Renr Review Utech 6

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  • 8/19/2019 Renr Review Utech 6




    Patrick McKenzie

    1. The nurse is assessing a postoperative patient for signs of hemorrhage. Which adaptationis most indicative of shock?

    a. Hyperemia b. Hypotension

    c. Irregular pulse

    d. Slow respirations

    . The nurse is monitoring the vital signs of a group of patients. When reviewing these

    results! the nurse must remember that body temperature usually is at its highest at"

    a. 1 #$% #$

     b. & #$%' #$

    c. ( )$%& )$

    d. ' )$%1* )$

    +. When assessing for borborygmi! which physical e,amination method should the nurse


    a. #uscultation b. )ercussion

    c. Inspection

    d. )alpation

    (. The nurse plans to take a patient-s radial pulse. Which method of e,amination should be used by the nurse?

    a. )alpation

     b. Inspection

    c. )ercussion

    d. #uscultation

    . Which nursing action is common to all instruments when taking a temperature?

    a. Identify that the reading is below /&0 before insertion b. Wash with cool soap and water after use

    c. )lace a disposable sheath over the probe

    d. 2nsure that the instrument is clean

    &. The nurse concludes that a patient is e,periencing hyperthermia. Which assessment

     precipitated this conclusion?

    a. $ental confusion

     b. Increased appetite

    c. 3ecreased heart rated. 4ectal temperature of 1*10

    5. The nurse in the 2mergency 3epartment is engaging in an initial assessment of a

     patient. Which assessment takes priority?

    a. 6lood pressure

     b. #irway clearance

    c. 6reathing pattern

    d. 7irculatory status

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    '. The nurse is obtaining a patient-s blood pressure. Which information is most importantfor the nurse to document?

    a. Staff member who took the blood pressure

     b. )atient-s tolerance to having the blood pressure taken

    c. )osition of the patient if the patient is not in a sitting position

    d. (. 3ifference between the palpated and auscultated systolic readings

    /. The nurse is teaching a cancer prevention community health class. Which recommended

    cancer screening guideline for asymptomatic non8risk people should the nurse include?

    a. )ap smears annually for females 1+ years of age and older 

     b. $ammograms annually for women +* years of age and older 

    c. )rostate8specific antigens yearly for men +* years of age and older 

    d. Sigmoidoscopies every years for patients * years of age and older 

    1*. The nurse understands that body heat production is increased by"

    a. 9asodilation b. 2vaporation

    c. Shivering

    d. 4adiation

    11. The nurse is assessing a patient-s bilateral pulses for symmetry. However! the nurse

    should not assess which pulse sites on both sides of the body at the same time?

    a. 4adial b. 7arotid

    c. emoral

    d. 6rachial


    1. The nurse is caring for a patient who is e,periencing an increase in symptoms associated

    with multiple sclerosis. Which term best describes a recurrence of symptoms associatedwith a chronic disease?

    a. 9ariance

     b. 4emissionc. #daptation

    d. 2,acerbation

    1+. The nurse in the clinic must obtain the vital signs of each patient before each patient is

    assessed by the practitioner. The nurse should obtain a temperature via the rectal route

    for a patient"

    a. Who is a mouth breather 

     b. With a history of vomiting

    c. With an intelligence of a seven8year8old child

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    d. Who cannot tolerate a semi8owler-s position

    1(. # patient with hypertension is given discharge instructions to take the blood pressure

    every day. The nurse is evaluating a family member taking the patient-s blood pressure

    as part of the patient-s discharge teaching plan. The nurse identifies that further teachingis necessary when the family member"

    a. )laces the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial artery

     b. #pplies the center of the bladder of the cuff directly over an artery

    c. 4eleases the valve on the manometer so that the gauge drops 1* mm Hg per heartbeat

    d. Inserts the earpieces of the stethoscope into the ears so that they tilt slightly forward

    1. # patient has a serious vitamin : deficiency. or which adaptation should the nurse

    assess this patient?

    a. Skin lesions

     b. 6leeding gums

    c. ;ight blindness

    d. $uscle weakness1&. The nurse identifies that a patient with a fever has warm skin. #n additional adaptation

    that confirms the defervescence

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    *. Which assessment reAuires the nurse to assess the patient further?

