Regent & Newsletter Editor Flames of Faith Third Quarter...

Regent & Newsletter Editor Janet Doucet 722 East Second Street Jennings, LA 70546 337-824-4409 Email: [email protected] September 2013 Third Quarter Mission Statement: Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promoon of jusce, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. INSIDE NEWS Page 2 Living Rosary Regent’s Message State Convenon Page 3 Completed Projects Upcoming Events Page 4 Seminarian Corner State and Naonal News CDA Kid Court Officers Flames of Faith Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Mother Cabrini#1468 Jennings, LA In Loving Memory Let us keep in our prayers, our deceased members: Adela Jardell Peggy B. Gary May their souls rest in peace! Page 1 Court Mother Cabrini’s Court Chaplain Father Charles McMillin was installed as the State CDA Chaplain on Saturday, August 31, during Mass at Our Lady Help of Chrisans Church. On hand for the installaon, were from leſt Second Vice State Regent Barbara Michael, State Regent Ellen Corbello, Father McMillin, Naonal CDA Director Ruth Guidry, First Vice State Regent Pat Myers, and State Treasurer Dawn Fortenberry. Father Charles McMillin, center, was installed as the State CDA Chaplain on August 31, during Mass at Our Lady Help of Chrisans. State Regent Ellen, leſt, installed Father, while local Regent Janet Doucet, right, presented Father with his Chaplain’s pin. Members of Court Mother Cabrini served as hostess for the Diocese of Lake Charles Regent’s Luncheon/Workshop held Saturday, August 31, at St. Mary’s Center in Jennings. Regents, vice regents, district depues as well as state officers and chairmen aended the event. Among those from Court Mother Cabrini who assisted or aended the event were, from leſt, Lillian Benoit, Diana LeBlanc, Judy Duhon, Cindy Satchell, Barbara Lantz and Janet Doucet. JCDA News Kelly Caraway has graciously accepted spearheading the Junior Catholic Daughters program for our court. We thank Vickie Granger for her years of service heading the JDCA program. If you know of a young Catholic girl between the ages of six to 18 who may be interest- ed in joining JCDA, please contact Kelly at 824-2043. New State Chaplain Installed

Transcript of Regent & Newsletter Editor Flames of Faith Third Quarter...

Page 1: Regent & Newsletter Editor Flames of Faith Third Quarter … · Diane said that the staff was very appreciative of all

Regent & Newsletter Editor

Janet Doucet

722 East Second Street

Jennings, LA 70546


Email: [email protected]

September 2013

Third Quarter

Mission Statement: Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.


Living Rosary Regent’s Message State Convention

Page 3 Completed Projects

Upcoming Events Page 4

Seminarian Corner State and

National News CDA Kid

Court Officers

Flames of Faith Catholic Daughters

of the Americas

Court Mother Cabrini#1468 Jennings, LA

In Loving Memory

Let us keep in

our prayers,

our deceased members:

Adela Jardell

Peggy B. Gary

May their

souls rest

in peace!

Page 1

Court Mother Cabrini’s Court Chaplain Father Charles McMillin was installed as the State CDA Chaplain on Saturday, August 31, during Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians Church. On hand for the installation, were from left Second Vice State Regent Barbara Michael, State Regent Ellen Corbello, Father McMillin, National CDA Director Ruth Guidry, First Vice State Regent Pat Myers, and State Treasurer Dawn Fortenberry.

Father Charles McMillin, center, was installed as the State CDA Chaplain on August 31, during Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians. State Regent Ellen, left, installed Father, while local Regent Janet Doucet, right, presented Father with his Chaplain’s pin.

Members of Court Mother Cabrini served as hostess for the Diocese of Lake Charles Regent’s Luncheon/Workshop held Saturday, August 31, at St. Mary’s Center in Jennings. Regents, vice regents, district deputies as well as state officers and chairmen attended the event. Among those from Court Mother Cabrini who assisted or attended the event were, from left, Lillian Benoit, Diana LeBlanc, Judy Duhon, Cindy Satchell, Barbara Lantz and Janet Doucet.

JCDA News Kelly Caraway has graciously accepted spearheading the Junior Catholic Daughters program for our court. We thank Vickie Granger for her years of service heading the JDCA program. If you know of a young Catholic girl between the ages of six to 18 who may be interest-ed in joining JCDA, please contact Kelly at 824-2043.

