REPORT - Ratbags · major advantage - their boss was employed as the Secretary General of the...

BILDERBERG REPORT a special investigation by CHRIS EVERARD The Sygenta Syndrome

Transcript of REPORT - Ratbags · major advantage - their boss was employed as the Secretary General of the...


a special investigation by




The S


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If I told you how I knew, you wouldn’t believe me. Well, maybe you would. But frankly, I already take too many risks to get the truth out there, so let me just say that a little dickie bird told

me that the High Ups in a few of the big News Media agencies say that the Hot Topic which is ‘off’ the curriculum of subjects (but very much on the tip of everyone’s tongue) at this year’s

BILDERBERG meeting is the ‘S’ word, and the ‘S Syndrome’.

My sources say the ‘S’ is for SYGENTA; a Swiss multinational conglomerate which is similar to MONSANTO - except they have one

BILDERBERG PRIMER:The meetings take place every year at around the

beginning of June. They actually have their own official boring website which is http:// The Bilderbergers basically convene in order to have frank

discussions about geopolitical matters far away from the prying eyes of the Media (who rarely report the event) -

and these discussions are usually followed by the dissemination of "scripts" faxed to delegates at a later date which tells all the politicians in attendance what to say to

the media on certain subjects - regardless of public opinion and regardless of whether the statements are fact

or not. All discussions within the meetings are kept secret. Bilderberg members have built the modern EU

SuperState government, have engineered Booms & Busts, and lived through and manipulated the Digital Internet Revolution. They are now deeply involved in GENETIC

MANIPULATION of the laws of Nature. Bilderberg is essentially an organisation which REPORTS to the Royal


major advantage - their boss was employed as the Secretary General of the BILDERBERG Conference for several years. Whilst MONSANTO have people inside Congress, the Senate and White House, SYGENTA have a man who has at his fingertips Blackberry IM contacts for the bosses of Goldman Sachs, W.H. Smiths, Barclays and Reuters - he worked at all those places - and also was a journalist at the FINANCIAL TIMES... Now he has his finger on the button of a 26,000-strong workforce who produce cross-genetic chemicals which his company claim improve agricultural yields and are completely harmless...

Only trouble is, that on the BBC earlier this year, Sir David Attenborough and the Royal Society of the Protection of Birds delivered to the public a damning and scary report which shows that thousands of species of insects, birds and animals have died out - all since the GMO companies set up shop...

Even loony punch-drunk Kardashian fans realise that there are hardly no bees anymore.... Even TV-addicts realise that those cute Bumble Bees with their back legs full of pollen just aren’t seen anymore... In fact, everyone in every European country is aware of it - the

public are all talking about why are there no bees?

The company which seems to be responsible (along with other alleged culprits, MONSANTO), are

SYGENTA - and the so called ‘Sygenta Syndrome’ being

discussed in hushed whispers at the GROVE HOTEL in Watford this

year is NOT what a catastrophe it is that all these bees and

hundreds of other species have died... No - what the aresholes at Bilderberg talk about is that the ‘S Syndrome’ has faced them with a DAMAGE LIMITATION problem; viz;

how on earth will they ‘live down’ the fact that all these creatures have died?

Faxed tip sheets to the glove-puppet reporters are being prepared right now which

provides them with a ‘script’ and a list of ‘no-no-no’ words which must never be mentioned if the sticky question of ‘why are all the bees dead?’ should ever be posed to one of Monsanto or Sygenta’s bosses...

A royal conspiracy; the Bilderberg Group:

Disgraced politicians, prime-ministers, secretaries of state, bosses of the Financial Times and Google… These are the caliber of people who sit around

BILDERBERG IS A TOP-SECRET DISCUSSION FORUM Well, it was secret at one time - before JIM TUCKER got his teeth into them. JIM TUCKER wrote

regular Bilderberg Reports for the American Free Press newspaper. It is through Jim’s determination that we even know anything about this secretive cabal.

COPYRIGHT: Parts of this text may be quoted and re-published but ONLY with written permission from the author.

Many conspiracy authors are liars. They’re telling the public that the royal family have to mix arsenic with human blood otherwise they will stop looking human and change into ‘reptiles’... And the MOON being an artificial spaceship built by aliens? Do not believe the sensationalist lies. It is designed to make money. And designed to sell books. Conspiracy

theorists are also selling gold which causes environmental damage and is actually useless when there is a catastrophe. All those gold sales put money directly into the pockets of N.M. Rothschild and many merchant banks. You cannot eat gold. The only real security is growing your own food. I make documentaries which piece together CORROBORATED EVIDENCE

and FACTS. SPIRITWORLD is a film packed with factual information.

discussing policies and world events at the annual Bilderberg meetings.

