Reflexive Verbs: Part II - Web viewFase2: Formación para la ... When the...

Español V El 6 de octubre 2015 martes 1. LAS OBRAS A LA PIZARRA

Transcript of Reflexive Verbs: Part II - Web viewFase2: Formación para la ... When the...

Page 1: Reflexive Verbs: Part II - Web viewFase2: Formación para la ... When the pronouns are attached to the infinitive, make the sentence negative by placing the negative

Español VEl 6 de octubre 2015martes


2. Al repasar mas repasos del preterito y el imperfect

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3. El Imperfecto en repaso con detalles

4. Realidades 3 página 44 Usos del imperfecto Actividad 39 Actividad 40Repaso de A PRIMERA VISTA IIPágina 36 y página 37Carrera Atlética de San Cristóbol Actividad en clase-La practica

Actividad 41 Una Atleta Olímpica página 45Actividad 42 Un partido inolvidable página 42

Los Atleticos y los trofeos

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Inicio | Observatorio | Agenda | Tema del mesPresentaciónDónde estamosNovedadesNuestra luchaMateriales

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Federación Mujeres Jóvenes pone en marcha la Formación en “Competencias Digitales para Jóvenes de España en el Exterior”Federación Mujeres Jóvenes somos una organización juvenil con una larga trayectoria de especialización en atención desde y para mujeres jóvenes, desarrollando programas dirigidos a promover e impulsar la inserción sociolaboral de mujeres jóvenes desde 1986. Este año estamos impulsando la primera edición del Programa de Inserción Sociolaboral en Competencias Digitales para Jóvenes de España en el Exterior, subvencionado por la Dirección General de Migraciones del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social para la convocatoria del Programa Jóvenes 2014, en colaboración con la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.La crisis económica, las políticas de austeridad, la falta de empleo, las malas condiciones laborales, los constantes mensajes que indican que “el futuro está fuera”, entre otros factores, están llevando a gran cantidad de jóvenes de nuestro país a optar por la vía de emigración, viéndose en la necesidad de forjarse un futuro fuera de España.  Según el último informe de UGT, en los últimos años se ha quintuplicado el número de jóvenes de España que emigran.Con desaliento ante la falta de oportunidades, gran porcentaje de la población joven española desaparece de las estadísticas porque dejan de buscar empleo de manera activa.  Hay quienes optan por seguir estudiando, una alternativa cada vez más difícil si se carece de recursos económicos. Otra alternativa consiste, sencillamente, en emigrar. Desde que comenzó la crisis, el número de jóvenes de España que se han ido al extranjero ha aumentado un 41%, según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística. En 2014 se fueron 206.492 personas, de las que 5.552 tenían menos de 29 años.En esta formación se pretende dotar de habilidades informáticas a 42 jóvenes de España, menores de 35 años, residentes en el extranjero, obteniendo una acreditación oficial reconocida a nivel europeo que les permita mejorar sus competencias sociolaborales y su currículum. La formación se divide en dos fases que se extenderá de febrero a junio de 2015:Fase 1: Orientación laboral: información profesional individualizada: acciones individuales de información y orientación profesional personalizada para la inserción laboral, a través de herramientas de Comunicación 2.0.Fase2: Formación para la obtención de la acreditación europea del manejo del ordenador: formación on-line para la obtención de la European Computer Driving Licence, ECDL (Acreditación Europea del Manejo del Ordenador) a fin de superar los exámenes definidos a nivel internacional e idénticos en toda la Unión Europea. En colaboración con la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares y través de la Plataforma de formación Moodle de nuestra entidad.Es un programa innovador que pretende dar respuesta a la obtención de las tan demandadas competencias digitales en el mundo laboral, a nivel mundial. A su vez, desde Federación Mujeres Jóvenes seguimos trabajando por la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres trabajando sobre problemas tan importantes como la alta tasa de desempleo juvenil y la brecha digital de género.El plazo de inscripción es hasta el 15 de febrero de 2015. Requisitos de inscripción:• Ser persona joven española menor de 35 años.• Residir en el exterior desde el 8 de abril 2014.• Contar con Certificado de Inscripción Consular.Las personas interesadas pueden realizar su inscripción al curso a través del siguiente formulario. Para más información sobre este programa escribir a [email protected]  

© 2014 Federación Mujeres Jóvenes ·C/ Bravo Murillo, 4, local, oficinas 6 y 7,

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28015 Madrid · Telf. · [email protected]

los deportes

El Futuro

Future TenseThe future tense is used to tell what "will" happen, or what "shall" happen.I will go to the beach next month.I shall write the letter next week.

