Release Summary - Medtech Global

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 1 of 20 Medtech32 Release Summary Updated: June 2016 Level 1, 48 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland T 0800 2 MEDTECH (633 832) E [email protected]

Transcript of Release Summary - Medtech Global

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 1 of 20


Release Summary

Updated: June 2016

Level 1, 48 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland

T 0800 2 MEDTECH (633 832) E [email protected]

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 2 of 20

Table of Contents

Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Legend ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Medtech32 Version 22.3 Build 5060 (June 2016) ..................................................................... 4

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (17 May 2016) ................................................................. 5

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (1 May 2016) ................................................................... 5

Medtech32 Version 22.1 Build 4999 (April 2016) ...................................................................... 6

Maternity Subsidy Update (April 2016) ...................................................................................... 7

eLAB Form Update (March 2016) ............................................................................................... 7

Medtech32 Licence Expiry Update (March 2016) .................................................................. 7

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4960 (March 2016) .................................................................. 8

Inbox Screening Mapping Utility for Wairarapa Region (January 2016) ............................ 9

PHO Utility Re-Import Update (January 2016) .......................................................................... 9

Medtech32 Version 21.3 Build 4869 (December 2015) ........................................................ 10

Medtech32 Version 21.2 Build 4831 (October 2015) ............................................................ 12

Medtech32 Advanced Forms Expiry Update (September 2015)....................................... 13

Medtech32 Version 21.1 Build 4779 (September 2015) ........................................................ 13

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4746 (July 2015) ..................................................................... 14

Medtech32 Immunisation Subsidy Updates (July 2015)....................................................... 15

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (July 2015) ...................................................................... 15

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4704 (June 2015) ................................................................... 16

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (June 2015) .................................................................... 17

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (May 2015) ..................................................................... 17

Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4647 (April 2015) .................................................................. 18

Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4621 (March 2015) .............................................................. 19

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 3 of 20


This Release Summary is to assist key decision makers, such as Practice Managers and

Medtech Certified Engineers, responsible for Medtech32 release upgrades. It provides

a quick reference guide on the scope of each Release and enables the impact to

individual Medtech32 customers to be easily evaluated.

The Release Summary dates back to Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4621 (March 2015)

and will be updated for all future Medtech32 Releases.


A brief Description of each Change or Resolution is provided, with full details available

in the corresponding Release Notes, accessible via the associated hyperlink.

A hyperlink is also provided to view the associated Installation Instructions and the

minimum Medtech32 Version dependency for upgrading is specified.

Four Categories of change have been established:




Admin represents all other changes not related to the other categories above.

Three Impact classifications have been established:

Major – these are likely to have a significant operational impact and are highly

recommended to be installed.

Moderate – these will have a significant impact but less importance than a Major

or have only been experienced by some customers.

Minor – these are largely cosmetic with no significant operational impact or have

only been experienced by some customers.

Note: The Impact classifications are based on the perceived impact; however, some

changes may have a greater or lesser impact than that has been stated,

dependent on how Medtech32 is used by the customer.

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 4 of 20

Medtech32 Version 22.3 Build 5060 (June 2016)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here.

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 22.1 Build 4999 or later.

New Features/Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

An update to the National Immunisation Register (NIR)


dTap vaccine name changed to Tdap vaccine

A new Tdap vaccine has been added for Pregnant

Women and will be sent to NIR with a new Indicator (16)

Td 45 years & 65 years are now sent to NIR

Hepatitis B Serological Testing changes

Extending the range of alternative vaccinations within the

Childhood Immunisation Programme

A new Prevnar 13 funded vaccine added to the

Pneumococcal Pre/Post Splenectomy (Adult) schedule

Regulatory Major

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

Patient Join Utility Admin Moderate

GP2GP error messages enhanced Admin Moderate

Printing of “No Substitution Allowed” on prescriptions Clinical Moderate

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 5 of 20

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (17 May 2016)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 10 or later.

New Features/Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

ACC subsidy amendments for Physiotherapy Services

Contract Financial Major

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (1 May 2016)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 10 or later.

