Report Card Requirements -  · Web viewThen export the PDF into an excel...

Instructions for Completing District & School Report Card 2017-2018 Templates (for Report Cards to be distributed to parents) Table of Contents REPORT CARD REQUIREMENTS............................................1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISTRICT REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (FORM #05-19-031)....4 INSERTING DATA FROM THE DEED WEBSITE INTO THE DISTRICT REPORT CARD TEMPLATE............................................................ 8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (FORM #05-19-030).....12 INSERTING DATA FROM THE DEED WEBSITE INTO THE SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE........................................................... 16 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISTRICT & SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE FOR SINGLE SITE DISTRICTS (FORM #05-19-032)...................................19 INSERTING DATA FROM DEED WEBSITE INTO THE SINGLE SITE DISTRICT & SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE........................................22 ALASKA REGULATION 4 AAC 06.895. REPORT CARD TO THE PUBLIC..........28 Report Card Requirements The District Report Card and School Report Card templates are designed to meet District and School Report Card federal and state requirements (4 AAC 06.895 ). The District Report Card template contains data for the district and is designed to be used in conjunction with individual school report cards. Individual school report cards must contain most of the same information at the school level as the district template contains at the district level. A Single Site District & School Report Card template is also available. The School Report Card presents information about the school’s performance for the 2017-2018 school year. The Performance Evaluation for Alaska’s Schools (PEAKS) assessment in English Language Arts and Mathematics were given for the first time in spring 2017 to students in grades 3-10 (PEAKS was given to grades 3-9 during the 2017-2018 school year). These two new assessments replaced the former Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in grades 4, 8, and 10 also took the Alaska Science Assessment. Form #05-19-029 Instructions for District & School Report Card Templates 2017-2018 Alaska Department of Education & Early Development Page 1 of 31

Transcript of Report Card Requirements -  · Web viewThen export the PDF into an excel...

Page 1: Report Card Requirements -  · Web viewThen export the PDF into an excel document and calculate. ... (CTRL+C) In the . Template, go to the "All Students Tested

Instructions for CompletingDistrict & School Report Card 2017-2018 Templates

(for Report Cards to be distributed to parents)

Table of ContentsREPORT CARD REQUIREMENTS...............................................................1INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISTRICT REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (FORM #05-19-031)......................................................................................................4INSERTING DATA FROM THE DEED WEBSITE INTO THE DISTRICT REPORT CARD TEMPLATE....................................................................................8INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (FORM #05-19-030)..........................................................................................................12INSERTING DATA FROM THE DEED WEBSITE INTO THE SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE..................................................................................16INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISTRICT & SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE FOR SINGLE SITE DISTRICTS (FORM #05-19-032)..........................................19INSERTING DATA FROM DEED WEBSITE INTO THE SINGLE SITE DISTRICT & SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE........................................................22ALASKA REGULATION 4 AAC 06.895. REPORT CARD TO THE PUBLIC........28

Report Card RequirementsThe District Report Card and School Report Card templates are designed to meet District and School Report Card federal and state requirements (4 AAC 06.895). The District Report Card template contains data for the district and is designed to be used in conjunction with individual school report cards. Individual school report cards must contain most of the same information at the school level as the district template contains at the district level. A Single Site District & School Report Card template is also available.

The School Report Card presents information about the school’s performance for the 2017-2018 school year. The Performance Evaluation for Alaska’s Schools (PEAKS) assessment in English Language Arts and Mathematics were given for the first time in spring 2017 to students in grades 3-10 (PEAKS was given to grades 3-9 during the 2017-2018 school year). These two new assessments replaced the former Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in grades 4, 8, and 10 also took the Alaska Science Assessment.

As part of the ongoing implementation of Alaska’s Education Challenge, the Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) is working with school districts to support success in every school. Utilizing Alaska’s plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as a strategy for closing our achievement gaps, a new accountability system is being implemented to help celebrate success and identify areas where additional support is needed, with the goal of increasing achievement for all students. The Overall School Index Value is an important piece of this new System for School Success, which provides information about how each school is supporting its students.

For 2017-2018, schools received a System for School Success Report. The one-page System for School Success Report contains general information and school demographics; grade K 6 Full Academic Year (FAY) participation ‐

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rate, indicators, and the K-6 index value; grade 7 12 FAY participation rate, indicators, and the 7-12 index value; ‐the overall school index value; the school’s designation for level of support; and the school index values for the nine different student groups, also known as subgroups.

More information about the accountability system for schools can be found on the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development website (

• View a Summary of the System for School Success (

• View the current System for School Success Designations (

• Find information about how schools are supported in writing and implementing school improvement plans (

While districts are not required to use these templates, they must ensure that all district and school report cards contain the required elements. Additional information may be included as desired. Beyond these requirements, districts have the flexibility to use the report card style or format they determine to be most effective in presenting information to stakeholders, including parents.

The district and school report cards must be disseminated to each parent in the district no later than 30 days after the department has made all necessary data available to districts and may be posted on the district website. For report cards that are posted on the district website, the district and school must send home a copy with students, mail a copy to parents, or provide information to parents through a letter or school newsletter on how to access the report card on the Internet. Options for a paper copy should be provided for parents without Internet access.

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Instructions for DISTRICT REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (Form #05-19-031)Page 1: Links to Report Cards: Enter specific information about the district website and on-site locations where parents can find the District Report Card and School Report Cards.

Page 2:Information on Professional Qualifications of Educators: The Department will provide this information for the 2017-18 school year to districts during this transition year by mid-December. The information for this section is primarily taken from the Certified Staff Accounting file, which includes all certified staff employed on October 1, 2017. DEED will be cross-referencing the information with the Certification database for accuracy of the highest degree and to determine if courses are being taught be teachers who are out-of-field.

Provide the highest degree for your teachers.

