Repararea Turbinelor Cu Abur Remont Parovie Turbin ENG

Repair of steam turbines.


repararea turbinelor cu abur Remont parovie turbin ENG

Transcript of Repararea Turbinelor Cu Abur Remont Parovie Turbin ENG

  • Repair of steam turbines.

  • 2


    Big challenges facing workers kami power for uninterrupted obe- tunity of electric and thermal energy ever-growing needs of the Economy of the USSR, are demanding higher technical cal level of operation, reducing pro- duration of repair and increase inter- montnyh terms of the energy equip- ment. Steam turbines are one of the nai- more complex kinds of modern energy cal equipment; they operate in challenging conditions caused by the high speed rotating parts, high Nations stresses in the metal, high pressures and steam temperature, vibrations and other espe- larities. Working conditions especially turbine units complicated due to the transition to high (100 am and 510 C) and extremely high (170-255 atm and 550- 585 C), steam parameters and increased the unit nye their power (300, 500, 800 MW); due input of such units in the composition of units planned and carried out in the Soviet Union further neck development of thermal power plants. The use of special high-quality alloyed steels for manufacturing cylin- Lindgren, rotors, steam pipes, fittings and credit Pezha, a significant increase in the size, complexity construction gear, machinery, and de hoist the main and auxiliary equipment tion, protection and automation define technology features and high demands proper organization and quality performed pared repair modern steam turbines. These requirements are set for refer servicing nicknames number of new challenges to the decision which they not encountered in the repair of steam turbine equipment low and medium vapor steam parameters. At the moment of personnel, busy repairing steam turbine equipment power, requires not only good knowledge structures and devices turbine understanding manie purpose the individual components reform mounted installation, but also the correct application tion in the repair of metals and materials in accordance ance with their purpose, characteristics and conditions ditions of work, knowledge of production technology disassembly and assembly work, knowledge of the permissible Mykh dimensional changes of details, regulations and gaps, the ability to determine the extent and causes Depreciation, choose the right method to recover restoration and so on. d. This body of knowledge is necessary not only to correct for the organization of repair, you are a phenomenon and eliminate some wear and tear, defects Comrade and disadvantages, but for a full recovery establishment of reliability of all the details, units, mechanisms and turbine plant as a whole, causes long-term ex-interrepair eration with high economic indicators telyami.


    In writing this book, that it is sufficient but systematically and completely covered the specified organization and technology of repair accordance temporary steam turbine equipment, auto rum used extensive experience electricity stations and the power industry, the leadership tive, guidance and information tional materials and specialized policy bathrooms organizations, personal experience and various literature on specific issues technology of repair. Content, layout and presentation material in previous editions of the book turn out out to be successful for the learning and use of for repair; This conclusion is evident from the comments a book published in the press, and written GOVERNMENTAL comments received by the author. Based this, the author has tried, whenever possible, preserve thread structure of the book, circle covered issues owls and appropriate illustrative material al (pictures, tables, charts), which facilitates assimilation policies contained processes. The book is intended for engineers, technicians, foremen and supervisors, under the leadership of ko- toryh performed repairs and conducted exploitation tion power steam turbines. This book covers a wide range of water Requests the repair of steam turbines and representatives appointed for a wide range of readers, ko- course, is not free from shortcomings and inaccuracies. The author hopes that the publication of the present, the third edition of the book, fully pererabotan- tion with the new designs of the equipment and more advanced technology of repair, will be met no less favorably than the first Publishing, business criticism which helped research edit seen many disadvantages. The author is grateful in advance for all the comments tion to remedy possible shortcomings and Requests wishes necessary changes and proposals for the construction of, completeness presentation and content of the book sent to address: Moscow, B-420, Trade Union Street.,. 58, Building 2, Apt. 10. In conclusion, the author considers it his duty express my deep gratitude to engineers C. I. Molokanova, BB Novikov, IM Vaysblandu and management Cherepetskaya, Lugansk and Kashirskaya GRES for business assistance in selecting the Part rials, and the opportunities detailed tion familiar with the technology up-Repair variables steam turbines, engineers V. I. Bunkin, V. X. Bahrovu and MV Popov for a number of valuable suggestions on the content of the book at her viewing the manuscript, as well as AA and Turbine LA Molochek for their great help in the preparation book for publication. V.Molochek.

  • Part One: GENERAL



    The successful and economical exploitation tion equipment of power plants is an important Nation economic problems. Solution this task requires such organizations tional and technical measures for the care and supervision, maintenance and repair services that will guarantee vides to prolonged detention equipment of a constantly good working order under the best economic performance, without unscheduled stop for repairs. The practice of power shows that the effective use of boilers fishing, turbines, generators and other equipment can only be achieved with proper of operation and systematic implementation of preventive, current and capital mental repairs, measurement and testing. Such System events enables timely Menno troubleshoot and damage and prevent unplanned outages pA Botha equipment, provides general reducing downtime and improves its performance and reduces costs for the repair of equipment. Known to many plants that proper organization and operation neuk- - preventive maintenance have been eliminated emergency downtime and repairs and have through- over many years of trouble-free work, with a high Kimi performance efficiency and large number of hours of equipment per year. The system of preventive reform Monte allows a thorough and timely mennuyu preparation for repair, provides pro- maintenance repair in a short time and in such Pe- periods of the year, when the production of repair does not compromise said to be the general course of the operation and on the implementation of the power plant production governmental plan. "Standards of downtime thermal power plants in the Preventive repair ", approved in November 1964, and transformation adequate processes are three main types of repair: major, extended current and themes kuschy. These types of repairs are one ob- extending unbroken system of prevention, for Management Board to maintain the equipment in Since continuously in a safe condition. These are caused by the same rules as possible provede- and downtime of the main types rows of power plant equipment, including turbine units at typical repairs, as a function

    ing on the power, steam parameters and taking into account overhaul campaigns. The question of the extension of delays in having to perform non- standard work on major repairs OC new equipment shall be submitted to the decision organization claiming repair schedule. Overhaul called repair with a complex process related nym with full dismantling of turbine with vskry- Thieme cylinders and hollow rotors for identifying of all defects, determine the causes of premature temporary deterioration of certain parts and eliminate neniem not only the defect, but also causes causing them. If the reporting year overhaul not made, instead this year may perform advanced maintenance, the duration of which is equal to 0 in the norm, 4 downtime during a typical capital tal repair; this duration provides the possibility of opening one cylinder turbo beans and production of a large maintenance volume of repairs. Current repair called repair, produced without opening the cylinder and the direction lenny to eliminate identified during Operating defects to maintain equip- ment in good working condition. When this type of repair is performed the autopsy, OC Motril and cleaning of individual parts and assemblies turbo Position of rust and dirt (regulation tion, oil coolers, bearings, capacitors tors, auxiliary pumps and other devices CTBA), check the degree of wear and tear with the replacement of individual GOVERNMENTAL damaged parts, repair and reinforcement general check the status of the unit Thorough, advanced current and themes kuschy repairs, as seen from the above differ from one another complexity complexity and scope of the work undertaken. Despite these differences in respect of organization, planning, document tation, procurement of spare parts, rassta- Novki staff training and self-employment direct progress, capital, advanced TE kuschie and current repairs should in principle ple produced by the same methods and means, whether produced Are these repairs by the maintenance personnel turbine shop, repair shop elektrostan- tion or repair facility grid Under this system, every repair, con- Bova unplanned stop turbine unit to eliminate defects, malfunctions or Since damage to, suddenly appeared and threatened flecting the safe operation of turbine or vspomogatelnyhustroystv, dolzhenras-