New Features/Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

ACC subsidy amendments for Rural Primary Healthcare

Services, General Practitioner-Special Interest and PRIME


Financial Major

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 6 of 20

Medtech32 Version 22.1 Build 4999 (April 2016)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here.

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4960 or 4992.

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

Reversal of printing “No Substitution Allowed” on prescriptions Clinical Moderate

Consult Management Notes – Access Violation Error Admin Moderate

SMS’s with System Cancel Status Admin Moderate

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 7 of 20

Maternity Subsidy Update (April 2016)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 21.2 Build 4831 or later.

New Features/Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

The Ministry of Health has increased some of the Maternity

subsidies, effective from 1st July 2015 Financial Major

eLAB Form Update (March 2016)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 10 or later.

Issue Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

As part of the Medtech32 Version 22 Release, the Ministry of

Health requested additional validations on the HPI Facility

Number. This change has adversely impacted the functioning

of the eLAB form. This release amends that issue.

Clinical Moderate

Medtech32 Licence Expiry Update (March 2016)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 18.0 or later.

New Features/Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

This update is available to renew your Medtech32 PMS license

till 31 Mar 2017. Admin Moderate

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 8 of 20

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4960 (March 2016)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here.

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on either one of the following releases:

Medtech32 Version 21.3 Build 4869

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4926

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4935

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4943

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4947

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4949

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4957

Medtech32 Version 22.0 Build 4958

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

No Substitution Allowed is now printed on prescriptions when

Generic Substitution Allowed is not ticked. Regulatory

– MoH Moderate

Hiding Inactive medications function within the Consultation

module. Clinical Moderate

The print medications icon within the Consultation module has

been enhanced to be more distinctive. Clinical Minor

The one hour reset for practices has been provided as part of

the installer. Admin Moderate

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

Appointment Reminder SMS – appointment reminders were

sent for appointments cancelled on ManageMyHealth™. Admin Moderate

Appointment Matrix Report – the Report Manager and the

Report Unloaded had discrepancies. Admin Moderate

Query builder - the Access violation error in the Run SMS Query

option has been resolved. Admin Moderate

PHO Import Issue – address details missing after PHO Import Admin Moderate

Equipment Hire – the Equipment Hire Windows tool bar icon

has been removed. Admin Minor

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 9 of 20

Inbox Screening Mapping Utility for Wairarapa Region

(January 2016)

The Release Notes for this utility can be accessed here.

The Installation Instructions for this utility can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 19.0 or later.

New Features/Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

This update will assist with the change in Laboratory Reporting

for the Wairarapa region. The utility will automatically map the

old Medlab Central Inbox Screening Terms to the

corresponding new Wellington SCL Subject and Result Codes.

Clinical Moderate

PHO Utility Re-Import Update (January 2016)

The Release Notes for this utility can be accessed here.

The Installation Instructions for this utility can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 21.3 Build 4869.

NOTE: This utility should only be used by practices aligned to Pinnacle and Compass

Health PHOs.

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

For some practices aligned to Pinnacle and Compass Health

PHOs, some address lines from the addresses available in the

PHO Import file are not importing correctly into the Patient

Register during the PHO Import process. With the exception of

the postcode, the PHO Utility Re-import will automatically

remap/correct the address details for patients who may have

previously been impacted when practices tried to validate

the details via the PHO Import Utility.

Admin Minor

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 10 of 20

Medtech32 Version 21.3 Build 4869 (December 2015)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here.

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here.

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 21.2 Build 4831 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

