Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: …Regional Consortium for the Promotion of...

Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais 2008

Transcript of Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: …Regional Consortium for the Promotion of...

Page 1: Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: …Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais In 2005, the Federal Government enacted the Law 11.107/05,

Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry:

Mulheres das Gerais


Page 2: Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: …Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais In 2005, the Federal Government enacted the Law 11.107/05,



Fernando Damata PimentelMayor of the Municipality of Belo Horizonte

Carlaile de Jesus PedrosaMayor of the Municipality of Betim

Marília CamposMayor of the Municipality of Contagem

Sérgio Luiz de Freitas Mayor of the Municipality of Sabará

Intermunicipal Management Group– Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte

Municipality of Belo Horizonte - Ana Luiza Nabuco PalhanoMunicipality of Betim - Regina Lúcia RezendeMunicipality of Contagem - Eugênia Bossi FragaMunicipality of Sabará - Gedaias Ferreira de Souza

Municipal ManagersCleusa Bernadeth Lara Corrêa, Lourival Emidio Fernandes, Rodrigo de Oliveira Perpétuo, Newton Pereira de Souza, Maurício Rangel de Souza, Luiz Cláudio de Almeida Teodoro

Intermunicipal Legal GroupMaria Tereza Dias, Elaine Aparecida Faccion, Marina Esteves Lopes

Municipal Technical Staff Márcia de Cássia Gomes, Ermelinda de Fátima Ireno de Melo, Carlos Augusto de Almeida Dias, Cláudio Alves, Maria do Carmo Galdino, Francisco Cardoso, Virgílio José de Quieroz, Camilla Vieira de Freitas, Andréia Maria de Oliveira Chelles, Maria Lúcia da Silva, Silvia Andere, Adalberto Batista Sobrino, Maria das Mercês Neves de Almeida, Élia Brito da Cruz, Helena Tavares da Silva, Rosângela Damaso Pinheiro, Neide Aires Diniz, Lais de Paula Ramalho, Maria Inês Araújo Brito, Rosângela Guimarães de Morais Souza, Gláucia Helena Souza da Silva, Irani Alves Pimenta, Emiliana Neta, Maria das Graças Samarino, Renata Mafra Giff ani, Rosemary Maia

Canadian InternsAshley Booth, Daniel Gerson, Jason O’Hara, Adam Hunt

Photographs reproduced courtesy of Adam Hunt & Jeannie Shoveller

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


For the past two years, the New Public Consortia for Metropolitan Gov-ernance (NPC) Project, a partnership between the Ministry of Cities and the University of British Columbia and funded by the Canadian Inter-national Development Agency (CIDA), has been developing consortia-tion projects in fi ve regions in Brazil: Santarém, Fortaleza, Recife, Santo André and Belo Horizonte. In the Metropolitan Region of Belo Hori-zonte, the Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais (Consórcio Regional de Promoção da Cidadania: Mulheres das Gerais), thematically coordinated by Special Secretariat for Women Policies (SPM), aims to fi ght violence against women. Th e consortiating municipalities are Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem and Sabará.

Th e Regional Consortium: Mulheres das Gerais incorporates the follow-ing guiding principles for its new collaborative model of public policy articulation and development:

1) Recognition by the public managers that violence against women is a common challenge that crosses municipal boundaries;

2) Consolidation of inter-municipal collaboration to guarantee that the sustainability of actions encompasses a strong multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral legal framework and engages with the decision-making levels of governmental agencies;

3) Distinction between actions that may be better carried out at either the municipal level or the regional level, including the specifi cs of each, their implementation costs and comprehensiveness, and estab-lishment of relationships between local governments and the Regional Consortium that takes into consideration autonomy and budgetary reality;

4) Application of consensus as a standard procedure for inter-municipal collaboration.

Th e Regional Consortium: Mulheres das Gerais seeks to contribute, in a pragmatic and realistic way, to the regional development and improve-ment of the quality of life in the Metropolitans Region of Belo Hori-zonte.


