Regional water info systems Jauad El Kharraz

04/25/22 WANA Forum Consultation, Amma n (Jordan) , 22/02/2011 1 building trust together WANA water information systems to cope with water scarcity & drought Dr. Jauad El Kharraz Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector

Transcript of Regional water info systems Jauad El Kharraz

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04/11/23 WANA Forum Consultation, Amman (Jordan) , 22/02/2011

1building trust together

WANA water information systems to cope with water

scarcity & drought Dr. Jauad El Kharraz

Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector

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Context of EMWIS activitiesContext of EMWIS activities

1995 Euromed Partnership

1996 Euromed MinistersInitiate EMWIS

1999 EMWIS operational launch

2005 EMWIS first activities on data management

2008UfM Water Ministerial conferenceLong Term Water Strategy initiated

Focus on know-how sharingFocus on know-how sharing•10 years of operation10 years of operation•20 countries20 countries•About 80 000 visitors per monthAbout 80 000 visitors per month

Confidence between water authoritiesConfidence between water authorities

•Feasibility studies of National Water Feasibility studies of National Water Information Systems (Information Systems (Algeria, Cyprus, Israel, Algeria, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey)Turkey)•Preliminary analysis for a Mediterranean Preliminary analysis for a Mediterranean Water Observation Mechanism - 2006-2007Water Observation Mechanism - 2006-2007

(7 national diagnostic studies, 25 international (7 national diagnostic studies, 25 international initiatives consulted)initiatives consulted)

Mediterranean Water Strategy2011

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Water information value

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Value of Water InformationValue of Water Information

Policy planning and assessmentPolicy planning and assessmentKnowledge of the resource, its status and evolutionKnowledge of the resource, its status and evolutionAggregated indicators with socio-economic dataAggregated indicators with socio-economic data

Integrated water resources management and risk prevention with Integrated water resources management and risk prevention with all stakeholdersall stakeholders

Operational monitoring at local levelOperational monitoring at local levelAccountability, public information, awareness raising and Accountability, public information, awareness raising and participatory approachesparticipatory approaches

(local) status, simulation(local) status, simulationResearch and developmentResearch and development

Data seriesData seriesProjects and programmes monitoringProjects and programmes monitoring

Simultaneous combination of geographical levelsSimultaneous combination of geographical levels

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Water data

Data availability and reliability are of essential for the national water master plans.

Absence of an accessible information system means that even some of the data that were collected in the

past are not available to the planners. Good planning depends on the availability of

reasonable amount of correct data. Every planning must give considerable thought to what type of data are necessary, how they will be

used and for what purposes.

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Current situationCurrent situation

Public information





Orga. country 1




Orga. country 2


O3 On

Orga. country 3


O3 On

Orga country n

Millennium Objectives


OthersInternat orgaProjects …

Eurostat./ MedstatACSADAFED

Med EuwiENPI

Horizon 2020…



International level

UNEP/ MAPBlue Plan, Medpol


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OpportunitiesOpportunitiesStrong demand of Strong demand of international stakeholdersinternational stakeholders

Commitment to NWIS, but Commitment to NWIS, but not yet developed not yet developed (information necessary for daily (information necessary for daily management)management)

Common basic data used Common basic data used for the calculations of for the calculations of indicatorsindicators

Organisational problems Organisational problems rather than lack of datarather than lack of data

WANA Forum?WANA Forum?

Lack of legal framework for Lack of legal framework for reporting water datareporting water data

Many international Many international initiatives and political initiatives and political processesprocesses

Monitoring seen as Monitoring seen as intrusive for national water intrusive for national water managementmanagement

ThreatsThreats &&

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Overall WANA visionOverall WANA vision

Public information

Millennium Objectives

CSD/ Johannesburg

Plan UNEP-MAP(Blue Plan)

Others …

OECD/MedstatEMWISMed Euwi



WWAPUN agencies


International organizations

Country 1 Country 2 Country 3 Country n

Common rulesCommon definition

Common basic indicators



O1 O2


O1 O2


O1 O2









? Regional reference framework AMCOW

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WANA countries are progressing

Algeria has finished the implementation of its NWIS (intranet funded by the EU)Tunisia will start the implementation thanks to funding from AWFMorocco has a WIS -> NWISJordan will start implementation of its NWIS (a possible funding under the twining framework: EU-Jordan)Palestine and Lebanon are in fund raising phaseEgypt: Still difficulties in getting agreement between the national actors (but there is a will)