New Pregnant Woman Flu Vaccination schedule has been

added MoH

Requirement Moderate

When a Scanned document is forwarded from the Provider

Inbox to another Provider Inbox the status is now set to

Unread/Bold Clinical Moderate

Screening Outcome is now displayed in the Daily Record Clinical Moderate

Patient Classifications can now be ordered by ‘Date of

Onset’ Clinical Moderate

Route 'Intradermal (ID) has been introduced in Vaccine

Route List Clinical Minor

New injection sites have been added to Immunisation

module Clinical Minor

Front Page now indicates if a family member is deceased

and not inactive Clinical Minor

When saving an Outbox document the warning message

has been made clearer if information may be lost. Clinical Minor

‘MIMS upgrade’ Staff Tasks can now be supressed Clinical Minor

ACC Claims utility now remembers the previous ‘look-

back range’ Financial Minor

New Outbox merge symbol has been added to print

‘Invoice Date’ rather than ‘Visit Date’ Financial Minor

Service Analysis now remembers last settings Financial Minor

The Medtech32 licensee name is now optionally removed

from the Invoice-Receipt Analysis report Financial Minor

Update of 2013 census geocoding data from the PHO

Import file in the Patient Register Admin Major

Printer Setup list now displays in alphabetical order Admin Minor

Deprivation Quintile merge symbol has been introduced

within Patient Outbox Admin Minor

Query Builder can now report on Patient Deprivation Decile Admin Minor

Column positions can now be saved in Appointment Book Admin Minor

‘Include Inactive’ within Patient Search is now saved if set Admin Minor

A new grid line marker has been introduced within Staff

Tasks Admin Minor

Various Error messages have been enhanced to assist in

resolving the issue. Admin Minor

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 11 of 20

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

GP2GP files received from Medtech Evolution not importing

attachments to the correct location within the patient


Clinical Moderate

A/C Holder Account - When payment is made for a provider

who has a Nominated Provider assigned, the Service and

Income providers were getting inadvertently swapped.

Financial Moderate

GMS Claims Error - When an invoice was modified from a

Capitated to Non-Capitated, the Time of Service and

Location type values were not populated which resulted in

GMS claims being rejected.

Financial Moderate

Appointment Book – When a ManageMyHealth™ online

appointment is confirmed, the extended slots of existing

‘Extended Duration Appointments’ were inadvertently made


Admin Moderate

Appointment Book performance improvements for medium

and large size practices. Admin Moderate

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 12 of 20

Medtech32 Version 21.2 Build 4831 (October 2015)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 21.1 Build 4779 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

Message status of ManageMyHealth inbox items in

Medtech32 will be updated in ManageMyHealth™ online. Clinical Moderate

The Look and feel of ManageMyHealth™ Staff Registration

form has been enhanced. Clinical Minor

Patient Dashboard Remember Screen Position has been

applied Clinical Minor

Healthlink Toolbar icon has been replaced Clinical Minor

System Diagnostics A new system diagnostics tool has been

added to display all Medtech32 related information. Admin Moderate

SMS Management: A new SMS Management menu is added

to enable practices to check details of their SMS account

profile and generate reports on the SMS usage.

Admin Moderate

Advanced Forms performance improvement and New

Advanced Forms usage screen to list all the Advanced

forms used within a date range.

Admin Moderate

Screen Numbering: All screens in Medtech32 are assigned a

unique number for troubleshooting purposes. Admin Minor

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

Screenings – The confidential flag was not getting updated

correctly for screening entries created via DIAP screening

term. This issue only affected sites where third party

integration occurred.

Clinical Moderate

ManageMyHealth™ Screenings upload for SEHR and Patient

Portal practices. Supports both SEHR and Patient Portal data


Clinical Moderate

Provider Inbox –NHI numbers for Lab Results, X-rays and SA

forms will be displayed in Provider Inbox. Clinical Moderate

ManageMyHealth™ Appointments – Appointment status

(Cancelled) will be updated from ManageMyHealth™ to

Medtech32 and vice versa.

Admin Moderate

Appointment Book & Appointment Overview – Cancelled

Appointment slot will be reflected in Medtech32. Admin Moderate

SMS Outbox error message and SMS credit icon not displaying

credit balance. Admin Minor

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 13 of 20

Medtech32 Advanced Forms Expiry Update (September 2015)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 18.0 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

Update Advanced Forms Expiry Date to 30 September 2016.

This is a critical update to ensure the Advanced Forms do not

expire at the end of September 2015.

Clinical Major

Medtech32 Version 21.1 Build 4779 (September 2015)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4704 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

The ManageMyHealth™ Icon colour on the Toolbar has been

enhanced to indicate if the patient has not yet completed

the registration process.

