Reference Guide SimpleFinanceImplementation With Baseline607 Q215

Reference Guide May 2015 English SAP Simple Finance Implementation with SAP Best Practices Baseline v3.607 Version


Reference Guide SimpleFinanceImplementation With Baseline607 Q215

Transcript of Reference Guide SimpleFinanceImplementation With Baseline607 Q215

ReferenceGuideMay 2015EnglishSAP Simple Finance Implementation with SAP BestPractices Baseline v3.607 Version2Customer 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Typographic ConventionsTypographic ConventionsType Style DescriptionExample Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.Textual cross-references to other documents.E x a m p le Emphasized words or expressions.EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when theyare surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.Exampl e Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade anddatabase tools.Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as theyappear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characterswith appropriate entries to make entries in the system.EXAMPL EKeys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Document History 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3Document HistoryRevision Date Change1.0 Preview version1.1 1. release version4SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practicesbaseline v3.607 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 Introduction 51.1 Purpose of this document 51.2 Scope of this document 51.3 Out of scope 52 Preparation activities before Simple Finance add-on Installation 73 Migration of customizing 93.1 Preparations and Migration of Customizing 93.1.1 Preparations and Migration of Customizing for the General Ledger 93.1.2 Preparations and Migration of Customizing for Asset Accounting 103.1.3 Preparations and Migration of Customizing for Controlling 113.2 Migration 113.2.1 Migration of Cost Elements and Customizing 123.2.2 Technical Check of Transaction Data 133.2.3 Migration - Enrichment of Data 133.2.4 Migration of Line Items into New Data Structure 133.2.5 Migration of Balances 143.2.6 Complete Migration 153.2.7 Activities after Migration 164 Additional Customizing, Baseline Scenarios Analyzing, Simple Finance Fiori apps Implementation 174.1 Additional Customizing 174.2 Baseline scenario analyzing 184.3 Simple Finance Fiori App 205 Appendix 215.1 Preparation activities before Simple Finance add-on Installation 215.1.1 Closing activities in past posting periods 215.1.2 Preparation activities prior to the installation 21SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Introduction 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 51 Introduction1.1 Purpose of this documentThis guide explains how to leverage SAP Best Practices baseline content (http:/ / bestpractices)v3.607 for implementation of SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 support package stack 1505 - SAPAccounting powered by SAP HANA.Note that the activities recorded in this document represent the status as of May 2015. For the most up-to-dateSimple Finance information, refer to the standard SAP Simple Finance documentation erp-inst.Before you decide with Simple Finance implementation, you should have checked the Simple Finance release notehttp:/ / sfin200 for functional scope and compatibility.1.2 Scope of this documentSince the baseline content was developed for SAP ERP on HANA technical landscape, the following approach isnecessary:Step 1) Install an SAP ERP on HANA landscape, referring to the corresponding Quick Guide of the baselinepackage;Step 2) Deploy the selected baseline package without transactional data;Step 3) Upgrade and install SAP Simple Finance;Step 4) Execute the Simple Finance migration of customizing; make additional customizing adjustment as well asprocess adjustment.For the steps listed above:Refer to the individual baseline package for step 1) and step 2). http:/ / bestpracticesRefer to Simple Finance Administrator Guide http:/ / sfin200 for step 3).This guide provides details for step 4) based on the experience of migrating baseline content for CN v3.607; DEv3.607 and US v3.607 to SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 support package stack 1505.1.3 Out of scopeThis document focuses on SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA. The full function for SAP Cash Managementpowered by SAP HANA and SAP Integrated Business Planning is not covered.This document does not describe SAP Simple Finance in SAP Public Cloud and SAP Managed Cloud scenarios.This document does not describe a generic implementation of the Simple Finance in a SAP ERP on HANAlandscape.It does not describe how to upgrade a previous version of Simple Finance to SAP Simple Finance, on-premiseedition 1503 support package stack 1505.6CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. IntroductionThe activities presented in this document do not include how to migrate customer's data from a legacy system toan SAP ERP system with Simple Finance activated. Neither deals with custom code.This guide does not provide a best practice for all countries and industries that might be implemented in an SAPERP system via the best practices content