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Accomplishment 6, 22, 29, 30-33, 35, 46,49-58,77, 159 compositional rules 185 derived 53 DRS 197, 198,204 entailment 50, 55 non-detachability 50 syntax of 69-70, 72 temporal properties 29, 31, 50-51,

169 Achievement 29,30,35,46,58-65,77,

86, 114, 158, 159 compositional rules 186 DRS 204, 209, 211 entailment 60 lexical span 60-61 preliminary stages 222-223 & process 55 syntax of 69-70 temporal properties 29, 31, 58-59,

170 Activity 17, 20, 22, 29-30, 33, 35, 43,

44-49, 158 compositional rules 183-184 derived 48-49, 62, 86 DRS 195-196, 199 entailment 45,47 temporal properties 29-31, 168-169 syntactic properties 47-48

adverbial 48-49, 77, 82, 182, 195 agent-oriented 59 compatability 149 et seq. completive 62,68, 155, 157, 163 compositional rules 160-163 deictic 137 duration 62, 69, 156, 158 external 16', 162-163 frequency 72, 87 instrumental 69-70


intensional properties 156, 160 locating 155, 163 manner 67 momentary 105 overrides other values 53, 86, 158,

233 & pragmatic inference 232, 353 scope 161, 205 telic 53 2 in sentence 156, 160, 163 & verb constellations 156

adversative 403-405 affected object 53,61,357,382 affected experiencer 53, 61 after-dause 102, 113 agent, agency 23,42, 58-59, 64, 67-69,

325 Aktionsart xviii, 3 alm ost 54, 70 Annulled Result convention 310-312 arbitrary final endpoint 29,37,45,49 array 408-411,413 aspectual category 24

acquisition of xviii-xix, 109 cognitive xviii-xix, 4, 12 conceptual11, 170,200-201

aspectual choice 8, 10-14 marked 16-19, 79-80, 201, 212, 375

aspectual meaning, value 5, 23, 71-73, 99 dash 158 indeterminacy 87-90 over-riding value 82, 86 shift 158 verb constellation 168, 178

aspectually vague sentences 93, 119, 360 atelic 6, 29

shift to telic 159 syntax of 69


augmented interpretation 125-127, 204 ba construction 53, 377, 386 backgrounding 129, 130,228,314,358,

405 basic-level categorization 17, 27, 26 byvalo 318-319 causal chain 33-36,77,81 change of state 31, 45, 49, 58, 63, 66, 77 closed system 9, 14-15,292 common ground 190 completion 43, 45, 49, 54, 105, 107,363,

364 independent 341-342, 351 syntax of 69-70

composite schema 4,5,7,95 compositional rules 8, 33, 72-73,83,

160-163 conative 325-326 constructed object 53, 61 conjunction test 99, 101-102, 106-107,

110 consumed object 53, 61 contextual dependency 189,203 contextual factors 78, 81, 115, 122, 129,

162 Continuing Result convention 129, 307-

309,311-313 control 43, 59, 251 conventions 12, 14, 16-20, 24, 49, 124-

133,228 covert category 4, 10, 29, 39, 43, 65, 177 current relevance 149 Cursive 400, 424 cyclic event 46, 48 degree predicate 46, 63, 84 deixis, deictic 136, 137, 139, 189

shifted 143,269-271,275-276 delimitative prefixes 108-109,321,329 den se time 134 detachability 60, 63 direct interpretation 125 Discontinuity convention 311 discourse meaning 188-189

density 130 entities 188 dynamic 19'192

Discourse Representation Structures (DRS) 212 augmented 125, 203-208 conceptual structures 192 derivational approach 203-205 evaluation 191, 200 et seq. interpreted-level 203 et seq.

