REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture:...

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Transcript of REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture:...

Page 1: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Page 2: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

© 2020 Vineyard Resources. All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblical, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Page 3: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?


“Faith is spelled R-I-S-K” is a foundational saying in the Vineyard Movement. As we follow the trajectory of Scripture, the life of Jesus, and the disciples, we see a glowing thread of humble obedience and risk-taking that leads to miracles and Kingdom breakthrough.

Engaging Risk: 40 Stories Of Risk From The Gospels is meant to be a launch pad for this season to be one of taking risks with Jesus and seeing His Kingdom come in our lives, families, and communities.

The idea is to leverage the tradition of Lent to personally prepare our hearts and orient us toward Scripture through the lens of RISK. Jesus risked. His disciples risked. So many people risked. So, every day, for 40 days, we will engage Scripture, prayer, and invite the Holy Spirit to guide us to our own stories of RISK.

This study can be used by individuals or as a shared activity by small groups, youth groups, and whole church communities.

The Engaging RISK Lent Guide has been created to help you join in for 40 straight days with daily themes, scriptures, and prayer/response prompts. Print the guides and hand them out at your Lent service and/or each Sunday during the Lenten season.

We suggest that, each day as you come to prayer, you may want to follow a simple 4-step process.

1. Breathe – Start with breathing (10 sec) to become aware of God’s presence.

2. Read – Read the daily passage slowly and thoughtfully.

3. Invite – Pray, “Come, Holy Spirit” and read the daily prompt.

4. Respond – Note what comes to your mind, and purpose to take that risk.

NOTE FOR PASTORS: Collecting RISK stories is an amazing way to see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the lives of your community. You may want to set up an email inbox or other method to collect the RISK stories of RISK participants in your community.

Page 4: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?


(19 Days) 

Page 5: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 1 | Risk Showing Mercy

Scripture: John 8:3-11

Risk Context: Woman in caught adultery – Jesus risks by demonstrating mercy vs. condemnation.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Show me today Your invitation to risk extending mercy, regardless of the return.

Page 6: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 2 | Risk Welcoming

Scripture: John 4:4-42

Risk Context: Woman at the well – Jesus risks by engaging the marginalized.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Reveal to me today how I might risk bridging cultural norms to connect with someone different than myself.

Page 7: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 3 | Risk Kingdom Identity

Scripture: Luke 4:16-28 Risk Context: Christ in the temple – Jesus risks by declaring His Kingdom identity.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Inspire me today in how I might risk being an agent of freedom for captives, giving sight to darkened minds, and/or declaring Your favor to those in need. See all the ways that the Spirit is available to help you as a Christian.

Page 8: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 4 | Risk Facing Temptation

Scripture: Luke 4:1-13 Risk Context: The temptation of Christ – Jesus risked by directly facing temptation and evil in His weakness. Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me today to risk, even in my weakness, trusting You in overcoming personal temptation.

Page 9: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 5 | Risk Trusting God

Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21

Risk Context: Feeding the five thousand – Jesus risks by trusting God for miraculous provision for others in need.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Reveal to me today areas where I can risk by trusting Your ability to provide for needs that seem insurmountable for myself and others.

Page 10: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 6 | Risk Looking Foolish

Scripture: John 9:1-11

RISK context: The blind man at Bethsaida – Jesus risks by using mud to heal blind man.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to follow Your lead to help others even when it seems embarrassing or foolish.

Page 11: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 7 | Risk By Relaxing

Scripture: Mark 12:13-17

RISK Context: Render unto Caesar – Jesus risks by engaging culture without drama.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to risk by relaxing today as I hear local/national/international news, and asking for Your perspective on these issues.

Page 12: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 8 | Risk In Faith

Scripture: Matthew 8:5-13 RISK context: Centurion – Jesus risks by healing from a distance; knowing the Kingdom would come even if He wasn’t present.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Show me today how I can have the faith to risk believing God is moving in places far beyond my reach, even around the world.

Page 13: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 9 | Risk Trying Again

Scripture: John 21:1-6

RISK context: Cast nets on other side of the boat – Jesus risks by disputing circumstances.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me today to take the risk to look beyond the obvious circumstances to see Your Kingdom possibilities.