But, the future tense is not used to express a willingness to do something. For this, use the verb "querer."¿Quieres ir a la tienda?Will you go to the store?

The future tense is also used to express wonder or probability in the present state.¿Quién será ella?

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I wonder who she is? (Who could she be?)Estará viajando solo.He is probably traveling alone.

For actions that will occur in the near future, the present tense is more commonly used.Esta noche voy al cine.Tonight I'm going to the movies.Further in the future, use the future tense.El año que viene iré a España.Next year I'm going to Spain.

Regular verbs in the future tense are conjugated by adding the following endings to the infinitive form of the verb: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án.hablaréhablaráshablaráhablaremoshablaréishablarán

There are twelve common verbs that are irregular in the future tense. Their endings are regular, but their stems change. Since the endings are the same as all other future tense verbs, we show only the "yo" form, and have underlined the irregular stem. We have also grouped them according to their patterns of change.caberyo cabréponeryo pondrédeciryo diréhaberyo habrésaliryo saldréhaceryo harépoderyo podréteneryo tendréquereryo querrévaler

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yo valdrésaberyo sabréveniryo vendré

Note that compound verbs based on the irregular verbs inherit the same irregularities. Here are a few examples:desquereryo desquerréresaberyo resabréanteponeryo antepondrémanteneryo mantendréprevaleryo prevaldré

Let's add two flashcards for the future tense:Verb FlashcardsComplete ListFuture TenseInfinitive + ending(-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án)

Future Tense Irregularscaberyo cabréponeryo pondrédeciryo diréhaberyo habrésaliryo saldréhaceryo harépoderyo podréteneryo tendréquereryo querré

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valeryo valdrésaberyo sabréveniryo vendré

Irregular Spanish Future TenseThe irregularities in the future tense are a bit difficult to predict. You will be happy to know that ser and estar, which are irregular in almost every other tense, are completely regular in the future. It’s the following that you have to look out for:

Irregular –ER verbs Irregular –IR verbs

SABERto know

PONERto put

VENIRto come

SALIRto leave, go out

yo sabré pondré vendré saldré

tú sabrás pondrás vendrás saldrás

Ud., él, ella, sabrá pondrá vendrá saldrá

nosotros/as sabremos pondremos vendremos saldremos

vosotros/as sabréis pondréis vendréis saldréis

Uds., ellos, ellas sabrán pondrán vendrán saldránYou will notice that the irregular –er verbs drop the –e from the infinitive ending, while the irregular –ir verbs replace the –i with an –r.

Other common verbs that follow this irregularity are:

poder: podré, podrás, podrá, podremos, podréis, podrán querer: querré, querrás, querrá, querremos, querréis, querrán tener: tendré, tendrás, tendrá, tendremos, tendréis, tendrán

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valer: valdré, valdrás, valdrá, valdremos, valdréis, valdrán

There are two verbs that have an even stranger stem change in the future tense. You will simply have to memorize these.

HACERto make, to do

DECIRto say, to tell

yo haré diré

tú harás dirás

Ud., él, ella, hará dirá

nosotros/as haremos diremos

vosotros/as haréis diréis

Uds., ellos, ellas harán dirán

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orms of the future tense. Endings. The endings for all verbs are: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án Note that every one except the nosotros form requires a written accent. Stem. Normally, the infinitive is used as the stem (exceptions will be given below). Samples:

hablar comer vivirhablaré hablaremos comeré comeremos viviré viviremoshablará

s hablaréis comerás comeréis vivirá

s viviréis

hablará hablarán comerá comerán vivirá viviránVerbs with irregular future stems: (Remember that this same stem is used to form the conditional.) decir dir- to sayhaber habr- there to be [impersonal];

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verb]hacer har- to make, dopoder podr- to be ableponer pondr- to put, place, setquerer querr- to want, lovesaber sabr- to know [a fact], know howsalir saldr- to leave, go outtener tendr- to havevaler valdr- to be worthvenir vendr- to comeEnrique nos dirá la

verdad.Enrique will tell us the truth

¿Quiénes vendrán conmigo?

