



Transcript of Reflections

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June%18,%2013%%%To%Whom%It%May%Concern,%%I%wanted%to%take%a%few%minutes%and%express%my%support%and%gratitude%to%O’iaDda International%for%the%work%they%do%in%bringing%young%people%together%from%disparate%cultures%and%backgrounds.%Not%only%does%O’iaDda%do%this%well,%but%they%make%it%easy%for%those%of%us%in%schools%to%participate.%%In%connecting%us%at%the%University%Liggett%School%with%students%in%Ghana%as%part%of%our%celebration%of%Black%History%Month,%O’iaDda%facilitated%a%very%effective%learning%experience%for%our%students%in%grades%six%through%twelve,%an%experience%that%we%processed%at%times%for%weeks%afterword.%Needless%to%say,%we%look%forward%to%maintaining%a%relationship%with%O’iaDda%as%we%continue%our%work%and%learning%in%connecting%to%others%students%in%different%cultures.%%Clearly,%we%have%become%beneficiaries%and%supporters%of%O’iaDda%here%at%Liggett,%and%commend%them%without%reservation%for%the%wonderful%work%they%do.%%%%%Jay%Trevorrow,%Technology%Director%University%Liggett%School%Grosse%Pointe%Woods,%MI%48236%

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Response from the Education Community The Akoma Ntoso Cultural Center has enjoyed an enthusiastic response from the

education community. Here are a few of the comments we have received.

Tia Esposito, Videoconferencing Coordinator

Boston College High School, Boston, MA

I am writing to recommend the services of O’ia-da International and Eric Jones. Eric has been working with our school for the past two

years providing the most informative and interactive videoconferences our school has ever had the privilege of experiencing.

This year our students are part of O’ia-da International’s Ambassador program with the Akoma Ntoso Cultural Center in Cape Coast

Ghana and are learning alongside the students of a school in West Africa. The students from our school are with our Association for

Diversity in Action and truly their learning has been enhanced by leaps and bounds, going beyond the limits of our school building and

connecting with students half way around the world. It has been tremendously exciting to see the enthusiasm in the students faces on

both sides of the videoconference screen. Our students represent ages 14-18, in grades 9–12, likewise there is a mix of students in the

school in West Africa. Both innovative and fun, the students meet once each month together, and work during the rest of the month

on projects that both sides present when they meet again.

It is so much better when students learn about another culture from the people in the culture themselves. Last year, at a videoconfer-

ence a class did with the school in Cape Coast West Africa, for example, our students had been learning about slavery. The textbook

referred to “slave castles” in Ghana. When the students from Ghana met with our students in Boston, our students realized in a very

“real” way, that the term “slave castle” was not an appropriate term for the atrocities that were committed in Ghana during this period

in time—especially to the people in Ghana. Examples such as this abound from our experiences with O’ia-da International’s videocon-

ference programs.

The Ambassador Program in particular has proven to be particularly enlightening for our students, as together they are on a journey of

learning with students in Ghana. Research on various subjects is done by students on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean and then dis-

cussed together from different points of view, combining their efforts and cultural knowledge to form a broader understanding of the

world around them. Truly, this is global citizenship in action.

Thanks to Eric Jones and O’ia-da International our students have been able to interact culture-to-culture and discover for them-

selves how very much alike we all really are, despite our cultural differences. The students love to discuss sports, and are surprised to

find how far reaching this commonality will go. This Cultural Exchange program has inspired our students and our teachers to reach

beyond their textbooks and to experience a unique way of learning. The Ambassador Program has greatly enhanced our school ’s offer-

ings here at Boston College High School.

I feel confident in recommending Eric Jones and O’ia-da International’s programs. As its representative, Eric is not only thorough, but

also easy to work with, always willing to take the time to discuss and respond to questions the teachers at our school may have, and to

make sure that each and every videoconference runs smoothly. Our school does over 100 videoconferences each year, and by far, our

videoconferences with O’ia-da International have been the most worthwhile. I am sure that our students will never forget the classes

they had jointly with the classes in Ghana.

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To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to recommend the services of Oiada International to all schools. Darryl Batts has been working with the Twin Groves Middle School health classes located in Buffalo Grove, Illinois this year to setup several teleconferences between my students and the students in Ghana, Africa. When I first inquired about the project I was excited that my students would learn about the African culture and more im-portantly about building relationships outside of our community. After our first teleconference, my 7th grade students were thrilled to have the opportunity to see and speak to students from not only a different continent, but a different culture. I first told my students that we would be taking a virtual flight "Flight 777" to Ghana, Africa. Students were so happy to take a field trip and even more excited during our experience. Each school discussed interesting topics as we "got to know" each oth-er. My students learned about African culture and what the African family structure looks like. The students from Ghana learned about life in Illinois and asked about misconceptions they heard of about Americans. We also talked about stressors both in the US and in Africa and compared one another. Since then, we have had three other "get togethers" with the students in Ghana and each one is more remarkable. Students still come to me each day and ask me if we are going to travel to Africa today. Parents have said that this was an "eye-opening" ex-perience that every child should experience. I am so thrilled to have this opportunity and hope that we can continue to have successful interactions with the students in Ghana for years to come! Sincerely, Ben Leven Health Teacher Twin Groves Middle School

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SMES Students Study Literature Alongside Students in

Ghana and Gain Global Understanding

Over the course of the last two months, Mr. Peter Clark’s grade 10 English class has taken a state-of-the-art, virtual journey more than 7,500 miles to Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa. The class has been teleconferencing with Ghanaian students for discussions on the book Things Fall Apart by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. Book discussions quickly evolved into captivating and eye-opening revelations between the classes about each other and how everyday life differs in each other’s part of the world, says Mr. Clark.