Page 14: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 10 | Risk Taking A Stand

Scripture: Matthew 21: 12-13

RISK context: Money changers – Jesus risks by challenging corruption.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me today to know when to risk standing against wrongdoing that may occur around me.

Page 15: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 11 | Risk Regardless Of Age

Scripture: Luke 2:42-50

RISK context: 12-year-old Jesus at the temple – Jesus risks by overcoming opinions of others about His youth.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Grant me eyes to see your gifts in children/youth/older folks around me, and to risk including them in my Kingdom activities.

Page 16: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 12 | Risk Being Human

Scripture: John 1:1-5

RISK context: Jesus was born – Jesus risks, in ultimate fashion, by becoming human.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Show me today the risk You took in becoming human and dwelling among us.

Page 17: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 13 | Risk Vulnerability

Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46

RISK context: Garden of Gethsemane – Jesus risks by showing vulnerability.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Reveal to me today ways I can risk being authentic and vulnerable when I am tempted to project a false self.

Page 18: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 14 | Risk Receiving

Scripture: Luke 7: 37-50

RISK context: Alabaster box – Jesus risks by receiving blessing from an “undesirable.” Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Open my eyes as to how I can risk letting down my guard and sharing relationship with someone that may seem “undesirable.”

Page 19: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 15 | Risk Obedience

Scripture: Luke 13:10-17

RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His Kingdom priority.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to risk being obedient to Your promptings even in times and places that may seem inappropriate to others.

Page 20: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 16 | Risk Confidence

Scripture: Matthew 12:9-13

RISK context: Heals shriveled hand – Jesus risks by showing authority in the temple.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me be willing to take a risk if You want to heal someone I encounter today.

Page 21: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 17 | Risk Against Evil

Scripture: Mark 5:1-20

RISK context: Healed demoniac – Jesus risks by showing authority over evil.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me have to faith and risk, knowing that Your authority over evil is available to me and can help me or someone else today.

Page 22: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 18 | Risk Letting Go

Scripture: John 14:15-27

RISK context: Promised Holy Spirit – Jesus risks by ascending and trusting the Holy Spirit.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Show me today how to risk trusting You with those I care about, but need to leave under Your control.

Page 23: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 19 | Risk Doing It Again

Scripture: Mark 8:22-26

RISK context: Jesus prayed twice for blind eyes – Jesus risks by demonstrating tenacity.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Inspire me to risk tenacity in my prayers when the answers don’t come quickly.

Page 24: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?


(2 Days) 

Page 25: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 20 | Risk Your “YES”

Scripture: Luke 1:34-38

RISK prompt: Answer to angel – Mary risks having faith for impossible. Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Strengthen me today to take the risk to say “Yes” when what you are asking seems “impossible.”

Page 26: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 21 | Risk Asking Jesus

Scripture: John 2:1-10

RISK prompt: Water into wine – Mary risks shame by asking Jesus for a miracle.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Inspire me today to risk asking You when I see the need for a miracle right in front of me.

Page 27: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?



(2 Days) 

Page 28: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 22 | Risk Reputation

Scripture: Matthew 1:19-2

RISK context: Staying with Mary – Joseph risks status by standing up to social stigma.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Empower me today to risk my own reputation to follow what I know is Your way.

Page 29: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 23 | Risk Your Comfort

Scripture: Matthew 2:13-23

RISK context: Moved to Egypt – Joseph risks for his family and becomes a refugee.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Guide me today to risk following You to wherever you lead me outside of my comfort zone.

Page 30: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?



(2 Days) 

Page 31: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 24 | Risk Reaching Out

Scripture: Mark 5:24-34

RISK context: Woman touches Jesus – Woman with long term ailment risks by overcoming barriers for her healing.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Raise up tenacity in me today to risk overcoming any obstacle that stands between me and the freedom/healing I need.

Page 32: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 25 | Risk Gratitude

Scripture: Luke 7: 37-50

RISK context: Woman in Pharisee’s house – The woman risks by choosing gratitude over human expectation.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me risk today by letting my gratitude for Your love and grace move me to actions that aren’t inhibited by the expectations of others.

Page 33: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?



(15 Days) 

Page 34: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 26 | Risk Practicing

Scripture: Luke 10:1-17

RISK context: The seventy-two sent by Jesus – They risk by obeying Jesus and actually practicing what they had seen Him do.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me actually risk today “do the stuff” I have seen You do.

