Religious Moderation as a New Approach to Learning Islamic ...

Religious Moderation as a New Approach to Learning Islamic Religious Education in Schools Ulfatul Husna Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya [email protected] Muhammad Thohir Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya [email protected] Abstract Islam as a religion with a slogan that brings grace to the universe, however historically not all religious articulations are compatible. One example is extreme attitudes in religion. The most important element in realizing the peace mission in schools is learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This study was conducted to reveal how to maintain religious moderation in schools in preventing extremism. This field study at SMA Negeri 1 (Senior High School) Krembung, East Java, Indonesia uses a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that school moderation uses three main principles, namely tawassuth (middle); ta'adul (fair); and tawazun (balanced) principles are able to create a moderate situation, create a school of peace, progress, and form a generation with moderate views. Keywords: Moderation; Schools in Indonesia; Islamic education; Extremism; Abstrak Islam sebagai agama dengan semboyan pembawa rahmat bagi alam semesta, namun secara historis tidak semua artikulasi agama itu cocok. Salah satu contohnya adalah sikap ekstrim dalam beragama. Elemen terpenting dalam mewujudkan misi perdamaian tersebut di sekolah adalah pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI). Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengungkap bagaimana mempertahankan moderasi beragama di sekolah dalam mencegah ekstrimisme. Studi lapangan di SMA Negeri 1 Krembung, Jawa Timur, Indonesia ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa moderasi beragama sekolah menggunakan tiga prinsip utama yaitu tawassuth, ta’adul dan tawazun. Prinsip-prinsip ini mampu menciptakan situasi yang moderat dan mewujudkan sekolah damai, berkemajuan dan membentuk generasi yang berpandangan moderat. Kata kunci: Moderasi; Sekolah di Indonesia; Pendidikan agama islam; Ekstremisme; tawassuth; ta'adul; tawazun. Nadwa : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 14, No.1 (2020) Accredited by Ristekdikti based on Decree No. 51/E/KPT/2017 DOI: 10.21580/nw.2020.14.1.5766 ISSN 1979-1739 (P) ; ISSN 2502-8057 (E). © 2020 Nadwa : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam | UIN Walisongo. Accredited by Ristekdikti based on Decree No. 51/E/KPT/2017

Transcript of Religious Moderation as a New Approach to Learning Islamic ...

Religious Moderation as a New Approach to Learning Islamic

Religious Education in Schools

Ulfatul Husna

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

[email protected]

Muhammad Thohir

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

[email protected]


Islam as a religion with a slogan that brings grace to the universe, however

historically not all religious articulations are compatible. One example is

extreme attitudes in religion. The most important element in realizing the peace

mission in schools is learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This study

was conducted to reveal how to maintain religious moderation in schools in

preventing extremism. This field study at SMA Negeri 1 (Senior High School)

Krembung, East Java, Indonesia uses a qualitative descriptive method. The

results showed that school moderation uses three main principles, namely

tawassuth (middle); ta'adul (fair); and tawazun (balanced) principles are able

to create a moderate situation, create a school of peace, progress, and form a

generation with moderate views.

Keywords: Moderation; Schools in Indonesia; Islamic education; Extremism;


Islam sebagai agama dengan semboyan pembawa rahmat bagi alam semesta,

namun secara historis tidak semua artikulasi agama itu cocok. Salah satu

contohnya adalah sikap ekstrim dalam beragama. Elemen terpenting dalam

mewujudkan misi perdamaian tersebut di sekolah adalah pembelajaran

Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI). Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengungkap

bagaimana mempertahankan moderasi beragama di sekolah dalam mencegah

ekstrimisme. Studi lapangan di SMA Negeri 1 Krembung, Jawa Timur,

Indonesia ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian

menunjukkan bahwa moderasi beragama sekolah menggunakan tiga prinsip

utama yaitu tawassuth, ta’adul dan tawazun. Prinsip-prinsip ini mampu

menciptakan situasi yang moderat dan mewujudkan sekolah damai,

berkemajuan dan membentuk generasi yang berpandangan moderat.

Kata kunci: Moderasi; Sekolah di Indonesia; Pendidikan agama islam;

Ekstremisme; tawassuth; ta'adul; tawazun.

Nadwa : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Vol. 14, No.1 (2020)

Accredited by Ristekdikti based on Decree No. 51/E/KPT/2017

DOI: 10.21580/nw.2020.14.1.5766

ISSN 1979-1739 (P) ; ISSN 2502-8057 (E).

© 2020 Nadwa : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam | UIN Walisongo.

