Reinados. Fernando VII e Isabel II


Transcript of Reinados. Fernando VII e Isabel II

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FERDINAND VII The Valençay Treaty of 1813, was an

agreement, in

which the Emperor Napoleon I offered

thepeace and

acknowledged Fernando VII as King of


In 1014 Ferdinand VII return to Spain

and that meant the end of the Liberals.

In this case the king

was supported by the clergy, the

Persians and the military.

His idea was to make a reform.

He canceled

the constitution of 1812, which

produced a return to the old

regime and the cancellation of

the traditional courts.

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into three phases:

• During this period tried to solve the

serious problems the country with the bases of

theold regime.

• This caused an

unstable government, the crisis of state finances and li

beral revolts

• .This period ended

with the ruling Liberal Irrigation (1820)

1. Restoration of absolutism (1814-1820)

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• was a way to solve the

serious problems of the


through liberal bases.

• This

period ends, when Ferdinand V

II of Spain, requested military

aid to France, to end with the

Liberals and restore absolutis

m in the country. (Cien mil

hijos de san luis)

2. Liberal Trienn

ium (1820-1823)

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• During this period becomes the absolutism

with repression to the Liberals.

• Many have to emigrated to France or


• In 1826 the king becomes less absolute.

• It was a period of great economic crisis.

• Raises the problem of power relayed. (succes

sion) appear Carlists. they want theking's

brother as successor, and in

1827 the Carlist revolt in Catalonia.

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• In 1830, the birth of Isabel

II, the Pragmatic sanction is

aproved, whichallows the reigning king'

s daughter.

Finally in 1833 Fernando VII falls

ill, then, his wife takes his

position, (M. Cristina) because his

daughter was still a baby.

Finally he dies in 1833.

• The return of the Liberals and thy

strarted to prepared the reign

of Elizabeth II

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Introduction: After the death of Ferdinand II in

1833, the Carlist rising again, under General Zumalacárregiu in

the battle of bilbao, the general died, and they lost power.

After being defeated in 1836 in the battle of Luchana, are

submitted to the Queen after the Treaty of Vergara (1839) after the

death of Fernando VII was

completed with absolutism and started aprogressive liberalism.

The period of regency of

Maria Cristina was an alternation between progressives and


That ended with the reign of the''General Espartero.''

When Narvaez Gneral Espartero replaced. brought forward

the. coming of age. ofIsabella II, to reign since 1843.

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The different phases of the Isabella II’s regin:







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The liberal progressives and liberal moderates

governed in turn, more or less peacefully and each of

them formulated their own constitutions.

In this period industrialisation had not really begun in

spain, meant that it was still a rural country. But

despite all the political and economic problems of this

period with isabella II spain became a liberal state.

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• The feudal system was abolished a

new system of provinces was put into

practice, there were new laws

permitting commercial and industrial

freedom, laws permitting the sale of

administrative and church lands, a law

of compulsory education and the

creation of a bew national police

force’’ la guardia civil’’.

• This period ended with a rebellon after

which isabella II went into exilie.