New State Chaplain Installed

Page 2: Regent & Newsletter Editor Flames of Faith Third Quarter … · Diane said that the staff was very appreciative of all

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After reading National Regent

Anne Nelson message in the Septem-

ber national newsletter, it made me

reminisce a little about how I got start-

ed in CDA. While Father Joseph Bour-

que was at St. Lawrence in Hathaway,

he started the CDA court and in turn

they started a Junior Catholic Daughter

court. My two older sisters, Jennifer

and Barbara, were old enough to join

but I had to wait a year before I could

join. I stayed in JCDA until the court

was disbanned. But once I was old

enough to join CDA, I asked to join

the Hathaway court. While a part of

the Hathaway/Raymond court, I was

active with many of their activities and

programs including becoming leader

for JCDA. Eventually, I transferred my

membership to this Court and have

been active for the last nine years.

After a year-long break, the JCDA

program is being revived. CDA mem-

ber Kelly Caraway has graciously ac-

cepted the court officers’ request to

become the new JCDA leader. Our

officers and court are excited Kelly

has agreed to take over the regins of

the JCDA court and look forward to

seeing her wonderful ideas put in ac-

tion. If you have a daughter,

granddaughter, niece or

cousin who is Catholic and

are between the ages of 6 to

18, we would love to have

them be a part of JCDA.

I invite all Catholic

women and CDA members to attend

the 6 p.m. meeting on September 9 at

St. Mary’s Center. Prior to the meet-

ing, I encourage all CDA members to

attend Mass at 5:30 p.m. at Our Lady

Help of Christians.

Sincerely your sister in Christ,


Your court was represented May 30-June 2 at the 45th Biennial State Conven-tion in Kenner and New Orleans by Re-gent Janet Doucet, Vice Regent Lillian Benoit and District Deputy/Spiritual En-hancement Chairman Barbara Lantz. The theme used at the convention was “Our Blessed Mother Queen of Heaven & Earth”. Our state was blessed to have two ladies from national in attendance at the convention, National Regent Anne Nelson and National Director Ruth Guidry. On Thursday, the members attending the “Evening of Reflection” which fea-tured a spiritual talk by Father Jim Sihko, who was also our keynote speaker on Sat-

urday. On Friday morn-ing, the delegates attending the opening Mass at the historic St. Louis Cathedral celebrated by Arch-bishop Gregory Ay-mond. On Friday afternoon, the busi-ness session was held which included the election of state offic-ers. State officers elected were State Regent Ellen Corbello of Iowa,

First Vice State Regent Pat Myers of Lake Charles, Second Vice State Regent Barbara Michael, State Secretary Connie Dronette of Sulphur, and State Treasurer Dawn Fortenberry of St. Amant. A social fun evening with a Mardi Gras theme was held on Friday evening. Conven-tion attendees were able to meet CDA Habitat for Humanity homeowners Jo “Cool” and Evelyn. Courts from across the state brought housewarming gifts for the new homeowners. On Saturday morning, Janet and Barbara attended the leadership breakfast. Other events held on Saturday included the Memorial Mass, two business sessions, voted for the 2015 nominating committee, awarding of contest winners and conven-tion banquet. A Mass of installation was held on Sunday morning. Our court re-ceived a certificate for second place for

our newsletter in category II, division II, and for outstanding participation in the 2013 Circle of Love Program. Barbara served on the standing rules committee, while Janet served on the reso-lutions committee. Elected to the 2015 nominating committee are Chairman Shei-la Moore of St. Amant, Debbie Faye of Opelousas, Donna Young of Alexandria, Aline Babineaux of Raymond, and Carol Hymel of Vacherie. Alternates are Janet Doucet of Jennings, Judy Reeves of Lake Charles, and Fabian Whitney of Houma.

Regent’s Message

Our Living Rosary will be prayed inside Our La-dy Help of Christians Catholic Church at 6:30 pm on Sunday, October 6. Every organization and ministry of our church will lead a prayer. After the rosary, Father Charles McMillin will hold benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Praying together for the needs of our family,

church, community, nation and the world and then to adore Jesus in the Eucharist. The Living Rosary is a very moving and power filled occasion. If you have never ex-perienced this kind of prayer, come and go the extra mile for Christ. If you want to lead a prayer or help, call Chair-man Barbara Lantz at 824-6206.

Living Rosary Set For October 6

CDA State Convention

HUMOR: I’ve been dieting ALL morning! Am I skinny yet?!!

