Register of Members’ Interests - Northern Ireland › members...

Register of Members’ Interests July 2007 Introduction This is the fifth edition of the Register of Members’ Interests. This Register of Members’ Interests reflects the interests of Members as they stood at July 2007. In March 1999 the Assembly approved the publication of a Code of Conduct for Members of the Assembly together with a Guide to Rules relating to the Conduct of Members. The Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members was amended and agreed by the Assembly on 15 October 2001. The revised document which has been circulated to all Members, sets out in detail the rules governing the registration and declaration of Members’ Interests, as well as offering guidance on their practical application. Purpose of the Register The defining purpose of the Register is to “provide information of any pecuniary interest or other material benefit which a Member receives which might reasonably be thought by others to influence his or her actions, speeches or votes in the Assembly, or actions taken in his or her capacity as a Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly”. Members are required to keep that overall purpose in mind when registering their interests. Form of the Register The entries in the Register are designed so as to give a clear description of the nature and scope of the interests declared. Each Member is, however, ultimately responsible for his or her own entry; inconsistencies of style or content in the Register are attributable largely to that fact. The Advocacy Rule The advocacy rule prohibits Members from engaging in advocacy on behalf of outside bodies or persons from whom they receive payment. The Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members makes it clear that continuing benefits, i.e. directorships, other employment and sponsorship, can be divested to release a Member with immediate effect from the restriction imposed by this rule, provided there is no expectation of renewal. In the case of any applicable “one off ” benefits such as visits and gifts recorded in this Register, the advocacy rule will apply for the period of a year from registration and for this purpose the date of registration appears against the benefit in question. The Categories of Registrable Interests The form supplied to Members for the registration of their interests is divided into eleven sections, which are represented in this Register by the following headings:

Transcript of Register of Members’ Interests - Northern Ireland › members...

  • Register of Members’ Interests July 2007

    Introduction This is the fifth edition of the Register of Members’ Interests. This Register of Members’ Interests reflects the interests of Members as they stood at July 2007.

    In March 1999 the Assembly approved the publication of a Code of Conduct for Members of the Assembly together with a Guide to Rules relating to the Conduct of Members. The Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members was amended and agreed by the Assembly on 15 October 2001. The revised document which has been circulated to all Members, sets out in detail the rules governing the registration and declaration of Members’ Interests, as well as offering guidance on their practical application.

    Purpose of the Register The defining purpose of the Register is to “provide information of any pecuniary interest or other material benefit which a Member receives which might reasonably be thought by others to influence his or her actions, speeches or votes in the Assembly, or actions taken in his or her capacity as a Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly”. Members are required to keep that overall purpose in mind when registering their interests.

    Form of the Register The entries in the Register are designed so as to give a clear description of the nature and scope of the interests declared. Each Member is, however, ultimately responsible for his or her own entry; inconsistencies of style or content in the Register are attributable largely to that fact.

    The Advocacy Rule The advocacy rule prohibits Members from engaging in advocacy on behalf of outside bodies or persons from whom they receive payment. The Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members makes it clear that continuing benefits, i.e. directorships, other employment and sponsorship, can be divested to release a Member with immediate effect from the restriction imposed by this rule, provided there is no expectation of renewal. In the case of any applicable “one off ” benefits such as visits and gifts recorded in this Register, the advocacy rule will apply for the period of a year from registration and for this purpose the date of registration appears against the benefit in question.

    The Categories of Registrable Interests The form supplied to Members for the registration of their interests is divided into eleven sections, which are represented in this Register by the following headings:

  • 1. Directorships

    In this section Members are required to register any remunerated directorships which they may hold in public or private companies. The requirement extends to directorships which are themselves unremunerated but where the companies in question are associated with or are subsidiaries of a company in which the Member holds a remunerated directorship.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    This is the category for registering outside employment, professions and sources of remuneration not clearly covered elsewhere in the registration form. It is also the section for the registration of membership of Lloyd’s of London; the requirement is to disclose the categories of insurance underwritten.

    3. Clients

    In this section Members are required to disclose the names of clients (other than companies or organisations already identified in sections 1 and 2, but including clients of those companies or organisations) for whom they provide services which depend essentially upon or arise out of membership of the Assembly; for example, sponsoring functions in Parliament Buildings, making representations to Government Departments or providing advice on the Assembly or public affairs.

    4. Sponsorship (regular or continuing support in money or kind)

    In this section the Member is required to register (a) the source of any contribution to his or her election expenses at the last election which exceeded 25% of the total of such expenses, and (b) any regular or continuing support from companies or organisations from which the Member receives any financial or material benefit in support of his or her role as a Member of the Assembly. This includes any regular donation in excess of £500 per year made by an organisation or company to the Member’s constituency party if the donation is linked directly to the Member’s candidacy in the constituency or to the membership of the Assembly.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (U.K.)

    This section is for the registration of any gift or material advantage received by the Member or the Member’s partner from a United Kingdom source, which in any way relates to membership of the Assembly. Gifts are exempt from registration if less than £125 in value. Other benefits are exempt if less than 0.5% of a Member’s annual Assembly salary.