Note: The language on the report card indicating that parents can request information on the qualifications of their child’s teachers meets the parent notification requirement. In addition, the language that they may request information on whether their child is being provided services by paraprofessionals, and, if so their qualifications meets the parent notification requirement. A separate letter to parents is not necessary.

Each District Report card must include, in the aggregate and disaggregated by high-poverty and low-poverty schools, the number and percentage of inexperienced teachers, principals, and other school leaders*; (2) teachers teaching with emergency and provisional credentials (not applicable in Alaska); and (3) teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which the teacher is certified or licensed (i.e., out-of-field teachers).

* The principal and other school leader data will be reported in 2018-2019 and is not available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards.

Information not yet available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards: If a State and its districts do not currently collect or have the following data, we are required to include on the report card the school year in which it is expected that the information be fully available. (34 C.F.R. § 200.36(c)(2)). The following information is not yet available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards: Per-pupil expenditures and postsecondary enrollment rates for each high school.

Pages 3-6:Information about Student Achievement Results: Enter the number of newly arrived EL students who were exempted from taking the English Language Arts assessment in the box. This number is the number of students reported in the 2018 Participation Rate file as “Y” in field 21 “Recently Arrived-English Leaner: Exclude from English Language Arts Participation”, or field 22 “FYI – Recently Arrived-English Leaner: Exclude from English Language Arts Performance.”

The tables display the assessment results in all proficiency levels for each required test (English Language Arts and Mathematics) taken by all students in grades 3-9 (not just students enrolled for the full academic year) and for the science test taken in by students grades 4, 8, and 10.

Note: The results reported for English Learners (ELs) and students with disabilities include only students currently identified in those subgroups. Assessment results of former English learners or students with disabilities are not included in these reports.

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Enter the assessment results (at each proficiency level) and participation information for each content area of English Language Arts, Mathematics and Science. Districts are able to get assessment data and percent tested data to complete the report card from the 2018 Assessment Results webpage ( See the step-by-step instructions for copying district assessment data on page 6 of this document.

Note: The assessment data from this website has been suppressed to protect personally identifiable information.

The district level student results must be compared to the state level student results.

Note: The table displays all required subgroups. It also displays some categories that are not required, but are included since they print in the report. If desired, the district may eliminate the rows for not economically disadvantaged, students without disabilities, not EL, not migrant, and not active duty.

Page 7:Alternate Assessment Data: Enter the number and percentages of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who take an alternate assessment by grade and subject. Though this information should be on hand at the district, districts can access this information by doing the following:

1. Sign into Educator Portal ( 2. Click on the Reports tab, then select ‘ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT’3. Select the Year End tab, then select the desired report (e.g. District Aggregate)4. Select the correct year and district (2018 is this last spring)5. A link will generate at the bottom of the screen that you can click to open. Then export the PDF into an

excel document and calculate.If you have any issues navigating Educator Portal please contact Jennifer Hayes at [email protected].

Note: The numerator in the percentage is the number of students taking an alternate assessment and the denominator is the total number of students taking an assessment at the district (in the applicable subject area and grade).

Page 8:Designation of Schools: List the names of all schools identified for comprehensive and targeted support and improvement. Do not include any schools listed as Universal Support. You can view all the school designations by district on the System for School Success Designation page (

Pages 9-11:NAEP Data: Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) are pre-populated on pages 9-11 of the template. The 2017 administration is the most recent administration for which results are available. Note: NAEP is administered every two years, not every year. The District Report Card template includes a link to the DEED webpage where updated data may be found for NAEP (

Page 12:District Accountability Indicators: Accountability Indicators Report: The 2017-2018 District Accountability Indicators Report will be forthcoming. When the 2017-2018 District Accountability Indicators Reports are made available, insert at the end of your report card. This can be added to your template in several ways, either as a PDF or pasting it as a picture into Word.

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC): The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report will be forthcoming. When the CRDC reports are made available, insert at the end of your report card. The data in this report is from the

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2015-2016 CRDC. This data collection is the most current data to be used on the 2017-2018 Report Cards. The data collected pursuant to section 203(c)(1) of the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413(c)(1)) is the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The CRDC is a biennial (i.e., every other school year) survey required by the Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR contains information on measures of school quality, climate, and safety including information of the following:

• In-school suspensions;• Out-of-school suspensions;• Expulsions;• School-related arrests;• Referrals to law enforcement;• Chronic absenteeism, including both excused and unexcused absences; and• Incidents of violence, including bullying and harassment.

Other CRDC indicators:

• Number and percentage of students enrolled in preschool;• Number and percentage of students enrolled in accelerated coursework (e.g. AP and IB)

This data can also be accessed on the CRDC Homepage ( The User Guide ( can be used for directions for navigation and search tips.

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Inserting Data from the DEED website into the DISTRICT Report Card Template Navigate to the DEED website1. Go to the 2018 Assessments Results webpage

( the data reports2. Get the PEAKS Assessment results for English Language Arts and Mathematics

a. On the main page, select the following:i. Districtwide

ii. From the dropdown menu, select your districtb. Press the “View Assessment Results” buttonc. At the top of the page, press “Download Four-Way Suppressed Data (.csv)”d. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"e. This automatically creates a document titled "2017-2018_[DISTRICT NAME].csv”.

3. Get the Alaska Science Assessment resultsa. On the 2018 Assessment Results webpage, select the following:

i. Districtwideii. From the dropdown menu, select your district

b. Press the “View Assessment Results” buttonc. At the top of the page, press “Download Four-Way Suppressed Data (.csv)”d. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"e. This automatically creates a document titled "2017-2018_[DISTRICT NAME].csv”.

Formatting the Data Reports4. Open your saved PEAKS Report file and select columns E through N

a. Align centerb. Make sure columns E through L has 1 decimal placec. Make sure column M has 0 decimal placesd. Select cells N2 to N49 (PercentTestedDistrict column)e. While cells are selected, select Percentage from the top toolbarf. While cells are selected, make sure column N has 1 decimal placeg. Save h. Repeat with the ASA Report file – in order to change the PercentTestedDistrict column, select sells

N2 to N25.