DR Theory 16 conditions on entities 162 191, 193 construction algorithm 162, 199 embedding function 200-202 & formal models 191 truth-conditionallevel 178

distribution 65, 117 dispositional predicate 41 duration 11, 13, 19,29-30,43,47,54,

104 indirect durative, Navajo 416,

429-431 & Navajo imperfective 403-406 syntax & semantics of 66, 69 & temporallocation 135

dynamism 12, 10,29,42,45,47,57-58, syntax & semantics of 67-69,79, 82-

84, 168 egressive 35, 54 endpoints 1, 8, 16,23,36, 100, 105,202

& intervals 210 & present senten ces 151 & telicity 414

equipollent 15 events 29, 45, 84

conceptual properties 197 as states 80-81, 118 entity 168, 178 syntax & semantics of 187-89

experiential 149 extended now 147 Final Emphasis convention 307-308, 334 foregrounding 131 frequency adverbial 41, 159-160 Futur tense 93, 123, 198,265-266 Futurate 146, 246-248 generic 37 goal (see natural endpoint) Guo perfective viewpoint 97-98, 149,


344-349 discontinuity 344-345 experiential 348 formalization 349 indefinite 345-347

grammar 8, 11, 12,72 grammaticality 19-20 grammaticized 9, 29-30, 192 habitual36, 39-42, 67, 86-88, 153

DRS 205 & pragmatic inference 88, 89, 262 syntactic properties 40, 72

have, English auxiliary 141, 150, 165 heterogenous event 31 idealization 12,13,17,19,29,51,71 individual level predicates 38-39, 355,

356, 357 Imparjait 18

de Rupture 133, 278-279 imperfective paradox 96, 133 imperfective viewpoint 44, 49, 95, 111-

119, 127, 146 & augmentation 128 characterizing property 277, 279 in DRS 197,211 formalization 172 incomplete, needs anchor 128, 129,

268, 363, 385 marked 114-117 & present interpretation 362 & partial information 129 resultative 53 & telic adverbial 159

implicative verbs 230, 368 inceptive 35, 48, 54, 55, 78, 102, 120

& pragmatic inference 78-79,88, 102, 245, 256

inchoative 35, 44, 77, 110 incompatible aspectual values 53, 56-57,

304 Incompleteness convention 310 independent interval 1140,163,171-172,

194, 195 indeterminacy 49, 77, 78, 87-90, 132,

203 et seq. inference & aspect interp 44, 48, 49, 53,

55, 87-89, 124-130, 193 information 4,5,14,16,48,87-89,120

& conventions 207 et seq. partial 93 semantic 16

ingressive 62,71, 159 inheritance 109,173,176,353 instantaneous events 29-30, 46, 55, 57,

58-59,61, 105, 114 syntax of 69

intensional properties 133, 1768, 192, 201

intention 51 Intention convention 309 internal stages 16, 23, 45, 47 intrinsic features 180 invariance 24, 278 iterative (see repetitive) le perfective 108, 110, 340-344

formalization 175 conventions 365-366

learnability 109, 212 lexical morphemes 8 lexical span 33-36, 53, 74 lexical pattern, Navajo 394, 410 marked interpretation, focus 54, 75, 181 markedness 4, 9, 13, 14-20 mental models 188 multiple event 36, 46, 56, 85-86, 408

& pragmatic inference 9, 89, 158, 233, 288, 304

mutual knowledge 126-127, 227 narrative context 81,308,363 narrative conventions 130-132

Sequentiality 306-308 Simultaneity 314

natural endpoint 5, 6, 29, 49 neutral viewpoint 44, 93, 100, 119-124,

133 in DRS 188 formalization 172

non-detachability 60 syntax of 70-71

non-stative (see events) nounphrase structure 33, 179, 181,366,



common noun 181 countable 31-33,51, 180 count noun 32, 181 cumulative 32-33, 47, 58, 72, 181 mass noun 32-33, 48, 72, 181 quantized 30-33,41,72, 181

Ongoing convention 127, 303 orientation, temporal 138, 163

shifted 138 parameter 4, 22-25, 91 Passe Compose tense 146

compared to Passe Simple 256, 270-272, 279

Passe Simple tense 11, 143,202 path-goal 61 perdurative affix 321, 329 perfect construction 103 138, 142, 146-