Accredited by Ristekdikti based on Decree No. 51/E/KPT/2017

200 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir


The millennial era forces all sector to innovate in order can

maintain its existence. Including in the field of education, the

birth of the millennia generation that has already connected to

technology from birth to complement the changing

times.Teachers of Islamic Religious Education in this era of

industrial revolution 4.0 disruption have complex challenges

apart from meeting academic and social demands, they must also

be able to keep up with rapid technological developments.

Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus in 2030 that has

the potential to become one of the nation's instruments of

progress. 1 The main actors at that time were the younger

generation who currently sits in high school and the first semester

students at tertiary institutions. Therefore they need to be

prepared into a generation that is not only intelligent, but also

spiritually and socially. Islamic Religious Education teachers in

this case have a complex role in galvanizing morally and

mentally, including being able to present religion

comprehensively to students, to prepare them to become human

beings who are not only spiritually pious but also socially pious.

Teenagers in high school according to the theory of

psychoanalysis is a period of looking for identity with doubt the

concepts they get from childhood, including religious beliefs.2

Therefore, the Islamic Religious Education teacher at this level

must be able to present the true Islamic concept that carries the

mission of rahmatan li al ‘alamin, not extreme left or right. Islam

taught by the Prophet, which is able to bring peace to themselves

1 Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, Bonus Demografi 2030-2040 : Strategi

Indonesia Terkait Ketenagakerjaan dan Pendidikan, Siaran Pers, OECD, 2017,

file PDF

2 Henri Saputro, The Counseling Way catatan tentang Konsepsi dan

Ketrampilan Konseling, Deepublish, Yokyakarta, 2018 :48.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 201

and the people around. It is not Islam whose presence is actually

unsettling and frightening to those around him. Such an Islamic

concept is Islam wasathiyah or moderate Islam. It is a moderate

religion, if thoughts and behaviors are based on whatever has

been practiced by the Messenger of Allah. Therefore he became

the best example for all Muslims. A very polite temper that can

make everyone respect and acknowledge his virtue, even though

that person really hates him.3

The development of Islam on the one hand is growing, but

on the other hand the radicalism movement also sponsors

resistance to Islam. This needs the full attention of Islamic

religious teachers and all stakeholders in the world of education

in order to suppress the growth rate of radicalism. If it does not

get special attention from Islamic Religious Education teachers

who collaborate with all school stakeholders, it is very dangerous

for the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, because in

the future in the hands of these students, the fate of the

government will be taken in what direction. While educational

institutions act as instruments for the development of human

resources in the future.4 If it is mismanaged, this nation will bear

enormous losses in the future. The phenomenon of extremism is

also the author encountered from observations while teaching in

SMA Negeri 1 Krembung, some students have a tendency

towards fanaticism and extremism. They argued about the

"necessity" to have niqob and jihad fi sabilillah, prohibition of

Islam, as well as a firm attitude and refused to be led by non-


3 Muhibbin, Hakekat moderasi beragama, Moderasi Beragama dari

Indonesia untuk Dunia, LKiS, Yogyakarta, 2019 : 106.

4 Nur Syam, Islam Nusantara Berkemajuan, Tantangan dan Upaya

Moderasi Beragama, Fatwa Publishing, Semarang,2018 :107.

202 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

Then the strengthening of religious moderation becomes very

important to be instilled in students, as a solution to stem extreme

understanding as well as manifestation of the National Mental

Revolution Movement (GNRM) embodied in Strengthening

Character Education (PPK) as mandated by Permendikbud

number 20 of 2018, among which are religious characters and

nationalism. These two characters are directly proportional to

religious moderation, which is always preached by the two largest

Islamic organizations in Indonesia, namely Nahdhatul Ulama

(NU), and Muhammadiyah.


The method used is descriptive-qualitative case study

approach, using the umbrella paradigm of phenomenology,

focusing on one object namely religious moderation in SMA

Negeri 1 Krembung, East java, Indonesia a case studied in depth

so as to be able to uncover the reality behind the phenomenon.

Huberman and Miles suggest that qualitative research data

analysis is a process of reviewing, sorting data grouping with the

aim of compiling work hypotheses and elevating them into

theoretical research results.5 Analysis begins with data reduction,

data display and data verification on strategies to strengthen

religious moderation, religious reality and the implementation

and implications of religious moderation, using social

psychological theories and sociology-humanities.

