስር ተፈቱ:: ኮርፖሬሽኑ 1997 .. አውጥቶት የነበረውን የሞባይል ማስፋፊያ ፕሮጀክት ጨረታና የተለያዩ ዕቃዎች ግዥ ያላግባብ የስዊድን ቴሌኮም ኩባንያ ኤሪክሰን እንዲያሸንፍ አድርገዋል ተብለው፣ /ተስፋዬን ጨምሮ 11 ከፍተኛ የኮርፖሬሽኑ ኃላፊዎችና 13 ግለሰቦች ላይ በሰኔ ወር 2000 .. የኮሚሽኑ ዓቃቤ ሕግ ክስ መሥርቶ ነበር:: በሌላ ፋይል የብሮድባንድ አገልግሎት ላይ ሙስና ፈጽመዋል በሚል ሁለተኛ ክስም ቀርቦባቸው ነበር:: ‹‹ተመልሼ የመጣሁት ለደንበኞች በሙሉ ቤቶቻቸውን ሠርቼ ለማስረከብ ነው›› ለአፍሪካ ልማት ባንክ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ለታጩት አቶ ሱፍያን አህመድ መንግሥት ድጋፍ ሊያሰባስብ ነው ወደ ክፍል 1 ገጽ 42 ዞሯል በዮናስ ዓብይ የገንዘብና ኢኮኖሚ ልማት ሚኒስትሩ አቶ ሱፍያን አህመድ ለአፍሪካ ልማት ባንክ ፕሬዚዳንትነት ለመወዳደር የመጨረሻ ዕጩ በመሆናቸው፣ መንግሥት ድጋፍ ማሰባሰብ እንደሚጀምር አስታወቀ:: አቶ ሱፍያን የአፍሪካ ልማት ባንክን ለአምስት ዓመት በፕሬዚዳንትነት ለመምራት ከተመረጡት ስምንት ዕጩዎች መካከል አንዱ መሆናቸውን፣ ባንኩ የካቲት 13 ቀን 2007 .. አስታውቋል:: በቅርቡ 57ዓመታቸውን የሚያከብሩት ሚኒስትሩ ከወራት በፊት በመንግሥት አቅራቢነት ለውድድር የታጩ ሲሆን፣ ማሸነፍ የሚያስችላቸውን ድምፅ ለማግኘት መንግሥት የድጋፍ ማሰባስብና የማግባባት ሥራን እንደሚጀምር፣ የቀድሞው የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስቴር ቃል አቀባይ አምባሳደር ዲና ሙፍቲ ለሪፖርተር ገልጸዋል:: /ተስፋዬ ብሩ አቶ ሱፍያን አህመድ ወደ ክፍል 1 ገጽ 42 ዞሯል በዳዊት ታዬ የአክሰስ ሪል ስቴት አክሲዮን ማኅበር መሥራችና የቦርድ ሊቀመንበር አቶ ኤሚርያስ አመልጋ፣ ወደ አገር ቤት ተመልሰው እንዲመጡ በሕግ ያለመጠየቅ ጥበቃ በማግኘታቸው ምክንያት፣ ባለፈው ሐሙስ አዲስ አበባ ገቡ:: ላለፉት ሁለት ዓመታት ከነበሩበት ዱባይ አቶ ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ ወደ ክፍል 1 ገጽ 42 ዞሯል አቶ ኤሚርያስ አመልጋ



Transcript of Reporter Issue

  • 1 | 15 2007


    15 2007 20 1546 6 1987 10.00

    Made Construction Machines from Spain

    Site Dumpers Taurulift

    Tel: 0114 42 13 39/0910 12 15 11Fax: 0114 42 14 07 Saris Spring House

    And others from YEMKAB General Import Export PLCAUTHORIZED AGENT OF SPANISH AUSA

    Concrete Mixer

    The Reporter | Saturday | February 22, 2014


    Vol. XVIII No. 911| February 22, 2014 | ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA Price 5.00 Birr


    Page 7

    The curious case of

    HailemedHin abera

    When the hijacking of an Ethiopian Airlines plane flight number ET-702 that was bound to Rome but diverted to Geneva was heard, people had to wait the whole day to find out who the first officer-turned-hijacker was. It was Redwan Hussein, head of Government Communication Affairs Office, who revealed the name Hailemedhin Abera Tegegne to the world. Not many, including his neighbors, knew his name. In fact, they knew him by another moniker Tad, short for Tadlo, which is translated as he is lucky. The hijacker took those who knew him and the rest of the world by surprise and is now considered to be an unlucky person. Pictured above is Hailemedhin in Khartoum. The picture was taken by his brother, Endalamaw Abera (MD), 2 years ago. Pictured on the right is the house of Hailemedhin guarded by federal police officers. SEE FULL STORY ON PAGE 6.


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    By Kaleyesus Bekele

    The British Oil company prospecting for oil in the Ogaden basin, New Age, has noted oil and gas flow in its appraisal well Elkuran-3.

    New Age started drilling the appraisal well last October, with a targeted depth of 2,850 meters. Reliable sources told The Reporter that a crew was drilling the well when it noted oil and gas flow at a depth of 1200 meters on February 12, 2014.

    Oil and gas shows were noted throughout the intervals, the source said. The results are similar to that of Tenneco, the American company that drilled the first exploration well in the Elkuran locality in the 1970s. Tennecos drilling crew encountered similar results in 1972, the source said.

    A petroleum expert told The Reporter that oil and gas flow does not necessarily mean that there is a commercial deposit. Oil and gas flows are very common in that region, especially in the Elkuran and Hilala localities. More exploration work is needed, the expert said.

    Sources said the reservoirs at Elkuran-3 have low porosity and permeability and will likely require acid or fracture stimulation to produce the necessary commercial levels. Oil and gas-condensate was recovered from one of sample zones. At the base of the well, a flow of gas was encountered and the drilling is suspended in order to mobilize test equipment to evaluate this zone. A decision has also been taken to deepen the well to below the initial planned target depth of 2,300m, to evaluate the deeper sandstone zone which is considered to have a significant gas condensate potential, the source said.

    New Age discovers oil, gas in Elkuran-3

    New Age... page 28

    Hailemedhin Abera

    / 12 2007 .. ::

    1997 .. / 11 13 2000 .. :: ::

    1 42


    13 2007 .. ::

    57 ::

    / 1 42


    1 42

  • 2 | 15 2007

    20 1546

    6 1987 - 0910-885206/ 011-661 61 79/85/87 : 011-661 61 89

    - 03 2347 7023 .

    0910 885206/ 011 6 61 61 79/ 85

    [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]



    H `T'w\ S


    3 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    130 ::

    15 ::


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    :: 12 ::

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    27 25 35 ::

    11 2007 .. ::





    :: ::


    :: 9 2007 .. 19 ::

    12 2007 .. 13 800 500

    1 43 1 43


    4 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    1 27

    31.8 :: ::

    19.7 ::



    1.6 ::

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    14 26 2007 .. ::

    1.42 1.41 ::




    500 11 2007 .. ::


    1 43


    () :: :: ::

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    1 2007 .. :: ::

    2.5 ::

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    :: 26 2007 .. ::

    360,000 ::

    1 42


    1 42

    1 42

    1 42


    5 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    1 52 1 52






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    6 2007 .. ::

    :: 4,000 ::

    4 1998





    :: ::


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    20 1546


    - ? ?