Who will come with me?

Pondré la mesa en seguida.

I'll set the table right away.

Usage. There are two main ways in which the future tense is used in Spanish:

It indicates future time, the same as in English.Mañana saldremos para

Madrid.Tomorrow we will leave for

El lunes iré al hospital. I'll go to the hospital on Monday.NOTE: The present tense is often

used instead of the future for near future actions:

Esta noche miramos la televisión.

Tonight we'll watch TV.

Lo hago en dos minutos. I'll do it in two minutes.

The future tense is also used to indicate conjecture or probability in the present time. In English, expressions such as

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“probably”, “must”, “I/you think” are usually used rather than the future tense.

¿Dónde estará María?

Where do you think Mary is (right now)?

Estará en casa. She is probably at home.

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?Serán las ocho. It must be 8:00. (Or: It is probably

etc.)The periphrastic future: Ir a + the infinitive. A present tense form

of the verb ir (to go) plus the preposition a plus an infinitive is often used as a substitute for the future tense in Spanish. The same phenomenon also occurs in English:

¿Vas a estudiar mañana?

Are you going to study tomorrow?

No voy a hacer nada. I'm not going to do anything.

When “will” is used in the sense of “to be willing to” it is normally translated by the verb querer (to want), not the future tense. This frequently occurs in requests which suggest the idea “would you like to” or “would you be willing to”:

¿Quiere Ud. apagar el cigarrillo?

Will you put out your cigarrette?

¿Quieres sacar la basura, Juan?

Will you take out the trash, John?

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Faitelson: "Seguimos esperando"

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Picante: Fue un cambioMás Videos »

end vertical•

Título Sub 17•

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Balón de Oro

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Palabras : “los Deportes”Anillas


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Balón de fútbol







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Carrera de velocidad


Coche de carreras

Racing car

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Deportes acuáticos

Water sports

Deportes de invierno

Winter sports




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Wall bars

Esquí (actividad)


Esquí (plancha)

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Esquí náutico

Water skiing






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Racecourse ; Racetrack

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Hockey sobre hielo

Ice hockey

Jockey ; Jinete

Jockey ; Rider



Juegos Olimpicos ; Olimpiada

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Olympic Games ;Olympics






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Patinaje sobre hielo

Ice skating

Patinaje sobre ruedas

Roller skating

Piloto de carreras

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Racing driver


Swimming pool




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Boat race

Ring ; Cuadrilátero


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Salto con pértiga

Pole vault

Salto de altura

High jump

Salto de longitud

Long jump (U.K.) ; Broad jump (USA)

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Sprint (U.K) ; Dash (USA)






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Cycling stadium ; Velodrome


Water polo

El ImperfectoImperfect tense:

The Imperfect

The imperfect tense is used to refer to actions in the past that occurred repeatedly.I used to walk every day.Yo caminaba cada día.

The imperfect tense is also used to refer to actions in the past that occurred over an extended period of time.

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I used to eat paella frequently.Yo comía frecuentemente paella.

The imperfect tense is also used to "set the stage" for an event that occurred in the past.We were coming home when we saw Juan.Veníamos para casa cuando vimos a Juan.

Actions which are not physical, that is feelings and mental actions, usually use the imperfect tense.Juan was feeling sick.Juan estaba enfermo.

The imperfect is frequently associated with phrases that describe the frequency of past actions.a menudooften

a vecessometimes

cada díaevery day

cada añoevery year

con frecuenciafrequently

de vez en cuandofrom time to time

en aquella épocaat that time



muchas vecesmany times

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muchoa lot


por un ratofor awhile


tantas vecesso many times

todas las semanasevery week

todos los díasevery day

todo el tiempoall the time

varias vecesseveral times

Regular forms of the imperfect are formed by adding the following endings to the stem of the verb:

-ar verbs example: hablar



-er verbs, -ir verbs example: vivir

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Only three verbs are irregular in the imperfect:ser ver ir




Leccion de culturaCapitulo I Realidades 3

Gramatica intense- Cumplimentos Directos e indirectosReflexivos

Grammar Review

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Reflexive Verbs: Part IA reflexive verb is a verb in which the subject is the direct recipient of the action of the verb in active voice.

