Relationships and their influence on well being 1

Relationships and their influence on well being. Grade 11 Term 1 Development of self in society.

Transcript of Relationships and their influence on well being 1

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Relationships and their influence on well being.Grade 11Term 1Development of self in society.

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Type of Relationship There are four types of relationships namely; Family relationships Friendships Casual relationships Romantic relationships

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Family Family is the first relationship we are in and it

is where we first learn about love and caring. Family is defined as a domestic group of people

with some degree of kinship – whether through blood, marriage, or adoption

Ideally each child is nurtured, respected, and grows up to care for others and develop strong and healthy relationships

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Friendship Friendship is a relationship of

mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association.

A friend is defined as a person you know well and regard with affection, trust, and respect.

As you get older, some of your friendships will start to change, and some may grow deeper, and it is important that we choose friends whose company we enjoy, trust and who we can express who we are without fear of judgement.

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Casual relationships Casual relationships are formed with

people you encounter every day – anyone who is not a friend, romantic relationship, or family member. 

These relationships can occur on both a professional level – including teachers, clergy, and medical professionals – or as acquaintances – such as people you know and recognize in passing. 

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Romantic Relationships An romantic relationship is one in which

you can truly be yourself with someone who you respect and are respected by in return. It is an emotional connection that can also be physical. It does not have to be in the context of a sexual relationship.

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Healthy relationships

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Unhealthy relationships

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Relationship case study Keke is a 17 year old girl, who lives with both her parents.

Unfortunately both her mother and father are alcoholics who spend all of their wages sustaining their addiction. This leaves Keke and her siblings unattended and not provided for. Whenever Keke’s parents become drunk they become physically abusive and will usually blame their failures in life on her or her siblings. Though Keke tries to work hard in school, she is discouraged by her parents as they always tell her that she’s useless and will never achieve anything positive in life. Plus she sometimes can’t go to school as she still has bruises from her parents abuse. She wishes for a friend to speak to but she is isolated by her parents as they do not allow her to have any friends.

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Questions? What type of relationship does Keke’s scenario present us with? Is it healthy or unhealthy? Why do you say that? How would you advise Keke?

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Relationship case study 2 Keke finally manages to make some friends at school and they are

part of the ‘cool kids’. Meaning they bunk classes, drink, smoke and also engage in sexual activities. At first Keke felt accepted by her new friend however as time went by she started to feel pressure her into doing things she was not comfortable with like skipping classes and drinking. She is also pressured by her friends into dating a man older than her and who is also married. This man gives Keke money and buys her new clothes. However the man demands sex from Keke as a form of payment, he also calls her nasty names and will hit her if she says anything he disagrees with. Keke has become further withdrawn ad is thinking about leaving school.

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Questions What type of relationships are described in the second case study? Are these relationships healthy or unhealthy? Why? How have these relationships impacted on Keke’s life? How would you advise Keke to do in these situations?

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Relationships that contribute or are detrimental to well being. All relationships that are

healthy have the ability to contribute to our well-being.

Healthy relationships contribute to our well being as we are appreciated and respect. Our best interests are important as we are encouraged to achieve our goals. Our relationship partners are also honest with us.

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Relationships that are detrimental to well being Unhealthy relationships are

detrimental to our well-being as we are always second guessing ourselves and our ability,

If we are constantly put down by our relationship partners we start accepting what is being said about us as the truth. We live in constant fear of ridicule and judgment.

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Social and cultural views that influence relationships Culture involves the beliefs, behaviors

and values of a particular social group. Our cultural identity may include (but is not limited to) nationality, religion, gender, race, political affiliation, ethnicity and socioeconomic class.

Culture is learned and socially shared and affects all aspects of an individual's life. Social responsibilities, sexual expression, and belief system development are all things that are likely to vary by culture.

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Our families and the society that we are a part of influence our relationships and how we view different relationships, for example growing up in a homophobic society will likely causes us to be homophobic and to view homosexual relationships as being wrong.

The values that we learn from an early age influence our relationships as we look at the cultural values held in our family and society as a guide of how we should conduct our relationships.

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Continued…. different cultures value relationships

differently and as a consequence, the establishment, development and maintenance of relationships will vary across cultures.

Society also influences the value we place on relationships, whether we view them as important in our lives or we view them as having no great importance in our lives.

Society influences our relationships as in has a role in how we view relationships and the roles played in relationships, for example girls are supposed to be submissive to their male counterparts in relationships.

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Continued…. Cultural values impact influences the way we act in our different

relationships, and this might be different from what other cultures advocate and these difference might make interaction difficult.

Groups within Society May influence your beliefs about (certainly not limited to)… Peers Clothes, where you go and what you do in leisure time, the language you use Parents Where you can go, what time to be home, family responsibility, how you behave Coach Fitness, team play and commitment Teachers Learning, work ethic, behaviour, uniform and punctuality Community Laws Road rules, vandalism, stealing, trespassing, littering, smoking and drinking in public Activist Groups Opinions on issues of concern such as the environment or political points of view Religious Groups Ways we treat and respect others, a social conscience, roles of women and men in society,

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Rights and responsibilities in relationships Rights are super important in

relationships. Many rights are situated in the law and moral standards of the society.

Each right carries with it a responsibility, actions we must take to show respect for other people.

Rights and responsibilities change for each relationship based on the nature of the relationship.

Whatever the relationship I, it is important that the other member is respected and their rights met.

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Rights and Responsibilities in relationships

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Reference Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement . Life Orientation GRADES

10-12. Department of Basic Education. (2011). Government printing works.

Sutter Health. Type of relationships for teens

Bustle 9 signs of an unhealthy relationship.

Relationship rules: The Impact Of Social Media On Relationships.

Teen Health:

UW-Seattle Hall Health Centre