Reflections of our nation

Notes from Pastor Tunde Amosun

Transcript of Reflections of our nation

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Pastor Tunde Amosun

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If you are an albino in Tanzania your

life is likely to be at risk from

enemies more deadly than the rays

of the sun, an ever-present foe.

According to reports, the sexual

organs of male and female albinos

are particularly sought because it is

believed they can effect miracle

cures or offer mystical powers. African Press International - api

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Since last month, there have been

reports from that country about

weird incidents of witchcraft and

devil worship rituals involving

human body parts

Videos and films from Nigeria that

tout the efficacy of witchcraft are

widely to blame for the current crisis

in Tanzania. African Press International - api

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Dr Tunde Adegbola Salt & LightGenesis 1:27-2827 So God created man in His own image; in

the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Use my faith for cars & houses or I can use it to change the world

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We have considered it to be power, control

& authority but there are 2 important

dimensions to Dominion

1.Authority – capacity to determine what

happens after you must have ….

2. Responsibility or the ability to respond

Response to that which you have determined.

Able or appropriate response.

You don’t need knowledge to exercise

authority but its not possible to exercise

responsibility without knowledge.

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Multiplication should be based on fruitfulness + Replenish is French [plen] for fill or maintenance.

Over and over again to maintain the balance on the earth its our responsibility.

Subdue is taking dominion God puts confidence in us to take this

dominion over the earth.Thank God He has promised us to give us

wisdom and knowledge + skill through training to have dominion.

Its this responsibility that drives us to be educated.

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The Epistle of Paul the apostle to Titus or Tunde or Nwosu or Usman5 For this reason I left you in

Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you—

• The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.


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All Nigeria needs is infrastructure & discipline but no discipline or infrastructure without visionIgnorance of effective organization

and management even in a church with Vision and Purpose usually leads to a waste of valuable resources.Zeal without Skill is being active but

not progressive which lead to waste.

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In the beginning God created the

heavens and the earth. 2The earth

was without form, and void; and

darkness was on the face of the

deep. And the Spirit of God was

hovering over the face of the

waters. 3Then God said, “Let there

be light”; and there was light.

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*1, Verse 2, It was without FORM, No


[Hebrew] or DISORDER.

*2, Verse 2, It was VOID an old English

word which means CONFUSED or EMPTY



*3, darkness WHICH MEANS No


the absence of light.

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DISORDER: means everything is present but in the wrong location

> Leads to CONFUSION > Leads to DARKNESS

for example, someone rearranges your House, moves bedroom to kitchen and so on – This confuses you.

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10 For there are many insubordinate,

both idle talkers and deceivers,

especially those of the


11 whose mouths must be stopped,

who subvert whole households,

teaching things which they ought not,

for the sake of dishonest gain.• The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

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12 One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans [NIGERIANS] are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”13 This testimony is true.

Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith,

• The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

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15 To the pure all things are pure,

but to those who are defiled and

unbelieving nothing is pure; but

even their mind and conscience are


16 They profess to know God, but

in works they deny Him, being

abominable, disobedient, and

disqualified for every good work.

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Carpenters & workmen-

Lagbara Olorun or Olorun as se!

Bayelsa Impeached Governor –

God brought me back

Everyone calls upon God here

To deny or swear

To promise etc

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13 looking for the blessed hope

and glorious appearing of our

great God and Savior Jesus Christ,

14 who gave Himself for us, that

He might redeem us from every

lawless deed and purify for

Himself His own special people,

zealous for good works.• The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

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Zealous for good works.

Zeal or passion for good


Concerned and burdened

to engage in good works.

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8 This is a faithful saying, and

these things I want you to affirm

constantly, that those who have

believed in God should be careful

to maintain good works.

These things are good and

profitable to men.

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36 At Joppa there was a certain

disciple named Tabitha, which is

translated Dorcas. This woman was

full of good works and charitable

deeds which she did.

37 But it happened in those days that

she became sick and died. When they

had washed her, they laid her in an

upper room.

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38 And since Lydda was near Joppa,

and the disciples had heard that Peter

was there, they sent two men to him,

imploring him not to delay in coming

to them.

39 Then Peter arose and went with

them. When he had come, they

brought him to the upper room.