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Civil Society:Civil Society:““underline the need for reliable data and to enable the free flow underline the need for reliable data and to enable the free flow of information and sharing of data” of information and sharing of data”

Ministerial declaration:Ministerial declaration:““reaffirm the importance of data, information and statistics on reaffirm the importance of data, information and statistics on water, based on internationally agreed definitions and methods, water, based on internationally agreed definitions and methods, structured within information systemstructured within information system “ “““call for strengthening the coordination of existing Euro-call for strengthening the coordination of existing Euro-Mediterranean initiatives and networks on information and Mediterranean initiatives and networks on information and expertise, policy planning and monitoringexpertise, policy planning and monitoring “ “““underline the importance of exchange of good practices, underline the importance of exchange of good practices, including through EU, Mediterranean, and other relevant including through EU, Mediterranean, and other relevant programmeprogramme “ “

The regional dimension (1/3)

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The regional dimension (2/3)

UfM Mediterranean Water StrategyStrengthening the provision of data, information and statistics on water

Arab Countries water strategyDatabase on shared water resources

EU - Horizon 2020 – Depolution of Mediterranean seaMonitoring: Urban waste water, Industrial emission and Urban solid waste

Extension of Shared Environmental Information System

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UNEP - Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development

Resources and Demand indicators

UN – Water => World Water Assessment ProgrammeTotal freshwater renewable resources

MDG goals

Water abstraction per sector

The regional dimension (3/3)

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Water scarcity & drought in WANA countries

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Example: Impacts of the 1999 drought in Jordan and the Palestinian territories

Winter 1998/1999- rainfall only 30% of annual averageImpacts:

Economic: Severe agricultural water use restrictions, collapse of rain-fed farming in the West Bank, purchase of water on the black marketSocial: water rationing in Jordan and the Palestinian Territories, with resulting health implicationsEnvironmental: Degradation of stream water quality, sharp water depletion and increased salinity of groundwater systems, increased salinity of soilsOther: political ramifications

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Example: Tunisia

40% of years experienced drought in the last 12, with 2 acute droughts in 87/89 and 93/95

Impacts:Economic: Restrictions of water use in agriculture, and fall in agricultural production (olives and cereals)Social: Decrease in farmers’ revenueEnvironmental: Sharp increase in salinity of surface water and soils, drying up of lakes

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Population affected by drought in Syria

Example: Syria

• Term “affected population” needs discussion – could be population whose normal water supply is affected, or all the population experiencing small effects, but where water supply restrictions and special measures are adopted

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Scope of impact: Water Exploitation Index

WEI in a country is the mean annual total

demand for freshwater divided by the long-

term average freshwater resources.

WEI > 20 %, water stressWEI > 40 % severe water

stress (Raskin et al., 1997)

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DPSIR framework for Water Scarcity and Drought

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What indicators?

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Improve knowledge and data collection

Develop a water scarcity and drought Information System

across WANA

information on extent, impacts of water scarcity and drought

issues – description on the basis of common indicators

Disseminate the results of research on water scarcity and

drought issues

Enhance and encourage research on technological activities.

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Requested data

Water Availability

Water Abstraction

per source (SW, GW)

per provider

Water Use per sectorper provider

large items

Recycled water

Hydrological balance Additional Water Resources

Point data: Streamflow Reservoir in/outflow Groundwater levels

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Water Scarcity & Drought Indicators System

Need to ground the selection of specific indicators in the problem at hand. Shared interpretations/definitions are necessary Avoid long lists of indicators, which may have been “correct” but not necessarily relevant. This complexity requires a step-by-step approach in developing indicators: allow questions of relevance and completeness to be answered throughout.Suggestion: main water uses are identified and are used as a check list to develop a comprehensive (but relevant) Water Scarcity indicator system

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A basis for indicator development:The DPSIR Framework

The Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response: a thinking framework for the development and categorisation of indicators Implies a certain causalityAllows for feedback loops

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WSDiS- Process and current state (√)Domestic Water Supply

DRIVERS· Climatic Changes· Population growth· Economy· Agricultural practices· Farmers perceptions