There is no object!The subject is “ the object”


A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same.

I wash myself.

subject: I

verb: wash

object: myself

Since the subject and object are the same, the verb is reflexive.

I wash the car.

subject: I

verb: wash

object: car

Since the subject and object are different, the verb is not reflexive.

Here's another example of how a verb can be either reflexive or non-reflexive.

I scratch myself.

subject: I

verb: scratch

object: myself

Since the subject and object are the same, the verb is reflexive.

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I scratch the dog.

subject: I

verb: scratch

object: dog

Since the subject and object are different, the verb is not reflexive.

When a verb is reflexive, the infinitive ends in "se."


to wash (non-reflexive)


to wash oneself (reflexive)


to scratch (non-reflexive)


to scratch oneself (reflexive)

There is one reflexive verb you have been using since you began studying Spanish.

llamarse - to call oneself

¿Cómo se llama usted?

What do you call yourself?

Me llamo Juan.

I call myself Juan.

Note: A more "natural" translation would be "What is your name?" and "My name is Juan."

When you learned to conjugate regular verbs, you needed to learn a set of pronouns called "subject



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yo lavo

tú lavas

él, ella, usted lava

nosotros/as lavamos

vosotros/as laváis

ellos, ellas, ustedes lavan

Ella lava el coche.

To learn to conjugate reflexive verbs, you need to learn a different set of pronouns called "reflexive

pronouns." These pronouns are positioned before the verb, while the ending "se" is dropped and the verb is

conjugated normally.


yo me lavo

I wash (myself)

tú te lavas

you wash (yourself) (informal)

él se lava

he washes (himself)

ella se lava

she washes (herself)

usted se lava

you wash (yourself) (formal)

nosotros nos lavamos

we wash (ourselves)

nosotras nos lavamos

we wash (ourselves) (feminine)

vosotros os laváis

you-all wash (yourselves) (informal)

vosotras os laváis

you-all wash (yourselves) (informal, feminine)

ustedes se lavan

you-all wash (yourselves)(formal)

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ellos se lavan

they wash (themselves)

ellas se lavan

they wash (themselves) (feminine)

Ella se lava.

Ella lava el coche, y despues se lava.

The reflexive pronouns are not subject pronouns; rather they are object pronouns.

me (myself)

te (yourself)

se (himself, herself, yourself) itself

nos (ourselves)

os (yourselves)

se (themselves, yourselves)

The purpose of the reflexive object pronouns is to show that the action of the verb remains with the subject.

Juan se lava la cara.Juan washes his face. (reflexive)

Juan lava su carro. (non-reflexive)

Juan washes his car.

Note: When referring to body parts, use the definite article, thus "la cara" not "su cara."

Note that many, many verbs can be made reflexive. All it means when a verb is reflexive is that the action

remains with the subject.

wash the dog (non-reflexive)

wash your face (reflexive)

raise the book (non-reflexive)

raise your arm (reflexive)

put the baby to bed (non-reflexive)

go to bed (reflexive)

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wake up your son (non-reflexive)

wake up yourself (reflexive)

...and so on

Now add a flashcard for reflexive verbs:

lavarse to wash oneself

yo me lavo

tú te lavas

él se lava

ella se lava

usted se lava

nosotros nos lavamos

nosotras nos lavamos

vosotros os laváis

vosotras os laváis

ustedes se lavan

ellos se lavan

ellas se lavan

Reflexive Verbs: Part II

In the previous lesson, you learned that a verb is reflexive when the subject and the object are the same.

I wash myself.

subject: I

verb: wash

object: myself

Since the subject and object are the same, the verb is reflexive.

I wash the car.

subject: I

verb: wash

object: car

Since the subject and object are different, the verb is not reflexive.

