Reflections of Grace archives/2019... · 2020-06-17 · Reflections of Grace AUGUST 2019 G r a c e...

Reflections of Grace AUGUST 2019 Grace Community Christian Reformed Church Newsletter Pray the 7 I AMStatements of Jesus by Bob Hostetler To some people, Iamsis just a brand name for pet food. For others, it is a powerful and inspiring way to pray. One of the unique features of the fourth Gospel, written by John (the beloved disciple) a few decades after the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, is its singular structure, which is more thematic than chronological. And part of that structure is the inclusion of seven striking statements Jesus made, which have come to be called The Seven I Ams”. The first occurs in John 6:35, soon after Jesus miraculously fed a crowd of 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes. He said: I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (John 6:35, NIV) It was the first of seven metaphors Jesus used to portray his divine nature and redemptive mission. And those I Amstatements can be a great way to pray, particularly when your faith and hope need a boost. For example, you may make a list of the seven I Amsand pray something like this: 1) Lord Jesus, you said, I am the bread of life. Your nature is to provide and sustain life as You did for the crowds on Galilean hillsides. I pray for You to meet my need today. 2) You said, I am the light of the world. It is Your very nature to dispel darkness. Please light the path ahead of me and shine Your light on me. In This Issue:: 1 Pray the 7 I AMStatements of Jesus 2 Art Connect 3 Meet Matt Mulder 4 My Grandmoter’” 5 Graduation of Kylie Wolfe GEMS Girls Club 6 Council Communique7 Birthdays & Anniversaries 8 Generosity Today—Barnabas 10 Missionary Calendar 11 News from Partners Worldwide 15 New Elder & Deacon Districts 16 Serving One Another (Schedules) 17 Home Cooking 18 News from Operation Blessing 19 Grace Pointe Place 20 Puzzle Pages 23 Grace Church—Our Values Newsletter Deadline 3) You said, I am the door (gate) of the sheep.You protect and shelter those who depend on You. Let nothing come my way that You have not approved. 4) You said, I am the good shepherd.Your nature is to care and lead and guide. Please do that for me today. 5) You said, I am the resurrection and the life.You banish sadness and impart vitality and abundance. Please resurrect my hopes and enliven me today. 6) You said, I am the way, the truth and the life.Your very nature is to drive Continued on page 2 1

Transcript of Reflections of Grace archives/2019... · 2020-06-17 · Reflections of Grace AUGUST 2019 G r a c e...

Page 1: Reflections of Grace archives/2019... · 2020-06-17 · Reflections of Grace AUGUST 2019 G r a c e C o m m u n i t y C h r i s t i a n R e f o r m e d C h u r c h N e w s l e t t

Reflections of Grace AUGUST 2019

G r a c e C o m m u n i t y C h r i s t i a n R e f o r m e d C h u r c h N e w s l e t t e r

Pray the 7 ‘I AM’ Statements of Jesus by Bob Hostetler

To some people,

“Iams” is just a brand name for

pet food.

For others, it is a powerful and inspiring way to pray.

One of the unique features of the fourth Gospel, written by John (the beloved disciple) a few decades after the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, is its singular structure, which is more thematic than chronological. And part of that structure is the inclusion of seven striking statements Jesus made, which have come to be called “The Seven I Ams”. The first occurs in John 6:35, soon after Jesus miraculously fed a crowd of 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes. He said:

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry,

and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6:35, NIV)

It was the first of seven metaphors Jesus used to portray his divine nature and redemptive mission. And those “I Am” statements can be a great way to pray, particularly when your faith and hope need a boost. For example, you may make a list of the seven “I Ams” and pray something like this: 1) Lord Jesus, you said, “I am the bread of life.” Your nature

is to provide and sustain life as You did for the crowds on Galilean hillsides. I pray for You to meet my need today.

2) You said, “I am the light of the world.” It is Your very nature to dispel darkness. Please light the path ahead of me and shine Your light on me.