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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais



April 2006

August 2006

December 2006

April 2007

August 2007

December 2007

» June to August 2006Opening of the Project – Fórum Mundial das Cidades, Vancouver, Canada.

» October to December 20061. Capacity building workshops about the Federal Law 11.107/05, promoted by the Ministry of Cidades in Belo Horizonte and involving all actors of the project;2. Strategic Planning , with the Canadian team to elaborate the Action Plan for 2007, in Belo Horizonte.

» February to April 2007Committment Letters signed by the mayors of the four municipalities and designating the Management Group, the Technical Group and the Legal Group.

» April to June 2007Elaboration of a methodology for consortiation and its presentation during the Recife First National Symposium.

» June to August 2007Technical workshops about the Federal Law, with the ManagementGroup, Legal Group and invitees, in Belo Horizonte.

» August to October 2007Capacity building workshops for consensus building with David Marshall (Fraser Basin Council), Belo Horizonte.

» October to December 2007- Signature of the Protocol of Intentions by the consortiating municipalities, October 10;- Approval of the Protocol in two sessions of the Municipal Council Chamber in Contagem and Sabará, second quarter of November;- Sending the Protocol for public input in the Municipal Council Chamber of Belo Horizonte, first quarter of December.

» March 2008Consortium starts its activities.

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais

In 2005, the Federal Government enacted the Law 11.107/05, April 6, 2005 (ordinance defi ned in 2007), which provided the legal basis for the formation of public consortia in Brazil. Public consortia can be formed between the federative entities—Union, States and Municipalities—and aim, through their cooperation, to achieve objectives related to their common interests.

In 2006, the Brazilian government, through the Ministry of Cities, and the Canadian government, through the University of British Columbia, established a partnership to implement the New Public Consortia for Met-ropolitan Governance Project (NPC) in Brazil. Th e project, funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), off ers technical support and institutional capacity building designed to help the develop-ment of public consortia, which would foster the sharing of responsibili-ties, resources and knowledge to address local urban problems at the regional level.

Th e New Public Consortia Project has been implemented in metro-politan areas of Recife, Fortaleza and Belo Horizonte and regions of Santarém and Santo André.



Sabará, 2006. (AH)

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais

In the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, the Regional Consortium for Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais is being implemented with the Special Secretariat for Women Policies (SPM) as its thematic coordinator. Th e municipalities of Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem and Sabará are participating in this Consortium. Th ese municipalities have worked together previously on gender issues and each of them has a mechanism, facility or specifi c institutional support system under their municipal framework to manage public policies for women. In addition, the four municipalities have pledged to the National Plan for Women Polices, which guides the Regional Consortium’s workplan.



Prior to the establishment of the Regional Consortium, the municipali-ties of Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem and Sabará were separately

developing, actions to fi ght violence against women. Th ese actions had limited reach and resources were scattered and intermittently used.

In order to increase the eff ectiveness of municipal policies, actions and programs to help women, the four municipalities decided to establish a Regional Consor-tium to fi ght violence against women. Th e consortiated approach required them to distinguish between programs and actions that could be better developed at either the municipal or regional level and to respect the autonomy of the federative entities. In this way, the actions were cat-egorized between consortiated actions—actions carried out and managed exclu-

sively by the Regional Consortium—and shared actions—actions carried out both by the consortium as well as at the municipal level.

Meeting of the Management Group, 2006. (JS)

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais



Together, the four municipalities that are part of the Regional Consor-tium have a population of about 3.2 million people1, of which approxi-mately 52% are women and 48% are men. Th e population of the four municipalities together represents 73.62% of the total population of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (RMBH), including 72.62% of the total male population and 73.13% of the total female population.


One of the most important indicators of the inequality between men and women can be seen in their participation in the economy. Between 1991 and 2000 more women became involved, but still their numbers are still smaller when compared to men.2 In 1991, an average of 70.97% of the male population, 10 years old and older, in the four municipalities was participating in the economic active population (PEA), while at the same time, an average of only 37.17% of the women were participating in the PEA. By 2000, on average, 70.79% of men in the four cities, 10 years old and older, were participating in the PEA, while the number of women participating had risen to 49.86%.