    6. Overseas Visits

    This section covers overseas visits, made by Members or their partners, which relate to or arise out of membership of the Assembly, where the cost of any such visit has not been wholly borne by the Member or by Northern Ireland public funds. Several categories of visits, made by Members in the normal course of their Assembly duties are specifically exempted from registration. These include: visits paid for, by, or undertaken on behalf of, the Government, or which are made on behalf of an international organisation to which the United Kingdom Government belongs; visits with or on behalf of Committees of the Assembly; visits undertaken under the auspices of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the British-Irish Parliamentary Body, the British-American Parliamentary Group, the Council of Europe and equivalent recognised international parliamentary assemblies; visits arranged and paid for wholly by a Member’s own political party; visits paid for wholly by an institution of the European Community; and visits as part of an Industry and Parliament Trust fellowship.

  • 7. Overseas benefits and gifts

    The section is subject to the same rules as section 5, but covers gifts and benefits from overseas rather than UK sources.

    8. Land and property

    The requirement in this section is to register any land or property of substantial value, other than any used solely for the personal residential purposes of the Member or the Member’s partner.

    9. Registrable shareholdings

    In this section Members are required to name any public or private company or other body in which, to their knowledge, they have a beneficial interest in a shareholding having a nominal (i.e. face) value: (a) greater than 1 per cent of the issued share capital of the company or body, or (b) less than one per cent of the issued share capital but more than £25,000. The letters (a) and (b) are used accordingly in the printed entries. The requirement extends to holdings in which the interest is held by, or on behalf of, the Member’s partner or dependant children.

    10. Miscellaneous

    This is a discretionary section for use by Members wishing to register interests which do not clearly fall within any of the specific categories but which they consider to be relevant to the definition of the Register’s purpose.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Members are required to list in this section any unremunerated interests which might reasonably be thought by others to influence their actions as Assembly Members.

    General The printing of this Register is authorised by the resolution of the Committee on Standards and Privileges on 4th July 2007.

    It is the responsibility of the Members to notify changes in their registrable interests within four weeks of the change occurring; and the Register will be periodically updated in a loose-leaf version to take account of such amendments. The loose-leaf version is open to inspection, by arrangement, in Room 284, Parliament Buildings. A copy of the loose-leaf Register is placed in the Assembly Library for the use of Members.

    In addition, both the published Register and its regular updates are available on the Internet at the following address:

    Complaints Any complaint of a failure to disclose interests in accordance with the rules of the Assembly should be made in writing to the Clerk of Standards, Room 284, Parliament Buildings, Belfast, BT4 3XX, Tel: (028) 9052 0333; Fax: (028) 9052 5917.

    E-mail: committee.standards&[email protected]

  • ADAMS, Gerry (West Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament for West Belfast – no salary received – expenses only.


    8. Land and property

    Residential property in the twenty-six counties - jointly owned with wife. The property is used solely for personal residential purposes. No rental income is received.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Féile an Phobail.

    ANDERSON, Martina (Foyle)

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board.

    ARMSTRONG, Billy (Mid-Ulster)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc


    8. Land and property

    Farm of land, Killymurphy, Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone.

    House, Lisnight, Stewartstown.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Chair, Cookstown Western Shores Area Network.

    Chair, Stewartstown Primary School.

    Vice-Chair, Stewartstown Development Association.

    Board Member, Coagh Primary School.

    ATTWOOD, Alex (West Belfast)

    1. Directorships

    Trustee, John Hume Trust.

  • BEGGS, Roy (East Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Carrickfergus Borough Council.

    Chairman, Carrickfergus District Policing Partnership.

    4. Sponsorship (regular or continuing support in money or kind)

    (a) (Sponsorship or financial support as an Assembly candidate) Ulster Unionist Party.

    (Other sponsorship or financial or material support)

    Larne Constituency Office, 41 Station Road, Larne is provided to me rent free by my sisters, Mrs E R Cullen and Mrs M A L McNeil.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    Overnight accommodation, hospitality and match tickets for the Community Shield following my participation in the United Kingdom Parliamentary Shield charity football match, sponsored by McDonald’s.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Governors, Glynn Primary School.

    Committee member, Raloo Presbyterian Church.

    Committee member, Glynn Community Development Association.

    Member, Court of the University of Ulster.

    Officer, Boys’ Brigade.

    Member, Orange Order.

    Member, Royal Black Institution.

    Vice-Chairman, Carrickfergus Community Safety Partnership.

    Treasurer, Carrickfergus Neighbourhood Development Group.

    Member, Carrickfergus Children and Young People’s Partnership.

    Member, CATALYST Group (Advisory Group Co-ordinated by Carrickfergus YMCA).

    Committee Member, Horizon Sure Start (Carrickfergus and Larne).

    North Eastern Group Committee of the Building Control Service (Carrickfergus Borough Council representative).

    Providing assistance on family farm.

    BOYLAN, Cathal (Newry and Armagh)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Armagh City and District Council.