activation.SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Preparation activities before Simple Finance add-on Installation 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 72 Preparation activities before Simple Financeadd-on InstallationAfter you have performed the step 1) and 2) described in 1.2, you have a pre-configured SAP ERP on HANAlandscape, without FI/ CO transactional data.You need to perform certain preparation activities in the SAP ERP System before the technical installation of theSimple Finance add-on as shown in the table:I M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eCheck if business function EA-FIN is active. Business function EA-FIN should be active.Check if the report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK isavailable in your SAP ERP system or implement note1939592 (it contains the report). Run reportRASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK in all your system.Report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK runs and checksthe customizing settings in the customizing-, test- andproductive system.Check and activate the business functionsFIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL and FIN_AA_CI_1.Business functions FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL andFIN_AA_CI_1 should be active.Run the reportZFINS_MIG_PRECHCK_CUST_SETTNGS in all yourSAP ERP systems (this report is contained in SAPnote2129306)The report ZFINS_MIG_PRECHCK_CUST_SETTNGSis executed in the customizing-, test- and productivesystem.Example of 2 error messages: For some company codes, currencies wereassigned to non-leading ledger but not to theleading ledger => it is necessary to correct thecurrency assignment for all company codes, evenif they are not actively used; The fiscal year variant assigned to the companycode CN01was different from the one assigned tothe controlling area => the fiscal year variant in FIand CO must be the same.The report was executed again and finished withstatus "check passed".Check whether the customizing of the depreciationareas has been defined correctly in case of parallelcurrencies.Baseline package does not have depreciation areas ina parallel currency.No action required.If you are already using account-based profitabilityanalysis, perform a delta upload to SAP BW for allaccount-based CO-PA DataSources for which you usethe delta method.Baseline package does not have account-basedprofitability analysis.No action required.Lock postings periods in FI. All posting periods are locked for FI postings.Lock posting periods in CO for Plan/ Actual postings(transaction OKP1).All posting periods are locked for CO postingsRun the report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK again tomake sure that the prerequisites for the AssetAccounting are met.The report shall not show any error message.Block all users who have no tasks in the migration Only users involved in the migration project have8CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Preparation activities before Simple Finance add-on Installationproject. access to the system.Backup the system before installing the add-on. System backup done.The full list of preparation activities is available in the online help under Migration to SAP Accounting powered bySAP HANA.Now your system administrator should perform system upgrade and install the Simple Finance add-on. Fordetails, refer to the Simple Finance Administration Guidehttp:/ / sfin200SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Migration of customizing 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 93 Migration of customizing3.1 Preparations and Migration of CustomizingOnce Simple Finance add-on has been installed, you can start with migration of the baseline customizing.More details can be found in a SAP ERP with Simple Finance system, following this path: IMG > SAP SimpleFinance Add-On for SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA > Preparations and Migration of Customizing.The complete list of activities is also available in the online help under Migration to SAP Accounting powered bySAP HANA .3.1.1Preparations and Migration of Customizing for theGeneral LedgerI M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eActivate SAP Reference IMG for Financial Accounting(New)Not required, IMG menu already available.Check and Adopt Fiscal Year Variants No activity required, since the Best Practices baselinepackages use the variant K4 for both the controllingarea and all company codes.Migrate General Ledger Customizing* The following settings are migrated: Company code assignments Currency settings Fiscal year variant Open period variant Settings for real-time integration of CO-FIDefine Settings for J ournal Entry Ledger In case of multiple accounting principles, eg. IFRS andGAAP are assigned to the ledger 0L, the flagParallelaccounting using additional G/ L accounts will be bydefault selected.Define Ledger for CO Version Leading ledger 0L has been assigned to the COversion0 (Plan/ actual version).Define Document Types for Postings in Controlling CO as the document type has been defined to be usedfor CO postings.Define Document Type Mapping Variants for COBusiness TransactionsDocument Type Mapping Variant for CO transaction