Insert the data into the District Report Card TemplatesEnglish Language Arts Data (PEAKS)5. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file6. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E2 (English Language Arts/Total/Advanced District) to N25 (English

Language Arts/NOT Foster Care/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)7. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 3 – 9 in English Language Arts" table8. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/District" to "NOT Foster Care/Percentage Tested/District" and

paste (CTRL+V)9. With the data still selected, change the font size to 10Mathematics Data (PEAKS)10. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file

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11. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E26 (Mathematics/Total/ Advanced District) to N49 (Mathematics/NOT Foster Care/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)

12. In the Template, go to the " All Students Tested Grades 3 – 9 in Mathematics " table13. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced /District" to "NOT Foster Care/Percentage Tested/District"

and paste (CTRL+V)14. With the data still selected, change the font size to 10Alaska Science Assessment (ASA)15. Open both the Template file and the ASA Report file16. In the ASA Report, select the cells E2 (Science/Total/Advanced District) to N25 (Science/NOT Foster

Care/% Participation Rate District) and copy (CTRL+C)17. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 4, 8, & 10 in Science" table18. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/District" to "NOT Foster Care/ Percentage Tested/District "

and paste (CTRL+V)19. With the data still selected, change the font size to 10

Note: The assessment data from this website has been suppressed to protect personally identifiable information. DEED has posted the Protocol for Reporting Results ( should there be any questions.

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Instructions for SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATE (form #05-19-030)Page 1: School Name & Basic Information: Include basic information about the school. If the school is accredited include – the date of accreditation; the name of accrediting organization; and level of accreditation awarded by the accrediting organization for the year of the report.

Links to Report Cards: Enter specific information about the district website and on-site locations where parents can find the District Report Card and School Report Cards.

Page 2:Information on Professional Qualifications of Educators: The Department will provide this information for the 2017-18 school year to districts during this transition year by mid-December. The information for this section is primarily taken from the Certified Staff Accounting file, which includes all certified staff employed on October 1, 2017. DEED will be cross-referencing the information with the Certification database for accuracy of the highest degree and to determine if courses are being taught be teachers who are out-of-field.

Provide the highest degree for your teachers.

Note: The language on the report card indicating that parents can request information on the qualifications of their child’s teachers meets the parent notification requirement. In addition, the language that they may request information on whether their child is being provided services by paraprofessionals, and, if so their qualifications meets the parent notification requirement. A separate letter to parents is not necessary.

Each School Report card must include, in the aggregate and disaggregated by high-poverty and low-poverty schools, the number and percentage of inexperienced teachers, principals, and other school leaders*; (2) teachers teaching with emergency and provisional credentials (not applicable in Alaska); and (3) teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which the teacher is certified or licensed (i.e., out-of-field teachers).

* The principal and other school leader data will be reported in 2018-2019 and is not available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards.

Other School Information: The additional data below is required by Alaska regulation 4 AAC 06.895.

Grades KG-8 Retention Rate: Report the KG-8 retention rate by taking the number of students not progressing to the next grade and dividing by the membership on the last day of the school year, expressed as a percentage. Example: if 40 students were enrolled in grades KG-8 on the last day of the 2017-2018 school year and two of them did not progress to the next grade then the KG-8 Retention Rate would be 5.00%

Number of High School Graduates: This is the total count of students who received a regular high school diploma during the 2017-2018 school year. This includes early graduates, students who receive a diploma in four years, and students who received a late diploma, as long as the diploma was issued during the 2017-2018 school year.

Grades 7-12 Dropout Rate: Report the percentage of dropouts by taking the total number of students in grades 7-12 who discontinued school during the 2017-2018 school year (including summer dropouts) and did not return to school before the end of the 2017-2018 school year divided by the October 1, 2017 enrollment count of all students in grades 7-12. If you are uncertain whether a student returned to school in another district prior to the end of the school year, contact Courtney Preziosi at [email protected] for a copy of your district’s list of confirmed dropouts.

Number of Grade 7-12 Dropouts: Report the total count of students who discontinued school during the 2017-2018 school year (including summer dropouts) and did not return to school before the end of the 2017-2018 school year. If you are uncertain whether a student returned to school in another district prior to the end of the

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school year, contact Courtney Preziosi at [email protected] for a copy of your district’s list of confirmed dropouts.

Enrollment Change: Report the annual percentage change in enrollment by taking the October 1, 2017 enrollment and subtracting the October 1, 2016 enrollment, then dividing by the October 1, 2016 enrollment. Example: For a school with 180 students enrolled on October 1, 2017 and 200 students on October 1, 2016. Step One: [180 – 200 = -20] Step Two: [-20 / 200 = -0.1] Percentage Change = -10.00%

Enrollment Change Due to Transfers: Report the percentage change in enrollment due to transfers by dividing the number of students enrolled at least 170 days in the school year by the number of students enrolled at least one day in the school, then subtracted from one. Example: A school has 250 students in membership for at least one day in 2017-2018 and 200 students in membership for at least 170 days. Step One: [200 / 250 = 0.8] Step Two: [1 – 0.8 = 0.2] Percentage Change = 20.00%

Students Survey Response Rate: The Students Survey Response Rate is a ratio, the numerator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys issued to students and the denominator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys completed by students.

Parents Survey Response Rate: The Parents Survey Response Rate is a ratio, the numerator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys issued to parents and the denominator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys completed by parents.

Students Commenting: Report the number of students commenting on school district activities during the school year. A narrative description of these comments shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Parents Commenting: Report the number of parents commenting on school district activities during the school year. A narrative description of these comments shall be included in the included space on the form or distributed as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Average Volunteer Hours per Week: Report the average number of volunteer hours per week spent in the school by parents and interested community members.

