Reflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosmos · Presentation Sisters and friends all over...


Transcript of Reflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosmos · Presentation Sisters and friends all over...

Page 1: Reflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosmos · Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one. Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in
Page 2: Reflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosmos · Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one. Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in


Page 3: Reflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosmos · Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one. Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in


R eflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosm osR eflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosm osR eflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosm osR eflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosm os A w om an w ho aw akened to the M ystery of G od and w ho in turn invites us into the M ystery of the D ivine in our Cosm os. M ary of the Cosm os is an original icon based on the ancient im age of ‘O ur L ady of the Sign’. Throughout the ages, M ary has been celebrated as “m atter, m ater and m other”, a sacred vessel holding the radiance of the D ivine.

In this im age I see the U niverse in its 13.7 billion year journey flow ing in and through M ary, revealing the unity of m atter and spirit. Christ is born out of this cosm os process and his d ivinized flesh points to the D ivine radiance penetrating the entire U niverse-E arth body. M ary of the Cosm os, in her iconoclastic form w ith the spherical E arth at her centre, brings attention to the P lanet as the prim ary sacred com m unity and the locus for our encounter w ith the D ivine. This im age calls attention to E arth as a one tim e endow m ent and the im m ediate place in w hich the D ivine is revealed to us. A rtist: B . B ostw ick sgm

Page 4: Reflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosmos · Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one. Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in


Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends of Nano, Once again we are invited to join hands with our sisters and brothers across the Globe as we celebrate the wonderful feast of the Presentation of Mary in the temple.

This year our novena focuses on the theme of our Congregational Gathering “Awakening to the Mystery of God”. Each day is an invitation to awaken to the wonder and mystery around us and within us. There has been a revolution in our understanding of the way in which all of life is connected and interdependent. Thanks to the genius of the human mind and the sophistication of technology we have been drawn to discover and appreciate a world of beauty, complexity anbrokenness which was previously beyond our reach.

Journeying with this novena, we are drawn deeper into the mystery of all of life and are awakened anew to the power and immensity of the Creator God who loved us into being. We see the Jesus story thrlens which invites us to wonder and awe and to encounter afresh the light and the shadow of the life to which we have been invited as His followers.

As Mary of the Cosmos is awakened to the mystery of the Divine within herself, so, we are called to re-discover our own capacity to carry the Sacred and to allow the life of the Universe to flow through usenfolding all of life in love and peace.

We thank the community of the Nano Nagle Centre in Ballygriffin who have created this inspirational invitation to reflection and contemplation.

Our wish for you as we celebrate Nov 21st is that we will all continue to be drawn deeper into the Mystery of God, the Mystery of Oneness. With love and blessings,

Congregational Leadership Team

Once again we are invited to join hands with our sisters and brothers of the Presentation

This year our novena focuses on the theme of our Congregational . Each day is an

invitation to awaken to the wonder and mystery around us and within n a revolution in our understanding of the way in

which all of life is connected and interdependent. Thanks to the genius of the human mind and the sophistication of technology we have been drawn to discover and appreciate a world of beauty, complexity and

Journeying with this novena, we are drawn deeper into the mystery of life and are awakened anew to the power and immensity of the

Creator God who loved us into being. We see the Jesus story through a hich invites us to wonder and awe and to encounter afresh the

light and the shadow of the life to which we have been invited as His

As Mary of the Cosmos is awakened to the mystery of the Divine within discover our own capacity to carry the

Sacred and to allow the life of the Universe to flow through us,

Page 5: Reflection on the front picture: M ary of the Cosmos · Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one. Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in


Day 1: 12th November 2010

Awakening to the Universe Story

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in Latin America and New Zealand. Creating the Sacred Space Globe, Chart of Solar System, Icon of Mary of the Cosmos, Lantern/Candle Call to Gather The invitation today is to ponder the ‘God who is prodigal and who squanders himself.’ (K. Rahner sj)

Suggested Hymn: Gather Us O God (Monica Brown, CD Holy Ground)

Call to Ponder

“The most wonderful moment of the day is that when creation in its innocence asks permission to “be” once again, as it did on the first morning that ever was.” (Thomas Merton – A Book of Hours)

“Everything I see, hear, touch, feel, taste, speak, think, imagine

is completely a perfect circle drawn by God. Every object, every creature, every man and woman and child has a soul and it is the destiny of all, to see as God sees, to know as God knows, to feel as God feels, to be as God is.” Meister Eckhart

Scripture Slowly read the first two verses in Genesis allowing any new awareness to arise: In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters. [Jerusalem Bible]

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Does the new emerging story of the Universe change how you think of yourself, others and God? Call to Share/Call to Prayer Time to reflect and respond in prayer Hymn: Consciousness Waking (Jan Novotka) Waters of life (Monica Brown)

Call to Action Take time to read the Earth Charter Call to give thanks “Mary of the Cosmos we are in awe as we ponder the work of our ever prodigal, squandering God. We are radically amazed by your ceaseless creativity and love. May our contemplative stance as planetary pilgrims draw us ever more deeply into the Great Story of the Universe and our call to be co-creators of Holy Earth.”

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Day 2: 13th November 2010

Awakening to the wonder of our being

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in the Philippines and Thailand. Creating the Sacred Space Adding to the Sacred Space already created: Today, place a few different strands of wool and a photograph of you! ”You knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139) Call to Gather God beyond all names (Bernadette Farrell)

Call to Ponder

“One of the truly amazing discoveries of all time comes not from science, but from the experience of simple people from simple places who have been able to see, recognise God’s presence in the simplicity of their lives. They have recognised that the Holy One says not only to Jeremiah, but to each of us, “before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” (Jer.1:5) We are known by the God who, in some mysterious and magnificent way, willed life into being - and with it our particular being. Judy Cannato Radical Amazement p.44

“Teilhard says we could build a new spirituality that finds

God’s imprint and spirit in everything happening today if only we had the ability to “see him” – to see Christ at the heart of the world and to see God’s pervasive and perceptible presence all around us, as easily as we can sense the atmosphere we breathe.

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In all our human experiences… God is waiting for us in everything we touch or that touches us. Everything in the whole world is swimming in the sea of God. In him we live and move and have our being.” Louis M. Savary The Divine Milieu Explained p.11

Scripture Isaiah Ch. 43:1-4, Psalm 139, Jer. 1: 1-4 Call to share/Call to prayer Call to Action As we weave the threads from the sacred space, let us be caught by the providential care of God weaving the tapestry of our life and give thanks. Call to give thanks That, though we may not see, We be aware Of the silent God Who stands by us. That, though we may not feel, We be aware of the mighty love Which doggedly follows us. That, though we may not respond, we be aware That God-our Silent, Mighty God, Waits each day. Quietly, hopefully, persistently, Waits each day and through each night For us, for each of us. (adapted from: Psalms of a Laywoman, Edwina Gateley)

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Day 3: 14th November 2010

Awakening to the cry of the Earth

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in Canada

Creating the Sacred Space A Globe or other images of Earth in pain and suffering today. Some pieces of earthenware. Strands of ribbon or wool, at least one for each person present. Call to Ponder

“The new awareness that is sweeping our planet reminds us that we are so interconnected with the air we breathe, the trees of the forest, the flowers of the field, the mountains and rivers, that their diminishment is our diminishment, their destruction is our destruction. Not only the beauty and majesty, but also the chaos and power of the natural world inspire our poetry, our art, and our spiritual life with a sense of wonder. When we fan the flame of wonder in our hearts there is a new meaning in our lives. Our hearts expand in care of those who journey with us and for our planet Earth which is our home. To be aware of the caress of a summer breeze, the beauty of a flower, the smile of a friend, or the sparkle of a wave in flight, is a gift beyond price. It is the gift of wonder enfolded in awe.” (Journey Prayers – Jacinta Shailer sgs)

Scripture Romans 8:19-23/Gen 6:6 We need to acknowledge and repent of our ecological sin - the negation of human and cosmic well-being. Our individual and collective blindness is well and truly alive: we mar, we spoil, we destroy and we rupture the delicate balance of Mother Earth. “Earth today is the body of Christ in agony, and we, the disciples are asleep.” (E. Johnson circa 1992)

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Call to Share Call to Pray and Give Thanks Earth Side 1 We ask forgiveness for:

Using unnatural pesticides and fertilisers Straining the soil by eating too high on the food chain Dumping recyclable waste in landfills.

