Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads At Any ...€¦ · choose marriage, but instead...

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


Page 2: Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads At Any ...€¦ · choose marriage, but instead choose our freedom to remain autonomous and ^sweethearts outside of the confinement

Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


3 Myths that Stop You

From Finding Your Beloved

If you are reading this, chances are your life hasn’t played out like you thought it would. Perhaps, like me, you grew up with fairy tales about prince charming sweeping you into the perfect life. My heart dropped with a thud some years ago when I read the book Prince Charming Isn’t Coming! Oh NO! I was devastated. My dreams were shattered. I had to let go of my childhood fantasies and throw them away. Anxiety and fear were constant companions as I searched for The One who would provide the answers and solve the problems I believed I had. Let me share some reality with you. If you are beating yourself up because your life doesn’t look like you thought it would by this age, I invite you to let that go. I want you to know that you are okay just the way you are. I could either relax into the unknown or fight with it. “Follow your spiritual beliefs,” my friends all said. “Have Hope...have Faith… proceed with Grace.” Not so easy is it? What if you don’t care about sex and relationship any longer?

What if you do care and want a beloved soulmate? In America, more women over 50 are choosing to remain single. No, not because their husbands all found younger women, but because women are finding themselves. Women are choosing to be alone, on their own.

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


“Are you willing to risk the all-important need for security

for the all-important reality of your own power?”

That nagging feeling that there is more… more than being in a marriage or having a lover… more than the good-enough sex that may still be in your life… more??… what is the more that you are seeking? You are in the right place if you feel…

Lonely... “What am I going to do with another night home alone?”

Frustrated… “All the men I meet are only interested in younger women.”

Insecure… “I don’t know HOW to attract and date a man.”

Envious... “My girlfriends have found their life partner… why not me?”

Afraid … “What if I never find a partner who adores me?”

“You already have (and are)

everything you need to attract your beloved.”

Inner Glow can’t be bought in the botox office. It doesn’t come in a box. “Beauty is only skin deep,” my mother told me, and it took a long time for me to understand what that meant. I kept hoping the next shopping spree or workshop would change everything.

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


Your beauty is who you are! With refinement, with reflections from others, with education about the great mystery of the feminine, you will emerge as the butterfly emerges from its womb to spread its wings and fly. Why do you suppose you see butterflies and dragonflies on nearly everything that speaks to the feminine? They are a constant reminder of our emerging rapture and shimmering radiance.

“I didn’t find my life partner until I was 57.”

Even though I’ve had access to a lot of younger men who thought it would be amazing to be with me, because of what I teach through my books and work... I met a man just before my 58th birthday who was my own age, and even though it wasn’t “love at first sight,” I trusted the energy of his goodness and intelligence. It was a long distance relationship for two years as neither of us were ready to become a couple. Now both 71, we have co-created 14 monogamous years together. We do not choose marriage, but instead choose our freedom to remain autonomous and “sweethearts” outside of the confinement of a legal agreement. Our loving, harmonious relationship is soul-deep, and therefore we can never be taxed or sheltered or ‘divorced’ from one another by the powers within the system. Just in case you were wondering... We still have [high-quality] sex! We snuggle all night long. I stop whatever I am doing to kiss him goodbye when he leaves for the office (we both still love our careers… I work at home). We greet one another with a loving welcome when one of us returns home.

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


We make a conscious choice to show loving care to one another each day even if we are tired and don’t feel like getting up! Giving and receiving love is a resource of energy. These are the little things that make up a big life! Not a day goes by that I don’t notice how I either project my joy or complain about my concerns. Love, and the expression of it and gratitude for it, comes first.

“My life is great now, but it wasn’t always this way.”