“After Darla Magana (director of library and media center) and Karen Angus (web librarian) noti-fied me about the opportunity, I participated in a teleconference with the Ghanaian teachers in October to discuss our shared reading of Achebe’s Things Fall Apart,” said Mr. Clark. “We creat-ed a schedule where students would read and discuss the three parts of the novel utilizing their

unique positions as U.S. and Ghanaian students.”

St. Margaret’s has established an academic task force to look at global education opportunities such as this to give a better under-standing of the importance of domestic and international diversity. Additionally, the task force aims to pique a need for cross-discipline 21st century curricular projects and exchanges with partner schools and organizations, deepen service learning and sustainability efforts, further enhance the Independent Senior Project program, and strengthen ties with the St. Margaret’s grow-ing alumni and parent body.

During the first classroom meeting, the Ghanaian teachers and students warmly welcomed St. Margaret’s students with songs and introductions before sharing a bit of their country’s rich history and culture. As the students continued to meet each week, they discussed Things Fall Apart, one of the first African novels written in English to receive global critical acclaim. It is a staple book in schools throughout Africa. Conversations would often deviate from the book when either a Ghanaian student or a St. Margaret’s students would ask more personal questions about family, religion or politics in order to better understand each oth-er’s cultures.

“The Things Fall Apart Ghana student exchange was an incredible experience,” said sophomore Gabrielle Axelson. “As a class we were able to connect with students thousands of miles away discussing things from everyday life to characters in the book. It was amazing to see how much we had in common with the students on a whole other continent. I personally felt that I had a real-ly special connection with the students, mainly because I am traveling to Ghana for a service trip next summer. Upon hearing this news, everyone on the other side of the camera was excited, encouraging, and really made me feel like I would be welcomed with open arms. The kindness in their hearts really made the whole excursion less scary, and I plan on following their advice by ‘keeping an open mind, and embracing everything around me.’ From this experience I learned that you should never limit your-self to the people or culture around you. There is so much more of life to discover, if you are open to seeing it.”

Academic Dean Dr. Jeneen Graham said of the class project, “Technology has fundamentally transformed the interconnectedness of humanity across the globe. The power of the interaction between the St. Margaret’s and the Ghana students is an extraordinary example of educating hearts and minds for lives of learning, leadership and service. We will continue to develop and broaden these learning opportunities for all of our students and help them to develop the knowledge and sensitivity that is critical to being a global citizen.”

Founded through the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration and facilitated by O’ia-da International Akoma Ntoso Cultural Center in Newark, New Jersey, the Ghana videoconferencing program connects students in the U.S. and Africa in order to break down barriers of stereotyping that contribute to cultural misunderstandings.

“It is essential that sustained relationships between schools are established so that true relationships–the give and take of friend-ships–takes hold. These students now know each other’s names, discuss their own lives, discuss their country’s politics, and know a bit more about what life is like in Cape Coast, Ghana and Southern California,” added Mr. Clark.

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Thank you Thank you Thank you! This is our first time with your company the teachers and students were WOWED! The teacher and students from the 1st grade class in Ghana did a amazing job representing their school and country. Because this was our first time we were not as prepared as we should have been. But the teacher we visited with said she would like to connect again. Would that be possible? We would really like to give a better look at our school and village here in Cazenovia New York. When the word gets to the other teachers in our building they will want to connect as well, so we will be in contact I know this program was free and I see you do charge for events, how does this work? Thank you again so much for taking us to Africa. Becky Fuller Cazenovia Central School District Cazenovia, New York

WOW! and that word really does not do justice to the classroom students in Ghana. They were so professional and articulate! Great presentation, songs, and questions. Please relay our appre-ciation to them and their teacher. Our students learned a lot and enjoyed the Q & A session and the ability to interact with students thousands of miles away. Thomas Friedman wrote a book a few years back called "The World is Flat" and with today's technology and events like this...we certainly are neighbors playing in a flattened world. THANKS so much for providing this WONDERFUL opportunity to our students. Richard Sands Universal Technology Access Group-Telepresence Carrollton-Farmers Branch I.S.D. That was one of the most extraordinary presentations I have ever seen. Our students are still rav-ing about it. SAGE is an alternative high school and our students were somewhat reluctant to speak out at first but your kids were so enthusiastic and interesting they came out of their shells and started asking questions which is MAJOR for them. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I feel like we made some new friends and I hope we will hear from you all again! Nonya Brown-Chesney Media Coordinator SAGE Academy 501 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Siler City NC 27344