Community Members Commenting: Report the number of community members commenting on school district activities during the school year. A narrative description of these comments shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Persistently Dangerous School: Report whether the school was identified as a Persistently Dangerous School under AS 14.33.120.

School/Business Partnerships: Report the number of school/business and/or interagency partnerships operating under written agreement during the school year. A narrative description of each partnership, including the partner’s activities in the school and the results of these partnerships, shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Page 3:Information not yet available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards: If a State and its districts do not currently collect or have the following data, we must include on the report card the school year in which it is expected that the information be fully available. (34 C.F.R. § 200.36(c)(2)). The following information is not yet available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards: Per-pupil expenditures and postsecondary enrollment rates for each high school.

Pages 4-6:Information about Student Achievement Results: The assessment tables for the School Report Card are the same as those required for the District Report Card except that the school results must be compared to the

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district and state results. School data may be obtained from the 2018 Assessments Results webpage. See the step-by-step instructions for copying school assessment data beginning on page 10 of this document.

Note: To minimize extra data entry, create a district specific School Report Card template by entering the district percent tested data once, then create one copy for each school in the district.

Page 7:Alternate Assessment Data: Enter the number and percentages of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who take an alternate assessment by grade and subject. Districts can access this information by doing the following:

1. Sign into Educator Portal ( 2. Click on the Reports tab, then select ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT3. Select the Year End tab, then select the desired report (e.g. District Aggregate)4. Select the correct year and district (2018 is this last spring)5. A link will generate at the bottom of the screen. Just click and open. Then export the PDF into an excel

document and calculate.If you have any issues navigating Educator Portal please contact Jennifer Hayes at [email protected].

Note: The numerator in the percentage is the number of students taking an alternate assessment and the denominator is the total number of students taking an assessment at the school (in the applicable subject area and grade).

Page 8:School Accountability Indicators: Accountability Indicators Report: The 2017-2018 School Accountability Indicators Report is forthcoming. When the 2017-2018 School Accountability Indicators Reports are made available, insert at the end of your report card. This can be added to your template in several ways, either as a PDF or pasting it as a picture into Word.

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC): The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report will be forthcoming. When the CRDC Reports are made available, insert at the end of your report card. The data in this report is from the 2015-2016 CRDC. This data collection is the most current data to be used on the 2017-2018 Report Cards. The data collected pursuant to section 203(c)(1) of the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413(c)(1)) is the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The CRDC is a biennial (i.e., every other school year) survey required by the Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR contains information on measures of school quality, climate, and safety including information of the following:

• In-school suspensions;• Out-of-school suspensions;• Expulsions;• School-related arrests;• Referrals to law enforcement;• Chronic absenteeism, including both excused and unexcused absences; and• Incidents of violence, including bullying and harassment.

Other CRDC indicators:

• Number and percentage of students enrolled in preschool;• Number and percentage of students enrolled in accelerated coursework (e.g. AP and IB)

This data can also be accessed on the CRDC Homepage ( The User Guide ( can be used for directions for navigation and search tips.

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Inserting Data from the DEED website into the SCHOOL Report Card Template Navigate to the DEED website1. Go to the 2018 Assessments Results webpage: the data reports2. Get the PEAKS Assessment results for English Language Arts and Mathematics

a. On the main page, select the following:i. Schoolwide

ii. From the dropdown menu, select your districtiii. Then, from the dropdown menu, select your school

b. Press the “View School Results” buttonc. At the top of the page, press “Download Four-Way Suppressed Data (.csv)”d. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"e. This automatically creates a document titled "2017-2018_[SCHOOL NAME].csv”.

3. Get the Alaska Science Assessment resultsa. On the 2018 Assessment Results webpage, select the following:

i. Schoolwideii. From the dropdown menu, select your district

iii. Then, from the dropdown menu, select your schoolb. Press the “View School Results” buttonc. At the top of the page, press “Download Four-Way Suppressed Data (.csv)”d. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"e. This automatically creates a document titled "2017-2018_[SCHOOL NAME].csv”.

Formatting the Data Reports4. Open your saved PEAKS Report file and select columns E through S

a. Align centerb. Make sure each columns E through P has 1 decimal placec. Make sure column Q has 0 decimal placesd. Select cells R2 to S49 (PercentTestedSchool and PercentTestedDistrict columns)e. While cells are selected, select Percentage from the top toolbar f. While cells are selected, make sure there is 1 decimal place per instructions aboveg. Save h. Repeat with the ASA Report file - in order to change the PercentTestedSchool and the

PercentTestedDistrict column, select sells R2 to S25.Insert the data into the School Report Card TemplatesEnglish Language Arts Data (PEAKS)5. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file6. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E2 (English Language Arts/Total/Advanced School) to S25 (English

Language Arts/NOT Foster Care/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)7. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 3 – 9 in English Language Arts" table8. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/School" to "NOT Foster Care/Percentage Tested/District" and

paste (CTRL+V)9. With the data still selected, change the font size to 8Mathematics Data (PEAKS)10. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file

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11. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E26 (Mathematics/Total/Advanced School) to S49 (Mathematics/NOT Foster Care/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)

12. In the Template, go to the " All Students Tested Grades 3 – 9 in Mathematics " table13. Select the cells " All Students/% Advanced/School " to "NOT Foster Care/Percentage Tested/District"

and paste (CTRL+V)14. With the data still selected, change the font size to 8Science Data (ASA)15. Open both the Template file and the ASA Report file16. In the ASA Report, select the cells E2 (Science/Total/Advanced School) to S25 (Science/NOT Foster

Care/% Participation Rate District) and copy (CTRL+C)17. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 4, 8, & 10 in Science" table18. Select the cells " All Students/% Advanced/School " to "NOT Foster Care/ Percentage Tested/District "

and paste (CTRL+V)19. With the data still selected, change the font size to 8

Note: The assessment data from this website has been suppressed to protect personally identifiable information. DEED has posted the Protocol for Reporting Results ( should there be any questions.