At the age of 26, I followed the advice of my GYN and went into the hospital for a complete hysterectomy… removal of my ovaries, uterus and cervix. There weren’t healthy enough to create life. No more periods, no pregnancies, no babies… and (so I thought) no vaginal orgasms. I began to question myself as a woman. Married, my husband was expecting a big family. We adopted a baby girl in the belief that fulfillment would come from parenting. We shared the dream of having a family but my body never shared the same dream. The emptiness remained. Three divorces and fifteen years later, I did attract my beloved soulmate. His skills as an intimate lover, healer and best friend brought me closer than I had ever been to my own wholeness and happiness. Together, we created a successful business, helping men and women learn the skills of the Art of Conscious Loving. In my late fifties I got up the nerve to tell him what I knew was true for me… that I needed to become unmarried. The “divorce” word was sickening to me for we loved one another still. Our tens of thousands of students were just devastated. If we couldn’t make a marriage work, then who could? And so, in his never-ending desire to give me what I wanted, we cultivated a life-long friendship in place of the marriage. I knew I had to release my attachment to

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


my beloved prince charming. I was single for the first time in my life. And what I found in the subsequent years alone was the core of me. Certain I did not want another relationship, I invited dear friends to share my home with me, and in that warmth of friendship, I was content not wasting my time dating. I learned to fulfill my own needs… for warmth, creative work and companionship.

When I wasn’t looking for someone to complete me, I found him sitting at my kitchen counter one morning. Out of the blue came a friend to visit my house-mates. Unprepared to meet anyone, I smiled sideways, nodded my tousled head, and headed for the coffee. Yet, something in his glance… in the first words he spoke, told me I would peek through the closed door of my ever romantic heart.

“My entire life has prepared me to help you

in this time of uncertainty.”

You can read the longer version of my story which has been published in my memoir,

Tantra Goddess… A Memoir of Sexual Awakening

Some of my best teachings have been captured in the book Tantra, The Art of Conscious Loving and in the Art of Conscious Loving seminars which have been attended by tens of thousands of people looking to find deeper meaning in sexuality and relationship. As the Mother of the Modern Tantra Movement in America and as the Queen of the Tantra, I’ve trained the luminaries who are now teaching the Art of Conscious Loving in their videos and online programs.

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


My work has been featured in numerous articles and interviews and in such publications as The Wall St. Journal, Elle, Playgirl, Glamour, Yoga Journal, Healthy Living, Mirabella, Esquire, Asia Spa Magazine, Healing Lifestyles and many more. As I’ve worked with women with like you for over 30 years, I’ve noticed there are 3 myths that hold them back from finding their beloved. They may be married, but their husband is not necessarily the beloved. So it is with great joy that I share with you these three pieces of wisdom that I’ve spent a life-time acquiring.

Nothing could be farther from the truth, which is that it’s never too late. Right now, it may be very easy for you to sit home and be depressed, but what you need to do is fight those urges and get out and experience life. Life without a partner. If you are feeling like “It’s too late” or “I’m too old,” then start with your HEALTH and VITALITY… take long walks, go to a gentle yoga class, join the gym, take a workshop or playshop like Tantra Yoga, something you have always wanted to experience but were afraid to do alone. Leap awkwardly (or with grace) beyond your own perceived limitations. If you never went out dancing because your partner didn’t like to dance... then go out dancing! If he never wanted to have people over... then have a bunch of people over! You don’t need a partner to enjoy life.

Myth #1 “It’s too late for me.”

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


And when you do go out, step out with pride with your head held high and a big smile. Don’t be afraid to talk to new people. Open yourself to the world of people who are looking for the same things you are… warmth, connection, friendship, love. The doors to deeper connection open from your side. It’s up to you to reveal yourself, which gives others permission to reveal themselves in exchange. I recently received a call from a woman who shared with me that her age was 81 and that she had recently taken a friend and lover into her life. He was younger by five years, a successful author, and happened to find her totally attractive. She raved about his skills as a lover! In particular, he pleasured her for hours with a type of internal massage that opened her into pleasure she’d never before imagined. She asked me if I knew whether other women knew about this. I smiled a smile she could not see. I share with you these confidences in the hope that you will be open to how much it means to a woman at the age of 81 to have attracted an educated companion and lover. I love that she shared her tremendous joy in sexual loving at her age, and it’s part of what I will be revealing in my upcoming webinar called

3 Secrets for Turning Heads… At Any Age!

If you believe this, it will be so! Here’s why...