Page 35: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 27 | Risk Loving Enemies

Scripture: Acts 9:10-19

RISK context: Ananias praying for Saul/Paul – Ananias risks by caring for his enemy.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me hear and obey Your voice to risk reaching out to people who may seem threatening to me.

Page 36: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 28 | Risk Following Through

Scripture: John 6:5-12

RISK context: Disciples handed out the 5 loaves/2 fishes – Disciples risk by listening to Jesus and see the impossible happen.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to follow through on the small things You are asking me to risk, that could lead to something BIG in your plan.

Page 37: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 29 | Risk Failure

Scripture: Matthew 17: 14-20

RISK Context: Couldn’t cast the demon out – Disciples risk by failing and learning.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Strengthen me to risk trying, and failing, and then trying again as I follow You.

Page 38: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 30 | Risk Courage

Scripture: Luke 24:1-11

RISK Context: Women at the tomb – The women risk by showing courage after the death and disappearance of Jesus.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Grant me the courage to risk hoping in the face of seemingly “hopeless” situations.

Page 39: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 31 | Risk The Unknown

Scripture: Acts 2:1-4

RISK context: Waited for Holy Spirit – Followers risk by obeying Jesus, waiting for the Holy Spirit, without knowing outcome.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Empower me to take the risk of waiting for You even when I can’t know what the future holds.

Page 40: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 32 | Risk Persevering

Scripture: Acts 16: 25-28

RISK Context: Paul and Silas in jail – They risk by persevering instead of escaping.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Strengthen me to risk enduring personal hardships instead of abandoning them.

Page 41: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 33 | Risk Being Unqualified

Scripture: Acts 2:14-41

RISK context: Peter preaching on Pentecost – He risks by speaking truth without credentials.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to take the risk of speaking what I am hearing from You, even if I feel unqualified.

Page 42: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 34 | Risk For More

Scripture: Acts 3:2-10

RISK context: Peter and John at the Gate Beautiful – They risk by being a bridge for a miracle that was more than the man knew to ask for.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Grant me the faith to risk believing for more in my life, and the lives of others, than we even know to ask for.

Page 43: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 35 | Risk Security

Scripture: Acts 4:7-13

RISK context: Peter and John before the Sanhedrin – they risked by showing courage for the Gospel in the face of potential punishment.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Reveal to me today the true value of the Gospel so I might be willing to risk my own security for it.

Page 44: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 36 | Risk Sharing

Scripture: Acts 4:32-36

RISK context: Believers shared possessions – They risk by sharing all they had together and giving it away to those in need.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Convict me today to be risky and open-handed with “my” possessions, being truly willing to give to those in need.

Page 45: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 37 | Risk The Repercussions

Scripture: Acts 7:51-60

RISK context: Stephen challenges Sanhedrin – Stephen risks by speaking the truth to the religious majority, gives his life, and forgives his persecutors.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Show me the heart of Stephen today that I might be willing to risk repercussions while standing up for the Gospel.

Page 46: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 38 | Risk With The Stranger

Scripture: Acts 8:26-39

RISK Context: Philip and the eunuch – Philip risks by following the Spirit to reach the stranger.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Make me sensitive today that I might risk caring for and sharing my faith with “the stranger.”

Page 47: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 39 | Risk Compassion

Scripture: Acts 9:36-42

RISK Context: Peter raises Dorcas – Peter risks by responding out of compassion to raise one who gave compassion.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Show me today the deep, risky compassion that moved Peter to believe and raise Dorcas from the dead.

Page 48: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?

Day 40 | Risk Friendship

Scripture: Luke 5:17-25

RISK context: Faith of friends – The friends risk by loving their friend so much that they would do anything to see the man healed by Jesus.

Prayer & Response: Come, Holy Spirit. Help me to care so much for my friends in need that I’ll risk doing outrageous things to bring them to Jesus.

Page 49: REMEMBER: Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES ...Day 15 | Risk Obedience Scripture: Luke 13:10-17 RISK context: Healed on Sabbath – Jesus risks by demonstrating His

REMEMBER: "Faith is spelled R-I-S-K.” How can you say YES to the Spirit today?FOR MORE RESOURCES LIKE THIS, VISIT