Reply Informal Letter - Draft

Outline: 120-180 (opening formula) Dear Friend, Paragraph 1 Greeting It is great to hear from you! I wanna let you know that I’m really happy about your achievements. You’re a very intelligent student! Opinion: Firstly, I don’t know why you are asking this to me? If I were you I would decide this by myself. Anyway, I’ll give you my advice. Suggestion Now regarding your question, I think you should save up your money and buy some new clothes. Remember that vacation time is coming and you’re travelling to Canada. What about buying warm clothes? Remember that by this time weather in Canada is extremely cold. My mother sends her love and says she would love to meet you. Write back soon and let me know what you decided Best wishes, Wilson


Reply Informal Letter - Draft

Transcript of Reply Informal Letter - Draft

Page 1: Reply Informal Letter - Draft

Outline: 120-180

(opening formula)

Dear Friend,

Paragraph 1 Greeting

It is great to hear from you! I wanna let you know that I’m really happy about your achievements. You’re a very intelligent student!


Firstly, I don’t know why you are asking this to me? If I were you I would decide this by myself. Anyway, I’ll give you my advice.


Now regarding your question, I think you should save up your money and buy some new clothes. Remember that vacation time is coming and you’re travelling to Canada. What about buying warm clothes? Remember that by this time weather in Canada is extremely cold. My mother sends her love and says she would love to meet you.

Write back soon and let me know what you decided

Best wishes,


Page 2: Reply Informal Letter - Draft

Dear Friend,

It was great to hear from you! I wanna let you know that I’m really proud of all your achievements. You’re a very intelligent student!

Firstly, I don’t know why you are asking me this? If I were you I would make my own decision. Anyway, I’ll give you my advice.

Now regarding your question, I think you should save up your money and buy some new clothes. Remember that vacation time is coming and you’re travelling to Canada. What about buying warm clothes? Remember that by this time the weather in Canada is extremely cold. My mother sends her love and says she would love to meet you.

Write back soon and let me know what you decided

Best wishes,


Page 3: Reply Informal Letter - Draft

Accuracy: gramar - Content: answer the question? Decide:


Organization: paragraphs – linking words – punctuation 4 pargraphsGreetingsOpinionSuggestionSay good bye

Range: vocabularu – structures - your knowledge – repetition of words – Register: formal – informalTarget reader: frined - director

Content: answer the question? Decide:ClothesGame

Language (input) Congratulation – opinion - suggestion

Organization: paragraphs – linking words – punctuation 4 pargraphsGreetingsOpinionSuggestionSay good bye

Style (informal) Contractions Idioms3infpormal expressionsPhrasal verbsSimple connectors!Short sentences

Editing SpellingGrammarPunctuation

Page 4: Reply Informal Letter - Draft