    a. 1'8year8old woman with a pulse rate of 1(* after riding miles on an e,ercise bike

     b. *8year8old man with a 6) of 11B&* upon awakening in the morning

    c. &8year8old man with a respiratory rate of 1*d. (*8year8old woman with a pulse of ''

    1. The nurse is interviewing a newly admitted patient. Which patient statement indicates

    the onset of a fever? CI feel"

    a. 7old.D

     b. Warm.D

    c. Sweaty.D

    d. Thirsty.D

    . The nurse is monitoring the status of postoperative patients. The vital sign that changes

    first indicating that a postoperative patient has internal bleeding is the"

    a. 6ody temperature b. 6lood pressure

    c. )ulse pressure

    d. Heart rate

    +. patient has had a 1*10 fever for the last ( hours. How often should the nurse monitor 

    this patient-s temperature?

    a. 2very hours

     b. 2very ( hours

    c. 2very & hours

    d. 2very ' hours

    (. The nurse is unable to palpate a patient-s brachial pulse. Which pulse should the nurse

    assess to determine adeAuate brachial blood flow in this patient?

    a. 4adial

     b. 7arotid

    c. emorald. )opliteal

    . Which can cause urine to appear red?

    a. 6eets

     b. Strawberries

    c. 7herry Eell8

    d. 4ed food dye

    &. The nurse is assessing a patient-s heart rate by palpating the carotid artery. What is the

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    most important thing the nurse should do when assessing a pulse at this site?

    a. $onitor for a full minute

     b. )alpate Fust below the ear 

    c. )ress gently when palpating the sited. $assage the site before assessing for rate

    5. The nurse obtains the blood pressure of several adults. What blood pressure result

    causes the most concern?

    a. 1*B5*

     b. 1(*B/*

    c. 1B'

    d. 11'B5

    '. The nurse is planning care for a patient who has an intolerance to activity. What is the

    first assessment that should be made by the nurse?

    a. Influence on the other family members b. Impact on functional health patterns

    c. )attern of vital signs

    d. 4ange of motion

    /. The nurse concludes that a patient has inadeAuate nutrition. Which patient adaptation

    supports this conclusion?

    a. )resence of surface papillae on the tongue

     b. 4eddish8pink mucous membranes

    c. 7achectic appearance

    d. Shiny eyes

    +*. The nurse must take a patient-s rectal temperature. The nurse should"

    a. Take the temperature for minutes

     b. Wear gloves throughout the procedure

    c. )lace the patient in the right lateral position

    d. Insert the thermometer inches into the rectum

    +1. Which usually is unrelated to a nursing physical assessment?

    a. )osture and gait b. 6alance and strength

    c. Hygiene and groomingd. 6lood and urine values

    +. The patient has a temperature of 1*0 and complains of feeling thirsty. Which additional

    adaptation should the nurse e,pect during this febrile stage of a fever?

    a. 4estlessness with confusion

     b. 3ecreased respiratory rate

    c. )rofuse perspiration

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    d. )ale! cold skin

    ++. The nurse is performing a psychosocial assessment. Which assessment should be identified as a subtle indicatorof depression?

    a. 1. @nkempt appearance

     b. . #n,ious behavior 

    c. Tense posture

    d. 7rying

    +(. The nurse in the 2mergency 3epartment is caring for a patient who has been diagnosed

    with hypothermia. The presence of which factor in the patient-s history may have

     precipitated this condition?

    a. Heat stroke

     b. Inability to sweat

    c. 2,cessive e,ercised. High alcohol intake

    +. # patient has lost appro,imately units of blood during a vaginal delivery. or which

    response to this blood loss should the nurse assess this patient?

    a. 4apid! shallow breathing

     b. Increased urinary output

    c. Hypertension

    d. 6radypnea

    +&. The nurse understands that a concern that is common to the collection of specimens

    for culture and sensitivity tests! regardless of their source! is"

    a. # preservative media must be used

     b. Two specimens should be obtained

    c. Surgical asepsis must be maintained

    d. # morning specimen should be collected

    +5. # patient-s vital signs are" oral temperature //0! pulse '' beats per minute with a regular 

    rhythm! respirations 1& breaths per minute and deep! and blood pressure 1'*B11* mm

    Hg. The sign that should cause the most concern is the"

    a. )ulse

     b. 4espirationsc. Temperature

    d. 6lood pressure

    +'. # patient is admitted to the 2mergency 3epartment with diffi culty breathing. Which

     patient response identifi ed by the nurse causes the most concern?

    a. Gow pulse o,imetry

     b. Wheeing on e,piration

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    c. Shortness of breath on e,ertion

    d. @sing accessory muscles of respiration

    +/. The researcher in formulating a research problem often employs the following steps" 1.e,amine a real8

    world situation . identify research topics +. generate Auestions! and (. ultimately refine and clarify aresearch problem. This process helps the researcher with the JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ of the study.

    a data analysis

     b data collectionc research design

    d specific aim or purpose

    (*. The following historical event that had a maFor impact on funding for nursing research was the


    a formation of the ;ational Institute for ;ursing 4esearch

     b initiation of the #gency for Health 7are )olicy and 4esearchc development of a ;ursing 4esearch 7ouncil as part of the #merican ;urses #ssociation

    d development of local! national and international nursing research conferences by Sigma Theta Tau

    (1. #s a student nurse in a busy regional hospital! you are learning about evidence8based practice for the

    first time. 2vidence8 based practice

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     b it reAuires ma,imum e,planation

    c the participant-s action may be interpreted in a way to suit the researcher

    d validity is undermined because of possible difference in the interpretation by respondents

    ((. ne maFor difference between the scientific approach and the problem solving approach is that with

    the problem solving approach findings JJJJJJJJJJ.

    a may be reported in a verbal form to a wide range of persons other than those concerned with the

     problem b may be reported in either verbal or written form to those immediately concerned with the problem

    c must be communicated in writing to a large audience unrelated to the problem

    d must be reported in writing to those concerned with the problem

    (. 9ariables are Aualities! properties! or characteristics of persons! things or situations that change or vary

    and are manipulated! measured! or controlled in research. The dependent and independent variables

    form the basis for formulating hypotheses. Identify the independent variable in the hypothesis below"


    “Cancer patients who receive music therapy complain less frequently of pain and require less painmedication than cancer patients not receiving music therapy”

    a pain medication use

    b rela,ation therapy

    c complaints of pain

    d music therapy

    (&. The primary characteristic of variables that separates them from concepts is that JJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a values of variables must be measurable or manipulatable and must vary among the obFects! people!

    or situations in the study

     b variables represent concepts that are difficult to measure.c variables are only related to concrete concepts.

    d variables are defined only in general terms

    (5. The professional nurse cannot conduct research for which of the following

    a 9alidation of the results of new nursing modalities b To increase hisBher financial status

    c )rofessional advancement through research participation

    d To improve nursing care

    ('. # group of nurses are participating in a research programme. 2ach participant is asked to identify a

    research problem. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJshould be done subseAuent to the identification of the

    research problem.

    a The methodology

     b The review of relevant literature

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    c The acknowledgement

    d ormulating the hypotheses

    (/. The findings of the research should be communicated to all the relevant persons.JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

    communicates research findings by describing the data

    a The hypothesis

     b Statistics

    c The research problemd Tables and graphs

    *. In Auantitative designs! JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJis described as the distance in the scoring units of the

    variables from the highest to the lowest.

    a reAuency

     b $ean

    c $ediand 4ange

    1. The e,tent to which we can be sure that the effects detected in the study are a true reflection of reality

    rather than being the result of the effects of e,traneous variables is known as internal validity. In other

    words the results of the study must be dependable and believable.