151,242-246,272, 348 participant property 148, 348 pragmatic condition 144 stative value 147-148

perfective viewpoint 14, 44, 49, 55, 95, 103-1131, 127 in DRS 196 formalization 173-175 lexical morphemes 105, 108, 351 marked III & past interpretation 362 & statives 109-111,221,240-241

per formative 153 point of view 3, 11, 13,75, 192 pragmatic 12, 16,24, 87-89, 92, 100

focus 125, 306-310 meaning 124-125,298

preliminary stages 23,56,69,97, 114-115, 122, 302

prepositions 46,73, 180-181 Present tense 263-264 present time, sentences 151-154 private predicates 38 privative 15, 26 procedural force 193 process 44-46, 49 progressive xviii, 42, 84

connotations 223,227 in DRS 203, 208

formal analysis 117-119, 176 progressive stative 20, 79-80 & stative 117-119

prototype theory 4, 20-22, 25 punctualll, 13,43, 104 question tests 103, 120 reduplication 352, 372, 374 Reference Time (RT) 140-143, 155, 163,

199, 242-243, 247, 246, 274, 275, 345-346

repetitive event 46, 56, 85, 158 reportive 153 result construction 52-53 result state 23, 44, 49, 52-53, 61, 116 resultative 35,39,53,97, 114-115, 177,

212, in Chinese 354-356 in English 224-226

Resultative Verb Complements (RVC) 106, 352, 349-351, 366-368 & conventions of use 364-365 DRS 212

scopal structure 144-145, 160 semantic meaning 91-92, 106-107, 111,

112,298 semantic representation 144, 167, 178,

188-189, 191 semantic tests 10 1-103 Semelfactive 29, 30, 35, 46, 55-58, 67-

69, 114 basic-level 56 compositional rules 184 marked choice 57 shifted 56, 84 syntactic properties 57 temporal properties 29, 55-56, 167

sentence particles, Chinese 341, 362, 385 Situation Time (SitT) 140-143, 163, 195,

199, 235, 247, 272, 274, 275 situation type 5,6,10, 20

basic-level 71-75,80-81, 181, 183 categories 20-22 derived 36,85-87,178-179,183 features 29-30, 168, 179 entity 168, 178, 182 & DRSs 193 et seq


many-to-one 392 marked 17, 247, 374 multiple classification 82 shifted 36, 73, 88, 204 et seq. syntax & semantics of 67-73 & temporal adverbials 160

speaker 9, 12-13,75, 137, 192 Speech Time (ST) 138, 140-143, 163 199 stage property 30, 45, 117, 176, 226 stage-level predicate 38-39, 110, 354,

355, 357 standard choices 13, 16 state, stative 12, 17,22,37-44

DRS 206, 210-211 as events 80-81 compositional rules 186 derived 40 entailment 43 entity 168, 178 & non-stative 29-30 operator 118 syntactic properties 38 temporal properties 28, 37, 170

Statement of Fact convention 208, 312-313,333

stereotype 13, 17, 21 style indirecte libre 269-271 sub-interval property 37, 64,117-119 subjective element 10, 26 subordinative 15-16, 26, 306 successive stages 20,29, 30, 45, 49, 118 super-Iexical morphemes 47, 48, 54,

75-79 surface structure 182 symmetrical 15 syntactic structure 144-145, 177, 200 syntactic test 66 telic 6, 13, 19,29-32, 73

neutralized in Navajo 410-411 shift to atelic 156 syntactic properties 65, 76

temporal bound 45,49, 152, 322, 377 temporallocation 25, 26, 135, 136, 154,

162-163, 182, 193 in DRS 199

temporal perspective xviii, 171, 271,

275-276 tense 6,9, 15, 135, 136, 145-146 Tentative construction 344, 352, 374 time, conceptualll, 100, 140 truth conditions 11-14, 80, 95, 99, 142 Universal Grammar 4,22-25,91,98 vague predicate 46 verb copying, Chinese 374 verb incorporation 48, 158 verbs, intrinsic asp value 71-72 verb affixes, Russian 297, 299-302,318 verb base, Navajo 394 single verb bases 410-411,415,417 verb composite 393 verb constellations 10, 13,27,21,33-36,

43,71, 180 & adverbials 162-163 aspectual value 168, 178 of perception 81-83, 153 of personal properties 83-85 of position and location 39, 40, 97 vague 73

Verb Lexeme Categories (VLC) 392, 394--395, 425-427, 433-434

verb prefixes, Navajo 393-394 viewpoint 5-7, 14,43-44, 100

closed & open 14, 99-100, 104, 106-107, 112, 113-114

compositional rules 177 conceptual meaning 193 dominant 94, 124-125,227,277,302 formal analysis 117-118, 171 et seq. independence of 7, 94-98 in DRSs 194 et seq. information structure 125, 127, 172 interaction w situation type 25, 107,

171,221-222,398 marked 98, 103, 117-118 pragmatic meaning 124 span 97,377 visibility 93,97,99-100, 193,323

volition 64,65,222,248, 301 when-clause 78, 102, 113 zai imperfective 114, 176, 353-354 zhe imperfective 114, 177, 354-349


Abusch, D. 46, 48 Aksu, A. xix Antinucci & Miller xix Aristotle xvii, 17, 29, 64 Asher, N. 212 Austin, J. 153 Axe1rod, M. 435 Bach, E. 32, 136 Baker, C.L. 164 Bakhtin, M. 280 Banfield, A. 143, 269-270, 279 Bauer, G. 164 Beardsley, M. 3 Bennett, M. & B. Partee 155, 163, 213 Benveniste, E. 26, 163, 189,279,294 Boertien, H, 114 Boguslawski, A. 340 Boons, J .-P. 288 Borrillo, A. 287 Bransford, J.D. 213 Brecht, R. xix, 76, 78, 132, 133 Brown, R. xviii, 18 BuH, W. 46, 163 Carlson, G. 38 Carrier-Duncan, J. & J. RandaH235 Cartier, A. 372 Chan, M. 345, 363 Chang, V. 363, 367-368 Chao, Y.-R. 348, 351, 354, 356, 359,

371, 379, 389, 390 Chen, G.T. 363 Cheung,H. 390 Chomsky, N. 4, 8, 22, 25, 133, 148, 149 Chu, C. 346, 369, 376, 389 Chvany, C. 15, 26, 315 Clark, H. 137,213 Cochrane, N. xix, 64 Comrie, B. 26, 93, 97, 136, 163, 164 Covington, A & N. Schmitz 212


Craik, K. 213 Croft, W. 34 Curme, G. 224, 252 Dahl, 0 dots 24, 25, 26, 93, 112, 136,

163, 164, 224 Davidson, D. 33 Desc1es, J. 258 Dowty, D. 30,46,50,64,84,96, 114,

118, 133, 134, 158,213,248,251 Dowty, D. & W. Ladusaw 64 Dowty, D. R. Wall, & S. Peters 190, 213 Ducrot, o. 18, 277-278 Eckert, E. 341 Fillmore, C. 136, 137, 189 Flaubert, G. 131 Fleischmann, S. 275 Flier, M. 101, 109,321 Foley, W. & R. Van Valin xix Forsyth, J. 76, 130, 134,307,325-326,

333,340 Fortescue, M. 133 Freed, A. 76, 79, 248 Frey, W. 212 Friedrich, P. 25, 134 Garey, H. xix, 269, 287, 289, 294 Garnham, A. 213 Garnham, A. & J. Oakhill213 Givon, T. xix, 24 Greenberg, J. 15 Grevisse, M. 266, 293 Grice, H. 80, 107, 133,346 Grimshaw, J. & A. Mester 48 Gruber, G. 34, 52 Guenthner, F. 213 Guenthner, F. 279 Guenthner & C. Rohrer 294 Guiraud-Weber, M. 337, 340 Hamburger, K. 278, 295 Hardy, F. xix, 435, 436


Harris, J. 274 Heim, I. 212 Heinamaki, O. xix, 102 (dots) Hirschberg, H. & 435 Hoepelman, J &.J. Pierrehumbert 133 Hoepelman & C. Rohrer xix, 31, 294 Holiskey, D. xix Holquist, M. 281 Hopper, P. 130 Hopper, P & S. Thompson 36, 130 Iljic, R. 151, 164, 149,350,351 Imbs, P. 268, 279, 294, 295 Isacenko, A. 340 Jackendoff, J. 52 Jacobsen, W. xix, 389 Jakobson, R. 15-16, 26, 92, 189,298,

