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(1st notes Formative) Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G Topic: Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti Date 2016/8/27 Type of Source: biography Source: editors (written by) "Michelangelo Biography." A&E Networks Television, 12 Feb. 2016. Web. 27 Aug. 2016. Key words, vocab, Q’s, main ideas, headings, etc. Notes Concise Facts Early life Early success (sculptures) Art & Architecture Painter, Architect, Sculptor, poet Mar. 6, 1475 Feb. 18, 1564 Caprese, Italy (born) ‘ Father and master of all arts’ Family Father: Leonardo Simoni, gov. Officer Mother: Francesca Nari, died early > Replaced to another family Interest : schooling/financial business < art Florentine painter’s workshop (apprentice) Classical sculpture at Medici family (Lorenzo the great) garden, study of corpses After Lorenzo’s death > Study in Bologna 1495 Sculptor in Florence “ Cupid” sculpture artificially aged Cardinal Riario invites Michelangelo to Rome (work and live) Pieta: Mary holding dead Jesus (sculpture), single marble made David: Made of abandoned statue marble, nakedness, humanity of expression Symbol of city of Florence Ceiling of Sistine Chapel (alone) ~ Oct 31, 1512 Ex. of Renaissance art + Christian attributes

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(1st notes ­ Formative)

Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

Topic: Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti Date 2016/8/27

Type of Source: biography Source: editors (written by) "Michelangelo Biography." . A&E Networks Television, 12 Feb. 2016. Web. 27 Aug. 2016.­9407628

Key words, vocab, Q’s, main ideas, headings, etc.


Concise Facts Early life Early success (sculptures) Art & Architecture

Painter, Architect, Sculptor, poet Mar. 6, 1475 ­ Feb. 18, 1564 Caprese, Italy (born) ‘ Father and master of all arts’


Father: Leonardo Simoni, gov. Officer Mother: Francesca Nari, died early ­> Replaced to another family

Interest : schooling/financial business < art Florentine painter’s workshop (apprentice) Classical sculpture at Medici family (Lorenzo the great) garden, study

of corpses

After Lorenzo’s death ­> Study in Bologna 1495­ Sculptor in Florence “ Cupid” sculpture ­ artificially aged Cardinal Riario invites Michelangelo to Rome (work and live) Pieta: Mary holding dead Jesus (sculpture), single marble made David: Made of abandoned statue marble, nakedness, humanity of

expression ­ Symbol of city of Florence

Ceiling of Sistine Chapel (alone) ~ Oct 31, 1512 Ex. of Renaissance art + Christian attributes

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‘ Creation of Adam’­ God touching finger of man ‘Last Judgement’: fresco work

Tomb of Julius II Medici chapel & Laurentian library

Personal Life Afterlife

Brilliant talent ­> Wealthy and powerful Quick temper, strived for perfection ­> fractious relationship, distress,

discomforts. Devotion for Colonna

300 poems and sonnets Devotion for Tommaso de' Cavalieri (after Colonna’s death)

Homosexual/paternal relationship

Died on Feb. 18, 1564 (88 age) At rome ­> Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence (burial)

Received fame during lifetime

Short Summary: Michelangelo is known as the most famous artist during the Renaissance times. He was born on March 6th, 1475 in Caprese, Italy. Though he was born from a family with moderate banking business, he showed affection for art and grew his skills by being an apprentice to a painter. He began his true career when he studied the gardens and sculptures of the great Medici family. Some of his great works include the ‘pieta’ and ‘david’ as well as the ceiling of Sistine Chapel which he drew alone painfully, for several months. While he was wealthy and powerful due to his brilliant talent, he had a quick temper which made him distressful, alone, and always dissatisfied with his work. Unlike other artist, Michelangelo received fame during his lifetime and even had 2 biographies about him while he was alive.

Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

Topic: Life of Michelangelo Date 2016/9/6

Type of Source: Book (biography) Source: Cagno, Gabriella Di, Simone Boni, and L. R. Galante. Michelangelo . Minneapolis: Oliver., 2008. Print

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Key words, vocab, Q’s, main ideas, headings, etc.