    “A researcher implements an educational programme for parents of toddlers to promote language

    development of the child and then evaluate the child’s language development 3 months after the programme”

    # potential threat to the internal validity of the study design would beJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a history

     b maturation

    c selection bias

    d instrumentation

    . Students at a tertiary institution have decided to use the interview schedule as a data collection

    instrument for their study. ne advantage of the interview schedule is JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a tendency for interviewing bias b opportunity to clarify Auestionsc reAuires minimum e,planation

    d makes it possible to record behavior as it occurs

    +. #nother group of students attending the same institution have decided to use the mailed Auestionnaire

    as their data collection instrument. ne disadvantage of this method is that JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

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    a it eliminates literacy barriers

     b it reAuires ma,imum e,planation

    c the participant-s action may be interpreted in a way to suit the researcherd validity is undermined because of possible difference in the interpretation by respondents

    (. ne maFor difference between the scientific approach and the problem solving approach is that withthe problem solving approach findings it JJJJJJJJJJ.

    a may be reported in a verbal form to a wide range of persons other than those concerned with the problem

     b may be reported in either verbal or written form to those immediately concerned with the problem

    c must be communicated in writing to a large audience unrelated to the problem

    d must be reported in writing to those concerned with the problem

    . C!here is evidence that one in four girls and one in seven boys are se"ually abused in some way prior

    to their #$th birthday%!he long term consequences of child se"ual abuse ma&e it one of the most

     severe offenses against a child’s dignity and sense of well being% !hus the need for a systematicassessment tool to identify childhood incest in this high'ris& population is imperative.D This

    constitutes a JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    e problem statement

    f study findingsg study purpose

    h population

    &. Giterature of published research studies found in Fournals and master-s thesis is

    termedJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ evidence.

    a Theoretical

     b 2mpirical

    c 4elevantd primary

    5. This unit of measurement e,presses variability of the data in reference to the mean. It provides anumerical estimate of how far on an average the separate observations are from the mean. This

    measurement is known as theJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a $ode

     b Standard deviationc $ediand reAuency

    '. Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?

    a $ode

     b 4ange

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    c 9ariance

    d Standard deviation

    /. In a set of numbers '5! '! /*! '5! /1! /1 arithmetic average isJJJJJJJJJJ 

    a ''.+ b ''.(

    c ''.1

    d ''.

    &*. In a set of values 5/! '1! '1! '1! '*! / 1+*! &* the modal number isJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a '* b '1

    c /*

    d '

    &1. In the set of numbers '*! '*! 1*! 1*! ! &! 1**! **. JJJJJJJJJJ the median number 

    a 51.

     b .

    c 1+.d 1* K

    &. The drawing of lots! usage of an arbitrary table of numbers is methods of sampling that ensures that

    each element of a population has an eAual chance of being selected. This type of sampling iscalledJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a 7luster   b Simple

    c Stratified

    d Systematic

    &+. # researcher wants to determine some of the problems that are e,perienced by clients with chronic

    renal failure when using the 7ontinuous #mbulatory )eritoneal 3ialysis

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    a # descriptive study to compare the support system of students at 2,ed with adeAuate and those

    with inadeAuate support system! b # comparative analysis of the support systems of students with adeAuate and those with inadeAuate

    support systems

    c The effects of the types of support systems! inadeAuate and adeAuate of students attending 2,edd # study to compare students with adeAuate and inadeAuate support systems attending 2,ed

    &. The same group of nurses would like to compare the support system of patients with acute illness tothose with chronic illness. The hypothesis was! C7lients with chronic illness have fewer support

    systems than clients with acute illness.D This type of research is called JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a 3escriptive b 2,perimental

    c 7orrelation

    d Luasi e,perimental

    &&. In any research study where individual persons are involved! it is important that an informed consent

    of the study is obtained. The following are essential information about the consent that be disclosed tothe informant e,ceptJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a 3escription of benefits K discomfort b 7onsent to incomplete the process

    c 2,planation of the procedure

    d #ssurance of anonymity and confidentiality

    &5. In the following hypothesis! Cthe utiliation of technology in teaching improves the retention and

    attention of nursing students.D JJJJJJJJJJJJ is the dependent variable.

    a @tiliation of technology

     b Improvement in the retention and attention

    c ;ursing studentsd Teaching

    &'. Which type of research inAuiry 62ST investigates the issue of intricacies in human behaviours?

    a Gogical position

     b ;atural inAuiry

    c )ositivismd Luantitative research

    &/. Which of the following studies is based on Auantitative research

    a # study e,amining the bereavement e,pressed in a spouse or patient with terminal cancer 

     b # study e,amining client-s feeling before! during and after an hysterectomy

    c # study e,ploring the factors influencing weight control behaviour 

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    d # study measuring the effects of sleep deprivation on patient-s recovery