Clinical Moderate

The ManageMyHealth™ Inbox has been enhanced to display

Red if there are unread messages. Clinical Moderate

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

GMS Claims with multiple services were being rejected. Financial Moderate

An incorrect Appointment Status (Declined) was being sent

to ManageMyHealth™ Admin Moderate

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 14 of 20

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4746 (July 2015)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on either one of the following releases:

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4704

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4719

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4737

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

Provider Inbox filter has been enhanced to also apply to the

ManageMyHealth™ Inbox. Clinical Moderate

The ability to send a ManageMyHealth™ email from the

Provider Inbox has been added. Clinical Moderate

A ManageMyHealth™ icon has been added to Provider

Inbox if the patient is registered to ManageMyHealth™. Clinical Moderate

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

An incorrect error message was displayed when opening

DIAP Screenings. Clinical Moderate

An incorrect warning message was displayed when creating

a DIAP Screening. Clinical Moderate

If the Cancel button was selected when logging on, an

incorrect error occurred. Clinical Moderate

Some GMS Claims where being rejected by the Ministry of

Health Financial Moderate

In addition two OPTIONAL updates have been made available as part of this release.

1) Removal of ACC Vendor ID from Staff setup which is no longer required and

was causing issues when Staff Setup was closed and the field was not blank.

Alternatively this can be handled manually by removing the value from ACC

Vendor ID.

2) An Ethnicity code of “Other (54)” is now no longer valid and this update

replaces all 54 codes to “Other Ethnicity (61)” to comply with Ministry of Health

directive. Alternatively these codes can be manually changed as they are


© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 15 of 20

Medtech32 Immunisation Subsidy Updates (July 2015)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 10.0 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

Increase all Immunisation subsidies from $22.75 to $ 22.93. Financial Major

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (July 2015)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 10.0 or later.

Note: this release is for customers who choose not to upgrade to Version 21.0 Build 4704.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

ACC Subsidy Updates for Accident & Medical Services – July


This update includes Zero Fees for Under 13 for ACC


Financial Major

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 16 of 20

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4704 (June 2015)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on either one of the following Releases:

Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4647

Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4655

Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4661

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4694

Medtech32 Version 21.0 Build 4703

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

Patient Inbox has been enhanced to indicate the read status

of the patient record. Clinical Moderate

Zero Fees for Under 13 year old patients. Financial Major

ACC Subsidy Updates for Accident & Medical Services – July

2015. This update include Zero Fees for Under 13 for ACC


Financial Major

A reminder is now displayed when Invoicing Non-Residents to

remind to invoice for all services. Financial Moderate

Statements & Historic Invoice-receipts can now be printed to

the Report Manager Financial Moderate

Statements can now be printed with the words “Tax Invoice” Financial Moderate

ACC45 Patient Declaration wording has been updated Admin Minor

A Middle Name field has been added to Patient Register Admin Minor

Patient Ethnicity codes has been updated Admin Minor

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

Incorrect count of unread messages in MMH Provider Inbox Clinical Moderate

ACC32 number getting truncated in the ACC32 pdf form Clinical Moderate

Patient Accidents module was not refreshing when adding

Accidents Clinical Moderate

Radiology Referrals icon not displaying in the

ConnectedCare menu Clinical Minor

Auto Recalls ignoring Gender when setup in Vaccine or

Group Admin Moderate

Recalls being created without entering a screening term Admin Moderate

The obsolete ‘Insert diskette” message that appears when

importing or exporting files into Medtech32 has been


Admin Minor

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 17 of 20

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (June 2015)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 10.0 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

ACC Subsidy Updates are available for the following services:

Physiotherapy Services Financial Major

Medtech32 ACC Subsidy Updates (May 2015)

The Release Notes and Installation Instructions for this update can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 10.0 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

ACC Subsidy Updates are available for the following services:

Rural Primary Healthcare

General Practitioner – Special Interest

PRIME Contracts

Financial Major

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 18 of 20

Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4647 (April 2015)

The Release Notes for this version can be accessed here

The Installation Instructions for this release can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4621 (March 2015)

