RELEASING BIRTH TRAUMAand the lower is T5-T6. The heart has to do with love, hate, anger and envy....


Transcript of RELEASING BIRTH TRAUMAand the lower is T5-T6. The heart has to do with love, hate, anger and envy....


    Version 1.00May, 2009

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  • About the Author

    Dr. Raphael Rettner is a Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduate and has been in practice since 1982. Dr. Rettner is one of the most highly skilled and respected chiropractors in the United States. He has made numerous radio and T.V. appearances, is the author of Vegetarian Cooking for People with Allergies and has produced several DVDs including: End P.M.S Now!, The Ultimate Diet, and Twelve Causes of an Unstable Spine. He has studied both force and non-force techniques such as Advanced Biostructural Correction, Applied Kinesiology, Biophysics, Gonstead, S.O.T. and over a dozen others. With a combination of creative thinking and an insatiable quest for knowledge, Dr. Rettner has developed several new and exciting chiropractic techniques. Since 1994 he has taught these in his Applied Trigger Points seminar to chiropractors all across the United States, Australia, Canada and England.

    You can reach Raphael at [email protected]

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  • Table of Contents...........................................................................................................Introduction: 5

    ...............................................................................................Chapter 1: Chakras 7

    .................................................................................................Chapter 2: Armor 14

    ..................................................................................Chapter 3: Muscle Testing: 16

    ................................................................Chapter 4: The Technique Consists of: 17

    ....................................................................Chapter 5: Test Points For Chakras: 18

    ........................................................................................Chapter 6: Test Points: 26

    ................................................................................Chapter 7: Polarity Therapy: 30

    .......................................................................................Chapter 8: Complexing: 31

    ..................................................................................Chapter 9: Actual Session: 34

    ..........................................................................................................Conclusion: 46

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  • Introduction:

    I. Introduction:Birth is the beginning of all life. However for babies, it is a very stressful experience. They’re squeezed by hard bones and they’re twisted in all different directions flexion, extension, hyperextension, rotation, side bending. I have seen films of hospital deliveries where the neck is literally wrenched. This does major damage to the upper cervical vertebrae which are just barely formed they’re still soft. This can cause sudden infant death syndrome. Many studies have proven this. We all experience birth trauma. This can cause chronic muscle tension, emotional blocks and body armor. It leaves us with a bad feeling. We identify with this bad feeling as who we are, but it is not really who we are. Once the birth trauma is released, we have a new reference point for our identity. In this video I will demonstrate chiropractic and energy techniques developed to release birth trauma.Before we get started I would like to give you some background on this process. Releasing Birth Trauma evolved out of the concept of adjusting the spine in the position of trauma. For example with whiplash we adjust the patient’s in flexion and extension. This concept came from Drs. George Goodheart and Wally Schmidt. These are AK doctors who are very well known in their field. It was told to me by a friend of mine named Dr.

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  • Gobeaux from Washington, D.C. The concept fascinated me, I thought to myself, if we can release whiplash trauma, what about birth trauma? So I studied the birth process and through muscle testing determined an effective treatment. We came up with seven postures that you could possibly adjust in. For example, flexion, extension, hyperextension, right rotation, left rotation, right side bending and left side bending. In going through the birth canal, a baby is subjected to extreme stresses in all directions; bending and twisting. After floating in a warm womb for nine months, suddenly thrust out into a new world. This creates energy blockages, organ imbalances and a bad feeling. It is frightened, angry, scared, and just tremendous stress. This is an excellent treatment for your seriously ill patients. You know the ones with the really fat files. It’s also a good treatment for patients with very low vitality and your new age patients will love it.

    In releasing birth trauma, we first determine the location of the old emotional pain. That is, where in the body the upset is stored. It may be an emotion in the form of a chakra imbalance or body armor. Next, the doctor inputs these key points into the patient’s unconscious mind. Finally, the birth trauma is released through treatments consisting of chiropractic adjustments and the use of homeopathic flower essences know as the Bach Flower remedies.

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  • Chapter 1: Chakras

    The term chakra comes from ancient India. Literally translated, it means wheel. Chakras are spinning wheels of energy having to do with emotions and endocrine glands. In locating the chakras on the body we will define each region by its upper and lower aspects and identify them both on the front and back of the body.

