Release Notes | July 2019 Litmos Release...

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Release Notes | July 2019

Litmos Release Notes

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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Customer Experience ............................................................................................................................... 3

Litmos Heroes ........................................................................................................................................... 4

BridgeFront ............................................................................................................................................... 6

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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New Products

Customer ExperienceApply Service Gap Analysis (Global)

Addressing service gaps can drive better use of your resources and improve the customer experience. A gap can be positive or negative; analyzing your gap and addressing it will positively impact your organization.

Duration: 5 minutes

Category: Customer Service

Characteristics of a Value-Centered Organization Global)

When building a service-centered organization, your number one focus should be the customer experience. It also means you will go above and beyond by showing quality, integrity, and efficiency characteristics. All of this positively impacts the customer’s experience causing them to notice the change.

Duration: 5 minutes

Category: Customer Service

Healing Customer Relationships (Global)

When healing customer relationships, it’s important to have a professional and thoughtful approach to regaining a customer’s trust. So, how do you restore a good customer relationship?

Duration: 5 minutes

Category: Customer Service

Key Qualities in Building Customer Loyalty Global)

Part of innovation is collaborating with your customers, which plays a key role in making service improvements. It also builds customer loyalty, which is essential in improving customer-client relationships.

Duration: 5 minutes

Category: Customer Service

The legal content has changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to ensure they have the updated course.

While the legal content hasn’t changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to provide the updated version.

The legal content hasn’t changed, but the course has been translated to a specific language.

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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Know and Work with the Expectations of Those You Serve (Global)

Knowing and working with your customer’s expectations can improve your organization. But, how do you improve your organization? By knowing and working with the expectations of your customers and by providing better ways of doing things. This will differentiate your organization from your competitors.

Duration: 5 minutes

Category: Customer Service

Learn to be on Stage to Provide the Best Service (Global)

What does it mean to be ‘on-stage’ in a business sense? Well, it’s similar to performing, in a sense-playing a role in front of your customers and clients. It’s not about being artificial or fake. It’s about figuring out what your company represents to your customers.

Duration: 5 minutes

Category: Customer Service

The legal content has changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to ensure they have the updated course.

While the legal content hasn’t changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to provide the updated version.

The legal content hasn’t changed, but the course has been translated to a specific language.

New Products

Customer Experience

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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Werben Sie für Ihren Leistungswert (Global)

Was genau ist ein Leistungswert? Wenn Sie ein Unternehmen führen und Ihren Leistungswert nicht kennen, dann benötigen Sie diesen Kurs! In diesem Kurs geht es darum, genau zu verstehen, was Sie von Ihren Wettbewerbern unterscheidet, und wie Sie genau das herausfinden. Darüber hinaus erfahren Sie hier, wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen ausrichten, wenn Sie noch nicht über Alleinstellungsmerkmale verfügen.

Duration: 10 Minuten

Category: Customer Service

Promocione su Valor de Servicio (Global)

¿Qué es el valor de servicio? Bueno, si tiene un negocio y no conoce cuál es el suyo, ¡necesita este curso! Esto gira completamente en torno a comprender con exactitud lo que lo diferencia de sus competidores, y cómo puede hacer para determinarlo. E incluso si todavía no hay nada, cómo elegir una dirección que le resulte útil. También analizaremos algunos pasos simples para crear una base de clientes leales.

Duration: 10 Minutos

Category: Customer Service

Translated Products

Litmos HeroesPrävention von Sexueller Belästigung in New York (Global)

Der Staat New York ist führend bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Arbeitgebern zur Vermeidung von sexueller Belästigung. Jeder Arbeitgeber muss für Arbeitsplätze frei von sexueller Belästigung sorgen und jeder Arbeitnehmer muss zur Vermeidung von sexueller Belästigung beitragen.

Duration: 45 Minuten

Category: Human Resources

Prevención del Acoso Sexual en Nueva York (Global)

Nueva York es líder nacional en su deseo de unirse a empleadores para prevenir el acoso sexual en el trabajo. Cada empleador debe comprometerse a mantener un espacio de trabajo libre de acoso sexual, y cada empleado debe trabajar de una manera que ayude a evitar el acoso sexual en el trabajo.

Duration: 45 Minuten

Category: Human Resources

The legal content has changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to ensure they have the updated course.

While the legal content hasn’t changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to provide the updated version.

The legal content hasn’t changed, but the course has been translated to a specific language.

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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Captar Clientes con Soltura (Global)

Captar clientes es una cuestión de cantidad, pero también es una cuestión de calidad. Quizá el problema más evidente al hablar sobre captar clientes son las emociones involucradas.

Duration: 10 minutes

Category: Sales Mastery

Translated Products

Litmos HeroesKundenakquise leicht Gemacht (Global)

Der Versuch, Neukunden anzuwerben, ist etwa so, als wolle man einen Hasen fangen. Und wer einen Hasen fangen will, braucht eine Karotte. Bei der Kundenakquise ist Quantität ebenso wichtig wie QUALITÄT.

Duration: 15 Minuten

Category: Sales Mastery

Mejores Prácticas Para La Conserjería (Global)

Ser conserje requiere un poco de cada cosa. Lamentablemente, el curso no puede brindarle asesoramiento sobre todo. Lo que sí puede hacer, y hará, es explicar los aspectos básicos y algunas de las características clave de adopción y desarrollo si desea alcanzar el éxito. A veces, todas las personas necesitan ayuda. Especialmente cuando están lejos de casa, en un lugar desconocido. Ahí es donde los conserjes entran en acción. Este curso lo ayudará a colaborar con sus huéspedes.

Duration: 15 minutos

Category: Hospitality

The legal content has changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to ensure they have the updated course.

While the legal content hasn’t changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to provide the updated version.

The legal content hasn’t changed, but the course has been translated to a specific language.

Hospitalidad - Venta Persuasiva (Global)

En este curso sobre la venta persuasiva en el sector de la hospitalidad, le mostraremos cómo un enfoque más informal y amistoso al promocionar los productos puede incrementar sus ventas, al tiempo que provoca que los huéspedes se sientan a gusto en una atmósfera relajada y acogedora.

Duration: 5 minutos

Category: Hospitality

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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Translated/New Products

Litmos Heroes

The legal content has changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to ensure they have the updated course.

While the legal content hasn’t changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to provide the updated version.

The legal content hasn’t changed, but the course has been translated to a specific language.

Kundenerwartungen (Global)

Wir leben in einer Welt, die sehr stark von Technologie geprägt ist. Darum kommen wir nicht herum. Eines der Nebenprodukte dieser Entwicklung ist das umgehende Teilen von Erfahrungen und Bewertungen. Das kann sich als gut fürs Geschäft erweisen, zumindest sofern Sie die Erwartungen der Kunden erfüllen. Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, verbreiten sich schlechte Erfahrungen wie ein Lauffeuer. Sie sollten also der Zeit voraus sein.

Duration: 10 minuten

Category: Hospitality

Datenschutz-Grundverordnung Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (Global)

Dieser Kurs umfasst alle wichtigen Aspekte der DSGVO, die Sie kennen müssen. Und sie zu kennen ist wichtig. Die Folgen einer Unwissenheit sind so gravierend, dass Sie sich damit befassen möchten. Verwirrt? Kein Problem. Dieser Kurs dient dazu, Sie sattelfest zu machen.

Duration: 30 minuten

Category: Policy and Compliance

Seguridad de la Información 101 (Global)

Aprenderemos sobre las políticas de seguridad corporativa: por qué existen y el importante papel que usted desempeña al implementarlas. Debe comprender las consecuencias a las que se enfrenta una organización cuando un empleado viola las políticas corporativas, y por qué es esencial comprender y cumplir con la política sobre seguridad de la información de su organización.

Duration: 15 minutos

Category: Policy and Compliance

Establishing Trust with Customers (Global)

Trust. It’s the true foundation of any strong, long-lasting relationship, isn’t it? And the importance of trust is no more evident than when it comes to sales. Because If a customer gets even the slightest whiff that you aren’t totally trustworthy, you can say “sayonara” to your sale. Regardless of what you’re selling, if they don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you.

Duration: 10 minutes

Category: Sales Mastery

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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New/Updated Products

Litmos Heroes

The legal content has changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to ensure they have the updated course.

While the legal content hasn’t changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to provide the updated version.

The legal content hasn’t changed, but the course has been translated to a specific language.

Personal Development - Practicing Patience (Global)

Patience is a powerful tool. It’s basically a super-power. It can allow you to face any stressful situation with steely, heroic composure. In this practicing patience course, we will teach you why patience has such positive effects on your mental health, as well as sharing tips on how you can practice patience when you find yourself feeling frustrated.

Duration: 1 minute

Category: 60-Second Skills

Personal Development - Personal Vision Statements (Global)

Personal vision statements is a statement which outlines the things you want to accomplish. It’s almost like your own personal guide to success! This quick course will provide you with the information you need to know about personal vision statements, including the key tips to create and implement your very own.

Duration: 1 minute

Category: 60-Second Skills

GDPR Express 2.0 (UK/EU)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on the 25th May 2018 and you need to be aware of the law and how it has affected you and your company. This quick fire course is here to nail the important bits you should be aware of.

Duration: 5 minutes

Category: Policy and Compliance

Subject Access Requests 2.0 (UK/EU)

From time to time you may receive requests from individuals for access to ‘personal data’ you hold about them. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, these are known as Subject Access Requests, and there are strict legal requirements which you will need to comply with. This course will help you to understand these legal requirements.

Duration: 20 minutes

Category: FCA Compliance

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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Documentation in the Medical Record 2.0 (US)

This course discusses the purposes of documentation, the commonly used formats, and the dos and don’ts of charting. By understanding the purposes of the medical record, you will gain insight in the importance of clear and concise information, as well the drawbacks documentation that is not thorough.

Duration: 30 minutes

Category: Healthcare


Updated Products

Early Warning Signs and Rapid Response 2.0 (US)

Few patients survive a resuscitation effort once their heart stops beating, but a quick and skillful assessment of a patient who shows early warning signs can turn a developing emergency into a success story.

Duration: 30 minutes

Category: Healthcare

Controlling Violence in Healthcare 2.0 (US)

In this expertly designed course our goal is to help you recognize and respond to potentially violent situations in healthcare settings. You will understand how to recognize the risks, define your responsibilities, and know the steps to take to control violence and eliminate it.

Duration: 60 minutes

Category: Healthcare

The legal content has changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to ensure they have the updated course.

While the legal content hasn’t changed, we recommend you assign learners to the new versions to provide the updated version.

The legal content hasn’t changed, but the course has been translated to a specific language.

Age-Specific Competencies and Patient Rights 2.0 (US)

This course focuses on the needs of specific groups of patients, based on their ages. It also discusses the fundamental rights of patients and the benefits of interacting with patients in order to provide the best care for each individual.

Duration: 30 minutes

Category: Healthcare

© 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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