ismade.Check and Define Default Values for Postings inControllingIf you do not enter a default ledger group, all COpostings will be done to all G/ L ledgers.Define Offsetting Account Determination Type The recommended optionAs case 2, but including10CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Migration of customizinglime items generated automaticallyhas been selected.Define Source Ledger for Migration of Balances Since New G/ L Accounting was already active in thebaseline ERP system, the ledger 0L has been selectedas source ledger for the migration of balances.Execute Consistency Check of General LedgerSettingsThe consistency check has run and no errors shouldbe reported.Activate Business Functions The activation of the business functions is mandatoryfor the Simple Finance add-on.Following business functions have been activated: FIN_GL_CI_1 FIN_GL_CI_2 FIN_GL_CI_3* Note: Do not repeat the activity "Migrate General Ledger Customizing" once you have performed it, every timeyou run this transactions, this will overwrite your previous settings!3.1.2Preparations and Migration of Customizing for AssetAccountingNew Asset Accounting is mandatory for Simple Finance add-on.The following activities are necessary before migration of the classical Assets Accounting to New AssetsAccounting. By doing these activities, the documents from Asset Accounting are migrated as part of the GeneralLedger documents migration. Finally, the planned depreciation values of fixed assets will be recalculated duringthe migration phase.I M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eM i g ra t i o nfro mC la ssi ct oN e w A sse tA c c o u n t i n gMigrate Charts of Depreciation The chart of depreciation, which is used in the BestPractices baseline package, is migrated.Display Migration Log If the migration log displays error messages, youshould analyze them and take consequent actions.Example: if the error message "No accountingprinciple found for chart of deprec. 10US/ deprec. area01" is displayed, you should correct the depreciationareas in the chart of depreciation by assigning therespective accounting principles.Perform Additional Manual Activities Here you should at least perform the mandatoryactivityDefine Technical Clearing Account forIntegrated Asset Acquisition.Additionally, in baseline the accounting principle (localGAAP) is assigned to all depreciation areas.Check Prerequisites for Activating Asset Accounting(New)The prerequisites for the activation of the New AssetAccounting have been checked with transactionFAA_CHECK_ACTIVATION.If you encounter any error, you need to correct it andSAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Migration of customizing 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11then run this check report again until it ends with themessage"No error found" and all traffic lights aregreen.Activate Asset Accounting (New) The New Asset Accounting has been activated withtransactionFAA_DO_ACTIVATION.3.1.3Preparations and Migration of Customizing for ControllingI M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eExecute BW-Delta Extraction for Account-Based CO-PABecause the baseline used only the cost-object basedprofitability analysis prior the migration, this step isnot required.Delete Settings for the Change of ProfitabilitySegment CharacteristicsAll settings for profitability segment characteristics(segment level) made in transaction KEQ3 have beendeleted by running the reportFCO_MIGRATION_COPA.Maintain Operating Concern The report FCO_ADD_COPA_FIELD_TO_ACDOCA isstarted in background and activates the operatingconcern for account-based Profitability Analysis.Activate Account-Based Profitability Analysis The account-based Profitability Analysis is now activefor your concern.*Since the cost-based CO-PA has been used beforeSimple Finance add-on, after the activation ofaccount-based CO-PA, both approaches exist andwork correctly in the baseline landscape.The recommended approach by SAP is the Account -Based Profitability Analysis.3.2 MigrationThe following sections list all necessary migration activities. In the Expected Outcome column, issues as well asrelated solutions found during the migration of CN, DE, US baseline v3.607 are listed.The complete migration activities can be found in SAP ERP system following this path: IMG > SAP Simple FinanceAdd-On for SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA > Migration.The full list of activities is also available in the online help under Migration to SAP Accounting powered by SAPHANA .I M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m ePartitioning of Universal J ournal Entry Line ItemsTableNo action required.12CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Migration of customizingRegenerate CDS Views and Field Mapping Execute in background the programFGL_MIG_REGENERATE_CDS and check the progressin the transactionSLG1with sub- objectFINS_GENERATE.3.2.1Migration of Cost Elements and CustomizingI M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eCheck Consistency of G/ L Accounts and CostElementsAn inconsistency could be that no G/ L accounts existfor a primary cost element. Example error found in CNbaseline:E rro r m e ssa g e :Primary cost element 41010100/ CN01 (type 1) notfound in chart of accts CACNS o lu ti o n :Create the missing G/ L account with account type"primary cost element" for CN client. Take a similaraccount as template for setting up the G/ L accountcharacteristics.After all corrections, G/ L accounts and cost elementsare consistent with each other and G/ L accountmaster records have the right account types.Migrate Secondary Cost Elements to Chart ofAccounts (transactionFINS_MIG_GCM)All secondary cost elements, as well as the primarycost elements, are represented as G/ L accounts.Display Status of Migration of Cost Elements(transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_GCM)With this transaction, you can monitor the status ofthe merge of G/ L accounts and cost elements.In the baseline both company codes 1000 and 1010use the same chart of accounts. The chart ofaccounts tables are updated when report is executedfor the first company code.Migrate Default Account Assignments (transactionFINS_MIG_DAA)The default assignments are transferred from themaster data table CSKB to the Customizing tableTKA3A.Display Status of Migration of Default AccountAssignments (transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_DAA)With this transaction, you can check the status of thetransfer of default account assignments. After themigration, the default account assignments areaccessible via transaction OKB9.Adopt Authorizations Because G/ L accounts and cost elements are in thesame table in Simple Finance 2.0 system, you need toadapt the authorization roles for creating/ changingG/ L accounts and cost elements.SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Migration of customizing 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 133.2.2 Technical Check of Transaction DataEven though there is no transactional data existing, you can run these check fast to ensure everything is in aconsistent status.I M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eAnalyze Transactional Data (transactionFINS_RECON_RCO)The report runs and checks whether all transactionaldata are complete and correct.Display Status of Analysis of Transaction Data(transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_RCO)You use this report to check the status of thetransactional data analysis.Reconcile Transactional Data (transactionFINS_RECON_RC1)The report checks whether all FI documents areconsistent and ready to be migrated. It checksprerequisites for the migration.Display Status of Technical Reconciliation ofTransactional Data (transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC1)You use this report to check the status of thetransactional data reconciliation.3.2.3 Migration - Enrichment of DataEven though there is no transactional data existing, you can run these check fast to ensure everything is in aconsistent status.I M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eEnrich Transactional Data (transactionFINS_MIGRATION)The report enriches transactional data anddocuments and then migrates them to SAPAccounting powered by SAP HANA.Display Status of Enrichment of Transactional Data(transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR)You use this report to check the status of thetransactional data enrichment and migration.Check of Migrated Documents (transactionFINS_RECON_RC2)This report checks the result of the previous step ofthe migration. It checks document fields which areused in the following migration steps.Display Status of Check of Migrated Documents(transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC2)You use this report to check the status of the previousstep.All checks from the last migration step should endwith status green (no issues).3.2.4 Migration of Line Items into New Data StructureEven though there is no transactional data existing, you can run these check fast to ensure everything is in aconsistent status.14CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Migration of customizingI M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eMigrate Accounting Documents to Universal J ournalEntry Structure (transactionFIND_MIG_UJ )All accounting documents are migrated to the UnifiedJ ournal Entry structure and are enriched with COPAinformation.SAP recommends that you execute this migrationstep in all clients, also in clients where there are notransactional data. This is required so that themigration status for the client can be set to finished.Display Status of Document Migration to UniversalJ ournal Entry (transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_UJ )You can use this report to monitor the status of theprevious step.All data packages are displayed with status green (noissues).Check Migration of Accounting Documents toUniversal J ournal Entry (transactionFINS_RECON_RC3)This report performs several checks to the migrateddocuments.You must perform this step before migrating theaccount balances.Display Status of Check of Accounting DocumentMigration (transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC3)You can use this report to monitor the status of theprevious step.All checks from the last migration step ended withstatus green (no issues).Migrate General Ledger Allocations (transactionFINS_MIG_GL_ALLOC)All allocations have been migrated to the