The Concept of Moderation Religion

Moderation is often referred to as wasathiyyah and is

confronted with the terms liberalism, radicalism, extremism and

5 Lihat dalam Matthew B. Miles & AS. Michael Huberman, Analisis

Data Kualitatif terj. Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Jakarta: UI Press, 1992 :14.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 203

puritanism. Moderation if interpreted in language, according to

the big Indonesian Dictionary means the reduction of violence

and the avoidance of extremism.6 M. Quraish Shihab called the

meaning of moderation in line with wasathiyyah although not

exactly the same.7 The terminology of the wasathiyyah itself is

actually purely derived from Islam itself which is wasathic, that

is, all of its teachings have a characteristic of moderation,

therefore followers must be moderate. Moderate in his beliefs and

views, thoughts and feelings, and attachments. 8 Yusuf al-

Qardawy mentions a number of vocabularies that are

commensurate with the word wasathiyyah namely Tawazun,

I'tidal, ta'adul and Istiqomah. Meanwhile, according to Khaled

abu el Fadl wasathiyyah is the understanding that takes the middle

way, namely understanding that is neither extreme to the right nor

extreme to the left. Abdurrahman Wahid also formulated that

moderation encourages efforts to realize social justice which in

religion is known as al-maslahah al-‘ammah.9

Wasathiyyah is a balance between ukhrawi and worldly life,

souls and bodies, aql and naql, individuals and society, ideas and

reality, religion and the State, old and new, religion and science,

modernity and tradition, which are accompanied by the principle

of "not lacking and excessive ". The word wasath is mentioned

several times in the Qur'an and they all have a middle meaning or

are between two ends.10 Among them are in Baqarah (2);

6 Kemdikbud., KBBI,, diakses

pada tanggal 14 Maret 2020 7 M.Quraish Shihab, Wasathiyyah : wawasan Islam tentang moderasi

beragama, Lentera Hati, Tangerang, 2019 :2.

8 Shihab, Wasathiyyah : wawasan Islam … 3.

9 Zuhairi Misrawi, Hadratussyaikh Hasyim Asy’ari Moderasi,

Keutamaan, dan Kebangsaan, Jakarta: PT Kompas Media Nusantara, 2010 :

13. 10 Shihab, Wasathiyyah : wawasan Islam … 43.

204 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

this verse makes the position of the wasath in a high place. People

in that position can best see the people below, and those below

can see it too. This situation is illustrated by Ali Jumu'ah, like a

person on a hill, if from the valley to the top of the mountain is

approximately equal to the distance from the top of the mountain

to another valley behind the mountain, then the person standing

on the mountain can also be said to be in the wasath position,

which is in the middle of the mountain.11 Being between the

extreme left and extreme right, it is indeed not easy, when

standing near the right, it will be claimed as fundamentalist-

conservative, when standing near the left position, it will be

claimed as liberal.12

Ammar Sukri and Yusuf Qardawy as quoted by Afifuddin

Muhajir equate wasathiyyah with three things that are the main

characteristics of Islam, namely: 1) tawassuth (middle); 2) ta'adul

(fair); and 3) tawazun (balanced). Then the three phrases are then

put together in the term "wasathiyyah" or in other languages

moderation. 13

Religion teaches about theology and also values that are in

accordance with the essence of humanity. It means to wisely

introduce who created it, how to worship the creator and then the

values can be implemented into social life. Religion becomes the

last pillar in solving problems faced by mankind, both social,

cultural, political and religious issues themselves. So it is not

surprising that political problems often escalate into theological

11 Ali Jumu’ah, Islam Wasathiyyah,

maksudnya/ , diakses tanggal 16 Desember pukul 15.42

12 Hilmy, Masdar. "Jalan Demokrasi Kita.",Intrans Publishing, Malang,

2016 : 43

13 Afifuddin Muhajir, Membangun Nalar Islam Moderat : kajian

metodologis, Tanwirul Afkar, Situbondo, 2018 :24.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 205

problems.14 Likewise what happened to the Islamic Ummah so

that it becomes compartmentalized in various groups. First the

group of Muslims who have extreme tendencies, fundamentalists,

and conservatives, and impose their understanding in the midst of

Muslim society, sometimes even using violent means, call it

salafi-wahabi. The other two tendencies are also extreme with

adaptive attitudes toward negative non-Islamic or Western

cultural changes, for example the Liberal Islamic Network (JIL).

Such extreme attitudes have historically been motivated by

political problems and are also caused by mistakes in

understanding Islam, or their shallow knowledge of Islam, giving

birth to actions that are contrary to Islamic teachings.

In this discussion the focus of religious moderation in the

frame of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) as a main component

of moral and character education in schools. How does PAI play

its role in responding to the challenges of extremism which is

currently increasingly globalized. The initial assumption of field

research in SMA Negeri 1 Krembung is that religious moderation

is an appropriate alternative approach to stem the growth rate of

extremism which has begun to descend a lot on millennial

generation. So to photograph how religious moderation and PAI

are able to face the challenges of extremism, use three concepts

of religious moderation, namely: Non-violent ideology in

conveying religious teachings, adoption of modern values in

learning, and practice of religion with contextual


14 Harun Nasution, Teologi Islam : aliran-aliran sejarah analisa

perbandingan, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 2013 : 3.

15 Masdar Hilmy, Cetak Biru Moderasi Beragama : Urgensi Panduan

Normatif Aplikatif, Moderasi Beragama, dari Indonesia untuk Dunia, LKiS,

Yogyakarta, 2019 : 404.

206 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

Non-violent ideology in conveying Islamic teachings

Religious moderation is between the extreme right and left,

or in other words not extreme. So to find out whether a person is

moderate or not, it can be seen from the opposite direction, which

is extreme. The extreme attitude appears in various forms,

including rude words, such as excessive curses, lies, and the

spread of negative news, can also be excessive praise. Someone

who is extremist usually rejects the presence of anything and

anyone who is different from him, trying to get rid of him, and in

turn will disbelieve and violence against him.16 The old myth that

believes that the victory of a religious group must be paid in

defeat by another group must end. The religious spirit must be

transformed from a spirit of shortness and heroism (which

encourages violence) to a spirit / work ethic and creativity (which

encourages productivity).17

Non-violent sufistic approach is the approach taken by

Islamic leaders in teaching religion. Some studies say that

Nusantara Islam is dominated by Sufistic Islam not only from

domestic scientists, but also agreed by foreign experts, one of

which is a theory from A.H. Johns, who said that Islam in the

archipelago was more Sufistic. From there, was born great Sufi

figures such as Nuruddin ar-Raniri, Hamzah Fansuri, Abd ar-

Rauf as-Sinkili, Muhammad Yusuf al-Maqassari, and a number

of Wali Songo figures in Java.18

Islamic Religious Education that uses the Sufistic approach

has the aim of longing for a harmonious community, nation and

16 Shihab, Wasathiyyah, … 43.

17 Yudi Latif, Negara Paripurna, Historisitas, Rasionalitas, dan

Aktualitas Pancasila, PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2012 : 118.

18 Madarzuki Wahid dan Rumi, Fiqh Madzhab Negara: Kritik atas

Politik Hukum Islam di Indonesia, Yogyakarta, LKiS, 2011 :100.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 207

state life. 19 The output of Sufistic Islamic education is the

realization and externalization of Islamic peaceful teachings,

marked by the ability to live in harmony and side by side with

other people of different religions, different ideologies, different

ethnicities, and different cultures. Because, differences are

natural laws (sunnatullah) as Tajalli Allah SWT, which cannot be

separated in everyday life.20 Islamic Sufism invites the salik to

accept this difference as tajalli or manifestation of all the beauty

of the nature and asthma of Allah SWT. 21 While the

characteristics of a moderate attitude is to have the character of

wasath (middle) between firmness and flexibility, a moderate

person will be polite and avoid violence.22

Adoption of Modern Values (Technology, Democracy,

Human Rights) in Islamic Learning

Indonesia is not a secular state that separates religion and

state affairs, and is also not a religious state that eliminates

democratic (modern) values such as the Islamic State.23 So the

moderate attitude in religion has the characteristic of being able

to adopt modern values, so it is not stagnant and old-fashioned.24

Because after all the processes and phenomena of globalization

19 A.Gani, Pendekatan Sufistik dalam Pendidikan Islam Berwawasan

Perdamaian, Akademika, Vol.23, 2018 : 393.

20 Said Aqil Siroj, Tasawuf Sebagai Kritik Sosial: Mengedepankan Islam

sebagai Inspirasi bukan Aspirasi, Bandung, Mizan :2006 : 35

21 Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani, al-Futuhat al-Madaniyyah , (T.Th.),

t.t., 21–22. 22 Suwardi Endraswara, Mistik Kejawen, Sinkretisme, Simbollisme dan

Sufisme dalam Budaya Spiritual Jawa, Narasi, Jogyakarta, 2003 : 38-39.

23 Zainiyati, Husniyatus Salamah. "Learning Design of Citizenship

Education in Indonesia after Ahok Tragedy, A Shaep of Social Media and

Critical Literacy in Educational Process." Tarbuyatuna : JurnalPendidikan

Islam, 2018: 52-71. 24 Endraswara, Mistik Kejawen, … 38-39.

208 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

have a very significant influence on the development of religious

values, where diversity blends with modernity. Whereas in the

moderate paradigm, globalization is not only negatively charged,

but there is also a positive side that can be exploited, even cannot

be dammed or rejected. 25 This paradigm emphasizes the

importance of the substance of the values and teachings of

religion itself. The practical involvement of religion in the state

must not spoil the noble values contained in religion, because

religion will become a place for politicization and contestation.