    The first or lowest chakra is located between the inferior aspect of the pubic bone and the coccyx. It is also called the root chakra and has to do with security, such as food, clothing and shelter. It governs the spinal column. The root chakra is an anchor for the body on the physical plane. It’s a channel for the will to express itself. The emotional problem associated with the first chakra is fear and is associated with a low will to live. Symptoms of first chakra and balances include hemorrhoids, rectal polyps and subluxations of the coccyx. The test points for the first chakra are inferior to the pubic bone in front or on the coccyx in back.

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  • The second chakra has to do with sex, procreation and creativity. It is bordered by the umbilicus and the pubic bone in the front. In the back the upper aspect is at L2-L3, the lower at L4-L5 and S2. The organs related to the second chakra are the gonads. Second chakra imbalances have to do with the reproductive system or the bladder and may include cystitis, prostatitis, PMS, pelvic inflammatory disease, and infertility. The second chakra test point is just above the pubic bone in front or on L2 in back.

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  • The third chakra is located between the xyphoid and the navel in front and between T-8 and L-1 in the back. It is called the solar plexus chakra and has to do with power or the ability to take action, anger and digestion. Its’ counterpart in the glandular system is the pancreas, the stomach and the adrenal glands. Symptoms of third chakra imbalances include hiatal hernia and eating disorders. In the majority of people it is over stimulated resulting in nervous disorders, skin eruptions, stomach, gallbladder and liver diseases. The adrenal glands are connected with the will to express life. The test point for the third chakra is on the xyphoid in front or on T-9 in back.

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  • The fourth chakra is known as the heart chakra. It’s located between the sternal notch and the xyphoid in front. In the back the upper aspect is T1, T2 and the lower is T5-T6. The heart has to do with love, hate, anger and envy. The gland related to the heart chakra is the thymus gland. This affects the immune system. Symptoms of fourth chakra imbalance include such diseases as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and myasthenia gravis. The heart chakra can be related to all disease of the heart, the circulatory system and the blood. The test points for the fourth chakra are at the sternal notch in front and at T1 or T6 on the back.

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  • The fifth chakra or throat chakra is between the sternal notch and the chin in the front and between C7 and the occiput in the back. The upper aspect is the occiput to C2 and the lower is between C5 and C7. The fifth chakra has to do with anger and communication or self expression. The glands related to the throat chakra are the thyroid and parathyroid glands. An imbalance of the throat chakra can cause vertigo, fatigue, sore throat, laryngitis and hyperactivity. The test points for the fifth chakra are under the chin or at the occiput on the back of the skull.

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  • The sixth chakra is on the frontal bone. It’s called the brow chakra. The lower aspect is the glabella and the upper aspect is at the hairline in front. In back it is between the upper and lower part of the occiput. The related gland to the brow chakra is the pituitary gland. The pituitary is the master controlling gland of the endocrine system. It’s the center for consciousness, integrated personality, idealism, imagination, desire, thinking and worried thoughts. People who are attractive, who excel in business and have an enthusiastic capacity for leadership have very developed sixth chakras. Over stimulation of the sixth chakra can produce serious diseases of the brain, eyes, nose, ears and nervous system. Symptoms include sinus congestion, hay fever, gigantism and acromegaly. In a case where the pituitary gland is overactive, it is important to see if the cause lies in another chakra which is under active. The test points for the sixth chakra are at the glabella in front and just superior to the occiput in back.

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  • The seventh chakra is the crown chakra. The anterior aspect is the frontal border and the posterior aspect is the occipital border of the parietal bones. The crown chakra has to do with spirituality. It is said that the seventh chakra does not come into full functioning until a high degree of inner development has been reached. The gland related to the seventh chakra is the pineal gland which the ancient Greeks believed to be the seat of the soul. The pineal contains vestigial retinal tissue and is considered by modern physiologist to have the possible function of a third photoreceptor, the third eye. The crown chakra governs the upper brain and the right eye. Symptoms have to do with hypertension, brain disease, nervous disorders and various other problems. The seventh chakra is also known as the throne of consciousness. It acts like a computer relaying the truth from the higher self to the conscious mind. Someone with a fully developed crown chakra will exhibit an aura of light and the individual evolves from the human kingdom to the spiritual kingdom. The test point for the seventh chakra imbalance is at the frontal border of the parietal bones in front and at the occipital border of the parietal in back.