PRESSURES· Anomalies in physical

parameters· Water Demand· Pressure on

infrastructure· Pollution· Land Cover change· Soil Erosion

RESPONSES· Economic· Technical

(infrastructure and GFP)

· Legislative· Educational

IMPACTS· Water Resources · Environmental· Socio-economic

STATE· Water Quantity· Water Quality· Ecological Status of

WB· Infrastructure

(abstraction and irrigation)

· Economic State

Responses can change a driver

Responses can be a driver for change

Responses can mitigate an impact

Drivers results in pressures

Which (adversely) change the


Changes of state have impacts

Pressures have Impacts

Which we undertand by monitoring the


Impacts call for responses

Industry Energy

First comprehensive set of indicators for each use

Screened set of indicators for each use (narrowed down) Based on specific criteria (e.g. suitability, data availability, reproducibility,

capacity if integration, clarity, diagnostic ability etc.


Final set of indicators Assessments

√ √

Data availability




EconomicTechnical LegislativeEducational

STATEWater quantityStatus of water bodiesLand coverInfrastructureEconomic

PRESSURESAnomalies in physical parametersWater demand (water use, water abstraction)Pressure on water supply infrastructurePollutionLand cover change

DRIVERSClimatic changesEconomic

IMPACTSWater resourcesEnvironmentalSocio-economic

Drivers result in pressures

Responses can change a driver

Responses can be a driver for change

Impacts call for responses

Responses can mitigate impacts

Pressures have impacts

Which (adversely) change the state

Which we understand by monitoring the state

Changes of state have impacts

RESPONSESEconomicTechnical LegislativeEducational

STATEWater quantityStatus of water bodiesLand coverInfrastructureEconomicEducationPopulation

PRESSURESAnomalies in physical parametersPopulationWater demand (water use, water abstraction)Water supply infrastructurePollutionLand cover change

DRIVERSClimatic changesPopulation GrowthTourism InfrastructureEconomic

IMPACTSWater resourcesEnvironmentalSocio-economic

Drivers result in pressures

Responses can change a driver

Responses can be a driver for change

Impacts call for responses

Responses can mitigate impacts

Pressures have impacts

Which (adversely) change the state

Which we understand by monitoring the state

Changes of state have impacts

√ √

√ √

Data Request

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WSDiS - Pilot Basins participation

The Pilot Basins are requested to provide as many indicators as possible

To test the applicability and usefulness of the indicatorsTo create pilot Water Scarcity and Drought assessmentsTo select the final screened set of indicators

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RESPONSESVolume of recycled water / returned flows by source / reused water used / treated return water / additional water resources (water imports, desalinated water) used for all sectors New metering systems installation# of programmes raising awareness and training initiativesWater restrictions frequency (# of days)# (or %) of properties (houses, facilities etc) affected from water restrictionsWater restrictions level (moderate, enhanced)# (or %) of properties (houses, facilities etc) with water saving technologies# of beds in tourism facilities where water wise practices are implemented (savings, reuse etc) (T)# of industrial facilities where water wise practices are implemented (savings, reuse etc) (I)Existence of Drought Management Plans (yes/no)Area under good farming practices (GFP) (A)Total public expenditures to develop and promote water saving programmes and measuresEnvironmental charges as % of Water TariffDomestic Water charges as % of household income (D)Industrial Water charges as % of industrial income (I)

STATEWater balance / Reservoir and Ground water Storage / Streamflow / WellsExternal resources used (over total resources used)Population connected to public water supply% of area covered by water metering systemsCoverage (ha) of each type of irrigation systemLand useIncome generated per sectorEducational level of general population and farmersIrrigated and irrigable area (ha) (A)Nitrates and Pesticides in surface (rivers, lakes) and groundwater % wetland areasWater Tariff per sectorPublic spending in water sector (net number in € or % of the Total public spending)Investments in water supply infrastructures: Reservoirs, Desalination plants

PRESSURESWater abstraction per source for public water systems and for self supply Water use per sector and per large itemExport of water# new wells for sectoral water self supply. (ADIT)# new licenses for surface water abstraction (ADIT)# new public water supply connections for water uses (ADIT)Change in landuse within the regionUrban and Rural Population density (D)