The attitude exemplified by the prophet Muhammad. is an

attitude of surrender to God, not something else, and requires an

open, just and democratic social order. Democratic attitude and

upholding human rights (HAM) in Islam is the equality of human

dignity before God and the prohibition of coercion of will / views

among humans. even an apostle gets only the task of telling the

truth, not imposing the truth on humanity. So the arrangement of

life by creating absolute power in fellow human beings is an

unjust and uncivilized attitude.26

In addition to democratic values and human rights, adopting

contemporary learning models along with the development of

science and technology in the learning of Islamic Education,

becomes a necessity. PAI must be able to transform knowledge

into attitudes and practices in real life. The application of the rule

"Al muhafadzatu ‘ala qadimi al shalih wa al akhdu bi al jadidi al

ashlah "is appropriate when applied in learning. 27 Maintain

classical learning models that are still relevant, and apply learning

modes according to 21st or 4C (Critical Thinking, Creative,

25 Salamah, Islam dan tantangan Globalisasi : berbagai Paradigma

Islam dalam menghadapi Globalisasi, Humanistika, 2019 : 51.

26 Latif, Negara Paripurna, … 390.

27 Ahmad baso, Islam Nusantara, Ijtihad Jenius & Ijma’ Ulama

Indonesia Jilid I, Pustaka Afid, Tangerang Selatan, 2019 :1003.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 209

Communicative and Collaborative) skills, literative. Implement

Strengthening Character Education (PPK) which contains 16

characters as the application of the values of Pancasila which are

summarized in 5 (five) interrelated main values namely

religiosity, nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation, and


Practicing Religion with Contextual Understanding

Contextual understanding of the text becomes a necessity, as

well as valid with the reasons: a) people who lived in the time of

the Prophet. a completely empty environment of cultural

institutions which are not all denied by the presence of texts

(texts) which cause some of them to be typical Arabic. b) textual

understanding of text implementation is often not in line with the

benefit which is precisely the presence of Islam itself, namely

"Islam rahmatan lil 'alamin". c) Contextualization of

understanding of Islamic texts implies that society wherever and

whenever it is located, is always seen as positive-optimistic by

Islam as evidenced by its distinctive attitude that is

accommodating to existing social institutions (containing

benefits) 29 formulated by the method "Al muhafadzatu 'ala

qadimi al shalih wa al akhdu bi al jadidi al ashlah "caring for and

preserving tradition and disseminating tradition. To put it simply,

maybe the study of fiqh and the science of tools, but do not forget

the ideas of our country that appear to color these two sciences,

for example the matter of rice zakat, and so forth.30

Islamic boarding school education always emphasizes the

ushul fiqh and qawa'idul fiqhi approaches in looking at problems,

28 Kemdikbud, Permendikbud No.20 Penguatan Pendidikan karakter

pada SatuanPendidikan Formal, 2018

29 Hilmy, Cetak Biru Moderasi Beragama … 404. 30 Baso, Islam Nusantara, … 103.

210 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

most of which are not merely textual, meaning more to the

contextual approach (zhurufi-mashlahi). The combination of the

two approaches can be a model in promoting a moderate view

because the contextual approach will be closely related to various

considerations in accommodating various differences that exist in

the midst of society. Like the method of da'wah with gamelan

performed by Sunan Kalijaga, for example, which is then

continued by Islamic boarding school scholars, always basing on

maqashid asy shari'ah for the achievement of a religious teaching

understood by the people.31 When a group of people shout to

enforce the law of Allah, the syari'at for the price of death, the

sunnah for the Prophet for the price of death, return to the Koran

and Hadith, they are right and not wrong. However, what is

important to note is that in religious teaching, one cannot only see

the future of the framework without paying attention to the left

and the right which will eventually get caught up in conflict

because all parties feel the most righteous and the most Islamic.

Thinking wisely in building a moderation framework to

strengthen the social spirit of the younger generation is very


Learning to understand and accept differences without

having to be confused about differences is an attitude that can be

strengthened so that they understand more about the realities of

life in togetherness, which ultimately is to strengthen tolerance.

But what is important to note is that in teaching religion, one

cannot only see the future of the skeleton without regard to the

right and left, which in the end will be trapped in conflict because

all parties feel the most righteous and most Islamic.32

31 Baso, Islam Nusantara, …115. 32 Baso, Islam Nusantara, …116.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 211

Religious moderation in SMAN 1 Krembung

After obtaining data from the field, then it is reduced and

categorized according to the focus of the study on three things,

namely: Table of Strengthening Religious Moderation in SMAN 1 Krembung

No Category Result

1 Strategy for




Persuasive approach and de-idiologization

towards teachers who are exposed to extreme


The integrative policy of religious moderation

on the curriculum

Preventive measures against the entry of


2 Religious reality The number of teachers is 66 people and

employees are 18, 100% are Muslim

The number of students is 1221, consisting

of: 2 Catholic children, 10 Protestant children

and 1 Hindu child, and 1208 Muslim students

Total citizens of SMA Negeri 1 Krembung

who are Muslim 99.03%

The majority of Muslim backgrounds are

ahlussunnah wal jama'ah

Positioning the issue of khilafiyyah fiqhiyyah

ijtihadi to the Qath'i region.

