Report text

REPORT TEXT A text that describes something in general.

Transcript of Report text

REPORT TEXTA text that describes something in general.

WHAT IS REPORT TEXT? Report text is a text that describes

something in general. Every text has a communicative purpose. Communicative purpose of report text is to present information about something in general.





it is usually in the first paragraph of the text.

This part usually introduces the topic of the report or tells what phenomenon under discussion is.

It can be a short description of the subject or it can be definitions from the subject that is described.




In this part, we usually will describe the details of the topic or subject such as physical appearance, parts, qualities, habits or behavior.

Every paragraph in the part of description usually gives us information about one feature of the subject

E.G. “RABBIT” Rabbit is a mammal. It has long ears. The rabbit have four feet. It has large, powerful hind legs. The two front paws have five toes. The hind feet have four toes. They are digitigrade animals. They move around on the tips of their toes. Rabbit have a short tail.

Rabbit have many colors fur. It is most commonly long and soft, with colors such as shader of brown, gray and white. Rabbit eat carrot, leafy vegetable. It eat 3times on day.

Rabbit is animals that give birth. Each time the mother rabbit gave birth to four to five baby. It will make a hole in the ground. Then, it would be a nest hole bunnies, so that don’t to eat the predator. It has fur can fall off and it can to warm baby. The female will be lactating rabbits bunnies, until the baby can bunnies out of the hole.

Rabbit is a funny animals and friendly with human. If you can take care of rabbit, it’s very easy. It is only free in the ground. Then it can to search the eat himself. The meat rabbit can to eat. like sate rabbit

Descriptive text Descriptive text is a text which say what

a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.


introduce a particular person or thing or place.

describing physical appearance, quality, behaviour, etc.


E.G. MY REBBIT “IVANA”My rabbit Ivana, two months ago I

celebrated my birthday is the 12th, which I was very happy at that time because given the gift of a rabbit is very cute, and I give the name ivana, ivana very funny, his hair is white, and frightening because it often is washed clean, ivana not like carrots on his general, just like vegetables kale ivana, ivana rabbit that strangeness.