    / - :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::



    / 26 2006 .. () :: / (UNISA) :: ::


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    20 1546


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    1 26


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    20 1546



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    20 1546



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    20 1546


    :: ::

    :: :: 1.39 :: 1.19 ::

    :: :: 23 20 :: 27 :: ::

    :: :: :: :: ::

    :: :: :: ::

    :: :: :: :: ::

    :: ::

    2006 :: 3.3 37.7 ::

    2006 .. 14.1 :: :: 5.6 :: :: ::

    :: ::

    :: :: :: ::

    :: :: 1.61 1.1 :: :: :: 27 24 :: :: :: :: ::

    :: ::

    :: ::

    30 ::

    27 30 300,000 :: 300,000 8.1 :: 30 300,000 6.9 ::

    :: :: :: 2006 .. ::

    :: 27 23 24 :: ::

    :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

    :: :: :: ::

    :: ::

    :: ::

    :: 1.61 1.1 :: :: :: 27 24 :: ::



    11 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    :: 800 :: ::

    :: ::

    29 :: :: ::

    1 27


    12 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    1 42


    2304 ::

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    1 42


    13 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    :: ... 1909 :: ( ) ::

    ... 17 1909 :: :: ::



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    14 | 15 2007

    20 1546


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    15 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    :: ::

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    :: 60 :: ::

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    1 27


    16 | 15 2007

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    1. National Bank of Ethiopia invites interested and eligible bidders for the supply of:

    No Description of Goods Bid Ref No. Lot

    1 Bank Note Binding Machine NBE/NCB/G/16/2014/15


    2 Different capacity UPS 2

    3 Mobile Apparatus 3

    2. A complete set of Bidding Document can be obtained from Procurement team office found next to National Bank of Ethiopia New Building (SACCDO villa) upon deposit of non-refundable fee of Ethiopia birr 100.00 (One hundred only) for this bid in the account No.7002010800001 in cash payment and settlement Directorate found in NBE New Building, Sub-basement floor during office hours (Monday to Friday 8:00-10:30 a.m and 01:00 03:30 p.m).

    3. Bidders shall present copy of their renewed trade license for the year 2007 E.C., Tax Identification

    Number, Tax clearance certificate and VAT registration certificate.

    4. All Bids must be accompanied by bid security 2% of the Total Bid price in the form of CPO or Bank Guarantee.

    5. Bids Shall be submitted in the tender Box prepared for this purpose on/before

    March 10, 2015 , 10:00 A.M for Lot-1 March 10,2015, 02:00 P.M for lot-2 March 11,2015, 10:00 A.M for lot-3 in the above mentioned address

    6. Bid opening shall be held in the presence of bidders and/or their representatives who wish to attend, in the above mentioned address, on

    March 10, 2015 , 10:00 A.M for Lot-1 March 10,2015, 02:00 P.M for lot-2 March 11,2015, 10:00 A.M for lot-3 in the above mentioned address

    7. Failure to company any of the conditions from (2) to (6) above shall result in automatic rejection. 8. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the office of procurement team,

    Tel, No +251115-17-52-44/7007/70069. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.


    INVITATION FOR BIDThe Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Associations (CCRDA) and The Child Survival Collaboration and Resource Group (CORE Group) have agreed to work together to support and coordinate efforts of Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) and NGOs operating in Ethiopia on polio eradication intervention towards the achievement of polio free country.

    CCRDA/CORE Group Polio Project created forum for partnership and collaborates with local NGOs and international private voluntary organizations (PVOs) which are directly implementing polio eradication as well as routine immunization projects in hard to reach areas of the country. Currently, CGPP Ethiopia works in 85 Woredas in Somali (28 woredas), Gambella (13 Woredas), Benishangul-Gumuz (20 woredas), SNNP (13) and Oromia (11 woredas) regions of Ethiopia.

    In order to strengthen this, CGPP envisaged supporting the process of the data collection and analysis through using Android Mobile device technology integrated web-based system developed on Opened Data Kit (ODK) platform. Therefore, CCRDA/CORE Group Polio Project wants to purchase Android Mobile Devices for CGPP field staff.

    To this effect, CCRDA/CORE Group Polio Project would like to invite all interested and eligible bidders for the supply of Android Mobile Devices for CGPP field staff as per the specification of the bid.


    GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900MhzUMTS 850/1900, 850/2100, 900/2100MHz

    OS Android 4.2Size 142.5mm*72.2mm*8.95mmDisplay 4.0 inchCamera 5.0MP Battery 1930 + mAh (internal)

    Interface USB and Earphone Port, Micro SD slot,

    Memory 1GB RAM + 2GB eMMC ROM


    GPS, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, BT 3.0 + EDRAccelerometer, Proximity, LightFM Radio ,

    The supplier must be an Authorized Supplier. It must have enough stock (60+) to supply at once with both black and white colors within 5 days starting from agreement.

    Bidders should submit within five working days starting from the first day of the bid announcement CCRDA office Room no. 304.

    CCRDA/CORE Group Polio Project reserves the right to reject all or part of the bid.

    Address: Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA) Akaki Kality Sub City P. O. Box 5674Tel. +251 011 439 33 32 / +251 011 439 06 52Debre Ziet Road, Adjacent to the Kality Ring road-around about, In front of Driving and Mechanics Training Center

    Consortium of Christian Relief and

    Development Associations (CCRDA)


    18 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    Menschenfr Menschen Please be reminded that Menschen fr Menschen changed its procedures and in regular intervals we update our data base for future projects.

    INVITATION FOR PRE-QUALIFICATIONMenschen fr Menschen (MfM) is a Humanitarian Organization, involved in various long-term development projects in different parts of Ethiopia.Among the projects undertaken by MfM are construction projects of Education & Health facilities, bridges, rural water supply infrastructures and others. All our projects are implemented in the rural and mostly remote parts of EthiopiaOur procurement policy requires a two-phased tender process, in which the technical pre-qualification of contractors for any construction project is mandatory. MfM thereforemaintains an updatedlist of qualified contractors. Inorder to be considered to bid on construction projects, contractors must first become pre-qualified in accordance with the requirements set by MfM. Bids will be solicited only from prequalified firms.In-order to maintain an ongoing list of pre-qualified firms for construction projects to be implemented in the 2015 budget year, MfM hereby announces soliciting Contractor Pre-Qualification Application.1. Eligibility and Qualification Criteria:

    1.1. Pre-qualification will be open to all contractors with grade GC/BC-1 up to GC/BC-7, fulfilling the following requirements: Contractors must have valid Registration Certificate(Renewed for the year

    2007 Ethiopian Calendar) Contractors must have valid TIN and VAT Certificates Contractors must have valid Business License as GC and/or BC(Renewed

    for the year 2007, Ethiopian Calendar) Contractors Must have valid Competence Verification Certificate as GC and/

    or BC(Renewed for the year 2007, Ethiopian Calendar)1.2. Pre-Qualification will be based on the applicants meeting the minimum criteria

    regarding the applicants general and particular construction experience, personnel and equipment capabilities, financial position and other specific requirements, as demonstrated by the applicants responses in the online forms provided by the MfM tender website.

    2. Preparation and Submission of Applications:2.1. All prospective contractors, who fulfill the specific requirements indicated above

    can visit MfM website at and fill all the required information on the forms provided on the aforementioned web-address after registration.

    2.2. The information requested for pre-qualification should be answered in English2.3. Failure to provide information, which is essential to evaluate the applicants

    qualifications, or to provide timely clarification/substantiation of the information

    provided will result in disqualification of the applicant.

    3. Pre-Qualification and Bidding:

    2.4. Completing the pre-qualification data does not guarantee automatic qualification

    of the applicant. MfM reserves the unrestricted right to:

    a. Reject or accept any application

    b. Cancel the pre-qualification process and reject all applications

    MfM shall neither be liable for any such actions nor be under any obligation to

    inform the applicant of the ground for the actions.

    2.5. Only firms that have been qualified under this procedure will be invited to bid on

    specific projects.

    2.6. Pre-qualified firms are required to provide the relevant original documents

    used for pre-qualification when invited for bid for verification purpose. Firms

    failing to provide such documents or firms of which information provided for

    pre-qualification differs from the original documents will be excluded from any

    ongoing or future tender.

    4. Request for Clarification:

    Should any firm require clarification on the use of the website and/or filling the online

    forms, he/she may contact MfM Help Desk with the following Address:

    Please call the MfM Helpdesk during regular office hours:

    011 440 2871 or 011 440 2872


    19 | 15 2007

    20 1546






    21 2007 /


    - ()


    / - 01 14 42 00 22

    01 14 40 22 99 ..- 1498

    Invitation to Bid (3rd time advertisement)

    The Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, AACCSA, invites eligible Publishing Housesor Agents to submit a bid for the printing of its Addis Chamber Business Directory 2015-2016 edition with the highest quality and international standard as further described in the Technical Specification found in the Bid document. Below you will find

    key information regarding the Bid:

    AACCSA would provide designed complete colour master digital art works and camera ready works particularly for pictures, advertisements and texts. The printing requirement is

    specified in the bid document.