DRIVERSChanges in P, ETChange in population (increase/decrease) within the RBD (DE)Change of rural population. (D)Net migrationDistribution of rooms per person (D)Nights spent at hotels and similar establishments (T)Tourist arrivals (T)Seasonal workers in the tourism sector (which are not permanent residents) (T)Change of income generated per sector (+/-) (AIET)Yield (tones) per irrigated area (A)Yield (tones) per irrigated area (A)Yield (tones) per crop type (A)% crop type per irrigated area (A)KWh produced per energy production plant: coal, nuclear, geothermal, waste incineration, hydroelectric, solar, wind, bioenergy (E)

IMPACTSReduction of stream flowReduction in water availability (m3) from surface and groundwater sourcesAreal extent Saltwater intrusion (as %)Concentration of N, P in rivers, lakes and GW (EEA CSI020)% of area under desertificationSoil erosion (tonnes/ha)Frequency of Water service interruption (days per year)Total economic loss due to drought hazards Total public expenditures for drought and water scarcity mitigationFrequency of low pressure incidents (# of days)# (or %) of properties (houses, facilities etc) subject to low pressureNote:

The brackets show the initials of the sectors that the indicator can be used for. (Agriculture, Domestic, Industry, Energy, Tourism)The indicators that are not followed from brackets with initials can be used for all the sectors

The indicators in Bold are to be reported through the WQ Tool, and the remaining through the xls provided file

WSDiS - Pilot Basins - data request

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Mitigation drought measures


Indicator 1-0.50.5-0.4 0.4-0.3 0.3-0.2


0.15-0.1 0.1-0

Status Normal Pre-alert Alert Emergency



control Conservation Restrictions

Type of measure Strategic Tactics Emergency

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What policies?

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What policy options have been identified?

Putting the right price tag on water

Allocating water and water-related funding more efficiently

Improving drought risk management

Considering additional water supply infrastructures

Fostering water efficient technologies and practices

Fostering the emergence of a water-saving culture in WANA

Improve knowledge and data collection

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Main measures to apply during drought situation

Preparation to WS&D situations: supply side management measures

Demand side management measures

New storage facilitiesUse of marginal resources (groundwater)Aquifer rechargeImproved efficiency of water distribution networksRelaxing environmental constraints

Water meteringMandatory rationingRestriction on municipal useWater markets (tariffs) and full cost recoveryWater saving campaigns for voluntary actionsAwareness campaign to adapt to minimize droughtIncrease in the regulation capacity for urban supply

Water transfersDesalination & waste water reuse

Reduction of irrigation consumptionRemote controlWater recycling in the industry

Contingency planInsurance and economicPublic and tax reliefRehabilitation programmes

Minimizing Water Scarcity and Drought Impacts

Quality based reallocation of resourcesOthers.

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Water harvesting

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Conclusions & recommendations

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– There is a gap of knowledge and tools at WANA region level on the demand side of the Water Scarcity and a lack of reliable information

– Data collection, analysis and dissemination are necessary for water master planning, identification of programme of measures and their monitoring.

– Permanent Conservation measures are necessary

– WS&D require: participation, transparency, tools and knowledge available to the stakeholders, ...

– Drought management plans (DMP): are powerful tools to alleviate socio-economic and environmental drought impacts.


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Setting-up a range of indicators (including vulnerability indicators) related to the extent and impacts of water scarcity and drought, agreed by the WANA countries,Encouraging WANA countries to organise the collection of information, according to the set indicators,Testing these indicators at local and pilot basin levels, and demonstrating the usefulness in decision making process, mitigation and preparation plans and participatory approaches,Enhancing the knowledge-base regarding climate change impacts and the vulnerability to them so that appropriate policy responses can be developed based on reliable data and information on the likely effects of the phenomenon and the costs and benefits of different adaptation options,

What recommendations? (1/2)

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Facilitating the creation of an experience-sharing regional platform/network and start working towards the establishment of an effective WANA drought information system by discussing the steps and resources needed, to offer a framework for integration of vulnerability and hazard information for planners and decision makers,Identifying and monitoring impacts of water demand management measures in terms of environmental, social and economic consequences, andIncreasing regional and transboundary cooperation and assistance to cope with emergency situations arising from those phenomena.

What recommendations? (2/2)

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Thank you for your attentionDr. Jauad El Kharraz

[email protected]

Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector