Report ISC 2013-2014

Ricardo Stuber 2nd Vice-Chairperson, Interamerican Scout Committee ACTIVITIES REPORT 2013-2014


Report of actions undertaken in the first year of management as a member of the Interamerican Scout Committee.

Transcript of Report ISC 2013-2014

Ricardo Stuber2nd Vice-Chairperson,

Interamerican Scout Committee


One year has passed since my election in Buenos Aires.

The first weeks and months after the 25th Interamerican

Scout Conference were particularly busy. First, I resigned

as International Commissioner of the Brazilian Scout

Association (União dos Escoteiros do Brasil) to fully

dedicate myself to my responsibilities as a member of

the Interamerican Scout Committee. In addition to

planning the first meeting of the newly elected

Committee, much of my time was spent in the final

preparations of the II Interamerican Scout Moot. It was a

great opportunity to get in touch with young adults of

our Region and personally discuss the future of the

Movement with them.

Ricardo Stuber2nd Vice-Chairperson, Interamerican Scout Committee


The preparations for the World Scout Conference were

considerable, both in the planning of the meetings with

all delegates from the Region as well as the

Interamerican Scout Committee meeting. An informal

joint meeting between the Interamerican and the

European Scout Committee was also held at the

Conference and was a good opportunity to strengthen

relationships, to examine the processes developed and

assess their potential relevance and e�ectiveness within

the Interamerican context.


Ensuring the impact of Scouting requires a detailed

analysis of how the Interamerican Region and its

structures can best support NSOs. Through the

Governance Review we expect to rethink how to deliver

an e�ective Interamerican Region and to discuss the

necessary reforms that must be driven to improve

support, operational, and organizational e�ectiveness;

as well as to ensure alignment of performance with our

Strategy for Scouting. In the first months of my term as a

Committee member, much of my time was dedicated to

developing the Terms of Reference and the Open Call of

the Interamerican Governance Task Force. For the first

time, volunteers were selected through an open call in

our Region.


The methodologies of working at the Institutional

Development Network were also rethought., with a

proactive agenda, NSOs sharing their experiences, critical

thinking and a good partnership between professionals

and volunteers. The sub regional meeting of the Southern

Cone was a test run with positive feedback of all

participants. The Network’s Coordination Team is already

planning the next meeting in Panama in May 2015.


Throughout the year, I also worked to foster Youth

Involvement not only through the Youth Network, but in

all Networks. For example, I was happy to cover my own

costs for the meeting of the Institutional Development

Network – Southern Cone so that the budget allocated

for my participation could be provided instead to Matias

Rodriguez Aro, giving him an opportunity to contribute

not only to the virtual planning of the meeting but also

the meeting itself.


Accountability and transparency are also key points for

me in the triennium. In partnership with the World Scout

Bureau – Interamerican Region, I am working on a

document that gathers with all Resolutions approved by

past Interamerican Scout Conferences as well as all

agreements taken by previous Interamerican Scout


I have also worked in collaboration with Lorena Gudiño

to establish a follow-up process for the Resolutions

adopted in Buenos Aires, as well as the Agreements

taken by the Interamerican Scout Committee.

To take large steps in the future, it is important to

understand and analyze decisions taken in the past.


As time goes by, it is also very important to keep in mind

how we can have a great Interamerican Scout

Conference in Houston, and the first visit to the

proposed venue and meeting with the Host Committee

was very productive and positive. I am confident that we

will work together to have an excellent Interamerican

Scout Youth Forum and Conference.


Significant time throughout the year has also been spent

with my contact countries, particularly Argentina and

Uruguay. More attention will be given to Bolivia in the

coming year. Together with Leonardo Morales, Luis

Silvestri, Raúl Sanchez Vaca, José Gabriel Criollo and

Luiz Mazetti, special attention was also given to mediate

the institutional crisis of Paraguay.


It is clear that until the Interamerican Scout Summit in

Cancun, next year, there is much to do to align

performance management with the Strategy for

Scouting and I look forward to taking an active role to

implement the Regional Plan and the Resolutions

adopted at the 25th Interamerican Scout Conference. It

is also key to ensure that the Region play its part in

implementing the Resolutions approved at the 40th

World Scout Conference, as well as to harmonize the

Regional Plan with the Triennial Plan so that together we

can achieve our Vision 2023.



• Vice Chairperson, Interamerican Scout Committee

• Member, Steering Committee

• Coordination Team, Institutional Development


• Liason, Interamerican Governance Task Force


• Argentina

• Bolivia

• Uruguay


• Joint Meeting with World Scout CommitteeBuenos Aires, Argentina, 20 August 2013• Steering Committee MeetingPanama City, Panama, 9 November 2013• II Interamerican Scout MootRio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 27 December 2013 - 4 January 2014• Interamerican Scout Committee MeetingPanama City, Panama, 17-18 January 2014• BSA National Annual Meeting Nashville, United States of America, 20-23 May 2014• Steering Committee MeetingNashville, United States of America, 24 May 2014• 2016 Interamerican Scout Conference Planning MeetingHouston, United States of America, 25 May 2014• Interamerican Scout Committee MeetingLjubljana, Slovenia, 10-12 August 2014• 40th World Scout ConferenceLjubljana, Slovenia, 11-15 August 2014• Institutional Development NetworkCuritiba, Brazil, 12-14 September 2014

Ricardo Stuber2nd Vice-Chairperson,

Interamerican Scout Committee

[email protected]