new UnifiedJ ournal Entry structure and no errors are displayed.3.2.5 Migration of BalancesEven though there is no transactional data existing, you can run these check fast to ensure everything is in aconsistent status.I M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eMigrate Balances (transaction FINS_MIG_DLT) All G/ L account balances are migrated.SAP recommends that you execute this migrationstep in all clients, also in clients where there are notransactional data. This is required so that themigration status for the client can be set to finished.Display Status of Migration of Balances (transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_DLT)You can use this report to monitor the status of theprevious step.All data packages are displayed with status green (noissues).Calculate Initial Depreciation Values (transactionAFAR)The migration from the classical to the New AssetAccounting is one precondition for migrating toSimple Finance. Now, after completing the migrationof transactional data and account balances, you needto recalculate the planned depreciation values for theAsset Accounting. After running this report, the initial plannedSAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Migration of customizing 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 15depreciation values have been calculated and storedin the respective database tables.Check Migration of Balances (transactionFINS_RECON_RC4)This report checks the result of the previous step ofthe migration.If you find errors, you need to make the respectivecorrections and run the migration again. Should youneed to repeat the migration, please read the SAPnote2138644 firstly. This SAP note advices on how toreset the migration in case you need to repeat it.Monitor Check of Balances (transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC4)This report helps you monitoring the previous step.All checks from the last migration step should endwith status green (no issues).3.2.6 Complete MigrationI M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eConvert Held Documents (transactionFINS_RFTMPBLUYou need to convert previously held documents,before you can create new ones or processing existingones.As a result, all held documents are converted ordeleted.Reconcile and Compare Migrated Data Reconcile ledger 0 with ledger 0L (transactionGCAC). Compare the company's key figure with the onesprior to the migration: The financial statements (program RFBILA00) The asset history sheet (programRAGITT_ALV01) The depreciation run for the planneddepreciations (program RAHAFA_ALV01) The totals report for cost centers (transactionS_ALR_87013611) Sales order selection (program RKKBSELL) The G/ L account balance list (programRFSSLD00) The general ledger line items list (programRFSOPO00) The compact document journal (programRFBELJ 00) The vendor sales (program RFKUML00) The vendor open item list (program RFKEPL00) The customer sales (program RFKUML00)All financial data should be correct and correspondsto the figures prior to the migration in case there wastransactional data. Otherwise, this step is notmandatory.16CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Migration of customizing The customer open item list (programRFDEPL00) The customer recurring entry original documents(program RFDAUB00) The cost centers: actual/ plan/ variance(transaction GR55 with report group 1SIP)Set Migration to Completed Once you set the migration status to complete, usersare allowed to make postings again in the system.3.2.7Activities after MigrationI M GA c t i v i t i e s E x p e c t e dO u tc o m eTransfer Application Indexes (transactionFINS_MIG_INIT_COLD)In this Customizing activity, application indexes aretransferred to the cold partition of the database inorder to reduce main memory consumption.For this you use Data Aging, therefore it is required toactivate the business function DAAG_DATA_AGING inyour system.Display Status of Transfer of Application Indexes(transactionFINS_MIG_MONITOR_CLD)You can use this report to monitor the status of theprevious step.All data packages should be displayed with statusgreen (no issues).Fill Due Dates in FI Documents (transactionFIN_MIG_DUE)In this Customizing activity, due date fields are filled inthe FI line items for customers and vendors and forG/ L account line items that have a base line date.Display Status of Filling in Due Dates into FIDocuments (transactionFIN_MIG_MONITOR_DUE)You can use this report to monitor the status of theprevious step.All data packages should be displayed with statusgreen (no issues).Fill the Offsetting Account in FI Documents(transactionFIN_MIG_GKONT)The offsetting account is filled in the FI documents.Precondition for this activity is that you have definedan offsetting account determination type in theCustomizing activityDefine Offsetting AccountDetermination Type.Display Status of Filling the Offsetting Account in FIDocuments (transactionFIN_MIG_MONITOR_GKO)You can use this report to monitor the status of theprevious step.All data packages should be displayed with statusgreen (no issues).Migrate House Bank accounts (transactionFCLM_BAM_MIGRATION)The house bank accounts are migrated.