Instructions for DISTRICT & SCHOOL REPORT CARD TEMPLATEfor Single Site Districts (form #05-19-032) (Use this template if your district has only one school)Page 1: School Name & Basic Information: Include basic information about the school. If the school is accredited, indicate the name of the accrediting organization, the date and the level of accreditation.

Links to Report Cards: Enter specific information about the district website and on-site locations where parents can find the District Report Card and School Report Cards.

Page 2:Information on Professional Qualifications of Educators: The Department will provide this information for the 2017-18 school year to districts during this transition year by mid-December. The information for this section is primarily taken from the Certified Staff Accounting file, which includes all certified staff employed on October 1, 2017. DEED will be cross-referencing the information with the Certification database for accuracy of the highest degree and to determine if courses are being taught be teachers who are out-of-field.

Provide the highest degree for your teachers.

Note: The language on the report card indicating that parents can request information on the qualifications of their child’s teachers meets the parent notification requirement. In addition, the language that they may request information on whether their child is being provided services by paraprofessionals, and, if so their qualifications meets the parent notification requirement. A separate letter to parents is not necessary.

Each School Report card must include, in the aggregate and disaggregated by high-poverty and low-poverty schools, the number and percentage of inexperienced teachers, principals, and other school leaders*; (2) teachers teaching with emergency and provisional credentials (not applicable in Alaska); and (3) teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which the teacher is certified or licensed (i.e., out-of-field teachers).

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* The principal and other school leader data will be reported in 2018-2019 and is not available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards.

Other School Information: The additional data below is required by Alaska regulation 4 AAC 06.895.

Grades KG-8 Retention Rate: Report the KG-8 retention rate by taking the number of students not progressing to the next grade and dividing by the membership on the last day of the school year, expressed as a percentage. Example: if 40 students were enrolled in grades KG-8 on the last day of the 2017-2018 school year and two of them did not progress to the next grade then the KG-8 Retention Rate would be 5.00%

Number of High School Graduates: This is the total count of students who received a regular high school diploma during the 2017-2018 school year. This includes early graduates, students who receive a diploma in four years, and students who receive a late diploma, as long as the diploma was issued during the 2017-2018 school year.

Grades 7-12 Dropout Rate: Report the percentage of dropouts by taking the total number of students in grades 7-12 who discontinued school during the 2017-2018 school year (including summer dropouts) and did not return to school before the end of the 2017-2018 school year divided by the October 1, 2017 enrollment count of all students in grades 7-12. If you are uncertain whether a student returned to school in another district prior to the end of the school year, contact Courtney Preziosi at [email protected] for a copy of your district’s list of confirmed dropouts.

Number of Grade 7-12 Dropouts: Report the total count of students who discontinued school during the 2017-2018 school year (including summer dropouts) and did not return to school before the end of the 2017-2018 school year. If you are uncertain whether a student returned to school in another district prior to the end of the school year, contact Courtney Preziosi at [email protected] for a copy of your district’s list of confirmed dropouts.

Enrollment Change: Report the annual percentage change in enrollment by taking the October 1, 2017 enrollment and subtracting the October 1, 2016 enrollment, then dividing by the October 1, 2016 enrollment. Example: For a school with 180 students enrolled on October 1, 2017 and 200 students on October 1, 2016. Step One: [180 – 200 = -20] Step Two: [-20 / 200 = -0.1] Percentage Change = -10.00%

Enrollment Change Due to Transfers: Report the percentage change in enrollment due to transfers by dividing the number of students enrolled at least 170 days in the school year by the number of students enrolled at least one day in the school, then subtracted from one. Example: A school has 250 students in membership for at least one day in 2017-2018 and 200 students in membership for at least 170 days. Step One: [200 / 250 = 0.8] Step Two: [1 – 0.8 = 0.2] Percentage Change = 20.00%

Students Survey Response Rate: The Students Survey Response Rate is a ratio, the numerator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys issued to students and the denominator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys completed by students.

Parents Survey Response Rate: The Parents Survey Response Rate is a ratio, the numerator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys issued to parents and the denominator of which is the number of teacher evaluation surveys completed by parents.

Students Commenting: Report the number of students commenting on school district activities during the school year. A narrative description of these comments shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Parents Commenting: Report the number of parents commenting on school district activities during the school year. A narrative description of these comments shall be included in the included space on the form or distributed as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Average Volunteer Hours per Week: Report the average number of volunteer hours per week spent in the school by parents and interested community members.

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Community Members Commenting: Report the number of community members commenting on school district activities during the school year. A narrative description of these comments shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Persistently Dangerous School: Report whether the school was identified as a Persistently Dangerous School under AS 14.33.120.

School/Business Partnerships: Report the number of school/business and/or interagency partnerships operating under written agreement during the school year. A narrative description of each partnership, including the partner’s activities in the school and the results of these partnerships, shall be distributed in the included space on the form or as an attachment to the Report Card to the Public.

Page 3:Information not yet available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards: If a State and its districts do not currently collect or have the following data, we are required to include on the report card the school year in which it is expected that the information be fully available. (34 C.F.R. § 200.36(c)(2)). The following information is not yet available for the 2017-2018 Report Cards: Per-pupil expenditures and postsecondary enrollment rates for each high school.

Pages 4-6:Information about Student Achievement Results: School/District data may be obtained from the 2018 Assessments Results webpage ( Instructions for inserting student achievement results data into the template begin on page 15 of this document.

Page 7:Alternate Assessment Data: Enter the number and percentages of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who take an alternate assessment by grade and subject. Districts can access this information by doing the following:

1. Sign into Educator Portal ( 2. Click on the Reports tab, then select ‘ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT’3. Select the Year End tab, then select the desired report (e.g. District Aggregate)4. Select the correct year and district (2018 is this last spring)5. A link will generate at the bottom of the screen. Just click and open. Then export the PDF into an excel

document and calculate.If you have any issues navigating Educator Portal please contact Jennifer Hayes at [email protected].