Understanding Islam textually, so teachers

tend to be rigid, and hard in applying the

rules, without considering the psychological

and social impacts.

Ghuluw (excessive) attitude in religion that

triggers the emergence of fanaticism.

3 Implementation

of moderation

and the

implications of

Salim culture, istighotsah, yasinan, diba'an

(maulidu al diba '), ngaji kitab, rotibul haddad,

tahlilan and so forth.

212 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir



There is one teacher and several students who

reject religious culture at school, and consider

bid'ah even forbidding it.

Excessive religious attitude, so that other people

who disagree with it are considered less religious.

Teaching religion tends to be dogmatic, without

giving space to think and find truth.

Islamic religious education is only normative in

nature and uses a revelation approach only,

without considering empirical studies and

anthropological sociological analysis.


The PAI approach of Moderation

Realizing the ministry of religion's program to stabilize

diversity by instilling Islamic moderation through the

internationalization of learning activities in the classroom is a

must for PAI teachers. The material content includes five aspects,

namely aspects of the Qur'an, aspects of Aqeedah, aspects of

Fiqh, aspects of morality, and aspects of dates. All materials are

based on KD in accordance with Ministry of Education and

Culture. No.37 of 2018. Then the learning material integrated

with Islamic values of wasathiyyah, “tawassuth, ta'adul, and

tawazzun", is presented using critical and contextual learning

strategies, so as to be able to instill an understanding of religion

that is not only dogmatic- only doctrinaire. However, able to

transform the values of wasathiyyah in daily life through the

attitude of accepting differences, diversity in khilafiyah issues in

the teachings of Islam. And of course the tolerant attitude is not

only for fellow Muslims, but also accepts and tolerates the

differences of the followers of other religions in schools, by

respecting them to practice their religion. This means connecting

religious teachings with the context of Unity in Diversity, through

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 213

ta'adul values in religious moderation must be manifested in

everyday attitudes, not just understood.

Sensitivity to the socio-cultural context in applying learning

models in the classroom is needed. Because if not, learning is only

normative, and will dry up empirical values. The culture of

Indonesian society which is known for its main characteristics of

mutual cooperation, is very appropriate when cooperative

learning is applied, which emphasizes cooperation. This learning

model as well as a moderate attitude of learning that is

individualistic and competitive with traditional approaches that

position the teacher as the center of learning, and ultimately will

place what is conveyed by the teacher as an absolute truth.

Thus students gain religious knowledge limited to

memorizing, and only think dogmatically and in black and white

and have a dogmatic, black-and-white, halal-haram, right-wrong,

and no-space mindset that makes something for dialogue.33 So

that space of right and wrong becomes narrow and truth becomes

absolute. Conversely, if the truth space is wide, then when

something that is believed is true, it still gives an opportunity for

the belief of others is also true. Because absolute truth only

belongs to God.34 Such thinking, which will bring progress or

tajdid Islam, Islam that is able to respond to the progress of the


Typology of Extremism in PAI learning

There are three typologies of PAI learning practices when

linked to the approach of normative Islamic studies according to

33 TGS. Saidurrahman, Penguatan Moderasi Islam Indonesia dan

peranPTKIN, , Moderasi Beragama dari Indonesia untuk Dunia, (LKiS,

Yogyakarta, 2019 : 35-37

214 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

Charles J. Adams.35 First: the missionary-traditionalist approach,

which is the approach used to carry out the mission of Islamizing

non-Muslims. Or in a smaller scope is to Islamize the

understanding and behavior of the Islamic version or the same as

himself or his group. A person who uses that approach in Islamic

studies, always assumes that his religious understanding is the

most correct, so he does not want to accept the opinions of others

who disagree with him (exclusive).

In fact, it is not uncommon that the news he conveys contains

expressions of hatred towards other groups. Second: the

apologetic approach, which is an approach using the

understanding of religion based on historical romanticism and the

tendency of Muslims to succeed. So as to understand the

teachings of Islam with the aim to defend themselves and not

scientific goals. An educator who uses this approach in conveying

Islamic teachings, tends to impose the will on his students, how

can his teachings be absorbed and followed by students, as he was

when he was a student first.