Peers: Sculpture

Apollo: Drawings Portrait of Andrea Quaratesi


Surpass in painting, sculpture and architecture Single handed tasks Served Lorenzo & Pope Julius II

Bertoldo Di Giovanni : Sculpture school owner (Michelangelo attended) Lorenzo the Magnificent: Head of Medici fam. , politician, artists &

scholars commission Giorgio Vasari : Biography of Michelangelo (artist) Donato Bramante: Architect rival in Rome Vittoria Colonna: Noblewoman, close friend Pope Julius II: Strong ruler, sistine chapel order Pope Leo X : Design Florentine church Stone cutters: Craftsmen cut marble/stone Domenico Ghirlandaio: workshop owner ( apprentice)

Middle A. : Religious ­> Human figure Marble: Imp. material during Renaissance

Decorate buildings, statues Doorway: Designed frame of doorway (detailed) Classical sculpture by Giovanni

Florence artists: Outstanding drawings Ghirlandaio ­> techniques of pen & ink

Initial sketches ( before painting, sculptures) Sizes, composition as a whole

Imp. of drawing ­> status of artists

Charcoal, soft lines, realistic shadows Utensils: Pen (feather) + dark ink (cuttlefish), Metal point : pencil like

w/ metal tip. Sanguine : Red tone chalk ( Michelangelo’s human figure)

Unnatural ­> realistic style

Three dimensional & expressive Michelangelo’s 1st known drawing ­> copy of Giotto’s frescoe (2 man)

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The Doni Tondo (1506)

Architecture Sculptures:

Battle of the Centaurs


‘The Room of the Five Hundred’

Unfinished works:

Slaves (unfinished sculpture)

Only painting not on wall/ceiling Baby jesus w/ parents (Mary & Joseph) Common holy family Influence of ancient greece Nude figure background

Columns, arches, domes (ancient revival ) Brunelleschi: mathematics x building structure

Talented architects ­> Employed Grand organization = Power & wealth

Mythological symbols: centaurs; uncivilized side of human Last work for Lorenzo de Medici ( after his death) Figures curved on flat surface

X bow drill (delicate carving) Smooth foreground, rough background Mass tangle of humans

Roman god of wine (aka, Dionysus) 16th century trend W/ grapes and wine vines

Michelangelo’s Bacchus (1496­1497) Classical statue , relaxing pose

Chamber in Palazzo Vecchio Meetings of Grand Council Leonardo da Vinci & Michelangelo ­ each design one wall

Number of Michelangelo’s sculptures X assistant­ work alone Display method of making

Scholars’ thought : Intentional unfinished

Attempts to break free of the marble ­> Symbolize human struggle

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Julius II tomb (1506 ­ 1545)

Frescoe Painting San Lorenzo

New Sacristy

Laurentian library

Prince’s chapel

War Protection


Michelangelo’s Loneliness

Excited ­> Frustrated b/c,

Pope Julius II : Unpredictable, busy, lack of $ 8 months in Carrara ­ selecting marbles to use Detailed sketches: size, number, position Monument: Free­standing ­> wall ­> Lack of fund ­> Reduce

amount of statues No payment for several statues made Back to Florence.

Buon Fresco tech. : Painting directly on fresh plaster

Dries within 12 hrs ­ Plan carefully Sistine chapel : Some parts ­> chip off all part

Caricature of himself: Head thrown back for hrs

Oldest church of Medici family Pope Leo X redesigns

Brunelleschi ­> Donatello ­> Verrocchio­> Michelangelo Sculpture + architecture : Powerful design

Private library, precious manuscripts, dramatic stairway

Marbles & precious stones, Room of tombs

Duke tombs : X Christian symbols ­> Day and Night

architecture ­ sculpture (harmony)

Rep. hired Michelangelo to design fortification

Outward structure; weapons mounted

All direction shape ­ attack freely

Artistic values: Curved section ­> offensive strategy

Letter to Vasari : ‘ It has pleased let me live on in this fickle world with so many troubles… and I can look forward to nothing but endless misery’

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Short Summary:

Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

Topic: Renaissance Period Date 2016/8/29

Type of Source: time period Source: GRENDLER, PAUL F.. "Renaissance." Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. 2004. 30 Aug. 2016 <>.

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Petrarch: Humanism: Science & Philosophy: Politics:




1st important figure, criticized medieval ideas 1400­1450 ­ Intellectuals agreed to Petrarch

Intellectual movement: Humanism

Belief of Ancient Greece & Rome works Praised Humanistas : Good qualities that make human Vergerio: traditional medieval curriculums < Humanistic qualities (new

style of teaching) ­> Immense impact

Dif. job ppl from dif. Countries could interact w/ each others (intellectual unity)

Questioned Middle ages value

Renaissance scholars challenged M.A. intellectual views Copernicus: Earth, other planets revolved around sun Leoniceno: humanistic philological technique. Increase of universities (Catholics­> Italian univ.)