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You also learned that when a verb is reflexive, the infinitive ends in "se."


to wash (non-reflexive)


to wash oneself (reflexive)


to scratch (non-reflexive)


to scratch oneself (reflexive)

You should have memorized a set of pronouns called "reflexive pronouns."

me (myself)

te (yourself)

se (himself, herself, yourself)

nos (ourselves)

os (yourselves)

se (themselves, yourselves)

You learned to conjugate reflexive verbs like this:


yo me lavo

I wash (myself)

tú te lavas

you wash (yourself) (informal)

él/ella se lava

he/she washes (him/herself)

usted se lava

you wash (yourself) (formal)

nosotros/as nos lavamos

we wash (ourselves)

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vosotros/as os laváis

you-all wash (yourselves) (informal)

ustedes se lavan

you-all wash (yourselves) (formal)

ellos/as se lavan

they wash (themselves)

In the lesson titled Direct Object Pronouns Part III you learned that when there are two verbs, you have two

options on where to place the pronoun: before the conjugated verb or attached to the end of the infinitive.

Great Law of Position of Object PronounsI want to see it. (querer, ver)

Lo quiero ver.

Quiero verlo.Lo debemos comprar.

Debemos comprarlo.

We should buy it.

María nos debe visitar.

María debe visitarnos.

Mary should visit us.

Juan lo necesita lavar.

Juan necesita lavarlo.

John needs to wash it.

The same is true regarding reflexive pronouns. When the sentence has two verbs, the pronoun can be

placed directly before the conjugated verb or attached to the end of the infinitive.

I want to see myself.

Me quiero ver.

Quiero verme.

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John needs to wash his hair.

Juan se necesita lavar el pelo.

Juan necesita lavarse el pelo.

More pronouns and POSITION LAWMaria can wash her face now.

Ahora María se puede lavar la cara.

Ahora María puede lavarse la cara.

I have just gone to bed.

Acabo de acostarme.

Me acabo de acostar.

We prefer to wash with scented soap.

Preferimos lavarnos con jabón perfumado.

Nos preferimos lavar con jabón perfumado.

Whenever a verb directly follows a preposition, it remains in the infinitive form. For reflexive verbs, the

ending -se changes to agree with the subject. Observe the differences in the following sentences, all of

which are about counting burros before falling asleep.

ANTES + DE + infinitive

Antes de dormirme, yo cuento burros.

Antes de dormirte, tú cuentas burros.

Antes de dormirse, la chica cuenta burros.

Antes de dormirnos, nosotros contamos burros.

Antes de dormiros, vosotros contáis burros.

Antes de dormirse, los chicos cuentan burros.

In English, many verbs can be used transitively (with a direct object) or intransitively (without a direct object).

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The sun dried the clothes. (transitive)

The clothes dried in the sun. (intransitive)

In Spanish, these intransitive constructions frequently employ the reflexive form.

The sun dried the clothes. (transitive)

El sol secó la ropa.

The clothes dried in the sun. (intransitive)

La ropa se secó al sol.

Sometimes, the reflexive construction is used merely to emphasize who is performing the action of the


The cake? Maria ate it.

¿La torta? María se la comió.

For some verbs, the meaning changes when they are used reflexively.

aburrir - to bore

aburrirse - to be bored

acordar - to agree

acordarse de - to remember

acostar - to put to bed

acostarse - to go to bed

casar - to perform a marriage ceremony

casarse con - to become married to someone

despedir - to fire

despedirse de - to say goodbye

dormir - to sleep

dormirse - to fall asleep

ir - to go

irse - to go away, to leave

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morir - to die (abruptly, as of an accident, war, etc.)

morirse - to die (as from natural causes; also "to die" figuratively)

negar - to deny

negarse a - to refuse

parecer - to seem

parecerse a - to resemble

poner - to put

ponerse - to put on

probar - to try, to taste

probarse - to try on

quitar - to take away

quitarse - to take off

A few verbs are always used reflexively.

arrepentirse (e:ie) - to repent

atreverse a - to dare

darse cuenta de - to realizejactarse de - to boast

quejarse de - to complain about

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Object Pronouns

Basic Spanish Pronouns

Direct Object PronounsFirst of all you must remember that a direct object in a sentence is the person, event or thing affected by the verb. The main difference between the use of the direct object pronouns in Spanish and English is their placement. While in English they substitute the direct object (and

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its article) and are placed where the original object was, in Spanish this pronoun is placed in front of the verb, replacing also any article used with the object previously.