340 Janakiev, M. 26 Jespersen, O. 26, 128, 148, 164,224,

246,252 Johnson, M. xix Johnson-Laird, P. 213 Johnson-Laird, P. & A. Garnham 188 Joos, M. 252 Kamp, H. 134, 136, 188, 212 Kamp, H. & W, Frey 212 Kamp, H. & C. Rohrer 11, 94, 100, 140,

144, 152, 161, 164, 194,200,212,213, 266, 270, 276, 278, 294

Kari, J. 422, 425, 435, 436 Karttunen, L. 332 Karcevski, S. 340 Kenny, A. 64 Klein, E. 212 Klum, A. 294 Krauss, M. 435 Krifka, M. 33, 48 Kruisinga, E. 20, 252 Kuczaj, S. xviii Kurylowicz, J. 137, 164 Labov, W. & J. Wiletzky 130 Lakoff, G. 22, 84,251 Lamiroy, B. 280 Lee, C. xix Lee, G. 68, 84 Leech, G. 26, 224

LeGuern, M. 278 Lehmann, V. 340 Levinson, S. 134 Lewis, D. 187 Li, Y.-C. 390 Li, C. & S. Thompson xix, 345, 363,

372, 379, 380, 389, 390 Lindsttedt, J. xix Lips, M. 295 Lu, J. 372 Lyons, J. 11,26, 104, 133, 163, 164 Maslov, J. 339, 340 Maupassant, G. 281 Marchand, H. 20 McCoard, R. 147, 149, 164,242 Midgette, S. xix, 130, 131,400,401,406,

416,430,435 Mittwoch, A. 64 MoureIatos, A. 30, 31,64, 80, 249 Norman, A. xx Ogihara, T. 389 O'Neill, E. 154 Osherson, D. & E. Smith 22 Paris, M. 360, 362, 363, 372, 374, 379,

380, 386, 389 Parsons, T. 133 Partee, B. 129, 252 Posner, M. 213 Poutsma, M. 20, 252 Prior, A. 163 Putnam, H. 21-22 Quine, W.V.O. 32 Rassudova, O. 132,309311,312,331,

333, 334, 337 Reichenbach, H. 132, 140, 164 Reyle, U. 213 Roberts, C. 213 Roeper, T. & E. Williams 22 Rogers, A. 83 Rohrer, C. xix, 267 Rohsenow, J. 346 Rooth, M. 213 Rosch, E. 18, 21 Ross, J. 68 Ryle, G. 52, 59,64,252 Sapir, E. 8


Sapir, E. & H. Hoijer 435 Schauber, E. 432 Selkirk, L. 235 Seils, P. 213 Smith, C.S. xix, 20, 64, 80, 88, 114,127,

200,224,247,271,356,382 Smith, C.S. & R. Weist 379 Sorensen, H. 164 Spanos, G. 368 Speas, P. 394, 435 Stalnaker, R. 190 Steedman, M. 102, 114 Sten, H. 294 Stenning, K. 213 Talmy, L. xix, 34, 71, 79 Tasmowski-de-Ryck, L. 278 Taylor, B. 28, 45, 64, 118, 134, 138,252 Teng, S-H. 363, 384, 386, 389 Troubetzkoy, N. 15 Timberlake, A. xix, 133 Twaddell, W. 252 Vacek, A. 15 Vendler, Z. xix, 40, 45, 50, 64, 67, 82,


Verkuyl, H. 7 Vet, C. 266, 274, 294 Viberg, A. 82 Vikner, V. 283 VIaeh, F. 50, 118, 133,252 van Benthem, 1. 213 von Wright, G. 66 Waugh, L. & M. Monville-Burston 130,

279 Webber, B. 213 Weinrich, H. 130,279 Weist, R. xix Whitaker, J. & C.S. Smith 131 Whorf, B. 10 Wittgenstein, L. 21 Yeh, M. 359, 360, 361, 384 Young, R. & W. Morgan 394,395,421,

423,425,427,428 Young, R., W. Morgan, & S. Midgette

435-436 Zandvoort, R. 164

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