3 Basic forms: Princedoms, monarchies, republics

Individual who ruled a state, made laws, collect taxes, defeat rebellions

Bigger than Princedoms Legitimate ruler, stronger institutions Conflicts ­> International politics & war

Professional classes;

Authority of prince gone, balanced power system Members of gov. : Merchants, manufacturers, lawyers International trade ( venice) Diplomatic alliance, plots, threats of war, military action ­> Complexity

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Art Leaders Cities

Religious Leaders



Position of Artists:

Republican take over by powerful individuals (Princedoms) Republic of Florence­> Ruled by Medici family

Princedoms < Monarchies b/c marriage & war

Ex. Duke killed ­> Duchy of Burgundy divided (btwn France & Habsburg)

Immense amount produced, diverse artists w/ dif. Roles Commissioned artists for portraits/sculptures (Leading battles, ancestor) Cities: Council halls decorated Assemble for impression Influence of ancient Rome & Greece (study & criticize)

Patrons made artists follow their program Wealthy: want for painting of Jesus, Mary, Saints praying Attention: paintings, sculptures, buildings

Most art productive Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo

Low social position ­> Self conscious, created original works, friendly w/ patrons.

Successful artist : wealth, fame, honor

Short Summary: The time of Renaissance was a period of ‘rebirth’. Numerous arts and literature works were created during the time, as well as novel politic forms. One thing that lead to this vast change is sharp criticism of the beliefs and traditions that were held during the Middle Ages. Main examples could be Copernicus stating that earth and other planets revolve around the sun, instead of the geocentric theory. Which in fact was proven to be correct. Another could be the change in republics. The ruling body during this time differed as the powerful individuals such as the Medici family took charge in cities like Florence. Lastly, the most prominent amend would be the social status of artists. Before the Renaissance, people thought of artists as ungainly jobs, whereas during the Renaissance, many paintings and sculptures influenced the people and artists became highly respected (Among them were Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Raphael, etc)

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Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

Topic: Renaissance Art Date 2016.9.1

Type of Source: time period Source: Staff. "Renaissance Art." . A&E Television Networks, 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2016.­art

Key words, vocab, Q’s, main ideas, headings, etc.


Overview Origin Early Renaissance

Florence High Renaissance

Period of interest: classical learning & values Technology, Philosophy, Literature, art

Late 13th in Italy ‘ Proto­ Renaissance’

Petrarch & Giovanni­ Revived traditions of ancient Greece/Rome

Giotto: Famous artist : Frescoes of Cathedrals Suppressed by disease/war

1401­1490s Ghiberti & Masaccio ­ doors of Baptistery of Cathedral, frescoes of

Trinity Wealthy individuals, gov, courts : commissioned art Ex. Medici family

‘ The Magnificent’ High art supportive Leadership Later depressed by republican union

1490­1527s Florence­ center; under Pope Leo’s force (son of Lorenzo de Medici) 3 dominant ppl : Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael

Leonardo: Intellectual, interest: human & nature Michelangelo: Vast scale works, human body artworks

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Raphael: Learned from Leo. & Mich. , Beauty & harmony

Renaissance Art



Religious images Mary & Madonna Seen as ritual, sacred objects

Most artists; Start: apprentices Later: under older master Work on commission & patron’s hirement Additional drawings: Internal meaning (marriage, birth, life)

15th­16th : Renaissance spread through Italy & N. Europe Development of oil painting > Fresco, b/c oil paintings reworkable

Opposition arise : Mannerism; Style of painting > contents

‘ High Renaissance was the climax of Italian art’ ­ Giorgio’s Lives of

the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architect

Short Summary: Renaissance period was a time when diverse technologies, literature, philosophy grew. Among those, the most prominent was art. The early Renaissance began in 1400s when wealthy individuals such as the Medici family commissioned the artists to makes sculptures and paintings. Art dominated in the region Florence, where the Pope Leo was mainly in control. That time was when the 3 famous artists Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael emerged. Though many people view artworks of Renaissance full of beauty and respect, many people during that time thought of it as only religious purposes. The decline of Renaissance was when Mannerism, which is looking at the style of paintings, r

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Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

Topic: About Michelangelo Date 2016/9/1

Type of Source: Video Source: Philinthecircle. "Michelangelo Biography from Goodbye­Art Academy."YouTube . YouTube, 25 Mar. 2014. Web. 01 Sept. 2016.