 Singular PluralMe (me) Nos (us)

Te (you) Os (you [all])

*Lo/la (him/her/it) *Los/las (them: masculine/feminine/neuter)

Le= you to a male in many Spanish-speakiing countries!!!Ejemplo- Le conozco….

 *The pronouns 'le' are sometimes used as direct object pronouns. Its use carry some subtle differences in meaning.

 Spanish EnglishDirect object expressed (Tú) llevas el libro You take/carry the book

 Direct object pronoun  (Tú) lo llevas You take/carry it

 Direct object expressed  Ella rompe la silla She breaks the chair

 Direct object  Ella la rompe She breaks it

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 Direct object expressed

 Ustedes secuestran los perros You [all] kidnap the dogs

 Direct object pronoun  Ustedes los secuestran  You [all] kidnap them

 Direct object expressed  El interrumpe la fiesta He interrupts the party

 Direct object pronoun  El la interrumpe He interrupts it

Indirect Object Pronouns: Part I. The indirect object (IO) tells us where the direct object (DO) is going. The indirect object answers the question "To whom?" or "For whom?" the action of the verb is performed. Sentences that have an indirect object usually also have a direct object.

Indirect Object Pronouns: Part INotes:The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.

The indirect object (IO) tells us where the direct object (DO) is going.He gives the book to María.DO=BookWhere is the book going?To María.IO=María

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He gives María the book.DO=BookWhere is the book going?To María.IO=María

The indirect object answers the question "To whom?" or "For whom?" the action of the verb is performed.He gives María the book.To whom does he give the book?To María.IO=MaríaHe buys me flowers.For whom does he buy the flowers?For me.IO=me

Sentences that have an indirect object usually also have a direct object. Remember, the IO tells us where the DO is going. Notice how the sentences below just wouldn't work without a direct object.He gives María . . .the book, the pen, the diamond, etc.He buys me . . .flowers, candy, an ironing board, etc.

Sometimes the direct object is not stated; rather it is implied, or understood.My mother writes me every week.DO=letter (understood)IO=me(My mother writes me a letter every week.)She told him.DO=it (understood)IO=him(She told it to him.)

To identify the indirect object use our two guidelines:• The IO tells us where the DO is going.• The IO answers the question "to whom?" or "for whom" the action of the verb is


When a pronoun takes the place of the name of the indirect object, use the following pronouns:me (me)

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te (you-familiar)le (him, her, you-formal)nos (us)os (you-all-familiar)les (them, you-all-formal)

In an affirmative statement with one verb, the indirect object pronoun comes immediately before the conjugated verb.Juan me compra un regalo.John buys me a gift.John buys a gift for me.Juan te compra un regalo.John buys you a gift.John buys a gift for you.Juan le compra un regalo.John buys her a gift.John buys a gift for her.Juan nos compra un regalo.John buys us a gift.John buys a gift for us.Juan os compra un regalo.John buys you-all (familiar) a gift.John buys a gift for you-all.Juan les compra un regalo.John buys them a gift.John buys a gift for them.

Now, focus in on one part of each of the previous examples:Juan me compra un regalo.John buys (for) me a gift.Juan te compra un regalo.John buys (for) you a gift.Juan le compra un regalo.John buys (for) her a gift.Juan nos compra un regalo.John buys (for) us a gift.Juan os compra un regalo.John buys (for) you-all (familiar) a gift.Juan les compra un regalo.John buys (for) them a gift.

Let's extract the IO phrase and its English equivalent:me comprabuys (for) me

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te comprabuys (for) youle comprabuys (for) hernos comprabuys (for) usos comprabuys (for) you-allles comprabuys (for) them

Just like with the direct object, the indirect object presents a problem if one tries to translate word-for-word:Juan me compra un regalo.John for me he buys a gift.

The key to learning to use the indirect object pronouns is the same as the key for direct object pronouns. You must learn to think in phrases, not words. The phrases consist of a pronoun and a conjugated verb. In the following examples, note that the IO remains the same, while the subject of the phrase comprahe buys meme compranthey buy meme comprasyou buy me

The IO pronouns le and les present a special problem because they are ambiguous. That is, they can stand for different things.leto (for) himto (for) herto (for) you-formallesto (for) themto (for) you-all-formal

The following sentences, while grammatically correct, are ambiguous:Ella le escribe una carta.Ella les escribe una carta.Out of context, there is no way we can know the meaning.Ella le escribe una carta.She writes him a letter.She writes her a letter.

