Reform of Higher Education in Morocco Achievements and Perspectives

Reform of Higher Education in Morocco Achievements and Perspectives Presented by El Bachir Kouhlani Director of Higher Education Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Direction of Higher Education Grenade 05/10/2011


Kingdom of Morocco Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Direction of Higher Education. Reform of Higher Education in Morocco Achievements and Perspectives. Presented by El Bachir Kouhlani Director of Higher Education. Grenade 05/10/2011. Summary. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Reform of Higher Education in Morocco Achievements and Perspectives

Page 1: Reform of Higher Education in Morocco Achievements and Perspectives

Reform of Higher Education in Morocco

Achievements and Perspectives

Presented by El Bachir Kouhlani Director of Higher Education

Kingdom of Morocco

Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research

Direction of Higher Education

Grenade 05/10/2011

Page 2: Reform of Higher Education in Morocco Achievements and Perspectives


•Introduction•Pedagogical reform• The new pedagogical system LMD •LMD system and the characteristics

of the new offer of training •LMD system and the mobility

towards the international

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* The components of the system of higher education

• 15 public universities, 1 semi-private University and 2 private universities. • 103 public academic institutions, 6 research institutes ,59 institutions for the

training of managers • 364.175 students,• 192 private schools of higher education

* Management and governance of the system of Higher education in Morocco • law 01-00 has endowed universities with autonomy • pedagogical autonomy. • Financial autonomy. • Administrative autonomy. This autonomy is an instrument of management and governance of universities.

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1. Pedagogical Reform 1/2Objectives of the Reform :

1. Improve the performance of the educational system. 2. Meet the needs of the socio-economic environment. 3. Prepare students for the insertion in the social and economic environment. 4. Establish a system of progressive orientation and reorientation (gateways). 5. Develop methodological, linguistic and communicative capacity.

2003/2005: • Start of the reform from the academic year 2003-2004 in institutions of open

access : ▫ reform of classical programs of license. ▫ Elaboration and implementation of professional licenses (2005)

2006/2007: • implementation of the education reform in institutions of regulated access: (TSPS;

ENCG; (ESRFT). • Implementation of the reform in the Master cycle. 2007/2008: • Implementation of the new educational organization in university engineering


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1. Pedagogical Reform 2/2

2008/2009: •Implementation of the reform of doctorate

cycle. •Evaluation of the educational reform at

the national level.

2009/2011 - Implementation of the emergency program:

•Development of the scientific offer •Promotion of the scientific research.

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• Orientation of students towards the sciences, technics and professional training. ▫ increase of 2 to 3 times the population of the new students in

programs of engineering sciences, trade , management technology and sciences & technics;

▫ Orientation of 25% of the students towards professional licenses and 50% towards specialized masters.

• increase in numbers of students in institutions of regulated access.

• Development of the professional programs in institutions of open access .

• Internal and external system performance improvement: ▫ from 45% to 69% for the graduation rate and from 26% to 58%

for the insertion rate.

Development of the scientific and professional offer of Higher Education

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Promotion of the RS

• Generalization of the accreditation of research units from 69% to 92% of the accredited structures.

• Increase of the number of publications in international journals indexed from 2 000 to 3 500 publications per year.

• Increase of the number of applied research projects conducted with companies to AR 1 700 projects per year.

• Increase of the number of doctoral theses from 820 to 2 300 PhD per year.

• Increase, diversification and sustainability of funding of RS sources.

• Valorisation of the RS: 330 brevets in the 2009-2012 period. • Establishment of a mechanism for monitoring and evaluation

of the research at the University level.

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These objectives for training and research of PU have been in contract since 2009 between the State and the University with an annual assessment of the achievements.

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2. The new educational system LMD



• new University courses are organized in two semesters per year.

• Each semester has 16 weeks with approximately 360 hours: teaching and assessment.

Modularization • Each Teaching contents (elements) are grouped in

modules that are coherent and autonomous about 90 h each. A module can contain between 1 and 4 elements.

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2. The new educational system LMD

bases (continued)

Capitalization • validation module allows its definitive capitalization.

Continuous Evaluation and validation• the student is evaluated along the semester by

continuous controls and final control.

Compensation • A module that is not validated normally can be validated

by compensation with other modules of the same semester upon certain conditions.

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2. The new educational system LMD

bases (continued)


• Orientation of the student to studies of his/her wishes and prerequisites according to his/her abilities.