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Young Age Artworks

Sistine Chapel


Lacking in affection Mother ill and died­ family of stonecutters Endearment for art at young age

(Real)Father: Rage, ‘ An artist is no better than a shoemaker!’, obsessed w/ social standing

Headstrong: Hangs out w/ artists despite father’s saying Apprenticeship w/ artist Left while training

Age 22 ­ 1st sculpture : Pieta

Mary tenderly holding dead son Marble into shiny flesh, hair, fabric Mad at rumor that the creator was another person ­> break in,

carved his name to the sculpture

Most talented sculptor in Italy Pope commissions him for S.C.wall & ceiling

Before : Sculpting > Painting During: Obsession for painting grew 4 yrs of standing, laying down on wooden ­> Extreme pain

emotionally & physically 12,000 square ft ceiling

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Old ages

Drawing of over 300 people

Age 70: took jobs w/out payment ­> indicates pure dedication Letter to Nephew : Many beliefs, thought he was designated by god Worked lonely ­> Breathtaking works

Short Summary: Michelangelo was an artist who devoted his whole life into art. At a young age, he had lack of affection due to his mother’s death and was grown by a family of stonecutters. His father wanted him to become a merchant, but Michelangelo ignored him and hang out with several artists. His first sculpture Pieta, was simply made out of marble to represent Mary holding the Jesus. He was considered the most talented sculptor in Italy due to his sculptures perfectly representing hair, body muscles, and even clothings just with a huge chunk of marble. His health deteriorated because of the 4 years of working painfully on the ceiling of sistine chapel that was 12000 square foot long and contained about 300 people. However, his affection for art stayed the same and he continued to create artworks, without payment, until he died at February, 1564.

Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

Topic: Michelangelo’s David Date 2016.9.1

Type of Source: Primary Source Source: "Michelangelo's David: Admire World's Greatest Sculpture at Accademia Gallery." . N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2016.­museum/artworks/michelangelos­david/

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Original plan Michelangelo during that time

Story of David Observations

Created 1501­1504 14 ft marble statue Statue of bible hero David niches of Cathedral of Florence

2 sculptors rejected finishing ­> Impossible & unstable Neglected for 25 yrs until Michelangelo

150­ 21 old; Most famous and paid artist Worked 2 yrs for ‘David’

Old testament/ bible 1: Battle of David vs. Goliath

Goliath (Champion of Philistines) challenges Israelites to send out ppl

Only David accepts Goliath­ full dressed (armor & shield) David­ rock & slingshot Hits Goliath on the head with a rock ­> cuts head Artists : portrayed this moment (after death of Goliath) Michelangelo : Before the battle; ‘Contrapposto’ : relaxed but


One leg forward, other leg (holding weight)

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Figures hip & shoulder : Rest Curved torso Slight appearance of slingshot ­> Victory: Mind instead of weapons Pulsing veins & thigh muscles ­ impressive

Worked at extreme secrecy Open courtyard : soaked while rain Created wax model 1st Slept with boots on/ light eater

Presented to Vestry board (Imp. meeting room in church) members ­

Too perfect, another location necessary Debate w/ artists (ex. Leonardo DaVinci) Piazza della Signoria (heart of Florence)

1873: Moved to Galleria dell’Accademia

4 days 40 men : move the statue Tore walls

Gilded then, worn out nowadays

Symbol of liberty & freedom

Short Summary: Michelangelo’s david is considered one of the most famous art sculptures of all times. This humongous sculpture was built between 1501 until 1504. It was originally constructed by other sculptors but they all failed to finish (didn’t even get close) and Michelangelo secretly worked on it for 2 years and was able to finish a masterpiece that had detailed veins and muscles. Its size was so huge that it took 4 days and 40 men to just move the statue half a mile. The statue symbolizes liberty and freedom of

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Republican ideals.

Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

Topic: Sistine Chapel ceilings Date 2016/9/4

Type of Source: Primary sources Source: Taveneaux, Antoine. "Michelangelo's Painting of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling."ItalianRenaissanceorg . N.p., 29 May 2014. Web. 08 Sept. 2016.­closer­look­michelangelos­painting­of­the­sistine­chapel­ceiling/

Key words, vocab, Q’s, main ideas, headings, etc.


Sistine Chapel


Plot by rivals



Famous painted interior space (1508­1512) Close to St. Peter’s Basilica & Belvedere Courtyard Place of electing new pope

Pope Francis (2013) Blue & Golden stars Walls­ frescoes by dif. Artists Pope Julius ­> Michelangelo to change ceiling

Raphael, Bramante ­ Hoped for Michelangelo’s fall , depart Rome

Helped w/ theologian (Vatican) Centered around scenes from Old Testament

Creation ~ End w/ flood

Above altar ­> Entrance side ­> Other side of the room

Started w/ Noah fresco (entrance) Too small Altar side figures larger

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Most imp. scenes

1) Creation of Adam

Difference (normal god portrayal)


Painting styles 2) Fall of Adam and Eve

Next to ‘Creation of Eve’