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  • Chapter 2: Armor

    The concept of armor was developed by Wilhelm Reich. Reich attended the University of Vienna in the early part of the 20th century, where he had the opportunity to associate with such giants as Sigmund Freud. One of his primary contributions to the field of psychology is his recognition that mental and emotional conflicts are in fact rooted in the body. All modern psychotherapies that work with the body can be traced back to him.

    Reichʼs concept of armor is that of a muscle spasm due to an unexpressed emotion. All emotional conflicts and blockages reside in the muscles of the body forming what he called body armor. Body

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  • armor serves the function of encasing the body in a protective muscular shell. This keeps out not only painful but also pleasurable stimuli. Armor impedes the flow of breath, life and emotions throughout the body. Reich reasoned that if character armor, which contributes to unhappiness, actually resides in the body, one could relieve and dissolve the armor and thereby the neurosis, by working directly with the body.

    Armor can occur in: any organ or on top of any vertebrae or in any muscle. Armor in the erector spinae muscles can affect the curvature of the spine. Armoring at C1, C2 or C5 can effect hypolordosis of the neck. Armor in the lumbar spine can effect hypo or hyperlordosis of the back. Always suspect armor whenever there is back pain. It can also occur in any organ. Emotional upsets are stored in the body as imbalances in the chakras, the body’s energy center. Organ imbalances are stored as body armor. For more information on releasing chakra’s armor, we recommend the Chakra Armor Release of Emotions videotape, also available from Excelsior Productions. Prior to performing the releasing birth trauma process, it is essential to understand muscle testing. Muscle testing or applied kinesiology, is a simple technique by which the clinician can communicate with the patient’s body. It is based on an electrochemical reaction. A test muscle will appear weak when key points on the body are stimulated. In using muscle testing, it is important to be sensitive to your individual patient’s responses. Let’s watch as Dr. Rettner reviews the correct technique for muscle testing.

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  • Chapter 3: Muscle Testing: I would like to demonstrate the correct procedure for muscle testing.

    1. First find a strong indicator muscle. The most convenient one is the pectoralis major clavicular. This chest muscle helps bend and turn the arm at the shoulder. Have the patient hold their arm straight out, level with the shoulder, palm out and thumb pointed towards the floor. 2. Push down on the forearm, towards the feet and away from the body. 3. When you test, be sure not to push too close to the wrist or overpower the

    patient. This will give a false reading. Push only to the point where the muscle locks.

    4. Tell the patient you’re going to push down and out and ask them to hold their arm in place.

    5. When you say hold, pause for a moment to allow the patient to resist. If you don’t pause, you may overpower the patient and get a false reading.

    6. In order to obtain information from patients that may be blocked from their conscious memories, it is important to get their absolute cooperation. What we ask is “If your innate intelligence is willing to cooperate with us, your arm will go weak with a yes answer.” Give me a yes answer.

    7. Then you can ask “Give me a no answer.” Are you a man? Are you a woman?

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  • Chapter 4: The Technique Consists of:

    1. First, test the arm, have the patient think of being born, then retest the arm. It will probably appear weak. 2. Next, find the emotional block either chakra or armor and find the Bach Flower that cancels that out. 3. The third step is to complex in all the points in flexion, extension, hyperextension, right and left rotation, right and left lateral bending. 4. The fourth step is the complexing adjustment. 5. The 5th step is to do the tail wag adjustment, both in prone and extension. 6. The sixth step is to do the CARE. In other words, all the energy will be in a chakra, so you have to bring the energy up and out. 7. The last step you give the patient the Bach Flower that you found in the beginning and they say an affirmation.We will now review the locations of the test point for the chakras on the front and back of the body.

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  • Chapter 5: Test Points For Chakras:

    Test the chakras just about two inches in front of the body.

    The first test point is just below the crotch.

    The test point for the second chakra is right at the level of the pubic bone.

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  • To test the third chakra, we go right in front of the xyphoid process.

    To test the fourth chakra, we test right in front of the sternal notch.

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  • To test the fifth chakra; we go just below the chin.

    To test the sixth chakra, we go to the level of the glabella.

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  • To test the seventh chakra, we are at the hairline.