Note: The numerator in the percentage is the number of students taking an alternate assessment and the denominator is the total number of students taking an assessment at the school (in the applicable subject area and grade).

Page 8:Designation of Schools: List the names of all schools identified for comprehensive and targeted support and improvement. Do not include any schools listed as Universal Support. You can view all the school designations by district on the System for School Success Designation page (

Pages 9-11:NAEP Data: Results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) are pre-populated on pages 7-8 of the template. The 2017 administration is the most recent administration for which results are available. Note: NAEP is administered every two years, not every year. The District Report Card template includes a link to the DEED website where updated data may be found for NAEP (

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Page 12:School Accountability Indicators: Accountability Indicators Report: The 2017-2018 School Accountability Indicators Report will be forthcoming. When the 2017-2018 School Accountability Indicators Reports are made available, insert at the end of your report card. This can be added to your template in several ways, either as a PDF or pasting it as a picture into Word.

Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC): The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) Report will be forthcoming. When the CRDC Reports are made available, insert at the end of your report card. The data in this report is from the 2015-2016 CRDC. This data collection is the most current data to be used on the 2017-2018 Report Cards. The data collected pursuant to section 203(c)(1) of the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413(c)(1)) is the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The CRDC is a biennial (i.e., every other school year) survey required by the Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR contains information on measures of school quality, climate, and safety including information of the following:

• In-school suspensions;• Out-of-school suspensions;• Expulsions;• School-related arrests;• Referrals to law enforcement;• Chronic absenteeism, including both excused and unexcused absences; and• Incidents of violence, including bullying and harassment.

Other CRDC indicators:

• Number and percentage of students enrolled in preschool;• Number and percentage of students enrolled in accelerated coursework (e.g. AP and IB)

This data can also be accessed on the CRDC Homepage ( The User Guide ( can be used for directions for navigation and search tips.

Inserting Data from DEED website into the SINGLE SITE DISTRICT & SCHOOL Report Card Template Navigate to the DEED website1. Go to the 2018 Assessments Results webpage

( the data reports2. Get the PEAKS Assessment results for English Language Arts and Mathematics

a. On the main page, select the following:i. Schoolwideii. From the dropdown menu, select your district

iii. Then, from the dropdown menu, select your schoolb. Press the “View School Results” buttonc. At the top of the page, press “Download Four-Way Suppressed Data (.csv)”d. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"e. This automatically creates a document titled "2017-2018_[SCHOOL NAME].csv”.

3. Get the Alaska Science Assessment resultsa. On the 2018 Assessments Results webpage, select the following:

i. Schoolwideii. From the dropdown menu, select your district

iii. Then, from the dropdown menu, select your school

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b. Press the “View School Results” buttonc. At the top of the page, press “Download Four-Way Suppressed Data (.csv)”d. If the file download dialog box comes up, select "Save as"e. This automatically creates a document titled "2017-2018_[SCHOOL NAME].csv”.

Formatting the Data Reports4. Open your saved PEAKS Report file and select columns E through N

a. Align centerb. Make sure each column E through P has 1 decimal placec. Make sure column Q has 0 decimal placesd. Select cells R2 to S49 (PercentTestedSchool and PercentTestedDistrict columns)e. While cells are selected, select Percentage from the top toolbar f. While cells are selected, make sure there is 1 decimal place per instructions aboveg. Save h. Repeat with the ASA Report file - in order to change the PercentTestedSchool and the

PercentTestedDistrict column, select sells R2 to S25.Insert the data into the School Report Card TemplatesEnglish Language Arts Data (PEAKS)5. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file6. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E2 (English Language Arts/Total/Advanced School) to S25 (English

Language Arts/NOT Foster Care/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)7. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 3 – 9 in English Language Arts" table8. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/School" to "NOT Foster Care/Percentage Tested/District" and

paste (CTRL+V)9. With the data still selected, change the font size to 9Mathematics Data (PEAKS)10. Open both the Template file and the PEAKS Report file11. In the PEAKS Report, select the cells E26 (Mathematics/Total/Advanced School) to S49

(Mathematics/NOT Foster Care/% Participation Rate District), and copy (CTRL+C)12. In the Template, go to the " All Students Tested Grades 3 – 9 in Mathematics " table13. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/School" to "NOT Foster Care/Percentage Tested/District" and

paste (CTRL+V)14. With the data still selected, change the font size to 9Science Data (ASA)15. Open both the Template file and the ASA Report file16. In the ASA Report, select the cells E2 (Science/Total/Advanced School) to S25 (Science/NOT Foster

Care/% Participation Rate District) and copy (CTRL+C)17. In the Template, go to the "All Students Tested Grades 4, 8, & 10 in Science" table18. Select the cells "All Students/% Advanced/School" to "NOT Foster Care/ Percentage Tested/District "

and paste (CTRL+V)19. With the data still selected, change the font size to 9

Note: The assessment data from this website has been suppressed to protect personally identifiable information. DEED has posted the Protocol for Reporting Results ( should there be any questions.

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Alaska Regulation 4 AAC 06.895. Report card to the public4 AAC 06.895. Report card to the public. (a) Each public school and district in the state shall comply with the reporting requirements of AS 14.03.120 and this section. Each school shall prepare a school report, to be entitled School Report Card to the Public, on a form provided by the department. Each district shall prepare a district report, to be entitled School District Report Card to the Public, on a form provided by the department.

(b) A school shall disseminate its School Report Card to the Public as required under AS 14.03.120(d). A district shall disseminate its School District Report Card to the Public and the School Report Card to the Public for each school in the district by providing required data to the department, posting the report cards on the Internet if the district maintains a website, and any other means of distribution the district chooses, not later than 30 days after the department has made all necessary data available to districts. Each district shall ensure that parents of students in each school in the district are notified of the location and availability of the School and District Report Cards to the Public. The report required under this section shall be written in a uniform and understandable manner, and, to the extent practicable, be in a language that the parent can understand.

