Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things...

4/4/2018 1 Religious Titles What does God’s Word have to say about men wearing religious titles? Religious Titles The use of Religious titles today is commonly accepted among most people who claim to be Christians. We hear men constantly being referred to with names like Pastor Doctor (not a medical degree but a doctor of theology) Reverend Bishop Father Apostle and others

Transcript of Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things...

Page 1: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

What does God’s Word have to say about men wearing religious titles?

Religious Titles• The use of Religious titles today is commonly accepted

among most people who claim to be Christians.

•We hear men constantly being referred to with names like•Pastor•Doctor (not a medical degree but a doctor of theology)•Reverend•Bishop • Father•Apostle and others

Page 2: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles• In most cases these names are used to distinguish

someone who is seen as a leader in a particular religious organization from the average member of those same organizations.

•Most people never give a second thought to using these titles because everybody does it.

•However, as Christians, we should not be like everybody else and blindly accept what the crowds do.

•1Th 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Religious Titles

•We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God.

• So today we are going to test the use of these titles by what the Word has to say about them.

• The first thing we will notice is that the practice of using these type of titles is nothing new. They were even being used during the days of Christ.

• Jesus addresses the subject of wearing these titles in Matthew 23

Page 3: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

•Mt 23:1 ¶ Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples,

• 2 saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat.• They were teachers of the Law like Moses was.

• 3 "Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.

Religious Titles

• 4 "For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

• 5 "But all their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments.

Page 4: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

•Phylactery: Small box worn by Jews on the forehead or arm containing passages of scripture

Religious Titles

•Phylactery: Small box worn by Jews on the forehead or arm containing passages of scripture

Page 5: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

•Borders: were the tassels or cords worn on the edges of the clothing in order to help them remember the commands of God

Religious Titles

• Even the things God had commanded, they were doing for the purpose of being seen by men as righteous or pious.

• Jesus continues to point this out thru the next few verses.

•Mt 23:6 "They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues,• They always wanted to be out front where they could be


• 7 "greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, 'Rabbi, Rabbi.'

Page 6: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

• They loved to be called “Rabbi”

• They loved to be recognized by others as religious leaders of the people.

•Rabbi here comes from the Greek word “Rhabbi”.

• Listen to how Strong’s Greek Dictionary defines this word.•My master, i.e Rabbi, as an official title of honor

• They wanted the honor that came along with being known as “Rabbi so and so”.

Religious Titles• This title elevated them above the average Jew.

•But, how did Jesus feel about his followers wearing titles like this? Let’s read on.

•Mt 23:8 "But you, do not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren.

• 9 "Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.

• 10 "And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.

Page 7: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

• Jesus told His followers not to wear this religious title!

•He says we only have “One” master or teacher or guide and that is Christ!

•All of his followers are brethren and we should not be trying to elevate ourselves over each other by wearing this name!

• In case we were thinking Jesus was just condemning the use of this one title he mentions a couple of others in order to establish a principle for us.

Religious Titles

•He says we shouldn’t use these titles on other people.•9 "Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is

your Father, He who is in heaven.

•How many times have we heard this religious title used today?

•He’s not saying that we can’t use the word father to address our physical fathers but that we should not use it to address a man as our spiritual father or leader.

Page 8: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

•He reiterates this principle of not wearing religious titles again in vs 10•10 "And do not be called teachers; for One is your

Teacher, the Christ.

•We should not try to elevate or exalt ourselves above our brothers and sisters in Christ by wearing the name “teacher” because we only have One and that is Christ!

• This principle would apply to any religious title we would want to wear

Religious Titles

• To distinguish anyone from and elevate anyone above their brothers and sisters in Christ by applying these type titles to them is a violation of another very important Biblical principle.

•Mt 23:11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.

• 12 "And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

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Religious Titles•Wanting others to address us with titles like these

demonstrates a serious lack of humility on our part.

•Humility is necessary to be pleasing to God!

• Jas 4:6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.“

•Pr 18:12 ¶ Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty, And before honor is humility.

•Pride will bring about our eternal destruction but humility will get us honor from God!

Religious Titles

• I believe the principle that we should not apply these titles to ourselves or others is clear from what Jesus had to say.

•What we will do for the next few moments is look at a couple of the titles that are commonly used today and see how the Bible actually uses these words.

• “Reverend” is one of the more commonly used titles today

•We have all heard of people who call themselves or allow others to call them “the reverend”. Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton

Page 10: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

•Do we understand what “Reverend” means?

•Webster’s defines it as: “worthy of honor and respect”

• In the scriptures it is something to be feared or held in reverence.

• So, when we call someone “Reverend” then we are saying they are worthy or deserving of honor and respect

•By applying this title to someone we are saying they are more deserving of respect and honor than other Christians.

Religious Titles

•Wouldn’t this be a violation of the principle Jesus was teaching when He said call no man father?

•Wanting others to use this title in reference to us would be a violation of the commands to be humble.

•Did you know this term is never used in the scriptures to describe a man?

• The word “Reverend” is only found one time in the King James Version of the Bible.

Page 11: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

• That one time it is used to refer to God!

•Ps 111:9 He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.

•Would we take a word that is only used to describe God and apply it to man?

• There is only one being we should truly fear and revere that is God!

Religious Titles•Probably the most commonly used title today would be the

word “Pastor”

•We often hear people talking about their “Pastor”

• In most cases they are talking about the preacher where they go to church.

•Among many denominations the Preacher/Pastor is considered to be the leader of the congregation.

• It’s worth noting that the “Church of Christ” is not a denomination.

Page 12: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles• There are at least a couple of different problems with

calling the preacher “pastor” or “the pastor”.

• Let’s start by seeing what a “pastor” really is.

• The Bible does authorize the position of “pastor” in the local congregation.

• This office or position is known by a few different names in the scriptures.

• Elder, Bishop, Overseer and Shepherd are all different names for the office of Pastor found in God’s Word.

Religious Titles

•Paul uses some of these names interchangeably while talking to the “Elders” from Ephesus.

•Ac 20:17 ¶ And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called the elders of the church.

•Ac 20:28 "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

Page 13: Religious Titles -€¦ · Religious Titles •We are to test all things in religion by the Word of God. •So today we are going to test the use of these



Religious Titles

•Paul while giving the qualifications of “Elders” to the Titus uses the words “Elder” and “Bishop” interchangeably.

• Tit 1:5 ¶ For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you--

• 6 ¶ if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination.

Religious Titles

• 7 For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money,• So, we see the words Elder, Bishop, Shepherd and overseer

all being used to describe the same office.• The word “Pastor” is also used to describe this office one

time in the New Testament• Eph 4:11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some

prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,

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Religious Titles

• The word “Pastor” is the Greek word poimen.

• Every other time this word is used in the New Testament it is translated as “Shepherd”

•Pastor is just another word for “Shepherd”

•What is wrong with calling the preacher “Pastor So and So”?

• First of all, the preacher may not be a “Pastor”

•Not all preachers hold the office of an elder.

Religious Titles

• Secondly, you never find a congregation in the New Testament having only 1 Pastor or Elder.

• It is always a plurality of Elders.•Ac 14:23 So when they had appointed elders in every

church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.

• Finally, to call someone “Pastor whatever” is a violation of the principles Jesus taught in Matthew 23

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Religious Titles

• This principle would apply to any religious title someone may use.•Pastor Bob• Elder Jim•Bishop Jones•Apostle Frank• Father Chuck

•Whatever the title may be, Jesus simply forbids it.