• Regulation of students careers according to their capabilities and rhythms.

• Reorientation of the students, if necessary, to pre-existing gateways.


• A program of national training is open or renewed only on certification by the CNCES for a period of 4 years (level L).

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2. The new educational system LMD

LMD Architecture

•the training is organized as programs. ▫A program is a course of training with the

objective to enable the student to acquire abilities and skills. It would lead to a set of options for specialization.

▫It consists of a coherent set of modules in one or more disciplinary fields.

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New Pedagogical system LMD Architecture (continued) • Architecture type of a national program DEUG/P

▫semesters 1 to 4

▫16 modules / minimum 1440h

Major volume, reflecting the disciplinary character

of the filiere---

8 to 10 modules 50 to 70% of the hour


Modules transversal: languages,

communication and


3 to 4 modules 15-25% of the


Minimum 70% of the Total hourly volume:

Optional Modules (option

of program, specialization or


3 to 4 modules Maximum 30% of

the hourly volume

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LMD Architecture (continued) • Architecture type of a program of LICENCE (BA/BS)

▫ semesters 5 and 6

▫ Total : 8 modules / 720h minimum

New Pedagogical system

Modules major, reflecting the disciplinary nature of

the program---

5 modules (+ project of end of studies)

60-65% of the hourly volume

Modules "Tools",

necessary to the teaching of

the major modules

(languages, communicatio

n, management,


1 module 10-15% of the


Project of the end of studies of Licence (BA/BS)

---10 à 15% of the volume

Complementary modules (optional, opening in

relation to the training or


1 module 10-15% of the


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LMD Architecture (continued) • Architecture type of MASTER

▫ semesters 1 to 4

▫ Total : 16 modules / 1440h minimum

New Pedagogical system

Modules "Tools",

necessary to the teaching of

the major modules

(languages, communicatio

n, management,


2 to 3 modules15-20% of the


complementary modukles (optional, opening in

relation to the training or


1 to 2 modules 5-10% of the


Modules major, reflecting the disciplinary nature of

the program8 to 9 modules

50 to 55% of the hourly volumeIntroductory training in

research + thesis or professional training and

thesis of project of the end of studies

20 to 25% of the hourly volume

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3. The LMD system and the characteristics of the new training offer

•Organization of training in filieres

› Itinerary types

› Diversified and adapted


programs 1067 DUT / LEF / LP 965 M et MS 209 D

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3. The LMD system and the characteristics of the new training offer

•Diversified courses training▫moving from obliged courses to a more

fluid courses with increased individualization: built by training teams integrating multidisciplinary and

transdisciplinary approaches Professionalizing

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3. The LMD system and characteristics of the new training offer

• Adapted training courses

▫ that allow: progressive orientation of the student, based on his professional

or personal project taking into account the diversity of students and their needs

▫ that integrate: transversal skills including foreign languages, computer tools,

communication… and information tools

▫ that facilitate control: the validation of the personal and professional experience and

validation of graduate studies in Morocco and abroad

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4. The LMD system and international mobility• The LMD makes the Moroccan “Higher Education System” easily visible in

European countries and abroad in general.

• Thus, it promotes international mobility:▫ Mobility of students:

Transparency through 3 levels of training LMD Evaluation of the quality by the use of international standards

Transparency and legibility of Moroccan SES facilitates the recognition of diplomas and the international mobility of students.

▫ Mobility of the employability of graduates: the LMD offers a visibility of higher education in Morocco for European and international

companies Mobility, through the practical training, graduates can acquire a first professional experience and

prepares them for employment in international activities. Mobility facilitates collaboration with graduates from different profiles and cultures.

This training orientation facilitates the insertion of graduates and mobility of employability.

▫ Mobility of research skills: the LMD system allows to obtain research training through the strengthening of the

doctorate and Master Mobility is a factor in boosting and strengthening research capacity. It allows to boost scientific exchanges. Development of joint research projects promoted by an environment where knowledge and

innovation are the basis of economic dynamics. These innovations introduced by the LMD system promote the formation of

international researchers and facilitates international mobility

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This brief analysis of the new LMD educational system shows that Morocco is an example of convergence with the European SES and a good partner for Euro-Mediterranean universities.

It also reveals that mobility can become a component of university courses. However, its effectiveness depends on the following conditions :

▫ The structuring of its implementation by defining objectives of training and research.

▫ The establishment of a preparation device for the success of the mobility experience.

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