In This Issue::

1 Pray the 7 ‘I AM’ Statements of Jesus

2 Art Connect

3 Meet Matt Mulder

4 “My ‘Grandmoter’”

5 Graduation of Kylie Wolfe

GEMS Girls Club

6 Council Communique’

7 Birthdays & Anniversaries

8 Generosity Today—Barnabas

10 Missionary Calendar

11 News from Partners Worldwide

15 New Elder & Deacon Districts

16 Serving One Another (Schedules)

17 Home Cooking

18 News from Operation Blessing

19 Grace Pointe Place

20 Puzzle Pages

23 Grace Church—Our Values

Newsletter Deadline

3) You said, “I am the door (gate) of the sheep.” You protect and shelter those who depend on You. Let nothing come my way that You have not approved. 4) You said, “I am the good shepherd.” Your nature is to care and lead and guide. Please do that for me today. 5) You said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” You banish sadness and impart vitality and abundance. Please resurrect my hopes and enliven me today. 6) You said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Your very nature is to drive

Continued on page 2 1

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FROM THE EDITOR: Do you have a story or memory

about how your ancestors came

to America or life growing up in “the olden days”?

Memories of another time with different clothes,

music, food prices, etc.?

Why not submit a story to the newsletter and

share your memories?

Or maybe you’ve had a “God” moment in your life

that impacted you and your spiritual journey?

When something happened that can only be

explained as having come from God.

We’d love to be able to share your story

with others.

Submit your story for the newsletter by placing it

in the newsletter box on the wall outside the office.

And please include your name!

Pray the 7 “I Am” statements of Jesus continued from page 1

away confusion, distraction, error, doubt and death. Please banish those things from my heart, mind and spirit today. 7) You said, “I am the true vine.” You impart Your divine beauty, grace and vitality to all those who abide in You. Help me to abide in You today and infuse me with Your nature. These prayers are offered as a mere example, of course. Yours will be more specific to your situation and need. And you may find, as I do, that the “I Ams” are so rich and meaningful that you can pray them every day for a week and never pray the same way twice. Give it a try. It is a great way to connect your praying to the beauty, power and wealth of Jesus Himself.

©Guideposts. All rights reserved.


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Meet Matt Mulder—In mid-August, we will welcome Matt to Grace Community Church as he begins

working part-time with Pastor Kooy in our ministry. We thank God for Matt and look forward to him joining us as we serve God together.

Faith Journey

I believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit: Three persons in one Trinity. I believe that God created everything and made humans in His image. I believe that humans have fallen from God’s perfection and, because of this, each and every person is born depraved and sinful, both because of an inherent original sin, and because of the sins we commit every day. I believe that, in spite of this, God, in His everlasting love, sent His only Son to stoop down to our level and become incarnate so as to redeem us from our sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to save me and the rest of God’s elect from our sins. I believe that God sent the Holy Spirit to live within Christians so that they might be a light for God in the dark and sinful world as a part of the Body of Christ, the church. I believe that Jesus is currently in Heaven at God’s right hand, interceding on our behalf. I believe that one day, Jesus will come again to earth and bring us to be with Him eternally in the everlasting Shalom that is the New Creation.

I was born and raised in the CRC in West Michigan to parents who faithfully exemplify what it means to be a follower of Christ. I grew up being taught a very strong conviction to the Christian faith and to the church. For our family, this meant never missing the evening service on Sundays, being involved in Cadets and Youth group, and going to Chris-tian schools. This also meant having a robust study and understanding of Scripture and the Creeds and Confessions from an early age. I made profession of Faith at age 10 and in preparation for that my father and I went through the Confessions. We also had weekly Bible Study time on Sunday evenings for a few years, and as I grew up more in the CRC church, I enjoyed learning more about God, the Bible, and the Heidel-berg Catechism.

In college, I set off to get a minor in Theology and enjoyed my classes as I learned more about what a Reformed Worldview and Theology looks like. Through some providential circumstances, I ended up changing that Theology minor to a double major along with Music and I was able to further delve into my theological studies, learning more about church history, Calvinist studies and more modern reformed thought. Through all this I was further confirmed in my faith and ful-filled in my desire to learn more about how God reveals Himself to us.

