Refocused: Change is Required



Be committed to refocus your life through the service to others! Change is required for all of us moving forward!

Transcript of Refocused: Change is Required

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Kira McConico is the publisher of “Be Encouraged”

Comments, suggestions and letters can be sent to

[email protected]

The new year always brings about a desire to change, engage and become the ‘new’ us. It‘s amazing the impact of changing one particular calendar day. There is so much power in celebrating a new year somehow everyone buys into the idea that old things are past away and behold all things have become new.. in one day.

We all know that this momentum is often short lived and then the REAL work of refocusing begins. So this year, I’ve decided to alter my approach on resolution making. Instead of the traditional list of all the things I should change, this year I am going to live from morning to evening, day and night, one day at a time.

I am reFOCUSED on my purpose and the Purpose Maker. I believe that before I can really change an area in my life, I must go back to the foundation of my life... Christ. I’m getting back to some basics. Change is required for my life.

This month’s feature Undercover Encourager is a kind and com-passionate woman who seeks to cover the basics in the lives of thousands of people here and in Africa. Fantashia Freeman-Syananzu. Founder of Heaven Sent Charities, Fantashia demon-strates the fundamental principles of life; food, clothing and education everyday.

When you first meet Fantashia it’s hard to believe that there are still people out there who are less concerned with themselves and more concerned about others. Fantashia is top of that list. Serving selflessly, her heart truly reflects the mission of Christ. Fantashia’s organization geneuinely reaches ‘the least of these’.

I pray that you are encouraged by this month’s reading and challenge yourself to reFOCUSE for change is required of all.

Be Encouraged!

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Look out your window. You see the earth and the fullness there of. But above all the creations that you see, YOU are most important in the eyes of God. Typically we start our new year out promising things to our selves and others that seldom get fulfilled.

For some reason though, this failure year after year never stops us from continuing the tradition. That’s the most wonderful part of life! Each of us is engrafted with a little thing called motivation.

We are able to decide the exact moment that we want to change a behavior for the better or worse. We are able to choose whatever we want to do and at what point we desire to do it. This is the greatest gift of life.

Refocusing can be easier said than done. At an eye exam, there is several lens combination the optometrist tries to get the best vision for you. Some of those combinations strain our eyes, blur our eyes or simply don’t make a difference at all. Yet, we must look through each set to find the optimal vision setting.

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We can use that same analogy today with our life plans and choices. It’s time to re-examine our vision settings and refocus, for change is required.

Today’s daily schedule leaves little room for change on the other hand; today’s daily schedule leaves little room for us to not change. With each neighborhood, community and work environment struggling to display integrity and ethics, change is required. With the reality television, false relationships and discon-nected families, change is required. With a ‘me mentality’, over indulgence and bankrupt mindsets, change is required.

When we refocus it causes change in others and us. Our minds must be the mind of Christ. His mind is compassion, concern and connections. Christ’s mind is sharing, giving and truth. He demonstrated these qualities everywhere He went. People, who didn’t even know Him, knew about His character, His abilities and His compassion. What do people know about you? What would your next-door neighbors attest to on your behalf ? What kind of footprint have you left in your community? Who have you selflessly helped outside of your family?

Be encouraged! You refocus and you should refocus as you move forward with 2013! Here’s some hope!

ONE Carve out one Saturday morning a month to dedicate for family

community service. This can be anything from picking up trash in your own neighboorhood or serving at a local shelter.

TWOShare your service on social media and challenge each friend to show you their service. Remember that the basics of life include

living for others also.THREE

Post your focus goals in your daily line of vision. Remind yourself why your refocusing in the first place and repeat your goals outloud.

5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took on him the form of a servant, and was made

in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross.

Philippians 2:5

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With conviction in her heart, Mrs. Freeman-Syananzu founded an organization, Heaven Sent Charities-An International Outreach & Assis-tance Network. Its mission is to care for and provide fundamental services such as education assistance, support and resources to children who are orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Through Heaven Sent Charities, Mrs. Freeman-Syananzu’s vision is to provide the necessities that will help sustain the lives of children affected by HIV/AIDS and homeless children.

In November of 2011, Mrs. Freeman-Syananzu had the opportunity to travel to Togo and Ghana, West Africa to deliver a 40 foot container of donations of clothing, shoes, toiletries, and school supplies to over 400 children, and to also be honored by a monument being built in her honor in the city center of Togo, West Africa.

Through this call to respond to the devastating conditions of AIDS orphans in Africa, Mrs. Freeman-Syananzu’s goal is, to serve and stabilize children and families affected by HIV/AIDS, who are without housing, nor the finances to pay for health care or basic needs.

BE: How did the idea of Heaven Sent Charities come about?

FFS: HSC was started out of a personal convic-tion in my heart. While studying Anthropology at UMKC, I found favor with a professor who allowed me the opportunity to conduct a field study of the Gambian culture, by traveling to Gambia and Senegal, West Africa for a month.

We delivered school supplies and care packages to a local school. This life changing experience gave me a greater passion for outreach to the children of Africa.

BE: HSC’s outreach extends to Africa, but what support do you offer in the US and more importantly, locally?

FFS: Our vision is to provide the necessities that will help sustain the lives of children affected by HIV/AIDS and homeless children and families throughout Jackson and Wyandotte County.

HSC is also an active participant in combating against the HIV/AIDS virus through community awareness, education, and prevention.

In addition, I work for the Good Samaritan Project, a local AIDS service organization.

Heaven Sent Charities provides monthly food distributions to families in need that reside in Jackson and Wyandotte County. HSC Food Distribution Pro-gram has served over 3,000 households since October 2011 to present day. HSC has partnered with local schools to provide homeless children with clothing, uniforms, school supplies and reading materials.

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BE: What is the greatest need for the orphanges and how can an everyday US citizen really make a difference?

FFS: Throughout the year, we have several events with donation opportunities. Our goal is to con-tinue to fill 40-ft. long tractor trailers with dona-tions to ship overseas.

Donations that we collect during our events are included in those shipments. We conduct the following events annually:

HSC Orphan & Homeless Children OutreachHSC Back-to-School Fair HSC Food Distribution Program HSC Homeless Holiday Party HSC Bears of Care Christmas Campaign

Heaven Sent Charities also accepts in-kind dona-tions, such as, clothing, shoes, toys, teddybears, books and school supplies at an on-going bases. Donations can be dropped off at HSC office. Heaven Sent Charities is a 501(c)3 organization an ALL DONATIONS are tax deductable.

BE: What is next for the future of HSC?

FFS: Heaven Sent Charities is also hosting our 5th Annual Women's Red Rose Tea, Saturday March 23, 2013 from 2:00pm-5:00pm located at Benjamin Ban-neker Charter School, 6401 Rockhill Rd, KCMO 64130. Tickets are on sale now.

For more information on Heaven Sent Charities:

Contact Fantashia at:

[email protected]