  • regarded as forced. Downtime for of forced repairs are included in the general standard terms of turbine downtime equipment repairs. While carrying out the planned chamber pitalnyh and current repairs of full agreement agrees with the mode of operation and power plant Since this does not affect the reliability energosnab- tion, forced repairs made outside Depending on the mode of power, cause underproduction of electricity and heat la. If there is no provision in the power vy- Needing repairs lead to the breakdown of normal mal power supply. An important role in improving the efficiency capacity utilization, reduce the cost of repairs of equipment and reducing the numerical of maintenance personnel plays installed Retained Standards duration between repair campaign. For turbine sets pro- duration overhaul campaigns Charter lished 2-3 years and pre-engineered-2 year, if interrepair campaign lasts less than 1.5 years, a simple turbine set in overhaul is reduced by 12%, corresponding respectively reduced and the total duration of repair. Lengthening turnaround cycle campaign depends on the state of the cylinder, clamps, diaphragms, blading, labyrinth seals, thrust and journal bearings, the concentration densatsionnoy installations and other devices turbine boustanovki Total number of repairs per year, according to the norms taken from the following calculation: 1 For pre-engineered with an initial pressure steam turbine at 130 atm or higher. One and three current major repairs or one advanced current and three current repairs. 2 for a steam turbine with a steam pressure 120 atm and below (excluding turbine PT50). One capital and current repair of one or a advanced current and one under renovation. 3 For T 100 turbines and turbines PT 50 One and two current major repairs or one extended the current and two current repair Timing and duration of the first of capital repair work turbine plant after its installation and commissioning of the norm is not ustanavliva- are, the term of this repair is mainly determined plant engineer and must be derivatives is led not later than 18 months after the entry into operation. Amount of idle time depends on the actual amount of work and determination mined organizations, to approve the schedule Repair Such a procedure for establishing long-term and tions the first overhaul gives the opportunity to transfer to the turbine plant 2-3 year-long campaign representatives interrepair preliminarily identify and take measures to eliminate NIJ all weaknesses identified during operation, and to make such mero-


    enterprise that will produce an- of suitable opening of the turbine

    1.2. RECONSTRUCTION AND Modernization of equipment.

    In connection with preferred commissioning Soviet high-performance turbine at high steam parameters role turbines of medium and low pressure in the total electricity generation decreases with each passing year. Nevertheless, in some plants, especially in industrial and municipal services, there turbousta- Novki outdated designs that on a number of reasons can not be removed in the near Chiyah years; such turbine installation in most cases require modernization or reconstruction of the individual components and assemblies with the transition best practices manual, new developments and innovations. Purposeful execution reconstructed struction and modernization of many turbines allowed to fully solve such problems as improving the reliability of their operation, the elongation turnaround time, reducing the time downtime repairs, improving operating economy, reducing the number laziness operational and maintenance first personnel, reduction of material and financial the cost of maintenance and repair of equipment. Especially needed reconstruction and modernization of the domestic turbines and foreign productions, which are due to the presence ences organic defects of individual nodes is not can be translated into an elongated inter- montnuyu campaign or can not provide accordance responsible economical operation turbine plant. Among these works primarily relative worn the following: replacement of the blades, having unsatisfactory vibration characteristic and highly corrosive and erozi- ary corrosion; reconstruction of persistent sub- bearings to improve the sustainability of their work you; replacement of unsatisfactory working the regulatory system; alteration capacitors to change the location and replacement of tubes Packing tubes and flare others. In some cases, appropriate is transfer medium and condensing turbines low pressure mode and thermalclamping The use of heat exhaust steam for purposes Leu district heating towns, settlements and industrial enterprises. The nature and scope of works on reconstruction and upgrading determined based pre-designed projects and analysis for the qualitative and technical impact opportunities of production of these works. Examples customary to assume that the production work on the reconstructed struction and modernization expedient productivity dit, provided that they pay for themselves in 2-3 go- yes. The work on reconstruction and upgrading commonly used stop

  • turbine units for overhaul. Necessary sity of these additional works in each case is determined by the principal nym and chief engineer of the power plant a turbine plant in consultation with the representatives lyami manufacturer or specialized governmental organizations (CDB VTI ORGRES). The program of the project and the major reconstruction, requiring extension term overhaul, approved zhdayutsya parent organization.

    1.3. Repair planning Steam turbine EQUIPMENT.

    At the end of the year, not later than Sep- tember, turbine or turbo boiler shop (in If these shops are combined together with the repair parts at the centralized reform Monte) is approximately chamber lendarny plan of capital and current reform Monte turbine units and their auxiliary equipment for the next year. For convenience, this plan accordance constitute only major large objects workshop equipment; for a turbine plant these objects are the turbines in general, indicated binding under their station number; it is assumed that the turboagre- gat repaired at the same time, with all its assistive devices, mechanisms and devices. In drawing up the plan as a basis prini- toil following information: standards downtime go- sures experience of equipment, data were Latter-capital repairs, obes- liver the necessary spare parts, equipment and materials, as well as data -plans next year. The plan should be mentioned: the sequence of repair and the calendar tion during each downtime each turboustanov- ki, taking into account the proposed projects and amount of work on repair and modernization equip-

    ryh include: uneven load maintenance personnel during the year, most overload harvesting and Procurement appa- rata overload electrical and mechanical workshops plant sector, a large field of operations with limited chennyh terms of their conduct, and others. In drawing up the plan should his endeavors acquainted to the uniform conduct repairs on throughout the year; this is achieved respectively sponding arrangement for temporary repairs both main and auxiliary equipment tion plant. In modern power plants, where set 10-15 powerful turbine units, is practically almost impossible to conduct overhauls only during the summer recession electrical loads.


    According to the Rules of technical Opera- tation (PTE), repair of auxiliary mechanisms isms that are directly related to the main units, must be carried out simultaneously renovated last; if there is a provision in performance support mechanisms atoms must be undertaken to repair their conclusions yes in the overhaul of the main unit. Among the auxiliary machinery and devices which allow the production of razdel- tion of repair of capital equipment relative worn: evaporation, paropreobrazovatel- , SPECIAL-reducing humidification installation and also redundant pumps, ejectors and other less mechanisms and devices unit, if they are without OC SETTING Main unit and without prejudice to the Nations reliability of his work can be otremontirova- us in the times of the year, less strenuous on the condition cess repair and maintenance. In some cases, for these purposes advisable to conduct such organizational technical measures that would allow repair of these mechanisms at work melting the turbine unit without power loss and reliability. Another source of unloading schedule overhauls turbine plant, practical tikuemym power plants, is the possibility opportunity not at each overhaul open all cylinders and remove all rotors of the turbine unit. If insufficient Nations reliability of guide vanes (blades are not relative structed from resonance) or other reasons za- constitute at each overhaul open one or the other of the turbine cylinder, it is not means at the same time must opened on all cylinders. If the practice of ex- operation and previous autopsy cylinders show a sturdy state of at least one of the cylinder (defects in design and the good condition of the flow), then netse- it is expedient to open profilaktichesko- On examination at each overhaul, even if the repair is performed only one every 2 to 3 years. With the postponement of some repair allocated objects at other times of the year or even for the period of the next capital repairs she should thoroughly consider and check ensuring absolute reliability of the OC new unit. Repair time allocated objects that are not directly part acces- mogatelnogo equipment of a turbine boagregata be recorded in a special graph sostav- trolled for all the equipment shop; repair of these objects workshop is planned with the expectation vypolne- tion throughout the year, in the periods between reform Monte basic units. Such separate planning yavlya- is an important organizational event which increases the fluidity and quality reform monta, reduces the need for repair first Staff Regulations, reduces downtime

  • repair and facilitates the work of the engineering technical staff in the management of work and control over the quality of their performance Composed shop indicative go- Annual plan for repair of the main turbine equipment binnogo shop comes to the attention plano- in the production department of management and electrical plant sector, where he linked up with repairs boilers and other basic equipment electrical plant sector. Composed leadership elektrostan- of the annual schedule of stops on the reform Monty all major equipment electrical plant sector with an explanatory note containing zhaschey study duration, volume and content of the stops for repairs, napravlyaet- smiling in the management of the power system, where it is subject to approval two months before the beginning of the year. Approved assertion annual schedule is for power binding job, any change in the approved Gram fic overhauls, causing changes tion values under repair moschno- STI, without the permission of the grid is not allowed. Annual plan of repair of auxiliary workshop equipment produced through- out the year in the periods between overhauls basic equipment, workshop and prepared linked in time with the ground-up repair tion equipment, the plan finally approved tes that the chief engineer of the power plant in agreement with the repair facility, if the latter is carried out repair and auxiliary bodybuilder For practical prove- Denia life planned annual plan reform expedient repair work on the basis thereof prepare monthly operating schedules repairs: These charts should give full picture of the sequence of individual units and brigades repairers and download it to every day. Such graphs allows one to constantly monitor the progress of the reform plan restoration and the timely conduct of non- crawled preparatory work, ensure ing no downtime and full load maintenance personnel, regardless of the system we are his subordinates. In order to improve the technical level of operation and timely identification of volume ems upcoming repair work, the Charter ment of the nature of damage and nenormalno- STAY in the works that should be handled in between capital and current repairs of turbine binnom shop must keep an accurate record of all repair of the equipment. This primarily relates to the conduct of operating logs; recording therein should us to be concise and clear. Often such Magazines are filled with careless, pencils, much they crossed, there are blots and so on.

    d. staff must understand that magazines, Great duschiesya during operation, are the basis new reporting documents, which can be judged not only on the operation, but also about condition of the equipment. For the production of these records in the Task heh should contain approximately the following Magazines: 1) Repair magazine (relative to each efficient advice unit or a group of identical appa- Ratov plant and machinery) to record all ob- tected by machines and mechanisms de defects, malfunctions and description of repairs, produced when stopping the machine or mechanism ism on planned and unplanned current reform Monty; 2) The operating log to record production REFERENCE for a change of operations, switching and repairs; 3) log of orders for records having permanent or term action more than a day, orders vyshestoya- present technical personnel; 4) Journal of defects Comrade and malfunctions of equipment (common on all workshop equipment) to record seen in the change of defects and faults of the notation ment, the removal of which can not be produced by the change; 5) audit logs safety switches, relays axial shear vacuum relays and other circuit protective devices and the basic units acces- mogatelnogo workshop equipment; 6) Journal pro- inspections of water and air density capacitors tors according to the quality control of the condensate, produced by a chemical laboratory, and According to periodically remove the curves drop of the vacuum; 7) Journal of thermal expansion tions, the curves run-and vibration for recording data GOVERNMENTAL vibration measurements of individual bearings readings and control pointers thermal expansion of the unit and curves stick out periodically removed when stopping turbine unit; 8) Journal of quality control work melting oils for recording (for each unit in separately) systematically produced chimeric nomic laboratory analyzes of oils, dates introduced Denia in antioxidant additives, Switching of the centrifuge and a filter-press, the amount of pumped or descends from the oil-water systems, quantitative Island time and additives oil, dates of cleansing oil systems and tells you how Cleaning and finally date specifying oil change analysis of the replaced and re-oil filled. On the cover or title page of each log must be written the name of the journal and its purpose. On the back of the title page or cover should be a sample za- recording and contains brief instructions to journalists who le produces records and who shall controlled Rowan. The journal should be numbered and laced, on the last page should be recorded in the total number of available book sheets.


  • 2 Organization of repair, repair facilities MATERIALS.


    The main forms of organization of repair turbine equipment is to repair, pro- hassled forces and means: 1) turbine shop; 2) combined electrical repair shop station or 3) special repair organizations tions. When the guild organization repair the leadership duction of all repair work is carried S THE engineering staff turbine binnogo Shop and conducted by the repair and means subordinated to shop. For this purpose, in the turbine shop powerful electric station has several specialized repair parts, led by masters under the general supervision of a senior turbine master or deputy head of the turbine repair shop. Foreman organizes the PV kovodit and is responsible for the operation as well as for repair of all equipment shop. When organizing for a unified power tion repair shop maintenance personnel all power plants, except for electrical Shop, combined into a single independent of general mechanical repair shop, subordinated directly to the leadership of the electron plant sector. This workshop to carry out all chamber pitalnyh and current repairs of equipment and and to troubleshoot defects and preventive maintenance, are given to a design team proizvodst- tively Engineering Department (PHE) and all patch nye power tools (guild master cal, tool storage, obschestantsi- tional mechanical workshops, compressor, welding stations and other ancillary hozyayst- Islands, is used by the guild reform montnogo staff). Centralized organization refer servicing tion with the union shop maintenance personnel and repair of all plant assets in the unit s service repair improves organizational power structure with block installed kami, increases the room for maneuver maintenance personnel and increases the power mechanical workshops. At the organization of a single repair shop the leadership of the turbine or combined turbine plant, without repair the staff there are great opportunities not only strengthen the quality control of repair work, but also work on improve the overall culture of production, improve sheniya qualitative operation (Reliability and efficiency), improving the quasi- lifikatsii operating personnel and others. Under these conditions, the manufacturers and specialized repair enterprises


    usually involved only for major technical and complicated repairs and pA bot on reconstruction and modernization. Among the works, which shall power plants should be involved in reconstruction Business energy systems or other spe- cialized repair organizations, is Depending on the organizational forms of repair, include such major special work performed at major overhauls, such as: straightening rotors, removal and attachment discs, change workers and guide vanes, vibration setting blading, exchange diagrams fragm, end seals, connecting couplings perezalivke bearings peretsentrovka aggregates, dynamic balancing of rotors on machines and assembled turbine Since removal elevated vibration, scraping cylindrical connectors ditch, repair and adjustment of regulatory reconstructed struction of capacitors and other labor-intensive work you require highly skilled execu- NITEL. The need to involve for the indicated GOVERNMENTAL work of other organizations is dictated by the fact that each plant alone can not contain a sufficient amount of repair personnel with experience of such rarely encountered in practice, it works; At the same Total reconstruction of the enterprise and energy systems Soyuzenergoremonta whose activity distribution uted to many power plants have and a lot of experience and practical opportunities for qualification of the above pA bot, often repetitive in their practice. Depending on the complexity and scope of the reform repair work to repair enterprises and organizations are appropriate contracts: a) technical assistance, when attracting Kai repair organization carries technique nical guidance in the implementation of different personal complex of works on repair or recon struction (mentoring); b) to the hub repair when repair-governmental zation produces their own Ad ized repair or reconstruction individual nodes of the turbine with complex technological logic operations, for example, by replacing blades, diaphragms, tubes, capacitors for reform construction and commissioning of the control system, Research the causes and corrective increase shennoy vibration units and other Ad ized works; c) in the aggregate repair, when repair organization takes care of all the work on overhaul and reconstruction turboag- Regatta. Attracting as contractors reform montnye organization electrical repair shop plant sector has certain responsibilities

  • Works contractor and supervise their production. Power provides a sub- contractor electricity, compressed air and water and produces its chemical laboratories cal and metallurgical tests on applications contractor. On a charge of power lies ensuring fire and Co Security of equipment in the reform Monte, in times of breaks (at night time and holidays). In addition, the electron plant sector provides the necessary after Repair replacement of turbine oil system oil, scaffoldings and scaffolding requiring ing contractor, and also performs isolated in trim, plaster and other works on objects there repairs performed by the contractor. Even more progressive form of organization tion of repair in terms of continuous growth number and unit power plant is the centralization of repair within the energy gosistemy. This organizational form is already received some development and application in power systems and power plants of the USSR. This centralization requires new organizational forms to attract Ad ized enterprises, representatives of repair enterprises and mechanical plants of power systems (CPPI and CRMZ) to repair electrical equipment plant sector, equipped with powerful kotloturbin- governmental units. The most progressive and effektivny- E forms for centralized reform Monte is the following: 1 organization in the shop Since power Permanent repair area CPPI, which completed mainly due to transmission it is completely maintenance personnel department; reform montnomu portion being transmitted in shop run by shops, tool, such kelazhnye tools and equipment, as well as granted the right to use the measuring governmental instruments and apparatus power for the repair and maintenance Test and measurement. The object of the repair area CPPI Explicit by the conduct of their own on a contractual basis of capital, current and displaced repairs, as well as work on reconstructed struction and modernization of equipment, direction PARTICULAR at improving the efficiency and reliability STI service. Bilateral agreement between the power plant and the production of full-CPPI of corrective maintenance shop is annually and is a documentary base for the financial settlement between them. With this organization, integrated reform monta all turbine plant equipment for fully ensure the correct interaction the relationship between the power plant and CPPI, as well as to meet all refer servicing GOVERNMENTAL shop needs arising during Opera- tation and especially those that can affect the continuity of operation, reform


    montny plot CPPI promptly obeys turbine or boiler-turbine workshop. Of Management of dstvo turbine workshop carries out technical supervision and control over the performance of work; reception of a unit of repair and decoration representatives of relevant documents produced sentatives workshop with representatives the repair site; they have the same set deadlines for the correction of defects repair parts equipment, which are caused by poorly the quality of repair.

    2 repair parts CPPI transmitted not all service personnel department. Small part of maintenance personnel is left in direct , facility for submission of workshop for povsednevno- On performing fine operations arising during operation, and repair equipment tion is not transmitted to the centralized repair. The main types of repairs, such as capital, current and forced reform Monti and the renovation work carried out CPPI repair parts, as in the first form of organization of repairs, in volume and in terms of according to the annual plan for the withdrawal of equipment in the reform MONT. Annual repair plan drawn up shop in agreement with the repair site, but it of course, does not mean that the sequence and timing of vy- performance of work can not be changed by the condition cess mode of operation of the power plant; these changes are made at timely transformation warning about the repair area CPPI. Such an organization more quickly obes- vides perform repair of the unemployed suspensive eliminate minor defects, arising during operation equipment tion, does not separate the repair part of the CPPI implementation of planned activities and the availability of nebol- Shogo number of maintenance personnel as part of department has no significant effect on ob- ing the costs of repair, as this staff has sufficient daily load. When these forms of organization valuable ral repair dispatching applications output in the repair of capital equipment and internal ristantsionnye requests for withdrawal of an auxiliary of equipment draws shop; Repair participation Stock CPPI starts production works only after receiving the dress and decoration admission to the production of works in accordance with the Government Lamas technical operation. Operating personnel department shall monitor all stages of repair and has the right to suspend the repair area CPPI in violation of the latter in the process of renovating

