RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and...


Transcript of RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and...

Page 1: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the
Page 2: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

RELEASE is a short series that I pray that God would use to lead us into

Pentecost. We have Advent that leads us to Christmas and we have Lent that leads us to Easter but what do we have to lead us into Pentecost?

‘Come Holy Spirit’ is an ancient prayer that expresses a renewed yearning within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love.

Each Sunday I will be preaching on the theme and within the small groups there is the opportunity to unpack the Sunday message theme further and apply it as we learn from each other and praying that we would know God’s renewing power.

There is one word that has been really bugging me in the preparation and it is the word RELEASE. It bugged me so much that I have made it the series title and incorporated it within the session titles. It is as though God is saying to us, I want to release you into the stream of spirit life, release you into the joy of divine provision. By taking the first few chapters of Acts we will be looking at the way ‘release’ is reflected in the lives of the first believers. Hopefully we will find appropriate instruction and encouragement from their experience that is recorded for us by Luke. The instructions of Jesus were heeded as these believers waited for the promise of the Father. On the Day of Pentecost, the Spirit came and filled them with power from on high, they were drenched in the Spirit. This was to enable them to be equipped to go out into all the world and truly partner with God in His work.

The series titles are: Come Holy Spirit ….hear us calling

Come and release words [Sunday 24th April]

Come and release wholeness [Sunday 1st May]

Come and release witness [Sunday 8th May]

Come and release worship [Sunday 15th May]

Alan Willesborough Baptist Church Pentecost 2016

Page 3: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

The fullness of the Spirt can be nurtured in our hearts through music and song. Paul in Ephesians 5v.18-19 says ‘ filled with the spirit...sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord.’

There are times when the Spirit of God takes hold of a song and you cannot get it out of your mind - it ends up being repeatedly played. This experience can be God’s ministry into your own soul where the truths are being marinated for the reality to break through. I have shared previously how one song last year did just that for me. It was the song: ’One thing remains’ with the refrain powerfully declaring:

Your love never fails Never gives up

Never runs out on me

There is power in music and here was a song that fed my very soul. I must have played it dozens of times - it is the only song I have on my laptop that gets played! There is a song for this series that I want us to use during these studies. Holy Spirit You are welcome here:

Holy Spirit You are welcome here, Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory God is what our hearts long for, To be overcome by Your presence, Lord. The presence Lord There's nothing worth more that would ever come close, No thing can compare, You're our living Hope, Your presence, Lord.

I've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves, When my heart becomes free and my shame is undone, Your presence, Lord.

Let us become more aware of Your presence. Let us experience the glory of Your goodness

Why don’t you ask God as we use this song :

‘Lord what do you want to accomplish in my heart through this song? ‘ ‘Lord, how can we truly welcome you and have our hearts open to receive all that you intend for us.’ ‘Lord , as we read Acts, help me to see the supernatural dimensions of the Spirit to be normative for the church today.’ ‘Lord , may we be in on the action that is birthed in your heart for us as a wbc family’

Page 4: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

1: COME HOLY SPIRIT - RELEASE WORDS Theme: The Spirit of God seeks to release within us a new found communication to God, to one another and to the world. We pray for words to be released.

You will be aware that there is no DVD introduction to this series. The introduction will be the four Sunday messages! Hopefully the absence of the DVD introduction will not hinder or restrict the free flow of words in your group session!

There is a song that is printed opposite. Take time as you open your group session to either play the song or sing it together. Afterwards, take just the first line: Holy Spirit You are welcome here. For a few moments in your group ponder and pray regarding this one line of the song.

What does the line really indicate? What challenge does it present?

When we think about Pentecost - we remember the call of Jesus in Lk 24:49 and the requirement was to wait until they were clothed with power from on high. The call to wait is further emphasised in Acts 1:4.

It was at Pentecost that Isaiah’s prayer was answered: Isaiah 64:1 Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you!

Why do you think there was the need to wait? They waited patiently and expectantly. Their waiting was not an idling waiting - for they appointed a replacement for Judas (Acts 1:15-26). What are the implications of waiting?