    1. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Business Support Services Department of AACCSA, Mexico Square, Chamber Building, ground floor, during

    working hours, Monday to Friday.2. Bid documents can be obtained from Human Resources

    and Logistics Department of the Chamber, during working hours, Monday to Friday.

    3. Bidders should have a renewed license for the current fiscal year, a VAT registration certificate and Tax Payers

    Registration Certificate (TIN No.).

    4. Bidders should submit their bid documents in sealed envelopes accompanied by 2% Bid Security of the total contract price to the Chamber on or before March 13, 2015 2:00 p.m.

    5. Late bids shall be rejected.6. The tender will be opened at the Chambers Board Room on

    March13, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. in the presence of the bidders or their representatives.

    The Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids.Our Contact Address is:

    Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, AACCSA

    P.O. Box 2458Mexico Square

    Addis Ababa, EthiopiaTel: +251 11 551 80 55

    +251 11 554 24 04Fax: +251 11 551 14 79


    20 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    INVITATION FOR BIDRE-TENDER NO. MCF PLC 11/2007Messebo Cement Factory PLC. (MCF PLC) invites eligible bidders for the Purchase of different tools and workshop materials such as different teflon rods, sheet metals, steel bases, angle iron etc.1. Tender documents can be collected from Addis Ababa Messebo Cement Factory Liaison Office

    Central printing house 2nd floor around Meskel flower or MekelleMessebo Cement Factory Plc Head office effective from the day of announcement against payment of non-refundable Birr 100.00

    2. Bidder shall be submitted valid trade license renewed for 2007 Ethiopian Calendar and VAT registered certificate.

    3. All Bids must submitted in wax-sealed and stamped envelopes on or before March 12, 2015 G.C 2:00 PM

    Messebo Cement Factory PlcMekelle

    P.O. Box: 916Telephone 0344405806/0348 401336

    Fax: +251 -344 410863Messebo site, Mekelle, Ethiopia

    4. Bidders must submitted technical and financial offers in two separately copies to Messebo Cement Factory Plc head office at Mekelle in person.

    5. Bids will be opened on March 13, 2015 G.C 3:00 PM (European time) in the presence of interested bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at the above mentioned office.

    6. Bid must be accompanied by bid guarantee of Birr 2% of the total price in the form of C.P.O.7. All bids that comes after opening date of the tender will be rejected.8. Messebo Cement Factory Plcreserves the right to reject fully or partially of the bid.

    .... Messebo Cement Factory plc Quality in Action P.O.Box: 916, Mekelle Ethiopia P.O.Box: 9620, Addis Ababa E-mail: [email protected] Tel: + 251 344 40 58 06 /+251 348 400362/0348 401336 Tel: + 251 11 4663292 / 93 / 94

    E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +251 344 40 80 36/+251 344 41 08 63 Fax: + 251 11 4663403 Website: ww

    :: :: :: 1. 20

    / :: ( ) 1,600 :: ::

    20 ::

    :: ::

    :: ( )


    ( ) :: 20 :: :: :: ::

    ( ::)

    :: (

    ( ) :: ::

    :: ( A Contribution to the Critque of Poltical Economy



    21 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    ) ::

    20 :: :: :: ( ) :: ::


    ( ) :: :: :: ( A Contribution to the Critque of Poltical Economy ) ( ) :: :: ( ::)

    () ? :: :: :: :: ::

    :: :: / ::

    ( )

    :: :: :: ( ) :: :: ::

    :: ( ) ( ) :: ::

    2. 1953 ..

    :: / :: :: ( ) -

    :: :: :: ::

    1953 .. ::

    :: ( ) :: :: 1953 .. :: 3.

    20 1966 .. :: :: ::

    () ( ) :: :: :: ::

    :: ::

    :: :: ::

    ( ) 1968-9 :: ( ) ::

    (State) / :: () - :: :: 24 ::

    1966 69 :: :: :: ::

    - ::

    :: ::



    22 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    PUBLIC TENDER NOTICE-To carry out itsChild Protection Programin Mai-Tsebri Adi Harush refugee camp,

    Tigray Region,NRC - Ethiopia invites eligible bidders to tender for the supply of food items listed on the bid document:

    1. Perishable & other food itemsInterested eligible bidders should collect the list of items with details

    description from our office in Shire/Mai-Tsebri officesfromFebruary23th -4thMarch 2015 till 10 AM,during working hours

    Tender Required information - Documents / information thatMUST be provided by candidates:

    Administrative: Technical: Name and address of the company, name and phone number of contact person. Renewed business license for 2007 Eth. Calendar (copy) TIN certificate (copy) VAT registration certificate (copy) Recommendation letters from other UN or NGO agencies if available Suppliers must be TOT /

    VAT registered. Trade license must be

    relevant to the request/Food & Beverage/vegetables & fruits

    Quotation must include: full description of items,specification, unit, quantity,unit cost per item (in ETB specifying if price is before or after VAT or TOT), remarks if any, date, stamp, signature,validity of the offer: minimum 180 days price validity has to be mentioned in the document

    Delivery is twice in a week &can be more than that if there is further need for it.

    The bid proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond in the form of CPO20,000.00/

    (Twenty thousand birr / prepared for NRC

    General Terms of contract:

    In case of any quality problem, the selected supplier must have the ability to replace the item with the right quality as specified on the list immediately.

    Candidate suppliers can provide additional details, offers & information they find suitable.

    Manner of submission and bid opening:

    Each bid must be submitted in a sealed & stamped envelope marked:


    no later than 9:30 AMon the4th March2015at NRCShire Office in the tender locked box:

    Shire NRC Office: located 300 Meters behind Ethio-telecom office Tel Number. +0911931816/0913721952/0344440637

    The bids will be officially opened on the4thMarch 2015, 10:30 AM at NRCShire Office. A representative of each company should be

    presentfor the opening of the envelopes with their companys ID

    card and/or supporting letter from their company.

    Following the bids opening, assessment / evaluation and sample verification for the items will be carried out by NRC.NRCEthiopia

    reserves the right to select service provider(s) viewed most suitable.

    This will not be based on least price alone; quality, delivery time, ability to replace the wrong items in time, references and others will

    be considered.

    Delivery location is Adi Harush, Hitsatse and Mai Ayni refugee campschild protection stores.

    Bidders who failed to meet the minimum requirement will be rejected from the bid process automatically.

    NRC will offer suitable suppliers with Frame Work Agreement/ Purchase order for fixed period of time

    NRC - Ethiopia reserves the right to reject all or part of the tender. NRC Ethiopia reserves the right to select more than one service

    provider, and /or select only part of a candidates bid.

    Thepresent tender request is not an order and does not engage NRCon any legal ground or financial commitment.

    Request for Quotations (RFQ)For the Purchase of Office Equipments


    AGP-LMD Project: USAID-Ethiopias Agricultural Growth Program-

    Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) Project is a five-year

    project implemented as part of the U.S. Governments Feed the

    Future (FTF) Initiative. The Project aims to foster growth and reduce

    poverty through improving the productivity and competitiveness of

    selected livestock value chains: meat/live animals and dairy. The

    AGP-LMD project addresses USAIDs Strategic Objective of improving

    smallholder incomes and nutritional status through a holistic value

    chain development approach to ensure that the program transforms

    the targeted value chains from infancy to maturity. This self-propels

    value chains, capable of taking ownership of their own future

    development, by addressing systemic bottlenecks and facilitating

    value chain participants own engagement and investment. The

    Project wants to procure animal feed machine as per the following


    S/N Items Unit QTY Remark

    1 Laptop Computer with Bag pcs 14

    2 Printer 401D pcs 7

    3 Photo Camera pcs 12

    4 CDMA Apparatus Pcs 8

    5 Tape recorder pc 1

    6 External Hard Pcs 11

    7 Flash Disc Pcs 16

    8 Laptop Battery Pcs 2

    9 Fax Machine Pcs 1

    10 Fax Machine all in one Pcs 2

    11 Scanner Pcs 1

    12 Video Camera Pcs 1

    13 Desktop computer Pcs 1

    14 LCD Projector Pcs 7

    15 Tonner for 401D Pcs 10

    16 Tonner for copier Pcs 4

    17 Tonner 80A Pcs 19

    18 Fax Tonner Pcs 5

    Interested bidders/Eligible firms can collect instruction to bidders

    and details specifications from office during working hour and

    submit with sealed envelope before/on March 6, 2015. Last date

    to submit quotation is March 6, 2015 5:00 pm

    Late quotes will not be accepted.