  • of various technical and technological rules and regulations of the work. Centralized organization of complex repair work gives the highest technical and environmental nomic effect if the repairer the company has qualified refer servicing nye staff, well-equipped repair oil Terek, laboratory metal production countable base for the manufacture of small-scale mechanics Organization and maintenance of equipment, well ukom- - measuring apparatus and instruments, has an exchange fund and specialized production for the repair and testing of individual mechanisms, parts and components of turbine units to restore the exchange fund. In this case, power is sent beyond repair, defective or worn mechanisms, fittings and individual components and spare parts for these special production and CPPI get back available in reserve these production ready, already repaired Bathrooms and tested at the factory less mechanisms and other equipment with passports guaranteeing their quality. Thus, these industries, where labor productivity and quality of work must comply isting factory and to be significantly higher than when the conditions in the power plant, should become the basis for recovery, for accumulation and storage of spare parts, components, valves and mechanisms same type notation ment installed in power plants grid serviced by CPPI. Repair facility planning and development moves the orders for spare parts and repairs materials, their preparation and storage, so should have its own logistical central database for storing and komplektova- of spare parts, materials, tools, hoisting mechanisms and so on. The territory dex, this base, as well as the central mass Terek CPPI, may be placed on one of the power grid. Besides this, repairer should have a planning and design and technology nology Bureau (KTB) to develop peredo- howl technologies, new methods and schedules reform monta, production reconstruction, exchange of experience, information materials and repair reports, application and development of new progressive repair prisposoble- tions, tools and small machines. Without such a large organization, cold- tural training, no technical basis and appropriate level of the organization of repair enterprises transition to a centralized composition plex repair by this company are not can give a proper feasibility effect. When creating these conditions organic tion of complex centralized maintenance forces and means of specialized energy goremontnyh companies and organizations provide

    cheat increase feasibility indicators teley repair due to: doing repairs on pre-established a single technological process that creates conditions to improve the culture and quality of reform Monta; improve the training and retraining personnel, significant training specialization and maintenance teams; reducing the required reserve ko- amount of spare parts and other material values due to the centralization of orders and centralized their storage; widespread application of mechanization tion and increase the production of repair CTBA; introduction of advanced industrial production methods repairs that. should us primarily related to the assembly and disassembly equipment and replacement of worn mechanisms assemblies and parts back-up, already repaired bathrooms and verified. This is achieved by the repair mechanisms of the exchange Fund, spare parts, repair composition extension kit, the details of the zero phase (casting and Since forging technological allowances for the formation processing), fasteners, fittings, unifitsirovanny- E products and production tooling devices; reduce the total number of repair of staff due to the above meropriyatiyi having more opportunities maneuvering -integration of skilled labor.

    2.2. Maintenance personnel. Depending on the organizational forms every repair shop equipment made under the direction of the shop superintendent or nachalni- Single repair area CPPI means at their available forces and means of repair using appropriate auxiliary Services and shops power. Preparing and conducting repairs equip- ment carried out by the special repair and auxiliary personnel, the number of and qualification is determined by the volume, View and precision manufactured in the workshop scheduled up time. The annual volume of repair works of all workshop equipment can be calculated by go- dovym schedule of repairs and the cost of working time to complete the scope of work, namechen- tion for each month; These data, given the Examples changes means a new repair techniques, Since makes it possible to calculate the total need for reform montnom staff in number and qualifications tion. General scheme of repair parts is determined based on the solid attachment Engineering to the most important areas of repair, that the ability exists an increase in their liability levels technical supervision and instruction of repair composition.


  • Maintenance staff must be specialists lysed by performing certain repair work, it provides 1) Since Improving the quality of work as well as for the repair of relative individual parts of the turbine unit responsible determined tain person (marriage at the site occur immediately shows who made the marriage); 2) increasing training of workers, create more schooling from the frequent repetition of the same operation; 3) increase in labor productivity, since the workers are well understood its object (the concentration struction of metal, the sizes of individual parts, and and tolerances of wear and required clearances) create all sorts of devices rationalization lizatorskogo order. At the organization of labor for repairs nadle- tains pay great attention to the first briefing personnel on safety. This instruction should include an explanation directly , facility for work areas; workers should granted us in his arms, respectively, developed tannye repair manual, including section on safety; In addition to a constant reminder of the most important rules of safety in the workshop shop and work areas should vyveshivat- smiling manual, posters, and some excerpts from instructions. Periodically make pro- scan of knowledge and learning staff instructions Safety. Time and results checks should be recorded in accordance respective books and recorded signatures check and verify. Should be required from the staff non- slow repair supervisor posts or the master of all he has noticed cases violation sheniya instructions, as well as all unused tions occur in lifting attachments, in fixed light situations with- about irregularities in work areas and the other GIH facts that are a danger to people and equipment. Upon receipt of disposal tion, contrary to the rules of the art Security Council, the worker is obliged to indicate this person from which he had received the order and, in the case of differences, to inform the superior management to give the final indicated readings of. No less attention should be paid to Leno on discipline, which is the electron plant sector, and especially in the repair is of paramount the exponent value. Failure to comply with firm labor Annual discipline and lack of clear lines of in the repair often lead not only to poor quality of repairs, but also to accidents with people to accidents with equipment and loss of responsibility for delegated assignments pA bot in sensitive areas of national economy va. For repairs everyone should know exactly what he is obliged to do and how to do what he does not have right to do, to whom he is subordinate, whose By arranging suppressors he is obliged to perform any of the staff and is subordinated to it.

    2.3. Repair shops SHOP.

    Regardless of the form of organization of repairs and that the availability of power at the center less -mechanical workshop, a turbine section must have your repair shop for the production duction of various works on preparation and repairs that the individual parts, turbine components, pumps and other accessories shop. To expedite repair and reference avoid unnecessary unproductive Since ter-time maintenance staff workshop and some of its sites should consider rely directly on the shop floor or poblizo- STI from the entrance to the shop. Workshop should be Examples sposoblena for any repair, encountered sponding in the turbine shop, and should be denoted equip the proper functioning ventilation heating, plumbing, lighting and anti- vopozharnym equipment. Benches and equipment are located in workshop so as to possibly a large part of the floor remains free as Many works have to produce on the floor. Benches are usually arranged in groups along walls having windows to ensure sufficient tion of daylight vise strengthen gations on benches; each bench for pro- reference works and at night should still be local sources of electric OC light situations with-. Benches should be sturdy, Dos sufficiently thick and heavy, so that during locksmithing they could not swing and progi- batsya, as it leads to improper processing ke parts and reduced labor productivity yes. Workshop turbine workshop middle and for large power plant should have about these "machines and prispo- in autonomous: lathe for small pode- lock, bore valves and valve seats shallow etc. .; small planer (Chevalley type Ping); drilling machine for drilling otver- sty diameter up to 20-25 mm; nastolno- drilling machines; Emery winepress for za- editing tools; small anvil size (if there is no commonly used vices that cause spoilage); hacksaw sta- ket; screening plate. In addition, when the master tion should be instrumental for storage and delivery, installation, fitting and concentration trol and measurement instruments and pantry for storage of various materials, rigging accessories and spare parts. Dimensions workshop depend mainly on the power plant equipment. For example, for power plant 1200 MW equip- Dov turbines K-200-130, for a workshop department should be given a minimum area 150-160 m2And for instrumental 35-40 m2. To reduce the loss of working time Various devices and finding Part rials and to improve working conditions at pro-


  • duction related work necessary to all turbines have: 1) a permanent wiring Compressed air to operate pneumatic tools and blasting parts (it is advisable to use own guild compressor); 2) constant nye carts sources of electric current for oscilloscope connection elektroin- tool while Electric, lighting day Light and low voltage (36 and 12); 3) con- stant carts acetylene and oxygen otpay- kami to repair sites around the shop on different elevations. The shop should also be equipped with repair and washing area with supply steam and hot condensate, golf uklad- ki lifting devices, installation goat balancing machine, portable tables Drillers desktop, portable workbenches with vice, and so. d.

    2.4. TOOL. The tool is a major part workshop equipment shop and largely determines the performance in labor for repairs, so the selection of its and care for them should be given special attention tion. Insufficient attention to tool maintenance causes frequent idle workers, loss of time for the determination of required tools, tool breakage that as a result of negligent maintenance and repair, and inefficient and wasteful use tion of cash reserves tool. Storage, delivery and operation of the instrument ment must be well thought out and governmental -organized. Instrumental must constantly supplemented by those tools that upot- overlap between in the turbine shop. The room should be instrumental be dry, light, heated and insulated bathrooms from dust; it should not have cluttered passages should approach refrain appropriately clean. Instru- rumentalnaya must be equipped stel- lazhami, shelves and cupboards; shelves up to 2 m must be used for travel in- strument, and the height of the shelves more 2m - under rarely used tool. Storage areas should provide opportunities location of the free tool appropriate, to protect it from dents and damages. Racks and shelves should us to have a shallow cells to stored a tool located in one or at most two series, as otherwise the service becomes za- trudnitelnym. In each cell, racks and shelves nailed hooks, which veshayut- Xia brand workers who have taken one or the other instrument ment, and made the inscription indicating the least Considerations and size of instruments for which locations are used. Repair tool should be entrusted qualified locksmiths on request, transfer given by the master distributor shop.