1. Data used were

obtained from the

National System of

Gender Information

(SNIG-Br), developed

by the Special

Secretariat for Women

Policies, from census

data from 1991-2000.

2. For this calculation:

(Pop masc. PEA / Pop.

masc.≥10 anos) e

(Pop fem. PEA / Pop.

fem.≥10 anos).

Belo Horizonte
















Municipality TotalTotalMen


Table 1: Population by gender of the consortiated municipalities (2000 absolute numbers)

Source: SNIG (2000 Census)

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


In all municipalities, the participation of women has increase signifi -cantly. Th e participation of men in the PEA, however, has increased at a lower rate or in fact in some cases has decreased. Th e Municipality of Betim registered the highest diff erential in the participation of women3 in the PEA between 1991 and 2000: in 1991, less than 29% of the female population, 10 years or older, participated in the PEA, whereas by 2000 the percentage was 46.66%, an increase of 17.69% during the period. Among the male population, Sabará recorded the largest decline in their participation in the PEA: in 1991 approximately 70% of the





Belo HorizonteBetimContagemSabará


Table 2: Percentage of the population 10 years and older, female and male, who are participants in the PEA in the consortiated municipalities of the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region, 1991-2000

Source: SNIG (1991 and 2000 Censuses)








Graph 1: Participation by men and women in the PEA in the consortiated municipalities, 1991-2000

Source: SNIG (1991 and 2000 Censuses).






















11.84 12.69



Men Women

3. “Highest diff erential

in the participation”

means the diff erence

between the

proportion of

population ≥10 years

old that participates

in PEA, for men and

women, between

1991 and 2000.

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


male population, 10 years and older, was participating in the PEA, while by 2000 the percentage was 68.21% - a decrease of 2.44%.

Th e increase in the percentage of women participating in the PEA relative to their percentage of the total population has to be taken with caution. At fi rst, the increase can be interpreted as an optimistic analysis of gender equality between men and women. However, we also have to consider the precarious nature of women’s employ-ment relative to men as well as the distortion in relative income. In other words, while more women are participating in the PEA, this increase does not necessarily mean that they are participating with equal opportunities (and income). Th eir circumstances can be observed by the diff er-ence of medium income between men and women in the cities analyzed or, in another way, as the proportion of women’s medium income to men’s medium income (See Graph 2)

Belo HorizonteBetimContagemSabará






Table 3: Medium income for men and women working, 10 years or older, in the consortiated municipalities (in R$ for 2000)4

Source: SNIG (1991 and 2000 Censuses)








Betim, 2006. (JS)

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


On average, in the four municipalities, the medium income of the work-ing female population, 10 years and older, was only 61.32% of median income for men in 1991. Th is diff erence did not diminish much during the analyzed period: in 2000, the medium income for working women, 10 years and older, was still only 63.70% of men’s median income.

Th e municipality of Sabará register the least disparity of medium income between working men and women, 10 years and older, but there was a decrease in this number during the period under analysis. In 1991, on average, the women’s income was almost 77% of the men’s income, while in 2000 this number had dropped to 67.02%. In Belo Horizonte, the diff erences are also striking and have diminished little during the period under analysis. In 1991, on average, working women received 54% of the men’s income, while in 2000 the diff erence was almost 59%.

Another aspect of gender inequality is evident in the manifestation of violence against women. Regarding this, information is only available for the municipality of Belo Horizonte, as it appears in the Belo Horizonte Preliminary Report for the Millennium Goals profi le.




















1991 2000

Graph 2: Proportion of women’s median income relative to men’s median income in the consortiated municipalities (1991 and 2000)

Source: SNIG (1991 and 2000 Censuses).