Side 2 We are grateful for the gifts soil shares with us:

Plants and trees to help Earth breathe Food and medicines for us and all creatures Ground to root us in Earth.

Air Side 1 We ask forgiveness for:

Releasing chemicals and fossil fuel wastes into the atmosphere Exposing millions of children to life-threatening pollution Taking clean, fresh air for granted

Side 2 We are grateful for the gifts air shares:

Oxygen to keep us alive Space where we and other creatures can live Means for birds to fly and sound to travel

Water Side 1 We ask forgiveness for:

Using more than our share of Earth’s waters –depriving other species.

Destroying water’s pure quality and beauty Failing to ensure clean, affordable water for all people.

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Side 2 We are grateful for the gifts water shares:

Its power to cleanse and refresh Its generous quenching of thirst The calming magic of its rippling

Human Community Side 1 We ask forgiveness for:

Being unaware of the sufferings of our sisters and brothers Not respecting our own dignity and that of all other people Not always taking responsibility for our actions in our families,

communities and network of people with whom we engage. Side 2 We give thanks for:

The good people you have sent us to care for and befriend us. The joy of friendship and love The laughter of children which lights up our lives

Call to Action Having acknowledged our contribution to the planetary crisis, and our failure to care for Mother Earth we watch in silence as one member of the group shrouds the Earth image with the strands of ribbon or string. We hold the silence as we bless each other with Holy Water.

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Day 4: 15th November 2010

Awakening to Communion

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in Ireland, England and Slovakia Creating the Sacred Space A bowl of soil - As we begin we acknowledge that we are all strands of the one web of life, we light the candle and place it in the centre of the soil. Call to Gather Touch the Earth with Gentleness (Kathy Sherman csj)

Call to Ponder

‘Everything that is in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth is permeated with connectedness, penetrated with relatedness.’ Hildegard of Bingen

“Every living being on Earth is a cousin to every other living

being. Even beyond the realm of the living we have a common origin in the Primordial Flaring forth of the energies from which the Universe in all its aspects is derived.” (Swimme & Berry in The Universe Story)

The great insight in our present age is that the whole human

family and the Earth Community is one. As George Perkins Marsh wrote: “All nature is linked together by invisible bonds, and every organic creature however low, however feeble, however dependent is necessary to the well-being of some other among the myriad forms of life with which the Creator has peopled the Earth.” (George Perkins Marsh, Man and Nature)

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We are all kin – human and natural world. We humans share our fragility with the Earth. At this moment in time as we come to a new consciousness of our place in the Earth Community we are being called into a new intimacy with our natural surroundings.

Scripture Exodus Ch. 3:1-12, 1 Cor. 12:12 -21

Call to Share/Call to Prayer Call to Action As we take this bowl of soil we are conscious of our humanity. It is the earth that we are grounded in and it is this earth that has the potential to be holy ground for us, the place of communion and where we encounter the mystery of God’s presence. Like Moses, like Mary and Jesus, we too stand on holy ground even in the ordinary circumstance of our daily lives, where through the gifts of creation, God’s mysterious Presence is revealed to us. What imprint have you made on the Earth today? What imprint has been made on you? Call to give Thanks

Holy God of mystery. We have gathered here with grateful hearts, Pondering your Word, and remembering That our Earth is made sacred and holy By the Mystery of your Presence in all that lives. Make us ready to recognise your Presence, And to grow into deeper communion with all, As we stand on this holy ground. Amen

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Day 5: 16th November 2010

Awakening to Solidarity and Justice

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in India and Pakistan Creating Sacred Space Include a weighing scales or any other symbol you think suitable. Hymn: “Who will speak?” (Marty Haughen)

The Cry of the Poor: (Louis Jesuits)

Call to Gather As we come together in the stillness we connect with all throughout the world who share our passion to hear the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor. Call to Ponder

‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’ Martin Luther King

‘There is enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed.’ Mahatma Ghandi

Scripture Amos 3:9-10/5:21-24; Deut 24:6/10/14; Deut 25:13 Luke 4:16-20 Call to Share/Call to Prayer

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Call to Action Admitting Prejudice Suggestion: o Can you be honest in naming groups of people you have a hard

time loving. Who are those you might not like to have working at your side in the Body of Christ? Can you name some sections of society who annoy you, disgust you or whom you avoid or disapprove of?

o How can I bring justice to at least one person? Call to give Thanks Jesus, as we ponder your action in the Gospels, we see that you reverenced the diversity of all creation. You recognized the sacredness of each creature and valued their dignity, calling them to be what you knew they could be. All were invited and included at your table. May we be seized by Your radical love for those made poor and seek to live evermore authentically the Gospel call of love.