    To test the seventh chakra in the back right at the top of the crown.

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  • The sixth chakra in the back is tested right at the level of the EOP.

    To test the fifth chakra, go just below the occiput.

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  • To test the fourth chakra either at the level of T1 or T6 in the back.

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  • To test the third chakra, go down to T9,

    To test the second chakra, go to L3 and

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  • The first chakra can be tested right at the level of the coccyx.

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  • Chapter 6: Test Points:

    In releasing birth trauma, there are approximately 30 key points that relate to the physical and emotional trauma associated with birth. These points relate to the specific organ or energy imbalances. Each of these points must be tested in all of the body positions encountered in the birth process. The first six points are tested with the index finger.

    C6 anterior left, C2 posterior right, T2 left, T1 right, T9 left and T-11 left. The next six points are for armor. They are tested with four fingers held together. Test for armor at the right transverse processes of C1, C2 and C3.

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  • Test at the left transverse processes of T5 and T9 and at the center of the sacrum at the second sacral tubercle.

    Test the coccyx with your index finger and all of the centers of the brain with an open hand.

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  • Test for organ armor with four fingers held together at the thyroid, the thymus, the heart point, the spleen and the adrenal glands.

    Test the organs with one finger. The heart point, the spleen point, and the adrenal point.

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  • Test the systems with the back of the hand at the sternal notch.Test the chakras with a flat hand approximately two inches from the body.

    Test the elements using the index finger on the middle toe.

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  • Chapter 7: Polarity Therapy:

    Polarity therapy is a form of magnetic healing discovered by a chiropractor named Randolph Stone. In polarity therapy there are 5 elements. There are reflex points on each of the toes for each of these 5 elements. The first phalanx or great toe is known as the ether toe. It represents the ether element. The second phalanx is called the air toe. It represents the air element.

    The third phalanx is called the fire toe. It represents the fire element. The fourth phalanx or water toe represents the water element and the 5th phalanx or earth toe represents the earth element. In releasing Birth Trauma, the fire toe or fire element shows up most often due to the tremendous amount of anger that gets stored due to the birth process, For more information on polarity therapy, we recommend the dvd “Your Healing Hands, The Polarity Experience” it’s also available from Excelsior Productions.

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  • Chapter 8: Complexing: In releasing birth trauma there are approximately 30 key points that relate to the physical and emotional trauma associated with birth. Each of these points could be released individually in all body positions. Alternately they may be complexed for release as a single adjustment. Dr. Rettner will now explain complexing.

    In these techniques, we are working with energy imbalances, rather than spinal subluxations. So instead of doing several separate adjustments, which would be very time consuming, we can complex them into a single energy release with one adjustment. This is not a spinal adjustment. We are simply stimulating acupressure points alongside the spine. These are the steps for complexing:

    Find a strong indicator muscle.

    Therapy localize the test point by touching it and testing the arm. If it is out of balance, the arm will appear weak.

    Each time you find a weak point, tap the top of the patient’s skull at the bregma with your fingers. Do this with as many points as you like.

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  • To complete the process place a diagonal hand across the right breast. If it’s a male doctor testing a female patient, take the patient’s hand and have them place that across their breast. Test the arm, it will be strong. Next, place a diagonal hand across the left breast. Test the arm and it will be strong.

    Place the fingers together under the xyphoid. Test the arm, it will be weak.

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  • Adjust T-11, L1 and T-7 in three phases of respiration with a double activator. Tell the patient to breathe in, breath out and take a neutral breath.

    Retest the arm and it will appear weak, if the procedure was done correctly, because the patient is in a state of yin. In a few moments it will be strong again.

    If you don’t have a double activator, you can stimulate the acupressure points using your fingers. Place your thumb and forefinger on each transverse process and tap your fingers gently with your fist.