59,13% 56,08%65,38% 58,29% 63,27%


67,02% 61,36% 63,70%



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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


According to the Report:

“Violence against women is a phenomenon which occurs all over the

world and that does not make any distinction between class and genera-

tion. One in fi ve Brazilian women has already suff ered some form of vio-

lence by men.4 To measure this kind of violence is complicated because

the majority of occurrences are not reported. Many women feel ashamed

or afraid to denounce their aggressors and, in some cases, even refute the

idea that these acts carried out by men could be considered violent. Th en,

an increase in police reports cannot always be associated with an increase

of violent occurrences, and could be associated with an increase only of

denouncements”. (2006:49-50).

According to data from the Report, in 2003 there was an increase in the number of occurrences of violent acts of gender aggression and incite-ment of prostitution. In 2002, the majority of the recorded occurances are for threats and bodily harm. None were signifi cantly diff erent between 2000 and 2003.

Graph 3: Number and type of offences registered by the Special Unit for Crimes against Women, Belo Horizonte (2000-2003)

Source: Special Unit for Crimes against Women, Belo Horizonte.


ber o

f offe








0Threat Bodily

HarmRape (or

attempted rape)Aggression























2000 2001 2002 2003

Type of Offence

4. Venturi, G.;

Recamán, M; Oliveira,

S. (org.). A Mulher

Brasileira nos Espaços

Públicos e Privados.

São Paulo: Fundação

Perseu Abramo, 2002.

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


Graph 4: Number and type of offences registered by the Special Unit for Crimes against Women, Belo Horizonte (2000-2003) [continued]

Source: Relatório do Perfil dos ODMs em Belo Horizonte.


ber o

f offe














100 11


710 0


37 3144


24 2734

202000 2001 2002 2003

Type of Offence


Seduction Others

22 6 1844

20 17 12 17



GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE CONSORTIUM3Th e Regional Consortium for Promotion of Women Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais, agreed to by the municipalities of Belo Horizonte, Betim, Conta-gem and Sabará in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, aims to plan, foster and implement consortiated and shared actions and programs which promote inclusiveness and emancipation, in a collaborative and sustainable approach, to prevent and fi ght all forms of violence against women, and to ensure the full enactment of the Law 11.340/06 – Law Maria da Penha.


plan, foster and implement consortiated and shared actions and pro-• grams to prevent violence against women;plan, foster and implement consortiated and shared actions and pro-• grams to fi ght violence against women;

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais



undertake the consortiated management of the following regional • facilities: Transition House and Safe House;plan, foster and implement consortiated and shared actions and pro-• grams to educate, form and build capacity for gender awareness in all public and private areas;acquire or administer assets to be shared by the consortiated munici-• palities in their work to prevent and fi ght violence against women;submit shared public tenders where possible, to be ratifi ed by the • consortiated municipalities or their direct administrative entities.

Th e present Regional Consortium constitutes an eff ective instrument to implement cooperative and coordinated actions among the federa-tive entities. Th is approach increases the eff ectiveness of the actions on a regional scale and makes better use of public funds, thus strengthening the public policies which are now the responsibility of the consortiated municipalities. Th e consortiated methodology is divided into two major pillars: preventive actions and service programs.

On the preventive side, the Regional Consortium intends to implement actions and programs oriented at education, training and capacity build-ing with a gender perspective:

» Inclusive and Non-sexist Education Program: consists of aware-ness building campaigns, workshops and graduation projects for teachers from the public network of education in the four municipalities, with the objective to deconstruct the gender and racial stereotypes and discrimi-natory social imagery, thus fostering refl ections on gender and sexuality.

» Youth Embracing Gender Program: consists of a series of youth community workshops with the main objective to map out collectively the violence against women in communities from the four municipali-ties. Th e workshops use both Brazilian and Canadian community-action methodologies. Th e project is developed and implemented in partnership

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


with the University of British Columbia and the Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA), a Canadian NGO.

» Community Legal Assistants Program: the objective of this pro-gram is to involve women community leaders as social agents of human rights and citizenry, thus facilitating access to the legal system for women

subjected to violence, and as social agents in the extra-judicial resolution of commu-nity confl icts. Th e project is partnered with the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) through the Programa Pólos de Cidadania and the Women and Gender Research Centre (NEPEM).