* You need to perform customizing for Bank AccountManagement first and then run the transactionYou will find the customizing activities on next page.SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Additional Customizing, Baseline Scenarios Analyzing, Simple Finance Fiori appsImplementation 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 174 Additional Customizing, Baseline ScenariosAnalyzing, Simple Finance Fiori appsImplementation4.1 Additional CustomizingThe following additional customizing should be implemented.A c t i v i t y R e a s o n/ R es u lt"Financial Accounting (new)" ->General LedgerAccounting (New) ->Business Transaction -> ClassifyDocument Type for Document SplittingDuring migration phase, an additional document type"CO" has been defined.You need to add it for the document splitting."Financial Accounting (new)" ->General LedgerAccounting (New) ->Business Transaction -> ClassifyG/ L Accounts for Document SplittingDuring migration phase, additional G/ L accounts havebeen generated for the secondary cost elements.You need to add them for the document splitting perChart of Account."Financial Accounting (new)" ->Financial SupplyChain Management -> Cash and LiquidityManagement ->Bank Account Management -> BasicSettings -> Define Number Ranges for Bank AccountTechnical IDSTo define Bank Account Management (BAM) relatedcustomizing in order to leverage the CashManagement powered by SAP HANA function."Financial Accounting (new)" ->Financial SupplyChain Management -> Cash and LiquidityManagement ->Bank Account Management -> BasicSettings -> Define Number Ranges for WorkflowChange Request"Financial Accounting (new)" ->Financial SupplyChain Management -> Cash and LiquidityManagement ->Bank Account Management -> BasicSettings -> Define Settings for Bank Account MasterDataBank Transfer Clearing Account Required for Payment Fiori Apps.18CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.Additional Customizing, Baseline Scenarios Analyzing, Simple Finance Fiori appsImplementation4.2 Baseline scenario analyzingThese are the scenarios in US baseline, which are affected:B BI D B BD e sc ri p t i o n T ra n s ac t i o nC o d e / fu n c t io ni nC la ssi cS A PE R PN e w F u n c t io ninS A PE R Pwi t hS i m p leF i n a n c eT y p eo f N e wF u n c t i o n155 Create Accounts and AccountGroupsFS00 FCOM_IP_CC_COSTELEM01 WEBDYN156 General Ledger S_PL0_86000030FIS_FPM_GRID_GLACC_BAL WEBDYN157 Accounts Receivables F.2B RFINTITAR/ RFINTITAP PROG159 Period End Closingin FinancialAccountingFAGL_FC_VAL FAGL_FCV TransactionOpening andclosing postingperiodS_PEN_05000130FAGL_EHP4_T001B_COFITransactionOB42 S_alr_87001320 Transaction166 Segment Reporting S_PCO_36000218FCOM_FIS_AR_OVP WEBDYNS_PCO_36000219FCOM_FIS_AP_OVP WEBDYN196 Project with Fixed Price andT&M BillingCJ 40 FCOM_IP_PROJ _OVERALL01 WEBDYN196 Project with Fixed Price andT&M BillingCJ R2 FCOM_IP_PROJ _COSTELEM01 WEBDYN197 Internal Projects CJ 40 FCOM_IP_PROJ _OVERALL01 WEBDYN210 Internal Product Development KKE1 CKUC TransactionKKE2 CKUC Transaction221 SAP ERP Reports forAccountingS_ALR_87012326FCOM_FIS_GLACCOUNT_OVPWEBDYN766 Internal Order Planning KPF6 FCOM_IP_ORD_COSTELEM01WEBDYN767 Internal Order Actual KPF6 FCOM_IP_ORD_COSTELEM01WEBDYNThe transaction KP06 can be also executed with its corresponding WebDynpro transaction"FCOM_IP_CC_COSTELEM01 /NWBC -->Role SAP_SFIN_ACC_PLANNING >SFIN Accounting: Planning >>CostCenter Planning"In DE baseline are the following scenarios affected:B BI D B BD e sc ri p t i o n T ra n s ac t i o nC o d einC la s s icS A PE R PN e w F u n c t io ninS A PE R Pwi t hS i m p leF i n a n c eT y p eo f N e wF u n c t i o n155 Create Accounts and AccountGroupsFS00 FCOM_IP_CC_COSTELEM01 WEBDYN156 General Ledger S_PL0_86000030FIS_FPM_GRID_GLACC_BAL WEBDYN157 Accounts Receivable F.2B RFINTITAR/ RFINTITAP PROGSAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Additional Customizing, Baseline Scenarios Analyzing, Simple Finance Fiori appsImplementation 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 19159 Period End Closingin FinancialAccountingFAGL_FC_VAL FAGL_FCV Transaction166 Segment Reporting S_PCO_36000218FCOM_FIS_AR_OVP WEBDYNS_PCO_36000219FCOM_FIS_AP_OVP WEBDYN196 Project with Fixed Price andT&M BillingCJ 40 FCOM_IP_PROJ _OVERALL01 WEBDYN197 Internal Projects CJ 40 FCOM_IP_PROJ _OVERALL01 WEBDYN210 Internal Product Development KKE1 CKUC TransactionKKE2 CKUC Transaction221 SAP ERP Reports forAccountingS_ALR_87012326FCOM_FIS_GLACCOUNT_OVPWEBDYN766 Internal Order Planning KPF6 FCOM_IP_ORD_COSTELEM01WEBDYN767 Internal Order Actual KPF6 FCOM_IP_ORD_COSTELEM01WEBDYNIn German baseline, the scenario 162 Assets Accounting - Acquisition with Automatic Offsetting Entryencountered the problem that the Account 69990 and 69991 were defined with "Open Item Management"character. As a solution, both accounts have been corrected without Open Item Management. In addition, withinnew Assets Accounting, the APC Values Posting and accounts reconciliation are not necessary any more.In CN baseline are the following scenarios affected:B BI D B BD e sc ri p t i o n T ra n s ac t i o nC o d einC la s s icS A PE R PN e w F u n c t io ninS A PE R Pwi t hS i m p leF i n a n c eT y p eo f N e wF u n c t i o n155 Create Accounts and AccountGroupsFS00 