References - Home - Springer978-1-4612-1718-3/1.pdf · References [AD 1 ADLER R.J. (1990). An...

References [AD 1 ADLER R.J. (1990). An introduction to continuity, extrema, and Re- lated topics for general Gaussian processes. Inst. of Math. Statist., Hayward, Californi [AN-PO 1 AN'NGOZE P. and PORTIER B. (1994). Estimation of the density and of the regression functions of an absolutely regular stationary process. Publ. ISUP 38, 59-87. [A-O J ANTONIADIS A. and OPPENHEIM G. (1995) editors. Wavelets and statistics. Springer Verlag. [A-Z J ARAK T. and ZAIZSEV A. (1988). Uniform limit theorems for sums of independent random variables. Publ. Steklov math. institute, 1. [A-G J ASH R.B. and GARDNER M.F. (1975). Topics in stochastic processes. Academic Press. [AS J AzMs J.M. (1990). Conditions for convergence of number of crossings to the local time. Probab. and Math. Stat., 11, 1, 19-36. [A-F J AZAIS J.M. and FLORENS D. (1987). Approximation du temps local des processus Gaussiens stationnaires par regularisation des trajectoires. Probab. theory and reI. fields 76, 121-132. [BA J BANON G. (1978). Nonparametric identification for diffusion processes. Siam J. Control and Optimisation V16, 380-395. [BA-NG1 1 BANON G. and NGUYEN H.T. (1978). Sur l'estimation recurrente de la densite et de sa derivee pour un processus de Markov, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris t. 286, ser. A, 691-694. [BA-NG2 J BANON G. and NGUYEN H.T . (1981). Recursive estimation in diffu- sion model. Siam J. Control and optimisation VIO, 676-685. [BA-Y J BARLOW M.T. and YOR M. (1981). (Semi) Martingales inequalities and local times. Z. Fur Wahrscheinlichkeit. und Geb. 55, 237-254. [BW-PR J BASAWA I.V. and PRAKASA RAO B.1.S. (1980). Statistical inference for stochastic processes. Academic Press. [BE 1 BENNETT G. (1962). Probability inequalities for sum of independent random variables. J. Amer. Statis. Assoc. 57 , 33-45

Transcript of References - Home - Springer978-1-4612-1718-3/1.pdf · References [AD 1 ADLER R.J. (1990). An...


[AD 1 ADLER R.J. (1990). An introduction to continuity, extrema, and Re­lated topics for general Gaussian processes. Inst . of Math. Statist., Hayward, Californi

[AN-PO 1 AN'NGOZE P. and PORTIER B. (1994). Estimation of the density and of the regression functions of an absolutely regular stationary process. Publ. ISUP 38, 59-87.

[A-O J ANTONIADIS A. and OPPENHEIM G. (1995) editors. Wavelets and statistics. Springer Verlag.

[A-Z J ARAK T. and ZAIZSEV A. (1988). Uniform limit theorems for sums of independent random variables. Publ. Steklov math. institute, 1.

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[BA J BANON G. (1978). Nonparametric identification for diffusion processes. Siam J. Control and Optimisation V16, 380-395.

[BA-NG1 1 BANON G. and NGUYEN H.T. (1978). Sur l'estimation recurrente de la densite et de sa derivee pour un processus de Markov, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris t. 286, ser. A, 691-694.

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Absolute regularity 18 Adaptive methods 14


Admissible sampling 14, 122, 140 a-mixing 7, 18 ARCH 1, 178 ARMA process 1, 177, 179, 180 Asymptotic normality 9, 11, 36, 54, 75, 80, 89, 118, 138, 160-161 Autoregressive processes (infinite dimensional) 14


tJ-mixing 18 Berbee's lemma 19 Bernstein's inequality 24 Billingley's inequality 22 Black-Scholes formula 182 Bochner's lemma 44, 100 Borel-Cantelli lemma in continuous time 108 Box-Cox transformation 170 Box-Jenkins (method) 1, 177 Bradley's lemma 20


Cadlag 90, 121 Cars registrations 184 Central limit theorem 36 Chaos 86 Chaotic data 57 Conditional mode predictor 180 Consistency of local time density estimator 150 Coupling 19 Covariance inequalities 20, 21, 22 Cramer's conditions 24 Cross validation 175-176 Cynical method 172



Davydov's inequality 21-22 Density kernel estimator 3, 42, 90 Deseasonalization 14, 170-172 Dichotomy 119, 140 Differencing 13 Differentiable sample paths 104 Diffusion process 101 Double kernel method 176 Dynamical system 86