  • Employed by Royal Mail (currently on leave of absence - unpaid).

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, East Border Region Committee.

    Member, Armagh City and District Local Strategy Partnership.

    Member, Armagh Theatre Management Group.

    Member, Keady Regeneration Committee.

    BRADLEY, Dominic (Newry and Armagh)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Columnist for local newspaper.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Governors, Bunscoil an Iúir.

    Member of staff, St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook (currently on leave of absence).

    Member, Board of Ti Chulainn, Cultural Activity Centre, Mullaghbane, Co. Armagh.

    Member, NAS/UWT (Teachers’ Union).

    BRADLEY, Mary (Foyle)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Derry City Council.

    Member, Western Education and Library Board.

    Commissioner, Londonderry Port and Harbour.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Chairperson, Resource Centre, Derry.

    Member, Board of Governors, St Brigid’s Primary School, Derry.

    BRADLEY, P J (South Down)

    8. Land and property

    Commercial Property, Duke Street, Warrenpoint.

    20 acre smallholding, Newry.

    BRADY, Micky (Newry and Armagh) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

  • BRESLAND, Allan (West Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Strabane District Council.

    Member, Strabane Policing Board (Political Member).

    10. Miscellaneous

    North Tyrone Properties, Enniskillen, Property Development.

    Fourways Enterprises Ltd, Claudy, Property Development.

    In receipt of Disability Living Allowance since retirement on ill-health grounds.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Vice-Chairman, North Tyrone Credit Union.

    Church of the Good Shepherd (Church of Ireland), Sion Mills.

    BROLLY, Francie (East Londonderry) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

    BROWNE, The Lord Browne of Belmont (East Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Trustee, Somme Association.

    Trustee, Clara Park Tenants and Residents Association.

    Trustee, Wandsworth Community Association.

    BUCHANAN, Thomas (West Tyrone) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

    BURNS, Thomas (South Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Antrim Borough Council.

  • BURNSIDE, David (South Antrim)

    1. Directorships

    David Burnside Associates Ltd: communications consultancy.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.

    David Burnside Associates Ltd: communications consultancy.

    8. Land and property

    Home farm at Secon, Ballymoney from which a rental income is received.

    9. Shareholdings

    New Century Holdings Ltd; the holding company for David Burnside Associates Ltd.

    BUTLER, Paul (Lagan Valley)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Lisburn City Council.

    Lecturer, Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Lisburn LSP.

    Vice-Chair, Maze Long Kesh Monitoring Group.

    CAMPBELL, Gregory (East Londonderry)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament for East Londonderry.

    Member, City Council of Londonderry.

    CLARKE, Trevor (South Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Antrim Borough Council.

    Member, Antrim District Policing Partnership.

  • 8. Land and property

    Residential property, Co. Antrim (no rental income derived).

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Maine Credit Union.

    Member, Orange Order.

    CLARKE, Willie (South Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Down District Council.

    Chairman, Down District Council (2006/07).

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, East Border Region Committee.

    COBAIN, Fred (North Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, North Belfast Partnership Board.

    Member, Greater Shankill Partnership Board.

    Member, Forum Against Substance Abuse.

    Member, Farset Youth and Community Development.

    Member, Filor Housing Association.

    Member, Crumlin/Girdwood Development Advisory Panel.

    COULTER, Rev Robert (North Antrim)

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Chairman, Board of Castle Tower Special School.

    Director, Dunfane Special School.

    Member, Mid-Antrim Motor Cycle Club.

    President, Clough Senior Citizens Association.

    President, Mid-Antrim B Specials Association.

  • Member, Ballymena Shop Mobility Association.

    Member, Ballymena Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    Member, Orange Institution.

    Member, Royal Black Institution.

    Member, Royal British Legion.

    CRAIG, Jonathan (Lagan Valley)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Lisburn City Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Sport Lisburn.

    Director, Citizens Advice Lisburn.

    Member, Grand Prix Steering Group.

    Chairman, Board of Governors, Laurelhill Community College.

    Member, Board of Governors, Harmony Hill Primary School.

    Member, Board of Governors, Killowen Primary School.

    Member, Orange Institution.

    Member, Apprentice Boys of Derry.

    CREE, Leslie (North Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, North Down Borough Council.

    11. Unremunerated Interests

    Bangor and Holywood Town Centre Mamagement Co.

    Local Strategy Partnership - North Down.

    Somme Association.

    North Down Business Village Co. Ltd.

    Bangor and District Rifle Club.

    Member of the Loyal Orders.

    Masonic Institution.

  • DALLAT, John (East Londonderry)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.

    Member, Coleraine Borough Council.

    Member, Coleraine District Policing Partnership.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    Hospitality by McDonald’s Restaurant in August 2006 in the form of accommodation, meals and football match for self and spouse – value approximately £400.

    11. Unremunerated Interests

    Director and Treasurer, Kilrea, Rasharkin and Dunloy Credit Union Ltd.

    Director, Kilrea Enterprise Group Ltd.

    Member, Kilrea Gaelic Athletic Club.