    For further clarification call 0116450077

    Office is located at CMC Road in front of Civil Service College

    Palm Building 3rd floor


    23 | 15 2007

    20 1546



    24 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    Abt Associates Inc. Africa IRS (AIRS)Project Ethiopia


    The USAID funded Africa IRS (Indoor Residual spraying) Ethiopia Project supportthe president Malaria Initiative (PMI), in the planning and implementing IRS program with the overall goal of reducing the burden of malaria in Ethiopia. The project implements IRS programs through cost effective commodity procurement and logistics system and access to technical expertise in countries affected by malaria.

    At present Africa IRS (AIRS) Ethiopia office is supporting Oromia Regional Health Bureau in malaria prevention under the presidents malaria initiative (PMI) program focusing on Indoor residual spraying (IRS). Abt Associates Inc., Africa IRS (AIRS) Ethiopia office is currently seeking potential Car Rental Company to rent 17 vehicles for a total of 808 vehicle days for entomological study activity specifically for insecticide susceptibility studies, quality assurance of IRS, vector density and behavioral studies, decay rate of bendiocarb and actellic and CDC decay rate monitoring activities with the aim of supporting malaria prevention and control program in the country from March 2015 to December 2015


    All interested and licensed VAT registered car rental and transport companies

    are invited to submit the bid according to the specifications and terms stated in

    our bid document until February 27, 2015 04:30Local time.


    Description Specifications Quantity

    1 Station wagon 4 WD vehicle

    Including fuel for 200 K.M

    per day on average

    1. Year of manufacture: 1997 and above.

    2. Engine capacity: minimum of 4200 cc and above

    3. Number of cylinder: 64. Tire size: 7.50 X 165. Fuel type : Diesel6. Capacity: 6 Seats.7. In built roof rack to

    carry 100 lit (Four) jerry-can for extra fuel.

    8. Complete accessories of the vehicle (two spare tires, Spanners, wheel wrench, Hydraulic jack, Fire extinguisher, shovel etc.

    9. C o m p r e h e n s i v e insurance coverage is mandatory

    For a total of 808vehicle days

    The bid document is available free of charge starting from February23,2015at our office located at Sami Building, close to

    Imperial Hotel, 1st floor room no.: 105 ; Tel No.: +251 116 294 898 , +251116 292294.

    AIRS Project Ethiopia office reserves the right to accept or reject

    any or all bids.

    :: 1.

    :: 2.

    7.3 7.4 :: 3. 200.00( )

    / 14 ::

    4. (Quantity) ::

    5. 26 2007 . 800 ::

    6. 26 2007 . 815 ::

    7. ::

    - 0114-40-34-34/33

    - 0114-42-22-70/71/72 .. 3414 .0114-40-04-71/0114-42-07-46

    Call for Consultancy Service to Develop Strategic Plan Management (SPM) Document for 2015-2019 Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment/FSCE/

    FSCE is a recognized non-profit charitable local NGO that has been working for the benefit of vulnerable children since 1989. The organization is governed by a general assembly and a board that has an executive committee. The main purpose of this consultancy assignment is therefore, to review, and refine the records (the various assessments, studies, workshops, and meetings undertaken during the last strategic plan period) and analyze the information in a very participatory manner so as to enable to produce a workable strategic plan management (SPM) document for 2015-2019 period.

    The Consultant reviewing, analyzing and developing the SPM document should have the following minimum competencies, qualification and experience.

    The SPM Consultant would be preferable if he/she has a minimum of MA degree in the field of Sociology, Economics, development studies and other related fields of study.

    Experience in designing strategic plan management document, performance monitoring and improvement, organizational consultingetc

    Excellent facilitation and English language (written English and write up) skill.

    Ability to deliver a high quality product in a timely manner.

    In addition to the above valid knowledge and expertise, practice of working on child protection projects/programs is preferable.

    The Consultant/ Consulting firm is expected to collect the TOR from Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE) Head Office, located at Aware on the opposite side of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, House No. 322, Yeka Sub city, Addis Ababa, and submit technical and financial proposal as per the TOR to bid for the SPM document development.The consultant/consultancy firm can submit the proposals in person during the working hours from February 23, 2015 to March 03, 2015 to FSCE executive secretary, FSCE office, House No. 322, Yeka Sub city, Addis Ababa; Telephone 0115534722/432 or through FSCE postal address P.O. Box 9562.

    FSCE reserves the right to cancel part of or the entire consultancy work.


    25 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    In line with International Finance Corporations (IFC) support to SME development, the Ethiopia Development Program will provide targeted quality business management training for SMEs and middle management of corporate firms and financial institutions using the IFCs Business Edge ( solution to bridge entrepreneurship development skills gaps while seeking to develop a private market for training services to ensure sustainability over time. Business Edge is one the brand names for IFCs range of management training solutions and services.

    Business Edge is based on first-rate international material from the global market and is a practical means by which SME owners/managers; middle managers can improve their efficiency and profitability. The program consists of more than 59 self-study management trainer manuals and 38 workbooks covering 7 key business management areas namely; Marketing Management, Human Resources Management, General Operations and Management, Financial Management and Accounting, Personal Productivity Skills, Tourism and Hotel Management and Governance.

    Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified Management Consultancy firms, educational institutions, Business Associations, Public



    Call For Expressions of Interest For

    SME Toolkit Management Partner in Ethiopia

    Institutes, Corporate Firms, Financial Institutions and individual trainers who which to provide training to SMEs and middle managers of large firms in the country using Business Edge solution. After successful trainers of trainers (ToTs) and presentation of suitable applications, selected firms will sign with International Finance Corporation (IFC) a Cooperation Agreement. The Business Edge training of trainers will be delivered in Ethiopia in next couple of months.

    All Interested entities are encouraged to request the applications (Company profile, Consultants CV and Business Edge Business Plan) by email to Mr. Inoocencia Mahanjane ([email protected]). The deadline to submit the applications is 18:00 hrs on 30 April 2015. For Information about the program, please contact:

    IFC Africa Region Delta Center. 9th Upper Hill, Menengai Road

    Nairobi, Kenya

    Mario Gomes Operations Officer

    Cross Cutting Solutions SME & Better Work E-mail: [email protected]

    In line with International Finance Corporations (IFC) support to SME development, SME Management Solutions (SMS) will provide targeted quality business management training for SMEs using the IFCs Business Edge and SME Toolkit programs to bridge entrepreneurship development skills gaps while seeking to develop a private market for training services to ensure sustainability over time. Business Edge and SME Toolkit are two brand names for IFCs range of management training solutions and services, specially designed to enhance the capacity of SMEs.

    Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified firms and institutions to launch and manage the SME Toolkit program in Ethiopia. SME Toolkit partners leverage the Toolkit to expand their reach and brand recognition among local SMEs, improves value proposition, build their relationships with existing clients, and expand their customer base.

    Founded in 2002, IFCs SME Toolkit ( program currently operates a network of 41 sites in 16 languages, and attracts more than5 million visits per year and continues to expand in emerging markets. In 2006, IFC partnered with IBM to strengthen and expand the Toolkit's capabilities and develop the product on an innovative and open source platform.

    The SME Toolkit includes community building capability to allow local partners to form networks of SME entrepreneurs and business service providers. In all cases, the partner has a strong business focus on SMEs. IFC and our partners position the SME Toolkit as the premier online resource for small businesses in emerging markets. We do this by centrally sourcing high-quality, globally relevant content and then supporting our partners both to develop locally specific content and to leverage the Toolkits portal management features to keep their site fresh and their users engaged. The role of prospective partners includes: Design of Localization/Implementation Plan; Management of Plan; Development of Local Content and site management; Delivery of workshop curriculum, ongoing program management and marketing, partner with other local institutions such GSM operators, financial Institutions, Universities, Public Institutions, Business Associations, Consulting firms and so forth to prvide additional local content.

    Prospective partners will:

    Be reputable firms or institutions (Banks, Corporate, BDSPs, Business Associations, Educational institutions, etc) with the ability to reach a clearly defined local SME market. In the other hand the partner should demonstrate commitment to proactively manage the local project by committing at least one full-time staff resource to manage it and dedicating resources for local content development, marketing, and training on an ongoing basis.