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She writes you (formal) a letter.Ella les escribe una carta.She writes them a letter.She writes you-all (formal) a letter.

Since le and les can mean more than one thing, a prepositional phrase is often added to remove the ambiguity.Ella le escribe a Juan una carta.Ella le escribe a su hermana una carta.Ella le escribe a usted una carta.Ella les escribe a sus padres una carta.Ella les escribe a ustedes una carta.

Sometimes a prepositional phrase is added not for clarity, but rather for emphasis.Juan me da a mí el dinero.John gives me the money.(emphasizing that the money is given to me and not to someone else)Juan te da a ti el dinero.John gives you the money. (emphasis on you)

There is no ambiguity in the following sentence. It can only mean one thing.Juan me da el dinero.John gives me the money.The addition of a prepositional phrase merely adds emphasis.Juan me da a mí el dinero.John gives me the money.

Let's sum up the important points of this lesson:• The IO tells us where the DO is going.• The IO answers the question "to whom" or "for whom."• Sentences that have an IO usually also have a DO• Sometimes the DO is not stated, but rather is implied, or understood.• The IO pronouns are: me, te, le, nos, os, les.• Place the pronoun before the conjugated verb.• Think in phrases, do not translate word-for-word.• Le and les are ambiguous.• Prepositional phrases are often used for clarity and for emphasis.

Direct and Indirect

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Object Pronouns Used Together!Here are the direct object pronouns and the indirect object pronouns side by side:

DO Pronouns

IO Pronouns English Equivalent

me me me

te te you (familiar)

lo, la le him, her, it, you (formal)

nos nos us

os os you-all (familiar)

los, las les them, you-all (formal)

When you have both a direct object pronoun and an indirect object pronoun in the same sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes first.Ellos me los dan.They give them to me.IO pronoun: meDO pronoun: los

Ella te la vende.She sells it to you.IO pronoun: teDO pronoun: la

Whenever both pronouns begin with the letter "l" change the first pronoun to "se."le lo = se lole la = se lale los = se losle las = se las

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les lo = se loles la = se lales los = se losles las = se las

The reason for changing "le lo" to "se lo" is merely to avoid the tongue-twisting effect of two short consecutive words that begin with the letter "l". To demonstrate this, first quickly say "les las" and then quickly say "se las." See how much easier it is to say "se las?"

In negative sentences, the negative word comes directly before the first pronoun.No se lo tengo.I don't have it for you.Nunca se los compro.I never buy them for her.

Because the pronoun se can have so many meanings, it is often helpful to clarify it by using a prepositional phrase.Él se lo dice.Ambiguous. He tells it to (whom?).Él se lo dice a Juan.He tells it to him. (to Juan)Él se lo dice a María.He tells it to her. (to María)Él se lo dice a ella.He tells it to her.

In sentences with two verbs, there are two options regarding the placement of the pronouns. Place them immediately before the conjugated verb or attach them directly to the infinitive.She should explain it to me.Ella me lo debe explicar.Ella debe explicármelo.I want to tell it to you.Te lo quiero decir.Quiero decírtelo.You need to send it to them.Se la necesitas enviar a ellos.Necesitas enviársela a ellos.Note that when attaching the pronouns to the infinitive, a written accent is also added to the final syllable of the infinitive. This preserves the sound of the infinitive.

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When the pronouns are attached to the infinitive, make the sentence negative by placing the negative word directly before the conjugated verb.Ella debe explicármelo.Ella no debe explicármelo.Quiero decírtelo.No quiero decírtelo.Necesitas enviársela a ellos.No necesitas enviársela a ellos.

When the pronouns come before the conjugated verb, make the sentence negative by placing the negative word directly before the pronouns.Ella me lo debe explicar.Ella no me lo debe explicar.Te lo quiero decir.No te lo quiero decir.Se la necesitas enviar a ellos.No se la necesitas enviar a ellos.