    Member, Saint Vincent de Paul Society.

    DEENY, Dr Kieran (West Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Principal partner in a General Practice in Carrickmore, Co. Tyrone.

    DODDS, Nigel (North Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament for North Belfast.

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    DOHERTY, Pat (West Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament for West Tyrone – no salary received – expenses only.

    DONALDSON, Rt Hon Jeffrey (Lagan Valley)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament for Lagan Valley.

    Alderman, Lisburn City Council.

  • 6. Overseas Visits

    23 July – 4 August 2006: Visit with the City of Qingzhou to develop cultural and educational links with the City of Lisburn. Air travel (economy) and accommodation costs paid for by the Qingzhou Overseas English Institute and the Municipal Government of Qingzhou City.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member of Her Majesty’s Privy Council.

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board.

    Member, Board of Governors, Parkview Special School, Lisburn.

    DURKAN, Mark (Foyle)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament (Foyle).

    EASTON, Alex (North Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, North Down Borough Council.

    Member, North Down District Policing Partnership.

    ELLIOTT, Thomas (Fermanagh and South Tyrone)

    1. Directorships

    Janard Properties Limited.

    Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism.

    Magheracross Agricultural Group Limited.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Self employed farmer.

    Councillor, Fermanagh District Council.

    Member, Fermanagh District Policing Partnership.

    8. Land and property

    Farm at Tullyrain, Ballinamallard, Co Fermanagh.

  • 9. Shareholding

    Shareholding in Janard Properties.

    11. Unremunerated Interests

    Honorary Secretary, Fermanagh Unionist Association.

    Trustee, Knockmanoul Orange Hall.

    Member, Orange Institution.

    Member, Royal Black Perceptory.

    Member, Ulster Farmers’ Union.

    EMPEY, Sir Reg (East Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    Attendance at an opera followed by hospitality at the Culloden Hotel provided by BT (June 2006).

    Hospitality provided for my wife and me by Bombardier/Shorts at Castleward Opera on 23 June 2006.

    Accommodation and hospitality provided for my wife and me in Lignan, France by Mr and Mrs Terry Cross, 7 – 21 August 2006.

    8. Land and property

    Private rented property - residential - Belfast.

    9. Shareholdings

    (a) Knockvale Estates Limited.

    (b) The Shell Transport & Trading Co plc.

    (c) Great Universal Stores plc.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Vice-President, Institute of Export.

    FARRY, Stephen (North Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    General Secretary, Alliance Party.

    Member, North Down Borough Council.

  • 11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Lagan Print Ltd.

    Company Secretary, Lagan Properties (1970) Ltd.

    Director, Bangor and Holywood Town Centre Management Ltd.

    FORD, David (South Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Antrim Borough Council.

    Member, Antrim District Policing Partnership.

    8. Land and property

    While I have no direct financial interest, my wife has a shared interest in a family farm at Tardree, Co. Antrim. The farm is adjacent to land owned by the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Lagan Print Ltd.

    Director, Lagan Properties (1970) Ltd.

    FOSTER, Arlene (Fermanagh and South Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Richard Monteith LLB, Solicitors, Portadown, BT62 3NG (date of termination of employment 04/05/07).

    Member, Fermanagh District Council.

    GALLAGHER, Tommy (Fermanagh and South Tyrone)

    8. Land and property

    Farm, Keenaghan, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh.

    Farm, Ballinacarrick, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal.

  • GARDINER, Samuel (Upper Bann)

    1. Directorships

    Director, Glenavon Football Club Ltd.

    Director, Craigavon Industrial Development Organisation (CIDO).

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Craigavon Borough Council.

    Member, Craigavon District Policing Partnership.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, South Ulster Housing Association.

    Trustee, Brownlow House, Lurgan.

    Member, Orange Institution.

    Member, Royal Black Institution.

    Member, Masonic Order.

    Member, Ulster Unionist Party.

    GILDERNEW, Michelle (Fermanagh and South Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament for Fermanagh South Tyrone – no salary received – expenses only.

    HAMILTON, Simon (Strangford)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Ards Borough Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, East Border Region Committee.

    Member, Board of Governors, Newtownards Model Primary School.

    Member, Board of Governors, West Winds Primary School.

    Member, Orange Order.

    Member, Royal Black Institution.

  • HANNA, Carmel (South Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    HAY, William (Foyle)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioner.

    City Council Alderman, Londonderry.

    HILDITCH, David (East Antrim)

    1. Directorships

    Causeway Coast and Glens Regional Tourism Partnership (on behalf of Carrickfergus Borough Council).

    Carrickfergus Development Company (on behalf of Carrickfergus Borough Council) - Town Centre Regeneration.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Carrickfergus Borough Council.

    Member, Carrickfergus District Policing Partnership.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    Invitation from McDonald’s to attend the FA Community Shield, 2005/2006.

    10. Miscellaneous

    In receipt of Disability Living Allowance since retirement on ill-health grounds.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director (unremunerated), Carrick Rangers Football Club Limited.