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Day 6: 17th November 2010

Awakening to Mary, Woman of Unconditional Yes

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember in prayer our Sisters and Friends of Nano in Zambia and Zimbabwe Creating the Sacred Space Earth Ball/Globe and Icon of Mary of the Cosmos Call to Gather Hymn to Mary Raphael Consedine pbvm: Songs of the Journey p.27 Call to Ponder

“Meister Eckhart once said that we are all meant to be mothers of God, for Christ is always needing to be born.” Quantum Grace p.124 Judy Cannato

“When God wanted to make the Incarnation happen, God needed a mother who would engender the Divine Word in the human sphere. Teilhard’s spirituality “called forth on earth a purity so great that, within this transparency, he would concentrate himself to the point of appearing as a child. What Teilhard realizes is that purity has the power to “bring the divine to birth among us.”

The Divine Milieu Explained p.221 Louis M. Savary

Scripture Hebrews 1:1; Luke 1: 26-28; John 8:29 Call to share/Call to Prayer

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Call to Action Mary is afraid - “deeply troubled” - yet continues to say yes to the Spirit. Take some time to reflect on what it means for you to be a ‘woman of unconditional yes?’ What are the implications of this? Call to give Thanks O God, you have given us Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mother of the Cosmos to encourage and guide us on our pilgrim journey to union with you. Help us in our efforts to be a beacon of light and courage for our world today.

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Day 7: 18th November 2010

Awakening to the wisdom of Jesus

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in Australia and Papua New Guinea Creating the Sacred Space Icon of Compassion if possible and Icon of Mary of Cosmos. Call to Gather Hymn: Galilee Song (Frank Anderson)

Call to Ponder

“God’s appearance in the life of Jesus of Nazareth heralds a whole new stage of growth in loving consciousness of the inhabitants of the Planet Earth.” (Margaret Silf)

The Incarnation of God did not only happen in Bethlehem 2000

years ago, it actually began 13.7 billion years ago in the moment we now call “The Big Bang”. [Daniel O’Leary – Tablet] Jesus paved the way for our next evolutionary breakthrough- another quantum leap. The call of Jesus is lived into the new paradigm: generosity beyond measure and abundant extravagance. He is the footprint of God revealed in our world. In the Old and New Testament the call to discipleship literally means to go behind the Master and let him lead. It means to put one’s shoes into the footprints of the one who goes ahead.


In a village in Russia in the last century, the rich people protected their property by hiring people who would watch over it during the night. One evening Rabbi Naftalis was walking at the edge of one of these properties and he ran into

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one of the watchmen who was making his rounds. The Rabbi asked him, “For whom are you walking, young man?” The watchman told him the name of the owner but he added, “Rabbi, for whom are you walking?” The word hit the Rabbi like a flying arrow. After a long silence and with some effort he replied, “At the moment I am not walking for anyone.” Then the Rabbi asked, “Are you willing to become my servant?” “Of course, with pleasure, watchman replied, “but what will I do?” The Rabbi answered, “You will have to remind me for whom I am supposed to walk.” (Chassidic Tradition)

o For whom do I walk?

o In whose service am I living? Scripture John 1:35-39; John 13:14; John 15: 4; Mark 10:45; Matthew 5:14-16 Call to share/call to Prayer Call to Action What kind of footprint do I wish to leave behind me? Where and in what way do I need to grow in loving justly, and walking humbly?

Called to give Thanks Lord, you call us to be bearers of light in your world. You ask us to be flames of the fire you’ve come to cast on the earth. May the Gospel vision – the reign of God - for which you lived and died be the core of our living. Help us to embrace a new way of living characterized by compassion and service, freedom and love.

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Day 8: 19th November 2010

Awakening to Stillness -“You are God’s Temple”

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the Globe gathering as one.