Right ­ God Floating w/out wings No fancy garments Grey hair & light tunic

Left ­ Adam Concave shape Man likeness w/ God Touch : Birth of human being

Figures surrounding god

Eve/Virgin Mary

Adam & God ­ Muscular & twisting (sculpture like) Vivid­ realistic, diverse color usage

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Christ connection Triangles (ceiling)

Aka, Forbidden fruit Instead of apple (Bible) ­> Fig tree

Paintings of popes ­ representative of Christ

Above the arched windows Old Testament prophets Sibyls (foretell comings)

Figures : Beauty & power (muscles)

Short Summary: Sistine chapel was an interior place where famous painters painted different areas. Among them was the Sistine chapel artwork which was created by Michelangelo. Michelangelo drew different scenes from the Old testament which included the ‘ Creation of Adam’ ( God touching Adam’s hand to give birth to human) and ‘ Fall of Adam and Eve’ (consisted of them eating forbidden fruit). The figures that he drew portrayed beauty and power of human figures which detailed muscular body shape and postures.

Name: Annabeth Choi Block 9G

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Topic: Poems of Michelangelo Date 2016/9/5

Type of Source: Primary source Source: NO Author (members of poemhunter) Michelangelo Buonarroti ­ Poem. "Celestial Love Poem." . N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2016.

Key words, vocab, Q’s, main ideas, headings, etc.


Poems Celestial Love: To Vittoria Colonna.

Homosexual love / nature of love 50’s ­> Cavalieri (homosexuality) Death of Colonna (love)& Riccio (friend) ­> Nature of death

WHEN the prime mover of many sigh

Heaven took through death from out her earthly place,

Nature, that never made so fair a face,

Remained ashamed, and tears were in all eyes.

O fate, unheeding my impassioned cries!

O hopes fallacious! O thou spirit of grace,

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Dante :

Where art thou now? Earth holds in its embrace

Thy lovely limbs, thy holy thoughts the skies.

Vainly did cruel death attempt to stay

The rumor of thy virtuous renown,

That Lethe's waters could not wash away!

A thousand leaves, since he hath stricken thee down,

Speak of thee, not to thee could Heaven convey,

Except through death, a refuge and a crown.

Desire & Love for Colonna Type of love poem written ­before Colonna’s death

After death ­ No romantic poems Powerful, aesthetic word choices

‘ Perfect peace in the fair face I found’ ‘She was born with God in Paradise’

Hint for Colonna’s death ( Celestial ­ Heavenly)

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Joy may kill On the Brink of Death

Influence of Dante on Michelangelo ­> Vast Use of light ‘ Divine Comedy’ ­ Sistine chapel

Honor/ respect Idol­ ‘ Never walked the earth a greater man than he’

Too much good luck no less than misery May kill a man condemned to mortal pain, If, lost to hope and chilled in every vein, A sudden pardon comes to set him free. Thus thy unwonted kindness shown to me Amid the gloom where only sad thoughts reign, With too much rapture bringing light again, Threatens my life more than that agony. Good news and bad may bear the self‐same knife; And death may follow both upon their flight; For hearts that shrink or swell, alike will break. Let then thy beauty, to preserve my life, Temper the source of this supreme delight, Lest joy so poignant slay a soul so weak.

Hints Michelangelo’s personality ­ Mistrust Good things ­> Saged, too much relax ­> Lead to backstab, danger Essential elements of poem

Rhythm, rhyme Ex. ‘ Pain, vein’, ‘Free, me’, ‘Reign, again’

Now hath my life across a stormy sea Like a frail bark reached that wide port where all

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Are bidden, ere the final reckoning fall Of good and evil for eternity. Now know I well how that fond phantasy Which made my soul the worshiper and thrall Of earthly art, is vain; how criminal Is that which all men seek unwillingly. Those amorous thoughts which were so lightly dressed, What are they when the double death is nigh? The one I know for sure, the other dread. Painting nor sculpture now can lull to rest My soul that turns to His great love on high, Whose arms to clasp us on the cross were spread.

Christianity beliefs Ex. ‘ Cross were spread’, ‘Good and evil for eternity’, Soul that

turns to His great love on high’ Imagination of painting ­> word

Short Summary: Among several poems that Michelangelo has created, many of them allow people to infer about him. The poem ‘ Celestial love’ and one directly quoted to Colonna, tells us his love for Colonna and his broad aesthetic word choices that were used to describe beauty. Other poems like ‘ Joy may Kill’, ‘ On the Brink of Death’, and ‘ Dante’ hints us his worship and respect towards Dante and cautious characteristics of not being relaxed.