Report Writing -

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Transcript of Report Writing -

  • 8/14/2019 Report Writing -


    Presented by:Prof. V. Viswanadham

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    Composing ReportsComposing Reports

    Completing ReportsCompleting Reports

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    Composing ReportsComposing Reports

    3. Draft Report content

    1) Use the Introduction to establish the

    purpose, scope, and organization of

    your report.

    2) Use the body to present and interpret

    the information you gathered.

    3) Use the conclusion to summarizemajor points, discuss conclusions,

    and / or make recommendations.

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    Composing ReportsComposing Reports

    4. Establish a consistent time frame

    1) Avoid flipping from tense to tense.

    2) Observe the chronological sequence

    of events.

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    Composing ReportsComposing Reports

    5. Help Readers find their way

    1) Provide headings to improvereadability and clarify the framework of your ideas.

    2) Use hyperlinks online to allow readers

    to jump from section to section.3) Create transitions that tie ideas

    together and show how one thought relatesto another.

    4) Preview important topics to helpreaders get ready for new information.

    5) Review information to help readersabsorb details and keep the big picture inmind.

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    Completing ReportsCompleting Reports1.Prefatory parts

    1) Use your companys standard reportcovers, if available.

    2) Include a concise, descriptive title onthe cover.

    3) On the Title Page, list:

    Report Title

    Name, Title and address of the group or person who authorized the report;

    and who prepared the report.

    Date of submission.

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    Completing ReportsCompleting Reports

    4) Include a copy of letter of authorization

    or request for proposals, if appropriate.5) Include a letter of transmittal that

    introduces the report.

    6) Provide a Table of Contents in outlineform, with headings worded exactly as theyappear in the body of the report.

    7) Include a list of Illustrations if thereport contains a large number of them.

    8) Include a synopsis (brief summary of the report) or Executive Summary (acondensed mini version of the report) for longer reports.

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    Completing ReportsCompleting Reports

    2. Text of the Report

    1) Draft an introduction that prepares thereader for the content that follows.

    2) Provide the information that supportsyour conclusions, recommendations, or proposals in the body of the report.

    3) Dont overload the body withunnecessary details.

    4) Close with a summary of your mainidea.

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    Completing ReportsCompleting Reports

    3. Supplementary Parts

    1) Use appendixes to providesupplementary information or supportingevidence.

    2) List any secondary sources you usedin a bibliography.

    3) Provide an index if your reportcontains a large number of terms or ideasand is likely to be consulted over time.

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    The only way to improve your

    Report writing skills

    Study earlier reports analytically andcritically

    Maintain NOTES of all the points observed,and note the points on which you can later

    seek clarifications, from your seniors.

    Practice, more practice and much morepractice. There is no other short cut.


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    Written Communication

    Written communicationas compared to oral communicationis at a disadvantage because of

    the absence of non-verbal gestures,voice variation andphysical expressions.

    This as a result increases the importance of clarity andaccuracy of the content of our written message.

    To have effective writtencommunication, certain steps and guidelines may help.

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    Keep it short and simple

    Write it

    Edit your writing

    The steps

    (Your communication)

    (Brevity and precision)

    (Commit it on paper)

    (Check for corrections)

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    St ep 1. P la n

    Like any activity, written communication too requires a plan anda structure.

    Certain things must be clearly ascertained, like,

    Sender : From whom is the communication starting ?Receiver : Who is the end receiver/audience of the writtencommunication?

    Purpose : Why are we making the communication ?What is the expected outcome

    i.e. What do you expect the receiver to do ?These questions, when answered and related,

    will help us understand and design the path,requirements and the construction of the message.

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    Step 2. Keep it Short & Simple (K.I.S.S.)

    The message must be, Short Sentences : They facilitate easy and correct

    understanding of the message.

    Simple usable words : Everyday used words maintainthe harmony and expression of our communication.

    Facts and Figures : They help to give our

    communication objectivity. Relying on unclear,subjective assumptions and expectations blurs themessage.

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    Mea nin g o f the fact sSupporting data and clarification of the facts wouldhelp in the clarity of our communication.

    Suit it to the audience One message may need different degrees of

    explanations. This depends on the context,

    frame of reference and understanding capabilityof the receiver in question. We must explain andelaborate our message depending on the


    Step 2. Keep it Short & Simple (K.I.S.S.)

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    Ca ll for a cti on Our written communication should look for

    expected action to be taken based on it.

    Requ est fee dba ck Our written communication must call foracknowledgment of receipt of information.Supporting the acknowledgment must be

    specific feedback on how thecommunication has been understood, andacted upon, if any.

    Step 2. Keep it Short & Simple (K.I.S.S.)

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    Ste p 3. Wri te It Once we have done the above, we could proceed to

    actually writing our communication on paper,bearing a few things in mind.

    Double spacing to improve readability.

    Use of paragraph to make the communication morelogical and understandable.

    Neat, uniform handwriting, in case it is not typed orprinted.

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    Ste p 4 . Ed it your wr iti ng

    Effective editing is another step towards good writing.

    The key points to remember during editing are,

    Edit your draft as brutally as if it was someone elsescopy.

    Edit your draft from the readers point of view

    Be specially critical of the first few paragraphs and also of the last concluding paragraphs.

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    Step 4. Edit your writing

    Look out for problems in any section you wrotewhen you were bored or tired.

    Carefully study the content of your draft details, flow,forgotten points, unrelated issues etc.

    Edit for brevity and clarity Read aloud for style and tone

    Edit again and depending on the importance of the document, EDIT once again.