Lillian Benoit

Representing Court Mother Cabrini #1468 at State Convention were, from left, Lillian Benoit, Barbara Lantz and Janet Doucet.

Janet Doucet

Page 3: Regent & Newsletter Editor Flames of Faith Third Quarter … · Diane said that the staff was very appreciative of all

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Highlights of Completed Projects On Sunday, April 14, our court hosted the annual First Communion Reception at St. Mary’s Center. Lillian Be-

noit spearheaded the event and was assisted by co-chairman Cynthia Kratzer. Members who assisted either by baking

cookies or brownies, decorating, serving and clean up included Beverly Dore’, Linda Miller, Faye Miller, Francis

Naquin, Martha Baudoin, Cindy Satchell, Michelle Lyons, Charlotte Duplechain, Donna Richert, Gertis LeGros, Barbara

DeRouen, Janet Doucet, Lois Menard, Dee Dee Savoy, Debbie Hylton, Helen Atchinson, Judy Duhon, Nookie Miller,

Diana LeBlanc, Elaine Walker, Anna Claire Daugenbaugh, Barbara Lantz, Lillian Benoit and Cynthia Kratzer.

On Saturday April 20, Bishop Glen John Provost confirmed the students at Our Lady Help of Christians Church.

Following Mass and Confirmation, a reception was held at St. Mary’s Center, which was hosted by the Catholic Daugh-

ters courts from Immaculate Conception, Our Lady Help of Christians, and the ladies from Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Cindy Satchell served as chairman and was assisted by co-chairman Janet Doucet. Knights of Columbus Council #2012

members assisted at the reception. CDA members who assisted by either decorating, serving, preparing sandwiches,

baking cookies or chips and dips included Debbie Hylton, Flo McNally, Donna Richert, Anna Claire Daughenbaugh,

Barbara Lantz, Vicki Granger, Monica Gary, Mona Richard, Donna Richert, Becky Reed, Linda Miller, Cynthia Kratzer,

Judy Duhon, Diane Edwards, Sandra Hotard, Faye Miller, Loretta Smith, Betty Caraway, Gertis LeGros, Lee Ann

Kratzer, Kay Baker, Cynthia Frederick, Gayle McFarlain, Betty LeGros, Melanie Hoffpauir, Bernadine Fuselier, Cindy

Satchell and Janet Doucet.

On Tuesday, April 23, our annual Rosary for Cancer was held at Our Lady Help of Christians with approximate-

ly 70 people in attendance. Following the rosary, light refreshments were served to all in attendance. Chairmen were

Shirley Roe, Donna Richert and Dee Dee Savoy. Marie Watson donated the juice served while Melody Trahan of Donut

King donated donut holes.

The annual Pro-Life Baby Shower was held at the May 13 meeting. According to

Pro-Life Chairman Diane Edwards, our court collected a number of baby gifts along with

money for the life-like baby models for the New Life Counseling Center in Lake Charles.

Diane said that the staff was very appreciative of all the gifts and donations.

A reception was held for Priest Appreciation on Saturday

and Sunday, June 1 and 2, and in honor of our chaplain, Father

Charles McMillin, and associate pastor Father Jeff Starkovich.

Cindy Satchell spearheaded this event.

A Farewell Reception was held on Sunday, June 23, for our associate pastor Father Jeff

Starkovich. Cindy Satchell chaired the reception, which bid farewell to Father Jeff after two

short years at Our Lady Help of Christians. For CDA members it was especially difficult to say

goodbye. It was 10 years ago when our court adopted Father Jeff as a seminarian. We offer

Father Jeff our thanks for enriching our lives over the last 10 years. Pray for him in his new

assignment at St. Margaret’s in Lake Charles.

Upcoming Events September

9: Feast of St. Peter Claver, Patron Saint of the Diocese of Lake Charles. CDA meeting at 6 p.m. St. Mary’s Center, budget for 2012-2013 to be discussed. 29- October 7: Pro-Life Novena for Unborn Babies

October 6: Living Rosary 6:30 p.m. inside Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church. If you can help, call Barbara Lantz at 824-6206. 14: Meeting at 6 p.m. at St. Mary’s Center. 20: National CDA Sunday – theme: “I am the vine, you are the branches”, taken from John 5:15 26: Make A Difference Day – Nation’s largest day of volun-teering thanks to people like you. Oct. 27-Nov. 2 – WRAP 2013 Campaign. We will hand out white ribbons with information sheets at every Mass on the weekend of Oct. 27-28. If you can help, call Barbara Derouen at 824-2498.