I believe that jaw, jaw, jaw is better than war, war, war…. I support the idea of people discussing the global agenda - bit only if it is done in open... Unfortunately, since 1954, the attendees at the Bilderberg meetings have overseen more than 50 bombing campaigns, invasions and multiple economic booms and busts… If Bilderberg attendees do have influence on the world (and they most certainly do), then since 1954 they have been shaping the Poisoned Planet we see around us…

Media Blackout

Interest amongst journalists into what Bilderbergers do has always been low down on the agenda. This is because the bosses of many newspapers are often invited - and then told not to publish anything.

Corrupt business leaders, questionable glove-puppets in parliament like Peter Mandleson, Kenneth Clark

and fake socialists such as Dennis Healey have all been involved in the Bilderberg round table discussions on present day topics at swish hotels and golf clubs in

Europe. Two years ago it was in the GAY RESORT of Sitges near Barcelona, and this year

they made a grand mistake of hosting it near London…

The Rockefellers, Kissinger and Rothschilds have all attended. In recent times, during the Tony Blair years, the Bilderberger's Secretary General was Martin Taylor who is the managing director of WH Smiths - which are a very successful British chain store which sell about 80% of all magazines, newspapers and Werthers Original boiled sweets sold in the United Kingdom. Martin Taylor is an affable Englishman who has agreed to be interviewed on the subject of the Bilderbergers by the BBC in the past. Mr Taylor, not surprisingly, was appointed onto various quango talking shops and think tanks by prime-minister Tony Blair in the past. Both men share the same effeminate and creepy air.

The first Bilderberg meeting was originally convened under the nose of Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands shortly after the end of the second world war. in spirit, I think it is true to say that Prince Bernhardt is an architect of the Bilderberg Group's goals. So, who exactly is Prince Bernhardt? Prince Bernhardt was a Royal NAZI (recently deceased), one of the senior heads of the Germanic-

Netherlands royal house and doyen of diamond colonies in the Congo and shareholder in Shell Oil and other

petrochemical corporations which have plundered the oil reserves of the North Sea.


You cannot really understand what the Bilderberg

conferences do or

discuss without first

understanding one of their most

influential managers; MARTIN TAYLOR has had complete

and utter control over 80% of all books and magazines sold in the UK through his job at WH Smiths. Before then, he had total control over everyone's bank accounts at BARCLAYS where he was Chief Executive. He is one of the Bilderberg senior managers and it is surprising that you rarely hear his name mentioned - even on websites and blogs by other authors who use Bilderberg as a kind of 'staging ground'… MARTIN TAYLOR is now overseeing SYGENTA - a company who, just like Monsanto, have been using POISONS to destroy the global BEE POPULATION… And their chemicals and genes are now spread into the biosphere… Causing major ecological contamination and degradation of many species...

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So, where did MARTIN TAYLOR come from? Taylor was educated at Eton - just the same as the cousin to Her Majesty DAVID CAMERON. In 1984, Taylor joined the board of Courtaulds, becoming chief executive of Courtaulds Textiles by 1990. The Courtaulds had their home at ELTHAM PALACE in south-east London, which was the original headquarters of Sir Walsingham's spy service - a department

which we now call "MI6". MARTIN TAYLOR then joined Reuters (who are one of the big five controllers of mainstream Media News) as a journalist in 1974, before moving to the Financial Times in 1978, where he edited the paper's Lex column.

Using his managerial talents and contacts, he made a very sudden rise - from being a 'journalist' to all of a sudden being

chief executive of Barclays Bank four years later - he kept this post until 1998. He then joined the board at retail chain W H Smith in 1999, eventually becoming chief executive before departing in 2003. As you can see, he has ping-ponged at four year stints between banks and companies which control the TV News Lies…

Hope you can now see the picture… This journalist/bank

manager then became a member of the UK Parliament select Committee for Science and Technology for five years. He also joined the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and compiled their 2001 Commission on Public/Private Partnerships report - that is a posh way of saying he engineered ways in which corporations could get their hands on tax payers' money…

He has served as Secretary General of the BILDERBERG meetings for several years. He has benefited greatly from the BANK BAILOUT SCAMS; Martin Taylor is currently an international adviser to Goldman Sachs. He is Chairman of Syngenta AG and he also chairs the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture. On 8 February 2013 in an interview on BBC Radio 4 he claimed that pesticides were not responsible for decline of bees.

Syngenta is involved in biotechnology and genomic research - in other words they do the same kinds of things as other GMO companies - such as crossing the gene stock of animals with plants in totally Frankenstein ways… Syngenta owns Novartis Agribusiness and Zeneca Agrochemicals. They are meant to be the 'competitor' of Monsanto. However, I have deep suspicions that both are working together.

Since MARTIN TAYLOR's career took off and he captained the BILDERBERG meetings, there have been mass deaths of sparrows and thrushes in British cities, the NSPB have published a report which lists more than 500 species in British woodlands are now on the CRITICAL ENDANGERED list; Cuckoos are now a rare sight… And in the other 27 countries where Syngenta operates, the Mediterranean green tree frogs have died

100+ pagedigital book

out, the black bees have disappeared almost totally… Do I think this is all linked? Yes I do. Thousands of species are identified by the RSPB as being critically endangered, completely wiped out or approaching

'vulnerable' status. Syngenta's main product lines are;


- Selective Herbicides

- Non-selective Herbicides

- Fungicides

- Insecticides

Professional Products

- Seeds:

- Field Crops

- Vegetables

Forget the waffle and bull-horning at the gates of BILDERBERG... The main meal of info you need to know is that Bilderberg’s British Secretary General in recent years, Mr MARTIN TAYLOR, is Chairman of a corporation who engineer animal, insect, plant and bird-affecting

substances. I believe that SYGENTA, ZENECA, MONSANTO and others, in their mad dash-for-cash tried to hold the entire world’s agricultural businesses to ransom, and wanted to dominate and control the raw ingredient supplies to Supermarkets (who are the biggest farm owners in Europe) This plan has badly back-fired and they are themselves a bit shocked at the sudden demise of all these species of plants and animals... I'll stand in court, or on TV and debate with data supplied by the RSPB and other ecological research bodies… The genetic manipulation of plants and animals and the CHEMTRAILING program

since 2006 has had a devastating effect - and that can all be statistically proven.

Unlabelled GMO rice, bought in bulk bags by Chinese & Indian take-aways, and foods cooked in

GMO Corn-Oil -

again unlabeled - is

the upshot of this unholy

alliance between politicians, corporations and the News Media - and Bilderberger MARTIN TAYLOR is the man behind all of it… Billions (not just millions) of people are now ingesting GMO-ridden foodstuffs unknowingly…

The insecticide TMX (Thiamethoxam) is a second-generation neonicotinoid patented by Syngenta. In response to growing concerns about the impact of neonicotinoids on honey bees, the European Commission asked the European Food Safety Authority to study their safety. The results of the peer reviewed study were published in January

2013. They concluded that the previous industry-sponsored studies were flawed and that the pesticide posed an unacceptably high risk to bees. Too late. Most of the bees are now poisoned and dead. Killed - mostly - by MARTIN TAYLOR's company and their 'competitors'…

So what is in all those millions of jars of honey sitting on the supermarket shelves? More than likely it is CORN SYRUP with flavorings and is unlabeled GMO product. This is a fresh area of research which I am presently investigating...

More info to be published on my personal website

THE GMO CONSPIRACY: Given the right amount of water and protected from pests, VEGETABLES can grow to giant proportions - this is not a 'FREAK OF NATURE'; vegetables and plants in general were always massive - throughout the last

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The International School of Esoteric Sciences "ISES" host expeditions all over the world - ISES has it's own team of university-qualified Egyptologists and Historians. ISES invites authors such as CHRIS EVERARD to present lectures in Castles and Museums. You can train in Astronomy at the ISES Space Observatory, and also get a HOME STUDY COURSE in Astrology. Lectures can be enjoyed using

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2billion years nearly all plants were of enormous proportions. It is only since the comercialisation of seeds that 'normal' sized vegetables have become the norm… This is without question one of the great scams of the GMO era; if SYNGENTA and MONSANTO really were concerned with curing the food supply shortages in the developing world, then they would use their brilliant scientific teams to clone the seeds from giant species of vegetables - but instead, the venom of spiders and scorpions are being spliced into the seed stock of rice, tomatoes and other vegetables….

You don't need to have a Masters Degree in horticulture to work out that venom is a POISON and that at no point in the 4.5 billion-year geological history of planet earth has MOTHER NATURE ever mixed Venom with the DNA and RNA of vegetables… Just look at the life cycle of a butterfly; it starts life as a caterpillar which chomps and feeds on leaves, then shape shifts to a butterfly which sucks and drinks nectar. Well, it stands to common sense

that the Syngenta & Monsanto policy of grafting venomous poisons into plant stock which

then contaminates organic species in

the wild will lead to those genes of

venom being ingested by

caterpillars and then the nectar

containing venom will also be drunk by the

butterflies… No wonder, then, that species of

butterflies are under threat worldwide…

Another example is the mass extinction of bees

which have been collecting pollen from species of GMO crops and flowers which contain

Chris Everard presents GODS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD TV Series on the The Enigma Channel. His film SPIRITWORLD is available on DVD from

his personal website:

NICOTINE which again is a powerful poison. This will, very obviously, cause mass deaths in many insect and animal species… The bees are on the 'frontline' and have massively been affected right across Europe… And, furthermore, this poses a serious risk of new weird 'triffid' half-plant and half-animal 'monsters' being born in our countryside; possibly leading to an ecological catastrophe where hardy insect pests such as locusts will rapidly morph and evolve into potentially poisonous species carrying fermented scorpion and spider venom within them - these locusts will in turn then poison the bird population who feed on them… Perhaps this answers why so many British cities are now silent from birdsong - the

urban sparrow and thrush populations have almost complete disappeared...

This Report is written by British author CHRIS EVERARD, and you can sign-up for a copy at his website

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