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  • 8/14/2019 Reflection_Paper_Requirements.pdf


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    Morality / Social Justice

    Reflection Papers.Format, Requirements, and Grading Rubric

    I. Paper FormatAll reflection papers must follow the same format. Points will be deducted if the reflectionpaper does not follow the following format:

    1 inch margins (NOT1 inch margins, the default in Microsoft Word 2003)Times New Roman, 12 point fontSingle-spaced heading with 1) student name, 2) course & teacher name, 3) date, and

    4) assignment descriptionBody of assignment is double-spaced, with inch indents for each paragraphPaper is neat, without stray marks, creases, folds, or wrinkles use a folder.

    The course website contains a blank template that can be used in Microsoft Word in order toensure that your assignment is in the proper format.

    Here is an example of how your paper should look:

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    II.Paper RequirementsEvery reflection paper should:

    answer the question completely in at least one full page (not of a page)show careful thought and insightbe well-reasoned and logical

    back up opinions with support/exampleswhen relevant and appropriate, make use of material/information from class and/or the


    Any wordsnot your own should be quoted, including direct quotations from the textbookor notes.Give the source in parentheses after any quotation. Any ideasnot your own must also be citedgivethe source in parentheses after any paraphrase or summary. It is plagiarism to copy directly (words) orindirectly (ideas) from any source without citing the source clearly. Please refer to the Honor Code inthe Student Handbook for more information, and ask questions if you are unsure.

    follow the format outlined aboveuse proper spelling, usage, grammar, and mechanics

    Points will be deducted from reflection papers if they are missing these requirements. Threepoints out of ten (that is, 30%) will also be deducted from late homework and one and a halfpoints (15%) will be deducted from assignments not submitted to when theassignment is turned in. See the syllabus for more information on late homework


    The following common words are often confused with one another. These errors in usage willresult in points being deducted from your paper:

    its / its

    affect / effectaccept / excepttheir / there / theyrethan / then ASK ABOUT THIS ONE

    IF YOU DONT KNOWTHE DIFFERENCEweather / whetherloose / loseallowed / aloud


    good / wellwhos / whoseyour / yourefor granite / for granteddifferent than / different fromalot / a lotcould/should/would of /could/should/would have

    This is a mere sampling of the errors that are often found in student reflection papers. Add toyour already long list of academic goals one more: to avoid such errors at all costs. The teacher

    reserves the right to deduct points for other equally unforgivable errors not listed above (e.g.week/weak, meet/meat, and so on). Visit a brief explanation of many different common usage errors.

    Certain grammar errors are also inexcusable at this level. Among them are errors insubject/verb agreement, misuse or absence of apostrophes, verb tense shifts, misplaced ordangling modifiers, and incomplete sentences. These, too, may result in a deduction of points ifthey appear to be the result of a lack of effort on the writers part.

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    III. Grading RubricReflection papers will be graded according to the following rubric:

    Possible Points Category / Criteria


    Quality of Answer (e.g. length, insight, reasoning, support/examples, and use of text)

    6 Points:A superior paper. Paper

    is one full page, shows

    insight and critical

    thought, demonstrates

    logical thinking and

    clear reasoning, backs

    up ideas with support or

    examples, and makes

    use of material from

    class or text/handouts.

    5 / 5 Points:Overall, a good paper

    that has a few areas for

    improvement. Either the

    paper is not one full

    page, or parts of the

    paper could be

    improved in regards to

    insight, reasoning,

    support, and use of

    class material.

    4 / 4 Points:A short paper, or a

    paper with critical flaws

    in the development of

    its main idea. Perhaps

    the paper does not

    answer the question

    fully, or answers it

    without support or good

    use of reasoning.

    3 or fewer Points:A paper that is very

    short ( page or less) or

    a paper that is clearly

    lacking in critical

    thought, idea

    development, support,

    or relation to class

    material and the


    2Followed Reflection Paper Format

    2 Points:Follows reflection paper

    format completely.

    1 Points:Minor error in paper


    1 Point:Two minor or one major

    format error.

    Points:Multiple format errors.


    Proper Spelling, Usage, Grammar, and Mechanics

    2 Points:No errors whatsoever.

    1 Points:One error

    (or multiple instances

    of the same error).

    1 Point:Two or three errors

    throughout the paper.

    Points:Multiple errors in

    spelling, usage,

    grammar, or mechanics

    10 Points Total

    IV. Grading SymbolsIf you see an underlined phrase or sentence in your reflection, it simply means that Im

    acknowledging a point you made (without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing).

    If you see a wavy underline either under or next to some text, it means that your point is probably

    not very strong, or not substantiated with support, or in some other way deficient. It is theequivalent of me saying, HmmIm not sure about this. I most likely disagree.

    If you see something completely crossed out, that normally means that it is factually wrong or sometype of error has been made. I may (or may not) write a short explanation of what is wrong. If not,

    feel free to come by after school to ask about your homework.

    If you see a check mark either above or to the side of a point you make, it means that I think youmade a goodpoint.

    If you see an exclamation point either above or to the side of a point you make, it means that Imsurprised that you said what you did. This isnt necessarily bad or goodIm just surprised.


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    John Smith

    Morality / Social Justice Mr. Menicucci

    September 18, 2011Church as Moral Guide

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    1 inch margins,not 1 inch.

    Your headingshould be justlike this.

    Times New Roman12 pointDouble-spaced

    21 lines ina properlyformattedpaper