November 11: Monthly meeting 6 p.m. St. Mary’s Center. CDA memorial service for our deceased members will be held during the meet-ing. Their names will be announced as we pray for their souls. We would also like to invite all family members of the decease members to pray with us. 23: Feast of Christ the King and the conclusion of Year of Faith. 23 & 24: Fall Fund Raiser at St. Mary’s Center. Unit chairmen will be contacting members to request an item for our annual fundraiser. We need as many food items prepared for the fund-raiser to offer to the parishioners of our church parish. Please be generous. This is how we earn the majority of the money for all the projects we do. For more information or to volunteer, con-tact Chairman Flo McNally at 824-7122. 25: Thanksgiving Baskets for Shut-Ins will be assembled at St. Mary’s Center at 1 p.m. If you have fruit trees and can donate, please contact Renee Bourgeois at 824-5086.

Be a flame, light the way to Jesus who came to serve! Consider serving on one of our these projects!

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Court Officers Court Chaplain Father Charles McMillin (824-0168)

Regent Janet Doucet (824-4409) Vice Regent Lillian Benoit (824-0698)

Recording Secretary Judy Duhon (824-3163) Treasurer Cynthia Satchell (824-5241)

Financial Secretary Diana LeBlanc (824-5169)

CDA Kid Continue praying for our 2013

CDA Kid—ZaKeeyah Moore.

She is a bright eight-year-old girl

who has been diagnosed with

type 1 diabetes. Although this is

not a life threatening illness, it is

life altering as she has to learn to

take medication on a daily basis.

Michael Caraway

Seminarian Corner

Meet our new seminarian,

Michael Caraway. He is the 23-

year-old son of CDA member

Betty and her husband, Bill

Caraway, and is the 10th of 11

children. Michael graduated from

Welsh High School and this past

May he graduated from McNeese

State University in pre-dentistry.

Interesting to note is Michael has

a cousin who is a priest for the

Diocese of Lake Charles, Father

Scott Conner, and another

cousin, Trey Ange, who is pres-

ently at seminary at Notre Dame

in New Orleans.

Bishop Glenn Provost has

decided to send Michael to

Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in

Emmitsburg, Maryland. This is

the second oldest seminary in the

United States. With Michael be-

ing so far from home, he would

probably appreciate a letter, note

or card. Address any mail to:

Michael Caraway

Mount St. Mary’s Seminary

16300 Old Emmitsburg Road

Emmitsburg, MD 21727-7797

Elected as new state officers during the 45th Biennial State Convention were, from left, State Treasurer Dawn Fortenberry, State Secretary Connie Dronette, State Regent Ellen Corbello, First Vice State Regent Pat Myers, and Second Vice State Regent Barbara Michael.

State News

I hope all have enjoyed some rest this summer. I know the CDA has not been far from your mind and many workshop and training sessions have been held. In July, the state officers met in Belleville, Illinois, and worked hard for several days. We presented many new ideas and discussed many issues of importance to CDA. I have been asked many times how I became a CDA members. I joined the Juniorette program, progressed through the Junior program and then thought I was finished – my mother had another idea – and I joined a court in my

hometown, the rest is history. I have been a member for over 50 years and, when asked what keeps me involved, I answer that it is the women who live their faith in work and action. They have taught me through their actions what a Catholic woman and a member of CDA, should be. We are faithful, charitable, generous and forgiving; but we are also so human with our own foibles. We need to accept and work with one another and we will succeed and grow.

Peace, love, joy, Anne Nelson

National Regent’s Message

Regent’s Luncheon/Workshop On Saturday, August 31, the Regent’s Luncheon/Workshop

was held at St. Mary’s Center in Jennings. Regents and Vice Re-

gents from the Diocese of Lake Charles gathered for the work-

shop where they had the opportunity to meet the new state offic-

ers and state chaplain, Father Charles McMillin. Court Mother

Cabrini hosted the event where they handled registration, lunch

and refreshments. Following the workshop, those in attendance

were invited to attend Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians where

Father McMillin was installed as the CDA State Chaplain by

State Regent Ellen Corbello. Court Mother Cabrini’s Regent Janet Doucet present-

ed Father McMillin with his chaplain pin.

State Regent Ellen Corbello

Seeking New Members We invite Catholic women

18 years old and older to join

our local court. To learn

more about CDA, contact

Membership Chairman

Flo McNally at 824-7122.