Myth #2 “I’m too fat, unattractive and undesirable to men.”

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


The truth is that men are attracted to women who FEEL attractive and desira-ble. Notice I didn’t say ARE attractive and desirable. It’s the energy you exude that holds the truth of the message. If you feel attractive and desirable then you are. It won’t matter that you are a few pounds overweight or your breasts aren’t as perky as they used to be or your skin is starting to sag. When you enter a room what men notice is your energy, attitude and pres-ence more than these physical attributes. So do your best to stop criticizing yourself and take time to pamper and adorn yourself in ways that make you feel gorgeous. What men will notice is that “special something” shining from behind your eyes and through your smile! During my Goddess workshops, I saw women who weighed upwards of 250 pounds, and I remember thinking, It must be so hard for her to get around. As part of the weekends, we invited women to give and receive massage. I no-ticed that the large women were often the first to undress and lay back on their towels in great anticipation, and it was then that their beauty was re-vealed to me. No longer did I feel sorry for them… I was witnessing the full flowering of “the Goddess.” Reclining in abandon, their bodies relaxed into re-ceiving and the beauty of their forms was nothing less than art… art that has been passed down from antiquity as a template for goddess, lost by modern culture that insists we fit into the fashion parade. Consider this assignment: Create a date night with yourself. Using the power of your imagination, go through all of the excitement, insecurity and thrill that you would have if a gorgeous man just asked you for a date.

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


Begin with a long soak in a bath filled with bubbles. Light enough candles to fill the room. Place your favorite flower next to the bath or float gardenias in the water. Play soft music as you relax, taking some deep breaths while you polish your lovely skin with a lavender or rose salt scrub. Now feel your body through your own hands, not through your critical mind. Imagine your hands are the gift of a gorgeous lover. How would you like his hands to touch you?

“Anticipation is the appetizer.”

As the water cools, step onto a soft carpet and begin, with great pleasure, to dry yourself with long, slow sweeps of your best towel… in between sips of Prosecco, Champagne, or your favorite aperitif. Dancing or moving sensuously to the sounds of music, slather your warm body with a favorite after-bath lotion. Look at yourself in the mirror by candlelight as you anticipate the possibility that this gorgeous guy is really you, and you have arrived at the party! If your eyes are sparkling as you gaze at yourself in the mirror, the party is about to begin.

There are approximately four billion men on this planet, and they all need love! If you can only love one of them, your life will not be perfect, and here is why I know this. If you need a man to love in order for your life to be perfect, you will most likely smother him to death! A woman’s capacity to shower love upon another cannot be measured.

Myth #3 “I need a man to love

and then my life will be perfect.”

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That’s why God gives us children, grandchildren, pets and girlfriends. I have extensive experience with this myth. I believed that if I actively loved him enough he would become the man of my dreams. His every need came first. I had inherited the myths of my female lineage. I began to fulfill this longing as I walked down the aisle toward my first husband at the age of 18. Lack of education about what a marriage means led me to divorce after divorce, though I didn’t know that the problem was me. I was…

“Drowning in Disappointment.”

Education is the missing link in advancing the quality of your life, and there-fore, your happiness. Perhaps you want to know, yet are afraid to know, how much you don’t know… But, aren’t you supposed to know? Without quality education about how to create successful, happy lives, you can only guess… hit and miss… trial and error. You were never properly prepared for the reality of now.

Enlightenment Breeds Contentment

Wise men tell us that the goal of meditation or prayer is to achieve enlighten-ment. What if enlightenment really is simply contentment?