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  • Chapter 9: Actual Session:

    We witnessed an actual session of Releasing Birth Trauma. The process consists of first determining the location of the emotional upset and finding the appropriate Bach Flower Remedy to release it. Asking Questions:What we did first was to test the patient’s arm. Next, I asked the patient to think of being born and then re-tested. It appeared weak. “If your innate intelligence is willing to cooperate with us, your arm will go weak for the yes answer.” Give me a yes answer, resist. Do you have any birth trauma in your body? Is it emotional? Is it in armor, chakra, first, second or third chakra? First chakra, second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth? Third chakra. Next, I tested the Bach Remedy for the third chakra. What I did was therapy localize the different Bach Flowers. We found Chestnut Bud. It’s for not having learned life’s lessons.Having determined the emotional location of Holly’s birth trauma, Dr. Rettner then complexed each point and tested it for a release.One of the exciting parts about Releasing Birth Trauma is that we have subluxations and energy imbalances don’t appear in the normal positions that we adjust patients, which is prone and supine. So, we will illustrated that by showing you. We tested the neck. C1, C2, T1 and T2 were okay. Next, I asked the patient to bend forward. C1, C2, T1 and T2 all showed up.

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  • Next I asked the patient to arch her back. We tested the same vertebrae again. C1, C2, T1 and T2 were all weak. I also checked the organs. The heart, adrenals and spleen were all okay. Again I asked the patient to bend forward. The heart, spleen, and adrenals all showed up. What we got here were hidden subluxations and hidden energy imbalances. Next I took you through the different postures. Postures:

    Flexion:The first posture was flexion. I asked the patient to bend forward. I complexed all the points in the position of flexion. The first vertebra I complexed was C6 on the left in the anterior aspect of it; then C2 on the right; T1 on the right; T2 on the left; T9 on the left and T11 on the left. I therapy localized with one finger. Next, we went to the hand mode of four fingers for armor. C1 on the right, C2, C3, T5, T9 and S2. Next, we did the coccyx with one finger. Then the centers of the brain. Right occiput, left occiput, right temporal, left temporal, right parietal, left parietal and frontal bone.Next, we did systems:I asked the patient to bend forward and tested her arm. Then we did the organ armor:Thyroid, thymus, heart, spleen and adrenals. Next we did the organs: Heart, spleen, and adrenals. Then we did chakras. It is usually the third chakra in the front, sixth chakra now. seventh, there were quite a few out of balance. Last we did the polarity elements, tell the patient to sit with their knees bent. Touch their middle toe and test their arm. This is the fire element, the middle toe. We finished the first posture of flexion.

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  • Extension:The second posture is extension, arching the back. We switched arms for this. Ask the patient to arch their back and test C6 anterior left, C2 posterior right, T1 on the right, T2 on the left, T9 on the left, and T11 on the left. Armor at C1 on the right, C2, C3, T5, T9 and S2. Touch the coccyx with one finger. Test the centers of the brain:occiput, temporal, parietal and frontal. Next we did systems, then organ armor and then the organs. Then we do the chakras. Then the polarity elements. Ask the patient to bend their knees, hold their arm up, arch your back and therapy localize the middle toe.

    Hyperextension: The next posture, we will need some assistance because it’s hard one to maintain, its called hyperextension, it’s when you arch all the way back. Arch your back all the way back. Switch the patient’s testing arm

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  • each time. Make sure and switch the patient’s arms each time because they do wear out doing a lot of testing. Again, C6 anterior left, C2 posterior right, T1 on the right, T2 on the left, T9 on the left, T11 on the left and then armor at C1; C2, C3, T5, T9, S2, and coccyx. Centers of the brain occiput, temporals, parietal and frontal. Then we did the systems, we did the extroceptive system. Then we did organ armor. Then we did the chakras. Ask the patient to bend their knees and we did polarity. We completed hyperextension.

    Left rotation: Next we did left rotation. C6, C2, T1, T2, T9, T11; armor at C1, C2, C3, T5, T9, S2, and coccyx. Centers of the brain: Occiput, temporals, parietal and frontal. Next we did systems. Organ armor, organs and chakras. Ask the patient to bend their knees to do polarity elements. We have completed left rotation.

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  • Right Rotation:Then we did right rotation. C6, C2, T1, T2, T9, T11, armor at C1, C2, C3, T5, T9, S2 and coccyx. Centers of the brain, systems, organ armor, organs and chakras. Ask the patient to bend their knees to do polarity elements. We have completed right rotation.

    Right lateral bending:Next we will be did right lateral bending. Bend all the way to the right side. C6, C2, T1, T2, T9, T11. Armor at C1, C2, C3, T5, T9, S2 and coccyx. Centers of the brain, systems, organ armor, organs and chakras. Ask the patient to bend their knees to do polarity elements.

