Reliability of Core Analysis & PVT Data-3

 IATMI COURSE PROGRAM Objective :  Exp laining the im portant of evaluating the rock prope rties as w ell as core a nd fluid analysis in reservoir engine ering.  Identifying the rock and fluid data and calibrating with log data. Participant : Senior   Petroleum Engineers ( Reservoir, Production and Simulation ) and Geologists who are involved in day to day operations of oil and gas recovery processes and team work reservoir evaluations and feasibility studies.  Outline : 1 .  Introduction :   Unit a nd Conve rsion factors ditimbulkannya.  Types & phases of reservoir evaluation studies.  Need for core analysis & PVT Data in reservoir studies. 2.  Fluid Propertie s :  Phase behaviour of hydrocarbon systems.  Types of oil & gas reservoirs, gas, oil and water properties.  Fluid properties from correlations. 3.  Laborator y PVT Da ta :   Types & Nature of laboratory PVT measurements.  Bubble point pressure.  Reliability and consistency of PVT parameters.   A d ju stm e nt o f lab o ra to r y PV T data, normali z a ti on o f PVT data. 4 .  Properties of rese rvoir rocks from Core Ana lysis :   Core-Gamma surface logs, Porosity and permeability measurements.  Porosity estimates from well logs.  Effect of net overburden stress on porosity & permeability.  Klinkenberg effect on permeability. Permeability transforms. 5 .  Special Core Analysis – Capillary Pressure   Definitions of capillary pressure. Drainage capillary pressure curves. Laboratory me asurements of capillary pressure  Hysterisis in capillary pressure. Leverett’s J-function   A v e ra g in g of laborato ry c a p illa ry p re s sure da ta  Rise of original oil-water contact due to water influx 6.  Special Core Analysis – Re lative Permeability   Definitions of relative permeability curves  Relative permeability curves for oil-water system  Relative permeability curves for gas – oil system.  Hysterisis in relative permeability  Consistency of two – phase relative permeability curves  Laboratory measurements of relative permeability  Three phase relative permeability. Effects of temperature and wettability  Normalization and averaging of relative permeability curves  Relative permeability curves from correlations 7.  Calibration o f Well Logs w ith Core Data  Porosity cross – plots, Shale content cross – plots  Initial water saturation from well logs. Transition zone analysis  Initial water saturation from capillary – gravity equilibrium.  Biaya : Rp 15.000.000,- ( dil uar Ppn & akomodasi ). Instruktur : Ir. Mohamad Romli Tanggal & tempat : Royal Am barrukmo Hotel,  Yogy akarta, 23, 24, 25 , 26 Juni 2014 Informasi :  Abdul Manan ( 081 31 625 44 74) - [email protected]  Ad dr ess : Patra Jasa O ffice Tow er Lt. 1 / suite 1C , Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto kav. 32 – 34 Jakarta - 12950. Phone / Fax : 021 – 5290.1225 , W eb :  / training  

Transcript of Reliability of Core Analysis & PVT Data-3





Objective :

  Explaining the important of evaluating the rock properties as well as core and fluid analysis in reservoir engineering.  Identifying the rock and fluid data and calibrating with log data.

Participant :

Senior    Petroleum Engineers ( Reservoir, Production and Simulation ) and Geologists who are involved in day to dayoperations of oil and gas recovery processes and team work reservoir evaluations and feasibility studies. 

Outline :

1. Introduction : 

  Unit and Conversion factors ditimbulkannya.  Types & phases of reservoir evaluation studies.  Need for core analysis & PVT Data in reservoir


2. Fluid Properties :  Phase behaviour of hydrocarbon systems.  Types of oil & gas reservoirs, gas, oil and water

properties.  Fluid properties from correlations.

3. Laboratory PVT Data :    Types & Nature of laboratory PVT measurements.  Bubble point pressure.  Reliability and consistency of PVT parameters.   Adjustment of laboratory PVT data, normalization of

PVT data.

4. Properties of reservoir rocks from Core Analysis :    Core-Gamma surface logs, Porosity and permeability

measurements.  Porosity estimates from well logs.  Effect of net overburden stress on porosity &


Klinkenberg effect on permeability. Permeabilitytransforms.

5. Special Core Analysis – Capillary Pressure  


Definitions of capillary pressure. Drainage capillarypressure curves. Laboratory measurements ofcapillary pressure

•  Hysterisis in capillary pressure. Leverett’s J-function•   Averaging of laboratory capillary pressure data•  Rise of original oil-water contact due to water influx

6. Special Core Analysis – Relative Permeability  •  Definitions of relative permeability curves

•  Relative permeability curves for oil-water system

•  Relative permeability curves for gas – oil system.

•  Hysterisis in relative permeability


Consistency of two – phase relative permeabilitycurves


Laboratory measurements of relative permeability•  Three phase relative permeability. Effects of

temperature and wettability• 

Normalization and averaging of relative permeabilitycurves


Relative permeability curves from correlations

7. Calibration o f Well Logs w ith Core Data •  Porosity cross – plots, Shale content cross – plots


Initial water saturation from well logs. Transition zoneanalysis


Initial water saturation from capillary – gravityequilibrium. 


Biaya : Rp 15.000.000,- ( diluar Ppn & akomodasi ).


Instruktur : Ir. Mohamad Romli


Tanggal & tempat : Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Yogyakarta, 23, 24, 25, 26 Juni 2014 


Informasi :  Abdul Manan (081316254474) - [email protected]

 Address :Patra Jasa Office Tower Lt. 1 / suite 1C , Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto kav. 32 – 34 Jakarta - 12950.

Phone / Fax : 021 – 5290.1225 , Web / training