It was during this time that I was also convicted by God that a large part of Christian life is the church. I had stopped going to church for a couple of years during college out of laziness, but, providentially, I was given an opportunity to play bass at a local PCA church plant. Through my attendance at this church I was reminded how lifegiving and integral it is to have a community of believers in one’s life. It was also at this church plant where I began to articulate my call to ministry as they opened their arms to me not only as an attender of worship but also as an intern.

In my time at Calvin Seminary, I have been further affirmed by my friends, family, mentors, church, classis, colleagues, and professors in my call to ministry in Christ’s body and bride, the church. I can see the ways in which God has been faithful to me thus far in my life and how God has continually been transforming and sanctifying me. I look forward to what God has in store for me as I strive to follow God’s call to ministry.


Hello! My name is Matt Mulder, and I am a recent graduate of Calvin Seminary and a Candidate for Ordination in the CRC. My (very soon to be) wife Larissa and I are excited to get to know all of you at Grace over the next year. Larissa is finishing up her degree in Music Education at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights this fall and plans to pursue a PhD starting in Fall 2020. I also attended Trinity (Class of 2015) before I went on to Seminary.

I’m greatly looking forward to ministering together with you this year. In Christ, Matt Mulder

Colleges & Seminaries Attended: Trinity Christian College Palos Heights, IL B.A. in Music and Theology 2015 Calvin Theological Seminary M. Div., May 2019 Internships: Fuller Avenue CRC Grand Rapids, MI Oct. 2016-May 2018 Fuller Avenue CRC Grand Rapids, MI May 2018-Aug 2018 Contact: (616) 886-3934 [email protected]

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My ‘Grandmoter’

submitted by Sue Weidenaar

This is the story of my grandmoter, Susie Smit. She was born in August of 1887 in Venood, Netherlands. She was the sixth child of Albert and Jentje (Jennie) Smit. They lived close to their maternal grandparents, the Kosters.

Susie’s father, Albert, was in poor health. It was said he had Rheumatism and for some time was unable to feed himself. Albert had an uncle in South Africa, who encouraged him to come there for the warmer weather. So in 1895, when Susie was 8 years old, the family (mother, father, John, Jannes, Gerrit, Susie, Alice, and Albert) traveled to Pretoria, South Africa.

The children went to school and learned the language. Father’s health improved and he and the older boys found work, at times with the railroad. They lived there for approximately 5 years.

In 1899 father lost his job. The Boer War broke out and the family was sent back to the Netherlands. Father and John followed later. Another child was born in 1990.

The two older boys, John & Jannes went to America. In 1902, the family followed and settled in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The children went to school where they learned English & Dutch.

When Susie was 21 years old, she married Jans Mejeur. Their oldest child was Uko, my father. He was named after his grandfather, Uko Mejeur. For a time they lived in Wisconsin. Susie died when she was 33 years old from an infection, leaving 5 young children. My Dad was 11 years old when his mother died.

Later Grandpa married a widow named Anna. She had 3 children, and together they had 2. It was a large family.

I was named Suzanne after the 2 grandmas. Sue for Susie and Anne for Anna. I feel privileged to have been named after them, but also to know the history of my family.


Venood, Netherlands circa 1850

Michigan circa 1900

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Anyone holding a meeting or event at the church is asked to please remember to monitor who is entering the building when doors are left unlocked for attendees to come in, and to close and lock all the doors of the church after everyone has arrived. Please do not leave the doors propped open. Also, if you are the last to leave, please make sure ALL doors are locked before you go.

If we all do our part,

we can make our church building a safe environment

for everyone to enjoy.

How Can We Pray for YOU?

If you would like our

Prayer Team to be ‘prayer warriors’ for you,

for a need in your life, or the life of a loved one or friend, visit our website at:

You can also visit our Prayer Room

on Sunday morning before or after the service —

Room 5 on the south side of the building.


Kylie Wolfe

Granddaughter of Char Kros

Graduated from Navy Boot Camp

May 10, 2019

She is currently in Hospital Corpsman

School at Fort Sam Houston in

San Antonio, TX and will be stationed out

of Pensacola, FL starting in September.

God’s blessing to Kylie as she begins her tour of duty with the Navy.