    Toolmaker should not allow to the worker at the hands of non-accumulating he needed tools, in addition to the normal issued to him for a long time navigating instrument. Issued a report on the locksmiths long running tool that replaced when worn, must be stored locksmiths in individual lockable boxes benches; In addition, locksmiths should issue Lightweight portable boxes for carrying tools ments to the job site. Running an individual tool accordance nent usually from the following list: Machinist hammer, a few chisels, Kreutz-Meisel, files, screwdrivers, composition extension kit wrenches and adjustable wrenches running different mers, scrapers, hacksaw, punches, ruler, kron- compasses, hand vice, folding ruler and so on. During major overhauls necessary organize the work tool, so something Locksmiths have been released from walking for tool, all the necessary tools they should get some agro repaired Regatta of the mobile tool, which Rui can be arranged in special cases boxes or mobile workbenches, establishes Vai have repaired the unit. Set fitter mechanical and universal sebaceous tools to be have tool includes ob- scheizvestny Tools: Cutting - Cutters, drills, taps, dies, reamers, countersink, files, scrapers, hacksaws, etc. .; shock-cutting - chisels, kreytsmeyseli, Pin etc. .; abrasive grinding wheels, skins etc .; mounting-screws, wrenches keys, end, union and sliding, wrenches, wire cutters, pliers, sledge hammers locksmith, hammers, lead, copper vykolot- ki, barbs, scribers, steel brush, soldering iron ki, blowtorches, etc.. For maximum mechanization of production CTBA labor-intensive work and a greater reliance on repair tool should be universal

    Chiwan and sbalchivaniya flanges heaters, valves, cylinders, low pressure, bearing caps, etc.. Gayko- vrty operating at an air pressure of 5,0 5.5 am, are available in two types: vertical action and angle - for tight places. In the application of the transitional cap key wrenches, manufactured Sverdlovsk plant "Pnevstroymashina" can use vatsya diameters for bolts or studs to the 65th 70 mm; 2) various devices with electricity drive for the rotation of the rotors at low turnover max used in grinding necks rotor


  • with groove bands blades after perelopa- Chiwan, when the groove ridges labyrinth seals, and so on. d. Currently, the rotation of light rotors are used and special cial nozzle with compressed air; 3) elektroshlifovalnye machine type I-54 with a flexible hose and a fine carborundum kim circle on the end for cutting bandage carried Loki after pereoblopachivaniya. Same mashin- ki used for drilling blade rivets in the disks; 4) mechanical scanning with electric actuator house and special self locking different sweep for reaming rivet blades, 5) portable radial drilling machines for drilling holes and rayberovaniya; 6) Hand portable grinding Mat shank with flexible steel drive rollers cutters or abrasive wheels for filing planar surfaces; 7) pneumatic grinding machines SR-02, SR-06, corner type DCS-8, small elektroshabery and hand scrapers with removable blades for scraping horizontal raz- ems cylinders, grinding discs and diaphragms; 8) motorized rolling with pneumatic or electric flaring tubes tube plates of capacitors. In addition to these tools, run instru- rumentalnoy must be control- measuring instruments, tools piping work (keys Pipe Walters Tsovk etc..), various coupling adapted tion, lifting equipment (ropes, slings, channel you, eyebolts, eights, hoists, jacks, prispo- Packs designed for lifting rotors and cylinders), de hoists and components of the balancing machine and other mechanisms and devices used in repairs of the turbine. Gauging tools you and appliances. The need to ensure vy- high precision in the assembly of the turbine and the exact determine the degree of wear and tear in the repair requires, in addition to the normal hodovo- of the measuring instrument (meters, compasses, callipers, callipers, metal lines neko, squares, Reysmuses etc..), also point tion of the measuring instrument. This measuring tool can be divided into two main groups: 1) iz measuring instrument with permanently installed lennymi size and 2) the measuring instrument element for measurement of varying sizes. The first group of tools having a simple structure, are easy tape and wedge probes, Screw pitch gages, the template from Lona, gauges, scale and checking line neko and prisms The second group of measuring instruments Comrade different from the first more complex. In It includes: a measuring instrument shows ing the linear dimensions of the measured component (Typically in millimeter), for example, micro-

    meters, calipers, micrometers nut- Romero (depth gauge), and others. measuring and instru- rument showing amount by which the relative deviate size and position of the measured de hoists of normal size and position (in- cators and levels). To produce a variety of test and commissioning works produced before stopping in the process of repair and test run turbo installation tool must be ukom- plektovana and such hand-held portable Control and measuring instruments and devices, such as hydrostatic level Examples boron Poldi handheld tachometer, vibration meter, vibration graph, ultrasonic flaw detector, gas TE cheiskatel, torque balance, etc.. Having set the above measurement tional instruments and appliances should be pom thread that only with careful care of them and gentle treatment provided proper schaya accuracy of measurements. During Work tools can be placed only on the tree vyannye lining, protecting it from accidental shocks, jolts, scratches and nicks on the other of details Is located on the benches and aggregates. To protect against rust measuring tive tool after consuming need walk carefully cleaned and coated with a thin a layer of oil or bone quality, does not contain holding acids, petrolatum. Before upotrebleni- it must be the tool lubricants removed from the surface of the measuring net cloth, cotton wool or wash in Whitehead spirits or benzine, as measured by the item should cleaned of dirt and oil. For measuring instruments and the device in trench in the tool should be selected special cabinet with shelves, which should be placed farther away from the heat and damp places as wide fluctuations in temperature and humidity affect the state of the measuring surfaces tional instruments and appliances and precision produced measurements. All precision measuring instruments and devices have to be tightly closing wooden boxes and cases specially adapted sposoblennye storage only of Examples boron. Tools such as rulers, set squares, callipers and callipers should hang out the walls of the cabinet or lie on certain places of wooden shelves. In the case of wear and faults shown ents precision instruments and devices must sent for repair and calibration in a special cial workshops or repaired on the spot expert on these devices. Only if good care and careful handling changes tory instruments are long, providing adequate accuracy and justifying its high cost.



    Spare parts. High quality repairs Comrade can not be achieved without timely and related material preparation. In this training is one of the foremost is the question of the existence and creation of the park replacement frequency children, equipment and auxiliary materials fishing, strictly in accordance with the real Since needs. Use in their implementation of Monte method of replacing worn parts and relative individual parts of the pre-podgotovlenny- E replaceable spare or repaired governmental units and individual parts provides minimum downtime and high quality repairs that. For the proper replacement HOURS sities and equipment and conduct of repairs she must know the complete characterization of pA Botha units and mechanisms, as well as sites and parts of which they are composed; necessary to know the size, weight and the materials from which vy- Full details, as well as their amount in this site and mechanism, the drawings on which they manu- tovleny, and how long they are used in this mechanism ism. These data make it possible to determined Roedel, how many of those or other details it is necessary to keep in stock as edinovre- rary margin for repairs. Spare parts and materials must be quenched binding based on experience and analysis of the propagation recent repairs; expended during Repair parts and accessories Part rials must be supplemented by new ones. Lack of spare parts and materials, improper and untimely preparation and poor quality do not give impact possibility to achieve complete ordering reform Monta, so delays in obtaining spare parts and supporting materials must be accordance agree on the timing stops units for repair. Do not allow the equipment stops tion for repair without having to place all need sary spare parts and accessories materials, since parts preparation process repair or manufacture of a mechanical master station after stopping the turbine repair causes an increase in the time taken to standing. When you receive from the factory and from the property GOVERNMENTAL mechanical workshops need pro- harass thorough technical acceptance za- Pasni parts to get the full increase of attorney as to their suitability. Acceptance of replacement parts should be a detailed examination to establish the absence of holes, cracks and metal and other vices in check by cherte- zham matching metal and size details. About acceptance shall be drawn up, which should reflect all the detected defects; when defects supplying plant replacement