» Database Development: a lack of reli-able data on violence against women due to an under-reporting of incidents makes it extremely diffi cult to analyse trends or create comparative parameters and perform-ance indicators for actions by the Regional Consortium aimed at targeting the problem. Th is is an challenge that is faced by all levels of government. For this reason, the Regional Consortium has prioritized the develop-ment and implementation of a regional

database on violence against women in partnership with UFMG. When completed, the database will be integrated with the national informa-tion system on violence against women, which is being developed by the National Secretariat for Women Policies (SPM).

» Information Management System (IMS): the objective of this program is to follow up on the programs and initiatives being imple-mented by the Regional Consortium. Besides monitoring the Regional Consortium’s actions, the IMS will be used to inform decision-making processes, disseminate regional trends, and will serve as a reference centre for documents and publications on the programs implemented by the Regional Consortium and the municipalities of Belo Horizonte, Conta-gem, Sabará and Betim.

Belo Horizonte, 2006. (JS)

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


On the service provision side, the consortia will deliver two main serv-ices: » Sempre Viva Safe House: during its fi rst year of operation, the Regional Consortium will increase the number of beds (from 10 to 20) and will improve the quality of the services provided. Th e Safe House is currently operated by the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, and serves women and their children under 18 years old, who are victims of extreme abuse, at risk of death and without other options for protection, for a pe-riod ranging from 30 to 90 days. Th e consortiated Safe House will have a multi-disciplinary team providing psychological, sociological and legal counsel.

» Transition House: this service is planned for the second year of the Regional Consortium’s operations. Th e Transition House will accept bat-tered women and their children under 18 years old, who are in an emer-gency situation, in need of safety and protection and require temporary shelter, for up to 15 days. During this period, the staff together with the women will take the necessary steps to ex-amine with their cases.

In addition to the above mentioned programs and services, the consortiated muni-cipalities are forming partnerships with the State Secretariat for Social Development and Sports, and the State Offi ce for Women Issues and the State of Minas Gerais via the State Secretariat for Regional Development and Urban Policies.

Finally, the partnership being created with the State of Minas Gerais will involve development of a pilot project to train and create special police units that can respond specifi cally to cases of abuse of women. Th e Multidisciplinary Patrol Unit (MPU) is based on a successful pilot

Contagem, 2006. (JS)

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais


SUSTAINABILITY OF THE INITIATIVE 6Th e consortiated approach of the four municipalities from the Metro-politan Region of Belo Horizonte gives them greater accountability to execute joint actions to fi ght violence against women since it strengthens the inter-municipal cooperation agreements that constitute the Regional Consortium, upholds the defi ned responsibilities of each municipality and defi nes annual fi nancial contributions. Finally, the regulations of the Regional Consortium are fl exible enough to allow the addition of new partners, that is, ‘scaling up’ thus potentially incorporating new actions to be carried out in the municipalities were the Regional Consortium oper-ates.


Th e signing of the Protocol of Intentions by the Municipalities of Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem and Sabará indicates the political willing-ness of the Mayors to undertake consortiation. After it is voted on and approved by the respective municipal councils, the Protocol becomes the Contract of the Regional Consortium. On one hand the contractual nature of the Regional Consortium makes the consortiated municipali-ties accountable to their administrative, technical and budgetary respon-sibilities. On the other hand the legal nature of the Regional Consortium creates conditions by which to take advantage of economies of scale in the delivery of services, optimize the application of public resources, and obtain intergovernmental transfers as well as raise funds from non-governmental agencies.

project implemented in the Municipality of Uberlandia, which integrates MPU with the emergency number 190 to receive reports of cases of vio-lence against women. Among other tasks, the MPU will undertake the necessary legal procedures as defi ned by the Federal Law 11.340 (Maria da Penha Law) to protect women.

