REGISTRATION FOR MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER … and your spouse are invited to a unique marriage event...

You and your spouse are invited to a unique marriage event called Marriage Encounter hosted by the Edmond Church of Christ on Feb. 9-10, 2018. Couples will be encouraged through interaction with other couples and from hearing powerful insights and inspiring stories from Justin & Jennifer Gerhardt, who are returning this year as our speakers. The theme for this year’s event is “PARTNER: BUILDING A MARRIAGE THAT’S ABOUT MORE THAN YOU.” Make the decision to be a part of this important event. It’s an investment that will have a lasting impact on your marriage and family! MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: Only $50 per couple This discounted rate includes Friday evening catered meal in the Quad, Saturday morning continental breakfast, Saturday afternoon lunch & bowling at Main Event in OKC, all sessions & materials, snacks & door prizes! PAY IT FORWARD: (OPTIONAL) Amount you’d like to donate: _____________ Would you like to invest anything extra to help another couple who needs financial assistance attend Marriage Encounter? Any amount is helpful, but there is absolutely no pressure to give extra. REGISTRATION FOR MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Registration is required to participate. You can register using this form or go online to the church website and register there. For questions, email [email protected] or call (405) 341-3353. Last Name: ______________________________________________ Husband: ________________________________________ Wife: _____________________________________________ His phone: _______________________________________ Her phone: ______________________________________ His email: ________________________________________________________________ Her email: ________________________________________________________________ How long have you been married? _________________________ Will you be using our free childcare during this event? _____ Yes _____No If yes, list names and ages of children for childcare (provided for ages 1-12) Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________ Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________ Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________ Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________ $ _______________ TOTAL PAID Mark one: ________ CASH _________ CHECK (Make checks payable to Edmond Church of Christ & write “Marriage Encounter” on memo line.) Turn in this form with payment to reserve your spot. If you prefer, you can register and pay online with a credit or debit card at the church website: (click on the News & Events link)

Transcript of REGISTRATION FOR MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER … and your spouse are invited to a unique marriage event...

You and your spouse are invited to a unique marriage event called Marriage Encounter

hosted by the Edmond Church of Christ on Feb. 9-10, 2018. Couples will be

encouraged through interaction with other couples and from hearing powerful insights

and inspiring stories from Justin & Jennifer Gerhardt, who are returning this year as our

speakers. The theme for this year’s event is “PARTNER: BUILDING A MARRIAGE THAT’S

ABOUT MORE THAN YOU.” Make the decision to be a part of this important event. It’s

an investment that will have a lasting impact on your marriage and family!


This discounted rate includes Friday evening catered meal in the Quad, Saturday

morning continental breakfast, Saturday afternoon lunch & bowling at Main Event

in OKC, all sessions & materials, snacks & door prizes!

PAY IT FORWARD: (OPTIONAL) Amount you’d like to donate: _____________

Would you like to invest anything extra to help another couple who needs

financial assistance attend Marriage Encounter? Any amount is helpful, but there

is absolutely no pressure to give extra.


Registration is required to participate. You can register using this form or go online to the church

website and register there. For questions, email [email protected] or call (405) 341-3353.

Last Name: ______________________________________________

Husband: ________________________________________ Wife: _____________________________________________

His phone: _______________________________________ Her phone: ______________________________________

His email: ________________________________________________________________

Her email: ________________________________________________________________

How long have you been married? _________________________

Will you be using our free childcare during this event? _____ Yes _____No

If yes, list names and ages of children for childcare (provided for ages 1-12)

Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________

Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________

Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________

Name ______________________________________________ Age ____________

$ _______________ TOTAL PAID Mark one: ________ CASH _________ CHECK

(Make checks payable to Edmond Church of Christ & write “Marriage Encounter” on memo line.)

Turn in this form with payment to reserve your spot.

If you prefer, you can register and pay online with a credit or debit card at the church website: (click on the News & Events link)

Last year was our first year for Marriage

Encounter, and it was a big success! We

brought the annual marriage retreat home and

made it more convenient and affordable for

couples to attend. This year’s Marriage

Encounter looks to be even bigger and better

than last year.

We invited the Gerhardts back again this year

as our speakers. You will enjoy and be blessed

by your time with them. We also tweaked the

scheduled a bit. We did away with the

Saturday evening dinner and added lunch and

a fun afternoon with other couples at Main


So, decide now to be a part of Marriage

Encounter. Mark your calendar, protect it from

conflicts, register with this form or online,

invite other couples, and start praying for the

Gerhardts and for an awesome weekend



Free childcare is available at the building in the

Bible Hour room & playground area for

children age 1 to 12. Make sure you include

their names and ages on your registration.

Also, bring dinner and/or snacks for them

Friday evening and lunch/snacks for Saturday.

Marriage Encounter


Friday, Feb. 9 Venue: Edmond Church of Christ (Quad)

6:30pm Catered dinner*

7:45pm Welcome

8:15pm “More-Than-You Marriage”

9:15pm Special time of prayer

9:30pm Fellowship & games

*Check in kids for childcare in the Bible Hour room.

Please bring dinner and/or snacks for your children.

Saturday, Feb. 10 Couple devotional time

(on your own at your convenience)

Venue: Edmond Church of Christ (Quad)

9:00am Arrive / Continental breakfast**

9:30am “How to Love when You’re the

Strong One”

10:15am Break

10:30am “How to Love when You’re the

Weak One”

11:15am Break

11:30pm “How to Have Your Partner’s Back”

1:00pm Leave for Main Event

(1441 W Memorial Rd)

1:30pm Lunch & Bowling at Main Event!


4:00pm Pick up your children by 4:00pm

** Remember to bring lunch/snacks on Saturday for

your children in childcare

Sunday morning worship at Edmond Church of Christ

It’s no secret that many marriages in the world are broken. They’re full of conflict, full of envy,

full of lies, full of resentment, full of fear. The way of Christ allows us to aspire to more. Our time

together will focus on why partnership is at the

heart of God’s vision for marriage, what we stand

to gain when we pursue it, and how to go about

making it the defining characteristic of our


Drawing on our own story, the stories of others,

Biblical principles, and God’s own example, we'll

strive to provide helpful content that change the

way we see ourselves, our spouses, and our

marriages. Over the course of four sessions, we

will unpack a Biblically-centered definition of love

that has the power to transform any relationship

in which it’s applied.

Justin and Jennifer Gerhardt are big fans of

marriage. Having met before either of them could

drive, they've spent more than 20 years together (17 of them married) learning how to fight, forgive,

encourage, share, help, and love well. They love exploring God's relational wisdom alongside other

couples, leading marriage workshops and equipping couples through premarital counseling. They work

alongside one another as a part of Round Rock Church of Christ in the Austin, TX area where Justin

serves as preaching minister. Jennifer writes to help people see God more clearly and love God more

fully at They have two adventure-loving little girls, London (10) and Eve (8), and they love

to eat good pizza and go on family hikes together. They believe there's no such thing as a perfect

marriage, but they're convinced that a healthy marriage is an entirely realistic goal.

Feedback from last year’s Marriage Encounter said couples missed interacting with other couples away from our sessions together. So this year, we added a special time of fellowship and fun to the event. Included in your registration for Marriage Encounter is lunch and two hours of bowling on Saturday at Main Event in OKC. While someone else is watching the kiddos, you will be eating, laughing and picking up spares and strikes with other couples at Main Event.