    Have access to funding to localize the SME Toolkit content and Web site navigation for their target market. Localization can entail both translating the existing global content, and supplementing it with locally relevant content. The partner also should demonstrate how its management of the site will substantially contribute to SME capacity building in the country and how the SME Toolkit is in alignment with and will enhance its own activities.

    Applicants should be able to demonstrate a sustainable financial model that includes: creating a new local website, training staff on the content management system, and offer training workshops. The applicant must also show how they will generate revenue using the SME Toolkit and how they intend to manage the content. They are also required to submit a short concept note showing the organization structure, the business model or business plan with a clear framework for Monitoring and Evaluation.

    The process of implementation with a partner averages between 6 - 12. All Interested entities are encouraged to request the applications forms for the SME Toolkit by email to Mario Gomes ([email protected]). . Interested firms and institutions may obtain further information via email and Expressions of interest must be sent electronically to the e-mail address given above and the deadline for submitting the expression of interest is 18:00 hrs, June 30, 2015.


    26 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    :: :: ? :: ::

    - :: ?

    / - :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

    - ?

    / - :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

    :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::


    :: ?

    / - :: :: :: :: ::

    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 75 ::

    - :: ?

    / - :: :: 97 :: ::

    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

    :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

    - :: :: ?

    - :: :: :: :: ::

    ... 1 7

    1 40


    27 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    ... :: ::

    15 2007 .. ( ) ::

    :: :: ::

    1980 60 :: 18 100 :: :: ::

    :: ::

    :: ::

    :: :: . :: ::

    300 () . :: :: 300 :: ::

    :: :: ::

    200 :: 49 :: 1500 ::

    1 11


    - :: :: ?

    - :: :: :: 60 :: :: 60 :: :: 40 ::

    500 :: 80 :: 300 400 :: 300 350 :: 100 :: 500 :: 40 500 :: :: ::

    ... 1 15





    Item No

    Description Unit Qty Unit Price

    Total Price

    1. CM-43 Glue Kg 4,000

    15% VATTotal Price

    1. .. (TIN)

    2. 2% (Bid Bond) (CPO) 3.



    6. 24 2007 . 400 14

    7. 24 2007 . 400


    9. / /


    11. 10%


    13. (CPO)


    0114-35-21-48/49/50 0114-34-87-43/45



    28 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    Advertisement for Tender The Ethiopia Orthodox Tewahdo Church Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOC-DICAC) invites suppliers to buy the following items for pugnido Vocational and Technical Skill Trading Center. Therefore, EOTC-DICAC invites licensed suppliers who full fill all the under-listed requirements

    Firms to engage in this tender should have renewed license for 2007 EC (2014/5) and other supporting documents

    Bidders are aupposed to submit their pro forma invoice to EOTC DICAC Head Office, Arat Kilo booth 1st floor, in front of Tourist Hotel on or before the 10th days of this advertisement; and the organization will open on the 10th day of this advertisement at 2:30pm local time at the commissions Conference hall in the presence of interested bidders and/or their representative to attend. If the 10th day is not working day, the bid open on the next working day at 2:30pm local time

    EOTC-DICAC has the right to reject the bid fully or partially

    No Department Training materials description measurement quantity remark

    1 Tailoring

    Bed sheet Taka 10 Different colorBijama cherk Taka 5

    Bobin case pec 50 Better fly machine6000 Clothe Taka 10 Different colorChina tilet pec 200

    Cotton T-shirt Clothe Taka 15 For African dressingmadrekiya taka 3Plastic thread packet 15Tetron taka 5Boblin Clothe taka 5 Different colorClothe hunger pec 50Hard paper Pec. 50Pattern paper Pec. 200thread packet 50 Different colorzip Gross 4Needle packet 10

    Sewing machine oil litter 20 Better fly machineRuler Pec. 30

    Bodias ashangulit pec 4 male-- 2 female---2

    Full ashangulit pec 2 male-- 1 female---1measuring tape (meter) pec 20

    Geber cherk Lump sum 5Paper scissor pec 25Over look machine needle packet 1

    Wooden clip board pec 2

    Dyeing and printing materials Description

    Name Quantity1. Sticker paper 10 roll2. Screen mesh 55 pixel 20meter3. Screen mesh 77 pixel 0 meter4. Staple gun with staples 2 pec5. Bobline 10 taka 6. Australia wood 40 pec. 5x2.5 cm width 7. Gurd Barme 2 pec 60litter water content 8. Bath spray 3 pec9. Mica (safa) pec 15litter water content

    10. Baldi 10 pec 15litter water content11. Baldi 2 litter 10 pec12. Water cup pec 1 litter water content13. Close needle 10 packet14. Sibago gemed 50 packet15. Trace paper 1 roll16. Rapid pen with pen 5 packet17. Squage aluminum 25 pec different size 18. Paper plaster 20 pec19. Iron 2 pec

    Dyeing materials Description ( )

    1. Red reactive dye 6kg2. Yellow reactive dye 6 kg3. Blue reactive dye 6 kg4. Black reactive dye 4kg5. Salt 20 kg6. Soda ash 15 kg7. Berekina 20 pec8. Largo 20 pec9. Omo 10 pec10. Small brush 20 pec11. Abujade 200meter12. Boblin clothe 0 taka

    Printing materials description ( )

    1. Red ink 8 kg2. Yellow ink 8 kg3. Blue ink 8 kg4. Black ink 6 kg5. White ink 10 kg6. Gas 20 litter

    Water inks

    1. Red 1 kg2. Yellow ink 2 kg3. Blue 2 kg4. Black 2 kg5. White 10kg6. Tikner 107. Binder 20

    Sticker 20

    1. Red 1 kg2. Yellow 1 kg 3. Blue 1 kg4. Black 1 kg5. White 1 kg 6. Tickner 15 litter7. Laqour and synthesizer 10 pec8. Goant 10 pec

    VTC 2015 Training Materials Description

    1 Weaving

    Black china thread Packet 50White china thread Packet 150Red china thread Packet 10White suff thread Packet 3Woldeyes nech mag Packet 3Roze China thread Packet 20Rivan Tibeb betekel Packet 7Green china thread Packet 15Green suff thread Packet 15Red suff thread Packet 1Blue suff thread Packet 1Black suff thread Packet 2Bunni suff thread packet 2Shuttle(Merkebe) Packet 1kesem pec 300Weaving car pec 3Blue black china thread packet 20Weaving manual machine

    pec 15 With all accessories


    29 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    30 2007 . 2 4 1000.00 / / 20,000 / / 20 16 2007 . 16 2007 . ::

    17 2007 17 2007 . :: :: / 1 ::

    0922728042,[email protected]

    RFQ Nr:HAI-E 003/2014Open tender for SUPPLY of food items

    All intersted companies are invited to submit a quotation for Food items in respect of the above referenced RFQ. Submited Quotation could be used as the basis for a contract between your firm/institution and HelpAge International.

    The tender documentation could be received from HelpAge International office in Addis Ababa, Miky Leland Street, GMA Bldg, 3rd Floor, Bole sub city, Woreda 06, House No 378, Addis Ababa.

    Closing Date: 03 March 2015: 04:00 P.m.

    Any requests for clarification should be referred to Ato Leulseged Alemu at the above address, telephone 0911458436. HelpAge may, at its discretion, copy any reply to a particular question to all other invited firms/institutions.

    All Quotations must be in English or/and Amharic.

    Requirements:Your company is invited to make a firm Quotation for the following food items:

    Merchandise: MAIZE (Good quality, white colour) Quantity: 120,000 kg (Possibly the quantity might increase ) Delivery place: Leitchour (120Km), Tierkidi (40km) and Kule

    (45km) refugee camps in Gambela, to be distributed with in one trip.

    Packaging: 30 kg in sacks


    Leather craft

    Leather machine thread pec 40Bag thread pec 15Kurinchit mismar packet 10mastish KM 97 Karton 2Mastish cM 43 karton 4Kurichit mismark menkiya Pec. 10

    mangool pec 5Original germen product

    Ye koda geber pec 100

    Sentetic geber Lump sum 1

    Bobbin case for mareew protex machine Pec. 50

    leather pec 50 Different color






    2 20







    6 3

    7 3

    8 10

    50 .