FCOM_IP_CC_COSTELEM01 WEBDYN156 General Ledger S_PL0_86000030FIS_FPM_GRID_GLACC_BAL WEBDYN157 Accounts Receivable F.2B RFINTITAR/ RFINTITAP PROG159 Period End Closingin FinancialAccountingFAGL_FC_VAL FAGL_FCV Transaction166 Segment Reporting S_PCO_36000218FCOM_FIS_AR_OVP WEBDYN166 Segment Reporting S_PCO_36000218FCOM_FIS_AR_OVP WEBDYNS_PCO_36000219FCOM_FIS_AP_OVP WEBDYN196 Project with Fixed Price andT&M BillingCJ 40 FCOM_IP_PROJ _OVERALL01 WEBDYN197 Internal Projects CJ 40 FCOM_IP_PROJ _OVERALL01 WEBDYN210 Internal Product Development KKE1 CKUC TransactionKKE2 CKUC Transaction221 SAP ERP Reports forAccountingS_ALR_87012326FCOM_FIS_GLACCOUNT_OVPWEBDYN20CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.Additional Customizing, Baseline Scenarios Analyzing, Simple Finance Fiori appsImplementation766 Internal Order Planning KPF6 FCOM_IP_ORD_COSTELEM01WEBDYN767 Internal Order Actual KPF6 FCOM_IP_ORD_COSTELEM01WEBDYNAs a result, these affected transactions should be replaced by new transactions or using the correspondingWEBDYN transaction.Refer to SAP note 1946054 for the detailed SAP ERP transaction comparison.4.3 Simple Finance Fiori AppRefer to the standard documentation for related technical and configuration information:http:/ / sfin200SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Appendix 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 215 AppendixIn case you do have to consider the migration of transactional data, then the following steps should be considered:5.1 Preparation activities before Simple Finance add-onInstallationBecause the Simple Finance add-on modifies the data structures in FI, it is necessary to perform certainpreparation activities in the SAP ERP System.Once the SAP Simple Finance add-on is installed, there is no way toswitch back to the old data structure.5.1.1Closing activities in past posting periodsAll period-end closing activities have been performed properly and documented. In principle, the migration toSimple Finance 2.0 can be executed at any point in time during the year; make sure to perform the period closingcorrectly. In case of inconsistent data, there is no way to change the old FI tables after the migration.5.1.2Preparation activities prior to the installationThe complete list of activities to be performed before installing the SAP Simple Finance add-on is available in theonline help under Migration to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA .Preparation activities performed prior to installing the Simple Finance add-on could be (in case you have usedBaseline solution on ERP on HANA607 landscape).A c t i v i t y R e su ltCheck if business function EA-FIN is active. Business function EA-FIN is active.Check and activate the business functionsFIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL and FIN_AA_CI_1.Business functions FIN_AA_PARALLEL_VAL andFIN_AA_CI_1 are active.Check if the report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK isavailable in your SAP ERP system or implement note1939592 (it contains the report). Run reportRASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK in all your system.Report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK runs and checksthe customizing settings in the customizing-, test- andproductive system.Run the reportZFINS_MIG_PRECHCK_CUST_SETTNGS in all yourSAP ERP systems (this report is contained in SAPnote2129306)The report ZFINS_MIG_PRECHCK_CUST_SETTNGSis executed in the customizing-, test- and productivesystem.At first this report showed 2 error messages for CNbaseline: For some company codes, currencies wereassigned to non-leading ledger but not to theleading ledger => it is necessary to correct thecurrency assignment for all company codes, evenif they are not actively used;22CUSTOMER 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. Appendix The fiscal year variant assigned to the companycode CN01was different from the one assigned tothe controlling area => the fiscal year variant in FIand CO must be the same. The report was executed again and finished withstatus "check passed".Check data consistency using the reportRFINDEX_NACC with the parameters specified in theSAP note2105948. The report is called with thefollowing parameterization:- Documents vs Indexes- Indexes vs Documents- Documents - Transaction Figures- Indexes - Transaction FiguresAll inconsistencies have been corrected and thereport RFINDEX_NACC does not report any error.Example: one inconsistency could be that no zerobalance is available for a business area. By makingadditional manual postings, the zero balance fordocument splitting can be forced.Check documents against transaction figures for allfiscal years, in which archiving has not yet taken place(transaction FAGLF03).FI documents and FI balances are reconciled.Execute the reconciliation for the General Ledger andthe Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable subledgers by executing the report TFC_COMPARE_VZ(transaction FAGLF03).General ledger and sub ledgers are reconciled.Execute the reconciliation for the Asset Accountingwith the General Ledger by executing the reportRAABST02 (transaction ABST2).Asset Accounting and G/ L Accounting are reconciled.Reconcile Materials Management with the GeneralLedger