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Continued page 7 6

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Council Communique’ continued from page 6


3 Dan Brucken Jr.

Josefina Kialanda

10 Barb Wassenaar

Ken Yff

12 Carol Schutt

18 Ben Dykstra

23 Joan Schutt


4 Jasmine Brucken

6 Rob Soucek

8 Jestine Ivy

13 Phyllis Johnson

16 Jim Kamper

17 Marv DeVries

20 Betty Veenstra

26 Michael Kooy


10 Bill & Sue Weidenaar

12 Michael & Trudy Kooy

14 Rob & Laura Soucek

25 Hank & Carol DeVries

27 Keith & Angela Den Besten


8 Dean & Terry Unger

17 Dave & Joyce Phillips

26 Udom & Bounnak Insixiengmay

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8 Continued on next page

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Continued from page 6

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N e w s f r o m D e n n i s & J e n i H o e k s t r a P a r t n e r s W o r l d w i d e

11 Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page

12 Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page

Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page

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4 Bob Cooper / Diane Ritzema

11 Bob Cooper / Pedro Kialanda

18 Diane Ritzema / Eleanor Lamsma

25 Pedro Kialanda


4 Barb Wassenaar / Ruth Kuipers

11 Anna Huisenga / Sarah Huisenga

18 Maria Kialanda / Hannah Soucek

25 Ann Sroka / Kaitlyn Van Kuiken


4 Brian Kamper

11 Pastor Kooy

18 Diane Ritzema

25 Tom Huisenga


4 Clareen Sluis / Theresa Dybala

11 Vince & Nancy Sommer

18 Catherine Solle / Karen Buikema

25 Tom & Darlene Huisenga


Week 1 Evelyn Van Dellen

Week 2 Clareen Sluis

Week 3 Gloria Kamper

Week 4 Evelyn Luchtenburg

Week 5 Gloria Kamper


4 Tom Huisenga / Jestine Ivy

11 Pastor Mike / Jim Wassenaar

18 Eleanor Lamsma / Ed Mudde

25 Ken Schutt / Tom Huisenga


4 Sarah Huisenga

11 Eleanor Lamsma

18 Sarah Huisenga

25 Ed Ritzema


4 Jim Kamper

11 Ed Ritzema

18 Chris Van Kuiken

25 Jim Kamper


4 Tom Huisenga

Vince Sommer

George Voss

11 Fred Veen

Dan Brucken

Ed Mudde

18 Carol Den Besten

Phyllis Johnson

Dean Unger

25 George Voss Hank DeVries

Rich Boersema



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Aunt Tena’s Applesauce Cake Submitted by Sue Weidenaar

1 cup butter or shortening

2 cups sugar 2 eggs 2 cups applesauce (unsweetened) 1/4 cup warm water 3 cups flour 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. cloves 1 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup raisins 1 cup nuts (optional) 1) Cream butter, sugar and unbeaten eggs, beat well. 2) Add unsweetened applesauce and warm water. 3) Sift flour and spices together and add to applesauce mixture. 4) Add raisins & nuts. 5) Pour into 9x13 pan.

Bake in moderate oven.

Frost with buttercream icing.

FYI: moderate oven temperature: 180 to 190 C (350–375 F) cool oven temperature: 90 C (200 F) slow oven: 150 to 160 C (300–325 F) hot temperature: 200–230 C (400–450 F) fast oven: 230–260 C (450–500 F)

If you have a favorite recipe you’d like to share, put

a copy in the newsletter mailbox next to the office

and we’ll print it. Don’t forget to put your name on

it, and where it came from, if you know. Recipes

without names will not be printed.


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10415 S. Kedvale Avenue

Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Church Office: 708.636.2848 Fax: 708.636.2847

[email protected]

This newsletter is a publication of Grace Community Church. Contributions to the

newsletter are welcome and will be considered for

publication provided they are in keeping with the tone of

this newsletter and your name is included with the


If you have any questions concerning this

newsletter, please contact

Barb Wassenaar 708.636.2848

[email protected]

Submissions for the SEPTEMBER 2019 issue are due no later than

August 18, 2019.

Distribution: September 1, 2019