The attitude of apology can then bring out the identity of a

teacher who is successful in changing their students. Third: An

irrational approach is an approach with an effort to understand the

understanding of religion outside of himself as a sympathetic

effort and in order to understand the beliefs of others. However,

by using this approach, it is trapped in the problem of people

outside who are not the same as him, must be the same as the

religious beliefs adopted by him or his group.

According to the religious sociologist Joachim Wach, the

social background of the preacher, in this context is the teacher of

religious education, determines the initial characteristics of

35 Ahwan Fanani dan Tholhatul choir, ed. Islam dalam Berbagai

Pembacaan Kontemporer, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2009 : 277-278.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 215

religious formation in schools. Because the influence of society

on religion is as strong as the influence of religion on society.36

While the environment is also very influential on society to do

something that violates their nature, for example radicalism.37

Moreover, the flow of radical systemic contents in school lessons

or curricula is increasingly complex due to non-selective

globalism.38 A teacher who has a strict educational background in

shaping discipline, then he will apply the same way to his

students, because it is considered as the most effective method in

education. So that all forms of violence, in the name of discipline

and for the success of students. He did not realize that it was

merely to maintain his existence as a student / student who had

succeeded, so that he became a disciplined and dedicated teacher.

The three typologies have the potential to be extreme because

they have excessive tendencies, making it difficult to position

themselves in wasaths. But of course in determining something is

excessive or not, ghuluw or tatharruf (extreme) must be careful

not to base it on personal judgment, but instead use the

perspective of religious teachings. For example, a person since

childhood was educated in a boarding school, so accustomed to

memorizing the arguments and reading the yellow book, and

consider other people who do not like themselves less religious

knowledge. Vice versa, judging someone who practices a good

36Syamsuddin Abdullah, Agama dan masyarakat, pendekatan Sosiologi

Agama, Logos Wacana Ilmu, Ciputat, 1997 : 94.

37 Arsip Widodo, “Moderation Of Islamic Education As An Effort To

Prevent Radicalism (Case Study of FKUB Singkawang City, Kalimantan,

Indonesia,” Nadwa : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 13 (2), 2019. DOI :


38 Muhammad Thohir. “Radikalisme Versus Pendidikan Agama

Menggali Akar Radikalisme dari Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Atas Nama

Pendidikan Agama.” Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, ( (2), 2015: 181.

216 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

religion, and syar'i dress, even though justified by religion is

considered as someone who is extreme. 39 This paradigm of

thinking needs to be reconstructed, so that the extreme does not

only belong to certain organizations, but someone in the circle of

moderate organizations also has the potential to be extreme.

Moderation between exoteric and esoteric

Islam as a complete system of religious teachings, gives place

to two types of religious appreciation, namely: First exoteric

(Dhahiri), namely religious appreciation oriented to fiqhiyah

formalities or to strict religious norms and rules. Second: esoteric

(Bathini), which is religiously oriented and focuses on the core

religious and religious goals. So emphasizing on one of the

aspects of such an existence will cause an imbalance that violates

the principle of religious moderation, tawazun.40 Globalization is

often used to mark the pace of modernization which is

accelerating, radical and powerful, and has an extraordinary

influence on the shifting of religious values. 41 The shift in

religious values followed by religious attitudes is clearly visible

in this globalization era. Where diversity is integrated with

modernity, diversity is more to be publicized than lived and

contemplated. While among the religuises, there are not a few

Muslims who point to dzahiri, or are called the shari'ah

(scripturalists) or fundamentalists. Many also only refer to the

heart, or called the Thoriqah (Sufi).42

39 Shihab, Wasathiyyah, … 114-115.

40 Dadang Kahmad, Sosiologi Agama, Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung,

cet. Ke-5 2009 : 200.

41 Faisal Islamil, NU Moderatisme dan Pluralisme, konstelasi dinamis

keagamaan, kemasyarakatan dan keagamaan, IRCiSoD, Yogyakarta, 2020 :

65. 42 Kahmad, Sosiologi Agama… 201.

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 217

The essence of Islamic learning is on the formation of moral

or noble character, then the presence of Islamic learning in

schools must always be strived to balance (tawazzun) between the

needs of reason (science) and heart (faith and devotion), the need

for dzahiri and bathini, between cognitive and psychomotor. In

line with the four pillars of UNESCO's education, namely

learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to

live together. Education is not only limited to the transfer of

knowledge in the sense of being trapped in the text, so the practice

of learning PAI is only at the stage of memorizing text without

regard to the existing context. But it is also a transfer of value so

that it can expose individuals to the values implicit in human

rights, democratic principles, understanding and respect for

intercultural and peace in all walks of life and human relations to

enable individuals and communities to live in peace and harmony.

