
REMBRANDT By Dalisay Reballos Giovacchini MYP3

Transcript of Rembrandt


By Dalisay Reballos Giovacchini



Full name: Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn

Born on July 15, 1606 in Leiden, Netherlands

Died on October 4, 1669 in Amsterdam, Netherlands (at

an age on 63)

He is a Dutch printer and painter

He is the 9th child born to Gerristzoon van Rijn and

Neeltgen Willems Dochter van Zuytbrouck

He is married Saskia van Uylenburgh, in 1634


His movement was the Dutch Baroque

His art works are realistic

He has a keen grasp of depth and he is good at creating

the background , which is an aspect of is talent for

realism in his image details

He is a detailed painter. You can see the intricate detail

on the face, clothing, tools, animals, and inanimate

objects in his paintings.

Some Paintings

He achieved youthful success as a portrait painter

His later years were marked by a personal tragedy and his

financial hardships

He became a painter/printer when the Dutch masters went

beyond renaissance to the Dutch baroque movement

He also painted at a tome when the Netherlands was

breaking free from the European tradition of painting on


One of his paintings included a flee market for artist to sell

their own self-selected projects

Portraits were important components to his art work

And he has made around 50-60 portraits of himself.

The personal tragedy that occurred in his life was the death of 3

of 4 of his infant children, and then the death of his wife.

Some of his paintings were then more focused on some of his

biblical interpretations, some painting on his surrounding and


He is also good at painting emotions in his paintings.

Most of his painting have the same color scheme.

When he painted his landscapes after his tragedy they became

less and less lively and more sober.

This self portrait by Rembrandt has a lot of texture. He uses heavy

brush strokes and you can see most of the lines he used in different

colors, this make him look older and make the texture pop.

The sharp detail in the eyes would tend to draw your eyes towards


The shadows by his neck emphasizes the whole face.

Since he is a realistic painter I think that the proportions of the

face is the way it would be in reality.

The colors for the background are kind of darker than the ones on

the face highlighting it.

I think that in this picture you can some vulnerability and sadness

in his eyes and tiredness in the lines of his face.

I think that Rembrandt portraits show a depth and

realistic aspect to them.

As they went older and older you could see more

and more the deep sadness in his eyes and you could

see the difference in each portrait.

In always had an emphasis in the eyes and would

draw you to that part because of the details he used.


 ”Try to put well in practice what you already

know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover

the hidden things you now inquire about.”• Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn


During my research on this artist, I learnt a lot on

how your experiences can change you and the tings

you do

Because of the death of his family, the once lively

painter became less lively. Although he still retained

many of his great artistic qualities and technique,

the depth and emotions in the paintings changed.