Pentecost was a regular feast that gathered hundreds of thousands of pilgrims in Jerusalem 50 days after Passover. It was a harvest festival celebrating the abundance of the land’s produce. When the Spirit came, there was a significant spiritual harvest. Pentecost also celebrated the giving of the law, the Ten Commandments. The harvest of lives changed and transformed, was the outcome of a release of words, words that breathed life and hope into spiritually hungry hearts.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit certainly brought a release of words. They were words ignited by the Spirit of life and truth.

1. RELEASE WORDS IN PRAYER In Acts we see prayer taking on a whole new dynamic. In Acts 1:14 ‘they all joined together constantly in prayer.’ We are informed that there were 120 gathering together seeking God. There was a longing to meet with God and to experience the release of his promises to them.

In what ways would you say that prayer is the key to unlocking the blessings of God? What are the principles that we can learn from the testimony of the early


Acts 1:1-14

Page 5: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the


Note how they prayed together. There was a rich unity of mind and spirit that caused their words of prayer filled faith to be even more powerful. Remember the promise of Jesus in Matthew 18:19-20.

2. RELEASE WORDS IN PRAISE When the Holy Spirit came upon the waiting believers, they received an anointing gift of the Spirit - the gift of tongues. Miraculously they were able to speak in new languages that had not been learnt but these languages were understood by the multi-national gathering in Jerusalem. Acts 2:4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

What was the outcome of this gift being released at Pentecost? In what way was there a release of words in praise?

How do you see the importance of such a gift today?

3. RELEASE WORDS IN SPIRITUAL GIFTS The anointing of God’s Spirit brought about a divine equipping. There are many gifts of God’s grace. Too often people get hung up with the word charismatic, but it is a word that affirms the gifts are grace gifts. The word charis simply means grace.

A number of the spiritual gifts that are listed by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14 offer a supernatural anointing to communicate for God through the release of words. There is the gift of tongues that we have referred to, the gift of interpretation of tongues where the gift of tongues is used in public worship and not just private prayer. A further gift that releases words is the gift of prophecy.

Why do you think that Paul prizes the gift of prophecy, 1 Cor 14:39?

4. RELEASE WORDS IN PROCLAMATION Peter was constantly opening his mouth and putting his foot in it, but being filled with the Holy Spirit had a dramatic impact. The sound of the wind and the tongues of hovering flames upon the disciples immediately grabbed the attention of the crowd. The crowd asked (Acts 2:12) what does this mean? In v.14 we read ‘then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowds.’

Observe the outcome of these words for we read how they were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37). God moves in revival power - why is it that we don’t we pray specifically for revival these days?

Peter particularly had a fearlessness in voicing the gospel. The Spirit released words for effective proclamation. Have you found that there are occasions when the Spirit opens a door for a spiritual conversation to take place? How can the Spirit equip us to communicate the gospel to others?

Page 6: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

2: COME HOLY SPIRIT - RELEASE WHOLENESS Theme: The Spirit of God seeks to release within us a wholeness that is birthed in the divine shalom (peace) of God. Wholeness lies right at the heart of our salvation. Jesus summed up his own ministry (Jn 10:10) and the Spirit continues that ministry - I have come that you might have life and have it to the full. When we pray Lord release wholeness, it is the fullness of life that is to be released.

Has there been a moment this week when you have felt the Holy Spirit’s presence? Share it with the group.

Take the second line of our theme song - ‘Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.’ Take a few moments in your groups to ponder and pray the line of this song as you commence your session together.

When you think and pray about the Holy Spirit - what is the dominant image that comes to your mind? Is it fire, water, dove, wind, oil or a mixture of a number of images or none at all? Take a moment to think of an adjective to describe one of those images eg. The untameable wind or the disruptive wind.

The Christian life is a journey into wholeness. Philippians 1:6 assures us: he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Try to unpack this word wholeness. What does it mean to you and how does the Spirit impart to us increased wholeness?

Acts presents a powerful life changing movement into wholeness. The Holy Spirit is given in order, among other things, to make us whole. When Jesus was to leave the disciples, they still struggled with grasping a correct understanding of God’s purposes. They ask in Acts 1:6 about the earthly kingdom and when Israel would be able to kick out the Romans. Jesus had to put them straight and all this was a part of the journey to greater wholeness which was to continue through receiving the power of the Holy Spirit as in Acts 1:8.


Peter is a key player in Acts and certainly in the first few chapters we see God distinctly fashioning his life - this was not a superficial make over but a radical life change. Wholeness is the outcome of a living relationship with God in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the great picture promises concerning the Spirit is Ezekiel 36:26 where the heart of ‘stone’ would be taken away and a heart of ‘flesh’ would replace it in the process of greater wholeness and holiness.

We can so often struggle with deep feelings of inadequacy. The ‘if only’ syndrome is constantly echoed by people - if only I had someone else’s gifting, someone else’s education, someone else’s house / possessions...if only I were married. By the Spirit, God seeks to lead us into a new confidence and courage.


Acts 2:-42-47

Page 7: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

What are the ways we see Peter’s life being made increasingly whole? We see the boldness of Peter to take up the reins of responsibility especially after having denied his Lord and master before the cross.


Wholeness was flowing through the gathered company. The 120 in the Upper Room were bonded together as the family of God. The word for fellowship is koinonia and it is a word that deals decisively with individualism.

In Acts, you see clearly the togetherness of the people of God and their sense of committed belonging. There is togetherness in their praying - as they waited they prayed. It is the Spirit that fills us with new convictions of hope and possibilities for the kingdom life as we live in all the potential of spirit empowerment.

Togetherness is affirmed in the decision made regarding Judas’ replacement. They were prepared to face the empty seat vacated by Judas and trust God to guide them in filling that seat. There was a growing sense of maturity in their relationships observed especially in this decision making process.

The Spirit is given in order to lead us into intimacy with God. We may know this personally but how do you think it is to work out in our wbc community?

Take Acts 4:32 and reflect on the outcome of being one in heart and mind. There was remarkable practical support through generous giving. The release of finances is always a sign of increased wholeness.


There was a new boldness that arises out of the confidence and conviction that the Spirit imparts where we know we are able to stand before God and that he has some amazing sovereign purposes for our lives. For the bulk of Peter’s life his world orientated around a boat, smelly nets and fish in Capernaum - now a new wholeness radically changed the outlook of his life and established the world as his area of ministry.

In what ways would you want to see supernatural boldness in church leadership? Is it something that you pray about for WBC?


It is in Acts 3:6 that we have the thrilling account of the Lame Man at Gate Beautiful. Being crippled he was unable to be a part of the worshipping company in the Temple. Healing came to him in an instant causing him to do something he had never done before - and that was to go into the temple. He could not keep quiet - walking, leaping and praising God was the full expression of wholeness being encountered that day. This came from a man who had never walked in his life.

Jesus was still in the business of making people whole. What lessons arise from this remarkable healing event?

Page 8: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

3: COME HOLY SPIRIT - RELEASE WITNESS Theme: The Spirit of God is a missionary spirit who sends God’s people out into all the world with the message of life and hope in Christ. Acts 1:8 declares how they would receive power in order to be my witnesses..

Take the third line of our theme song - ‘Your glory is what our hearts long for.’ Take a few moments in your groups to ponder and pray the line of this song as you commence your session together.

The disciples were transformed by the Holy Spirit. These frightened, fearful men hiding behind locked doors were now involved in turning the world upside down.

Think through together some of the areas where you see that their lives were changed by the Spirit and the outcome being, a new confidence and courage to speak about Jesus and be living witnesses to Jesus.

How should we go about tapping into the divine resource of the Spirit to embolden us in our witness for Jesus? Share some of the natural challenges that you face in this area of witness. When was the last time you initiated a spiritual conversation with someone? How did the conversation go? The key verse is Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

It is an astonishing outcome - how a small bunch of Jesus followers were empowered in such a way, that the Good News of Jesus within a decade had reached the great cities of Alexandria in Africa and Antioch in Asia together with Rome itself. An obscure Jesus movement took on the world and displaced paganism and within 200 years Christianity became the principal faith of Western civilisation. Undoubtedly the driving force behind the spread of the Good News was the Holy Spirit. The Spirit imparts missionary passion, the fire of which was ignited and sustained by the witnessing spirit of life and power.

1. RELEASE WITNESS - TO THE PERSON OF JESUS The core message of Peter in Acts 2 and also Acts 3 is Jesus, God’s Messiah who has come. In a court of law a witness is called to affirm what is true and a Judge is not interested in opinions but a solid declaration of fact. How is the enthusiastic passion for Jesus indicated in these early chapters of Acts?

2. RELEASE WITNESS - TO THE WORDS AND WORKS OF JESUS. There was the clear declaration of Jesus and testimony to how faith in Jesus had radically changed their lives. They were so excited about Jesus that on Pentecost some thought they were drunk.


Acts 2:-14-40

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3. RELEASE WITNESS - TO THE IMPLICATIONS OF JESUS’ DEATH & RESURRECTION Events that took place with Jesus were in fulfilment to OT prophecies. It is, as in any court of law, that a witness has to be able to say ‘I know’. Peter makes an exclusive claim for Jesus in 4:12 ‘salvation is found in no one else for there is no other which we must be saved.’

4. RELEASE WITNESS - TO THE FACT THAT JESUS IS ALIVE AND STILL IN THE BUSINESS OF CHANGING LIVES. We see this powerfully in Acts 3 when Peter and John going to the temple healed the Lame Man in the name of Jesus. Changed lives brought further witness. Think about the impacting power of such a witness. Jesus spoke about some of the things his followers would accomplish in Mark 16.20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

5. RELEASE WITNESS - THAT CHALLENGES PEOPLE TO RESPOND In Acts 3:9 we read of those who knew this crippled man who was now praising God. Peter takes the opportunity to challenge those who were talking about the man. In 3:19 there is the call to repent and turn to God and enter into a new way of living by breaking from the past.

6. RELEASE WITNESS - THROUGH ACTS OF COMPASSION There was incredible generosity that reached out to meet the needs of others. 2:44-45 reflects this spirit of generosity of their warm, caring, sharing fellowship. How does the community at large generally view the church?

7. RELEASE WITNESS - THROUGH SACRIFICIAL LOVE A witness is prepared to lay down their lives. The Greek word for witness is martyr. The early Christians were constantly in trouble for the message they shared. Take a look at what transpired with Peter and John in Acts 4 when they were arrested for speaking so openly in the temple precincts. It is a remarkable story of the miraculous taking place.

How did the church family pray when they heard the story of Peter and John (Acts 4:24-26)?

8. Release witness - through the life changing power of the Spirit.

What was the further outcome of this power packed celebration of a prayer meeting? In Acts 4:31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

There is an important principle for the spirit-filled life and that is to be open to the surprises of the Spirit. Let’s be open to the nudges of God wanting to use us, to speak through us and draw alongside others in Christ’s name.

Page 10: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the


Theme: The Spirit is the glorious gift of our heavenly Father to his children. He wants us to so experience his Spirit that He is free to move and act among us. The release of worship is clearly seen in the first few chapters of Acts that in turn puts the spotlight on the amazing God whom we serve.

Take the fourth line of our theme song - ‘To be overcome by your presence Lord.’ Prayerfully reflect on this further line of the song and think about a biblical character who was overcome by the Spirit’s presence.

When we ask God to do something, it is important that we don’t restrict what He wants to do. But also, don’t be surprised if He asks you to do something.

We are looking at the release of worship. When this happens we get to know God better, we grow in faith and we express trust. The reality of His presence warms our hearts and all this spills over into a new depth of joy.

1. RELEASE WORSHIP IN THE FORMAL CELEBRATIONS (in the Temple). Pentecost (a harvest celebration) followed the Passover festival. It was a further celebration of the astonishing provision of God to his people. We tend to forget that the worship in the Old Testament days was very costly. There were sacrifices to be made in the temple but there was also the ‘lost time’ involved in travel and the length of the festival. The great feasts were powerful occasions of corporate gatherings that inspired and strengthened the faith of worshippers.

What would be the equivalent for our great festivals? How can we make more of them?

2. RELEASE WORSHIP IN THE INFORMAL GATHERINGS (in homes). By this I mean those occasions when the disciples were together in the Upper Room. In some ways it was a ’closed group’ but equally it was the place where worship was released. 1:14ff; 2:42-47; 4:23ff. The informal gatherings were infused with the presence of the Spirit. The Jesus followers who were galvanised together as they prayed and worshipped. They devoted themselves to a new commitment together (2:42) and the bond of love was very practical in meeting the needs of others (4:32) where they shared everything they had.

It is not easy to wait, but what do you think it was like for these disciples spending time together but not knowing what to expect and how long they were to wait for the blessing of God (Pentecost) and waiting for the release of Peter & John?

3. RELEASE WORSHIP IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE. By this I think of the public square being the temple area where the people gathered. It was on the Day of Pentecost that tongues of fire were seen and the violent wind was heard—the end product was an explosion of worship. Pentecost was an outdoor event!


Acts 4:-23-37

Page 11: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

Is there a place of taking worship into the ‘public square’? Who can remember the praise marches of Graham Kendrick? Some have taken the healing ministry onto the streets.

The lame man was healed in the public square as Peter and john were going to the temple. It brought about significant praise especially in the healed man! It all led to a further opportunity to preach an evangelistic message.

4. RELEASE WORSHIP IN A SUPERNATURAL DIMENSION. There was the supernatural gift of tongues, unlearnt languages that declared the wonders of God. 3,000 were deeply convicted and were baptised. In Acts 3 we have the lame man who was miraculously healed. This brought further preaching and a powerful challenge to the people.

How can we encourage a greater expectation for the supernatural to be natural?

When Peter and John return to the church family they pray for greater boldness and many more miracles. What challenge does this kind of praying present to us? It was as God moved, questions were asked and people like Peter took the opportunity to answer.

Jim Graham: The church needs to rediscover its identity, originally given by God in the Scriptures and made vibrant and relevant by the Spirit of God for every generation. This could surely be the most exciting and exhilarating time ever in the history of the church. We need to see a new vision of the rich eternal resources of God. We need to see a new vision of the church as God intended it to be. We need to see a new vision that will make us willing to change despite the pain. The Spirit comes...

to assure us we are loved by God

to confirm us in our identity of being ‘in Christ’.

to guarantee our salvation

to equip us for mission

to gift us for service

to release us in praise

to give us insight into the Scriptures

to expand our minds

to enlarges our faith

to leads us into all truth …..and much more….. Release - Come Holy Spirit, hear us calling Grant us a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit enabling us to know His Purpose, Power and Presence in the daily living of our lives.

Page 12: RELEASE notes/group/Release...within our hearts for all that God has for us through the gifting and grace of the Holy Spirit in all his presence and power. Come Holy Spirit, fill the

TO BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT : John 7:37-38 On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

Are you thirsty? Do you really long for the power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Is ‘Come Holy Spirit’ a prayer that you are praying? The thirst of the disciples is seen in their commitment to seek God for ten days before Pentecost.

Are you prepared to come? How do you come? You come in faith and trust. You come to Jesus in prayer and ask him for his personal gift to fill you and equip you.

Are you going to drink? If a glass of water is handed to you - you receive it and you drink it. To drink is to receive. You receive the Spirit by faith just as when you take Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour and Lord.

Some of the last words in Scripture The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!"

Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

Revelation 22:17

O Thou who camest from above The pure, celestial fire to impart, Kindle a flame of sacred love On the mean altar of my heart. There let it for Thy glory burn, With inextinguishable blaze; And, trembling, to its source return In humble love and fervent praise. Jesus confirm my heart’s desire To work and speak and think for Thee; Still let me guard the holy fire, And still stir up Thy gift in me. Ready for all Thy perfect will, My acts of faith and love repeat, Till death Thine endless mercies seal And make the sacrifice complete