    Trustee, Castlemara Residents Association.

    Trustee, Windsor Residents Association.

    IRWIN, William (Newry and Armagh)

    1. Directorships

    Chairman, Loughhill Property Company.

  • 2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Dairy Farm Owner.

    Councillor, Armagh City and District Council.

    Member, Armagh District Policing Partnership.

    8. Land and Property

    (a) Dairy Farm, Armagh.

    9. Shareholdings

    Loughill Property Company, Property Acquisition and Sale.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, East Border Region Committee.

    Member, Orange Order.

    Member, Royal Black Institution.

    KELLY, Dolores (Upper Bann)

    2. Remunerated Employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Craigavon Borough Council.

    8. Land and property

    Residential property, Belfast.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Lurgan Forward.

    Member, East Border Region (as a Councillor representing Craigavon).

    Director, East Border 111a Interreg Partnership.

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board.

    KELLY, Gerry (North Belfast) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

  • KENNEDY, Danny (Newry and Armagh)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Newry and Mourne District Council.

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board (April 2006 – May 2007).

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    Attendance at 2006 Ryder Cup at the K Club, Co. Kildare as a guest of Ryder Cup Europe Ltd.

    6. Overseas Visits

    Member of the Northern Ireland Policing Board delegation to Washington/New York, March 2007.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Governors, Newry High School.

    Member, Board of Governors, Bessbrook Primary School.

    Member, Newry and Mourne Local Strategy Partnership.

    Member, Convention and Development Company.

    Member, Orange Institution.

    Member, Black Institution.

    Member, Apprentice Boys of Derry.

    Member, Tullyvallen Silver Band.

    LO, Anna (South Belfast)

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Chair, South Belfast Round Table on Racism.

    LONG, Naomi (East Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    Member, Belfast District Policing Partnership.

    Columnist for Newsletter.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Governors, Sydenham Infants Primary School.

    Member, Management Committee, East Belfast Community Education Centre.

    Graduate Member, Institution of Civil Engineers.

  • Member, Congregational Committee.

    Member and Adult Leader, Girl Guiding Association.

    Husband owns a Dental Practice in Donaghadee.

    LUNN, Trevor (Lagan Valley)

    1. Directorships

    Stanger Properties Ltd – Property Investment.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Lisburn City Council.

    8. Land and property

    Holiday Home, Portsalon, Co Donegal.

    9. Shareholdings

    Stanger Properties Ltd (Category A).

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Walk Management Ltd, Property Management.

    Director, Lisburn Community Safety Partnership.

    Director, Lisburn City Centre Management Ltd.

    Director, Lisburn Buildings Preservation Trust.

    Member, Ulster Grand Prix Steering Group.

    MAGINNESS, Alban (North Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc


    Councillor, Belfast City Council.

    Belfast Harbour Commissioner.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Employment Services Board, Belfast.

    MASKEY, Alex (South Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

  • 11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board.

    Member, Inner and Outer South Belfast Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships.

    Director, South Belfast Partnership Board.

    MASKEY, Paul (West Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Belfast Visitor Convention Bureau.

    Director, Upper Andersonstown Community Forum.

    Chair, Greater Andersonstown Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership.

    Committee Member, Glen Residents Association.

    Director, Féile an Phobail.

    Fáilte Feirste Thiar.

    West Belfast Partnership Economic Development Committee.

    McCALLISTER, John (South Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Dairy Farmer, Self-Employed.

    8. Land and property

    Dairy Farm and Land, Banbridge, Co Down.

    9. Shareholdings

    Shares in United Dairy Farmers (worth approximately £7,000).

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster.

    Executive Committee Member, Ulster Farmers’ Union.

    Member, Banbridge and Newry Dairy Discussion Group.

    Member, Newry Agricultural Show Committee.

    Member, Greenmount Association Committee.

  • McCANN, Fra (West Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Board Member of the following groups: -

    Divis Joint Development Committee.

    Tall Ships Working Group.

    Friends of Dunville Park.

    Employment Services Board.

    West Belfast Partnership Board.

    Maureen Sheehan Centre.

    Citywide Action.

    Greater Falls Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership.

    Greater West Belfast Community Association.

    Falls Partnership Initiative.

    McCANN, Jennifer (West Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Lisburn City Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

    McCARTHY, Kieran (Strangford)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Ards Borough Council.

    8. Land and property

    Small farm holding, Ballycranmore, Kircubbin.

    Farm bungalow, Ballycranmore, Kircubbin.

  • Shop premises and dwelling, Main Street, Kircubbin.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Portaferry Regeneration Limited.

    Member, Kircubbin Regeneration Group.

    Member, Peninsula Healthy Living.

    Member, Parish of Ardquin Community Hall Group.

    Member, Board of Governors, St Patrick’s Primary School, Ballygalget.

    Member, Board of Governors, Portaferry Integrated School.

    McCARTNEY, Raymond (Foyle)

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Chairperson, Coiste na n-Iarchimí.

    Management Committee, Tar Abhaile.

    Director/Secretary, Aras Tar Abhaile.