    often makes appropriate preten- sion in accordance with the certificate of acceptance. Sealing materials. To eliminate tion passes steam, water, grease and other liquids and gases through the joints when connecting between the equipment parts, for example, a flange of the turbine cylinders or piping as well as through clearances gland packing postglacial seal valves, gate valves, tubes condensers and pump shafts are used various sealing materials - gaskets ki, mastics and packing. Concerning the proper selection and application of sealing materials in the turbine shop should be given serious attention, so as improper use of sealing Mat rials cause damage to the sealing of joints, damage to oil, wear of shafts and rods, difficulty disassemble and need unplanned reform Monte due to abnormal operation of said GOVERNMENTAL seals. The selection of these materials depends on the purity of sealing surface finish, from the right correctness of landing flanges, lack of transition Kosov rods and shafts and on the operating conditions (dark temperature, pressure, medium speed in seal). Gaskets. Gaskets for flanged accordance compounds pipelines and abutting Since surfaces made of different mechanisms sheet steel, red copper, paronita, car- pitch, paper, rubber, etc.. material selection pro- clutches can be produced according to Table. 2.1. Turned jagged steel gaskets, having on both sides with several rows concentric ridges are equal in height and turn, are used mainly for steam wires and nutritious high-pressure lines tion. The gasket material must be heat- persistent, stored in long-term operation elastic properties and should have a hardness less than the hardness of the flange which ensures appears necessary tightness at at tightening the studs and does not damage the sealing tional surfaces of the flanges. On the steam lines with high steam parameters used toche- nye gasket stainless chromium steel 1H13 and of hromonikeletitanovoy steel 1Kh18N9T; laying stainless steel 1H13 also apply to nutrient lines pressure up to 320 atm. Before installing between flanges, metal gaskets must be thoroughly rinsed with kerosene from dirt, chips and checked magnifier with a magnification of 5-10 for cracks, nicks, burrs, sinks and processing roughness in the form of ragged zub- samples. Are not allowed to install the gasket become irrelevant brands with korrodiro- en teeth and warped after treatment processing. Work surfaces serrated gaskets checked at the control plate in the paint and subject to scraping or lapping to obtain


  • uniform prints on the teeth; Width Examples tupleniya Teeth should not be less than 0.2 mm and the difference in the thickness of the gasket at two diametrically but opposite points shall not exceed shat 0.05-0.10 mm. Gaskets rubbed silver four- shuychatym graphite, are put on well received Scraping flanges steam lines, and the density Connection is created due to large specific pressure, causing compression of small Since surface of the top of the teeth. If a strong Pulverize teeth and lack of spare pads the old gaskets can be installed with the present incurring the rack surface on both sto- Ron layer of mastic. Mastic composition by weight: lead- tsovy litharge 45% iron powder 21%, gold ocher Teesta 17% magnesia or ground chalk and 12% flake graphite is 5%; these components size tions are on the natural drying oil to smetanoob- different state. For feedwater piping instead one mastic on both sides of the gear gasket can be put on graphite gaskets paronitovye ki thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm and a width equal to the wide- Reena gear spacer. Quality sheet paronita (GOST 481-58), used for gaskets, prove- ryaetsya folded through 180 around the shaft diameter 12 mm for a thickness of 0.5 to 0.8 paronita mm diameter 24 meter mm paronita for thickness up to 1.25 mm diameter 42 mm paronita for thickness up to 2.5 mm. When this check and the cutting of gaskets Dock paronit shall not crack and distribution slaivatsya; paronit with kinks, cracks and

    waviness (wrinkles) for producing pro- clutches is not suitable. Seal the outside diameter at iz prepara- must be cut 1-2 mm is less than the diameter of the circle described by the inner edge of the flange bolt holes; this ensures proper alignment pro- masonry, established in flanged connection tion. The inner diameter of the gasket (holes) cut larger than the inner diameter of the pipe 2-5 mm; it is guaranteed to reduce the cross-section of pipeline serving seal, increased creases the service life of seals and protects from entering the detached pieces of gasket the conduit, which may, for example, maslopro- waters, cause an accident due to blockage of the pipeline wires and small diameter holes. The more processed and tailored to each other mating surface, the less thickness of liner to be used as Under these conditions, the compound provided better tion angle. Before installing a new gasket Since surface of the flange must be carefully purified scheny scraper from the remnants of the old gasket, dirt, rust and corrosion; wherein Care must be taken not to damage to the treated surface. Paronitovye gasket when installing on place wetted with hot water and thoroughly rubbed dry graphite silver with both parties, which ensures their easy separation from flanges if necessary replace.

    Table 2.1. Soft and metal seals and their field of application.

    Gasket Part rials

    Water: Rubber solid Rubber with parusino- howl seal Rubber with metal tion grid Paronit Steel 10 Steel 1H13

    Limit Limiting Tolschinadelnoe tion dark pads, pressure ture, tion, mm0S2kG / cm

    3 6


    50 185 320

    40 60


    120-160 230 275

    1-6 3-6


    0.5-2.0 3-4 3-4

    Appointment Note

    Circulating, condensate , SPECIAL nutrients, fire, drain and other pipeline water and the cover and hatches capacitors and other appa- Ratov running Ba vac. Pipelines concentration condensate, feed water and other piping hot water with the specified parameters ramie pressure and temperature

    With a diameter of labor over-laying 500 mm is used rubber with metal tion grid

    GOST 481-58 Turned gear

    For a couple: Paronit Steel 1H13 Steel 1Kh18N9T Oil: Drawing paper Cardboard prokladoch- FLOW

    50 100 140

    10 16

    450 540 570

    80 100

    0.5-2 3-4 3-4

    Steam lines and normal high-pressure

    Turned gear

    0.15-0.20 pipelines and Mat slyanoy system 1-4


  • Grease paronitovye laying mastic used for horizontal flanges raz- EMA cylinder turbines, or graphite, mixed nym with butter, is sticking to the pads flanges; the same defect causes and installation neprografichennyh pads. Laying of the technical board and pressboard thickness from 0.2 to 1.0 mm use form a flange connections in maslopro- guides and aids the oil system with sub- sufficiently processed planes; latest relates to such planes, which assembly without laying or laying out the paper is not provides the required density. Gaskets ki used in the oil system, lubricated shellac or lacquer bakelite with distribution Chet to nail did not flow down into the internal cavity tee. Necessary density flange connection tions of oil lines provide gaskets special oil-resistant rubber and oil lostoykie hlorvinilovye gaskets, establishes Vai without lubrication; joints vinyl chloride pro- clutches welded heat of cut butt forge edges. Gaskets of nonconforming Part rials (ordinary rubber, lead pro- dies and materials containing rubber) not should be used, since they are attacked oil and cause it to leak; eg pro- masonry paronita over a period of ex- eration break, because they contain Examples admixture of rubber, which is corroded oil. Examples change to lubricate gaskets, putting on flanges oil line and mechanisms mov engine oil, green soap, red lead, varnish and White is also not recommended because of their sharply negative impact on the quality of the turbine binnogo oil. Gaskets made of thick drawing paper thickness of 0.1-0.25 mm impregnated their shel- Lacny or bakelite varnish applied to shabrovannyh housing flange oil sixth terenchatyh pumps. This is necessary to ensure tion of correct end gaps between the sixth Terna pump and its housing. Joints covers regulators, oil zone Lotnikw, servo motors, flange connections cases, caps and bearing shells generally well prishabreny and collected on greasing diluted shellac, or bakelito- vym varnish without pads. In the presence of nebol- Scheu looseness in these joints are set laying out the drawing paper impregnated shellac In flanged joints all circulation tion, fire, condensate and other labor -laying with a water temperature not higher than 75 C, and also in the flanges and pipelines. devices working under vacuum are used pro- laying of rubber or rubberized canvas up to 6 mm. Rubber giving flexion crack, for installation unusable. For long- tional conservation of rubber sealing properties new gaskets should not be subjected to compression

    ment in flanged joints for more than one Well, a third of their thickness. Mastic. Flange connector cylinders turbines used varied in composition mastic, a major component of which are silver flake Gram fit and boiled oil. For example, graphite oil teak LMZ is a rake of 40% graphite, 40% red lead and 20% of white; These components bred in boiled linseed oil until thick sour cream and sealant is applied to the flange go- rizontalnogo connector with a thin layer (0.2-0.5 mm). Most common mastic sostav- Retained boiled oil mixed with only sieved graphite, or even a cooked oil. This sealant when dry creates elastics partially film, non-melting under the influence high temperature, and well prishabren- GOVERNMENTAL and peeled flanges connector turbines work melting at the wide range of parameters couple (up to ultrahigh) securely holds internal pressure (when uniformly tightening planes), does not damage the connector and easy ochischaet- smiling with flanges after opening the cylinder. The use of additives in the oil-boiled white lead, litharge, red lead, iron filings and other density-prishabrennyh flanges connector does not improve, and therefore their application in as components of boiled oil is unlikely appropriate. Oil is made from boiled-kind General technical linseed oil, which is fast rosohnuschim plant (linseed) oil. Linseed oil contains moisture and proteins, ko- torye removed by boiling it at a temperature 250-270 C. Initially, linseed oil for 1-2 hthe Grenadines is at 110-130 C with vigorous pomeshi- Vania and from the evaporated water; then carried ditsya holding at 230-260 C. for 2-3 hours, allowing precipitation of proteins Cove on the bottom of the vessel. After separation of the protein sediment re-heating oil is made up 250-270 C. The heating stops when vare- oil was reached buttery, stringy and tacky condition in which it extends in form filaments. During cooking oil temperature being -temperature control by immersion in a thermal mometra; temperature rise above the specified tion, as well as lack of cooking oil lead to that the oil becomes unusable use as a mastic (not stretches thread, too thin or thick as cement). The thickness of the layer of mastic, superimposed on Flange bottom of the cylinder immediately before closing the cylinder should not be greater than 0.5 mm since a large thickness possible breakdown of the joint or squeezing mastic ki inside the cylinder. When sharovannyh planes Flange connector cylinder turbine application in addition to all kinds of mastic gaskets (Asbestos cord, wire, cotton braid, krasnomednaya grid) is not recommended. To reduce friction and to protect the identity of threaded connections operating at vy-