    9 20

    10 () 100

    11 20



    12 10

    13 10

    14 ()

    50 (Sheep lining)

    15 15

    16 50

    17 100

    18 100

    19 200

    20 3

    21 3

    22 1 A to Z

    23 1


    30 | 15 2007

    20 1546



    Procurement Reference Number AIB 017/2014/151. Awash International Bank S.C. invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of Goods listed here under.

    S.No. Description Unit of measurement Quantity RemarkLOT-1

    1 IBM Store wise V7000Hard Disk

    1.1 600GB 15K SAS 2.5 inch HDD Pcs 12 RE-BID1.2 ITB 7.2K SAS 2.5inch HDD Pcs 12 RE-BID


    1 Color Printer Pcs 5 RE-BID

    2. Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the open tendering procedures contained in the Directives of the Bank and other Relevant Laws of the country, and is open to all eligible bidders.

    3. A complete set of bidding documents in English shall be obtained from Support Services Directorate of Awash International Bank S.c located at Awash Towers 10th floor room No 10-02 upon payment of non refundable fee Birr 200.00 /Two Hundred/ for each LOT during office hours (Monday to Friday 8:00AM-12:00PM; 1:00-4:30PM and Saturday 8:00AM-12:00PM) starting from February 24,2015 up on presentation of copy of renewed Trade license, Certificate of registration, Tax Clearance certification, VAT Registration Certificate and TIN Registration Certificate.

    4. Bid must be accompanied by a bid bond amount birr-1. 15,000.00(Fifteen Thousand) for LOT-12. 10,000.00(Ten Thousand) for LOT-2 in the form of Bank Guarantee or Cash Payment Order (C.P.O).

    5. Bid document must be deposited in the bid box prepared for this purpose on or before March 12, 2015 10:00 AM in the above mentioned address. 6. Bid opening shall be held at the office of Support Services Directorate Awash Tower 10th floor in the presence of bidders and/or their representatives

    who wish to attend on March 12, 2015, at 10:30 AM for LOT-1 and at 11:00 AM for LOT-2 in the above mentioned address.7. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the office of Support Services Directorate Tel. 0115-57-11-07/00-84. 8. Failure to comply any of the conditions from item 2 to 5 above shall entail automatic rejection.9. The bank reserves the right to accept or reject the bid either partially or fully.


    INVITATION TO TENDER-NO 1To Contractors of category class V/VI with license

    renewed for the year1. Eden Business share Company now invites wax sealed bids from

    eligible bidders for store and office building construction work at Agenda Gurage Zone.

    2. The bidders have to present renewed license for the year, tax clearance letter and VAT registration certificate, TIN certificate to obtain the building document.

    3. The bidders have to submit CPO or Unconditional Bank Guarantee amounting Birr 50,000.00 as a bid-bond.

    4. Eligible bidders are required to submit Technical and Financial proposals. A contractor will be selected under technical and financial-based selection procedures described in the bidding document.

    5. Any interested eligible bidder can buy Bid document by paying non returnable fee of Birr 100.00(One hundred birr) from Eden Business Share Company-Head Office.Address: Nefas Silk Lafto Sub CityStreet: Mekanisa Road,Floor: EGST Building 5th floorTown/City: Addis AbabaP.O.Box No/Postal Code: 54232Telephone: +251-11 372 0066/ +251-11 369 1102Fax number: +251-11-372 2663

    6. Bids must be delivered to EBSC before or on Tuesday, March 05, 2015 at 12:00 AM and at 2:30 PM same date the Technical proposal will be opened in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days after bid opening.

    7. EBSC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

    / .. -

    / 7 3 29 2007 . 300 / -

    7 1. 2006 . 2. 2006 . 3. 4. 30 2006 .

    5. 2007 . 6. 2007 .


    3 1.



    - 011 349 67 57/011 349 54 62

    / ..


    31 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    / ::


    1 (Light Box) 1

    2 ( )


    3 :-








    5. ( ... 5,000.00

    ( )

    6. ( 10% ( )

    7. ::


    9. ::

    16 2007 .


    200.00 (


    25 2007 . 1100

    26 2007 . (

    300 ::


    523800/011-5-535342 ::



    1. //

    2. :: :: 10 / 200.00 / / ::



    3. Tin / /

    4. VAT TOT

    5. ::

    30 2007 .



    011 5 15 62 05/011 5 58 52 62


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    NVITATION TO BIDAmref Health Africa, the largest African led international organization on the continent, provides training and health services to over 30 countries in Africa. Founded in 1957 as the Flying Doctors of East Africa to bring critical health services to remote communities, Amref Health Africa now delivers preventative, community-based health care. With a focus on women and children, Amref Health Africa manages a full range of medical and public health programs tackling the most critical health challenges facing the continent: maternal and child care, HIV & TB, malaria, clean water and sanitation and surgical and clinical outreach.

    Amref Health Africa: Ethiopia Office: Amref Health Africa was registered in Ethiopia and opened its project office in Addis Ababa in 1998 and remained a project office until 2002, when it became a fully-fledged Country Program. Since 2002, the country program has grown from one project in Addis Ababa city to about 24 projects in four regions (Addis Ababa, Afar, SNNPR, Amhara and Oromia) in 2014.

    1. Amref Health Africa is going to undertake construction of sanitation facility in three sub cities of Addis Abeba in the following lots.

    A. Constructions of Seven, 8 seats school Hygiene & sanitation facility in Addis Ketema & Lideta sub cities. B. Constructions of Eight, 8 seats school Hygiene & sanitation facility in Addis Ketema & Kirkos sub cities.C. C. C. Constructions of Five, 8 & 6 seats Communal Hygiene & sanitation facility in Kirkose & Lideta sub cities. D. Constructions of Four, 8 & 6 seat communal hygiene & sanitation facility in Addis Ketema & Lideta sub cities.2. Contractors Licensed in GC/BC Grade 6 and above are eligible to participate.

    The License should Valid for the Year.3. The bid document can be purchased by interested bidders on submission of

    a Written application, VAT registration certificate at the place of registration to the Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia Country Office A.A up on payment of a non-refundable fee ETB 100 (One hundred birr) with a complete set of contract document which is going to be signed with the winner supplier after the evaluation of the bid.

    4. Bidders may obtain further information from Amref Health Africa, in Ethiopia, Country Office, Addis Ababa. P.O.Box 20855 code 1000 Tele. 0116627851

    5. All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of 1% of total submitted cost, in an acceptable BANK GUARANTEE (CPO) from known bank/ company must be submitted on or before 10:00am on March 4 2015,G.C in Amref Health Africa, Ethiopia, Country office A.A. Bidder or their representative can be present during bid opening on March.4, 2015 at 10:30 a.m in Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia Country Office A.A 5. Bids documents will be filled including technical document, all necessary

    information & returned to African Medical and Research foundation.6. The bidder shall seal the original and copy of the bid in separate envelopes,

    duly marking the envelopes as ORIGINAL and COPY as appropriate, and forward both to the Employer. A separate sealed envelope marked BID BOND carrying the suppliers Bid security should be included in the envelope carrying the original financial document.

    7. Bidders should attach their technical & financial proposal in separate document.

    8. Bidders can participate in all tenders but one bidder can win only for one tender.

    9. A Contractor who is undertaking construction project for Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia and having a performance/progress of less than 80% is not eligible for this bid

    10. The aforementioned Office reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

    ADDRESS: Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia, Country Office, ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA.

    ADDRESS: P.O.Box 20855 code 1000Bole Sub city woreda 17 House no:050, Hayahulet(22), beside Yohannes Kitffo bet

    in front of Catholic Primary School


    Amref Health Africa, the largest African led international organization on the continent, provides training and health services to over 30 countries in Africa. Founded in 1957 as the Flying Doctors of East Africa to bring critical health services to remote communities, Amref Health Africa now delivers preventative, community-based health care. With a focus on women and children, Amref Health Africa manages a full range of medical and public health programs tackling the most critical health challenges facing the continent: maternal and child care, HIV & TB, malaria, clean water and sanitation and surgical and clinical outreach. Amref Health Africa: Ethiopia Office: Amref Health Africa was registered in Ethiopia and opened its project office in Addis Ababa in 1998 and remained a project office until 2002, when it became a fully-fledged Country Program. Since 2002, the country program has grown from one project in Addis Ababa city to about 24 projects in four regions (Addis Ababa, Afar, SNNPR, Amhara and Oromia) in 2014.

    Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia would like to invite potential bidders for the supply of Integrated Solar PV system (portable solar power).

    Specification: Desk top computer for 3 hours per day. 1.2 Lamps 4 pcs for 6 hours. 1.3 Charging lap top. Potable with handling/ case

    Therefore, all bidders shall provide the following:Certificate or Evidence for Registration with Ministry of Finance Renewed Business License for this financial yearVAT and TIN certificatesEvidence for settlement of current tax obligation

    Interested Bidders can get detail specification at Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia office upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Birr 100.00 on working days working hour. (Please bring the copy of your business license to buy the document)

    The bidder shall seal the original and copy of the bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as ORIGINAL and COPY as appropriate, and forward both to our office. A separate sealed envelope marked BID BOND carrying the contractors Bid security should be included in the envelope carrying the original document. The tender document shall include financial and technical offer sealed in a separate envelopes.

    Bids must be submitted to Amref Health Africa: Ethiopia Office on or before March 4, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. accompanied by a bid security of Birr. 5,000.00 (Insurance bond is not acceptable).

    The bid shall be opened at Amref Health Africa Ethiopia Country Office on March 4, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. in the presence of bidders or their representatives.



    20855 code 1000Around Hayahule near to Yohannis Kitfo, in front of

    Catholic Primary School


    33 | 15 2007

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    626/2001 97/90 ::

    1 /

    269872 11 LH172-1025078


    2002 244,666.72 03/07/2007 / 400-530

    1. 1/4 .. ::2. / ::3. / ::4. 10 5. ::6. ::7. ::

    0115576636/0115576637/38/0115576283 / ::


    34 | 15 2007

    20 1546



    I. (100%) ::

    II. 412/1996 6 ::

    1. III. 4

    4-01 300.00 ( ) 12 2007 .. ::

    IV. ::

    V. 13 2007 .. 900 ::

    - / 011 8 69 37 29/ 0910 90 03 15/ ... 11835

    / / 4 4-01

    003/2015 _______ ::

    VI. 13 2007 .. 915 406 ::

    VII. ::




    2. /

    30 2007 .



    - 0911-305928/0111-550940


    Duty Free Used Vechicus on sale

    Any Person who has an interest can see the vehicles at Embassy From 23rd February,2015 till 26th Feburary,2015

    Monday to Friday:- From 10:00 AM up to 2:00 PM

    Bidders should submit their offers in a sealed and stamped envelope.

    Contact Number:- 0115-511077The Embassy will announce the date of

    opening bids at the presence of bidders/ or representatives.

    Bids received after the deadline will not be acceptable.

    The Embassy of the State of Libya Addis Ababa



    100 / / :: ::

    20% (CPO) :: 24 28 2007

    . 300 ::

    24 28 2007 . 300 ::

    28 2007 . 330 / 3 ::


    011 1 11 06 80 :: www.



    35 | 15 2007

    20 1546



    To Contractors of category Class V/VI with license renewed for the year

    1. Eden Business Share Company now invites wax sealed bids from eligible bidders for spring capping and pipeline installation work at Agena Gurage Zone

    2. The bidders have to present renewed license for the year, Tax Clearance letter and VAT registration certificate, TIN certificate to obtain the bidding document.

    3. The bidders have to submit CPO or Unconditional Bank Guarantee amounting Birr 50,000.00 as a bid-bond.

    4. Eligible bidders are required to submit Technical and Financial proposals. A contractor will be selected under technical and financial based selection procedures described in the bidding document.

    5. Any interested eligible bidder can buy Bid Document by paying none returnable fee of Birr 100.00 (One hundred Birr) from Eden Business Share Company-Head office.

    Address: Nefas Silik Lafto Sub City Street: mekanisa Road,

    Floor: EGST Building 5th floorTown/City: Addis Ababa

    P.O.Box No/Postal Code: 54232Telephone: + 251-11 372 0066/ + 251-11 369 1102

    Fax number: + 251 11-372 26636. Bids must be delivered to EBSC before or on Tuesday, March 05, 2015

    at 12:00 AM and at 2:30 PM same date the Technical proposal will be opened in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days after bid opening.

    7. EBSC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

    /../ 97/1990 :: ::

    1/4 ( ) ... (..)

    :: 15 ( ) ::

    :: ... :: :: ::

    :: :: 0587751415 0912-04-75-93




    07 2007 ..




    16 2007



    2000. 69//2002

    29 2007 . 387,247.55

    03 405,310.00

    17 2007 .



    250 . 4305/2004


    / ::



    2. / 217 50.00 / /

    3. 5,000.00 (CPO)

    4. 27 2007 .. 217 400 :: 400 430 ::

    5. 400 ::

    6. ::

    . 011-629-31-61/011-629-28-84


    36 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    INVITATION FOR BIDSupply and delivery of promotional items for Libya

    oil Ethiopia ltd.

    Libya oil Ethiopia ltd invites interested bidders for the supply and delivery of different promotional

    items. Interested bidder will be required to submit their company profile, broachers and samples of the materials to be supplied with the bid document.

    List of required materials will be provided in the bid document.

    Interested bidder can collect the bid documents from Libya oil Ethiopia Ltd Head office, Debre zeith

    road, Tel 0114404040 Room no. 130,131 during working hours from Monday February 16th 2015 up

    to March 3rd 2015

    The closing date for the submission of bids shall be March 3rd 2015.

    Re advertisementCall for applicants to participate in the

    Youth Leadership Training Program 2015The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)would like to invite candidates for the Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP). The application dead line has been extended until March 6,2015. This multidisciplinary programwill be on topics like Leadership, Socioeconomic Concepts and Policies and International Relations, given at regular interval of time spread over the year 2015.To be shortlisted, candidates must fulfill the following minimum requirements:

    Age of applicant should be between 18 and 30 years Applicant should possess at least a university first degree Have the ability to communicate cross-culturally Have an advanced understanding of the English language Should have proven some sort of active involvements in social areas, E.g. Applicant

    could be a leader of school/university/college clubs, political parties, trade unions, civic organizations, associations (youth, women, professional), media institutions etc

    Applicant should have a minimum of two years proven skills of leadership and have organizational experience

    Applicant should submit the completed application form, CV together with an application letter, describing how/why you think you are eligible and motivated to apply as well as how this program will have impact on your future career as a democratic leader

    Should have supporting letter from his/her organization

    How to Apply:Application forms will be available: At the Friedrich Ebert StiftungOffice, located at

    AradaKifleKetema, around RasAmba Hotel next to St. Matthews Church.Application forms can also be requested by email: [email protected] or

    [email protected] for application: March 6, 2015.

    Please make every effort to submit on time. All cost related to this training will be covered by FES.

    f you have any questions please contactthe Friedrich-Ebert-StiftungOffice: 0111233245/46.

    .. 95.48 ::

    :: 1. 100.00 ( )

    / 032 17 2007 . ::

    2. 24 2007 . 1000 :: 1000 :: 1005 ::

    3. 25 2007 . 800 ::

    4. ::

    - / 07

    :: - 0116 67 53 52/0116 67 53

    53/0116 67 53 51

    . 10 4 28 2007 . 230 ::


    1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

    - 3 /




    37 | 15 2007

    20 1546


    National TenderNT-ET-AA-00004/15

    1. Action Contre La Faim (ACF) in consortium withSave the Children International (SCI) has implemented a project entitled Building Resilience Capacity and Recovery for the Vulnerable Population of Wag Himra Zone, Amhara Region from the fund obtained from European Union under EC-SHARE program. Among various project activities, accessing safe and adequate water for human and livestock is also considered as vital to build community resilience and to recover from disaster. Hence; ACF invites eligible bidders for the construction of 15-water supply projects clustered under the following lots.

    2. The bid under this tender notice comprise the followings lots:Lot I-Construction of 2 new hand dug wells, at Kidamit , Gebrey and

    Fatika Villages ,Debre Hiwot Keble ,Ziquala Worda.Lot II- Construction of 1 new spring , 2 New hand dug well and 1 New

    Rain water harvesting structures at Wingla , Gelekamiru and Sikela Villages ,Double-Mariyam Keble , Sekota Worda.