I encourage you to let go of the need that you must find someone. There are so many ways to fill that need. Knowing the truth about yourself and defining your needs is the first step. Questioning whether true love will come into your life again or at all is a bitter pill to chew on. Even the suggestion that you must love yourself before you can love another is an oversimplified solution that’s easily rejected.

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Register for my webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads... At Any Age!


What to Believe?

Personally, I am blinded by all of the information coming toward me about what will bring me peace, joy and happiness. What system of affirmations, what list of do’s and don’ts, what diet is best, and what food will restore my aging skin. An easy practice for turning off the outside world that is constantly nagging at

you is to turn everything off… your phone, your computer, your TV. Lower

your eyes or look at a tree, taking long slow deep breaths. Now, reach into

the silence for what is “divine” for you. Is that God or spirit? Or simply the

love that dwells in the kingdom of your heart? Listen… and feel.

Listen, tune in, and receive. Answers will come, but look first for the experi-

ence of contentment while being alone. What you will discover is that you are

never truly “alone.” This understanding is what sets us free!

Your inner goddess is your greatest companion. She lives in the core of your being. I will teach you how to awaken her. The rise of your feminine power is birthed with this awareness. Think about that, and allow a smile to rise to your lips, a smile of Hope. Once you find contentment and radiate self-confidence while alone, you gain an incredible magnetism that (ironically) attracts men to you. In fact, a man once shared with me…

“The One You Seek is Also Seeking You.”

He went on to explain that when he walks into a party and several women are gathered together, talking and laughing, he immediately looks for the woman who is standing or sitting alone. This tells him that she is comfortable within herself, and doesn’t need her companions for support.

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I was stunned at hearing this truth from a man. We tend to gather people around us in order to not feel awkward and alone. And so I have tested this more than once. By golly, it was true! Now I love to dine or wine alone, walk alone and be seen alone, even though I am not trying to attract someone. Yet, I always do. Even a friendly glance or gaze is affirmation that I am seen. We all need this. Don’t you?

A “turned on life” is… when strangers ask you what you are so happy about … when you feel strangely alive and filled with joy and you haven’t even washed your hair or had coffee yet… when orgasmic pleasure is easy and no work at all… when contentment is your daily bread and loving yourself is just like being head over heels in love with another. The reason this is so important is that men are looking for the energy of youth… in order to help them stay and feel young! They are attracted to a woman with energy to burn, which is why you often see older men with younger women. There’s so much more I’d love to share with you about turning on your per-sonal fountain of youth that’s outside the scope of this ebook. As a Tantra Goddess and expert I know first hand the secrets of this eternal youth energy, how to find it, and how to keep it alive. It is the fuel for your Turned-On Life. That’s why I’ve prepared a special companion webinar to go along with this eBook called 3 Secrets for Turning Heads… At Any Age!

Living a Turned-On Life

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“Why Do I Want to Turn Heads?” When you are turning heads, you know you’ve got something special going on. How do you get that something special? I’m going to show you the way. It may seem that men are always looking for younger women. In truth, they seek the “energy of youth,” which is available to every one of us. You can’t compete with younger women, nor should you. But you can reclaim the ex-citement and the energy of youth by releasing negative self-images and claiming what is rightfully yours… your birthright of pleasure. I am speaking about a type of power that emanates from deep within your core … a slumbering power that is longing to awaken… a type of pleasure that rocks you to the core of your being. Whether you are 21, 51 or 81 and whatever your weight or dress size, you have a unique essence that radiates from you when you feel good about who you are as a woman. In Tantra, it’s called… Shakti. Join me as I reveal the secret for accessing the fountain of youth hidden in-side of you and how to generate a powerful presence that turns heads. Best of all, you’ll also learn how to rejuvenate your sexual power in a way that turns you on! If you’re eager to learn more, register for the webinar 3 Secrets for Turning Heads… At Any Age! by clicking here.

I’ll see you there.

Big Love,Caroline