  • high temperatures, from splicing oxide ple- ket, in the gaps between the threads and nuts shpilka- and between the end faces of the nuts and Since surface of the flange, and especially to facilitate subsequent loosening of the threaded connection of thread studs, bolts and nuts, as well as tortse- vye surface nuts and the surfaces to which the adjacent nuts should be carefully formation nerds (at least the 7th grade purity) obezzhire- us and rubbed. Polishes used dry graphite diluted by glycerol by volume ratio 1: 1, pure graphite, chalk threshold shock, diluted to liquid slurry on denatured alcohol or aviation gasoline, pure chalk or mercury ointment (see. below). It is also recommended the use of specially cial lubricants, which include: 1) graphite Cuprous lubricant comprising (by weight) of 15-20% copper powder, 20-25% of flake graphite one 65-55% glycerol; lubricant is prepared mixing copper powder and graphite followed follows breeding glycerol; 2) di- sulfidmolibdenovaya lubricant consisting by weight of 46% glycerol and 54% disulfidmolibdena; this grease cooked in a paste with stearate Rene (5-10%) may be used to lubricant thread, operating at temperatures up to 550-570 C; 3) lubrication of silver graphite or molybdenum disulphide and sifted through a sieve having a particle size less than 25 u and mixed tion with silicone fluid number 5 to konsi- Stents of thick cream; lubricant with sulfur may libdenom used at operating temperatures to 400-450 C with graphite grease, at a high temperatures. Produce coating layer chamber Thread Coy or mastic, divorced on drying oil, boiled oil and the like. claim. should not, as this leads to sticking, galling in the threads and serious difficulties in loosening threaded connections tions. Before rubbing graphite, chalk, or vice bearing of lubricant should degrease the threaded the surface of the studs and nuts with gasoline or acetone nom. Needless lubrication interval should be made by carefully rubbing the surface of these Nost soft linen cloth; rubbing pro- hassled until until a thin cue, evenly distributed layer of grease, well adhering to the thread and the reference surface Nost studs and nuts. Plug connections heaters low pressure condensers and evaporators covered mastic comprising a mixture of white lead, red lead and boiled oil in pro- portions of 0.6-0.8 kg minium 1 kg lead Bethe lil. Preparation of mastic is produced by mixing white lead with butter before the appearance standing paste, and then added to the minium until the mastic sticking to stop fingers Steam side tube sheets and covers heaters and evaporators operating at temperatures above 95 C, sealed with mastic,

    compiled from 75% to 25% magnesite and graphite divorced boiled oil to the state of Husserl of the sour cream. Supporting the foundation surface frames, for which are sliding supports bearings to improve slip and in prevent rusting rubbed dry graphite that or put on a thin layer of mastic, known tion called mercury ointment. Composition of mercury ointment (by weight) of the following: mercury 30% butter 5%, lard 65%; After mixing these components added by the graphite powder volume equal the volume of the resulting mixture. Handling this ointment should be careful to avoid mercury from entering cuts and scratches on his hands. Paddings (GOST 5152- 16). Packings (solid, wicker, opletnennye the core) are made of vegetable fibrous materials (flax, hemp, cotton, jute), mineral substances (asbestos) of non-ferrous metals and anti-friction of metallic materials not okazyvayu- ing corrosion of soprikasayu- schiesya with them metal surfaces (stock, stuffing box, etc..). The turbine shop of great use have a simple soft woven, dry and pro- Pete asbestos, cotton and pen- kovye packing. These gaskets are made different various sizes of circular or square cross-section tion; packing-ring is used only to the lower pressure in the non-critical cases, as it is loosely fills gland packing kovoe space and compresses unevenly shaft or stock. Packing for water za- dvizhek, valves, pipes and shafts circular lation, condensate, drainage supply enforcement, fire and other pumps with temperature ture of water up to 100 C are used propylene tannye cotton stuffing square section and cotton cuff. For steam temperatures up to 150 C is applicable Wicker talcum dry and impregnated packing, a temperature range from 150 to 200 C samosmazy- Graphite packing talc-decreasing or Asbestos braided. For rod packing vents and zadvi- rods working on superheated and saturated a pair with a temperature above 200 C, the heat-resistant, high-quality asbestos and metal gaskets. For these conditions governing are suitable packing, sold under the brand name "pA tional "-asbestovaya, Graphite impregnated tannaya antifriction weight copper pro- portages withstand superheated steam up to 400 C, and under the name "Cyclone" -asbestovaya, grafiti- mated, self-lubricated with copper or lead- tsovoy wire to withstand superheated steam up to 450 C. The rings of these packs when laying are poured layers of dry silver four- shuychatogo graphite thickness of 4-5 mm.


  • For the high-pressure feed pumps of packings used by the Ad Hoc specified by the manufacturer, so for feed pumps 5TS10 pressure 150 kg / cm2 and feed water temperature 150 C apply the above printing of the "pA tional "and pumps PEN 430-200 primenyaet- Xia combined asbestos packing with rubber new core on specific technical conditions. To work at high temperatures vapor Dr. apply special pack: by compression of bathrooms graphite semirings; rings of dry prografichennogo asbestos braided cord peppered with graphite; of a mixture of graphite (60% by volume) and asbestos fluff (40% adjourned shennogo asbestos); Combination of asbestos O rings and graphite, the stacking sequence tive in the stuffing box one after the other; clean graphite seals of flake graphite. Reliable and versatile options for vapor 90-100 am and 500-520 C is For bivka manufactured from the above mixture flake graphite and asbestos fluff; Since After thorough mixing, the mixture zakla- dyval to seal portions, with each crimp portions and a gradual filling of the box omentum to the top (for the gland ostavlya- is 4-5 mm the height of the packing box). As for the stuffing box Arma- tours ultrahigh steam parameters used also pure graphite packing of cheshuycha- it is possible larger, flaky first grade graphite, containing not less than 90% carbon. This gasket does not lose elasticity of the penetration of condensate and practical ski is not influenced by both high and low temperatures. The main prerequisites reliable operation of such seals are smooth, reflective surface stock and sufficient exactly dense filling gland squamous graphite; application of powder, finely milled graphite seals for such non- acceptable. For protection in the process of exploitation of the lossless flake graphite through a nip between the rod and bushing, it is necessary to base of the gland and after filling in a Gram graphite in the upper end of the gland to put rings prografichennogo, asbestos braided cord densely covering the stem. Installation packing. Seals za- consists in the complete change of the stuffing box, that requires complete disassembly of the gland carefully tion cleaning rod and stuffing box or shaft from the remnants of old prints, dirt and soot; can not be limited to the change of the packing, leaving intact its last series. If when the good work of the gland further podtya- drawing in the packing follower is in operation impossible due to abutment of its flange into the housing, pre starts as a temporary measure setting single- two packing rings without a complete replacement of the packing.

    Stuffing should be part of the gland tight separate rings, so the packing section should be selected according to the difference between the pA radii bore stuffing box and the shaft or stem (see Fig. 2.1 a). Stuffing the cord is cut at 45 individual pieces of a length to obtain the corresponding diameter of the ring meter having no gaps at the interface and having no the excess lengths, joints rings should have clean oblique sections needed to ensure of the density of the gland (see Fig. 2.1 6)

    Figure 2.1. Packings centrifugal nacoca. A stuffing box; 1-shaft; 2-Shirt shaft; 3-supply cold water; 4-tap leakage; 5-ring salniko- howling pack; 6-ring hydraulic seal (Flashlight); 7-compression gland bushing; 5-chamber cooling by the Board; b-billet packing ring gland; 1-correct; 2 wrong; in-joints stuffing rings into the packing box; g - wrong position voltage shaft relative to the bore.