    5*. Which of the following study is based on Aualitative research

    a # study e,amining client-s reaction to stress after the loss of a baby

     b # study measuring nutrition and weight lossBgain in clients with HI9c # study e,amining o,ygen levels subseAuent to intubation

    d # study measuring differences in blood pressure before! during and after a procedure

    51. # & year old patient in a long stay home yells at a nurse! CI signed the inform consent for your study

     because the doctor insisted and I was afraid that if I refused he would stop caring for meMD The right

    toJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ was violated.

    a Self determination

     b )rivacyBconfidentiality

    c Self disclosure

    d ;ot to be harmed

    5. # supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to e,plain a given phenomenon bestdefinesJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a )aradigm b 7oncept

    c # theory

    d # conceptual framework 

    5+. #nn8$arie generally eats a high fat diet. # researcher wants to find out what will be the effect of foods

    high in cholesterol to #nn8$arie in the ne,t 81* years. The study the researcher will utilieisJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a 7omparative b 7orrelational

    c Historical

    d Gongitudinal

    5(. Two set of senior nursing students were selected randomly. Sister West conducted teaching of

    schiophrenia to one set of students she assesses the second set on schiophrenia to determine if theywill have a better understanding than the first group. This type of research study is


    a 7omparative

     b 7orrelational

    c 2,perimental

    d Lualitative

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    5. 3ana researched on the development of a new way to measure intelligence by creating a +* item

    Auestionnaire that will assess the cognitive skills of students. The study design 62ST suited to thisisJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a Historical b $ethodological

    c Survey

    d 7ase study

    5&. # student in a master-s programme is conducting her thesis on $ark an #I3S client. The study looks

    at how $ark lives his life from a day to day basis. The most suitable study design for this situation


    a Historical

     b 7ase study

    c )henomenologicald 2thnographic

    55. # nurse researcher is conducting a study about how nurses performed asepsis during the 1/+*s. The

    study design best suit to this type of study isJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a Historical

     b 7ase study

    c )henomenological

    d 2thnographic

    5'. The most appropriate characteristics of a sample isJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a #ppropriate number 

     b Gocation

    c 4epresentativenessd 4andomiation

    5/. # student nurse on a school e,cursion to a tribe in #frica studied the culture of this tribe. The most

    appropriate study design would beJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a Historical

     b 7ase studyc )henomenological

    d 2thnographic

    '*. # nurse researched schiophrenia! its etiology! pathophysiology! pharmacotherapy and nursing

    management and all other treatment modalities. JJJJJJJJJJJJJis the design best suited for this


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    a Historical

     b 7ase study

    c )henomenologicald 2thnographic

    '1. What does a sample groupBtarget population represent

    a 7ontrol group

     b Study subFectsc >eneral population

    d @niverse

    '. 4andom sampling ensures that each subFect hasJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a #n eAual chance of selection

     b Systematic selection

    c Selection based on preset criteriad Has characteristics that matches other samples

    '+. Which of the following methods allow the use of any group of research subFects

    a )urposive b 7onvenience

    c Snow8ball

    d Luota

    '(. # student included five streets in her community as well as chose a sampling method that would get

    representative samples from each street. The appropriate sampling techniAue that the student should

    utilie isJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

    a 7luster sampling

     b 4andom samplingc Stratified sampling

    d Systematic sampling

    '. Which of the following may prevent a research study from occurring

    a 2,cessive risk to subFects because of the nature of the study

     b 7osts for conducting the study is low when compared to the benefitsc The identified problem is ma,ed out in literature

    d The research problem is based on untested nursing theories

    '&. 2ach year new technology is discovered to benefit peoples- way of life. This type of research is


    a #pplied

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     b 2,perimental

    c 3evelopmental

    d Luantitative

    '5. 6oth e,perimental and non8e,perimental researches have their strengths. JJJJJJJJJJJJJ is not a

    strength of non8e,perimental designs

    a # short span of time

     b 6eing less e,pensivec 6eing useful for predictive purposes

    d 6eing easier to gain cooperation of study subFects