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

In the Screening module the Notes column was not displaying

all the notes when expanded. Clinical Moderate

The ManageMyHealth™ Create Care Plans and View Care

Plans links not working. Clinical Moderate

The Special Authority form was showing inactivated providers

in the provider drop down list. Clinical Minor

‘Temporary table resource limit’ error while navigating

through the Provider Inbox. Clinical Minor

Invalid error in the Consultation screen when the system clock

(client machine) is set to 24-hour clock. Clinical Minor

The Last Contacted column was not editable within Recall

Contact List Admin Moderate

Invalid error message when resending RSD messages (Referral

& Discharge summaries) from Patient Outbox. Admin Moderate

SMS replies received after daylight saving changes were not

matched to the SMS reminder sent to the patient. Admin Moderate

‘Maximum user count exceeded’ error during login. Admin Moderate

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 19 of 20

Medtech32 Version 20.12 Build 4621 (March 2015)

The Release Notes for this Version can be accessed here

The Installation Instructions for this Release can be accessed here

Dependency – must be on Medtech32 Version 20.6 Build 3697 or later.

New Features/ Enhancements:

Description of Change Category Impact

Immunisation Schedule updates for Hepatitis A Adult & Child

vaccines, Varicella vaccine, Meningococcal C vaccine,

Meningococcal ACYW-135 vaccine and Hepatitis B DLK


Clinical Major

Provider & Patient Inbox now displays a new column Imported

Date. Clinical Major

Patient Medication Card changes have been made showing

gridlines, signature column and long special instructions are

now printing correctly.

Clinical Major

Automatic or manual forwarding of ManageMyHealth™

messages has been introduced. Clinical Moderate

ManageMyHealth™ Repeat Prescription requests can now be

consolidated into one message if there is more than one

medication being requested.

Clinical Moderate

Patients Screenings can now be uploaded & downloaded

to/from ManageMyHealth™ and the Shared Electronic

Health Record (SEHR).

Clinical Moderate

Nurse Practitioners can now submit Special Authority forms for

some medications. Clinical Moderate

Nurse Practitioners have been allocated their own Contract

Class by ACC. Clinical Moderate

EFTPOS integration via USB cable has been introduced. Financial Moderate

Aged Balance Summary Report can now be run at Account

Level or Location level and different phone number

combinations can be selected.

Financial Moderate

Time of Service & Location Type are now mandatory for GMS

claims for casual patients as per Ministry of Health directive. Admin Major

SMS Module has been enhanced in a number of areas to

assist in viewing full SMS replies from patients via a new

Preview pane.

Admin Major

Patient Recalls can now be sent to the patient via

ManageMyHealth™ Admin Moderate

If a patient’s mobile phone number is changed, previously

scheduled SMS’s will now use the new mobile phone number. Admin Moderate

If a patient is marked as Deceased then the Date Deceased

must be provided and the patient age becomes frozen. Admin Moderate

If a patient’s provider is changed, Active Recalls can now be

optionally updated with the new provider. Admin Moderate

New ‘Merge Symbols’ have been created for Patient Recalls

associated with Screening Terms. Admin Moderate

Online interactive Support Chat has been introduced. Admin Moderate

© Copyright Medtech Limited Page 20 of 20

MIMS End User Licence Agreement has had minor updates. Admin Minor

“No SMS’ is now reportable via Query Builder. Admin Minor

Issues Resolved:

Description of Issue Category Impact

If several screening entries of the same type (e.g. BP) were

entered into the consultation notes on the same day, the

information was being over-written in the screening tab.

Clinical Major

The File button had to be pressed twice to process

ManageMyHealth™ repeat medications. Clinical Minor

If a payment was being entered into the system at the same

time as banking close off, the payment was being omitted

from the banking.

Financial Major

Service Analysis report heading was misaligned. Financial Minor

‘This Accident Only’ function was not working within A/C

Holder Account module. Admin Moderate

External Name merge symbol was not working when printing

labels. Admin Moderate

Limitation of sending a large number of SMS’s at the same

time via Query Builder has been resolved. Admin Moderate

For further information please contact Medtech Support via one of the following


Medtech32 application [Help ► Contact Support]

Online Chat:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0800 2 MEDTECH (633 832)