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And all the widows stood by him

weeping, showing the tunics and

garments which Dorcas had made

while she was with them.

40 But Peter put them all out, and

knelt down and prayed. And turning

to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise.”

And she opened her eyes, and when

she saw Peter she sat up.

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41 Then he gave her his hand and

lifted her up; and when he had called

the saints and widows, he presented

her alive..

42 And it became known throughout

all Joppa, and many believed on the


43 So it was that he stayed many days

in Joppa with Simon, a tanner

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If you died today

what will people

show to God and

his servants to

bring you back!

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Matthew 5:16

16 “Let your light so shine before

men, that they may see your good

works and glorify your Father in





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Luke 11:33

33 “No one, when he has lit a lamp,

puts it in a secret place or under a

basket, but on a lampstand, that

those who come in may see the light.

No one includes God

What does it mean to light

Secret Place

Basket or Bushel

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Psalm 18:2828 For You will light my lamp;

The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.Proverbs 20:2727 The spirit of a man is the

lamp of the Lord, Searching all the inner depths of his heart.

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Arise, shine; 1 For your light has come! And

the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. 2 For behold, the darkness shall

cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; Its arise shine not arise and

shine its in arising you shine

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But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. 3 The Gentiles shall come to

your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.God will not send from Heaven

what He has provided in earth

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Proverbs 5:15 KJV(15) Drink waters out of thine own cistern,

and running waters out of thine own well.God will not work for you in reverseEach of us is either a Well or Cistern?

What's the differenceCisterns have to be filled by an outside

source like tanks on the other hand Wells have their own source

If all we do is fill the cisterns we will never reach the city because we will just be trying to keep the saints full

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John 4:13-14 KJV

(13) Jesus answered and said unto

her, Whosoever drinketh of this water

shall thirst again: (14) But whosoever

drinketh of the water that I shall

give him shall never thirst; but the

water that I shall give him shall be

in him a well of water springing up

into everlasting life.

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Have we become so heavenly conscious and no earthly good?

Have we become so earthly conscious that we are not heavenly good?

What is missing either way?God wants His government over all of

your life, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Its only when His kingdom comes that His will be done!

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Most people believe they should

achieve wealth primarily for their own

material comfort or that of their families.

This is far too narrow a view. God does

want each of us to be rich in every

possible way – health, love, and peace

of mind, as well as material possession.

God wants this, however, not just for our

own sake, but for the sake of


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The reason is that an increase in wealth for an individual almost always represents an even larger increase in wealth for society at large. This is especially true in our modern

economy, where the largest individual financial rewards are increasingly reserved for those people making the greatest positive impact on our society.

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In our economic world – the world God promised to Abraham in the covenant, a world in which the quantity of our own wealth is directly proportional to the number of people with whom we share the rewards of our increased specialization –the particular ticket may be

different for each of us.

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Bill Gates did not go into Microsoft

business to make money he went in

to bring and develop computer

software to make life easier for

many people.

Henry Ford desire was to make cars

available to the average man and

his family. Oprah, Dell, Cadbury,

and Heinz etc the list is endless.

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Ken E Hagin says “Real faith accompanies knowledge of the Word of God.”

“It takes no effort what so ever on the part of the intellect or the will of man to obtain faith. Faith accompanies knowledge.”

As soon as the light of knowledge comes, faith is there.

As the psalmist of old said, “the entrance of your word giveth light…..” Psalm 119:130

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Because personal finance is 80 percent behavior and 20 percent knowledge, you will either make your life over in the process, or you end up miserable.

I see well rounded, mature people who become all God designed them to be when they get their money closets cleaned out.

God has a plan for your life, and that plan isn’t to harm you; it is a plan for your future to give you hope (Jeremiah, 29; 11).

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Success is not a destination thing-it’s a daily thing. The only way to achieve real success is to do it one day at a time.

To be successful, you don’t need to be lucky or rich. But you do need to know this:

You are what you do daily. You first form your habits; then your habits from you.

It is just as easy to form habits of success as it is to form habits of failure.

Successful people have Habits they do everyday that ordinary people do once in a while. -T D Jakes and Paula White

Success – preparation meeting opportunity