(c) The School Report Card to the Public must contain the number of students enrolled in the school, the Title I status of the school, and must provide the following information on accreditation:

(1) whether the school is accredited; (2) if the school is accredited, the

(A) date of accreditation; (B) name of the accrediting organization; and (C) level of accreditation awarded by the accrediting organization for the year of the

report. (d) The School Report Card to the Public must include the following information for all students enrolled

in the school, and the School District Report Card to the Public must include the following information for all students enrolled in the district:

(1) For purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812, 4 AAC 06.815, 4 AAC 06.821, and 4 AAC 06.826, for all students and disaggregated by each subgroup of students described in 4 AAC 06.830,

(A) the number and percentage of full academic year students tested who achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 or in 4 AAC 06.775(b) on the English language arts and mathematics assessments;

(B) if the participation rate as described in 4 AAC 06.820 is less than 95 percent, the number and percentage of 95 percent of the students enrolled on the first day of testing that achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 or in 4 AAC 06.775(b) on the English language arts and mathematics assessments; and

(C) the number and percentage of students tested and not tested based on the number of full academic year students enrolled in tested grades on the first day of testing.

(2) For purposes of reporting for all students and disaggregated by each subgroup of students described in 4 AAC 06.830, gender, migrant status, homeless status, status as a child in foster care, and status as a student with a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty,

(A) the number and percentage of students tested who achieved each achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on English language arts, mathematics, and science;

(B) if the participation rate as described in 4 AAC 06.820 is less than 95 percent, the number and percentage of 95 percent of the students enrolled on the first day of testing that achieved each achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on English language arts, mathematics, and science;

(C) the number and percentage of students tested and not tested based on the number of students enrolled in tested grades on the first day of testing; and


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(i) for a district report card, a comparison between the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the district with the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the state as a whole; and

(ii) for a school report card, a comparison between the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the school with the number and percentage of students at each achievement level for the district and the state as a whole;(3) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812 and 4 AAC 06.822, for all students and

disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the number and percentage of students who made adequate growth in English language arts and mathematics as described in 4 AAC 06.822; and for purposes of reporting, for subgroups of homeless status, status as a child in foster care, and status as a student with a parent who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty, the number and percentage of students who made adequate growth in English language arts and mathematics as described in 4 AAC 06.822;

(4) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812, 4 AAC 06.815, and 4 AAC 06.825, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the four-year and five-year graduation rate as defined in 4 AAC 06.825; and for purposes of reporting for subgroups of homeless status and status as a child in foster care, the four-year and five-year graduation rate as defined in 4 AAC 06.825;

(5) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.812, 4 AAC 06.815, and 4 AAC 06.823 the number and percentage of English learners in grades 1 - 12 who met the target for making progress in learning English; and for purposes of reporting, the number of English learners in grades K-12 achieving English language proficiency and meeting the exit criteria as defined in 4 AAC 34.055(d);

(6) for purposes of accountability, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students, as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the number and percentage of students identified as not chronically absent as described in 4 AAC 06.826(a) who were enrolled for at least half the school term, and for purposes or reporting, the number and percentage of students identified as chronically absent as described in 4 AAC 06.826(a) who were enrolled at least ten days in the school term;

(7) for purposes of accountability, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, the number and percentage of full academic year students tested in grade three who achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on the English language assessment; if the participation rate as described in 4 AAC 06.820 is less than 95 percent, the number and percentage of 95 percent of the full academic year grade three students enrolled on the first day of testing who achieved the proficient or advanced achievement level described in 4 AAC 06.739 on the English language arts assessment; and the number and percentage of grade three students tested and not tested based on the number of full academic year students enrolled in tested grades on the first day of testing;

(8) for purposes of accountability under 4 AAC 06.815, 4 AAC 06.821, 4 AAC 06.823, 4 AAC 06.825 and for purposes of reporting, for all students and disaggregated by each of the subgroups of students as defined in 4 AAC 06.830, a comparison between the performance under sections (d)(1)(A) and (d)(1)(B) for the school or district and the school's or district's and state’s long-term goals and measures of interim progress for that year as determined under 4 AAC 06.815, including a determination of whether the school or district met the target as defined in 4 AAC 06.815(a)(3) for the all students group and each subgroup;

(9) the number and percentages of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who take an alternate assessment under 4 AAC 06.775(b), by grade and subject;

(10) for the School District Report Card to the Public, the most recent available academic achievement results in grades four and eight on the state's national assessments of educational progress reading and mathematics assessments under 4 AAC 06.710(3) compared to the national results, including

(A) the percentage of students at each achievement level reported in the aggregate; and (B) the participation rates for students with disabilities and for student who are English


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(11) information submitted by the department and each district in the state, in accordance with the Office for Civil Rights data collection conducted pursuant to section 203(c)(1) of the Department of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3413(c)(1)), on

(A) rates of in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, school-related arrests, referrals to law enforcement, incidences of violence, including bullying and harassment; and

(B) the number and percentage of students enrolled in (i) preschool programs; and(ii) accelerated coursework to earn postsecondary credit while still in high

school, such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses and examinations, and dual or concurrent enrollment programs.(12) the professional qualifications of teachers in the district and each school, including

information (that shall be presented in the aggregate and disaggregated by high-poverty compared to low-poverty schools) on the number and percentage of

(A) inexperienced teachers, principals, and other school leaders; (B) teachers teaching with emergency or provisional credentials; and (C) teachers who are not teaching in the subject or field for which the teacher is

certified.(13) the per-pupil expenditures of federal, state, and local funds, including actual personnel

expenditures and actual non-personnel expenditures of federal, state, and local funds, disaggregated by source of funds, for each district and each school in the district for the preceding fiscal year.