    Lot III- Construction of 3 new Springs at Chamida , Babu and Adifenkil Villages Abiya and Sawuna Keble Sekota Worda.

    Lot IV- Construction of 3 New Springs at Shilkuziba , Aziya/Zelekam and Tsaskiw villages in Hamusit Keble Sekota Worda.

    Lot V- Construction of 3 New Springs at Temirasilase-tamra , Shimhailu-Bebu and Shimhailu-Gerfatu Villages , Tsata kebele Sekota Worda

    3. The bids under this tender notice are categorized into five (#05) lots and a bidder can only choose to apply for one lot only.

    4. Bidders with category of WWC/GC Grade 8 and above who have valid licenses for the current year can obtain a complete set of bidding document for each of the aforementioned activities Lots from both ACF-International Country Office at Addis Ababa and ACF-SEKOTA BASE Between 23rd Feb 2015 to 9th March 2015 during office hours 8:30 -12 A.M and1:30-5:00P.M the deadline for submission of tenders is 10th March 2015at 5:00P.M

    5. Tenders duly filled must be accompanied by: Renewed business license for the year 2007 E.C. VAT registration certificate Company profile showing past performance record on similar works and

    other relevant credentials Bid Security in the name of ACF-International Ethiopia for 2% of bid

    amount in the form of CPO or bank guarantee valid at least 45 days from the date of bid opening. (Cash and insurance bond are not accepted).

    6. The ORIGINAL bid document should contain the ORIGINAL TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL OFFER in a separate envelope, sealed, signed, waxed, and labeled as ORIGINAL. The COPY bid document should contain the COPY of TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL offer and shall be presented in a separate envelope sealed, signed and waxed and clearly labeled as COPY.

    7. ORIGINAL and COPY of BID OFFER shall be submitted in a separate wax sealed envelopes clearly labeled as ORIGINAL and COPY. The whole document shall then be presented in a sealed, signed, and waxed outer envelope to the address specified below.

    8. Bidders should present copies of company renewed business and registration license, VAT registration certificate and tax payers identification certificate.

    9. The document shall then be submitted in a sealed, signed, and waxed outer envelope to the address specified below on or before 10th March 2015at 5:00P.M both offices.

    10. The bid will be opened on 16th March 2015 at2:30P.M ACF- SEKOTA BASE offices at Sekota in the presence of bidders and/or their legal representatives who wish to attend

    11. ACF reserves the right to accept or reject the entire or partial part of this bid.Addresses:

    Addis Ababa Office Sekota base office


    Addis Ababa office

    Yeka Sub City, Kebele 11/12,

    House No. 660

    Tel: 0116 610534/0116 627470

    Fax: 0116 610519

    P.O.BOX 2357

    Addis Ababa Ethiopia


    Sekota base office,

    P.O Box: 76

    Located in front of former Arsema cafe Or

    Near to Abebe Beyene Garage SEKOTA

    INVITATION TO BID1. The ISLAMIC RELIEF (IRE) invites all eligible contractors registered with the

    ministry of infrastructure under the category of GC or BC 5 and above, who have a valid registration and business licenses for the fiscal year 2007E.C and who are VAT and TIN registered to submit their bid offer to undertake Hara Arbo/IdlamiSchool Construction (one school block of two class rooms and one office, two stance segregated latrines, installation of 5000lit Roto water facility) in Cherrati district of Afdher Zone Somali Regional State.

    2. The project consists of2.1. One school block of two class rooms and one office construction;2.2. Construction of two stance segregated latrines and; 2.3. Installation of 5000lit Roto water facility

    3. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on the submission of a written application to the ISLAMIC RELIEF ETHIOPIA(IRE), upon payment of non-refundable fee of Birr 100.00 (deposited at Islamic Relief account No 1000007230714 at Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Bole Branch)at the following address:

    ISLAMIC RELIEF ETHIOPIA (IRE)Country Office at Addis Ababa, Kirkos Sub City,Woreda 1, H.No 1021

    P.O.Box 27787 code 1000Mobile: +251-910223656

    ORIslamic Relief Field offices at Hargelle, and Cheretti District, of Afdher Zone,

    Somali Regional State EthiopiaTel: + 251-025-780-064

    4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the address in 3 above.

    5. Wax sealed envelopes containing offer for furnishing all labor, equipment and material for completing all works as illustrated and described in the tender documents shall be delivered on or before WednesdayMarch 4, 2015, at 10:00am to the address mentioned above accompanied by security 2% of bid amount in Cash Payment Order (CPO) or cheque certified by a reputable Bank. Bid will be opened on the same day WednesdayMarch 4, 2015, at 10:30am at Addis and Hargelle office.

    The envelopes shall be sealed and submitted as follows:5.1. A separate envelope sealed and marked Bid Security carrying the

    Contractors Bond in the penal sum of 2% (two percent) CPO of the offer amount and the letter of introduction without stating the offer amount or condition.

    5.2. A second envelope sealed and marked Original and Copy of Financial Document carrying the original financial proposal Document.

    5.3. Financial envelopes shall bear the following reference Financial offer for the School Construction under Integrated Basic Service Provision (IBSP) project in Charreti District,Hara Arbo/Idlami Kebele of Afdher Zone, Somali Regional State

    5.4. The outer envelope of the financial offer shall bear the full address of the contractors and DO NOT OPEN BEFORE March 4, 2015 at 10:30pm.

    5.5. The financial offer shall be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may wish to attend in the Islamic Relief Country office, Addis Ababa and Hargelle Field offices located in the above address in the same date March 4, 2015 at 10:30pm.

    6. Bidders are required to submit Bid Bond from a reputable Bank. Letter of credit or Bank Guarantee or Cash Payment Order (CPO) in the amount of 2% (Two percent) of the Offer amount.

    7. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Security CPO or bank guarantee in the sum of 10 %( ten percent) of the total sum of the contract.

    8. Bidders are advised to read the instructions & information to bidders and filling in their bids.

    9. ISLAMIC RELIEF ETHIOPIA (IRE) reserves the right to extend the deadline for submission and to contact bidders for additional information before selection takes place.

    10. ISLAMIC RELIEF ETHIOPIA (IRE) reserves the right to reject any or all offers without giving reason for doing so.

    11. All construction works will be completed within 60 calendar days.


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    Call for Consultancy for Conducting a Research on Rural Small and Medium Enterprises Development in Ethiopia

    Oxfam GB is implementing an ambitious programme on Commercialization of Small Scale Producers in Ethiopia (CSSP). The programme intends to reach small scale producer farmers, pastoralist and agro-pastoralists using a market based value chain development and gendered enterprises and markets approach.

    The CSSP Programme has benefited from Oxfam GBs global Enterprise Development Programme (EDP), which intends to develop a model for providing finance and technical assistance to early-stage agricultural enterprises to enable them become sustainable businesses and benefit smallholder farmers and women; and to contribute to wider changes in the market system that will support more favourable policies, increased investment and replication of these types of enterprises. EDP is implementing two projects in Ethiopia with some degree of success. The Global EDP Review highlighted key challenges relevant to the Ethiopia programme in terms of bringing significant impact/benefit to women and in bringing change at scale. This has necessitated a narrower, more realistic set of targets for leverage and the development of a commonly agreed theory of change related to these targets.

    EDP Phase 2 has been designed to address the challenges set out by the Global Review and Ethiopia has been identified as a key country for investment. Oxfam/EDP is therefore seeking to commission a study to inform its Phase 2 operations, and its engagement in Ethiopia over the next 4-5 years in small and medium enterprise development. The research will be focusing on how EDP can provide evidence that supports the national influencing strategy and leverage innovation/changes at scale that promote poverty reduction and improved livelihoods, particularly for women. Once the leveraging opportunities are agreed with Oxfam the consultant will identify sectors/sub-sectors and types of enterprises which Oxfam should prioritise in some target areas to develop the evidence base required for achieving the influencing targets.

    OXFAM GB, therefore, wishes to invite eligible, suitably qualified and interested consulting firms to collect the terms of reference and submit technical and financial proposals separately to conduct a research on rural small and medium enterprises development in Ethiopia.

    Interested applicants are requested to collect the Terms of Reference (ToR) documents at the OXFAM GB, Addis Ababa Office located opposite of imperial hotel