Today we remember our Sisters and Friends of Nano in the United States of America. Creating the Sacred Space Choose something that evokes a contemplative stance: Candle, Shell, Flower Call to Gather Hymn: Shekinah (Monica Brown – Holy Ground CD) Call to Ponder

Karl Rahner has said a number of times that the Christian of the future will be a mystic or he or she will cease to be anything at all. What he has in mind is what he calls “the mysticism of everyday life.”

“We all exist solely for this – to be the human place God has

chosen for his presence, his manifestation, his epiphany.” Thomas Merton

‘Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness’ Meister Eckhart

Scripture Luke 1:26-38, 1 Cor. 3:16 Call to Share/Call to Prayer Call to Action Do at least one thing today that nourishes your soul, that “leads you to God’s holy mountain, to the place where God dwells.”

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Call to give Thanks Reflection on Mary’s Magnificat: Mary’s Magnificat proclaims the reversal of values in a world where the strongest and richest survive and the weakest are crushed. An insignificant woman exults in the power of God, shining through her human weakness. Jesus begins his public ministry by declaring his solidarity with humanity. In him each one of us becomes a beloved daughter or son, in whom God is well pleased. Each human encounter can become an Annunciation, a Visitation. How often do we meet another, and honour God present in that person? If human beings really believed that and acted on it, our world would be transformed. We pray… God of greeting, you are at the heart of each human encounter. Help us to recognize you when we see you with a human face. Help us to see in our own features your image and likeness, to know that you are pleased with your daughters and sons. Like Mary, may we believe that the promise you made to us would be fulfilled.

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Day 9: 20th November 2010

Awakening to Mary, Mother of the New Creation

Gather with soft music playing. Take time to become still. Be aware of the Presentation Sisters and friends all over the

Globe gathering as one. Today we remember all members of the Nagle-Rice family.

Creating the Sacred Space The Earth Ball/ some features from Nature/ stones/seashell/feather

Call to Gather: Listen to text of Scripture from Habakuk Ch.2:2-4 Hymn: Gather the Dreamers- Kathy Sherman csj

Call to Ponder

“ Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb”. These words must have resounded in Mary’s heart so many times as the mystery of Jesus unfolded day by day. Mary is blessed because she believed in the faithfulness of God. Truly she personifies the maternal womb of God, that nurturing love, which gave Jesus’ life over death and charges us with newness of life. (Adapted from Sieger Koder –Folly)

We are living in a period of global ‘meltdown’. Repeatedly

throughout our world we watch the collapse of institutions that were once the source of security and stability. The winds of change are blowing! We are called to change. How are we meant to navigate these uncertain and tumultuous times? Words such as anxious, alone, loss, confusion, fear, grief and doubt are very real in these disquieting times.

We are not alone! Mary, ‘mother, mater of the Cosmos’ knew

the cost of her Nazareth ‘Yes’. The cycle of life, death and life again. We are called in our day to engage a world, a church and

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our own lives where the winds of change are already howling. Can we journey in this ‘in-between world’ with Mary – ‘a woman wrapped in silence’ and await the promise of a ‘new deed’, a new creation, and a new beginning?

Can we trust the God beyond all names who in our living and our dying is birthing us to new life? ‘Can we feel loved and blessed, held together in his continuous bond of love’?

“You will know when it is time to bring to birth the new

creation. The signs will be all around you, urging, insisting: Now is the time. You have to know just when to bear down and concentrate on one thing only. It takes labour, hard labour to bring to birth something new. -from “A Psalm for Midwives” by Miriam Therese Winter

Call to Share/Call to Prayer Call to Action As you sit and wait, let the prophetic words of Mahatma Ghandi accompany you as companion and guide: “You must be the change you wish to see.” Call to give thanks. Woman of life, Welcome us into your home Your place, your sacred space! Our eyes search to see as you saw. Our hearts yearn to know as you knew, To know the thousands faces of the One Above, below, within, beyond, among us, Flesh among us. Be light for our darkness. Be dawn for our new day. (Raphael Consedine pbvm –Sacred Space)

Closing Hymns Christ be our Light (Bernadette Farrell), Remembering Heart (Monica Brown)

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Prepared by the Union of Presentation Sisters