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It was fantastic. Our kids really enjoyed themselves and were impressed by their knowledge of our current events and of their country's resources. The presentation by your students and question session was a hit! Our kids asked when they could do it again! Thank you so much for the opportunity to reach out to Ghana. Linda May Digital Learning Coach Edgewood High School Our session was amazing. I would love to send a follow up email to the teacher at the other end. She did a fabulous job. WE learned so much. We even showed them some snow today. Happy Computing, Kristen Magyar Elementary Computers Highland Falls Fort Montgomery Central School District

I cannot thank you enough for your assistance in our recent series of video conferences with the Mate Masie School in Ghana. Our exchanges were wonderful. What I most appreciated was the insight our stu-dents gained into the lives and culture of these wonderful children. Our preconceptions (we Americans often see the world through a straw) were turned 180 degrees, and my students saw young people in Africa with whom they had much in common. In fact, I am currently in communication with Mate Masie to see how we might continue our connections. Please keep us in mind with any ideas or projects you have, for I am committed to seeing that our little learning community remains connected with others in sharing, learning and understanding.I have added you as a friend on Capspace. -- Jay Trevorrow, Director of Technology University Liggett School 1045 Cook Road Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 I thought I would forward a response I received from one of the teachers, as an example of how it went to-day. It was AWESOME!! All 4 classrooms were extremely happy that they made the decision to join the conference with the Ghana students. They all expressed a desire to connect again to share more with the stu-dents. Ronald Tucker

Browning Public Schools

Instructional Technology Facilitator

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Theresa A. Radline, Assistant Director, Queen City Academy Charter School,

Plainfield, NJ

“I would like to thank you for hosting a won-derful day of exciting interaction and discus-sion with the students of Ghana. I was una-ware of what an impact this program would truly have on our students.

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by the most pleasant people in full African dress. This made the experience even more intri-guing and true to life. Our students were commenting on how beautiful everyone

looked. As we were tuned into the students of Ghana, I could feel the excitement in the room. They were all stretching their heads and making sure they could see everything on the big screen. While the ambience and the experience itself was wonderful, it was the information and the tradi-tions your students shared that made our trip to the center so much more fulfilling. Our student came to the center with misconceived notions of what children in Ghana were like and what school life would be like in Africa. They left with an understanding that the children of Ghana are just like them. They were able to appreciate the traditions through the “Name” song you shared and through questioning each other and sharing.”

Samuel Garrison, Social Studies Chaiperson, Central High School, Newark, NJ

“I am writing this letter on the behalf of Central High School to thank the Akoma Ntoso Cultural Center for bringing history to life by making Ghana not just a place but an experience for African American History Month. The exchange of cultures through song, dance, poetry readings, speeches and questioning and answering was aligned with our 9th grade theme The Traveler. It was an incredible opportunity for our students to travel across the world without leaving home. Many of our students will never actually go to Ghana, but thanks to the ANCC many will feel as if they have been there, and for some, their myopic view of Africa will be forever changed. We look forward to many more collaborative efforts with the ANCC that will enlighten our school

and bring awareness to the African in African Ameri-can history.”

Reflections (continued)

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Vincent Przybylinski, Principal, Pompton Lakes High School “You provided our students a unique and unforgettable oppor-

tunity to interact with youngsters from West Africa and to learn firsthand about their education, history and culture. I was quite

impressed with the professionalism and enthusiasm exhibited by

the facilitators and the friendship that was quickly established

among the learners from both parts of the world. The positivity

and sense of respect that permeated the learning environment was truly appreciable.”

Julie M. Tovay-Ryder, Social Studies Dept., Franklin High School, Franklin, NJ

“Our students had a remarkable time learning about the history,

economics, geography, social and political structure and the cul-

ture of Ghana. The exchange of questions and answers between

students was truly 21st century learning. All the students agreed that our time together was too short for there were so

many more questions they had to ask.

The following day the students came to class singing the song

they heard the day before. I had the students look their Akan

names and they are proudly displaying those names on their school papers. We were truly amazed at the similarities between

the students and fascinated by the differences. We were hon-

ored to build a bridge across the Atlantic Ocean to better under-

stand another culture. Much appreciation for your wonderful


Nick Vancheri, Social Studies Supervisor, Clifton Public Schools, Clifton, NJ “The excitement and enthusiasm in the room, as well as in the building in the days that followed, will be un-

matched by any other lesson that these students participate in this year. These students undoubtedly went home and did additional research on Ghana; not because they had to as a homework assignment, but be-

cause they had a thirst for knowledge. It is this “thirst for

knowledge” that we need to instill in our students so they

can become engaged in the material, and so they can com-

pete and succeed in the global workforce.

As a social studies teacher and supervisor who unfortu-

nately never studied any type of African History until my

third year in college, this was a truly momentous occasion

and it was very satisfying to see the misconceptions of mid-

dle school students dispelled at such a young age.

This small glimpse into the future of education has not on-

ly affected Christopher Columbus Middle School, but it has

drawn the attention of our high school, our other middle

school and our fourteen elementary schools. We would

love an opportunity to work again with O’ia-da Internation-al because the benefits of lessons like this are unmatched

by anything else.”

Reflections (continued)