    Trustee, Bloody Sunday Trust.

    McCAUSLAND, Nelson (North Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    Member, Belfast Education and Library Board.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Community Relations Council.

    Director, Community Convention and Development Company.

    Director, North Belfast Partnership Board.

    Director, Greater Shankill Partnership Board.

    Chairman, Ulster-Scots Heritage Council.

    Member, Linen Hall Library.

    Member, Board of Governors, Wheatfield Primary School.

    Member, Board of Governors, Legoniel Primary School.

    Member, Board of Governors, Carr’s Glen Primary School.

  • McCLARTY, David (East Londonderry)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.

    Member, Coleraine Borough Council.

    5. Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)

    Hospitality by McDonald’s Restaurants in August 2006 in the form of accommodation, meals and football match tickets for self and spouse - value approximately £500.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Chairman, Board of Governors, D H Christie Memorial Primary School.

    Member, Board of Governors, Coleraine Academical Institution.

    Chairman,West Bann Development Group, Coleraine.

    Chairman, Relatives Association (NI).

    Member, Board of Big Telly Theatre Company.

    Member, Ballywillan Drama Group, Portrush.

    McCREA, Basil (Lagan Valley)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.

    Previously employed by Northern Ireland Manufacturing Focus Group (resigned June 2007).

    Councillor, Lisburn City Council.

    4. Sponsorship (Regular or Continuing Support in Money or Kind)

    (a) Sponsorship or financial support as an Assembly candidate

    No, save declared interest in Northern Ireland Manufacturing Focus Group (as per Section 2).

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board.

    McCREA, Ian (Mid-Ulster)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.

    Member, Cookstown District Council.

    Member, Cookstown District Policing Partnership.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Northern Ireland Local Government Associaton (NILGA).

  • Member, NILGA RPA subgroup.

    Member, Apprentice Boys of Derry.

    McCREA Rev Dr William (South Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament.

    Member, Magherafelt District Council.

    Magherafelt (Calvary) Free Presbyterian Church.

    8. Land and property

    Farm, Stewartstown.

    Commercial, Belfast.

    Commercial, England.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Daybreak Recording.

    Director, Bethany Development.

    McDONNELL, Dr Alasdair (South Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament.

    Family Doctor - 2 half days per week.

    Share in a Travel Agency.

    8. Land and property

    Small farm, Dundrod, Co Antrim – currently let.

    Residential property, Stranmillis – currently let.

    11. Unremumerated interests

    Director, City Vision Belfast.

    Director, Medevol (a small clinical trials company).

    McELDUFF, Barry (West Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Omagh District Council.

  • Member, Western Education and Library Board.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Fintona Regeneration Initiative (FRI).

    Chairman, Termon Forum.

    Member, St Colmcille’s GAA Club, Carrickmore.

    Member, Tyrone National Graves Association.

    Member, Strabane Employment Task Force.

    McFARLAND, Alan (North Down)

    8. Land and property

    House (1/8th share family home), Plumbridge, Co Tyrone.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Trustee, Somme Association.

    Member, Management Committee, Somme Heritage Centre.

    McGILL, Claire (West Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Strabane District Council.

    Member, Strabane Council Employment Taskforce.

    Member, Western Education and Library Board.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Governors, St Brigid’s School, Cranagh.

    Member, Board of Governors, St Joseph’s School, Plumbridge.

    Member, Board of Governors, St Eugene’s School, Victoria Bridge.

    McGIMPSEY, Michael (South Belfast)

    1. Directorships

    Director, North Down Construction Limited.

    Director, North Down Hotels Limited.

    Director, Scrabo Investments Limited.

  • 2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    9. Shareholdings

    North Down Construction Limited – property.

    North Down Hotels Limited – property.

    McGLONE, Patsy (Mid-Ulster)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Cookstown District Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Battery Harbour Limited.

    McGUINNESS, Martin (Mid-Ulster)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament for Mid-Ulster. No salary received – expenses only.

    McHUGH, Gerry (Fermanagh and South Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Fermanagh District Council.

    8. Land and Property

    Small farm, Lisnaskea, Fermanagh.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Women in Agriculture.

    Member, Northern Ireland Agricultural Producers’ Association (NIAPA).

    Member, Drainage Council.

    Member, Board of Governors of St Mary’s Primary School, Tempo.

    McILVEEN, Michelle (Strangford)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Ards Borough Council.

    Member, Ards District Policing Partnership.

  • McIlveen Motors Ltd.

    6. Overseas Visits

    Trip, 26th June to 7th July 2007, organised by the American Council of Young Political Leaders.

    8. Land and Property

    Residential property, Belfast.

    McKAY, Daithí (North Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Ballymoney Borough Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Rasharkin Community Association.

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board.

    Vice Chair, Policing Board Audit Committee.

    McLAUGHLIN, Mitchel (South Antrim) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

    McNARRY, David (Strangford) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

    McQUILLAN, Adrian (East Londonderry)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Coleraine Borough Council.

    Member, Coleraine District Policing Partnership.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Moneydig Community Association.

    Member, Castlerock Community Association.

    Member, Garvagh Museum Committee.

    Member, Orange Order.

    Member, Apprentice Boys of Derry.

  • MOLLOY, Francie (Mid-Ulster)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Executive Member, NILGA.

    Director, Confederation of EU Councillors.

    Member, National Association of Councillors (NAC).

    Director, Lough Neagh Partnership.

    Member, Board of Governors, Edendork Primary School.

    MORROW, The Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley (Fermanagh and South Tyrone)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council.

    Member, Dungannon and South Tyrone District Policing Partnership.

    8. Land and property

    Registered owner of apartment in Spain, held on behalf of Blackwater Valley Investments Ltd.

    MOUTRAY, Stephen (Upper Bann)

    1. Directorships

    Knocknashane Enterprises Ltd.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Partner in William Moutray and Sons (Service Station).

    Partner in S Moutray and Co. (Supermarket).

    Sub postmaster, Banbridge Road Post Office, Lurgan.

    Member, Craigavon Borough Council.

    Member, Craigavon District Policing Partnership.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Lurgan Forward and the East Border Region (as a Councillor representing Craigavon).

    Director, East Border 111a Interreg Partnership.

  • Member, Orange Institution.

    Member, Apprentice Boys of Londonderry.

    Member, Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association.

    MURPHY, Conor (Newry and Armagh)

    8. Land and property

    Commercial premises, Newry (1/9 ownership).

    Six acres of agricultural land, Camlough (1/9 ownership).

    NEESON, Sean (East Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Carrickfergus Borough Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Trustees, National Museums Northern Ireland.

    Member, Board of the Nomadic Charitable Trust.

    Member, Board of Carrickfergus Enterprise.

    Member, Board of SENSE Northern Ireland.

    Carrickfergus Development Company.

    NEWTON, Robin (East Belfast)

    1. Directorships

    Newton Management Consultants Ltd.

    Textile and Clothing Technology Limited.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    8. Land and property

    Commercial Rented, Cregagh Road, Belfast.

    11. Unremunerated employment

    Member, East Belfast Partnership Board.

  • NI CHUILIN, Carál (North Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Belfast City Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests.

    Director, Coiste na n-Iarchimí.

    Director, North Belfast Partnership Board.

    Member, Belfast Local Strategic Partnership.

    O’DOWD, John (Upper Bann)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Craigavon Borough Council.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Brownlow Ltd.

    Director, Lurgan Forward.

    O’LOAN, Declan (North Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Ballymena Borough Council.

    Member, Ballymena District Policing Partnership.

    Retired school teacher – in receipt of teacher’s pension.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Ballymena Citizens Advice Bureau.

    Director, Ballymena Community Forum.

    Member, Ballymena Local Strategic Partnership.

    Member, Society of St Vincent de Paul.

    Member, Community Relations Council.

    Wife is the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (until 5 Nov 2007).

  • O’NEILL, Michelle (Mid-Ulster)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council.

    PAISLEY, Rev Dr Ian (North Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament.

    4. Sponsorship (Regular or Continuing Support in Money or Kind)

    (a) Sponsorship or financial support as an Assembly candidate

    Democratic Unionist Party.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Minister of Religion.

    PAISLEY, Ian Jnr (North Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Assistant to Dr Ian Paisley MP MLA, Leader, Democratic Unionist Party.

    4. Sponsorship (Regular or Continuing Support in Money or Kind)

    (a) Sponsorship or financial support as an Assembly candidate.


    6. Overseas Visits

    March 2007, Policing Board visit to the USA.

    POOTS, Edwin (Lagan Valley)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Lisburn City Council.

    C B and E L Poots.

    8. Land and property

    Agricultural Land, Crossan, Lisnastraen.

  • 9. Shareholdings

    Iveagh Properties, property development.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Lisburn Leader Ltd.

    Lisburn City Centre Management.

    PURVIS, Dawn (East Belfast)

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Board Member, Healing Through Remembering.

    Trustee, David Ervine Foundation.

    Vice-Chair, Management Committee of Ex-Prisoners Interpretive Centre (EPIC).

    RAMSEY, Pat (Foyle)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Derry City Council.

    Member, Derry District Policing Partnership.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Foyle Haven, Drop in Centre for alcoholics.

    Member, Board of the Millennium Forum.

    RAMSEY, Sue (West Belfast) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

    RITCHIE, Margaret (South Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Down District Council.

    Member, Down District Policing Partnership.

    8. Land and Property

    Part owner of home and ½ acre of land, Downpatrick.

  • 11. Unremunerated Interests

    Director and Treasurer, Down/Chicago Link Limited.

    Director and Member, Killyleagh Development Association Ltd.

    Member and Trustee, Board of the St Patrick Centre, Downpatrick.

    ROBINSON, George (East Londonderry)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Limavady Borough Council.

    Member, Limavady District Policing Partnership.

    ROBINSON, Iris (Strangford)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Castlereagh Borough Council.

    Member of Parliament at Westminster.

    8. Land and Property

    Joint ownership of constituency office building, Newtownards.

    ROBINSON, Ken (East Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Newtownabbey Borough Council.

    8. Land and Property

    Semi-detached house (rented), North Belfast.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, Mallusk Enterprise Park.

    Director, Newtownabbey Local Strategy Partnership.

    Retired Member, NAS/UWT.

    Retired Teacher (non practising).

    School Governor, Whiteabbey Primary School.

    School Governor, Hollybank Primary School.

  • ROBINSON, Rt Hon Peter (East Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament.

    Councillor, Castlereagh Borough Council.

    8. Land and property

    Office, Belmont Avenue, Belfast.

    Joint ownership of constituency office building, Newtownards.

    Apartment, London.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Hanwood Trust.

    Board Member, Tullycarnet Trust.

    ROSS, Alastair (East Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Employed as a parliamentary researcher for Sammy Wilson, MP (this is a temporary arrangement, employment due to terminate when replacement is found).

    RUANE, Caitríona (South Down) Return indicated no relevant interests to declare.

    SAVAGE, George (Upper Bann)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Beef and Dairy Farmer, Donaghacloney.

    8. Land and property

    Farmland, Donaghcloney.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Director, TADA Rural Network.

    Director, Glenavon Football Club.

    Chairman, Iveagh Farmers Group.

    Chairman, Donaghcloney Royal British Legion.

    Member, Donaghcloney Housing Association.

  • SHANNON, Jim (Strangford)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Self-employed Pork Retailer.

    Councillor, Ards Borough Council.

    SIMPSON, David (Upper Bann)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Partner, Universal Meat Company, 17a Derrycoose Road, Portadown, Craigavon, BT62 1LY.

    Meat Importers/Exporters.

    Member, Craigavon Borough Council.

    Member of Parliament, Upper Bann Constituency.

    8. Land and property

    Farmlands, 17 Derrycoose Road, Portadown, Craigavon, BT62 1LY.

    Farmlands, Derryhirk Road, Dungannon.

    Flats/offices, 13-15 Thomas Street, Portadown, BT62 3NP.

    Offices/refrigerated storage facilities, 17A Derrycoose Road, Portadown, BT62 1LY.

    9. Shareholdings

    Blackwater Investments Limited (Property Investment Company).

    Killylea Property Investments.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Portadown Regeneration Company (Council nominee).

    Member, Killyneill Rifle and Pistol Club.

    Member, Orange Order.

    Member, Royal Black Institution.

    Member, Apprentice Boys of Derry.

  • SPRATT, Jimmy (South Belfast)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Castlereagh Borough Council.

    Member, Castlereagh District Policing Partnership.

    Member, South Eastern Education and Library Board (no remuneration at present).

    8. Land and property

    Rental Property, Dundonald.

    38 acres, agricultural land, Comber.

    Holiday Property, Morocco.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Board of Governors, Lisnasharragh High School.

    Member, Board of Governors, Knockbreda High School.

    Member, Board of Governors, Moneyreagh Primary School.

    STOREY, Mervyn (North Antrim)

    1. Directorships

    Acorn Business Centre, Ballymoney.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, Ballymoney Borough Council.

    Member, Ballymoney District Policing Partnership.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Ballymoney Local Strategy Partnership.

    Board of Governors, Model Primary.

    Board of Governors, Ballymoney High School.

    WEIR, Peter (North Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, North Down Borough Council.

    Member, South Eastern Education and Library Board.

  • 11. Unremunerated interests

    Member, Orange Order.

    Member, Royal Black Perceptory.

    Member, Northern Ireland Local Government Association.

    Member, Northern Ireland Policing Board.

    WELLS, Jim (South Down)

    1. Directorships

    St Patrick’s Centre, Downpatrick.

    The Schomberg Society, Kilkeel.

    Down Rural Partnership, Banbridge.

    Ballynahinch Regeneration Company.

    Down Local Strategy Partnership.

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Councillor, Down District Council.

    Town Planning Consultant (non practising).

    6. Overseas Visits

    Kenya, 13-17 February 2006, political training, paid for by Westminster Foundation

    for Democracy (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe).

    Kenya, 7-12 April 2006, political training, paid for by Westminster Foundation for Democracy

    (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe).

    8. Land and property

    Private dwelling, Kilkeel.

    9. Shareholdings

    Gartmore Japan Unit Trust.

    11. Unremunerated interests

    Treasurer (unpaid), Chosen Northern Ireland.

    Chairman (unpaid), Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group.

    Member, Orange Institution.

    Member, Royal Black Institution.

    Member, Apprentice Boys – Londonderry.

  • WILSON, Brian (North Down)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member, North Down Borough Council.

    WILSON, Sammy (East Antrim)

    2. Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc

    Member of Parliament at Westminster.

    Councillor, Belfast City Council.

    Chief Examiner in Economics A Level, CCEA.

    6. Overseas visits

    France, 4-6 May 2006, Planning Conference, paid for by Carville Construction.

    China, 20-29 April 2007, Chinese Chamber of Commerce.