Electricity consumption 184 Elimination of trend and seasonality 171-172 Empirical measure 12, 42, 68 Epanechnikov kernel 42, 176, 182 Ergodic 150, 153 Ergoduc theorem 151, 152, 154 Errors in variables (processes with) 64-65, 86 Exogeneous variables 15, 177 Exponential type inequalities 7, 24-33


<p-mixing 18 <prev-mixing 80, 143 Forecasting : see Prediction Full rate 101


GARCH 180 Gaussian process 10, 19, 74, 100, 104, 122, 153, 160 General stationary processes (prediction for) 81 Geometrically strongly mixing (GSM) processes 46, 90


Histogram 3 Hoeffding's inequality 24


Implementation of nonparametric method 169-177 Intermediate rates 102-107, (minimaxity of) 107-108 Interpolator 85 Irregular sampling 121 Iterated logarithm (functional law of) 161




Kernel 39 Kernel of order (k, A) 90 Kolmogorov extension theorem 4 Kutoyants theorem 102 L

Large deviations inequalities 7, 24-33 Law of large numbers 34-35 Linear process 18, 46 Local time 145, 146 Local time estimator 149 Local time for semimartingales (existence) 146 Logistic trend 83-84


Markov process 76, 141 Markov process of order k 76 Martingale 82 m-dependent 19 Minimax 9, 46, 97, 101, 102, 107, 108 Minimaxity of intermediate rates 107-108 MISE 91 Mixing 7,17 Mixture 4


Naive kernel 3, 40 Nonparametric predictor 1, 6, 76, 82, 141, 172, 177 Nonstationary process (prediction for) 82

o Optimal rate 8, 93 Occupation measure 145 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process 122 Outliers 84


p-adic Process 58 Parametric rate 10 Parametric predictors 177, 180 Periodic 83 Plug-in method 173 Pollution 184



Pseudo-regression 84


Quadratic error (asymptotic) 43, 69, 91, 125, 155


Rate 33 Regression kernel estimator 69, 130 Regression with error 86 Regressogram 5 Rio's inequality 20 Robust 5, 14, 180

s Sampling 14, 15, 118, 140 SARIMA process 1 Seasonality 13, 170 Semi parametric 14 Similarity 13 Singular distribution 61 Stationary process 7 Statistical error of prediction 6 Superoptimal rate 10, 98, 104, 116, 136, 155, 157


Trend 170 Two-a-mixing 19

u Unbiased density estimator 3, 12, 150, 156 Uniform convergence 8, 10, 11, 46, 72, 108, 139, 153, 162

v Variance (stabilization of) 169

w Wavelets 15, 127


Yields 2, 182.


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Vol. 70: K. lida, Studies on the Optimal Search Plan . viii, 130 pages, 1992.

Vol. 71: E.M.R.A. Engel, A Road to Randomness in Physical Systems. ix, 155 pages, 1992.

Vol. 72: J.K. Lindsey, The Analysis of Stochastic Processes using GUM. vi, 294 pages, 1992.

Vol. 73: B.C. Arnold, E. Castillo, 1.-M. Sarabia, Conditionally Specified Distributions. xiii, 151 pages, 1992.

Vol. 74 : P. Baronc, A. Frigessi, M. Piccioni, Stochastic Models, Statistical Methods, and Algorithms in Image Analysis. vi, 258 pages, 1992.

Vol. 75 : P.K. Goel, N.S. Iyengar (Eds.), Bayesian Analysis in Statistics and Econometrics. xi, 410 pages, 1992.

Vol. 76: L. Bondesson, Generalized Gamma Convolutions and Related Classes of Distributions and Densities. viii, 173 pages, 1992.

Vol. 77: E. Mannmen, When Does Bootstrap Work? Asymptotic Results and Simulations. vi, 196 pages, 1992.

Vol. 78: L. Fahnncir, B. Francis, R. Gilchrist, G. Tutz (Eds.), Advances in GUM and Statistical Modelling: Proceedings of the GUM92 Conference and the 7th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Munich. 13-17 July 1992. ix, 225 pages, 1992.

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Vol . 81 : P. Spirtes, C. Glymour, R. Scheines, Causation, Prediction, and Search. xxiii, 526 pages, 1993.

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Vol. 87: J. Milller, Lectures on Random Voronoi Tessellations.vii, 134 pages, 1994.

Vol. 88: 1. E. Kolass., Series Approximation Methods in Statistics. Second Edition, ix, 183 pages, 1997.

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