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LESSONS LEARNED7Th e consortiation process required the creation of a collaborative frame-work among the participating municipalities. Th e implementation of this framework contributed to institutional capacity building at the technical, legal and executive levels:

» Public managers recognized that violence against women is a problem that goes beyond municipal boundaries. Th us, the regional approach is seen as a solution for the participatory con-struction of preventive mechanisms and implementation of more eff ective and effi cient actions to fi ght violence against women.

» To consolidate inter-municipal collaboration and to guarantee the sustainability of the actions it is neces-sary to have a robust legal framework, multidisciplinary and inter-institutional structures and the involvement of deci-sion makers within the governmental bodies.

» It is important to diff erentiate between actions that may be better implemented at either the municipal level or the regional level, consider-ing the local peculiarities, implementation costs, and target population. Th is understanding also contributes to creating mutual relationships between the Regional Consortium and the participating municipalities, respecting their autonomy as well as each of their budgetary realities.

Sabará, 2006. (JS)

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais

IMPACT IN THE COMMUNITIES 9Violence against women is already being recognized by both national and international organizations as a pubic health issue. Th us, both private and


IMPACT ON THE LIFE OF WOMEN8On August 7th of 2006, the President of Brazil signed the Federal Law 11.340/06 ‘Lei Maria da Penha’. One year after the passing of the law we still see that a lot needs to be done to truly implement it. It is well known that all levels of government (municipalities, states and federation) have to be committed to uphold this law. Th is being the case, the municipali-ties of Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem and Sabará have come together to carry out this role.

Violence against women is linked to the asymmetry of power and inequality in gender relations in which the masculine role is seen as the dominant fi gure, upheld by the ingrained social stereotypes. Th us, the creation of eff ective public policies that counter all types of violence against women require the design and implementation of actions that are both preventive and remedial in nature. In this context, the Regional Consortium’s programs are geared at non-sexist education, community legal assistants and youth protagonism with the objective to deconstruct the gender stereotypes that contribute to cycles of violence against women. Undoubtedly, training public school teachers, bridging the gap between community leaders and the legal system, and involving youth in gender issues will have a positive impact on the lives of women in the communities where the Regional Consortium will operate.

Moreover, the consortiated physical infrastructure, through which serv-ices will be provided to women in abusive situations, will play a vital role in the reconstruction of women’s lives. In this context, the Safe House and the Transition House, both with distinctive objectives, become vital to the protection of women who fi nd themselves in abusive and violent situations.

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais

Universidade Federale de Minas Gerais (UFMG):

Faculdade De Direito/Programa Pólos de CidadaniaPart of the UFMG Pró-Reitoria de Extensão, the Programa Pólos de Ci-dadania works to guarantee access to justice by the vulnerable population living in the peripheries of metropolitan areas. One of its pioneer projects is the creation of Mediation and Citizenry Nodes, which aim to medi-ate and discuss collectively the local issues and enable access to justice by extra judicial resolution.

Faculdade de Filosofi a e Ciências Humanas – FAFICH/NEPEMTh e Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre a Mulher (NEPEM) undertakes studies and research about actors and stakeholders, groups and social institutions related to women and their interests.

Faculdade de Educação - FAE/Observatório da JuventudeTh e Youth Observatory un-dertakes research, meetings, seminars, fosters networks and participates in fora and other activities related to the theme of youth and educa-tion.



public institutions are challenged to prevent and reduce violence against women. Th is task, however, will only be accomplished if civil society participates eff ectively in the planning, implementation and decision-making processes. Th e Community Legal Assistants Program will play a fundamental role in bridging the gap between the local community and the spheres of the government and the judicial systems.

Signing of the Protocol of Intentions by the municipalities, 10 October 2007.

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Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das Gerais Ana Luiza Nabuco PalhanoProject Coordinator, Regional Consortium for the Promotion of Citizenry: Mulheres das GeraisTelephone: (31) 3277-4152Email: [email protected]

Municipality of Betim: (31) 3531-1574Municipality of Contagem: (31) 3352-5079Municipality of Sabará: (31) 3672-7719

Centre for Human Settlements