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  • Left lateral bending: One last posture tilt in the other direction, side bend to the left. C6, C2, T1, T2, T9, T11; armor at C1, C2, C3, T5, T9, S2, and coccyx. Centers of the brain: Occiput, temporals, parietal and frontal. Next we did systems. Organ armor, organs and chakras. Ask the patient to bend their knees to do polarity elements. Complexing Adjustment:Next we did the complexing adjustment. Ask the patient to sit up. Then ask them to place their hand on their right breast in a diagonal across the nipple and test their arm. Then ask them to place their other hand on their left breast like in a diagonal and test their arm. Then go under the xyphoid with 4 fingers and test their arm again. Everything is complexed in. Then we did the actual adjustment. Adjust T11, L1, T7 in 3 phases of respiration-neutral, inhale and exhale. It went weak. Then we did the tailwag adjustment. Ask the patient to lie face down.

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  • Tailwag adjustment:The next step is the tailwag adjustment. This combines the adjustment of the coccyx and the sacral base, in order to release emotional stress. The sacral base drop adjustment is administered after complexing is completed. We’ve been complexing in the coccyx, we still need to adjust it.

    With the tailwag adjustment the patient touches the forehead, that keys in the emotions. Test the hamstring. Make sure it’s strong.

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  • Then you challenge the coccyx right to left. If it goes weak, you adjust it. Then challenge the coccyx inferior to superior and adjust that. then ask the patient to take their hands away, test again and it goes weak. Tell the patient to put their head down and leg down. Then adjust the sacrum straight P-A.

    Then ask the patient to lift their head all the way up, patient is in extension. Then adjust the sacrum straight P-A again. Then ask the patient to sit up.

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  • Bach flower testing:

    To complete the process, we now retest the chakras and administer the Bach flower remedy. A second remedy will show up as needed to clear the remaining chakras. The patient then reads the affirmations for each remedy. This allows for consciousness growth. We tested to see which chakra was out of balance. Throat chakra. Chestnut Bud will fix that. That’s the one she had earlier. Ask the patient to open their mouth wide and place 3 drops under their tongue. Now the energy has moved up to the sixth chakra. Test for one more Bach flower. We’re therapy localizing these. Then we gave the patient Cherry Plum for extreme stress.

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  • Now the energy has moved up to the seventh chakra. All that energy that we’ve complexed is in this one spot right now and will be released in a few seconds.

    Put your hand in front of your forehead, but don’t touch. This is going to draw the energy out of your body when we do the adjustment. The adjustment is T2-4-9. Take a deep breath in, let it out. Now I want you to focus on being born, think about being born and how that would feel. Take a deep breath in, let it out. Now, the magic moment, hold your arm up, and all that energy is released.

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  • Patient’s reaction:Now, tell us how that feels. “Light, floating, I feel good. Tingling here. I just feel light.” Pretty powerful? We’re going to give you some affirmations to say now. The first one is Chestnut Bud and the second one is Cherry Plum. These will release some of the underlying emotions and help reprogram this to be more positive. Chestnut Bud here and there’s Cherry Plum. So, why don’t you say that out loud with feeling.

    Reading affirmations:Chestnut bud: I learn to observe the patterns within my life experience. I am willing to learn from my life’s lessons. I am a spiritually evolving soul.

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  • Cherry plum: I seek balance and equanimity, even under stress. I surrender control to the wisdom of my higher self. I know that my life is guided and protected by a higher power.Great. Thank you doctor. You are welcome. Great, you look shiny. Thank you, I feel shiny. You’re all opened up, kind of teary eyed. It’s great. Thank you for the session.

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  • Conclusion:

    Imagine all of us being freed from physical and emotional trauma that we’ve had since birth. I am happy to share this information with you. Releasing birth trauma is actually quite simple and it can be done during a normal office visit. It releases deep-seated problems that have plagued us for our entire lives. It is excellent for your seriously ill patients with low vitality. It will give them an energy boost they will never forget and they will get well faster too. It’s a favorite with the new age patients. It will give them a floating feeling and they will feel very mellow afterwards.

    I hope releasing birth trauma will be useful in your life and your practice and assist your patients in achieving a happier, healthier lifestyle.

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