    In the cleared box series ring after ring, oblique cut forward, introduced ditsya new gasket. Rings must be entered carefully, without a lot of pressure and put in box so that the joints of the rings do not have to one above the other, and installed with extensibility at 90-120 (Figure 2.1 in). Use with mortgages ke packing sharp metal instruments Tami should not be, as this can potsara- cator of stock, it is best to use for this purpose wooden barb. The position of the lantern ring of water seal after some compression zalo- zhennoy before stuffing it must match the relative Verstov for supplying water seal, or by


  • As compression of the packing follower lamp may turn out out to be in a hole for the water supply. Packing push bushing must appear dit in sharpening the body with a gap of 0.2-0.3 mm on diameter, and with respect to the shaft or rod having gap of 0.5-0.6 mm. The absence of these gaps or off-center position of the packing sleeve (Fig. 2.1 z) may be the cause of poor performance gland, in which will not enable it to walk its density and ease of rotation (Without significant friction losses). In some cases, for the prevention of self-lubricating packing from the action of the working the body first and the last of the packing rings packing box fittings are not set up self- lubricants, and from the dry pack (with Pareto asbestos, with warm and hot water- paper). Stuffing box filled nabiv- Coy is not up to the edge, as this may cause skewed push axle box. Enough if the number of positions of packing rings is such that the compression bushing being sub pull, was part of the packing box at least than 10-15 mm. To protect the gland from propari- tion, and rods and shafts from jamming and wear packing glands and tighten produced very carefully, evenly and without distortions. Push of the upper part should be clamped tight, but not tight, with excessively strong push rod or shaft will rotate tight, lubricating weight packing will be squeezed out, stuffing lose resilience and self-lubricating ability that leads to deterioration of the stem and packing itself.

    Final adjustment of tightening sebaceous nick is made, for example, pumps at their test run, if the gland through a lot water, it must be tightened in the absence pro- Start gland loosen. Newly collected FLOW gland initially almost always miss, but after a while, after running nabiv- Key blanks are eliminated themselves. Save for long term use rods or shafts wear can only be right villa and good packing, the central position with respect to a period of at stuffing box and bent, cylindrical shape, clean without scratches, nicks, dents and workings stock or shaft, the presence of these defects stem or shaft will quickly wear out the gasket and iznashivat- smiling himself. For stocks of high pressure valves taper allowed no more than 0.08 mm on a length of 300 mm ovality is not greater than 0.03 mm by the length and the deflection is not more than 0.01 mm over a length 200 mm. Wear or misalignment determined by measuring the diameter of the rod or shaft and Since expansion in relation to the bore of the stuffing box. If the cross section of the shaft (rod) is significantly load and has a stuffing box production in the form of cusps and grooves should Back to the shaft (shaft), and in the absence of such an impact possibility to produce high-quality welding on (less lization) to give, after turning the formation machining and grinding of circular cross section with a mirror surface.

    3 BASICS properties of metals.

    3.1. IMPORTANCE OF PROPER The choice of metal.

    Most critical parts work melts in the turbine installations in very heavy conditions (fixed and variable load high temperature of the superheated steam, Wednesday, providing chemical and mechanical action Corollary of metals, etc..). The correct choice of metal for details newly manufactured turbines - one of the important important problems to be adjudicated by the designers and technologists turbine construction works at designing of the turbine. To make okon- definitively the choice of metal for some of details whether the plant is doing dozens and sometimes hundreds of Experiments with different materials. Metals for receipt of adequate strength and stability STI wear subjected to thermal plants treatment of a wide variety of species. Process even the same heat treatment (for example quenching) for different grades of material and even for the same material but in different Intended for personal products, very raznoob- Rasen.

    The modern turbine plant applications of high pressure steam more Since vysilo value of the correct choice of metal, and the problem of the metal gained paramount importance. Many metals that work well in established framework of low and medium pressure, proved accordance completion unfit for work in the turbine plants of high and ultra-high pressure. Took place in the repair practice cases as for the manufacture of parts for remontiruemo- th unit undertook was the first under the PV Coy material, are totally unacceptable. Failure to comply with the manufacture of parts all the requirements for the grade of material, and its thermal processing that predyavlya- are to him the specific conditions of work parts may negate the quality of all work you repair and cause not only prematu- rary wear, but also failure (crash) with severe consequences. Thus, the main condition for proper choice of material in the manufacture of this or that detail and quality repairs it is the knowledge of the appointment and conditions of service this part in the turbine plant, the properties primenen- tion for its metal fabrication and properties that are


  • they acquired and as a result of a particular terminal cal treatment. The task of selecting the right material for repair purposes especially responsible with iz prepara- spare parts for their own oil Terek power or not to turbo building factories. Knowledge of the properties of metals is also important for the proper choice of technology of repair for some Ad cific repair work (editing shaft with interference fit parts, etc..). Metals differ in their properties; the main ones are the mechanical, physical, chemical and technological properties.


    Mechanical properties are called, respectively aggregate of the properties that determine the ability of metal to resist the effects of mechanical ing effort that can be attached to items (Product) in various ways. Knowledge of the mechanism cal properties is very important, as it allows evaluate the behavior of a metal under the influence of different loads during operation of machine parts operating conditions. Each metal has a specific, inherent in a given metal, mechanical properties (strength, elasticity, plasticity Stu, viscosity, hardness, friability, etc..). To determine the mechanical properties of metals power plants, there are special labora- tory with the necessary equipment for different personal trials. Action of mechanical force (load), which exposed parts of any machine work is in metals of which they iz cook, various changes in form and size ditch. These changes, which are called de formations depend on the load of less ical properties of the metal and on the size of details Leu. When the load increases and increases deformation of the part. The main types of deformation of the metal are tension, compression, shear or shear twisting and bending. Under the influence of different forces and loads the details can be complex strains. Any process of deformation of the metal accordance consists of three stages: the elastic deformation, plans plastic deformation and fracture. If after termination of the load deformation Since radiation part, disappears and takes part their original size and shape, such deformation is called elastic; if the deformation tion remains in the parts and after removing the load ki (the item is returned to its initial -con- and shape), such deformation called plastic, not elastic or remain accurate. Ability of a metal to resist, not collapsing, change their initial shapes and dimensions under the action of external

    or internal forces called strength less metal. Property to recover their metal original shape and dimensions after stop the action of load is called yn rugostyu; as opposed to the elastic properties No. of metal to keep the new form, acquired tennuyu under the influence of the load after its removal, called plasticity, ductility increases when heated. Step metal load causes Since phenomenon inside the metal inner strength accompanied tance associated with the presence of internal forces adhesion between the metal particles Inner drag force increases with increasing loads and stresses occur inside the metal The magnitude of the voltage is measured in parts the magnitude of the applied load in kilograms divided by the cross-sectional area Details in square centimeters or square millimeters (kgf / cm 2 or kg / mm 2). Stresses arise in detail not only under the influence of external loads, but also because of changes in temperature, such voltage tion called temperature or heat Vym. In addition to these, the details can exist Vova so-called proper voltage (Initial, sometimes residual), which often arise, for example, in molded parts. The stress on the parts under external loading, which can be pre start up without the fear of its destruction, or the appearance of permanent deformation, ie not causing disruption of the normal interaction between metal particles, called admissible Nations voltages of. At this voltage, also measured in kg / mm 2, the initial size and shape of the part after the termination of the Nations load completely restored.

    Figure 3.1. Strain diagram.

    Different metals react differently for various types of loads. By the nature of the action tions of metals vary load: 1) static Skye, once applied to the details and nature istic smooth and slow increase of zero to the limit value; 2) Dynamic (Shock) -odnokratno applied to the details and characteristic of almost instantaneous increase of zero to the limit value; such a dramatic impact effect of metal parts even relatively small impact load can lead to


  • its destruction, although this detail is well accompanied tivlyaetsya quietly applied, significantly greater in magnitude, static load; 3) re-variable multiple times the applied tion to detail, and the characteristic variable speed Stu its increase and decrease, the load Explicit by the alternating if it changes and in both magnitude and direction-sign (for example, compression-tension), and pulsing when varies from zero to a limit value, below action to re-load the variable part can quickly collapse, although it is good accordance protivlyaetsya once applied calm tion load. When checking the mechanical properties of steel usually determine the tensile strength, tensile strength, elongation, relative narrowing, toughness and hardness. The voltage which undergoes metal under the action of the breaking load, is called smiling tensile strength of the metal (formerly This voltage is called the time accompanied sistance). It follows that the ultimate strength STI characterize the properties of the metal resistance by action forces tending to tear it up, squeeze or bend. Allowable stresses and limits the strength of various metals and conditions applica- tion load different. To ensure Nations reliably work in designing mechanisms mechanical properties and cross-section parts The