by executing the reports RM07MBST andRM07MMFI.MM and FI are reconciled.Reconcile the ledgers in the New G/ L Accounting(transaction GCAC).All ledgers in the New G/ L Accounting are reconciled.Only the leading ledger 0L is assigned to the companycodes in scope.Check whether the customizing of the depreciationareas has been defined correctly in case of parallelcurrencies.There is no action item here, since the companycodes in the EFE appliance do not have depreciationareas in a parallel currency.The Customizing of depreciation areas in the AssetAccounting is correct.Perform closing for periodic asset postings (withprogram RAPERB2000, transaction AFAB).All periodic asset documents have been posted to theGeneral Ledger.In the EFE appliance there are no depreciation areasto be posted periodically.Execute the periodic depreciation posting run (withprogram RAPOST2000, transaction ASKB).All depreciation documents are posted to the GeneralLedger.Check for update terminations in your system andcorrect any you find (transaction SM13).If you are already using account-based profitabilityanalysis, perform a delta upload to SAP BW for allaccount-based CO-PA DataSources for which you useThe cost-object based profitability analysis has beenused prior to the migration, this step is not required.SAP Simple Finance Implemenation with SAP Best Practices baseline v3.607Appendix 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 23the delta method.Run the carry-forward for all ledgers and allcurrencies (transaction FAGLGVTR).All ledgers and currencies are carries forward.Lock postings periods in FI. All posting periods are locked for FI postings.Lock posting periods in CO for Plan/ Actual postings(transaction OKP1).All posting periods are locked for CO postingsRun the report RASFIN_MIGR_PRECHECK again tomake sure that the prerequisites for the AssetAccounting are met.The report shall not show any error message.Block all users who have no tasks in the migrationproject.Only users involved in the migration project haveaccess to the system.Document the results of key financial reports for eachcompany in scope. SAP recommends the followingobjects for this:The financial statements (program RFBILA00)The asset history sheet (report RAGITT_ALV01)Depreciation run for planned depreciations(RAHAFA_ALV01)The totals report for cost centers (transactionS_ALR_87013611).Sales order selection (program RKKBSELL)The G/ L account balance list (report RFSSLD00).The general ledger line items list (ReportRFSOPO00)The compact document journal (report RFBELJ 00)The vendor sales (report RFKUML00)The vendor open item list (report RFKOPO00)The customer sales (report RFDUML00)The customer open item list (report RFDOPO00)The customer recurring entry original documents(report RFDAUB00)The cost centers: actual/ plan/ variance (transactionGR55 with report group 1SIP for CO totals)All main closing activities have been documented. Thedocumentation can be used for comparing the databefore and after the migration to the SAP SimpleFinance.Backup the system before installing the add-on. System backup contactsap 2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in anyform or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SEor an SAP affiliate company.SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as wellas their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks ofSAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and othercountries. Please seehttp:/ / corporate-en/ legal/ copyright/ index.epx#trademark for additional trademarkinformation and notices.Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributorscontain proprietary software components of other softwarevendors.National product specifications may vary.These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate companyfor informational purposes only, without representation or warrantyof any kind, and SAP SE or its affiliated companies shall not be liablefor errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The onlywarranties for SAP SE or SAP affiliate company products andservices are those that are set forth in the express warrantystatements accompanying such products and services, if any.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additionalwarranty.In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation topursue any course of business outlined in this document or anyrelated presentation, or to develop or release any functionalitymentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, andSAP SEs or its affiliated companies strategy and possible futuredevelopments, products, and/ or platform directions andfunctionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAPSE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason withoutnotice. The information in this document is not a commitment,promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, orfunctionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to variousrisks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differmaterially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to placeundue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speakonly as of their dates, and they should not be relied upon in makingpurchasing decisions.