(14) where available, for each high school in the district, and beginning with the report card prepared under this paragraph for the 2017 - 2018 school year, the cohort rate (in the aggregate, and disaggregated for each subgroup of students defined in 4 AAC 06.830), at which students who graduate from the high school enroll for the first academic year that begins after the students' graduation:

(A) in programs of public postsecondary education in the state; and (B) if data are available and to the extent practicable, in programs of private

postsecondary education in the state or programs of postsecondary education outside the state.(e) Repealed 10/9/2015. (f) Each School and District Report Card to the Public must contain

(1) a clear and concise description of the state's accountability system as described in 4 AAC 06.812 - 826; and

(2) the methods and timeline for designating schools for comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and improvement and for exiting the schools from those designations under 4 AAC 06.840. Each district report card must contain the number, percentage, and names of all public schools in the district designated for comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and improvement under 4 AAC 06.840. The School Report Card to the Public must include information for the school, and the School District Report Card to the Public must include information for all schools in the district, regarding school designations and other indicators, as follows:

(A) the Alaska school performance system score, if applicable, under 4 AAC 06.812 and the designation of each school in the district under 4 AAC 06.840 and for districts, the number and percentage of schools that have been designated for comprehensive support and improvement or targeted support and improvement;

(B) whether a school in the district has been designated persistently dangerous under 4 AAC 06.200;

(C) the attendance rate for all students and for each subgroup under 4 AAC 06.830; (4) the retention rate for students in grades K-8;

(D) the dropout rate for students in grades seven through twelve; and (E) the rate of enrollment change due to transfers.

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(g) A report under this section may not include the information otherwise required by law if the number of students in a category is so small that the results would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual student. Results of the state assessments may not be reported if fewer than five students are tested.

(h) In providing the description of student, parent, community, and business involvement in student learning, as required by AS 14.03.120(d)(4), each school shall state

(1) the number and percentage of students responding to the teacher evaluation survey; (2) the number and percentage of parents responding to the teacher evaluation survey; (3) the number of school-business or interagency partnerships the school has entered into

under a written agreement; (4) the average number of volunteer-hours a week spent in the school by parents and other

members of the community; (5) a narrative description of the results of parental, community, or business involvement, as

identified by the school; and (6) any other information the school wishes to provide on this subject.

(i) Each school shall compute the information required by AS 14.03.120(d)(5) and this section as follows: (1) the attendance rate is a fraction, expressed as a percent, the numerator of which is the

aggregate daily attendance during the regular school year, and the denominator of which is the aggregate daily membership for the school year; the aggregate daily attendance is the sum of the days present for all students when school is in session during the school year; the aggregate daily membership is the sum of the days present and absent for all students when school is in session during the school year; in-service days are not included in the computation; for the purposes of this paragraph, a student is considered present if physically present at the school or engaged in a school activity even if the activity is away from the school;

(2) for kindergarten through grade eight, the retention rate is computed by dividing the number of students being retained on the last day of school by the membership on the last day of the school year;

(3) for grades 7 - 12, the dropout rate is a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of students who have dropped out in the current school year, and the denominator of which is the number of students enrolled in grades 7 - 12 on October 1 of the current school year;

(j) In providing the information required by AS 14.03.120(d)(6), each school shall provide the information on student transfers into and out of the school itself. Each school shall compute the information required by AS 14.03.120(d)(6) as follows:

(1) the annual percent of enrollment change is computed by taking the difference between the October 1 enrollment from the current school year and the October 1 enrollment from the previous school year and dividing by the October 1 enrollment from the previous school year, the result being expressed as a percentage;

(2) the annual percent of enrollment change due to student transfers is computed by subtracting from one the quotient derived by dividing the number of students enrolled at least 170 days or the number of student days in the approved school calendar, whichever is less, in the school by the total number of students enrolled at least one day in the school.

(k) In preparing the comment summaries required by AS 14.03.120(e) to be reported to the department, each school shall state the number of persons commenting, indicate whether comments are from students, parents, or other members of the community, and succinctly set out the gist of the comments, both negative and positive ones. (l) In this section,

(1) "current school year" means the school year for which the report card is made; (2) "district" has the meaning given in AS 14.17.990; (3) "dropout" means an individual who was enrolled in the district at some time during the

school year whose enrollment terminated; "dropout" does not include an individual who (A) graduated from high school or completed a state- or district-approved education

program, as evidenced by receipt of a secondary school diploma from school authorities;

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(B) transferred to another public school district, private school, or state- or district-approved education program that terminates in a regular diploma;

(C) is temporarily absent due to suspension; (D) is temporarily absent due to an illness or a medical condition; or (E) died.

(4) "performance score" means the score calculated under 4 AAC 06.812; (5) "previous school year" means the school year immediately before the school year for which

the report is made; (6) "school year" means the 12-month period beginning July 1 of each year and ending June 30

of the following year;(7) "students from families on active military duty" means students whose parents or guardians

are on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, the United States Coast Guard, the Alaska National Guard, the Alaska Naval Militia, or the Alaska State Defense Force.

(n) For the purposes of AS 14.03.120(d) and (e), AS 14.03.123, and this section, (1) "program" means an identifiable set of educational services that a district delivers to

students who are not enrolled at a school facility to receive those educational services; (2) "school" means an educational institution operated by a district and administered as an

independent unit within the district, regardless of whether the school is housed in a facility separate from other units that does not include an educational program within a district, as designated by the district; and includes a correspondence school, whether designated a program or a school. (Eff. 11/23/2003, Register 168; am 8/19/2009, Register 191; am 2/4/2011, Register 197; am 6/30/2013, Register 206; am 10/16/2013, Register 208; am 11/13/2014, Register 212; am 12/26/2014, Register 212; am 3/6/2015, Register 213; am 10/9/2015, Register 216; am 2/5/2017, Register 221; am __/__/____)Authority: AS 14.03.120 AS 14.07.020 AS 14.50.080

AS 14.03.123 AS 14.07.060

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