According to Thomas Lickona, an expert in character

education, in instilling good character, there are ten values of the

essence of virtue (The Golden Role) of which is justice, which is

respecting the rights of all people.43 The rights referred to here

are the rights of students in adhering to their beliefs / religions.

Justice (ta'adul) is what directs one to treat others as he wants to

be treated by others, is the principle of justice in cultures and

religions throughout the world. In Islamic teachings, the famous

hadith of the Messenger of Allah. which means: "do not believe

among you so that you can love your brother as you love

yourself". These values are in the main values of moderation,

namely tawassuth, ta'adul, and tawazzun, which contain noble

character values, and become a necessity to be applied in

strengthening character education.

43 Thomas Lickona, Character Matters, Persoalan Karakter Bagaimana

Membantu Anak Mengembangkan Penilaian yang Baik, Integritas, dan

Kebajikan Penting Lainnya, Bumi aksara, Jakarta, 2016 : 16-17.

218 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

Islam teaches so many noble characters, even putting morals

in the main position, until the perfection of one's faith is seen from

the good character he has. One of the teachings is the suggestion

to respect the older and to love the younger. But parents are often

trapped in the first context, namely as a parent or teacher who

must be respected by their children or students. So that when this

is not the case, he will be angry and say harsh words, under the

pretext of teaching the child, which due to that attitude leaves

psychological trauma to the child. Religious education which

moderates the exoteric and esoteric aspects, is able to embody the

mission of the rahmatan lil 'alamin religion and realize a

democratic, just and tolerant life.

The Urgency of Religious Moderation in Schools

Textual understanding of religion and positioning of the

branches of religion in the main areas of religious teachings often

lead to debate. And the area of ijtihadiyyah fiqhiyyah which is

always dynamic, is positioned as a region of religious principles

that must not change. Limited religious knowledge and narrow

normative reasoning provide reinforcement for the justification of

extreme behavior in schools. Including understanding of the

meaning of jihad to combat non-Muslims who in their designation

"infidels". This extreme and textual religious interpretation has

implications for religious behavior that cannot accept diversity

and is far from the value of Islamic moderation taught by the

Prophet. Awareness in heterogeneity cannot be constructed

properly, for individuals who have never felt in direct contact with

diversity in religion. So that the practice of democracy is

constrained by the fact of diversity and the assumption that the

competitor is right then obsessed with making others like him.

Whereas democratic values, pluralism, human rights, tolerance,

Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir | 219

the principle of gender equality, the building of civil society, are

actually in accordance with the authentic teachings of Islam.

The principal's policy strategy and the efforts of PAI teachers

in SMA Negeri 1 Krembung in strengthening religious

moderation, have implications for; a) the emergence of an

extreme understanding of teacher awareness to no longer

indoctrinate students to follow their understanding. The strategy

taken by the school principal by using the persuasion approach

had implications for the reduction in anti-Pancasila attitudes, anti-

respect for flags and extreme religious teachings towards students

by one of the teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Krembung. Although

until now the teacher has not been able to accept the religious

traditions that exist in Krembung. b) High School, but at least he

is aware of how to respect differences, although he still

occasionally slips his religious understanding into students when

he teaches. c) The emergence of mutual respect for each other,

namely the tolerance of fellow students and students with the

teacher. d) The emergence of students' moderate attitudes in

realizing peaceful relations between people, religion in diversity

and e) The ability of students to accept and reject information that

leads to extremism-fundamentalism and exclusivity in schools. f)

Students are able to filter which information should be received

and not, which lessons can be taken or not.


Religious extremism is caused by several factors: first,

incomplete understanding of religion. Second, learning religion

with the wrong teacher (having a narrow / strict understanding of

religion). Third, mistake is the use of approach in teaching

religion, in the normative approach to Islamic studies it is called

"the missionary traditionalist, apologetic, and irenic approach.

The four claims to themselves as someone who has understood,

220 | Ulfatul Husna & Muhammad Thohir

possessed, even carried out purely and consistently the values of

absolute truth. By holding on to the main values of wasathiyyah,

namely tawassuth, ta'adul, and tawazzun, the school will be able

to avoid being caught in extremism-fundamentalism.

Conserving moderation of religion at school can habituating

students to uphold justice by respecting and respecting the

opinions and choices of others, and balancing humanity and

divinity. The Strategy for Strengthening Moderation has

implications for: first, the emergence of students' moderate

attitudes in realizing peaceful relations between people, having

religion in diversity. Second, the emergence of mutual respect for

each other, namely the tolerance of fellow students and students

with the teacher. Third, the ability of students to filter information

that leads to extremism-fundamentalism and exclusivity in



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